Now on bbc news, the Islamic State group may no longer control territory in syria or iraq, but it hasnt given up the fight. Undeterred, some of its army of global jihadists survived and have taken sanctuary in the most remote corners of the globe. So where has the Islamic State group gone after the caliphate . In this bbc news exclusive, Quentin Sommerville followed the trail of one attack, planned and executed despite the groups apparent collapse. There are some images in the following programme which some viewers may find disturbing. Vicious, fearless, the Islamic State group was an army of globaljihadists. Hungry to die for their cause. We followed them to their strongholds in mosul, and raqqa. The fight was ferocious and at close quarters. The american Led Coalition unleashed bombardment not seen since the second world war. And the world watched the Islamic State group fall. The black flag was captured, the caliphate conquered. A broken and cowered army of local and foreign jihadists, who either surrendered or died here. Despite the onslaught, some of them escaped. But this was a family enterprise, and in their haste, they left behind their wives and their children. And a promise to return. Almost one year on, the leader dead, an empire lost. But where has the Islamic State group gone . This is the Islamic State groups legacy in syria, their wives, children, locked up in detention camps, still poisoned with their ideology. Their plight is a black mark on the conscience of the world, a world which fears allowing them home. In this desert of good and evil, there are the guilty and the innocent. Few countries have bothered to sift in separate what is left behind. The Islamic State groups caliphate wasnt destroyed, it was broken into pieces. And there is a big chunk of it right here, in North Eastern syria. Is was International Army of jihadists grown from the four corners of the globe who brought their families in tow. Many of them have survived but some of them have escaped and others have already made it home. This caliphate is now scattered across the world, and that may be as much of a threat as what came before it. The injustice chokes in your throat like sand. Nada is being punished for the sins of her father. Along with her grandmother, he brought the family here in 2015. When you were living in indonesia, did you know it was going to be like . When you left your family, your friends, your home . Before, i didnt know that my father was bringing us here. I wanted to be a doctor and i really like to study. Theres one person responsible for bringing you all the way over here, from taking you to school, and stopping you from becoming a doctor. Its your father. Can you forgive your father . Yeah, because hes a human being, you know . Every human being can make a mistake, but hes already apologised to me about what he did. He apologised to me and tried to make everything better, but he cannot do anything because he is in prison. It is the craziest thing in my life. Giving up everything for the Islamic State group. And then, in the beginning, everything is running 0k. But you know, when youre telling me that you came here because you were promised free healthcare and a free home and a free salary, the question i would ask you is, did you not think whose home that had been before . Did you not think what you would then would have to do for all of these things . You must have seen the videos that the Islamic State put out. There are videos notjust of a paradise and a great place to live if youre a muslim, but they were videos of beheadings, of murder, enslavement, of terrible cruelty. You would have known when you left indonesia that this was no ordinary country you were moving to. Yeah, we know that. But everybody made a mistake. Everybody has made a mistake in their life, and this was the biggest mistake of my life. Yeah, but this wasnt a normal mistake. You joined a terrorist organisation that was killing arabs and stealing territory in those homes, that were stolen from people, which was enslaving those people. Yes, but we have to go to court. I dont know exactly what we are doing here. Maybe three years or four years. Without any processing. Right now, i do not know exactly what we were doing here. To be two years, maybe four years, without any. Syria was never a safe place to lock up dangerous men. They may be imprisoned, but none of them have been charged with crimes. Justice is on hold and the men in limbo. Amid these hard core supporters, children are packed in, in prison uniforms too big for them. Indonesia is struggling to deal with the Islamic State groups toxic legacy. Hundreds of others are stranded here. In the camps, the children suffer the most. But it is the orphans who have truly have been abandoned, by indonesia and humanity. Here, we met faruq, yussef and nasir. Nasir, where are you from . Indonesia. And do you remember indonesia . No. Can you tell me, faruq, what happened to your mum and your dad and your other brothers . Translation rocket attacks happened, and i dont know. Iran away and didnt see anyone from my family. Translation the aircraft bombed, and then everyone went missing. Then i found faruq. What happened to your brothers and sisters, and to your mum and dad . They were killed. Yussef, when you leave here, when you leave al hawl, where do you want to go . Translation where can i go . I would stay here. These children are blameless, but there are no plans to return them to indonesia. And what about your family . What about the children that you brought here, your mother that you brought here . What is going to happen to them . Yeah, like i told you, its crazy to bring my family here. Just really crazy. Just thinking what kind of crazy is it. So you think indonesia should take you home . I dont know. There is nobody from indonesia come to me and talk to me. Theres nobody. And do you say to people in indonesia . Yeah. Im really tired of being here. So. Be thankful if there is people who want to forgive you and bring us back. And just hope that we can get out of here and go to another country. They are one indonesian family among many. Dozens of countries are now asking the same question. Can they welcome back those who belonged to the enemy of the world . And there are grave dangers in getting it wrong. It is a threat that stretches from the prison camps of North Eastern syria to turkish back streets, and beyond. We traced the journey of one set of Islamic State group returnees across the globe. As is was collapsing in syria, the group had an insurance policy a cell of foreign fighters just across the border in turkey. In this istanbul neighbourhood, the group tightened its grip on two indonesian followers. Husband and wife suicide bombers hid out here for months after they failed to get into syria. But that setback did not stop these two fanatics. They had failed to achieve martyrdom in syria, so instead they would try closer to home. Their journey was long, slow and determined. The safe house was raided, and they were deported back to indonesia from turkey. Then they made their way to malaysia, where they reconnected with is, and continued theirjourney to the philippines, to carry out a bloody massacre on the tiny island of mindanao. Their time in the turkish safe house only hardened their commitment to is. If indonesia is to bring back more is supporters, they will likely end up here in this quiet Rehabilitation Centre in east jakarta. And it was here that they were brought. When they first arrived, the counsellors told me that they were quiet and withdrawn, but over time, they became friendlier. The counsellors believed they had recovered. So, afterjust a month and a half, they were allowed to go free. But it is impossible that they were only telling the counsellors what they wanted to hear, and after everything they had been through, they were still deeply committed members of the Islamic State group . The counsellor of the camp met the couple. Translation the first time i met them, they were distant, they did not respond to me. There are uncooperative, quiet, and did not talk much either. These are the characteristics of radicalisation. Did you realise how dangerous they were . I was surprised when we learned of the terrible things we did. And they left here, there are nice and cooperative. They were better than the rest in the year after they left the centre, we visited then and there is still good. I didnt expect that they would go back to this path. Can you guarantee that, given that there are hundreds of indonesians trapped in syria who support is, that if they will not be a danger, would not commit more atrocities . No, we cannot guarantee. We went to uncover more of the story. A cloud of uncertainty hangs over indonesia, as it does many other countries, and for good reason. After a little over a year or two, they again left indonesia at the Islamic State groups command. This man is a former extremist who knew the couple, and met them at the Rehabilitation Centre. He is against bringing back more indonesia is supporters. Translation i believe its too risky, and we have to have a rethink. I disagree with bringing them back, because it will create problems and they are not trustworthy people. In many cases, former terrorist get involved again with the troops, even after they have been rehabilitated. Do not get conned by them pretending to be good just so they can get back home. If they do, they will spread their ideology, so i reject the idea of bringing them back until they are declared safe. The Islamic State group has a living, breathing network which stretches across asia. We were taken to a remote part ofjakarta, where he met with men who still follow iss creed. He was the first to arrive at the meeting. He met these men veteranjihadists. They didnt know that we were nearby, watching and listening. We were told of a secret route that exists from indonesia to the philippines, wherejihadists receive training and plan attacks. These men know it well. They were sped along its pathway. Do you think the safe houses in turkey, iraq and syria are not safe any more . Yes, i believe so. Because it is impossible to stay in syria. It is ruined now and it has no strength any more. Especially after the death of al baghdadi. And theyre sending everybody back in turkey. Have ever been to the philippines . No, but i have sent many people there because to do that, they have to go through me. The so called caliphate is gone. Where do all of these supporters who made all these incredible links, where do they go next, do the come here . Baghdadi are the philippines here in South East Asia and afghanistan. But for militants, the philippines is better because it is closer and it has open borders. There is an ongoing conflict and plenty of weapons. The wild and ungoverned jungle of mindanao in the southern philippines are where they headed next. Here, they would become martyrs and mass murderers. It was the next stage in ourjourney as well. In january of last year, they arrived in the philippine island of sulu where the cathedral was in their sites. On sulu, the Philippine Army was out in force and in numbers, never seen her before. They have been fighting the militants in the southern philippines for decades. Bandits, they called them. But is have supercharged the threat here. And in the jungles, is was wild. Sulu is an island under siege. Just a few days ago here, they found some huge roadside bombs, bigger than anything they had ever found before and that leads the military to believe that the islamists are planning something very big. We have to keep a low profile. We have to get off the road and keep out of sight. Soldiers flooded the island late last year after is struck it at the heart. It was rullie and ulfah. The couple brought carnage to the congregation last january morning. 23 christians died in their attack detonated a suicide vest inside and outsidejolo cathedral during morning mass. Theirjourney to martyrdom took three years and four countries, all the while they hardly wavered in their commitment to is. Months later, the cathedral has been patched up and repaired, but the Christian Community here still lies in pieces. For victoriana and her friends, this was their sanctuary. She has been too scared to return until now. When i turned my head, i saw a lot of dead people near me, the wounded were screaming help, but i was still thinking, who would help us . The seeds of an attack, which took place all the way in the philippines wasnt formulated here in indonesia by the indonesians, it wasnt formulated in the philippines, but actually grew as an idea in turkey. It is possible, we do not know for sure where the idea for this originated, but we do know that the critical players were all in that safe house in turkey in a period from late 2016 untiljanuary 2017 when it was broken up by turkish authorities and then they were together at a Rehabilitation Centre in indonesia, where they could discuss strategies and future plans. But this is the terrifying boogie man story that everybody worries about when they talk about bringing back people from the Islamic State in syria. Yes it is. And the fact we have this one example of people who slip through every net in the book and eventually end up as suicide bombers in someone elses country, it is something that is just horrifying portent for the indonesian and philippine authorities. And for other countries, yes. So even with that centre gone, the Islamic State group still casts a long shadow and other attacks have followed here since. The general in charge of stopping is warns of a ticking time bomb. Isis are losing ground in the middle east, as they are looking for other places, areas across the globe and South East Asia is a place that is ripe for migration to this region. And it is a big challenge for the philippines, but everybody will unite and work together, collaborate and so that is would not be able to get a foothold in our region. There are corners of the rover the Islamic State group is not in retreat, but where its advancing. These open seas and poorly patrolled coastlines make it an easy extremist getaway. In thesejungles, a local insurgency has been upgraded. The Islamic State group has made them more vicious, and broadened their ambition. 0nce filipino militants left here, and travelled to the deserts of syria and iraq to wage war. Now the flow has been reversed and they are welcoming back battle hardened foreigners to the philippines. But is has firmly planted their black flag in the philippine jungle. Local militants, the abu sayyaf group, barely speak arabic, but they were still able to declare an loud voice, their allegiance to the former is leader, abu bakr al baghdadi. A divisions worth of soldiers is now deployed here, searching for the Islamic State group affiliates. But they have not been able to stop more attacks and they admit that no one knows these jungles better than their enemy. They are pretty fast on this patrol because they know somewhere in this jungle, the new self declared leader of is is here. He has many men, hes got fighters here, they have come from iraq and syria and they brought their family members with them and he has already shown that he is willing to do the Islamic State groups bidding and there is a fear here that despite the presence of the filipino army, this dense jungle could become a new safe haven for the Islamic State group. And terrors lie in wait here. And we see these abu sayyaf fighters in battle. And in their ranks, farfrom home, an egyptian fighter. He died in another suicide bombing on the island at the end of last year. Off camera, a young arabs voice can be heard. Once again, the foreign fighters brought with them their families, the Islamic State groups savagery. They find the body of a shot soldier and even in the midst of the gun fight, they take the time to cut off his head and dismember his body. His remains are being scattered across the jungle floor. The Islamic State group came to the jungles not by accident, but by design. Through networks that have only strengthened over the years. As indonesia and the philippines have shown, the caliphate may be gone but its roots run deep. I think its not done yet for number of reasons, the idea of the caliphate is incredibly powerful, just the notion of an Islamic State that governed the world. And even though it has lost territory, the power of that idea remains. And in northeastern syria, there are people from 79 nations or so that were members of the Islamic State, what does that mean for the next stage of the Islamic State . If and when those people return to their home country . I think it means that the possibility for border first of all you have people with contacts all over the world but more importantly, you have marriages across regions in a way that no other conflict and no otherjihadi site has ever produced. There is a possibility that if we have an indonesian woman married to a frenchman that met each other and married in syria, the indonesian woman can become a key for collaborating between france and indonesia. It is extraordinary. Contained for now in northeastern syria, is leaves a unique legacy but is slowly seeping back into the world. Family lay at the heart of their gloomy vision. There were bonds that would bind the caliphate, regardless of borders or nationality. Some of the wives and all of the children of is may have had little choice in it, but they were swept up into the army of the caliphate. The men may be dead or in prison, but the cause is still alive and so is the threat. As indonesia has shown, the world is unprepared. In many co