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The heavy fighting, pretty much every car and every building has been wrecked. Travelling the route of the new silk road. We have a Special Report on the trillion Dollar Project linking china and europe. With no other Country Offering a big idea right now, this is the most ambitious bid to shape our century. Hello, i am katty kay in washington, Christian Fraser is in london. The Donald Trumps son, his Campaign Manager and his son in law, talked to a well connected russian in a meeting billed as a chance to get damaging information about hillary clinton. Thejune 2016 meeting is the first evidence that people in Donald Trumps inner circle did talk to russians with the intention of getting dirt on mrs clinton. Donald trump jr has now confirmed both the meeting and its agenda. So is this meeting evidence of collusion . Or was it simply a chance for some legitimate Opposition Research . And how damaging is it to the president . All questions for congress and the Special Prosecutor who are investigating ties between the Trump Campaign and moscow. It doesnt help the trump family that the meeting is only coming to light now because of press reporting, and that donald trump junior had to change his story about it over the weekend. Key initially said it was about an Adoption Meeting but then change the story to say it was about this information. He said, we had a meeting injune 2016 and the woman said she had information about mrs clinton. So far five people have information about mrs clinton. So farfive people have been information about mrs clinton. So far five people have been forced to change the statements who are connected to donald trump. Trump the right, his son, donald trump connected to donald trump. Trump the right, his son, Donald Trumer, the attorney generaljeff sessions, son in law attorney generaljeff sessions, son in lanared kushner, attorney generaljeff sessions, son in law jared kushner, for National Security and National Security adviser and then his former Campaign Manager paul manafort. At the g20 and in various tweets over the weekend the president continued to equivocate on whether russian hacking had even taken place. He even went so far as to suggest forming a joint cybersecurity unit with the russians, to defend against Election Hacking in the future. That idea brought this response from republican senator lindsay graham. When it comes to russia hes got a blind spot, and to forgive and forget when it comes to putin regarding Cyber Attacks is to empower putin and thats exactly what hes doing. I am dumbfounded, i am disappointed, and at the end of the day hes hurting his presidency by not embracing the fact that putins a bad guy who tried to undercut our democracy and hes doing it all over the world. Also voicing concern was us republican senator marco rubio, who tweeted joining us now is former National Security advisor to george w bush, stephen hadley. I will assume when you were National Security adviser to president george bush who and like this in the white house . We are an unprecedented space in so many respects. This is a president Who Ran As A Political And Surgeon president Who Ran As A Political And Surgeon to shake Up Washington and Thatis Surgeon to shake Up Washington and that is what he is doing. How damaging is this to National Security in america . We are an early daysin security in america . We are an early days in this administration and they have clearly put down some markers about trades, about climate, the Bush Administration in its opening day is pulled out of the Kyoto Protocol which had been reached by the Clinton Administration and we received a lot of criticism for that. I think we are early days and the question is on issues of trade and climate, what is the Trump Administration going to do in place of that. You were at the G20 Meetings In Warsaw and on this latest indication there were meetings between donald trump there were meetings between Donald Trumerand there were meetings between Donald Trump Jr and russians there were meetings between Donald Trumer and russians operatives that have not previously been disclosed, why do you think this white house has not said to its members, every single meeting with a russian operative must be disclosed 110w. Two reasons. One this is a up early on in the administration before has organised itself and secondly, the president s attitude is this is an unfair investigation and he will fight it at every step. An alternative approach is what president reagan dead in iran contra and seek this is a problem and i will get all the information out and get everyone to co operate. I think the latter would be the better approach. Donald trump spoke about the meeting with president putin in hamburg and said he pressed president putin about russian meddling in the election and said he denied it. You have lots of experience sitting opposite president putin. What did you make of the meeting and what we have seen since . I think that part was pretty predictable, its a good thing President Trump bracelets, it is not a surprise putin would deny it, he done so consistently. The rest of the meeting was positive. I do not think the president made any mistakes. They have a narrow focused agreement on syria which i think is agreement on syria which i think is a good thing, they apparently agreed to set up something of a Working Group to address other issues, including issues of them about ukraine. Now a special envoy to deal with ukraine. I think they are off to good start. Rex tillerson did a good job and i would say its a good start, incremental progress and no major mistakes. Well you are here, the other story of the day is the Iraqi Government declaring victory in mosul. You were National Security adviser and saw the demise of alqaeda in iraq which of course emerged again as isis. Are you worried it might happen again . The most important thing now is what comes in behind isis. Is there an effort to stabilise the situation and provide humanitarian assistance and provide humanitarian assistance and get good local government in place, get the economy going, jobs, if you do not do that, also addressed the sectarian tensions and get the differing groups talking. The risk if you do not do that is discontent continues and it will be a Recruiting Ground for isis 2. 0 which will be even more brutal than isis. Thank you forjoining us. We will have more later on on the victory in mosul the Iraqi Government is the clearing. 0n the donald trump government is the clearing. 0n the Donald Trumer story, it is not unusual for 0n the Donald Trumer story, it is not unusualfor digging 0n the Donald Trumer story, it is not unusual for digging an opposition politicians. 0bviously im the first person on a campaign to ever take a meeting to hear info about an opponent. Went nowhere but had to listen. How bad do you think this is for the white house . Does this leads from this story to impeachment . No, certainly not. Its the first time that somebody close to donald trump was prepared to talk to the russians about the campaign and information on hillary clinton. It does not look good for the president , Izzard Collusion . That will be the purview of the investigator. It is more ammunition for the investigations into the trump campion and their ties with the russians. The House Of Representatives and senate will not impeach at the moment. On sunday the statement said, i went along to try and get dirt and she did not supply and get dirt and she did not supply and therefore no story but in some measure it shows they were trying to potentially collude with the russians. It seems to show they were trying to get information and that is what Donald Trump Jr went to get information and that is what Donald Trumer went to that meeting for. The other question is how could he possibly have forgotten the meeting and why did it not, previously. The Trump Administration seems unable to escape this russian story. Yes, the next three weeks is supposed to be about the mad dash to get Health Care Legislation passed, and even move on to tax reform. But right now prospects are looking pretty bleak. Joining us now is republican political analyst ron christie. I was hearing a republican senator this morning sending we can get on the health care and tax reform and the health care and tax reform and the Russian Investigation is separate. What do you think . the Russian Investigation is separate. What do you think . I think they can but the Republican Caucus is an somewhat of a disarray. You would think after eight years of being a political wilderness and not having the white house or Congress Senate republicans would have a coherent message and legislation to what to do about health care and become less weak and they are in a rush, they go out again in a couple of weeks for a month so you think they would have something concrete. Lam they would have something concrete. I am cautiously optimistic me senate will put forward legislation but the question is whatever the senate does can pass the House Of Representatives which is much more conservative than the senate. How serious is this donald trump junior russian story is . Not so important. I worked on several campaigns and if someone told me we have dirt on opponents. Would you like to meet, of course i would say that meeting. If a russian said that to you . I think the interest here anything attached with russia plus donald trump is collusion or obstruction or is illegal. I think thatis obstruction or is illegal. I think that is a fallacy. We have had strong disagreements on this Programme Andl strong disagreements on this programme and i have been leading the charge about what the president is Doing Butjust by the fact donald trump is Doing Butjust by the fact Donald Trumer happy is Doing Butjust by the fact Donald Trump Jr happy meeting is Doing Butjust by the fact Donald Trumer happy meeting with someone he did not know and succeeded in cremation had information on the secretary of state, i dont think thatis secretary of state, i dont think that is a problem. If he knew he was meeting a russian, that is more problematic. It is not. Youre talking about someone who was not paid employee of the campaign and just because someone from a foreign country asked to meet does not make it illegal. I met with several officials from Foreign Governments who sought my opinion on a variety of issues and just because they are from a Foreign Government or a foreign citizen does not necessarily make them illegal or make this collusion or anything other than trying to have a business transaction, in my view. Let me take you back to the programme in congress because it seems to me donald trump is the one who keeps saying Health Care Reform will be coming and is putting pressure on himself and legislation like this does not take a long time to push through. It took Ronald Reagan 5 years and 9 months to pass his Tax Reform Act the more significant step in the creation of reagonomics. Bill clinton campaigned to change parts of that legislation it took him 203 days to raise taxes on high earners and cut some government spending. And the Affordable Care act took a26 days to pass. Which is perhaps the most relevant time scale this after all is the legislation donald trump wants to repeal and replace. We other currently 171. Why is he putting so much pressure on congress . I think he believes he needs a legislative victory. This is as much about optics as anything else. In the Bush Administration it took ayes over one year to get his signature no child left behind legislation done. If you will pass something to really revamp one sixth of the American Economy i say dont do it right and be very measured and lets make sure we get some bipartisanship to do this right. I say we do this right. I think to rush this through his misguided. They need to do it all right if they are going to get it done. Do it right. The Iraqi Government is declaring victory in mosul, the largest city under is control, after nine months of fighting. The Prime Minister, haider al abadi, visited the city to congratulate his troops. 0ur Victory Today is a victory against darkness, brutality and terrorism. I declare from this place, i declare to the whole world, the end and the failure and the colla pse the end and the failure and the collapse of the so called caliphate. 0ur Correspondentjonathan Beale is in the city where troops this morning were still dealing with the last few pockets of is militants. We are at the front line of one of the last pockets, we are told, of resistance. There are snipers up there, 200 to 300. But you can see the devastation around here from the heavy fighting. Every car and building wrecked. Even though the iraqi Prime Minister said they are on the verge of victory, in his words, there is still a battle ahead, there is still is fighters out there and the Battle For Mosul is not over. Lets speak to the head of american troops in iraq and syria. Thank you for joining troops in iraq and syria. Thank you forjoining us. There is a big delay on the line. Thank you. Actually i am the head of all coalition troops. There is a long delay on the line. You one mac the war but securing the peace will be much more difficult. Well, i think i take exception we have won the war. I would like to offer coalitions congratulations to the iraqi Prime Minister and the Iraqi Security forces on their historic victory. They also made some extraordinary efforts to safeguard civilian lakes. I would say the war is far from over, this is one major battle has concluded. There are a number of isis fighters still left in iraq that will have to be defeated before we have won the war. Lots of little towns where you will have to fight between mosul and baghdad but if and when the fighting is over, talking about that piece, i read today there are 25 million sunnis between baghdad and damascus whose governments have failed them. What do these governments have to do to make sunnis feel part of the country they live in . I think you hit on the essential issue which is the cause of isis in the first place. The government of iraq did not make the suny people feel as if their government represented the interests and fell prey to isis. And if we are to keep isis, the next isis, from emerging, we will have two, the Iraqi Government will have to do something significantly different and reach out and reconcile with the sunni population and make them feel like their government in baghdad represents them. You today said make no mistake, this victory alone does not eliminate isis and there is still a tough fight ahead. What have you learned from fighting, both the coalition and the iraqi forces, learn from Fighting Isis In Mosul that will be useful in this is a brutal, evil enemy. A very determined one. So one of the things i learned is this fight will take longer than we anticipated. All sort that fighting in cities, i already knew this as a professional soldier, how difficult it was to fight in urban areas, but i never saw fighting on this extend the duration and scale. We are applying all those lessons to the fight we are already engaged in the Global Capital of isis in syria. It was the american decision under president 0bama to pull American Forces out of iraq that enabled isis to grow in the region, in part, will American Forces now keep a presence in iraq for longer, to stop isis 2. 0 from re emerging . I think so. Those decisions have yet to be made. However, there is an ongoing dialogue between the government of iraq, the government of the usa and the governments of other Coalition Members nations. To have a continued Coalition Presence here after the defeat of isis, and i think that is exactly one of the things we need to do to keep that is going down the right path in the future. Thank you very much for joining us. Even on the state when you have the Iraqi Government declaring victory in mosul, everyone is being cautious. Both our guests being cautious, they are all aware of history and the risks of repeating itself, and the complications of the politics of this and the need to make sure all the different sectarian groups feel vested in these countries and do not turn against their governments and enable against their governments and enable a future isis to re emerge. They fought and defeated alqaeda in iraq and out of that has come so called islamic state. The Prime Minister of iraq, who the americans do like, i believe, spoke about how the effective federalism, Devolving Power To Sunnis and also to kurds, who have taken a lot of ground in this site that they are reticent to give up. All the sides in this one clear and straight and after their security and security and education and policing so they will have, if they want to secure a peace, they will have two devolve more power from baghdad. The question, as stephen touched on, its how much appetite isnt there in america politically to keep an American Force of several thousand, presumably, in iraq in the long term. President 0bama was to remove those trips and how much Political Support got for that. Are americans prepared to say this is a long term fight, even after mosul has fallen and it looks like isis has fallen and it looks like isis has been rolled back. Im sure there will but what we do not talk about is the rebuilding effort. There are around 60 countries with the un who have contributed money to rebuild in places like mosul and that will be the first challenge, making sure people feel safe enough to come back. Looking at the report we saw of the sort of destruction and devastation in mosul that will be no easy thing to secure. Lots to do in iraq. The un envoy to syria says a ceasefire in the southwest of the country has held quite well since it went into force on sunday. Its hoped the truce might give the negotiations some momentum. Staffan de mistura said the De Escalation of the conflict in south Western Syria should be a stage on the path to a nationwide truce. Ajudge at the high court in london says he will reconsider on thursday the case of charlie gard, the terminally ill baby, who has been offered treatment in the United States. The 11 month old boy has a rare disease and is being kept alive on a ventilator. Charlies parents want the judge to evaluate an experimental treatment which they believe could improve their sons quality of life. Meanwhile, the high court has rejected a case brought against the British Government claiming its arms sales to saudi arabia are illegal. The case was brought by Human Rights Campaigners who argue the uk is breaking International Laws by selling weapons that have killed civilians in yemen. The saudis have been conducting air strikes against the Houthi Rebels for more than two years. We have had a lot of cbs news today Around The World but we just have time for a video of donald trump and his good deeds of the day. While returning from t20 meetings in germany here he is boarding marine one but the wind was clearly blowing up one but the wind was clearly blowing upa deal one but the wind was clearly blowing up a deal but lights on his feet, the president receives the marines cap and places it back on his head, only for it to blow off again. Not to be defeated, the president chases at once more. Windy days and hats. Ive noticed the president ial tie was also flapping. I thought that was a really nice gesture. There is the marine standing stiff as a board, not allowed to move. Nice touch from the president on his way back to the white house. Plenty more to come. You are watching 100 days plus from bbc news. Still to come, ukraine says it will begin discussions to join nato. Still to come, ukraine says it will begin Discussions Tojoin nato. We will try and find out how russia would feel about that and whether nato is on board with the timetable. We will talk about the new silk road. We have spoke a lot about globalisation in recent weeks but what about the new globalisation, a report on the trillion dollar real project between china and europe. Thats all still to come here on 100 days plus on bbc news. It has been a day of mixed fortunes today. Some sunshine in the south east and beeson spelt further north. Glorious pictures sent in from the highlands. Also some sharp thundery downpours. Those showers are drifting into the north sea was some still remaining in Northern England and scotland. We end the day in Southern England with decent sunshine. Highs of 27 celsius. Things will start to change through tonight as Cloud And Rain Gathers in from the west and particularly in wales and south west england. Not as humid as previous nights. We start off with some rain across england and wales and more significant wet weather arriving later in the day affecting england and wales and certainly affecting wimbledon throughout the afternoon. Some rain turning quite heavy. A brief role in the middle of the day so not bad for the middle of the day so not bad for the courts early on but more significant rain arrives. For scotla nd significant rain arrives. For scotland and Northern Ireland, not too bad and Northern England with sunny spells and scattered showers. Perhaps Northern Ireland will see the best of the weather throughout the best of the weather throughout the day. Temperatures way down on what we have seen for Southern England. Showers turning heavier and more persistent throughout the afternoon into the south west. That rain pushes steadily eastwards through the night, some heavy, welcome news for the gardens. Behind that area of low pressure the winds swing to a northerly making it feel noticeably fresher on wednesday. Despite a good deal of dry weather on wednesday with sunny spells. The quieter theme looks set to continue thursday into friday, a good deal of dry weather, scattering of isolated showers. Not all doom and gloom but certainly feeling noticeably fresher and there will be rain at times but also some sunny spells. The Welcome Party plus. 0ur the Welcome Party plus. Our top stories the Russian Investigation ta kes a stories the Russian Investigation takes a dramatic turn in donald trump as nixon admits to reaching special meeting a russian. |j trump as nixon admits to reaching special meeting a russian. I think the president s attitude is that this is an unfair investigation commies going to fight it at every step of the way. President trump has ruled out exploring a joint Cyber Task Force with russia, a backdown on the idea after one republican senator described it as close to the dumbest idea ive ever heard. Today, ukraines president said that nato has agreed to begin talks over joining the alliance. Speaking alongside natos secretary general, the president said he would implement the reforms necessary by 2020. It comes as ukraine continues to fight a russian backed insurgency in the east of the country. Moscow responded today by saying ukraines potential ownership in nato would not boost security and stability in europe. We arejoined Bya Stability in europe. We arejoined by a former senior director for Russian Affairs at the Un Security Council in the 0bama administration. Its interesting, mail, from the ukrainian government, we have heard from moscow, but i havent heard anything publicly from nato. It is ukraine driving the timetable on this, is nato fully on board . |j this, is nato fully on board . think it remains to be seen exactly what was agreed to. Ukraine has an interest in leaning forward a bit and talking about membership. From natos perspective, from the perspective of key allies including germany and the United States, membership of ukraine is not on the cards at this point. A close relationship is, help with defence and military assistance, but i think were at the beginning of a conversation about what relations of ukraine will have up with nato over the long run. Polls in ukraine show that ever since the russian intervention in the east of the country and in premier, there is much more support in favour of joining nato membership in ukraine than they used to be. And in crimea. But russia says it wont increased about it, this is kind of a red rag to moscow, isnt it . Russians have objected to the madrid of nato from the get go, going back to the early 1990s. To the embodiment of nato. But britain come in some ways, is responsible pleb won is responsible, for this u turn in foreign policy. But again, and we are the very beginning of a conversation, and it may well be that we have to wait for several yea rs before we that we have to wait for several years before we get a better sense of whether ukraine has a serious chance of becoming a member. We had on the show last week, very timely, the man who has been named as the Special Robson to do to ukraine. It is has been said is a hardliner when they comes to matters in kiev. They comes to matters in kiev. The special representative to ukraine. In terms of the Russian Investigation, its very difficult to know, . Investigation, its very difficult to know, . Of weird habits conversation earlier in the year, i would have said that the Cupboard Ministry S and seems to be doing a somersault on ukraine the Trump Administration, he had talked about three ukraine under the bus, recognising crimea, dropping sanctions, but since then they have tax towards a more conventional position. The president made a point of meeting with the ukrainian president , he flew to poland, which is on the survival of nato, the us has said that sanctions that are at least va n has said that sanctions that are at least van gogh nato, yes said that sanctions will remain in place. So they are now at the point of saying that pulses looked huge remain in place, and it is now up to us see if we cant get dunn its essentially up we cant get dunn its essentially up to the russians to agree together troops out and stop the separatism rebellion, and in return, ukraine gra nts rebellion, and in return, ukraine grants the region at high level of a tummy. Autonomy. Grants the region at high level of a tummy. Autonomy. On the show, we spend a lot of time exploring common themes across the abundant. Tonight, we have an author who makes the case for us in his new book. He makes the case for white prince. Democracy are under threat. He says that america has been ceding its role ever since the invasion of iraq and that china will inevitably fill the global power vacuum. Ed, thank you very much for coming into the studio. Donald trump, brexit, the studio. Donald trump, brexit, the populism that we have seen in other countries in europe, the symptoms of what youre talking about or are the also causes of it . I think theyre about. But this has been a long time in coming. There has been a source of. Perhaps self soothing interpretation of 2016 brexit and trump is just being the weird, Volcanic Eruptions in the other rows dormant range of western Liberal Democracy and that would be a serious Up Misreading of how deeply rooted and structural the middle of our middle economy is our feeling. The middle of the economy has an impact on politics. If youre looking for an optimistic, feel good beak street, im guessing this is not really. But how bleak are you, how bleak do you feel about the prospects for the western Liberal Democracy . Is it really price point . Its crisis point, but maybe it is called the retreat, and my publishers wanted it to be called the collapse of western liberalisation, and i argued against that, because retreat implies the possibility of regrouping to stop what we have seen in france with Emanuel Macrons victory, and Angela Merkel trying to revive the Franco German motor, that is definitely a glass of champagne half full. And in context, the rest of the world, the non western is falling out of poverty at a faster rate than ever before in team in history. That is good news. Our ability to cope with thejubilant good news. Our ability to cope with the jubilant impact of that is not something that fills me with optimism there. The geopolitical impact. It has been said before that things will be better for children than for us, but that has stopped, thatis than for us, but that has stopped, that is driving some of the resembled politics. There is, i think, a champagne moment in europe with Emanuel Macron and that is driving a rapprochement between germany and france. But i wonder how long that will last . Because you cant tell me that those elements that were there, that were supporting the Front National and supporting the Front National and supporting the Front National and supporting the far left, they have not disappeared, have they . They havent. And it is troubling to see that e mail macrons victory was on a historic low turnout, its a really thin mandate that he has. And of course, his plan is to get the germans to relax, they are very, militaristic fiscal rules. The germans committed in their dna to do this. Unless he can persuade angler marco angler marco Angela Merkel that it is in their interests to do this, the suffering parts of the European Union are going to get more populous and resentful. I surely caution implicit in your question. I wish we could top more about it, we are running out of time. Thank you for coming on and talking about your book. The agents at road was the worlds first superhighway. The ancient silk road. Now, china is hoping to recreate that route. The critics say beijing is trying to exert its influence on all 60 countries that are investing in it, but mel many could well be indebted for decades. Starting in china, the route winds its way past indonesia, sri lanka and ends up in europe. At the same time and that there will be a land based networks making west through central russia. They call them the ships of the desert. For centuries, the camel trains of the silk road dominated trade between china and the west. Now, china wants to recreate the silk road. This time, by train. When this man started here, 3a years ago, china sold the role next to nothing. Now, he is a foot soldier for a trading superpower. I asked how that had changed him. Translation we are under a lot of pressure. Expectations are high but there is also a lot of hope. We need the training to develop faster and better. The pressure is coming from the top. Not led by merchants. But bya the top. Not led by merchants. But by a president. Chinese emperors once claimed to rule all under heaven. With the United States no longer leading on trade, the president has seized his chance. He calls his vision. His vision may be so vast that it may be so decades until we can tell whether it is a successor to the entrance will grow. But we can say that with no Country Offering a big idea right now, that this is the most ambitious bid to shape our century. Already, chinashapes our material lives. But selling abroad and building at home is no longer enough to keep the strange is no longer enough to keep the strange economy is no longer enough to keep the strange economy growing. Now, it plans to build a broad two. A win win for all, says china. But when the talking is done, chinese traders drive a hard bargain. , for an old friend. The world by much more from them than the other way round. Red tape can make importing a nightmare. The government can change the law at any time. So there is no real concrete law. There is no grey area at the moment. There is a grey area. If the government made it more clear, it would be easier. But the new silk road is china solving chinas problems. Money and muscle heading west. 0n chinas problems. Money and muscle heading west. On a journey across three continents. Bidding to redraw the map and command the century. Its strange to think isnt it, that the old silk road, 2000 years ago, was the first ex parent and globalisation. The first experiment. And now they are recreating it. And we have talked a lot on this programme, if america loan, china is well prepared to step into this vacuum. If America First means america alone. We have really enjoyed doing this programme, behind the scenes, of course, theres a fantastic team who have really helped us. We would like to say happy birthday to our editor, kate. There was Chocolate Cake as well. I didnt get any Chocolate Cake, here in washington. None. We will see you tomorrow, do join us tomorrow. Hello. This is bbc news. The headlines make more than a0 years after the birmingham pub bombings, and Ari Bomb Maker has confessed to being a pa rt bomb maker has confessed to being a part of the group that committed it. The conservative mp anne marie morris, has had the party whip suspended, after using a racially offensive phrase. She has apologised unreservedly for the remark. Teachers pay will remain capped at 1 , as the government sticks to its policy of Public Sector wage restraint. 255 people survived the Grenfell Tower fire thats the first time such a figure has been given by the metropolitan police. As a result estimates of the the number of dead and missing, remains at approximately 80. Speaking about the scope of the criminal investigation, metropolitan Police Commander stuart cundy said they were looking at all aspects of the fire including the clouding, fire exits and the Stay Put Advice residents had been given. Those of us involved in the investigation and the wider Police Operation cannot help but have an emotional attachment to this case and we are absolutely determined to do everything we possibly can to identify what offences have been committed, identify any people or organisation that may have some responsibility, and we will go where the evidence takes us. There are over 60 organisations, companies or bodies that have been involved in Grenfell Tower that we have identified so far. That includes people involved in construction, the refurbishment and the management. We will be looking at the roles each and every one of those has played. Everyone has seen the videos of the fire. We will be looking at not only how the fire spread up the external facade of the tower, but looking at everything that went on inside. The fire safety precautions, how the building was managed and maintained and also constructed and refurbished. The Stay Put Advice that London Fire Brigade gave at the outset of the fire has been widely reported on in the media, and our investigation will look at the totality of what happened, how it happened and why it happened. We have to look at the deaths of what we believe might be 80 people who lost their lives in this fire and the investigation will look at not only the events leading up to the fire, but also the actions of all those involved on the night and whether it had any impact on the deaths of those who were inside the tower

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