Back layers of the past. what's really interesting is as i go down deeper and deeper, can you start seeing that there's some linear features there that start popping out? yes, ican. so when we look at straight lines like that, that doesn't happen naturally in nature. those are man—made features. and then as we go down deeper, you'll see another square start turning up around here. so is that a previous generation civilisation? katia, what do you make of this? we have two different buildings at two different depths. so that is very exciting. i mean, do we have two different phases, two different timelines of the city? that's very exciting. so did we basically hit gold as we lawn mowed? absolutely, yeah. we did. unlike the grand rock cut tombs built for the rich, these foundations could be a single story, flat roofed home of a regular nabatean. it's been assumed that the tombs were built to face the city of the living, but i've heard of research just about to be published that may turn this idea on its head. i'm using a wonder of the modern age to talk tojuan antonio belmonte,