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Also the man who led the british inquiry into the iraq war speaks out. Sirjohn chilcot tells the bbc the former Prime Minister tony blair was emotionally involved in the argument and relied more on beliefs than facts. And its a beach day for the leaders of israel and india. Well tell you why they are hitting the waves. I am katty kay in washington, Christian Fraser is in london. There is a monument in Krazinksi Square In Warsaw that commemorates the polish uprising of 19114, which liberated the city from nazi occupation. A classic triumph of good over evil. Today donald trump stood in front of that monument to evoke a new struggle the battle for Western Civilisation. And it that moment the american president committed himself to standing with europe. The fundamental question of our time is whether the west has the will to survive, do we have the confidence in our values to defend them at any cost . Do we have enough respect for oui cost . Do we have enough respect for our citizens to protect our borders . Mr trump also clearly called on russia to stop its destabilizing activities including its support for Hostile Regimes like iran and syria. He confirmed that poland, russias neighbour, will be supplied with the Patriot Missile Defense System and standing on european soil, he committed the United States to natos article 5, the principle of mutual defence. The United States has demonstrated not merely with words but with its actions that we stand firmly behind article five, the mutual defence commitment. Cheering applause words are easy but actions are what matters and for its own protection and you know this, Everybody Knows this, everybody has to know this, europe must do more. By some margin this was the most pro european speech we have had yet from this president. And his commitment to nato is particular has been welcomed by americas allies. So what more can they expect . A short while ago President Trump started a meeting with the german chancellor. She has made it clear she wants to focus on issues, on which mr trump has parted ways with much of the European Union, Climate Change, trade, and migration. The bbcs ros atkins is there for us. Hes been basking in the acclaim in poland today but it might be a different picture in hamburg, what do we know of this bilateral meeting between the president and the chancellor this evening . Youre quite right, donald trump is not even scheduled any public speeches here in hamburg, the us authorities now it would be too complicated so its bilateral meetings, Group Meetings Behind Closed Doors which will take place at the summit. We know of the bilateral meeting between Angela Merkel and donald trump, donald trump arrived about 90 minutes ago and as you have been stating on key issues such as immigration, trade, security and Climate Change these are not two leaders who see eye to eye. Angela merkel has put aside her normal diplomatic language and said in the past few months that we can no longer rely on america. When you add that into the back to donald trump is not a man who favours taking steps backwards its hard to see how they will bash on Common Ground which will have a meaningful impact on policy. I think well get a better picture of how germany and america proceed into the future in parallel rather than together. Its looking positively beach like you are but we are Hearing Reports there are but we are Hearing Reports there a re protests in are but we are Hearing Reports there are protests in the city, how is it . Well its definitely tense. I look like im on the beach because i am at the beach bar overlooking the port of hamburg, one of the biggest in europe. This bar would normally be teaming on a summers evening but its very quiet because of whats happening in the centre of time. As i talk to you, echoing across main rubber is the sound of Ces Canisters being fired. We also know water cannon has been used. It was interesting hearing from the police earlier predicting there would be violence. Talking to protest as they said the police would try to provoke violence. Both sides have their own narrative but there was an inevitability about this protest turning violent and judging by the sounds we are now hearing in the background across the centre of hamburg that whats happening. They said 20,000 police have been drafted into hamburg today, all eyes are going to be on this meeting tomorrow between President Trump and President Putin, what are people saying about that particular meeting . Well its interesting, and event of this scale further are so many fascinating dynamics so many different meetings, donald trump and theresa may for instance that would normally dominate our attention but your right to highlight Vladimir Putin and donald trump meeting for the first time. We think they may encounter each other twice, a family photo in the morning were all the leaders get a group photo and they will both be in that so there is a chance they might bump into one another but in the afternoon we have another but in the afternoon we have a scheduled bilateral conversation. I think a scheduled bilateral conversation. Ithinka a scheduled bilateral conversation. I think a couple things of note, the speech in warsaw you mentioned, donald trump said russia needs to stop destabilising the ukraine but what he did not mention was allegations russia also try to destabilise the United States. The big question as it always is with diplomatic conversation is what subjects will come up and we have to wait and see which subjects the men choose to broach. For the moment, thank you very much. Here in washington the president s warsaw speech was generally well received but not so, his appearance at an earlier press c0 nfe re nce. In his unscripted comments, there was more criticism of president 0bama, another attack on the fake media and when it comes to russia and its inteference in the 2016 election there are always mixed messages from this president. Will you once and for all year saw no definitively say russia interfered in the 2016 election . Well i think it was russia and it couldve been other people in other countries, could have been a lot of people interfered, i said it very simply, i think it could have been russia but i think it could well have been other countries and i want be specific. I think a lot of people interfered and its been happening for a long time. One of the fiercest critics of the Trump Administrations handling of russian meddling has been nicholas burns, former Us Ambassador to nato. I spoke to him a brief time ago in rhode island. Clarify something for me, his position on russia . We heard today a full throated rejection of russian interference in ukraine, he criticised russia for destabilising areas of the world and then moments beforehand in a Press Conference he seemed to reject the idea russia had been responsible for hacking into the american election, where does he stand . We saute different trumps, we saw the scripted speech which was tougher on russia, the destabilising actions in eastern ukraine. Then we saw President Trump at the Press Conference where he was critical of the press, where he went very soft on President Putin on the issue of russia launching a cyber attack on the us elections, saying not com pletely the us elections, saying not completely sure which country attacked the United States. Your guess is as good as mine as to which we will see tomorrow but its very important he meet two tests, will the United States continued to sanction russia over ukraine . I hope we will. And well President Trump agree with the us senate which ported 97 2 to impose tough new sanctions on russia over attacking . Those are critical bars for tomorrows meeting with President Putin. We heard him defend article five of the nato treaty, you were ambassador to nato or the United States, do you think your former nato colleagues will be fully reassured by that . I think you have to give credit where its due, it was the first time we had heard a com plete was the first time we had heard a complete reaffirmation of the article five commitment, an attack on one is an attack on all. That was positive but he spent more time in the speech criticising the Nato Alliance than he did praising it. There were veiled criticisms as i understood them of the European Union, steve bannon like language decrying the power of government. I thought the speech played well among the far right in Eastern Europe and poland but i think it was not a speech for Western Europe where he is right now. He meets Vladimir Putin for the first time tomorrow, what would you i was going to ask what would you i was going to ask what you would want to say, but what do you think he will say . |j what you would want to say, but what do you think he will say . I think the first order of business is to get to know each other and establish effective communications. We are two powerful countries, there will be crises and misunderstandings ahead, so crises and misunderstandings ahead, so you want to have a relationship where you can clearly communicate, thatjob where you can clearly communicate, that job number one. Number two, both president s will set out what is truly important for them and i think President Putin will want to argue foran President Putin will want to argue for an end to sanctions on ukraine. He will deny interfering in the elections, the american elections andi elections, the american elections and i think President Putin will wa nt to and i think President Putin will want to see if the United States can work with him in syria where the russians are trying with the iranians and the Syrian Government and turkey to create safe havens and exclusive zones in syria itself. I dont know how much of that President Trump can abide and i hope President Trump can abide and i hope President Trump can abide and i hope President Trump will take a tougher line on ukraine and the Hacking Scandal but im not sure he will particularly on russian interference in the elections. He is morale check on this issue, he seems to see it as an issue which delegitimise is his election, as an affront to himself. The implication that the russians intervened to help donald trump defeat hillary clinton. Im sorry to say i dont think we will see a tough President Trump tomorrow and that will be a major mistake. It will separate him from republicans in congress who watch a much darker line you want a much tougher line. You alluded to it, so many contradictions, at the beginning saying it couldve been russia and other countries and then at the end of it he said it probably was russia and then he says president 0bama do enough from august way through the new the russians were involved but didnt do anything but hes not done anything since coming to power. So if you are the russians watching this you must kind of wonder which donald trump you will meet tomorrow. Yes and i think you will meet one who wants to do some deals, he is a deal maker. He will try to project strength, they may talk about some kind of negotiation over syria, there is speculation today there may be some cooperation we could have on that no fly zone, inside syria. Its the atmospherics of the meeting which people here in washington are going to be watching, if there is a photograph of the two of them standing together looking friendly it will go badly for President Trump because people will say there he is in the pocket of President Putin. I think the visuals will be very carefully planned and as we are being told by the trump team its not a meeting with a specific agenda so not a meeting with a specific agenda so will be push them on interference . The odds are slightly stacked again then, you look at north korea, syria, ukraine, theres not much he can come away with. Syria is the only area and even that i think you would find a lot of sceptics here in washington wondering if they can trust anything Vladimir Putin says. It President Trump comes away with some sort of deal of cooperation on Syria The Question immediately here in washington is going to be do we trust Vladimir Putin to stick to that . How can we possibly believe anything the russian leader is saying at the moment . One of the other key meetings President Trump will have tomorrow is the one with chinas leader xi jinping. Washington is not at all happy at beijings response to the north korea problem. Yes he thinks they could do more on Pressuring Pyongyang to change direction. Just yesterday he tweeted this. Trade between china and north korea grew almost 40 in the first quarter. So much for china working with us but we had to give it a try and at the United Nations this was the message his Ambassador Nikki Haley delivered to anyone not standing with the us. They have not had any care for russia or china in this. They have not listened to anything you have said. They are not going to listen to anything you say. So its time we all stand together and say we will not put up with this action. To sit there and opposed sanctions or to sit there and go in defiance of a new resolution means you are holding the hands of them. For more on the tensions between beijing and washington at the moment we are joined now from new york by the bbcs Nada Tawfik Who covered that un session for us. Are you getting any indication of how beijing is responding to the change of tone from the white house . Certainly beijing is not changing their approach, they are completely against more sanctions on north korea and the Trump Administration is learning what past president s has learned, there is a limit to how much china is willing to squeeze north korea and risk instability on the doorstep. Beijing today in several statements called for the us to tone down their rhetoric. They said they have been relentlessly working to get the sanctions working against pyongyang. In this warning the chinese Vice Finance Ministers said they would implement the releva nt said they would implement the relevant resolutions but the us should not use domestic laws as excuses to levy sanctions against chinese financial institutions. Does not look like President Xi Jingping will succumb to the threats the us we re will succumb to the threats the us were using. We have spoken to a japanese minister on the programme this week and two Michael Fallon about whether sanctions can work, it sanctions can work previous president s, president 0bama, george w. Bush, they would have imposed these sanctions, its been under sanctions for 20 years so its not making a difference. Absolutely and i think thats the sticking point. When you talk to anyone at the security council, they all agree this is not changed the willingness to abandon the nuclear ambitions. The us believes if the sanctions are tight enough and that is where china comes in on implementing them, because thats always been the key issue, how those sanctions are implemented, then that could force north korea to get to the Negotiating Table and abandon weapons. China think its the exact opposite, they have never understood american logic. They say the more that kim jong un feels under threat the more they will cling to his nuclear programme. This is what we are seeing in the un security council, china going along with the United States and issuing resolutions but there is no of opinion. Thank you. I was resolutions but there is no of opinion. Thank you. Iwasjust resolutions but there is no of opinion. Thank you. I wasjust going to say strong words today from President Trump talking about north korea, saying he has severe options on the table but would not say when oi on the table but would not say when or if they would be used. They are obviously still talking about the military option. Interesting to note there is a dinner between the japanese, South Koreans and americans in hamburg but the chinese are not invited. Interesting, we will talk more about the 620 interesting, we will talk more about the g20 in a second but lets turn to the uk. Tony blair was not straight with the british people about his decisions in the run up to the iraq war. Thats the view of the man who chaired the long running inquiry into the war. Speaking for the First Time Since publishing his report a year ago, Sirjohn Chilcot said the evidence mr blair gave the inquiry was Emotionally Truthful but that he relied on his beliefs rather than the facts. He was speaking to our Political Editor laura kuenssberg. Do you feel the politicians you dealt with were as straight with you as they ought to have been . I think id need to distinguish. They adopted different approaches. And i have to name names because these were public sessions. Tony blair is always and ever an advocate. He makes the most persuasive case he can. Not departing from the truth. But persuasion is everything. Advocacy from my position. Do you believe that tony blair was as straight with you and the public as he ought to have been . Can i slightly reword that to say, i think any Prime Minister taking a country into war has got to be straight with the nation and carry it, so far as possible, with him or her. I dont believe that was the case in the iraq instance. Do you feel he gave you the fullest version of events . I think he gave. I hesitate to say this, rather, but i think from his perspective and standpoint, it was Emotionally Truthful. I think that came out also in his Press Conference after the launch statement. I think he was under very great emotional pressure during those sessions, far more than the committee were. He was suffering. He was deeply engaged. In that State Of Mind and mood, you fall back on your instinctive skills and reactions, i think. But he was relying, you suggest, therefore on emotion, not fact . Both. So interesting because for all the timei so interesting because for all the time i covered the invasion of iraq and the aftermath of that, the difference between the attitude here in america and the attitude in britain was so clear, we did not have hear those enormous street protests, not a groundswell of opinion against president bush for taking america into iraq. Its something which has dogged british politics since then and was people here question why we went in theres not been this Hand Wringing and Soul Searching which could lead to in the uk. No, andi in the uk. No, and i think the Chilcot Enquiry extended that, it went on for so long that it extended the process and its become a reference point, the questions we have about British Foreign policy and also official expertise. Do you remember George 0sborne putting forward this document on how brexit would affect the british economy and everyone dismissed it as a Dodgy Dossier and its become a generational thing within both parties. The angle about tony blair and new labour in some ways propelling Jeremy Corbyn to the leadership of the labour party and on the opposite benches where as you have had a president in president 0bama who voted against the iraq war we have had three Prime Ministers, gordon brown, David Cameron and theresa may who voted for the iraq war. Weve never moved on from it andi war. Weve never moved on from it and i think really the question you come to at the end and i think this is the important question Going Forward , is the important question Going Forward, it is the overarching thing, how does britain pursue its own Strategic Interests Going Forward without and you difference to the United States . How do we maximise our presence, we felt we we re maximise our presence, we felt we were duped and in some way the lapdog of the United States. Donald trump mentioning it again today. Yeah, talking about russian interference, was in russia interfered but we remember the Dodgy Dossier, youll said there were weapons of mass destruction in iraq. Leaders of japan and the European Union have hailed an agreement in principle on a major free trade deal. Once the details are finalised, the deal is expected to liberalise 99 percent of trade. European leaders said the pact showed that the world did not have to move towards isolationism and that it was a statement on the future of open and fair trade. A newly discovered photograph from the 1930s has added to the mystery of us pilot Amelia Earhart. This grainy Black And White photograph was found in the us national archives. Experts examining it say the woman seated with her back to the camera is Amelia Earhart and another figure on the far left is fred noonan her navigator on that last flight in 1937. It adds to a theory that ms earhart was taken prisoner by the japanese in the then japanese marshall islands. This is one of those who done it kind of mysteries which has resonance for people who grew up on this heroine of adventure, the first woman to fly around the world and then what happened . Woman to fly around the world and then what happened . I would love to have the technology to examine that photograph properly. Earlier this week christian, we were having a bit of fun with those pictures of Chris Christie relaxing on the empty beach, he had closed to the public well today i have got another beach photo for you. This is from the twitter account of the israeli Prime Minister, benjamin netanyaho. Theres nothing like going to the beach with friends standing alongside the indian Prime Minister nahrendra modi who has been on a visit to israel since tuesday. Who goes to the beach in trousers . It must be so uncomfortable. Then they go back to their meetings. A p pa re ntly then they go back to their meetings. Apparently there were politics behind this. Apparently they were in discussion about clean water the israelis are selling the indians some of their desalination technology. It got us thinking about other president s who have been to the beach so we pulled out some historic pictures, this is Richard Nixon in california. This was taken in his 1972 pre Election Campaign to make him look more casual if you can believe it. But apparently he insisted on wearing his dress shoes. Dont go on a beach in your dress shoes, its worse than rolling up your trousers and going into the ocean. Iam more and going into the ocean. I am more uncomfortable about this, he is 55, president 0bama. Laughter it feels awkward. Youre watching 100 days plus from bbc news. Still to come well hear why donald trump made poland his first stop on this trip and what that means relations in europe. And with donald trump meeting with Vladimir Putin on friday well talk to a russian journalist about how its reported in moscow. Thats still to come on 100 days plus, from bbc news. The day has brought quite a variety of weather, 32 degrees at heathrow, the wise woman had the sense to be indoors as the thunderstorm rolled over the top of norwich but a way to the west leicestershire glorious guys, the west leicestershire glorious guys, a glorious picture sent in from a weather watcher. Those conditions matched widely across the southern half of britain but thats not the end of variety, further north Weather Front Line in crowd and rain. The last of the days S Thunderstorms gradually rolling into the north sea on whats going to be another sticky night especially across central and southern parts, temperatures not much lower than 13 oi temperatures not much lower than 13 or 15 even into the scottish borders. How do we start ready . Fairly cloudy through a good part of the south west, western facing hills and shores of wales, further east to glorious start the day, but a breeze coming in from the north west but ca ptu res coming in from the north west but captures even at this stage about 17,18,19 captures even at this stage about 17, 18, 19 degrees. As wejust that bit further north of Frontal System will have brought cloud and rain. Friday a fairly quiet day certainly by comparison for some of you to thursday, Cloud Filling in all the while across the heart of england, but it does not stop the temperatures climbing across the south east to about 25 27. All through the evening Cloud Filling in all the more as the Frontal System makes its presence felt, it trails its way ever further towards the east to bring that figure band of cloud which were some at the start of saturday will bring Disappointing Fairfor of saturday will bring disappointing fair forjuly. Of saturday will bring Disappointing Fairforjuly. Well have of saturday will bring disappointing fair forjuly. Well have some of saturday will bring Disappointing Fairforjuly. Well have some bits and pieces of rain and even as that fades through the day it will leave a legacy of cloud, best of the brightness either to the south or in places on the eastern side of scotla nd places on the eastern side of scotland where you will get a bit of brightness. Saturday on into sunday and new set of Weather Front beginning to hover close by to the North Western corner of scotland and a chance we may import some of these thunderstorms from the near continent into the southern parts of britain. Somewhat drier conditions in between. Welcome back to 100 days plus. Im katty kay in washington. And im Christian Fraser in london. Our top stories. President trump has suggested that the future of Western Civilisation is under threat from terrorism and bureaucracy, and he urged russia to stop causing instability. Arriving at g20 meetings in germany the president will meet face to face with eight other World Leaders on the sidelines. What will the russians make up to dates spieth in poland . There were moments today when the president took an unusually firm stance on russias behaviour. Will he be as bold tomorrow when he meets with Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the g20 . Will he be as bold tomorrow when he meets with Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the g20 . Yes and crucially, will he raise that issue of russian meddling in the 2016 election . So often, President Trump fights shy of criticising the russian president. But on the issue of syria and north korea there are frustrations. Today, the west is also confronted by the powers that seek to test our will, undermine our confidence and challenge our interests. To meet new forms of aggression, including propaganda, Financial Crime and cyber warfare, we must adapt our reliance to compete effectively in new ways and on all new battlefields. We urge russia to seize its destabilising activities in ukraine and elsewhere and support for Hostile Regimes, including syria and iran, and instead to join the community of responsible nations our fight against common enemies and in defence of civilisation itself. Dmitri babich is a political analyst with the Russian National Broadcasting Company sputnik international. What will they make in moscow of what President Trump said about russian meddling in the ukraine adults were, and howard has to stop . There is, of course, a general feeling of disappointment in russia. Because mr trump had a chance to add need beginning. If only he had met President Putin met earlier, when he was inaugurated, there was a possibility for a new beginning but now, obviously, trump has squandered his chances. He bowed to the pressure of the american establishment, of the European Union which trump called a threat to European Securityjust a few months ago at the summit in malta. Now, poland is the last country where he needs to go if you want to have a new beginning with russia. So basically, trump, by coming to poland with all of its historic antagonisms with russia, by making that speech, he is disappointing his own supporters, he is betraying the hopes that were associated with him. President putins spokesman said today that we still have no understanding of What Washington Wa Nts Understanding Of what washington wants in this meeting. Shes pretty astute, he knows full well this is a meeting in Russia Needsjust as badly as washington . Obviously, i think he is sincere. The russian elite, and President Putin, want peace and good relations with the usa. Let me remind you of the fact that putin started his tenure as president in the early 2000 by helping the americans to destroy the taliban regime in afghanistan. There we re many taliban regime in afghanistan. There were many other concessions that President Putin made in his to europe. If you look at the origins, these were western initiative. It was the west that wanted to change and to improve the government in ukraine, headed by and ukraine, headed bya and to improve the government in ukraine, headed by a legally elected president. There was changes in government in syria, russia only reacted. So it straight for to hear trump asking russia not to destabilise. The United States of the stabilised a lot more. Thanks for joining the stabilised a lot more. Thanks forjoining us. The view there from sputnik international, or as close as you can get to the gremlin probably. President trumps first stop in europe, was warsaw not london, paris or berlin. An endorsement implicit or otherwise of polands right wing populist government. The ruling law and Justice Party takes a similar stance to President Trump on many an issue, including immigration and global warming. The president wont get many better receptions on this trip. In warsaw the crowds were chanting his name. In his speech he said the poles had set the world an example in their long fight for freedom. From warsaw were joined by Agaton Kozinski the International Editor at polska times Thanks Forjoining us. How will this visit be remembered in poland . Its very surprising and pleasant for us as well. First of all, nobody expected that donald trump would be so expected that donald trump would be so well prepared of polish history, able to comment about polish past, about polish traditions about polish habits, he was quoting from john paulil habits, he was quoting from john paul ii, for instance, and we didnt expect that. It will be well remembered. It was one of the most inspiring and the most important speeches of american president in poland. Those are strong words let me ask you about the russia issue, this is a huge issue in poland, about russian expansionism. Trump criticised russia about its meddling joe murphy meddling in other countries, do you think you will follow through on taking tougher action against moscow . |j follow through on taking tougher action against moscow . I hope so. He mentioned russian aggression against the ukraine, secondly, he reminded us the ukraine, secondly, he reminded us about his commitment to article five of nato. It looks like hes ready to help poland if anything happens on our eastern border, if russia became more aggressive even in 2014. I hope we can believe donald trump and we can think about him asa donald trump and we can think about him as a true ally of poland. Thanks for joining him as a true ally of poland. Thanks forjoining us. Lately donald trump has been taking a lot of credit for the state of the us economy. Today in poland he boasted the markets had put on almost 4 trillion dollars since he took office. And earlier in the week he boasted. The june jobs report comes out tomorrow. Lets speak tojeanne cummings, Political Editor for the wall streetjournal. Thanks forjoining us. Hes talk about growth, he wanted at 4 . 0f all the indications are that it is is under what it was under 0bama. Can he do more . They are certainly bank banking on a major tax bill creating more growth. 0ur growth is at 2 , it has been there for a long time. In general, president s take more credit for the economy than they should and they often get blamed more than they should. Because their influence on the Economic Growth is not that great. What this particular white house believes is if they can get the tax package through, combined with lower regulations, that will create some fluidity that will lead to faster growth. That all depends on politics, at the moment he hasnt been able to do anything in big terms of legislation, can he do it . We dont know, we really dont know if the camelot. We also dont know, we dont believe the market has factored in a fairly on the tax bill, that is a big risk to him. If they dont get the tax bill through, it could affect the economy in a big way. Do we attach too much significance in general to how a president can shift sides . Do we blame him too much when there is an upswing or if it doesnt uptick enough . I would say that is absolutely true. With the economy, it isa absolutely true. With the economy, it is a Global Economy. There are some tweaks may be that the white house can do that 40 of Certain Industries more confidence, for instance. Some of the regulations that he has removed, they havent taken that he has removed, they havent ta ken effect, that he has removed, they havent taken effect, because it is the very la st taken effect, because it is the very last thing is that president 0bama taking place. Put in place. But those companies can look forward to planning the future with confidence the regulations are not the way. We have talked about china in the context of north korea but there is a booming trade story about china and one of the stories about trump when he came into office was that he will be protectionist and imposed harris. He hasnt done so far. If hes about to, what impact does that have on the us and world economies . That is one of the biggest questions about the administration. Will he get us into a trade war with mexico, china or wherever . Im hearing more mutterings that about that this week than i have been. You interviewed people from the 620, they are also concerned about his position on trade and the America First psyche thatis trade and the America First psyche that is driving him. An interesting time for the us and Global Economy. We are seeing that play out in hamburg at the moment. With any large gathering of World Leaders one thing is certain there will be protests. Thousands of protestors have come together in hamburg for various reasons pro climate, pro globalisation, anti globalisation. Police have set up a Security Corden to prevent the protestors reaching the summit venues. The main day of meetings is tomorrow, but weve been watching some of these demonstrations. Some of the more peaceful ones, as well. This is the live shot this evening. There were 12,000 people for the demonstration the night and a p pa re ntly for the demonstration the night and apparently that demonstration has now been cancelled, the march house, because of some of the scenes we are seeing right now was a lot of gas and Water Cannons being fired. I wa nt to and Water Cannons being fired. I want to show you a more peaceful one that we were looking at today. Its quite creative, this one. Here we have 1,000 grey zombies who are walking the town. Can we bring up the sound for a second . Quite eerie, isnt it . The group of undead said their goal was to motivate other people to get politically engaged again. You will see that as they walk through the streets suddenly they come to life , and then the zombies free themselves to reveal the colour on the inside. Quite effective that, isnt it . The end here looks more like my teenage kids going to a Music Festival in europe. But the point of it, youre right, this is a more creative protest the many, the point is the same. People have been dehumanised by the Global Economy and inequality has produced the winners and losers and that is what they are in hamburg four. I cant quite understand why pictures of barack 0bama make you uncomfortable but zombies dont . The end of 100 days plus, i walk out of Broadcasting House and the colour comes back. Its a pretty similar experience. Slightly 0rwellian. Comes back. Its a pretty similar experience. Slightly orwellian. On a serious note, we are not on air tomorrow, but its a dramatic day with some pretty dramatic things that could unfold . With some pretty dramatic things that could unfold . I think the meeting with Vladimir Putin is something everyone will be watching. Some critical things including north korea. We are at a moment where the world might face this crisis, this test of this president. And what he can figure out with china will be essential. This is have veered from being so close to china and trusting china to fix this to almost swimming in the opposite direction, im not sure how helpful that about turn is on china either. A Big Day Notjust for American Politics but Global Affairs in hamburg. We will have it all on the bbc. Goodbye for now. This is bbc news, the headlines. Protests in hamburg as World Leaders gather for the g20 summit. Police say a Planned March has been cancelled. A year after his report on the iraq war, Sirjohn Chilcot says tony blair wasnt straight with the country about his decisions. A watchdog says a quarter of Adult Care Services in england are not safe enough, and in some cases residents are not getting enough to eat or drink. An update on the Market Numbers for you heres how londons and frankfurt ended the day. All down. Thousands of people have been protesting in hamburg ahead of the g20 summit which is taking place in the city. That show you the live pictures from burn out. You can see Water Cannons being used pretty liberally by the german riot police. That is the scene there live now. We heard ahead of the demonstrations that about 20,000 police will on duty for the demonstrations in hamburg, a number of different protests organised in the city. Police said they were expecting as many as 100,000 protesters in total. The police said around 8000, they thought, might be ready to commit violence. In the last few minutes, one report says that Hamburg Police have said that a planned anti event macro marked as been called off. Marks. About a hard core of 1000 left wing demonstrators are counted, the police say that. They say the march has been declared off by the organisers. You can see has been declared off by the organisers. You can see some has been declared off by the organisers. You can see some clashes still going on. That show you the scene early on. There were some quite dramatic scenes, really, as the protests gathered momentum. This is earlier this evening. Large numbers of people protesting, in particular, against donald trump and americas withdrawal from the paris Climate Change accord. And one of the protests was called welcome to hell, a alliance of anti capitalist groups angry at Climate Change and also other issues like globalisation and,

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