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What they can actually do about the communist state. Welcome to the programme im Christian Fraser in london, katty kay is in washington is brexit already making the uk poorer . In his annual Mansion House speech the governor of the Bank Of England mark carney, said price rises are now running ahead of wage growth and real incomes are falling again. Speaking alongside the governor, the chancellor of the exchequer Philip Hammond was making the case for a longer transition to brexit he wants the uk and the eu to agree a new customs agreement under which Current Border arrangements would remain in place perhaps for some years following britains exit. In a moment, well hear from the British International trade secretary whos trying to whip up business in the us but first, this report from our economics editor, kamal ahmed. A year on from the referendum, and cars waiting in sunny southampton for a journey to the continent of europe. Exports to the European Union like these are a key driver of our economy, an economy that the chancellor said would now be at the heart of those complicated brexit negotiations. Speaking at the Mansion House in central london, Philip Hammond said without a flexible deal with the eu, the economy could be at risk. When the british people voted last june, they did not vote to become poorer oi less secure. They did vote to leave the eu, and we will leave the eu, but it must be done in a way that works for britain. In a way that prioritises british jobs and underpins britains prosperity. Alongside mr hammond today, the governor of the Bank Of England. He said that brexit was likely to make people poorer and that they would need to be a transition period after the completion of the Brexit Process in 2019. The Monetary Policy committee cannot prevent weaker real Income Growth that is likely to accompany the transition to new Trading Arrangements with the eu. It can support households and businesses as they adjust such profound change. The two great economic offices of state here is the Bank Of England, and about two miles down the road that way the treasury, and the leaders of those two institutions, i think, came together today to make a big point about brexit up of the economic wealth of britain first, they both said, even if that means some sacrifices on those controversial issues of sovereignty and strict controls on immigration. Another port, another city, belfast. Mr hammond and mk carney spoke about struggling consumers are weary of austerity, and shoppers today admitted that they were feeling the pinch. I think things maybe are going up in price a wee bit, and obviously if wages arent going up, people will be feeling the pinch that bit more. At the moment, i havent really seen much of a difference, there is a lot more offers and things in supermarkets. I think they have gone up, they dont match wages, to be honest. Higher prices, brexit, the need for a good deal. There were plenty of warnings today but the economy has been far stronger than people expected since the referendum. I dont think there is any doubt that since the brexit referendum, the pound has fallen. Now, it is a Glass Half Full or half empty. Clearly, that has meant there is higher inflation, and that has had a Knock On Effect for real incomes, but on the other hand it has been a much needed boost to exports, we really needed that boost because the currency was overvalued. It was a day for stepping back and taking the wider view on the economy. An economy for consumers so uncertain, mr carney said there would be no Interest Rate rises in the near future. Sunny today, yes, but there could be more squally weather ahead. Kamal ahmed, bbc news. If there is this longer transition to Brexit With The Uk and eu remaining in a Customs Arrangement for some years will that delay the new Global Trade Deals Britain is hoping to strike, post brexit. The International Trade secretary liam fox is currently in washington to discuss the future relationship between the two allies. We spoke to him a little earlier. You have been speaking to members of the administration about trade deals, you are now at capitol hill, but there is not a person in the Trump White House who does not know that britain needs a trade deal more than the United States does. It is not a great bargaining position. We have been talking about trade between our countries and future trade policy. We are coming into this at a good time. Trade between the us and uk last year rose by 8 when global trade only rose by i. 2 . We have 1 trade only rose by 1. 2 . We have 1 Trillion Worth of assets invested in oui Trillion Worth of assets invested in our countries. The us employs about 1 Million People in the uk and the uk employs about 1 1 Million People in the uk and the uk employs about1 Million People in the us. We have a good solid trade and investment relationship and our economies of are of similar shape. We want to get agreement in the future that will help us go down that road but it is more than just the uk and the us, it is also about how we shape the Global Trading environment and ensure that we have mechanisms in the future to make ourselves more agile and responsive in terms of changes in the Global Economy. It is pretty clear that if britain leads the European Union without a trade deal with the United States, the country looks a lot less economically viable and everyone here knows that. Britain needs this deal more than they do. We already trade with the United States on our current rules and it would be no change. We are talking about whether we can get an even better agreement. The worst that will happen to the uk and us is that we already trade at and us is that we already trade at an exceptionally high level and we hope to improve on that so there is nothing but a more optimistic picture. We have been watching Phillip Hammond today who has been making his Mansion House speech and clearly from what he is saying, there is a struggle within cabinet about what kind of brexit this is going to be. Can you confirm that there has been a discussion in cabinet since the election . there has been a discussion in cabinet since the election . I do not think there is a conflict. What the chancellor said in his speech was that we were leaving the Single Market and the Customs Union but we may need some transition time to help by businesses adapt to that. I do not think any of us have a problem with that and i think what the chancellor has set out is actually very sensible and we need to look at the economic benefits and how we can maximise those that is exactly what we are doing in our discussions the United States. What he is talking about our Customs Arrangements similar to what we have at the moment within the Customs Union and a much longer slope, rather than this cliff edge. Does that complicated for you when youre trying to sew up these global trade deals, if we have a longer transition bound by the Customs Union rules . We have to discuss what sort of transition it would be and thatis sort of transition it would be and that is quite a long way off. What is clear is that we will be leaving the Customs Union and back gives us the Customs Union and back gives us the opportunity to be able to do the transitional adoption of agreements that the eu already has, that the uk asa that the eu already has, that the uk as a party to. It gives us the ability to make agreements with developing countries about the sort of tyra nts developing countries about the sort of tyrants we apply to their goats and it might help us develop their more. It enables us about the future free trading agreements. We have agreed we went to do that. What we are talking about is what sort of customs Facilitation Agreement there would be to ensure that we get frictionless borders and do not apply any extra costs to add a uk businesses exporting to europe or european exporters coming to the uk. It is in the interests of everyone that we reach such an agreement. Also at Mansion House, mark carney was digging and he said that brexit is already making british people poorer, because rising costs are outstripping wage growth, do you agree . There are other influences on the Global Economy rather than brexit. We have seen Inflation Rise elsewhere and we are now seeing some increases in uk experts. That seem to follow on from the devaluation, if you look at the food and drink industry, we saw a record export last year, a 10. 5 increase this year. You have to take all of these things when they are aggregated. So you mean the governor is wrong . My job is to look for the opportunities that come from brexit, one of the reasons i campaign to leave the European Union is that i believe there are great opportunities for britain to take advantage of these growing markets and most of the Global Growth will come outside europe. We have to be able to get our share of that to increase prosperity in britain and make it sustainable in the long run. Can you confirm that tomorrow when the queen sets out the legislative programme that there will be a trade built with vivid . My understanding is that there will be. I think it is very important that we set out how we intend to do with our trade once we leave the European Union and clearly we have to make provision for that, to ensure there are no gaps and we give adequate protection to British Business and industry in terms of the global trade remedies that we have. Rowenta make sure there are no risks being run here and that is what responsible government is about. They were keen to say that there has not been a dispute in the cabinet over a soft or hard brexit, but specifically on the issue of what matters more, Immigration Policy or economic policy, you have had michael gove and Phillip Hammond saying that what takes priority is the economy and business, does that mean that the people who would like to see Immigration Policy take priority are losing the argument . The government will have a balance thatis the government will have a balance that is in the best interests of the country and clearly we want to ensure that if business gets access to the labour it needs, there is a worry that people are coming to the United Kingdom and using our Public Services who may not be contributing to our national wealth. That is the problem that the government will deal with and will deal with that in a reasonable weight over a period of time. Thank you very much for joining us. He did a pretty good job of being a politician and not saying anything that would get him into trouble with either side but the truth is if you listen to members of the cabinet, there does seem to be a division merging, particularly on this balance between immigration and business. Those who would like a softer brexit and those who would like business and the economy to ta ke like business and the economy to take precedence seem to have been emboldened since the election. Take precedence seem to have been emboldened since the electionlj think so. There are certainly a lively discussion going on in cabinet and lively discussion going on in cabinetandi lively discussion going on in cabinet and i understand that he fought very hard to avoid any delay on the trade built theme in the queens speech. There will be no queens speech. There will be no Queen S Speech next year and he wa nted Queen S Speech next year and he wanted it in there so that the government can prepare for trade deals outside the eu and that is an important signal that we are leaving the Customs Union but there are other battles being fought within cabinet, over migration and on that transition that that answer was talking about in his Mansion House speech. I was struck by the michael gove comment, there is an absolute commitment from the Prime Minister of all of us in cabinet that when it comes to shape the new migration policy, the economy comes first. That is not so subtle shift away from where they were before the election. They were talking about Freedom Of Movement coming to an end and now they are saying that people and now they are saying that people and skills and the skills that Business Needs must be a priority as well. We will see on monday how far they have shifted, because david davis will present the government offering on Citizens Rights to the European Commission and we will see what is in that, what are they doing to protect rights here in europe and also going forward, for those who wa nt to also going forward, for those who want to come and work here. Also going forward, for those who want to come and work harem also going forward, for those who want to come and work here. It will be interesting to see what Doctor Fox Co M Es be interesting to see what doctor fox comes up with both here and america, americans are looking up written differently at the moment. Conversations i have had, the fact that we are leaving the European Union does make us less valuable to our american allies, there is no question about that. Hundreds have gathered for a vigil after a Terror Attack near a mosque in north london. Faith leaders and the head of the met police attended the gathering in a sign of unity. 47 year old Darren Osborne has been held on suspicion of Attempted Murder and alleged Terror Offences after the attack in Finsbury Park. 180 families directly affected by the Grenfell Tower fire in west london have been given money from an emergency fund. A Public Inquiry has been announced by the Prime Minister and investigations into the fire Safety Measures that were in place will be examined. Police have named five victims of the fire which is thought to have killed 79 people. Barclays bank and four of its former Senior Executives have been charged with fraud and other offences stemming from the financial crisis in 2008. The ex chief executive, john varley, is among those due to appear in court. The charges concern the way barclays raised billions of dollars from investors in qatar during the crash. We wonder what moscow will make of this meeting. The us president has hosted the ukrainian president , petro poroshenko, at the white house where the mr trump was thanked for his support of kiev. It was the first face to face meeting between the leaders since mr trump became president. They can be certain that Vladimir Putin was watching. You know we live in crazy times when a small local election in the us attracts a whopping 56 million in campaign spending. Todays election in georgias 6th district has become most expensive congressional race in us history. Its also a proxy war between democrats and donald trump. Heres how we got to todays Mega Bucks Vote the seat was occupied by congressman tom price who left to join the Trump Administration as health secretary. Republicans believe they can win this Affluent Seat that theyve held since 1979. But its close they dont love trump here, he only won the district by one and a half points last year. The two candidates are democratic novice jon ossof and republican politician karen handel. Our North America correspondent nick bryant is in atlanta for us. Why has this become such a big deal and how on earth is costing 56 million . If you turn on the television, you will see because every two minutes there is another political advertisement featuring either this democratic 30 year old, this unlikely challenger, the guy who could go from long shot to big shock, jon ossof up against karen handel who is a former georgia secretary of state. I has it becomes all important . Secretary of state. I has it becomes all importa nt . Democrats secretary of state. I has it becomes all important . Democrats here want to deliver a bloody nose to donald trump and that is why so much money has been poured into this race, much of it, it has to be said, from out of it, it has to be said, from out of state. A lot of money is said to have from new york and california to try and getjon ossof into congress. As you say, it is not natural trump country, it is a republican stronghold, this seat was represented previously by newt gingrich. Tom price used to represent it as well. It was not very favourable towards donald trump in the last one, he only won it by over 1 of the vote, that romney won by 23 . Last year, this district actually went for marco rubio. There is this feeling that his behaviour as president , the unorthodox way he carries out his daily duties in the white house has depressed that republican vote even further. Everyone is saying that this is all about donald trump and if the democrats win, it will be a sign that they can do even bigger things next year, maybe even take back the house of representatives. During the course of this campaign, i understand that neither candidate has talked about donald trump very much. When i suggested to karen handel that this was trump referendum, she almost bet my head of and she was very annoyed that thatis of and she was very annoyed that that is the way that the media, especially the out of state media, has tried to present this. Jon ossof is trying to present himself as a pragmatist, a third way democrats, he wants to reform obama care but not fix it, but he and in his Television Advertisements has made donald trump central to this race calling him a national embarrassment, he wants to go to congress to hold him to account. The trump the fact has had two distinct impacts, one is it has galvanised the democrats. I was at their Campaign Headquarters on the eu vote this boat and the spirit and the energy out room was quite extraordinary and much of that was against trump. There is a feeling that the trump a fact has depressed the republican vote and that is why karen handel is so determined to keep it on local issues and the inexperience of a candidate rather than donald trump in washington. Like you say, karen handel is then it is not a trump referendum but if you look at the tweets, the president is putting out, he knows how important it is for them to win it. Democratjon how important it is for them to win it. Democrat jon ossof how important it is for them to win it. Democratjon ossof wants to raise your taxes to the highest level, he is weak on crime and security does not even live in the district, he tweeted. I wonder will he be tweeting tomorrow if they lose . Theyre trying to say that jon ossof is a carpetbagger, that he is a bit ofa ossof is a carpetbagger, that he is a bit of a loony lefty and that is why he is so determined to present himself as this political centrist ina himself as this political centrist in a republican stronghold. This is big reverberations, if the democrats we re big reverberations, if the democrats were to win this, it may unnerve the republican leadership, especially ahead of the mid term congressional Leadership Centre might have an impact on the move is to repeal and replace obama can best obamacare. That will certainly emboldened the democrats, real a real morale booster. A lot of democrats feel they cannot win back the senate, they cannot win back the senate, they are defending a lot of seats but they think they can wrestle back control of the house and that is a Tantalising Prospect because if they do win back the house, they win Subpoena Power and they would be in charge of some of those committees that have been carrying out the probes into donald trump and that, for them, is a Tantalising Prospect. Nick bryant in georgia. Thank you. With me now is ron christie the former advisor to president george w bush. Thank you for coming in. At this stage is it more important for democrats to win this to show that they are galvanised against donald trump or is it more important for republicans to win it to show they can hold on seats. I think it is more import of the democrats, they have spent a lot of money. I am so glad you agree with me. They spent a lot of money here and i find it fascinating thatjon lot of money here and i find it fascinating that jon ossof lot of money here and i find it fascinating thatjon ossof only has 700 donors in georgia. It has come from california, massachusetts and new york. The democrats are angry and looking for a way to find some way to send a message to donald trump andi way to send a message to donald trump and i think that is what this race is all about, 26 Million Dollars. They have had to near losses recently, in cancers and montana and they really need to win georgia. I am intrigued about how flippant you are about the cost. All the parties that the uk party spent was around £40 million. Was never a debate in the us about what you spend . This is the sixth district of georgia britain has Bargain Basement democracy. Cheap and cheerful. Is deliver a debate about it . I think there is a lot of discussion. You have jon ossof spending 26 million and the republican contender spending about the same amount, over 50 million for a conversion are some people are scratching their heads and saying, if youre going to spend this amount of money for a district in the suburbs of atlanta, what does this mean about reforming the amount of money spent in other elections . We have breaking news from the white house and that is the fact that we have a press briefing taking place. We have been missing it and it is sean spicer before he might possibly be leaving the podium, he is speaking to the press again. Right here. Keep taking your selfies. It is those who put, we have had a couple of vacancies. We have been seeking input from individuals and meeting with potential people who may be of service to the administration. I do not think that should come as a surprise but we are always looking for ways to do a betterjob of articulating the message of the president and his agenda and we will continue to have those discussions internally and we have an announcement we will you know. That White House Briefing is over and we keep hearing the possibility of a big staff shake up. I think he is out and from what i have been hearing is that this is the first wave of a white out shake up. There were kick him upstairs to take the Communications Director job, upstairs to take the Communications Directorjob, get someone who has a less combative relationship to do the briefings. Will they keep doing Press Briefings . I have not known and administration who has been so camera shy. There is a value to the American Public in having members of the press question the Press Secretary. No question. We have never seen a secretary. No question. We have never seen a president like theirs, one who puts tweets out several times a day. I think the president believes he is as best Press Secretary and i think that is why you have seen a diminished role at the white house podium. He is need he will need a strong and robust Communications Director. The white house is saying that mr trump will make an announcement this week on the existence of any tapes or conversations with the former fbi director, whether those tape tapes exist. They will need a strong man in that position. Or woman. Absolutely. No question. The notion we are talking about, recordings, tapes, up whatever he may have done, sometimes he is his own worst enemy, things come on twitter, where he makes these comments and then you have a special counsel, investigating this administration. I think it is safe to say that this Administration Needs a strong man or woman at the podium as well as the communications shop, to make sure they can write this ship sooner rather than later. The real question is whether the president actually wa nts is whether the president actually wants that would prefer to do his communications himself. Saturday night live are going to miss sean spicer. So are we he does provide good copy. He does. Youre watching one hundred days plus from bbc news. Still to come for viewers on the bbc news channel and Bbc World News another escalation as the us accuses north korea of murdering an american student, well get the thoughts of one ambassador whos negotiated with the regime. And how hot does it have to get before planes are grounded . If youre sweltering in europe spare a thought for americas southwest. Thats still to come on 100 days plus, from bbc news. Today was not quite as hard as yesterday, hot enough though, lots of blue skies in many parts of the uk, a beautiful picture here from devon. Temperatures in the south east cut up to 31, Yesterday We District out at 33 degrees. A contrast on the north sea coast, 17 degrees. What will happen over the next 24 hours, the heat will peak in the south tomorrow and then we have got some thunderstorms on the way and they will mostly affect the North And South of the uk as well. Temperatures at 9pm tonight, still very hot in the south, uncomfortable going to bed, 15 degrees, a lot fresher in newcastle around nine oclock this evening. Tonight, we are seeing the threat of one or two showers, may be isolated thunderstorms in the north west of the uk, to the south of that in the morning, that hot air starts pumping in once again from the near continent. Already at eight oclock we are talking about temperatures into the 20s, across the south of the country, is into the 20s, across the south of the country noticed 5 7 5 f tli are f bli are showers. ,. ,. Potential thunderstorms that and potential thunderstorms that could affect Northern Ireland or the South West Of Scotland into the north of england and further north as well and here, a lot fresher first thing are talking about temperatures of 12 or 14 degrees. Not everyone is getting the heat. Big North And South split. We have that Hate Resurging from france and the near continent, very hot air, exceptionally hot, in the north vicar cloud and the possibility of some thunderstorms. 34 as possible, in london, if that happens, we get a whole of 34 degrees and back and be the hottest day in 40 years, more than 40 years. Then, Weapons United that thursday, fresher and cooler area starts pushing them, but look at that, thunderstorms are rumbling through bill west of the uk. By thursday, that heat will be pushed into the continent and look at the drop, still 26, warm in london but mostly in the teams across the west and north. Bacuna trend will continue into the weekend, some of us will have a little bit of rain and notan us will have a little bit of rain and not an awful lot of sunshine on offer. Goodbye. Welcome back to one hundred days plus with me katty kay in washington, Christian Fraser is in london. Our top story the Bank Of England governor says brexit will make people poorer. But on a trip to america, the uks Trade Minister tells this programme, there are opportunities beyond europe. Myjob is to look for the opportunities that come from brexit. One of the reasons i campaigned to leave the European Union is i believe there are great opportunites for britian to take advantage of those growing global markets. And coming up a water bombing Aircraft Crashes in portugal as the fire emergency, which has killed 64 people already, continues. And with given in portugal as there are questions about whether a major highway was not blocked off. At least 64 people died in the fire since saturday and the government has declared a State Of Emergency in the forested region. Our correspondent James Reynolds has travelled to varzeas, where a fifth of the population has died in the blaze. This afternoon, portugal despatched more planes to fight its forest fires. The government is yet to make this region safe. The Relief Effort is too late for the village of varzeas, its lost one in five of its residents. Sisile tina told me she knew all the victims. She tried to count the dead. Two lived here, she said. Three, four, five and more. On saturday afternoon, the village watched the forest catch fire. There was a massive noise, amal told us, and then we saw the flames. Wed never seen anything like it, said valdemar, it all happened in just a few seconds. Residents were then forced to take an immediate, terrifying decision stay here and risk getting caught by the flames or drive off in search of safety. Many drove, it proved to be a fatal mistake. On this road, flames engulfed many in their cars. Mario pinhal told portuguese tv that his family tried to escape in two vehicles. His wife, suzanna and their daughtersjoanna and margarita drove ahead, but they died in the fire. Translation i regret leaving home. Everyone has been kind, but i just want my wife and my daughters back. Mario and his parents barely escaped in the car behind. We should have died, mario mothers cries, nobody would miss us. Mario pinhals home remains standing, it is a shattering monument to his familys decision to flee. If theyd simply stayed put, they would have all survived. James reynolds, bbc news, central portugal. The European Court of human rights has ruled russias Gay Propaganda law is discriminatory and encourages homophobia. The law bans the promotion of homosexuality to Minors Butjudges ruled it breaches rules on Freedom Of Expression and did not serve in the public interest. The kremlin says it will review the courts decision. Football Managerjose Mourinho has been accused of tax fraud. Spanish prosecutors investigating mourinhos time as real madrids head coach say he did not declare income from the use of his image rights. The Manchester United manager is accused of defrauding spain of 3. 7 Million Dollars between 2011 and 2012. Donald trump may have condemned the brutality of the north korean regime following the death of american student Otto Warmbier Butjohn Mcain has gone even further. The republican us senator says Otto Warmbier was murdered by the kim jong un regime. He died just days after arriving back in the us in a coma. Otto warmbier was bright, intelligent and likeable according to a Fellow Traveller who met him on a trip to north korea in 2015. It was on that trip he was arrested and imprisoned for allegedly stealing a Propaganda Poster from a hotel. He died yesterday, surrounded by his family in a cincinnati hospital. Heres what the president had to say today. Its a total disgrace what happened to otto, it should never ever have been allowed to happen. Frankly if he had been brought home sooner, i think the result would have been a lot different. He should have been brought home that same day. The result would have been a lot different. Its a disgrace. Such a sad story with so many questions and everyone saying what a great guy Otto Warmbier was and how he fell victim to the regime. But we do not really know what happened, at what stage she got these Brain Injuries that put him into, and what the circumstances where. Well among those who aided in ottos release was former Us Ambassador to the un bill richardson. He joins us now from massachusetts. There are still questions about the captivity of Otto Warmbier and what happened to him. You helped to get him out of north korea, when did you know that he was in a coma . him out of north korea, when did you know that he was in a coma . I found out when the news was reported to the american state department. I have met with the north korean is 20 times in the past year, i had sent a delegation to try to get otto out in exchange for humanitarian assistance. So i learned a year later after he was in a coma, this was a crime of humanity what the north koreans did, a gross Human Rights Violations and cover up. This optimism excuse, sleeping pill, he might have been tortured, he might have been abused. This is wrong and there should be some kind of punishment for the north koreans. |j imagine it would make any kind of negotiation with the north koreans more difficult but also it is an indication of the fact that you and others did not know and it shows how little we know about what is happening in north korea, how limited our intelligence is. Happening in north korea, how limited our intelligence ism shows that kim jong un is governing almost without any input, it could be that the Foreign Ministry that normally deals with these issues was sidelined and the Security Forces did not want to tell kim jong un of the problem. That might have happened. Or maybe he knew and they felt the best thing to do was hoped that he would come out of that, and things would be ok. But i think the fa ct things would be ok. But i think the fact that they failed to disclose, they failed to give proper medical treatment, that possibly he was tortured right left his trial, that he is being in a coma for a year is a major violation under the Geneva Convention of the treatment of prisoners and should be some for that, they should pay for that. The issueis that, they should pay for that. The issue is how you make them pay. Obviously it is such a closed and repressive regime. I know hes spent a lot of time talking to the family and we watched the father speaking brave and last week. He was critical of the Obama Administration for not publicising that otto was there and the kind of conditions he was being kept in. There are now three Americans Still there and six South Koreans as well. Should we not be making more of that and keeping up the pressure and publicising the Fa Ct The Pressure and publicising the fact that theyre being held . Yes andi fact that theyre being held . Yes and i think this is a major consideration for any future policy towards north korea. Lets get those three americans out and a canadian, there is a canadian there as well do not forget. We should also make every effort to get the north koreans to disclose what happened. But i worked with the Obama Administration on this for the past year and they were concerned, they supported my trip when i sent my delegation there. They knew what we we re delegation there. They knew what we were doing through private efforts, not necessarily government to government. So the Obama Administration was deeply involved. But the north koreans were waiting for the new administration to come m, for the new administration to come in, they did not want to deal with a lame duck administration that was leaving and so i think that this slow things down. But i give President Trump and his team credit for being aggressive and getting otto out when they found out he had beenin otto out when they found out he had been ina otto out when they found out he had been in a coma, they demanded to go to north korea to bring him out in an aeroplane. That was the right course of action. And we made the point that for all the strong words weve heard from john mccain, what do they do because it seems for all the pressure that donald trump is put on the chinese to start ramping up put on the chinese to start ramping up the pressure on north korea, it is not working, theyrejust ignoring it. China has put in a little more pressure than they have in the past but they need to do more, they need to step up. They need to realise that there is turmoil in the Korean Peninsula and it is not an interest from these Missile Tests destabilise the region where they want to be paramount. They should also be concerned about the human rights case, right on their own border with Otto Warmbier. Notjust their own border with Otto Warmbier. Not just because hes their own border with Otto Warmbier. Notjust because hes an american but because the north koreans take these prisoners, they detain these individuals and use them as bargaining chips. Possibly torture. Mishandle the whole situation. China needs to step up more than they have. Theyve not done enough and they are the major lever we have with north korea because they give food and fuel, energy assistance, economic assistance, coal and oil, they can do a lot more and the International Community should step up International Community should step up on china. But also maybe the United Nations do an investigation of this Otto Warmbier case, the human rights commission. There has to be some transparency, there has to be some transparency, there has to be some explanation and the north koreans need to explain what happened to Otto Warmbier and his family. A wonderful American Family thatis family. A wonderful American Family that is heartbroken and unjustly treated, their son. Thank you very much. And of course for all your effo rts much. And of course for all your efforts in trying to get all these prisoners out. It is interesting talking about the prospect of retaliation, it is just not clear what that means whenjohn mccain says it should not happen. What does retaliation look like. With a regime like north korea. It is not easy. And the white house saying in the past few minutes that it is an increasingly remote possibility that donald trump will meet with kim jong un. Its a close run thing on what we talk about most in britain or perhaps what we moan about most its either brexit or the weather. And it is hot this week. Way too hot for chimpanzees, this is whipsade zoo where they get giant ice lollies. The temperature at Londons Heathrow airport 34 degrees today thats about 93 fahrenheit. Honestly what a fuss. We get that in the shade here. In arizona this week it is so hot the planes cant take off. This is Phoenix Airport where more than 40 flights have been grounded in the past two days. That is not a fair comparison that is in the desert. Thank you for watching. Hello. This is bbc news. The headlines. The chancellor says jobs and prosperity Must Come First in any brexit deal. Speaking in the city of london, Phillip Hammond said that while the public voted to leave the eu, they didnt vote to become poorer. The Democratic Unionist Party says talks with the conservatives are not proceeding as planned, and that the dup shouldnt be taken for granted. Police are continuing to question a 47 year old man, after a Terror Attack near a london mosque. An update on the Market Numbers for you heres how londons and frankfurt ended the day. And in the United States this is how the dow and the nasdaq are getting on. More now on the Finsbury Park Terror Attack, when a van was driven into muslim worshippers near a mosque, after evening prayers overnight on sunday. One person died during the incident, while 11 people were injured. Well in the last few minutes the metropolitan police, say theyve been granted more time to question a 47 year old man, Darren Osborne whos from the cardiff area, who was arrested in connection with the Terror Attack. Well the Bbc Asian Network has spoken to two of the victims Tahseen Ahmed choudary and his father abdul matin choudary. The driver in the van, in a company van, he looked at muslims gathered around and after that he just drove through and he hit seven or eight people. One of them was underneath the van. My dad got hit on his shoulder and legs. My dad s friend got hit on the stomach. What was he saying . Muslim people, kill. Kill all muslims. While the van was coming through, a guy was walking past me and after that he saw the van coming and pushed me back and then he moved back as well. L van coming and pushed me back and then he moved back as well. A very scary time for you, but since then you have returned to the mask . Yes. Before the attack

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