Transcripts For BBCNEWS 100 Days 20170605 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS 100 Days 20170605

citizen, born in pakistan. police say he was known to the authorities. another, rachid redouane, claimed to be of moroccan and libyan decent — he was not previously known to authorities. they were both shot dead during the attacks. both lived in barking in east london. police say they are still working to confirm all the identities of the attackers. it does appear that in the case of both manchester and these london attacks, members of the community had raised concerns about some of the men involved — and it seems those warnings may have been missed. tonight london paused to reflect.|n the past hour a vigil and a minute's silence was held near london bridge evening in solidarity with the victims. lets cross to ros atkins who is close to borough market. with the victims. let's cross to ros atkins who is close to borough market. the investigation is moving quickly. what do we know? we have been given a limited amount of information by the police. one man has been named as khuram butt. adds moroccan heritage. he went by a different name. both men were living in barking. yesterday we saw a rest there and today they have been more raids. that part of london is very much the focus. and the prime minister has said today that we are dealing with the new reality. some big questions for the next government about multiculturalism. on one side we have had arguments about what happened in the past. theresa may before she became prime minister was home secretary for a number of years. she oversaw significant cuts to the number of police. on one hand there was an argument about whether those cuts we re argument about whether those cuts were inappropriate. the prime minister said absolutely not, it's about the kind of policing that is done, notjust the numbers. while that has been going on, there has been a discussion about the kind of policing that is needed by the new government. the prime minister has tried to outlined what they will do if they form the next government. but have you heard about the claims that community members both in the case of manchester and london reported concerns about some of these individuals and that those concerns were not heeded? you are right. in manchester there have been multiple reports that someone a baby have been reported to hotlines. —— salman abedi. one of the community leaders also said that he was aware that one of the attackers on saturday was being radicalised. the counter that will come from the authorities is that they are getting authorities is that they are getting a lot of information at one time. evenif a lot of information at one time. even if they are aware of somebody, it's not realistic for every person of interest to be monitored for 2h hours a day. nonetheless, the pressing questions about notjust how the authorities go about inviting information from the public, but what they do to it. this all really is for the new government to wrestle with. we have had this phrase a new reality expressed today and the challenges for the police and the challenges for the police and for which of the government ta kes and for which of the government takes over to fashion a new response to the reality. despite everyone's ‘s efforts at the current response hasn't been able to stop three serious attacks in three months. thank you very much. doing the visualjun thank you very much. doing the visual jun the thank you very much. doing the visualjun the last hour this is what the mayor of london had to save. london stands in defiance against this cowardly attack on our city, our people, ourvalues against this cowardly attack on our city, our people, our values and our way of life. as the mayor of london, i want to send a clear message to the sick and evil extremists who commit these hideous crimes. we will defeat you. you will not win. and as a proud and page will take british muslim i say this. you do not commit these disgusting acts in my name. sadiq on speaking in london at the vigil to remember those who we re at the vigil to remember those who were killed and those who are still in hospital. let me pick up on the point that ross was making that jeremy corbyn has criticised the prime minister about policing levels. what is the reality? is jeremy corbyn right that theresa may is responsible for less policing to deal with situations like this? he is right. if you look at the figures they were just over 122,000 police officers in the uk in september. that is just under 22,000 less than in 2010. there has been a drop of around 13%. these figures for england and wales. she would say and she has said today in response and it isa she has said today in response and it is a difficult issue for her because she was for 60 of the home and she was in charge of counterterrorism budgets. she says that they are funding counterterrorism budgets and they are increasing the number of armed officers. but the threat has changed and what a lot of senior police officers are saying around the country and the commissioner of the metropolitan police caicedo dicker said the same is that what we are seeing from the manchester attack and these attacks that they were home—grown citizens. you do need police officers, beat bobbies as we call them in the uk, out on the streets, talking to muslim leaders and the muslim community. it's not about just having the and the muslim community. it's not aboutjust having the staff is about having the right staff of the job. when those members of the community make complaints, they need to be listened to. one of the attackers, khuram butt had been reported twice to the abilities. he also appeared ina to the abilities. he also appeared in a documentary. it was thought that he was watching hate videos on youtube. khuram butt at 27 the father of two young children. he worked on the london underground before turning to islamic extremism. to my police around his home. here, he was well—known and well liked. around his home. here, he was well-known and well liked. my kids just love to play with him. his neighbour says she feels falls. just love to play with him. his neighbour says she feels fallslj was neighbour says she feels falls.|j was blind. it is scary. our children are always playing here. benjamin joe would say hello to his neighbour, even on the date of the attack. yes, i rememberi neighbour, even on the date of the attack. yes, i remember i saw him. what was he like? very quiet. what was he wearing? an arsenal t-shirt. was he, when he saw him on saturday? yes, he was calm. he was part in the middle of the road. we thought he was moving out. michael watched the london attacker with another man in a white van. i saw him about 630. what was the fan doing? it screeched up. it was speeded up and then breaking? no, it wasjust breaking on the bend. he wanted women to wear hijabs. this man did not want to show his face. he asked us to protect his identity. he will talk about syria and afghanistan. he talked about them getting bombed.- said they would debate syria, iraq and islamic state. wasjihad important to him? it was really important to him? it was really important to him? do you think he was trying to radicalise you? i'm not sure. i would want to do that kind of thing. khuram butt, responsible for seven innocent deaths and today more raids, more searches to get to the truth of those behind the london attacks. ed thomas, bbc news, barking. the prevent strategy is one of the government's tools for tackling radicalisation. it is supposed to build links between the police, faith leaders, teachers, doctors, anyone in the community who has concerns. in 2015/16 there were 7,500 referrals — around 20 a day and out of those referrals, action was taken in one of every 10 cases. joining us live now from belfast isjim gamble. he's a former head of counter—terrorism in the city. it seems particularly when terrorists are going to be home—grown terrorists as we have seen the last three attacks in the uk police is going to have to rely increasingly on communities to flag up increasingly on communities to flag up cases increasingly on communities to flag up cases like this. what happens when those flags aren't watched? what happens when the warnings aren't heeded? when the warning comes in its about a credible intelligence assessment. we talk about intelligence led policing which needs to be intelligent in itself. it's not an easyjob. our police and intelligence services have been doing a greatjob. there is evidence of that. as others have said, these terrorists are having to resort to whether they can find in the kitchen and weapons they can find on the road. they are not getting access to explosives. there has been success and we should not ignore that. the problem with engaging a community and engaging communities is that we have lost a lot of police officers, bobbies on the beat. people need to feel understood and respected in the community and that mutual respect creates to wait —— two—way communication. theresa may oversaw these cuts and the manner in which she did it was particularly difficult. police warned that these cuts were too deep and she derided them by saying they were crying wolf. i think there is something about that coming home to roost and real leaders need to stand up and be counted and admit the errors they have made as they move forward. some will say that the police are making use of the powers they. the are the new control orders. it means the authorities can put suspects under arrest for up to two years. there are supposedly 3000 people who are suspicious in the uk and only seven, seven of these orders are in place. that highlights the difficulty. we are talking about large numbers of people and the police will have a number of tactics, but when you get to the point when a person has been radicalise, it is much more difficult. the police did a fantasticjob, difficult. the police did a fantastic job, arriving within difficult. the police did a fantasticjob, arriving within eight minutes and even with those deadly circumstances. the investments that make a difference... but if they are under pressure, why aren't they using more of the control orders?|j don't using more of the control orders?” don't have sufficient insight into contemporary policing to give you reasonable feedback van eijden wa nted reasonable feedback van eijden wanted to mean decried the tactics that are being used. what we need to see is greater investment in police resources , see is greater investment in police resources, that's notjust about numbers, it's about technology and the way they crunch data, partnerships within the community. you cannot do that without investigating. the partnerships include health, local authorities, schools and others because social workers, help and schools see some of those mental health issues that make young people more vulnerable. many of the prevent cases i have seen many of the prevent cases i have seen have been young people with critical mental health issues to become more vulnerable and susceptible to radicalisation by the criminal elements who will use that vulnerability to their own cruel ends. thank you forjoining us. this is clearly a conjugated issue and the solutions will be complicated and take time. donald trump has had plenty to say on the weekend attacks. some would say he has had far too much to say. one of his targets on social media has been the mayor of london sadiq khan. his first tweet was this one: "at least 7 dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and mayor of london says there is "no reason to be alarmed!" in fact, he took the mayor out of context. what mr khan had actually said was that there will be more armed police on the streets and citizens had "no reason to be alarmed". however, undeterred, the president dug in — a few hours ago he tweeted this... "pathetic excuse by london mayor sadiq khan who had to think fast on his "no reason to be alarmed" statement. msm is working hard to sell it!" all of this understandably went down very badly in the uk. and lots of people here in the us aren't happy either. here's the reaction from jennifer rubin, a columnist at the washington post. one is prompted to ask if he is off his rocker. but this is vintage trump — impulsive and cruel, without an ounce of class or human decency." there are people here who are asking questions about the appropriateness of the president's action to a country that is one of america's siss allies. he has a long history of confrontation with sadiq khan. during the course of the campaign the mayor criticised donald trump for the travel ban against muslims. as we know, mr trump bears grudges and you have to wonder whether some of this is personal, whether he is deliberately going after the mayor because of his relationship with him in the past. what i can't understand about his series of tweets is that he also retweets his tweets. he is the commander—in—chief who has access to the best intelligence in the world, you can pick up the phone and speak to the prime minister, but for some reason he is retweeting a report. he's done it before, on the philippines issue. he said, this has been terrorism. the philippines police said it was not terrorism. this is causing bad will in the uk and people are fed up and angry with the reaction of the president to a city that is grieving and suffering terrorism and having to do with it. it's not seen as helpful by many people here in the states. he is also using the london attacks to justify his executive order to restrict immigration from six mainly muslim countries. this was another one of his tweets. he said that people can call it what they want, but i'm calling it what it is, a travel ban. this will help the president. this is now going to the supreme court. they are good to talk about this and not many weeks ago the white house press secretary sean spicer was chastising what he called the fake may differ using that very same term. this is not a mosque in ban or a travel ban, it is a vetting system to keep america safe. that is it, plain and simple. all of the facts and reading of it clearly show that thatis and reading of it clearly show that that is what it is. courts that have ruled against this ban has said that the president is intending to ban muslins and they are judging that from these statements in the campaign. there is a precedent here and that is why they felt they could overturn his band, but now he is still saying it is a travel ban and this is going before the supreme court, does it give ammunition to the supreme court to say there is an intention here to ban muslins and thatis intention here to ban muslins and that is not constitutionally acceptable? one very wise lawyer has said to me that actually the president wants his band to be overturned so he can say look, the american courts are against me. because that's what you keep telling me. most of his problems are self—inflicted and a lot of the people who have come out and spoken for him today, kelly and conway has come out, they said that we shouldn't pay attention to his twitter feed. but he shouldn't pay attention to his twitterfeed. but he hasn't shouldn't pay attention to his twitter feed. but he hasn't given an interview for three weeks so we will pay attention to it. we should perhaps stop calling them presidential tweets and we should call them presidential statements. i'm joined now by robin wright. thank you for coming in to join me. when you look at what has happened in london and you look at the scale of the response to it, what are we learning about how we are going to deal with this threat in europe because it's not going away, is it? no. there are a number of trends that have emerged. you see the proliferation of amateurs. they are self recruited, self empowered, self weaponised. they are not the whole core experience professionals like the plo or the red b great. it's very difficult for law enforcement to try to keep track of them. it makes it more difficult. there is also the fact that whilst terrorism was far more prolific in the 70s and 80s, today it is deadly. between 1970 and 2015, there were no deaths in 53% of terrorist attacks. that increased with the rise of ices. now you are seeing far deadlier attacks and far more being killed in each attack. as the prime minister theresa may said, terrorism is evolving and their actions are evolving and their actions are evolving as well. but other things you talked about was the cyber component of this. she was critical social media companies and said they should do more to help clamp down on islamist extremists and radicalism. can they do more? the problem is that in the united states we have the first amendment which guarantees the first amendment which guarantees the freedom of speech. you get into tricky legal and constitutional issues. how much can a government said to social media... the clamp—down on child pornography and now it's hard to find it. you have a deep net and whether or not it is telegram, which is how a lot of these european groups communicate through cryptic messages, it is hard to keep up with them. they are much more sophisticated than they were. how much are we prepared to give up in terms of freedom to have security? robin has touched on the question i was going to ours. they have moved further into the darkness. they are now using telegram. you close down one area of internet of a move somewhere else. exactly internet of a move somewhere else. exa ctly a nd internet of a move somewhere else. exactly and if you look at online publications, you bc that they forecast, they instruct their followers what to do, whether it's driving cars into crowds, using machetes to slice people up, there was a new issue that came out last month about mass hostagetaking and slowly killing people. there are a whole string of actions that are prevalent on the web. it's harder for countries like britain in the united states to figure out how to stop them when you can't find them. thank you forjoining us. when theresa may says enough is enough, what does that actually mean. yes, she's good how to answer that question over the next two or three days. shinnie stance it or she might be out of a job. who knows. jeremy corbyn says she needs to resign. i thought that was the point. when you call an election, you effectively resign, but will have to wait and see. you are watching 100 base plus. on world news we will look at the issue regarding police numbers. and we will be looking at the concert last night headlined by ariana grande though. more to come. not very pleasant out there tonight. heavy rains and wind tomorrow that will be stronger. the cloud has been shrouding the uk over the last few hours. the heaviest of the rain has been across these more western, south—western areas. through the course of the evening the club will be pushing through. a blustery picture. tomorrow there will be a lot of isobars over us. slightly better weather at eight o'clock in the morning. more sunshine around. it is very windy. there could be gusts of up to 50 miles another. that is strong for the time of the year. it will whip up the time of the year. it will whip up the trees. the wing continues —— the rain continues to fall in the morning. through the course of the day, it will stay wet across northern parts of england and scotland. strong winds continue across wales, central and southern england and here, rather than being overcast, it will be quite bright with occasional blustery showers. further north it will be cloudy with rain on and off during the day and also some strong winds blowing through. an unpleasant over some of us through. an unpleasant over some of us tomorrow and that rain in the north will continue into tomorrow evening. as we head into wednesday, low— pressure evening. as we head into wednesday, low—pressure pulls out into the north sea. there will be dry and brighter weather. it will feel warm, up brighter weather. it will feel warm, up to 20 degrees in london. rain later in the day moving into south—western areas and then it is all over again. cloud and south—western areas and then it is all overagain. cloud and rain spilling through in to the course of thursday. it will fall warmer and brighten up across the south—east. goodbye. hello and welcome to the election wrap, your our guide to all the campaign news of the day and inevitably security, has taken centre stage. when you've been home secretary for a record breaking six years you leave a paper trail of policies. well theresa may has had to defend her record on keeping us all safe, afterjeremy corbyn backed calls for her to resign. tim farron and nicola sturgeon will be grilled this evening by a question time audience in scotland, and security, is bound to feature. as the tories set their sights on making substantial gains across the midlands, we look at two key battle grounds — in cheltenham and birmingham edgbaston. from a landslide tory majority to a hung parliament, polls seem to be making all sorts of contradictory calls. but do you think they are science or do you think they are fiction? they haven't got it right recently. ok, thank you very much. and people lie. people lie? maybe i was lying there. and mulling all this over — my guests the guardian columnist owen jones, and katy balls of the spectator.

Related Keywords

East London , Attacks , Attackers , Authorities , Metropolitan Police , Identities , Rachid Redouane , Another , Decent , Shot , Community , Concerns , Men , Case , Some , Victims , Warnings , Manchester , Members , Tonight London , Solidarity , Reflect N The Past Hour A Vigil , Minute S Silence , London Bridge , Let S Cross To Ros Atkins , Investigation , Borough Market , Man , Information , Khuram Butt , Amount , Moroccan Heritage , One , Part , Raids , Name , There , Rest , Barking , Government , Reality , Prime Minister , Questions , Focus , Multiculturalism , Has , Theresa May , Number , Home Secretary , Arguments , Side , Policing , Kind , Notjust , Argument , Cuts , Hand , Discussion , Community Members , Someone , Reports , Individuals , Hotlines , Baby , Community Leaders , Abedi , Lot , Counter , Evenif , Radicalised , Somebody , Person Of Interest , 2 , Challenges , Public , Phrase , Response , Hasn T , Kes , Efforts , Everyone , Data , Three , People , Attack , Mayor , City , Visualjun , Ourvalues , Extremists , Way , Crimes , Message , Life , Values , Page , Muslim , Sadiq Khan , British , Facts , Speaking , Point , Jeremy Corbyn , Vigil , Policing Levels , Hospital , Cross , Situations , Police Officers , Drop , 22000 , 122000 , 2010 , Issue , It , Home , Southern England , Figures , Charge , Lisa , Wales , 13 , 60 , Threat , Officers , Counterterrorism Budgets , Funding Counterterrorism Budgets , Country , Citizens , Need Police Officers , Commissioner , Same , Caicedo Dicker , Beat Bobbies , Out On The Streets , Job , Staff , Leaders , Community Make Complaints , Abilities , Videos , Documentary , Qina , Father , Youtube , Two , 27 , Children , Extremism , London Underground , Neighbour , Kids , Fallslj , Falls J , Blind , Benjamin Joe , Yes , Arsenal , T Shirt , Michael , Attacker , White Van , Middle Of The Road , 630 , Fan Doing , Bend , Women , Wasjust , Hijabs , Face , Syria , Identity , Wasjihad , Afghanistan , Iraq , Thing , Deaths , Tackling Radicalisation , Strategy , Searches , Truth , Tools , Bbc News , Ed Thomas , Seven , Cases , Action , In The City , Referrals , Links , Faith Leaders , Head , Teachers , Anyone , Doctors , Belfast Isjim Gamble , 7500 , 20 , 10 , Terrorists , Police , Communities , Aren T , Warning , Intelligence Assessment , Led , Easyjob , Intelligence , Evidence , Others , Weapons , Services , Kitchen , Greatjob , Problem , Road , Explosives , Success , Respect , Bobbies , The Beat , Communication , Manner , Something , Errors , Crying Wolf , Control Orders , Use , Powers , Suspects , Arrest , Numbers , Tactics , Difficulty , Borders , Place , 3000 , Fantasticjob , Investments , Person , Circumstances , Difficult , Difference , Eight , J Don T , Van Eijden , Pressure , Insight , Wa Nted , Investment , Partnerships , Police Resources , Technology , Issues , Mental Health , Schools , Health , Help , Social Workers , Many , The Criminal Elements , Vulnerability , Donald Trump , Social Media , Us , Solutions , Ends , Plenty , Targets , Fact , Reason , Khan , Armed Police , Terror Attack , Tweet , Context , Streets , 48 , 7 , President , Excuse , Undeterred , All , Statement , Understandably , Lots , Msm , Jennifer Rubin , Reaction , Rocker , Human Decency , Class , Bounce , Washington Post , Appropriateness , Travel Ban , Course , Campaign , History , Confrontation , Muslims , Siss , Allies , Tweets , Trump , Series , Grudges , Relationship , Commander In Chief , World , Phone , Terrorism , Report , Philippines , Will , States , Suffering , Countries , Executive Order , Immigration , Six , Supreme Court , Sean Spicer , White House Press Secretary , Ban , Mosque , Term , Fake , Courts , Reading , Vetting System , America Safe , Thatis , Muslins , Statements , Band , Precedent , Intention , Lawyer , Ammunition , Most , Problems , Look , Attention , Feed , Interview , He Hasn T , We Shouldn T , He Shouldn T , He Hasn T Shouldn , Him , Twitter , Twitterfeed , Kelly , Conway , Robin Wright , Scale , Amateurs , Proliferation , Trends , Self Weaponised , Self Empowered , Track , Core , Experience , Law Enforcement , Red B Great , Professionals , Plo , The 70s And 80s , 80 , 70 , Terrorist Attacks , Rise , Ices , 1970 , 53 , 2015 , Actions , Things , Being , Social Media Companies , Radicalism , Component , Clamp , Amendment , Freedom Of Speech , Child Pornography , Deep Net , Telegram , Groups , Messages , European , Question , Security , Terms , Freedom , Internet , Somewhere Else , Area , Darkness , Exa Ctly , Publications , Followers , Machetes , Cars , Crowds , Mass Hostagetaking , Web , String , Shinnie , Election , World News , 100 , More , Police Numbers , Concert , Ariana Grande , Trains , Wind , The Cloud , Rain , Evening , Club , Heaviest , Picture , South Western Areas , Western , Isobars , Weather , Sunshine , Wing , Gusts , Trees , 50 , Winds , Parts , Scotland , North , Showers , North Sea , Cloud , Areas , Overagain , Rain Spilling , Hello , Campaign News , Guide , Election Wrap , Centre Stage , South East , Goodbye , Calls , Policies , Paper Trail , Record , Safe , Audience , Afterjeremy Corbyn , Tim Farron , Nicola Sturgeon , Stories , Gains , Sights , Battle Grounds , Cheltenham , Birmingham Edgbaston , Midlands , Landslide Tory , Haven T , Sorts , Polls , Parliament , Science , Fiction , Choice , Citizen , Christian Fraser , Saturday Night , Washington , British Police Havejust , Channel 4 , Katty Kay , Pakistan , Guests , Balls , Spectator , Owen Jones , 4 ,

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