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Number one, im the least anti semitic person you have ever seenin anti semitic person you have ever seen in your entire life. Number two, racism, the least racist person. In fact, we did very well, relative to other people, running as a republican quiet. Quiet. You see he lied. He was going to get up and ask a straight simple question welcome to the world of the media. Let me tell you that i hate the charge, ifind it repulsive. I hate even the question because people that know me, you heard the Prime Minister, you heard Benjamin Netanyahu minister, you heard Benjamin Neta nyahu yesterday, did minister, you heard Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday, did you hear him . He said, ive known donald trump for him . He said, ive known donald trumpfora him . He said, ive known donald trump for a long time then he said, for get it you should take that instead of getting up and asking an insulting question. It shows you about the press. That is the way the press is. Reporter our National Security and immigration, can you give us more details on the Executive Order you plan for next week . Its a fair question. In addition on the programme for immigration. What is your plan . Do you plan to continue that programme or to end it we are going to show great heart. Its a very difficult subject for me. I will tell you. Its one of the most difficult subjects i have. You have these incredible kids in many cases, not in all cases. In some of the cases they are are gang members and drug dealers, too. But you have some absolutely incredible kids. I would say mostly. They were brought here in sucha say mostly. They were brought here in such a way. Its a very, very tough subject. We are going to deal with it with heart. I have to deal with it with heart. I have to deal with a lot of politicians, dont forget. I have to convince them what im saying is right. I appreciate your understanding on that. The Daca Situation is a very difficult thing for me because, you know, i love these kids. I love kids. I have kids and grandkids, and ifind it very, very ha rd and grandkids, and ifind it very, very hard doing what the law says exactly to do. You know, the law is rough. Im not talking about new laws. Im talking about the existing law, its very rough, its very, very rough. As far as the new order. The new order will be tailored to what i consider to be a very bad decision, but we can tailor the order to that decision and get everything, sometimes more. We are tailoring it to the decision. Some of the best lawyers in the country are working on it. The new Executive Order is being tailored to the decision we got down from the court. Ok. Reporter . She reporter . She does reporter . She does a lot of great work for the country. There will be a level of interest in your administration. Opening the White House Visitors Office what does that mean to you . That is what i call a nice question. That is very nice. Who are you with . Good, i will start watching. Thank you very much. F} . . . Rouble yeo had dinner with senator rouble yeo and had discussion about cuba. We have similar views on cuba. Cuba was good for me in the florida election, as you know the cuban people who are americans. I think melania will be outstanding. She opened up the visitor centre, touring the white house. She, like others that shes working with, feel very, very strongly about womens issues, womens difficulties. Very, very strongly and shes a very, very strongly and shes a very, very strong advocate. I think shes a great representative for this country. A funny thing happens, she gets so unfairly maligned. Ive known her for a long gets so unfairly maligned. Ive known herfor a long time. Sheps a successful person. Shes a successful person. Shes a successful model. She did really well. She would go home at night and didnt even want to go out with people. She was a very private person. She was always the highest quality that youll ever find, and the things they say ive known her for a long time the things they say is so unfair. Shes been apologised to, as you know, they said things that were lies. She will bea said things that were lies. She will be a fantastic first lady. She is going to be a tremendous representative of women and of the people and helping her and working her will be ivanka, who is a Fabulous Person and a fabulous, Fabulous Person and a fabulous, fabulous woman. They re Fabulous Person and a fabulous, fabulous woman. Theyre not doing this for money. They are not doing this for money. They are not doing this for money. They are not doing this for pay. They are doing it because they feel it, both of them. Melania goes back and forth. After baron finishes school, its hard to ta ke baron finishes school, its hard to take him out of school with a few months, she and baron will be moving over to the white house. Thank you, thats a very nice question. Go ahead. This will be a bad question. That is ok. I enjoy watching you on television. Go ahead. Reporter thank you so much. Mr president i need to find out from you, you said something as glue; that of cities. That the inner cities, 1 your erctinx;e. ,. ,. I your irciti executive e z see, it a , f was w. , w, l, very will exsql§ , ieflgefigsj 5 7; 3 £ exsql§ , ieflgefigsj 537; 3 3 little ;§ 1§ , ingfefigsj 3 73 3 3 little while. It itself. It 4 g for fi for everybody we will i 553 that ;5;;5;zie £5; i . . . 525 552115; fizz; {ea after we do the announcement. As far as the inner cities, as you know i was strong on the inner cities during the campaign. I think it its what got me a higher percentage of the African American vote than people thought i was going to get. We did higher than people thought i was going to get. I was honoured by it and the hispanic vote which was higher and the womens vote which was higher than people thought i would get. We are going to be ve r¥ do to do to i with ti fix | with g e 10075 or thesefeifz or these places these places to these places to evolve. Many of them very badly. We evolved many of them very badly. We will work very hard on health and healthcare. Very, very hard on education and also we will be working in a stringent way and a Working In Arstrirngentrwayrandfa Geed working in arstrirngentrwayrandfa aged way. Crime. You i to of these g places and sad 1 2, look the its so sad when youlookalthek i have people, its so sad when youlookalthek i have people, ive seen crime. You have people, ive seen this, ive sort of witnessed it. In fa ct, this, ive sort of witnessed it. In fact, in two cases ive actually witnessed it, they lock themselves into apartments petrified to even leave in the middle of the day. They are living in hell. We cant let that happen. We will be very, very strong. Its a great question and its a very, very difficult situation because its been many, many years. Its been festering for many, many years. Its been festering for any many years. Its been festering for many, many years. We have places in this country that we have to fix. We have to help African American people that, for the most part, are stuck there, hispanic, american people. We have hispanic, american people, that are in the inner cities and they are living in elhell of you look at the living wt it. f . i1fi i 1. . j 2 chicago. Living wt i t. ,i i, if if i. . ii 2 chicago. There are two numbers in chicago. There are two chicagos, as you know. One chicago thats credible, lu kes chicagos, as you know. One chicago thats credible, Lukes Surious and all and safe. Theres another chicago thats worse luxurious. Than hi of the places in the middle east that you talk about every night on the new casts. We will do a lot of work on the inner cities. I have great people lined up to help with the inner cities. Will you include the cbbc in your conversation with the urban agenda, inner city agenda conversation with the urban agenda, inner city agenda am i going to include. The Congressional Black Caucus include. The Congressional Black Caucus i would. Do you want to set up caucus i would. Do you want to set up the meeting . No. Are they friends of yours. Set up the meeting. No. I would love to meet with the Congressional Black Caucus. I think its great. I thought i had a meeting with Congressman Cummings and he was all excited, and then he said oh, i cant move. It might be bad for me politically. He was all set. I spoke to him on the phone. Very nice guy. I hear he wanted that meeting with you as well . He wanted it, we called, called, called, i cant make a meeting with him. I saidi cant make a meeting with him. I said i would like to meet with him. Ido want said i would like to meet with him. I do want to solve the problem. He he probably was told some lightweight he was probably told he was probably told dont meet with trump. Its bad politics. Thats pa rt trump. Its bad politics. Thats part of the problem of this country. Ok, part of the problem of this country. 0k, one more. Go ahead. Reporter i will follow up on my colleagues question. Its not about your personality or your beliefs. We are talking about a rising in anti semitism around the country, some by supporters in your name. What can you do some by supporters in your name. What can you do can i be honest with you. This is a horrible thing. Some of it written by our opponents. You do know that. Do you understand that . You dont think anybody would doa that . You dont think anybody would do a thing like that. Some of the signs you will see are not put up by the people who love or like donald trump, they are put up by The Other Side. You think its like playing it straight. No. But you have some of those signs and some of that anger is caused by The Other Side. Theyll do signs and theyll do drawings that are inappropriate. It wont be my people. It will be the people on The Other Side to anger people like you. 0k. Go ahead. Reporter what are you going to do about the tensions that have been discussed . Im working on it. Will you give a speech . So you understand, we had a totally divided country for eight years and long before that, in all fairness to President Obama. Long before President Obama. Long before President Obama. Long before President Obama. We had a very divided i didnt come along and divided i didnt come along and divide this country. This country was seriously divided before i got here. One of the questions i was asked was about the inner cities. Thats part of it. We will work on education. We will work on we are going to try and stop the crime. We have great Law Enforcement officials. We are not going to try and stop, we are going to stop crime. Its important to me. This isnt donald trump that divided a nation. We went eight years with President Obama and we went many yea rs before President Obama and we went many years before President Obama, we lived in a divided nation and im going to try. I will do everything within my power to fix that. I want to thank you everybody very much. Its a great honour to be with you. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thanks. Donald trump wrapping up a press c0 nfe re nce thanks. Donald trump wrapping up a Press Conference that went on for an 1. 20 minutes at the white house. 1. 20 minutes at the white house. 1 hour 1. 20 minutes at the white house. 1hourand 20 1. 20 minutes at the white house. 1 hour and 20 minutes at the white house. We talked about how 4e limited questions to conservative media. This is not the case. He took a lot of questions, including from the bbcsjon sopel, we will play that later. He went through everything. The theme of this Press Conference was my administration is doing a greatjob. Im sticking to my campaign promises. Its working well. If you hear otherwise, its because the press is lying to you . hear otherwise, its because the press is lying to you . I think by any margin that was the most extraordinary Press Conference i think ive ever seen from a president. It was hostile, it was combative, con tempious of large parts of the press. His supporters will say hes done a lot of things in the 28 days hes been in office. He cant get things done if he is running point like this and its as chaotic as it has been this week. He is infire chaotic as it has been this week. He is in Fire Fighting mode all the time. People around him are reacting to some, lets face it, some of the most chaotic things that he says. Today, he was pretty casual with the truth at several areas in that Press Conference. He talked about his Electoral College vote, 304, the biggest since ronald reagan. Anybody in that Press Conference with a smartphone would be able to say, quite out of the traps no, it wasnt. Barack quite out of the traps no, it wasnt. Ba rack obama quite out of the traps no, it wasnt. Barack obama got 332, he got 365 in 2008. Bill clinton 379 in 1996. He say said, i meant the republicans. He can is caught out on the most simple thing. He is asked how people can trust him . If you cant get that right. How are we supposed to trust you on the rest of it. This is what he said. To be honest, i inherited a mess. It was a mess. At home and abroad. A mess. Jobs are pouring out of the country. You see what is going on with all of the companies leaving our country, going to mexico and other places. Low pay, low wages, mass instability overseas new york matter where you look. The middle east, a disaster. North korea, well take care of it, folks. We will take care of it. I turn on the tv and look at the newspapers i see stories of chaos. Its the exact opposite. This administration is running like a fine tuned machine. Then he had this to say about the sacking of the National Security adviser, Michael Flynn. There was a certain amount of information, given to Vice President pence, whos with us today, and i was not happy with the way that information was given. He didnt have to do that because what he did wasnt wrong, what he did, in terms of the information, he saw what was wrong was the way that other people, including yourselves in this room, were given that information because that was classified information, it was given illegally. Thats the real problem. Yesterday he told us that Michael Flynn was a wonderful man. Today its a different story. He contradicts things he said before. Six weeks ago, he accepted the fbi reports that the russians were hacking. Yes, it probably did happen, he said. And yet today, he sends out this tweet. The democrats had to come up with a story as to why they lost the election and so badly 306 so they made up a story russia. Fake news but then his defence secretary, general mattis, who was in brussels at nato hq, is asked whether there was russian hacking, and he says this. Right now, i would just say theres very little doubt that they have either interfered or theyve attempted to interfere in a number of elections in the democracies. General mattis is in sync with Republican Leadership and the Us Intelligence and donald trump is not. If he is rowing back on the accepted idea that russians hacked the american elections, that puts him out on his own. Its not the first if time of course this week that weve had discrepancies in the administration. The un ambassador said he sports the two state solution. Yesterday the president said, one state, two state, we will do whatever you like. We are seeing a pattern of the president contradicting his advisers and giving a sense of confusion. He said there isnt confusion, there isnt chaos. That is exactly the kind of thing that you pointed out that leads people to think there is confusion. We will get to the list of things he has done in his first 28 days unless you think we are glossing over that. We are yet to see a lot of strategy behind the Executive Orders he signed. I was reading today that he is going to have a big rally on saturday in florida. He will be in fact, his spokesman said he started the Campaignfor Spokesman said he started the campaign for 2020, he will be in campaign for 2020, he will be in Campaign Mode it seems over the next four years. I got that feeling today, at this Press Conference, he is not talking to those people he doesnt particularly like in front of him, he is talking beyond them to his base who are impressed by what hes doing . Well, he made that absolutely clear in the Press Conference that he feels the need to go over the press, which is misrepresenting him and not telling the truth and not putting out the real polls, he needs to go directly to the american people. Our north america editor, jon sopel, is here. He is not with us. Let us listen to his question. Donald trump did take him on. Lets listen to that. Reporter can i ask you, thank you very much, mr president. Where are you from . Bbc. 0k. Heres another beauty its a good line impartial, free and fair. Yeah, sure. Mr president. Just like cnn. On the travel ban, we can banter back and forth. On the travel ban, would you accept that was a good example of the smooth running of government . Yeah, i do. Let me tell you. Were there any mistakes in that . I know who you are. Just wait. Let me tell you about the travel ban we had a very smooth roll out of the travel ban. But we had a bad court. We got a bad decision. A court that has been overturned, again, it may be wrong, 80 of the time, a lot. We had a bad decision. We will keep going with that decision. We will put ina going with that decision. We will put in a new Executive Order next week. Some time. We had a bad decision. Thats the only thing that was wrong with the travel ban. You had delta with a massive problem with their Computer System at the airports. You had some people that we re airports. You had some people that were put out from buses at various locations. We had a court that gave us locations. We had a court that gave us what i considered to be, with great respect, a very bad decision. Very bad for the safety and security of our country. The rollout was perfect. What i wanted to do was do the exact same Executive Order, but said one thing. I said this to my people give them a one month period of time. General kelly, now Secretary Kelly said, if you do that all these people will come in a month. The bad ones. You do agree there are are bad people out there. Not everybody like you. You have bad people out there. So kelly said, you cant do that. He was right. As soon as he said, wow, i never thought of it. I said as he said, wow, i never thought of it. Isaid how as he said, wow, i never thought of it. I said how about one week . He said no good. He said if you do it immediately, they dont have time to come in. Nobody ever reports that. But thats why we did it quickly. If i would have done it a month, everything would have been perfect. The problem is we would have wasted a lot of time and maybe a lots of lives because a lot of bad people would have come into my country. In the meantime being, we are vetting very, very strongly. Very, very strongly. But we need help and we need help by getting that Executive Order passed. If its so urgent why not introduce. Yes. There you go. Jon sopel, no apprentice. He can hold his own against anyone. A line on the travel ban. The us just Justice Department says the appeal court should not reconsider the temporary suspension of mr trumps travel ban before a panel of 11 judges. The news cycle has overtaken that. They are not getting a lot of that. They are not getting a lot of that done they promised they would get down this week. We spoke about the attacks on the media. There were attacks on inelit generals agencies and people leaking information. Well, for more on this, lets speak to peter ahearn, an intelligence expert whos spent 29 years at the fbi and was a Senior Adviser with the office of the director of national intelligence. Hes also the president and founder of the ahearn consulting group. Thank you very much forjoining us. We heard the president again, there in that Press Conference. Attacking Intelligence Agencies for leaking information about his campaigns contacts with russia. Do you think it is intelligence agents that are doing the leaking . You can only speculate. I think though, in defence of the intelligence chunt community, i think they are much more understanding of what can happen if you are caught doing any lea ks happen if you are caught doing any leaks of happen if you are caught doing any lea ks of a ny happen if you are caught doing any leaks of any type of National Security information. I think its something right now the white house is trying to wrap around internally to make sure their own people understand what the rules and regulations of any kind of leaking of any information. So, its going to be hard to prove that, but if there is going to be some type of discussions about Leak Investigations it will notjust be on the media it will be across the board, not just on the media it will be across the board, notjust congress, the department ofjustice. A Slippery Slope on the Leak Investigations and who is responsible. Again, its damaging, no matter who does it. Put Yourformer Hat on damaging, no matter who does it. Put your former hat on as an fbi agent, what would you make, if you had been sitting in the fbi today, of the kinds of attacks the fbi is coming underfrom the kinds of attacks the fbi is coming under from the president . The fbi has been under attack by many other president s in the past and people. The fbi will continue to do what they need to do based on the constitution and based on the law and based on whatever directives from the standpoint of Launching Investigations from the standpoint of any predisposition or any complaints being filed. They will do what they have to do. They are not sitting there worried about it. It happens. They continue to do their job, ican happens. They continue to do their job, i can tell you that for a fact and let the politics play out. Donald trump keeps pointing to the legality of it. Maybe you could tell us, asa legality of it. Maybe you could tell us, as a were legality of it. Maybe you could tell us, as a were foer officer, is it usualfor us, as a were foer officer, is it usual for the fbi to us, as a were foer officer, is it usualfor the fbi to bug us, as a were foer officer, is it usual for the fbi to bug the conversations of someone who would be becoming the National Security adviser . I think you have to look at that from a general standpoint. The big issue when it comes to National Security is the issue of protecting information and protecting importantly the sources and the met olds. You are bugging, let us say, Michael Flynn, for example, i think that really isle stretching what were that really isle stretching what we re really that really isle stretching what were really talking about here. Its called collection, things that are out there and when you look at what intelligence collection is in the united states, you are targeting organisations and countries that are threats or hostile to the united states. Its clear that russia would probably be a target of anything thats going on with the overall interest in any communication that is going on. People have to realise, you know, that you are taking a risk when you are calling, let us say, the ambassador of russia and having discussions that will not be picked up discussions that will not be picked up somewhere and somehow around the world. Lets keep it simply put, around the world. I wish we could speak a lot more. We are squeezed for time. Mr speak a lot more. We are squeezed fortime. Mrtrump speak a lot more. We are squeezed for time. Mr trump has run over. For today, thank you very much for your comments. Plenty more to get through. We will talk about lots that was in that Press Conference. You are watching 100 days on bbc news. More on the russian side of things. Mikhail kasyanov is a former Prime Minister of russia, he now leads the opposition, Peoples Democratic union party. Good to to have you with us this evening. Are you surprised by reports that not only with a was the trump team in touch with russia through the Election Campaign the claim is there was constant communication with russian Intelligence Officers . Communication with russian Intelligence Office rs . |j communication with russian Intelligence Officers . I dont know what the government relation is in the us, i think, just for russian ambassador, for any ambassador, its normal to talk to different politicians. I dont know what the regulation is and limitations exist, but to have contact, i think its ok. The but to have contact, i think its 0k. The problem isjust reporting accurately. I think that is the issue. If there was hacking during the election of the dnc and the americans seem clear there was, would President Putin have known about it . How high would such an operation need to be sanctioned . Thinkjust Operation need to be sanctioned . think just thats absolutely was in russian interest and putins regime to understand how the president would behave and pus position resanctions against putins regime. Thats the Crucial Point for mr putin. Hes dreaming to find a solution, how to leave those sanctions because in reality those sanctions because in reality those sanctions affect russian economy very badly. You understand President Putin, if you were to put us inside the mind of the russian president , what do you think he wants from donald trump . What does he think he can get from this administration that he didnt get from the Obama Administration . I thinkjust the main purpose of mr putin just to somehow ensure and to create an understanding of mr Trumps Administration that putins regime isa administration that putins regime is a decent one, normal. That you should stop teaching him democracy, as mr putin describes and just start dealing with him as a normal regime, despite the fact that western politicians mr putin believes everything in this world is tradeable. He is looking for a transaction, a deal. I dont know what hes ready to sell to mr trump, but he expects Us Administration to lift sanctions and just to make transatlantic unity a little weaker so transatlantic unity a little weaker so that he could deal with individual european states and make them weaker. When you describe him as wanting a deal, somebody who wa nts a as wanting a deal, somebody who wants a transaction, you could have been describing donald trump there. That is his approach, too. In some way, we have seen this with Donald Trumps Press Conference just today, is donald trump the best tool for President Putin . Hes Prettier Rattic . Pretty . . Spacer rattic . Thats not the case any more. Putins team already understood they made a mistake. Today there is a rumour they had given instruction to Propaganda Media to stop, please, mr trump and stop talking about mr trump. Huge coverage with russia media just now because of understanding, understanding mr trump is devoted to internal american interests rather than lifting sanctions from mr putin. He could be Even Stronger with mr obama with his approach to crimea, ukraine, syriaened a the middle east in general terms. I think that is why they already started to understand. Its my believe, my prediction is, in one months understand. Its my believe, my prediction is, in one months time mrtrump will prediction is, in one months time mr trump will become an enemy for mr putin. Thats inevitable. Unless, they have something on mr trump. We know about the allegations. You yourself have been a victim, you we re yourself have been a victim, you were videoed in a hotel room. The russians say they have no interested in tailing and bugging mr trump when he came to russia in 2013. Do you believe that . I have no information. I would say some kind of following was in place. I dont know what compromise that could produce. In many cases some people in russia and abroad here in europe they think that some how soft position of mr trump on evidence and things with respect to mr putins regime could be read as any connection. I dont know. I have are no confirmation. There is such a feeling. We are really grateful for you coming there is such a feeling. We are really gratefulfor you coming on the programme this evening. Very good to talk to you. Thank you. Thank you. That was fascinating. Im glad you kept it in the realm of Family Viewing there. I thought what he said about donald trump becoming an enemy within a month was interesting and russian news media are all ready Writing Stories less complimentary of donald trump. That will be fascinating. Ido i do not know about you, christian, but the pace is exhausting. I am struggling to keep up, hard to believe it is 28 days and so much has happened. The bbc have pulled together these key moments. Have a look. The first month, starts with the inauguration crowds, too big, too small. Then the Executive Action Train pulls out of the station. Withdraw from the transpacific partnership, the Keystone Pipeline is back on, targeting obama car, the wall, but the big Executive Order. Stopping refugees and citizens of majority muslim countries coming to the us. Extreme vetting. We only wa nt to the us. Extreme vetting. We only want to admit those who will support oui want to admit those who will support m our countrye Attorney General was fired for refusing to defend the immigration ban. Plus a judge in washington blocked the ban from going forward. Trump called for an investigation into unproven claims of voter fraud. He nominated the nominee for the supreme court. Trump was not happy. More bad news. Do you have full confidence in the president . His National Security adviser resigned over communications with russia and possible lying to the Vice President. At the same time, trump broke with decades of support for an Israeli Palestinian two state solution. I am looking at two state, one state. So far, thats it. Wasnt the news supposed to quieten down after the election . Only 28 days, it feels like 280. For more on this i spoke to dan boltz. Youve covered, i think im right in saying, seven american administrations, how does this one compare, 5 g f. e watched him in the political realm. Hes a chaos creator. He likes to have things, kind of, in motion and a lot of balls in the air and, yet, in the early stage of his administration that has not served him or his team particularly well. 0k, thank you very much forjoining me. Thank you

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