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In a sprit of National Unity to keep our country safe and build a stronger, fairer and more prosperous future for everyone in every part of our United Kingdom. Rob watson is at westminster for hours. All i rob watson is at westminster for hours. Alll can rob watson is at westminster for hours. All i can say is it has been a poignant moment when parliament meets after the smoke of the battle of an election figures. Even though to lose a may and the conservatives on the most votes in the most seats, she is seen as the loser, and there was a frosty silence from her own troops. I contrast, Jeremy Corbyn, who had previously been shunned and derided as many of his own mps was cheered to the rafters. Extraordinary the difference a few million votes makes. But as to the important business of government, and this idea of a deal between the conservatives and the smell Northern Irish party, the dup, talks are going well,. The small Northern Irish party. Sirjohn major has warned that any deal could destabilise what he called the fragile Peace Process in Northern Ireland, and as someone who was one of its architects, it is something he knows something about. He was talking about getting the Power Sharing Agreement back in order. Can be sure that . I am concerned about the deal. I am wary about it. I am dubious about it both for Peace Process reasons but also for other reasons as well. That said, all my life ive been a conservative i very much want mrs may to succeed as pm and to stay as pm. And i understand why she wishes to shore up her pa rliamneta ry position that is entirely understandable and i sympathise. But, but, my main concern certainly is the Peace Process. A fundamental part of that Peace Process is that the uk government needs to be impartial between all the competing interests in Northern Ireland. Khamenei 0k, john major speaking earlier about the Peace Process. There are also questions about what that deal was green to constitute, and what Northern Ireland will get out of it. Your watching 100 days . We are waiting for a Press Conference in paris with theresa may and the french president Emmanuel Macron. As soon as it gets there, we will bring that to you live. We also have Jeff Sessions, will bring that to you live. We also haveJeff Sessions, the Attorney General, testifying. Let doctor rob watson. I want to pick up on those extraordinaire pictures from parliament. Jeremy corbyn getting a standing of asian from members of the labour party. Behind the scenes, a lot of members of the labour party would not have been excited about Jeremy Corbyns leadership or the man. Have they fallen in love with him . I would not go that far. It is amazing the difference a few million votes can make. I think that is a large part of it, but look, there is no secret that before the general election there were a large number of labour mps who were thinking, lets hope we lose and lose big. So that we can get rid ofJeremy Corbyn. And i think that, of course, has been changed by the election. It does not mean that, for all of those labourmps, does not mean that, for all of those labour mps, nearly three quarters of them at one point voted no confidence in his leadership, that they are not somewhat worried about his ideology, that he is too far to the left many of them. On the other hand, these people are realists, they are politicians, in a democracy, and they feel that the time being Jeremy Corbyn is ruling the roost. Still waiting for this Press Conference in paris. They have had a day together, Emmanuel Macron and theresa may. They have been watching france and england. There has been a certain amount of irritation in europe about whether premised is going on brexit. Within the uk, because she is not going to have a majority, it has reignited the debate on what kind of brexit were going to have. Absolutely, the view in brussels and in the other 27 eu states is, hello, britain, What On Earth is happening . I think many of them are looking on britain utterly aghast. Were waiting for this meeting between president Emmanuel Macron and theresa may, and what is really fascinating if you think about it is how quickly your geostrategic position can change, if i can put it that way, in a couple of years. Two yea rs that way, in a couple of years. Two years ago you would have said france was really struggling, unpopular, wea k was really struggling, unpopular, weak looking leader. Here in britain, David Cameron had just been really, kind of young, enthusiastic, doing well. Britain looking kind of at peace with itself, a confident, multinational, multiracial democracy. Two years mtime of the table seemed to have been completely turned. Britain looks like one of the weaker members, as it figures out how exactly brexit is going to work. We already saw that, how Emmanuel Macron gave Angela Merkel a warm welcome. A slightly frosty welcome when theresa may turned up. Tell us about the internal workings of the tory party. If there is going to be a softer brexit, does that thrust back into the decades Old Intraparty war in the tory party. How was she going to resolve that is years getting pressure from members of her own party who say there has to be a more inclusive, softer exits . Im tempted to just say yes and take off my microphone. The short answer is, it is the one thing that has dominated british politics, the dispute within the conservative party. Should we be inside europe, should we be outside . The idea of the referendum was that it would kill that off once and for, with David Cameron hoping it would resolve it in a pro eu way. Then the hope was with theresa may that her election would kill this off once and for all. The absolute opposite has happened, and the whole debate has happened, and the whole debate has broken out again. It was characterised in the london Evening Standard as a battle between the creationists and the sensible is. And given who the ester of the Evening Standard is these days, george osborne, one of the pro eu mps within the conservative party, the creationists are the hard brexiteers. To be very serious about this, it is the existential issue for the conservative party, for britain at large, and fast from this debate being settled, it has burst out into the open again. Thank you very much. It is not without an element of risk, this meeting between Emmanuel Macron and theresa may, because in the short time that he has been president , he has not avoided some controversy when he has come up against the big readers. You might member that was that of grandstanding with donald trump. He ignored him at the nato summit, and he also had some words of that you put in about Press Freedom and gay rights of that sort of thing. She will be slightly worried that there might be some sort of comment in this Press Conference which might embarrass at home. It is a headline writers dream. Ca rtoonists embarrass at home. It is a headline writers dream. Cartoonists have been having fun with this. Here is Emmanuel Macron driving through the hordes of cheering crowds, and he is saying to theresa may, this is a victory, he really go, this is what victory, he really go, this is what victory really looks like. Can you imagine what they might be making of this in the headlines tomorrow . There is the danger, because theresa may has not done much press since the election, there is that danger is the open her to questions we will see whether they get into her about what she is going to do on brexit. And dont forget, members of the British Press will be there, they will be very eager to ask theresa may questions, the first robbery grilling she will get since the election. That is going to be a potentially tricky moment for her as well. I would not be surprised if they keep the questions take. There is this event they are going to this evening at the stade francais. You might remember, france and england played at wembley last november, and the crowd were invited to sing along with the French National anthem. They put the words on the big screen, and it was quite an event. Quite moving, all the england fans joined in. Tonight, they will turn the tables, and that honour will be bestowed on the uk. The team will come out to 0asis, bestowed on the uk. The team will come out to oasis, and then they will put the uk National Anthem on the screen so that the french can sing along with it. They will have that excuse tonight, we have got a scoop, we have got to go after the french stadium. They are ready about ten minutes late so they will cut this one shot. You would think so. We are looking at the elite gardens, and we should just mentioned. Im sure you spent a lot of time hanging out there. Withjohn kerry, hanging out there. With john kerry, the hanging out there. Withjohn kerry, the secretary of state, on a nightjust like this. Having to fill a lot of time before we appeared on the podium. He lay at. Right on cue. Lets listen to what they have to say. He speaks french. Translation we talked to one another in the following hours and had a chance to take the floor at the time, but let me tell you one more time how sad we were, how impacted we have been as well because each time it is freedom, democracy and youth which are attacked, and also because a number of victims, there were a number of victims, and the body mint of this strong bond between our two countries, with thousands of french People Living in the United Kingdom and thousands of british People Living in france. So, this evening we talked about are common challenges, first and foremost of our corporation in counterterrorism. It is outstanding when it comes to intelligence sharing and the work between our services, and as a matter of fact after these two attacks, this was the case, and please allow me to pay tribute to our security forces, intelligence services, working together on a daily basis for our security. We owe them lots. We have decided together to do more together, and for a number of days already we have been working on a very coherent action plan put together by our teams, and we will make it public tonight. This com plete we will make it public tonight. This complete action plan will be implemented by all services. The first purpose is to fulfil the commitments and obligations of internet obligate is operators to highlight any content promoting hatred and terrorism in any way. Premised on may was reminding us a couple of weeks ago that it is within the first two hours that 50 of the potential terrorists, or people who can be influenced, receive information, and that actions are only taken in 48 hours. Then the aim is to get better access to encrypted content so that these internet tools, are not unlimited tools for terrorists. We want to improve international cooperation, including with the united states, to improve access to Digital Content and digital evidence in our investigations by our police services, no matter where the data is localised. This is absolutely necessary in order to prevent as much as we can. Terrorist propaganda as well as terrorist attacks. Also in order to bring tojustice as well as terrorist attacks. Also in order to bring to justice those involved in these Terror Attacks or attempts. Of course, beyond that common goal, we want to involve all of the g7 members, a number of meetings will be held, we want to do more in particular with the united states. President trump made some strong statements, and we very much wa nt to strong statements, and we very much want to act together. And of course this initiative is open to any of our partners in the european union, in particular germany, who expressed its willingness to work in Close Corporation with us on this matter. The action plan is intended to be spread, but from today the purpose is to take some coherent actions and to get some concrete result anytime soon. To get some concrete result anytime soon. This major challenge is vital against terrorism, it should not lead us to forget the other challenges. We have talked about the economy, migration, as well as defence. We have a defence agenda and will continue to work actively on it, and by the end of the year we will hold another defence summit in the United Kingdom. The negotiation on brexit continues, and we leave it to Prime Minister may to say a few words about it, but i want a very clear negotiation and would like the discussions on the future relations with the United Kingdom to be launched as soon as possible and ta ke launched as soon as possible and take place as quickly as possible. This is what i meant to tell you. Of course, we talked about unwillingness to Work Together a willingness to Work Together. Lastly, regarding climate change, our countries listed together. Please allow me to thank theresa may for coming so quickly after elections in her country, and looking forward to working together with you on all of these topics. We have so much to do together. In a couple of minutes, our teams will be playing football against one another, and of course there needs to bea another, and of course there needs to be a winner, but even though we may not agree, it will be such a small disagreement we will not even show it. You have the floor. 0ur Trading Relationship is worth £69 billion, and tourist industries, british and french people are intrinsically linked. The single largest groups of visitors to their countries. But nowhere is corporation called so than in the area of and security. With british and french Fighter Pilots fighting alongside each other and in each others planes over syria and iraq to strike at the heart of terrorists. Providing assurance to eastern allies in the face of russian aggression. There has been a seizure of £65 million worth of drugs in the indian ocean, with uk and french naval officers working together on hms monmouth to intercept an illegal hole. This is oui intercept an illegal hole. This is our close and deep relationship in action. As you have said, our discussions today have focused on the greatest Security Challenge at two countries face. Tackling terrorism and rooting out the extremism that fuels it. Both our countries have sadly experienced the horrors of terrorism all too recently. I offer our heartfelt condolences to the families and friends of the three innocent french victims killed in the terrible attack in london last week. It shows so attack in london last week. It shows so painfully how these attacks are not attacks on one place but on us all. And a british man, nick alexander, of course, also tragically attacked in the attack died in the attack in paris. I know you stand with us against this evil. And tonight, as you have just heard, president Emmanuel Macron and i will join the english and french football teams and the fans at the stadium to honour the victims of london bridge. In the wake of the November 2015 paris attacks, the england and french teams paid tribute at Wembley Stadium to all those who lost their lives. And our visit to the stadium tonight will be a similar show of solidarity against terrorism and extremism. The Counterterrorism Cooperation between our Intelligence Agencies is already strong, at president Emmanuel Macron and i agree that more should be done to tackle the Terrorist Threat online. Asl tackle the Terrorist Threat online. As i have said before, in the uk we are already working with social Media Companies to halt the spread of extremist material and poisonous propaganda that is whopping young minds. We know they need to do more. And today, we can announce that the uk and france will Work Together to encourage corporations to do more and abide by their social response ability to step up their efforts to re move ability to step up their efforts to remove harmful it content from their networks. We are launching a joint uk and France Campaign to insure the internet cannot be used as a safe space for terrorists and criminals, and that it cannot be used to host the radicalising material that leads to so much harm. We will lead joint work with the Tech Companies on this vital agenda, including working with them to develop tools to identify and remove harmful material automatically. We will press them to urgently establish the Industry Led Forum we agreed at the G7 Summit La St Forum We agreed at the G7 Summit Last month to develop shared technical and policy solutions to tackle Terrorist Content on the internet. Crucially, our campaign will also include exploring and creating a legal liability for Tech Companies if they fail to take the necessary action to remove u na cce pta ble necessary action to remove unacceptable content. The Home Secretary and the French Interior minister will meet in the coming days to drive for this important work, and we are united in our total condemnation of terrorism and our commitment to stamp out this evil. Finally, on exit, we have been very clear that we want to maintain a close elation ship and the Close Partnership with the eu individual Member States in the future, including in the areas we have discussed this evening, and i confirmed to president Emmanuel Macron that the timetable for the Brexit Negotiation remains on course and will begin next week. Thank you, emanuel, for a very constructive discussions this evening. Translation president , mrs Prime Minister, you said, president , ring your visit to downing street, do you believe that todays exit will be softer, do you believe the results of the elections in the uk will mean a soft brexit rather than a hard brexit . Thank you. I believe that Prime Minister may can possibly answer that question in more detail. My stance, as far as im concerned, first of all, is that frances desire is for the negotiations to begin as quickly as possible. Secondly, that these negotiations ta ke secondly, that these negotiations take place by the European Commission in accordance at fashion, not state by state. So commission in accordance at fashion, not state by state. So to be able to preserve the short term, medium term and long term interests of the european union. And we do not want to be able to spend or energy on discussing brexit, but we want to talk about the future within the eurozone, in order to talk about future projects to go further, and at two countries to go on discussing and carry on at a bilateral level where todays discussions have showed that we have a great number of challenges in common, and i will allow the Prime Minister to respond to the result of the vote. Thank you very much. I think there isa thank you very much. I think there is a unity of purpose among people in the United Kingdom. It is a unity of purpose having voted to leave the eu, that their government gets on with that, and makes a success of it. We are committed to developing a deep and special partnership with the eu, we want the eu to continue to remain strong, and we want to continue to cooperate. We want to develop that deep and special partnership on matters relating to trade. But as we heard, the issues we discussed tonight on security are also issues on which it is important for us to cooperate in future. I believe that with the good process that has been set out by the eu for those negotiations, which start on asi those negotiations, which start on as i have said, next week, and with the willingness and intent on both sides to build that future partnership, then we will see an arrangement for exit that will be in the interests notjust of the United Kingdom, but of the remaining 27 Member States of the european union. Channel 4 news. You talk about a unity of purpose come Prime Minister, but the former Prime Minister, but the former Prime Minister, yourformer party minister, but the former Prime Minister, your former party leader, john major, has effectively accused you today of endangering peace in Northern Ireland by clinging to power with a Coalition Deal with the dup. What is your response to that . Ifi dup. What is your response to that . If i may, to president , you said and exit is an exit, but the german finance minister, said today that britain, if its changed its mind for some reason, the door would be open to remain in the eu. Do you agree with him . On the first point that he raised, matt, we as a government remain absolutely steadfast in our commitment to the Belfast Agreement and the subsequent agreements, and we continue to work with all the parties in Northern Ireland, and with the government of the republic of ireland, in ensuring that we can continue to put in place those measures necessary to fulfil those agreements. As you will be aware, there are discussions continuing to ta ke there are discussions continuing to take place on the formation of the Northern Ireland executive, and are intent on enabling the parties to Work Together to ensure we can see that executive being reformed, and the devolved administration continuing in Northern Ireland, is absolute. What we are doing in relation to the talk is that were holding, the productive talks were holding, the productive talks were holding with the democratic unionist party, is ensuring that it is possible to, with their support, give the stability to the uk government that i think is necessary at this time. We stand at a critical time with those Brexit Negotiations, starting only next week. I think that stability is important, we have worked as a party with the dup before, and those are productive talks. The intent is to ensure that we have the stability of government in the national interest. Translation as far as your question, so, i can speak in english andi question, so, i can speak in english and i have done it in a number of occasions, but in a Press Conference it is better to speak in french because i am defending the french language. Despite the fact that defence does not exclude multilingualism. But i am going to a nswer multilingualism. But i am going to answer your question in french. As far as that matters concerned, the door is always open come of course. So no negotiation of brexit has been finalised. But the decision that has been made by the people of the uk to get out of the european union, and whether it is french people are the british people, i feel that whether it is french people are the british people, ifeel that he whether it is french people are the british people, i feel that he will have to respect that decision. So it is not for me to know whether we have to come back decision. As far as the member countries on the european union, as long as the decision of the organisation of this exit has not been completed, there is still the possibility of reopening it. But we must be clear, organised, and once it has begun we have to be collectively conscious that it have to be collectively conscious thatitis have to be collectively conscious that it is much more difficult to go backwards. Fine, well, there is one thing that we cannot control, the beginning of the football match, which means were going to leave you and were going after the stade francais. Thank you very much. I never like to be late for the kick off either. There they go. Brexit negotiation, which was due to start next week on monday, that will go ahead. Also, Emmanuel Macron echoing what was said a few days ago in germany come at the door is always open if the uk changes its mind. I dont think that is likely to happen given that 80 of the electorate voted for a party that supported brexit. And one last thing, they underlined the fact they have been talking today about the Terrorist Threat online, and Tech Companies that refuse or fail to remove extremist material could in the future face legal liability. That could include quite stiff fines for the likes of facebook and twitter and so on. That is something were working on bilaterally. Youre watching 100 days . Plenty more to come, including that hearing in the senate for the Attorney General, Jeff Sessions. Do stay with us. We are also watching capitol hill In Washington where the Attorney GeneralJeff Sessions is going to testify in public as part of Congress Multi mac investigation to do with russia. You can see the scene there, the reporters, the members of congress will soon be filing in. The Attorney General will set in the seat in front of them. And they will all be grilled. Quite a lot to get into as well. Reacting to james comeys testimony last week. A lot of speculation about what Jeff Sessions last week. A lot of speculation about whatJeff Sessions might say. And what he might not say. He might exercise his executive privilege. We will see. But it is going to be in public, the committee have demanded that it public, the committee have demanded thatitis public, the committee have demanded that it is in public. Yes, they will be

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