Transcripts For BBCNEWS 100 Days 20170626 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS 100 Days 20170626

and india's prime minister narendra modi comes to washington for his first meeting with donald trump. welcome to the programme, i am christian fraser in london katty kay is in washington. finally, the british prime minister has a working majority to keep her in office but only thanks to a expensive deal with the largest party in northern ireland. the agreement signed today with the dup ensures that ten unionist mps will side with the government on confidence votes and on key brexit issues. but it's not cheap. the deal guarantees northern ireland an extra $1.2 billion, or £1 billion of funding over the next two years. and the dup could even come back to ask for more after 2019. so mrs may has some explaining to do to her critics — how come money is hard to find for schools and hospitals, but not when it comes to keeping the conservatives in power? well today, the leader of the democratic unionist party said that the deal was of benefit to the whole of the uk. throughout these discussions our commitment has been to acting in the national interest in accordance with our shared objective for strengthening and enhancing our precious union. in concluding this wide—ranging agreement, we have done so in terms of enhancing the security of our nation, building prosperity for all and supporting an exit from the eu that benefits all parts of the uk. the dup's sirjeffrey donaldson signed the official paperwork for the deal today and hejoins me now. hello, thank you for being with us. it has been described in all sorts of ways in the house of commons, a grubby deal, and there will be many people in the country who say, why is the government using taxpayers‘ money to stay in office? well, good evening from westminster. there's a clear reason for this, northern ireland sustained 30 years of a terrorist conflict in which our infrastructure was seriously damaged and money that should have been invested in infrastructure was spent on security during that period. which meant we fell away behind the united kingdom, the rest of the uk, in terms of bringing our infrastructure up—to—date. so this money is to help address that deficit. to improve our hospitals and schools, and to address the deficit in public services. sol think there is a case to be made for northern ireland. we have made the case. we have made it to the government and we have won this extra money for northern ireland. so while there will be some critic, i listen to the labour party criticising extra money for schools and hospitals and roads and housing and hospitals and roads and housing and creating more jobs in northern ireland, but why would that be a bad deal for part of the united kingdom? clear something up for us, there is some confusion in northern ireland today, is this money dependent on the power—sharing executive being reformed? obviously our preference is that the northern ireland executive gets up and running. we wa nt executive gets up and running. we want to see a properly functioning government in northern ireland. we are ready do that today. however, in the absence of an executive, this money is ear— marked the absence of an executive, this money is ear—marked for northern ireland. we have a mechanism between the conservative government and the dup that will ensure the money is delivered for northern ireland if there isn't an executive. so it can be spent through direct rule? yes, because ultimately if we don't have a functioning government in northern ireland, then westminster has the responsibility to ensure that northern ireland is governed. the issue of the border isn‘t in the deal, but explain something to me, what‘s to stop a member of the european union, somebody from romania or poland, landing in dublin, wandering across the board tore northern ireland, getting a job in belfast and travelling to london and taking up residence in london? well that presupposes we don't have modern technology. of course we do. when you walk down the high street, you're being watched by cctv. we have got the technology now to follow people wherever they go. so if someone lands in dublin and crosses into the united kingdom and gets a job in belfast, the authorities in belfast will know about that person. if they seek to travel to other parts of united kingdom, the authorities are going to know about that person. every timel to know about that person. every time i travel from belfast to london, there is a record of my travel and my journey. so london, there is a record of my travel and myjourney. so the idea that people can move about freely and government doesn't know what they're doing, i'm afraid doesn't reflect the reality. but that is still a hard 300 long mile board tore —— border to track everyone. you‘re saying you will be able to track every person that goes, arrives in dublin and goes north? track every person that goes, arrives in dublin and goes north7m course not. we are not saying you track them at the point they cross the board —— border, although we do monitor the movement of vehicles on a daily basis. dublin shares information with london already about the movement of people in and out of the country. of course there are ways in which people can cross the border. . but when they're in northern ireland, they can't hide forever. they're going to have to come out and if they want to be employed, northern ireland is a small community of 2 million people. the idea you can hide thousands of people in that small communityjust doesn't reflect the reality of the situation. of course, we are going to know that people are there. and if they seek to move to other parts of uk. their movements will be monitored. sirjeffrey, stay with us. we want to talk to you more about brexit. today the government set out its offer for eu citizens who will live in the uk post—brexit. it‘s a 15—page document that will now form part of the negotiation. we have picked out some of the most interesting elements. those granted "settled status" in the uk will be able to work, study and claim benefits as they do now. the cut—off date will be sometime before march 2019. 0nce eu citizens have been in the uk for five years they can apply for "settled status". but importantly there will be a two—year grace period after britain has left the eu. and that is an important detail. if there is to be a transition period for business after march 2019, then the eu has already signalled that single market rules would have to apply — and that includes free movement of people. this two years grace period could form a basis for a transitional trade deal somewhere down the line. today mrs may said she wanted to address the concerns of the three million eu citizens. the leader of the opposition jeremy corbyn said her offer was too little too late. i know there‘s been some anxiety for eu citizens about what would happen at the point we leave the eu. today i want to put that anxiety to rest. i want to completely reassure people that under these plans no eu citizen currently in the uk lawfully will be asked to leave at the point the uk leaves the eu. we want you to stay. by making an offer only after negotiations have begun the pm has dragged the issue of citizens and families deep into the delicate and complex negotiations of our future trade relations with the eu which she herself has being willing to say could be a failure. this isn't a generous offer. this is confirmation the govt is prepared to use people as bargaining chips. sirjeffrey, come bg back to you, who should have jurisdiction when it comes to eu citizens, the british or the european supreme court? we believe it should be in the british courts of course. because the uk will be leaving the european union. i think the proposals that the prime minister's put forward are entirely reasonable and i think quite generous. we haven't yet heard from the eu. the detail of thier proposals ago the rights of british citizens living in eu states it would be good to hear how generous they are going to be those people. arlene foster will be influential in this debate. how can she be so influential in the uk government and also in stormont. there is clearly a conflict of interest? i'm not sure that there is. in the end immigration is a national issue, not a devolved issue. she is going to be in negotiations with the government and then has to sit down in negotiation with sinn fein and she is talking to the government about the power sharing is and she can whisper in the the prime minister‘s ear. if sinn fein took their seats at westminster, they have seven mps. they choose to exclude themselves from westminster from the national parliament. that is their choice. we didn't put them out. no one else did. they took that decision themselves. and look the dup has ten mps elected to westminster. why should we have a voice? do my constituents not have the right to be represented at westminster and stormont. it was westminster that established the devolved government. but there are different powers at store months and different powers at westminster. immigration is a westminster. immigration is a westminster issue and it is right that the dup mps at should have influence like other members of parliament. if sinn fein want to have influence, they know what they need to do. thabg their seat — take their seats at westminster. that what is they were elected to do. thank you forjoining us. isis very complicated and a real can of worms, there are issues of sovereignty, immigration of london being a fair player in the northern ireland agreements and there is scotland and wales saying f this money is going to northern ireland, what about us? i don‘t see how it is going to be easy for theresa may to answer her critic on this. it is difficult. it will be some relief to the government that they have this done before thursday, when they vote on the legislative programme. it wouldn‘t have been good to be seen to still negotiating, because things are chaotic enough and there will be that argument from scotland and wales. but damian green. already is. damian green said there are lots of deals outside the barnett formula. and jeffrey donaldson is right, why should northern ireland constituents be less important. i‘m conscious as a northerner we never talk about the money that goes to places like newcastle and sunderland. the problem for the government is each time they talk about austerity, everybody will point to this deal. yeah. now on to the news from the united states. a clear victory for national security. that‘s what president trump is calling the supreme court‘s decision to partially reinstate his travel ban which has been held up in the legal system for months. it impacts citizens from six muslim majority nations and now it will be enforced for anyone who doesn‘t have an existing relationship with a person or entity in the united states. the supreme court will examine the case in full in october and in today‘s statement the president said this ruling will allow him to use an important tool for protecting the us. joining us now to discuss the impact is strategist ron christie. the president says this is a clear victory for him over a contentious issue, this travel ban, but it is not a total victory is it, they didn‘t go as far as he might have wanted. i think it is a big victory for him. in the sense of he gets his travel ban, he gets to say that you have to stay out of united states for a have to stay out of united states fora certain amount have to stay out of united states for a certain amount of time. but most importantly the supreme court will hear nit october. i think my reading is the justices want to look at this full and look at the conflict in the two circuits that have been looking at it and say we are going to rule on this. spell this out for people who had been wanting to travel to the united states from those muslim—majority countries, what does this mean for them in practical terms? countries, what does this mean for them in practicalterms? if you have a relative, a job, them in practicalterms? if you have a relative, ajob, if them in practicalterms? if you have a relative, a job, if you have a presence, a contact in the united states, you're still free to come to the united states. if you don't have a someone the united states. if you don't have a someone or a reason to be here in the united states, then that means that the amount of duration for this ban, you can't come to the united states. i guess the question is will we see the chaotic scenes at the start. i remember that. on that friday. the thing that struck me, looking at this ruling today, is they have looked att purely within they have looked att purely within the confines of existing law. they have not talked about religion or people‘s faith. they have looked at it purely in the terms of sweeping presidential powers in terms of national security. that is right. if you look at what the party that sued the president on this ban said, they said it was a violation of the establishment clause, that says the government cannot act in a manner thatis government cannot act in a manner that is contrito religion or have a nonsecular purpose. the president said the language is clear in the 0rde hear the as his authority is —— order as his authority, he is allowed to say who can come to the united states and who he can exclude for national security purposes. when you look at the language at what the moving party who sued the president and what president trump said, one said religion and president trump was able to convince the court it was able to convince the court it was not a religion purpose for instituting the ban. given what the president said it is not clear this what is they would rule. last week, republican senators set out their proposal for replacing obamacare. and in the run up to congress‘s recess for the 11th july it‘s a big test for the party and president this week. the senate said it would vote on the proposed plans by the end of this week before the recess. but they need 50 votes. there are 52 republican senators so they can‘t afford to lose more than two. and at the moment it‘s thought there could be as many as five republican senators who would vote against the draft bill. remember, some of these senators are in tight races in 2018. in an interview with fox news, president trump acknowledged its not easy to please everyone. mean — that was my term, because i want to see, i want to see, and i speak from the heart, that's what i want to see, i want to see a bill with heart. health care is is a very complicated subject from the standpoint that you move it this way and this group doesn't like it. you move it a little bit over here, you have a very narrow path. and honestly, nobody can be totally happy. even without the vote. forget about votes. this has nothing to do with votes. this has to do with picking a plan that everybody's going to like. i'd like to say love, but like. among those republican senators coming under heat for opposing the current bill is dean heller of nevada. he faces a tough re—election campaign next year and on friday he said this legislation would mean a loss of cover for millions of americans, including a good number in his state. well that has sparked a fierce ad campaign. a pro—trump group is planning to pour in more than a million dollars to oppose heller‘s decision and the other side is pitching in as well. here is just a taste. nevadans need senator heller to vote no on health care repeal. he will be a deciding vote. heller decides whether your costs go up by double digits. whether you're one of the 138,000 who lose coverage. whether medicaid is gutted, putting disabled children at risk. heller decides whether our world communities suffer. senator heller, you have a deciding vote. nevadans need you to vote no on health care repeal. senator heller has made his position clear. that it is unacceptable to us and millions of americans suffering under obamacare. heller is now standing with pelosi. unacceptable. if you're opposed to this bill, we are opposed to you. i think that is the latest ad for the latest block buster. people thought they had got through the election campaign and now all they‘re getting is health care ads, republican senators seem to be inching away from their own health ca re inching away from their own health care bill. no question. if you look at this, you need at least 50. there is as many as six who want nothing to do with this. people like rob portman in ohio, who says we are not doing enough with medicaid and it has two billion and they want 40 —— 40 billion. it shows the gulf between those who want to spend a little. and those who say we should spend more. we are still wait fog tr cbo score of the congressional budget office, which has never been good, and then they go home to their constituents and they will get it in the neck there. they really to. -- they really do. in corrado they have ads targeting their senator and so this is a serious issue that these senators are trying to deal with of how do i deal with the needs of my constituents, versus what the party leadership is telling us. it is a tightrope and this point i don't see the bill passing this week. most other person count —— western countries do not spend time talking about health care. here it is a such about health care. here it is a such a make or break issue, how important is it for the president? it is significant. the republicans have been saying for seven to eight year we want to get rid of obamacare and knew they have the opportunity with the largest majority can they do this. at this isjuncture i think the answer is no. thank you for being with us. they have achieved one thing. that is making obamacare increasingly popular. they actually like it now. president trump has been busy tweeting today — six times before 9 am and five of them about russia. on friday, the washington post reported the cia had direct evidence that russia was intefering in the electoral process as far back as august. and that russian president vladimir putin had directly ordered the intervention. donald trump now insists it‘s all president obama‘s fault. the real story is that president obama did nothing after being informed in august about russian meddling. i don‘t think there will be an apology. tell me about this, what is, this series of tweets, he is acknowledging that there was russian interference and you don‘t hear him say that very much. no, it is something that t say that very much. no, it is something thatt intelligence agencies have been insisting on all along in the united states. and that lots of people even in his own party have acknowledged and tried to get him to acknowledge. he does now in this tweet storm seem to bg a knowledge that. but he has got a point, that even democrats will admit president obama knew about this russian interference, but shied away from doing very much about it. he did expel some diplomats. but president trump said he didn‘t want to make it look like the election was illegitimate when donald trump was illegitimate when donald trump was saying that the election was illegitimate. and so president obama didn‘t take action against a pretty extraordinary thing. this all stems from this washington post article on friday. i have tweeted it. the detail and tex tent of the detail is extraordinary. one line struck me. they were talking about how the americans would hit back, they said the americans had implants in the russian networks and there was concern in the administration that the damage might be caused to them if they pressed go might be extensive and they might not be able to stop it. that sungts there —— suggests there a hidden cold war that both things have things in each other oes systems that could go anywhere if they decided to get nas y. it not quite james bond. it is hackers in a basement. the level of spying on both sides is extraordinary and that post article talks about that. now some other news from around the world. the us firm that supplied cladding used on london‘s grenfell tower has ended global sales of the product for use in high—rise blocks. since the fire at grenfell tower, 75 tower blocks that have been tested have failed the tests. more than 500 more still need to be examined because they have external cladding. a minute‘s silence has taken place in london to remember those affected by the terrorist attack near finsbury park mosque. government buildings fell silent and people gathered in public places at midday to remember those affected. one man died at the scene and nine other people were taken to hospital. a 47—year old man has been charged with murder and attempted murder. the prince of wales and the duchess of cornwall have been to manchester to meet staff on duty when a suicide attack killed 22 people at ariana grande concert in may. charles and camilla listened to stories of what confronted the people working that night and how they had coped since the bombing. ariana grande by the way turns the 24 today. i'm a new fan since manchester! now there has been odd relationship between donald trump and the australian prime minister. and it got stranger over the weekend because of a present from the coptic church in sydney. malcolm turnbull was given a tie — more specifically, a tie from the donaldj trump signature collection. i wonder if it is a long tie with sellotape on the back. he sticks his tie down to stop it flying in the air. i don't understand why these priests are getting involved. air. i don't understand why these priests are getting involvedm shows there is a thing between the australian prime minister and president trump. or that the priests have a sense of humour. maybe. you‘re watching 100 days plus from bbc news. still to come — we will look at the deal which will help the conservative party rule the uk and examine the billion pound cost. and with narendra modi in washington for meetings with donald trump, it pits campaign slogans america first against make it india. that‘s still to come on 100 days plus, from bbc news. those of you last week who complained it was too hot and we needed some rain for the gardens, well, be careful what you wish for. we have mad a beautiful day and we had some warmth in the south—east, highs of 25 recorded close to the london area. but the cloud is gathering to the north and west and in belfast some threatening skies in the afternoon. rain is on the way. so yes, the cloud here at the moment, and some of the rain heavy. so it will be good news for gardeners and growers, the rain will push through northern ireland and scotla nd push through northern ireland and scotland and wales through the evening rush hour and over night. some of it very heavy. we will see some rain in parts of wales. further south, we stay muggy through the night. so temperatures around 15 or 16 degrees to. the north of rain it could be chilly with low single fingers in the sheltered north—east. soa fingers in the sheltered north—east. so a chaly start —— chilly start here, but dry. the rain will be across the western isles in scotland and the central lowlands. a particularly heavy burst of rain for the early morning rush hour. the same in north west england and into wales. anywhere south of the midlands down into south—east england and the south—west will start off dry, relatively mild with highs of around 17 degrees. the heat will build and it will be a humid feel in the south and that could trigger some sharp, thundery down pours. the rain moves north and east and sunny spells, scattered showers and sunny spells, scattered showers and breezy for the end of day. we are surrounded by low pressure late on tuesday into wednesday. so there will be some spells of rain continuing during the early hours of wednesday morning. some quite heavy, possibly thundery. that will be the story on the to wednesday, a good down pourfor story on the to wednesday, a good down pour for the story on the to wednesday, a good down pourfor the gardens story on the to wednesday, a good down pour for the gardens and the growers will be happy. not great if you have outdoor plans. the week will stay unsettled. spells of rain and it will turn cooler, less summer like. take care. welcome back to one hundred days plus, i‘m katty kay in washington. and i‘m christian fraser in london. our top stories. britain‘s conservative party has signed a deal with a small party from northern ireland allowing it to govern as a minority administration. this money is to help address the deficit and to improve hospitals and schools and to address the deficit in the public services. i think there is a case to be made from around. —— northern ireland. as india‘s prime minister, narendra modi prepares to meet president donald trump for the first time on his visit to the united states... we look at what the two leaders expect from each other. a deal has finally been signed — two weeks after british prime minister theresa may found out her party had lost its working majority in the house of commons, the conservatives have now agreed a pact with northern ireland‘s democratic unionist party. the deal with the party‘s ten mps now means that mrs may‘s conservatives do now have this majority and will be backed on key votes such as on the budget and brexit legislation. but it‘s cost the government an extra one billion pounds — that‘s in addition to the 500 million already committed for northern ireland. that deal is for two years — at which point it will be reviewed. i‘m joined by enda mcclafferty, bbc‘s northern ireland correspondent and our political reporter eleanor garnier at westminster. jeffrey donaldson confirmed that this money would be spent in northern ireland are not the power—sharing executive gets back together. and wondering whether it might been better for the conservatives to trim in some way stipulate that it had to be backed up stipulate that it had to be backed up and running before the money came forward ? up and running before the money came forward? that was an interesting ta ke forward? that was an interesting take because throughout the day here that has been much discussion around that has been much discussion around that issue because nowhere in the steel didn‘t specify if this money was coming to northern ireland regardless of an executive and running. the preference has been a local minister spend a lot of money was coming their way and health and education and if it was the case that the cash was group to become contingent and then getting a deal that would have put sinn fein and a very difficult position because they would‘ve had to make a call on whether they were prepared to do a deal with the dup and without doing a deal mobile phone rings said to you was that money. in terms of what is happening right now, arlene foster started her morning rubber—stamping one deal with trees are me and right now she is behind us in this castle in discussions with sinn fein trying to agree another deal and time is running out because they have to get an agreement before 4pm on thursday. to restore the power—sharing suggestions and. the billion pound is not a small boat of money for the payments to 2 cents to northern ireland. the much pressure will she be under if you try to push a necessity agenda and she has managed to find that much money to shore up our own government? what has happened today has resulted in the shredding of a couple of pages of the conservative manifesto that they set out during the general election. if you look at some of the pension benefits, winter fuel allowance, the conservatives wanted that to be means tested but now it want, it will be universal. also for pensions themselves, the government wants to get rid of something called the triple lock which guarantees that state pension screw—up by at least 2.596 state pension screw—up by at least 2.5%a state pension screw—up by at least 2.5% a year, the conservatives wanted to scrap that could actually know that will stay in place. clearly the government 's plans have come under pressure and have had to make way to secure the steel and of course remember that without the steel theresa may would not have been able to government with a majority. it was key to her being able to get on with the governing of the day. has she been left much strengthened and bold question mark i don't think so. she is perhaps less wobbly but not so strong. the point was made, why shouldn‘t the citizens of northern ireland have as much money as scotland and wales, but the concern has all those been the money goes to not only risk amenities that back the dup and i suppose it sinn fein wanted guarantees that some of this money will be spent in their areas. absolutely. especially the money around infrastructure. we‘re talking about £400 million. the only project specified in the deal is a major road infrastructure in belfast. sinn fein would like to see money spread farther west because there are two major rd schemes they are that drastically need funding and they will be keen to see that whatever money is left over from the 400 million goes in that direction is because politically it will show the people that this warmth and good users been spread around all across northern ireland. it isn‘t as good news for once said of the community, eve ryo ne news for once said of the community, everyone will share in it. america first meets india first today when donald trump hosts the indian prime minister narendra modi. it‘s not clear how compatible these two visions are. narendra modi addressed that in an opinion piece appearing in monday‘s wall streetjournal. joining us now is alyssa ayers — from the council on foreign relations. there are clearly a lot of areas of common interest between these two but there are sticking points to between india and president trump at the moment particularly on the issue of immigration and president trump and people around him would like to restrict the number of skilled indians coming to work in the united states, much of a is that?|j indians coming to work in the united states, much of a is that? i would imagine that by minister modi raises this and the context of workforce mobility. there are pretty limited avenues for the executive branch of the united states to make changes to immigration programmes overnight. the white house has started an executive review of the visa programme for skilled workers and its outcome hasn‘t been announced yet but we would know that before the two leaders meet but only system thatis the two leaders meet but only system that is really a congress that has control over the major aspects of immigration. it can‘t be that the white house and ounces overnight a change in the number of visas, that would have to come... we saw this on theissue would have to come... we saw this on the issue of climate change and presidents trump pulling out of the paris accords. there are concerns amongst america‘s allies that america is retreating and other nations may step in to fill that void. we have seen indian officials talking about climate change and they are ready and waiting to step in on this issue. i be good to see a more national standard interventions to india? with president trump in office. it is a comparative change. all of a sudden it was as if under former president we worked very hard to work with india to come on board and premise modi said was in india‘s own interests to be focused on joining the paris commitment but no india is now a global leader of upholding this agreement at a time when the us are stepping back. and a comparative sense you do see in india stepping up to take on greater global leadership remained not have seen global leadership remained not have seen such an activist posture ten yea rs seen such an activist posture ten years ago. president trump has put a lot of stall and personal relationships will stop racing to improve with china and these two are quite some, they are nationalists, populists, how do you think that might influence the relationship? they are populists but they are quite different personalities i think. by minister modi is very different from president trump ‘s they appear to have different areas of focus, we would began in the segment was a potential clash between make america great again and by american and by minister modi‘s signature. you‘re not sure whether whether there will be an clash or an ability to find convergence. fenn street is an area we will find some convergence. it is good to be interested , convergence. it is good to be interested, the trump effect on other countries around the world. ahead of the meetings, donald trump used twitter to call narendra modi a true friend. it is truly does have taken very well to social media. donald trump as such 2 million followers, narendra modi has 31.|j need to up my game, 32 million. followers, narendra modi has 31.|j need to up my game, 32 millionlj think the point of this was making about the effect donald trump has on other countries is really interesting and whether other countries are stepping up on key issues like global warming to fill a void that has been left by the united states and other so that the something that concerns over this year and america who fear america‘s pulling back. does she put the emphasis on the right things? on immigration but it is the surplus that india has with america is only about 50 billion music about the size of the two countries. other big people who are concerned the made in some ways and settle the literature that has been going? every single tech company in silicon valley. the supply so many people. the middle—class indian workers are important to that industry. i want to show you the largest and most powerful ship ever built... is expected to take to the sea for the first time in the coming hours. the ship is then expected to undergo sea trials in the coming months. our defence correspondent, jonathan beale, reports the biggest warship ever built in britain is about to go to sea for the very first time. it‘s been one of the largest, most complex engineering projects in the uk, that has taken years and cost more than £3 billion. hms queen elizabeth is now ready to set sail. her crew of 700 are finding their way around the labyrinth inside, and getting used to life on board. yeah, the beds, just the bed alone are bigger than you get on normal ships anyway, so that‘s always a good start. yes, everything is better when it‘s newer, isn‘t it? this is just the start. it will be another year before the firstjets take off and land, and she won‘t be fully operational until 2021. but this is a significant moment for the royal navy. it‘ll have been without an aircraft carrierfor almost a decade. i think there are very few capabilities by any country that are as symbolic and totemic as a carrier's strike capability. submarines you can't see. these are very visible symbols of national power and power projection. but first, they‘ll have to carefully manoeuvre this massive ship out of the dock, with the help of 11 barges. just to give you a sense of scale, from one end of the deck to the other is about 300 metres, that is the length of the houses of parliament. as for height, from the keel to the top of that mast, that is taller than nelson‘s column and in fact they are going to have to lower that mast as they slide her through this dock, very narrow spaces, and eventually having to take her under the bridges out there. that will be the beginning of her first sea trials. and, later this year, if it all goes according to plan, she will be sailing into her new home of portsmouth. jonathan beale, bbc news. at all from us, good night. hello, this is bbc news, the headlines. the dup agrees to support theresa may‘s minority conservative government —— northern ireland will get an extra one billion pounds of investment over two years. the prime minister tells mps she wants to give the three million eu nationals living in britain —— the same status as uk citizens —— after brexit. seventy five high—rise buildings in 26 local authority areas have failed fire safety tests — as the cladding linked to the fire at grenfell tower is withdrawn from sale. an update on the market numbers for you — here‘s how london‘s and frankfurt ended the day. and in the the united states this is how the dow and the nasdaq are getting on. more on our top story — and theresa may has reached a deal with the dup after more than two weeks of negotiations. the prime minister will form a minority government with ten democratic unionist mps, in exchange for a billion pounds of investment in northern ireland. labour leaderjeremy corbyn says the deal is not in the national interest and serves only to help theresa may cling to power. with me is former deputy prime minister lord michael heseltine. you are a welshman by bus, do you share carwyn jones‘s you are a welshman by bus, do you share carwynjones‘s view you are a welshman by bus, do you share carwyn jones‘s view that this isa share carwyn jones‘s view that this is a bung? we don't want to use dramatic language but if you single out one part of the united kingdom, the voices from the other parts of the voices from the other parts of the united kingdom are perfectly capable of multiplying up the relative figures. i don‘t know for ta ke two relative figures. i don‘t know for take two but it will be a great deal of money. there is an old saying that once you have bought off, the damon gold, you never get rid of the dane. two years from now they will be back what are the scottish conservative screen to see? what are the welsh conservative screen to see? what are the conservatives are presenting a marginal seat in the west cou ntry presenting a marginal seat in the west country went to see? and the good to sit back and say we‘re going to have this increased public expenditure which taxes have to finance in order to help a particular part of the united kingdom question mark i think that‘s difficult to believe. there is the second point which i think we will see more often people calculate what it would cost to spread that money fairly across the united kingdom and how much has today‘s announcement

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Concerns , Line , Anxiety , Trade Deal , Somewhere , Opposition , Jeremy Corbyn , Three Million , Citizen , Negotiations , Families , Isn T , Confirmation , Future Trade Relations , Failure , Bargaining Chips , Govt , Back To You , The European Supreme Court , Jurisdiction , Bg , We Haven T , Proposals , Courts , Put , Rights , Arlene Foster , Stormont , Conflict Of Interest , Debate , Immigration , Sinn Fein , In The End , Seats , Power Sharing , Ear , Seven , Decision , Parliament , Choice , To Westminster , Voice , No One Else , One , Constituents , Powers , Seat , Influence , Members , Thabg , Issues , Sovereignty , Player , Isis , Can Of Worms , Scotland , Agreements , Relief , Things , Wales , Lots , Negotiating , It Wouldn T , Argument , Damian Green , Deals , Jeffrey Donaldson , Barnett Formula , Everybody , Northerner , Places , Austerity , Problem , Newcastle , Sunderland , System , Trump , Victory , News , Relationship , Anyone , Statement , Ruling , Nations , Entity , Six , 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