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Here in the uk nearly one and a half million signatures. The Petition Calling for the uk government to abandon Donald Trumps proposed state visit to britain is growing but theresa may is having none of it. I have issued that invitation, the invitation to President Trump to the United Kingdom and that protest stands. The protests are beginning in london tonight. The Foreign Secretary says uk Passport Holders and dual nationals will not be affected by the ban. Hello and welcome to 100 days. Im Katty Kay In Washington and Christian Frasers in london. Week two of the Trump Administration and already there are legal challenges to one of the president s key election pledges the introduction of a temporary ban on refugees and visa holders from seven majority muslim countries, including iraq and syria. Today european governments have been seeking further clarity on who is banned, and who is not. But mr trump makes no apology for the way the ban was implemented, as nick bryant reports from new york. No ban a policy intended to defend america is seen by protestors as an attack on american values. And the demonstrations against the travel ban brought Tens Of Thousands onto the streets. This was portland, oregon and an angry clash between supporters and opponents of the president. This is such a polarising policy. Inside airports there has been great confusion over who should be allowed into america, partly because the ban was implemented so quickly without consultation with the relevant government agencies. And it wasntjust muslim arrivals who struggled to contain their emotions. This was the leading democrat on capitol hill, Chuck Schumer. This Executive Order. It was mean spirited and un american. This morning at the white house, President Trump mocked that response. I noticed Chuck Schumer with fake tears yesterday. I know him very well. I dont see him as a crier. It was the Protestors Thronging Airports Who donald trump claims are responsible for any chaos over the weekend. Then an Airline Computer Glitch grounded more than 150 flights. He defended his travel ban on twitter. He said there was nothing nice about searching for terrorists before they enter the country. This was a big part of my campaign, study the world. The bad would rush into our country in a week. A lot of bad dudes out there. Over the water from the statue of liberty, is Staten Island, the only new york borough to vote for donald trump. Here there is strong support for the travel ban. Whatever needs to be done, has to be done. This is for the safety of everybody. We live in a country of democracy and if the majority of people feel they are threatened and wants to have things in place, then we should be able to have things in place. Donald trump boasted throughout the campaign he was a businessman who would get things done. But even members of his own party have been critical of the botched roll out of a signature policy. Nick bryant, bbc news, new york. In the past few hours the Foreign Secretary here in the uk has clarified again that the extreme vetting programme will not apply to british citizens with dual nationality. But today american embassies around europe seemed to contradict that. 0n the Facebook Page of the embassy in berlin, officials said any National Or Dual national from the seven affected countries should not schedule a visa appointment. Well, weve been speaking to one woman directly affected by the ban batool shannan. She is a syrian scientist who lives in essen in north germany, who had already obtained a visa to visit the us. I asked her how she felt as a muslim who was effectively locked out of the country. I had never thought of myself as different. The religion is personal. It is part of you. But you dont really show it around. I am not the kind of person who goes around saying, i am a muslim. I am not really a practising muslim. A lot of people cannot guess because of my parents but once they know i come from syria, they make the connection. It is really demeaning. That is probably a strong word but the way i feel about it, no matter what i do on the matter how high i get in my career, it will still be the syrian muslim, that will be it. Everything else will be stripped away. You can Everything Else will be stripped away. You can never Everything Else will be stripped away. You can never be equal to the people here, for example. Not here literally in germany, but in general. You are not measured by your achievements, you are measured by the two things you cannot control, like your citizenship is given to you at birth, and your religion is usually chosen by parents. You can choose whatever you wa nt parents. You can choose whatever you want to do with it but like i said, it is private. I am not prepared to share it with anybody, because i didnt hurt anybody with it, it is mine. Batool shannan speaking to us earlier. When we looked at the concept of this programme, 100 days, some people said, is it 100 days of donald trump, or is it 100 days of how things are affected around the world. What really became clear is the two things were deeply connected. We have seen that very clearly over the course of the last few days. I think we have lost katty. That is the problem being 3000 miles apart. There she is. 3000 miles apartand 3000 miles apart. There she is. 3000 miles apart and a Technical Glitch we were pains to point out that the 100 days did notjust apply to Donald Trumps presidency, but also how it would affect security, the economy and defence around the world. We got a sense of how the world. We got a sense of how the world really is. You have to be aware of how far the white house is aware of how far the white house is aware of how far the white house is aware of what the fallout would be from the Executive Order on friday, in terms of what allies around the world would think. But also if they care. How much is the White House National security team, in terms of secretary of defence, the secretary of state, the head of the cia, are they on board with this . Because they on board with this . Because they are the ones who have to deal in terms of collecting intelligence, in terms of collecting intelligence, in terms of collecting intelligence, in terms of Formulating Policy with americas allies and this is not good for america. I have lived in america for 25 years and the only Timei America for 25 years and the only time i have seen at Global Reaction like this was in the run up to the iraq war because of what george bush was doing. A lot of this has been about steve bannon, one of the senior advisers to donald trump will stop he was once in charge of breibart. Some people are saying he is now suppla nting breibart. Some people are saying he is now supplanting the Military Top Brass. Some are saying the Military Top Brass are not excluded although that did seem the position of the Executive Order which is now signed. George bush specifically said he did not want karl rove, who was a political appointees come in on those intelligence meetings because he wanted it pure intelligence, not litter sized intelligence. We can now speak to retired army general wesley clark. He served that nato and was a former president ial candidate on the democrat side. He is in little rock, arkansas. I want to ask you about this travel ban on immigrants from seven countries. As a security matter, it is a mistake. It does not help your security. First, you cannot win the war at the border, second we might be doing what is called extreme vetting of people in the country anyway. Third, it does alienate us from governments who are trying to help off abroad, and defeat since the alqaeda and isis propaganda lines. You can only view this in terms of follow through ona Campaign View this in terms of follow through on a Campaign Pledge terms of american domestic politics. It is like the other Executive Orders which was signed in the first week of the Trump Administration. It could be called the education of donald trump. It could be called something else. But you cannot govern the country with Executive Orders which are not coordinated and a p pa re ntly orders which are not coordinated and apparently this wasnt. Orders which are not coordinated and apparently this wasntli orders which are not coordinated and apparently this wasnt. I will not ask what else you would call this you and i know that if you poll the american public, as polls have been done recently on stricter immigration procedures, he campaigned radically on tougher Administration Leave immigration procedures. He isjust following through on what he campaigned on. You could argue that but the consequences were not foreseen because the circumstances were not understood. If you polled the american public, 70 are in favour of tighter gun control but we will not get that and 70 are in favour of Family Planning but this runs counter to the mandate in office. This is the rough and tumble of politics. General clark, as a former supreme allied commander, spell it out for us a little bit more specifically, how this might hurt american National Security . Well, we have to work with our allies and the allies have to work with us. We have had mixed messages from the Trump Administration and figures within the Trump Administration on nato. I thought we got some clarity with Prime Minister mays visit last week. They both agreed that nato was important but beyond that, when you get into specific issues, you have to do intelligence sharing, you have to do intelligence sharing, you have to talk about people, you have to talk about groups with muslim countries, because they are the ones who know these groups and people best. If you cut off your relationships with those countries and think you can build a wall, literally or figurative lee around america and europe, you are making a mistake. You are not strengthening security, you are weakening it. How would you advise your european allies to deal with the Trump Administration on this issue . Well, on this issue, i think you have got to go back through all the different methods of reaching out. We have intelligence to intelligence, state to foreign ministry, state to defence cooperation, we have alliance organisations, we have economic. You have to come back on every single issue, on every single Connection Point back to the administration, as well as having the ambassador talking to the state department. You have Business People who have been dealing with donald trump. There are uk businessmen who know donald trump. Maybe they have a view on this . That is General Clark from arkansas. His guide on dealing with the Trump Administration there has been some more news in washington. 0n has been some more news in washington. On twitter donald trump said he would reveal the nomination for the Supreme Court live. The president says he will announce his choice of Supreme Courtjustice tomorrow. On twitter, mr trump wrote hell reveal his nomination live at 8pm us eastern time. Theres been a vacancy on the Supreme Court bench since last february, after the death of conservative justice antonin scalia. Mr trump said hed be nominating someone who was pro life. Police in canada say theyve arrested a suspect after a Mosque Attack near quebec city. Six people were killed and at least a dozen others were injured, when shots were fired inside the building during sunday evening prayers. Another man was arrested and police say, hes now being treated as a witness. Canadas Prime Ministerjustin trudeau says it was a Terrorist Attack against muslims. The Australian Government says the us has agreed to honour a deal to resettle refugees currently being held in Off Shore Detention Centres in the pacific. Mr 0bama had agreed to take on refugees on manus island and nauru and there were doubts about whether mr trump would follow through given his latest travel ban. Many of the refugees are from iran, iraq and syria. A petition to cancel President Trumps state visit to the uk has just reached 1. 4 million signatures. Members of parliament have criticised the ban, and will debate the state visit on tuesday. As we mentioned a little earlier the British Foreign secretary Boris Johnson has been addressing parliament in the past few hours lets listen to what he said. The general principle is that all british Passport Holders remain welcome to travel to the us. We have received assurances, we have received assurances, we have received assurances, we have received assurances from the us embassy that this Executive Order will make no difference to any british passport holder, irrespective of their country of birth, or whether they hold another passport. That is the current Foreign Secretary, lets speak to the former conservative Foreign Secretary, malcolm rifkind. What do you make of this petition . Well, i think it genuinely reflects the views of a large number of people in the United Kingdom, but you cannot conduct International Relations on the basis of the number of people who may or may not have signed a petition. But there is a general feeling that maybe the extension of a state visit was held out too early, was not something we could have held back . Cull you seem to misunderstand the point of state visits. They are not meant to be a personal to the individual invited, nor a reward for treatment they have carried out. We had a state visit from the president of china a few months ago and china is not exactly a democratic country that respects human rights but it was crucial in order to advance the United Kingdom was my interests and influence china in its behaviour. If that is true of china it is to be at least as true when youre dealing with someone who whatever we think of them, and i have no admirer of mr trump, but he is the democratically elected president of the united states. Is the democratically elected president of the United Stateslj understand no us president has been offered a state visit in his first year of office. Because previous president s were already established political figures. We are dealing with somebody who nobody expected to be president. This is a crucial period for trying to get some opportunity to be able to influence his decisions both now and over the weeks and months ahead. Clearly, a state visit of the kind that is proposed bills on what has already been achieved by theresa may in her meeting in washington. The United Kingdom has an opportunity to influence the president at this moment in time probably more than any other foreign head moment in time probably more than any otherforeign head of government. That is something we will use in a positive way. The Prime Minister has made clear on this issue that is captivating attention today, the uk strongly disagrees with the measures in the Executive Order. Lets have a listen to the Prime Minister, who is in dublin today as a guest of enda kenny. This is what she had to say on the travel ban. In relation to the policies that have been announced by the united states, the uk takesa announced by the united states, the uk takes a different approach. I was Home Secretary for six years and at no stage did i introduce those sorts of arrangements. So obviously, President Trump is now moving to put into place what he had said he would do, but we have a different approach to these matters in the uk. Theresa may, speaking in dublin. Sir malcolm, i just wanted may, speaking in dublin. Sir malcolm, ijust wanted to ask, your advice to theresa may is to deal with donald trump in a polite but firm way on issues she might disagree with him on. You could argue that is exactly what she did on friday and did not really get very far. No sooner is she on the plane back to uk and turkey, this row eru pts plane back to uk and turkey, this row erupts over the immigration bill, making her look a little like tony blair did with george bush. Bill, making her look a little like tony blair did with George Bushlj was not present at these Power Conversations but we have no indication they discussed refugee questions. It was her ability to say without any contribution by him but he is 100 in favour of nato, which isa he is 100 in favour of nato, which is a big step in the right direction compared to what youre saying during the election campaign. As far as the current controversy is concerned, i think the uk government has two responsibilities, the first which it has already done is to say clearly a nd which it has already done is to say clearly and unambiguously that it disapproves, disagrees with the Executive Order and thinks theres a very unwise decision. The second obligation is to use the diplomatic means available to it to seek to influence changes in that decision. Already, by getting the Foreign Secretary and the Home Secretary to get in touch with their counterparts in washington, we have had it clarified that those with dual nationality will not be affected by the band. They does not resolve the overall controversy but it is a big step for Tens Of Thousands of people who are affected by that. By the ban. By good chance, we have a Prime Minister who already has a very constructive personal relationship with the american president. Id remember, was margaret thatchers in margaret thatchers government and involved with meetings she had with mr gorbachev, they totally disagreed with each other, however, by personal conversation in a constructive way, she was able to end up saying, this is a man with whom we can do business, and that led to the end of the cold war, through President Reagan as well, without a shot being fired. On this petition, the wording is such that it is not really drawing issue with him coming to the uk, it is the capacity of the state visit. They worry he might embarrass the queen. Maybe for our global viewers, you can explain why that might be the case. If i can explain why that might be the case. If can say in can explain why that might be the case. If i can say in the can explain why that might be the case. If can say in the most respectful and loyal way, her majesty the queen is not capable of being embarrassed. If you remember how difficult and painful it was when we did the deal with the ira to bring peace in Northern Ireland, and the queen at one stage had to shake hands with gerry adams and martin mcguinness, and her own family, lord mountbatten, had been one of the people murdered by the ira. The queen is Head Of State and just as the rest of us often have to do things which we personally dislike, if we have public responsibilities, we have to decide what the interests of our country as a whole require of us, otherwise we should not be in thatjob. So the question of a state visit, state visits are more than just working visits, but they have a serious purpose, notjust ceremonial, they are there in order to have the maximum impact on another head of government, with whom we can make important progress on things that we believe in and we wish to see advance. If we can do that better to a state visit than without one, there is not the slightest doubt in my mind that that is the right thing to do. The sooner, the better. Because donald trump, like his predecessors, need advice, is less aware of Foreign Policy in particular, than most any of his predecessors over the last 50 yea rs. Of his predecessors over the last 50 years. Sir malcolm, thank you for being with us. Very interesting to hear his defence of the rationale behind the state visit and why that is a good idea, he seems to be saying, at the moment. And also his defence, i think, of theresa may and the effo rts think, of theresa may and the efforts she has made to try to influence the white house, when of course as you know, those protesters are thinking actually, she seems to have caved too much. But there have been protests across the middle east as well reacting to mr trumps travel ban. The bbc has heard stories around the whole region. In iraq, the parliament has called for retaliation and a ban on americans visiting. More than 12,000 of those refugees were from syria. Alex forsyth has spent the day with one of those affected. A desperate sound but all too familiarfor the a desperate sound but all too familiar for the uns Refugee Reception in beirut. This is where Hundreds Of Thousands of those who fled syria come for aid or advice. This morning, along with the usual queues and quiet resignation, there was added frustration now Syrian Refugees have been banned from the us. For two years, yasser has wanted to find a new country in which he can to find a new country in which he ca n settle. To find a new country in which he can settle. He said today, even if given the chance, he would never go to america. Translation given the chance, he would never go to america. Translationzlj given the chance, he would never go to america. Translation i do not wa nt to to america. Translation i do not want to go to a racist country that discriminate against arabs and muslims. For others, it is another hope fading. Like this man, desperate to leave lebanon this woman, desperate to leave lebanon and get help for her cancer ridden child. She told me, ijust want to be treated like any other human being, look in a country which protect my rights and helps my children. 0nly children. Only a fraction of Syrian Refugees would have been eligible for resettlement in the united states. Those deemed to be the most vulnerable. Yet, still here, news of President Trumps Executive Order has increased the sense of hopelessness. Many feel another door is now closed to them. Elsewhere, there is anger as cases emerge of legitimate residents being stopped from returning to america. Like ali, from returning to america. Like ali, from iraq, who has lived near la for three years but is stuck injordan after leaving the us will work. Yesterday he missed his six year old daughters bracket. Translation today i went to buy a new ticket by companies advised me not to travel. Daughters birthday. Companies advised me not to travel. Daughters birthday. As the confusions plead out across the middle east, the scale of those affected is still unclear. World renowned Clarinet Player Jeanne Anne is here for a concert. 0ne Jeanne Anne is here for a concert. One of the many unsure if he will be able to return home. I have not been able to return home. I have not been able to return home. I have not been able to go back for a few years and now, this other home with my friends and family, now that has also been barred. Watt mac the consequences of the American Immigration changes are echoing around the region. In many places leaving behind questions and growing discord. Alex forsyth, bbc news, beirut. Youre watching one hundred days from bbc news. We have seen a lot of cloud today, rather misty and murky day as well with temperatures in double figures, perhaps here in swanage, but there was some sunshine across scotland, chilly here, with of fog and we also had some sunshine across the far north of england. You can see the difference in temperature from earlier as well. Double figures towards the south west, nearer three celsius in the highlands. Tumbling for a while in scotland and the north east england. Then all this cloud comes in is lovely from the west, bringing rain and drizzle. The more substantial rain comes into Northern Ireland and Western Scotla nd Northern Ireland and Western Scotland later. The wind picking up and a lot of low cloud, sam hill fog and a lot of low cloud, sam hill fog and pretty mild. But chilly for a while across eastern areas. Temperatures slow to rise during tomorrow. Some rain pushing its way east across scotland are some gusty wind, particularly around the moray firth. The wettest weather probably first thing across Northern Ireland, especially more Eastern Parts. Spitz and spots of rain and drizzle coming in crossing them and wales, a lot of low cloud and sam hill fog. Some hill fog. Deborah gers are still sitting at ten or 11 celsius, contrasting with the chilly start for the easter inside of the country. The wet weather clears away from Northern Ireland and we get some sunshine. That Rain Pushing East across scotland. It will be rather heavy at times. Gusty winds as well. A chilly wind blowing across Eastern Parts of england and scotland. Milderfurther across Eastern Parts of england and scotland. Milder further west. Premier League Football returns tomorrow. It returns with this cloudy and mild air, there could be some rain around as well. For the first day of february, wednesday, we will have some cloud and rain. Most of it heading into the north sea but lingering in the south east of england. More rain coming into wales and the south west. In between a little brighter after a chilly start in scotland, eight to 11 celsius. The weather will be coming in from the atlantic this week and later in the atlantic this week and later in the week, areas of low pressure pushing up from the south and west, which will threaten some wind and rain. That is the theme for the week ahead. The wind will get stronger this week. That will blow in some rain from time to time. On the whole, i think will be on the might mild sight, a far cry from what we have been used it over the last week or so. Welcome back to 100 days with Katty Kay In Washington and Christian Fraser in london. Our top story today as protests a re as protests are held across america, donald trump is making no apologies for the way his travel ban was implemented across the weekend. And how much of a dusty how to push these changes through . We will have a look at President Trumps popularity. We do have some news coming in to us. It is from the office of the former president barack 0bama. This is his first date men since leaving the white house and his officers president 0bama fundamentally disagrees with the notion of discriminating because of faith or religion. The statement says he has been heartened by the Civic Engagement of the country. What to make of that . Donald trump has had a lot to say about president 0bamas presidency. Is it usual to get involved this soon . |j 0bamas presidency. Is it usual to get involved this soon . I am surprised he is getting involved this soon but im not surprised because of the protests we saw at the weekend. Barack 0bama did say that he felt if there were issues of the fundamental nature of the values of america and what it meant to the american then he would weigh in on them. At the time the suggestion was about immigration and hispanics but now the president feels he needs to get involved in this. He did say he would leave office and be quiet for a bit. The one Foreign Policy area that has defeated all us president s, is finding a negotiated settlement to the Israeli Palestinian conflict. Its no secret that barack 0bama saw Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as one of the main impediments to peace, particularly when it came to the building of Israeli Settlements in the west bank. In contrast, donald trump has vowed to be israels best friend. He has invited Benjamin Netanyahu to the white house on february 15. We have just heard that. He condemned a Un Security Council resolution last year, that called for a halt to settlement building, and he has promised to move the us embassy in tel aviv to jerusalem. So what are the implications . Mark lowen has been taking a look. Politics Changes Butjewish Tradition remains. The ancient ritual of transcribing the torah for prayer boxes. From this factory in a settlement, this man has seen american president s come and go. Now he hopes donald trump will write a new chapter in us israel relations. 0bama came and 0bama went, thank god. That is what we think about 0bama. Lets hope that we wont have to think the same about trump in four or eight years from now. Rhetoric is cheap. Talk is cheap. Actions speak. Ties weakened under president 0bama who was against settle m e nt president 0bama who was against settlement building. The final blow was allowing a resolution against it to pass at the un. Israel was furious. Because israel is tough and smart and strong and israel has been sold out by 0bama. Smart and strong and israel has been sold out by obama. Donald trump has taken a sold out by obama. Donald trump has takenafar sold out by obama. Donald trump has taken a far more pro israel line, vowing to move the embassy to jerusalem. He said he would be israels best friend in america. This settlement is deep in the occupied west bank which palestinians want for a free state. David friedman, the president s pic for us ambassador, the president s son and Son In Law Have donated to it. He will not limit us like 0bama did. Maybe the world will change their approach to follow donald trump. That the palestinians say it is also their territory. Translation the arabs claim it is theirs, it is not all birds. Those who want to come and live in peace can but otherwise they can go. They can but otherwise they can go. They can live anywhere. A slice of america, sort of, is entrenched here, but they fear support from washington is burning away. The language we have heard, particularly the language of ideology, that israel can do no wrong and the us will be the victim of israel, and in many ways the partner of israel in its illegal activities, this is serious cause for alarm, and if it moves its embassy, then there is no reason to talk about any solution because it is finished. It is done for. This is where a us embassy injuries ina for. This is where a us embassy injuries in a stand, but the Trump Administration has now lowered expectations saying discussions are Ata Expectations saying discussions are at a very early stage. For years, the us has leased this empty plot from israel for the annual rent of a dollar. Successful president s and candidates have vowed to move here and then ditched it. Now donald trump appears to be rowing back somewhat on the same promise. When it comes to the new president , nobody knows what his Middle East Policy will be, whether an embassy will be built here and whether his rhetoric will translate into reality. So an unknown quantity that israels most important ally is renewing the relationship, and others in the region fear what it means for the borders of this contested land. Katty, it is an area i know well and in that part of the world they Pay Attention to coded signals. The one thing that might be different about this president is he is a transaction or president , he arranges things as if they are business deal, and i wonder if that might bea business deal, and i wonder if that might be a breath of fresh air for the middle east peace process. You are right, he is transactional. At the weekend he spent an hour speaking to the king of saudi arabia and the ruler of the united arab emirates. A sign that having this uproar over the Immigration Ban, he was still going to deal with senior arab officials. When it comes to the Israeli Palestinian question, donald trump has made it clear he would like to be the american president who solves this problem and he has put his son in law who solves this problem and he has put his son in Lanared Kushner in charge of doing that so it is something he will focus on but there area something he will focus on but there are a lot of problems in the middle east as there are four other president s. We will watch it closely. We are going to turn back to the travel ban. So some very noisy and visible protests this weekend in america. But does that reflect popular sentiment around the country. What are the polls telling us about Donald Trumps first week in office . His Approval Ratings for an incoming president were pretty low. 45 of americans in favour, and by saturday it had dropped to 42 . The Inaugural Address was broadly well received with around half rating it as good or excellent. We dont have any new polling on what they make of the travel ban but Data Collected earlier this month showed nearly half were in favour of tighter controls. Heres what some of the Trump Supporters on Staten Island think of the ban. We lived in a dangerous world on Donald Trumps number one job is to protect the American People. Donald trumps number one job is to protect the American Peoplelj Donald Trumps number one job is to protect the American People. I have mixed feelings because members of my family came as immigrants and they came here in a much different time in history, and now with all the lone wolves that operate and attack the us, we really need to have some form of betting in place. Vetting. I think circumstances in the middle east over the last few years require a degree of caution that we have not been exercising before so i do think it is important. Id trust him. His number onejob is to protect important. Id trust him. His number one job is to protect the American People and he said he would do it so thatis people and he said he would do it so that is why he was voted in. Do i agree with everything he is doing right now . No, identical. Buti right now . No, identical. But i feel he has a reason for doing what he is doing so we have to wait and see. My parents are immigrants as well. Although they came here legally with their own visa and stuff like that. Hopefully, in the future they can also have a future in the way my family did. Personally, ifeel if people want to come to my country and they want to live here and stay here, if the betting is part of the process, that should be acceptable to them as if i went to their country and there was a Vetting Process in place that i would have to abide by. But some of the people at the airport had already had their visa checks. We are very threatened in this country and there are a lot of things which our government know about in terms of threats to our country, and if they feel that this is necessary, then i am with it all the way. There we go. It is important to remember there are a lot of people in america who stand. Where behind the president. A lot of the criticism there has been, has focused not on the controls the president was trying to introduce, more on the way they have been implemented. Lets speak to professor Jonathan Turley hes a legal scholar from George Washington University Law school. Professor, lets unpack this, is the law on President Trumps side with this Immigration Ban . law on President Trumps side with this Immigration Ban . I think he definitely has the advantage. Part of the problem we are seeing is there is plenty to disagree about this Executive Order. I happen to think it is a terrible mistake, but what the court looks like is not a policy or how it is rolled out, but whether a president has the authority to suspend entries at the border. For the president , authority to suspend entries at the border. Forthe president , his powers at the border, courts have generally deferred to president s. It is ironic to hear president 0bama object because last year he told the Supreme Court that he doesnt believe the federal courts should be second guessing his policies on ed immigration. He said he fundamentally disagrees with the notion of discriminating against individuals based on theirfaith or religion. Could that get President Trump into legal trouble . religion. Could that get President Trump into legal trouble . I think it is going to be difficult for a judge to come in and say i will reject the National Security claims of the president here or to say it is unconstitutional to bar entry from particular countries. Jimmy carter, barack 0bama himself, have isolated countries in the past that they believe our National Security risks. 0ne believe our National Security risks. One thing that will not happen in my view is a federaljudge will not view is a federaljudge will not view this as a muslim ban, because technically it is not. We can talk about motivations but federal courts do not get into motivations. They look at this rather dispassionately. They will see a ban that affects some but not most muslim countries. Thank you, unpacking the legality of this. All of this, the politics, the legality, the international reaction, that is why we are doing this programme. There is a lot happening in washington which affects our viewers around the world. Tomorrow we will be discussing the Supreme Court. The first Supreme Court nominee will be coming tomorrow. That is it for 100 days. Laura trevelyan will be on Facebook Live after this. And well be back tomorrow, at the same time on bbc world news, and the bbc news channel in the uk, looking at President Trumps pick for his Supreme Courtjustice. Join us then if you can. Goodbye. This is bbc news the headlines theresa may says the invitation for donald trump to come on a state visit to britain still stands. Her comments come as an online Petition Calling for the trip to be cancelled has now collected more than 1. 4 million signatures. In cardiff, leaders of the devolved governments in wales, scotland and Northern Ireland, have been holding talks with theresa may. Theyre demanding a greater say in the brexit process. The metropolitan police says its received 255 separate allegations of sexual abuse in football against individuals, at 77 named clubs or teams, including five in the premier league. An update on the Market Numbers for you heres how london and frankfurt ended the day. Not looking too good. And in the the united states, this is how the dow and the nasdaq are getting on. The bbc understands Aston Villa Football Club sacked a scout accused of sexually abusing young boys in 1988, and the club didnt tell the police. Ted langford was eventuallyjailed two decades later for offences against Young Players. 0ur Correspondentjim Reed has this report, and viewers may find some of the content upsetting. Ive lived a normal life. Of course, ive lived a normal life, as normal as i can. When youve got Something Like that inside of you, its something thats going to stay with you until the day you die. Another footballer comes forward in whats still a growing abuse scandal. Tony brien was a bright young defender, he played for a number of professionals clubs in the 1980, he was abused by this man, ted langford who died in 2012, langford worked as a scout for both Leicester City and aston villa. We used to go on trips abroad and you know kids were coming out with love bites all over their neck and everything like that and it was just terrible to see it. The Victoria Derbyshire programme has learnt that ted langford was sacked by aston villa in 1988 after the club received allegations of abuse. The decision was taken after speaking to a number of Young Players and parents, but the club did not report that abuse to the authorities. Villas Assistant Manager at the time was dave richardson, who went on to become head of Youth Development at the premier league. He said, i did what i felt was right at the time for the club and the boys who had been abused. Parents told me they did not want the matter reported to the police. In 2007, ted langford was finally jailed for sexually abusing four Young Players linked to both clubs. Those offence took place up to 1989, the year after he was sacked by aston villa. He could have been stopped. Its big and it happened and it happened to a lot of people and its something that you cant keep inside yourself forever. And if you come forward, at least youll get some help. The case will now form part of the independent inquiry into historical abuse ordered by the football association, both aston and leicester say their safeguarding policies today are of the highest standard. Mps will carry out an investigation into so called fake news reports that are false or inaccurate, but shared widely on social media. The trend came to International Attention last year, with claims that American Voters were influenced by fake news in the run up to the election. 0ur media editor, amol rajan, reports. Fake news rose to prominence during the american president ial election, when outrageous stories about endorsements of donald trump went viral on social media. Some of these stories were read by millions, but none were true. Now mps will investigate how to disrupt the economics of fake news and what tools users of social media need to separate reality from lies. It is a big and growing problem. And when in america, during the president ial election, we saw a scenario where the spreading of Fake News Stories was reaching bigger audiences than legitimate news stories, thats got to be a big threat to our media and our democracy. The fake news inquiry will examine the impact of fake news on traditionaljournalism and the implications for public life, advertising and whether the drive for clicks is fuelling the spread of fake news, and Social Media Platforms and how young people who use them are influenced by unreliable information. As fake news rises up the political agenda, the question now is what to do about it. One answer is Fact Checking organisations like this one. It looks likely that their role in the fight against fake news is about to get bigger. Full fact is a charity in which the team of analysts verify claims and counterclaims online. This month they received funding from google to support their work. In years gone by, traditional media could devote greater resources to sifting truth from falsehood. But with their Business Models under pressure, new organisations are emerging to fulfil a smaller role. Similar role. I think were at a pivotal moment. Weve just had a year in which everyone has realised, hang on, this is a really big problem. And for the first time, all of the people who could play a role in solving it are really thinking about, what is their role . This year will tell us whether they stand up to that challenge or not. The tech giants who control so much of the information in our lives today are waking up to their responsibilities. For all that mps may investigate the problem of fake news, they know that ultimately it is the likes of facebook and google who will develop any long term solution. Amol rajan, bbc news. With me now is damian collins, who chairs the media select committee. He joins us from westminster. Thank you for being with us. I have a couple of headlines, fake news headlines, pope backs donald trump, queen backs brexit, 0bama bans oath of allegiance in schools. A lot of people would see those headlines and say that the epitome rubbish, fake news is not that big a deal. How do you convince them that it is actually a serious thing that we all need to deal with . If it is not serious and people do not take these stories seriously, why do they share them as widely as they do . The 0bama story about him banning the oath of allegiance in schools, that was shared on facebook by 2 Million People. The pope endorsing donald trump was shared by nearly a Million People in the final three months of the election campaign. So the scale of this, because of the way the social platforms work, because its many of us now social platforms work, because its many of us now use social platforms work, because its many of us now use them every day, it is easy for these stories to spread like wildfire and that is why the moment has come when we have to ta ke the moment has come when we have to take a serious look at this. What kind of action do you foresee . There area kind of action do you foresee . There are a couple of key things. The social media sites like google and facebook and accept social responsibility to act against illicit material being shared online, and it will take down sites, delist sites. Also pirated content as well, they have accepted they have responsibility as well. Where we can identify sources of fake news, be at certain websites or server is uncertain part of the world who we know are distributing and originating these stories, lets ta ke and originating these stories, lets take action against them there. We need to look at the sort of tools that are available for consumers as well. Should news sites have a Verification Tool similar to the one that exists on twitter to verify a user is the person they say they are . Couldnt verify that a Website Thatis are . Couldnt verify that a website that is distributing news is known to be reputable and has Fact Checking in place and can be trusted, and therefore sites that do not have that that have been linked to fa ke not have that that have been linked to Fake News Stories in the past will be downgraded, consumers will look at them and say, i might find it interesting but it is unlikely to be true. So a sort of kitemark suggesting that the voracity of a particular story and the sourcing as well. Thats right. One of the problems with the facebook algorithm is that it favours virality, stories going viral because they are sensational. There is no check on quality. So a story might be distributed widely because it has a certain notoriety but there is no quality control, no way of checking if it is true. When a story like that spreads, how do you stop it spreading . There does not seem to do that were to be any mechanism to do that. When the traditional media get things wrong, they apologise or they can take down a story online but you cannot do that with fake news if it has originated from a server in macedonia that is beyond the reach of the authorities. So the platforms have to understand their responsibility in dealing with this. You have to talk to the likes of facebook, google and twitter in this investigation. Yes, we have announced the terms of reference for the investigation. Anyone can send evidence to the select committee through the website and in the spring we will start having oral evidence hearing sessions. We will wa nt to evidence hearing sessions. We will want to talk to the Big Companies but we will be interested to see evidence and suggestions from people as well. What do you do about fake news perpetrated by the legs of the Leave Campaign during the brexit vote . Leave campaign during the brexit vote . The likes. Leave campaign during the brexit vote . The likes. In political debate and the journalism as well, it is often that some commentators will give opinion, their interpretation of the facts. And the interpretation of the facts. And the interpretation from one person could be wildly different to another. We understand that when we hear people speaking about it, particularly people representing campaigns. But were not talking about someones interpretation of a series of facts that we might think is untrue, it is when people seek to take its total fabricated story, which has no truth to it at all, and seek to pass it off as legitimate news and that is what we are looking to address specifically in the enquiry. Thank you forjoining us. In November 2015, an elderly man was found lost, wandering around a car park in hereford. Ever since, efforts have been made to find out who he is. And now the bbcs Panorama Team have traced him to a suburb of los angeles, and discovered that his wife and his son had flown him to england and then abandoned him. Darragh macintyre has this report. This man was found in hereford in November 2015 with no id and no idea of where he came from. Everyone called him roger because he once said the name roger curry, but the police didnt know if that was his real name. We have a person, we have a possible name, but nothing else. Weve got no identity documents, no indication of where hes from. Roger has dementia and couldnt help. You speak with an accent from america, are you american . When we visited him last march, he had already been in a local care home for four months. What happens if he is identified and he has to leave here . It will be devastating, but then, you know, because the staff, weve adopted him. And for roger its wonderful, but hes become our roger. Yeah. The breakthrough came with this picture from a 1958 American High School yearbook. It featured an 18 year old roger curry from the far north west of the us. The likeness was striking. Panorama followed the lead and traced the teenager pictured in the yearbook to a current address in los angeles. The home was burnt out and looked abandoned, but neighbours knew roger. Can i show you these photographs . Thats roger. Are you sure . Oh, no question about it, no doubt. 100 . I am 100 sure thats roger. We had finally identified roger curry, but this story doesnt have a happy ending. We found that the family had been haunted by illness and trouble. It soon became clear that the 76 year old had been deliberately abandoned in england. His son kevin flew him to britain. Kevin, we need to find out what happened to your dad. Kevin, did you dump your father in england . Kevin . Youre trespassing. You need to leave. Kevin then agreed to answer questions, but not on camera. He says that he had nothing to do whatsoever with the abandonment of his father in england. He said his father became ill when they were visiting england on holiday, and that he asked a friend to take him to hospital. His explanation made no sense. Why did he leave his father in england for eight months . After we notified the police about roger currys identity, he was flown back to america lastjuly. He is now in the care of the la authorities. Darragh macintyre, bbc news. And you can watch panorama, the mystery of the unknown man, tonight on bbc one at 8 30 on bbc one. Now time for a look at the weather with darren. Good evening. Mild weather at this time of year often means cloudy weather. For most, but was the way of it today. There was some sunshine in highland scotland, some sunshine in highland scotland, some blue skies for a while. But towards the south and south west and a lot of low cloud and misty conditions. Some hill fog as well. A few breaks in the cloud across Northern England and scotland. Here it was chilly early on. Much milder conditions across the south west and wales. Chilly for a while across the north east of scotland, the clodius dinner for a north east of scotland, the Clodius Dinnerfor a while. Patchy rain and drizzle is heading slowly east. More substantial and significant rain arriving in Northern Ireland and Western Scotland later as the wind sta rts Western Scotland later as the wind starts to pick up. For most of us, ill might but cooler for Eastern Parts of the uk. Heading into tuesday morning, we have this rain moving into scotland, some gusty wind, especially around the moray firth. The wettest weather in Northern Ireland, perhaps across more Eastern Parts of the country. I had of that, you can see the temperature contrast, lower temperatures for Eastern Parts of england, four, five or six, some rain or drizzle, much milder conditions towards wales and the south west early in the morning. We will have some low cloud and some hill fog. Some rain and drizzle bushing east across england and wales, the heavy rain will be further north. Moving into scotland in the north of england, clearing away from Northern Ireland, we may get some sunshine here. I chilly breeze across Eastern England and scotland. That will hold back the temperatures but milder further west, 11 or 12. Not rising much through the day. For the first day of the new month, wednesday will see some more cloud and rain, most of it heading into the north sea but lingering in the south east of england. More rain coming into the south west and wales later. Brighter but chilly start for scotland. On the whole, milder conditions over the whole, milder conditions over the weekend, often accompanied by areas of low pressure, coming in from the atlantic, threatening some spells of and rain. We will find the winds turning stronger as the week goes on, bringing some rain at times. But generally, much milder conditions, very different to last week. Goodbye. This is bbc news. The headlines at 8. 00 theresa may says the invitation for donald trump to come on a state visit to britain, still stands despite the anger over his travel ban. I have formally issued that invitation to President Trump and that invitations stands. Thousands protest on The Streets Of London and across the country as an online petition against Donald Trumps visit to the United Kingdom receives more than 1. 4 million signatures. And scotlands First Minister has given her clearest warning yet that she may have to consider a second independence referendum

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