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He is ordering a Major Investigation into voter fraud, still convinced that illegal votes affected the election result. And gun violence in chicago the president says he is considering sending in the feds would it help . Well have reaction from the city. Hello it is wednesday afternoon here in washington, donald trump has promised a big day in the reform of Americas National security laws. The president is outlining changes to immigration, visa controls, and a crack down on gun violence in chicago. And of course there is the promise, which he made throughout that election campaign, to build that wall. Hes also given his first tv interview as president , here is what he said about that wall to abc news. Ultimately we will start negotiations relatively soon with mexico and we will be reimbursed by mexico. So the american taxpayer will pay for the ball first. We will be reimbursed at a later date from whatever transaction we make from mexico. The mexican president said mexico. The mexican president said mexico will not pay and added it goes against their dignity as a country and as mexicans. He has to say that. Im just telling you, there will be a payment, it will be perhaps in a complicated form, and you have to understand what im doing is good for the us and also good for mexico. We want a stable and solid mexico. When does construction begin. As soon as we can physically do it. Within months . I would say within months and certainly planning is starting immediately. Our north america editor jon sopel is here. He needs to be seen to be moving on this issue . It was the Signature Mark of his campaign and whichever rally kuwait to it was, build a wall. Then he would ask who is going to pay and the crowd would say, mexico. Except of course initially it will be the us taxpayer. Possibly mexico, maybe. Because of course the us taxpayer is going to fund this. He is saying there will be some payment, it will be complicated. What does any of that mean. He has got to get going on it but quite what is going to be because during the campaign will lead to the it would be a 20 foot high wall stretching 2000 miles. I do not think he is quite envisaging that corrupt part of it will be offence, Pa Rt Corrupt part of it will be offence, part of that reinforced wall, not quite all but it seems. Maybe that is something got used to when dealing with donald trump. He starts from one position, we end up up somewhere else. Theres the issue of whether the president wants to review the american Policy On Black Site prisons and Interrogation Techniques. Two or three hours ago i felt i was reliving an episode of homeland. Extraordinary rendition. Water boarding, black sites. All the rest of it, enhanced Interrogation Techniques. He left it open in the abc interview and throughout the campaign. He said he would do tougher stuff than water boarding. So it came to the white house briefing, which ended 30 minutes ago and the president s Spokesman Sean Spicer was asked about it. Can you shed light on the draft memo going around about interrogation practices. It is not the white house document. Those who have reported on it, ithink document. Those who have reported on it, i think this is the second day we had a document that was not a white house document reported on as a factual document. I have no idea where it came from. But it is not a white house document. Does that clear it up . I would have thought if it was complete baloney, he would have had hugejoy in saying it is Com Plete Have had hugejoy in saying it is complete baloney. Instead of which he said it is not a white house document, to my knowledge the president has not seen it. So i think there is an area of ambiguity is still in there somewhere. It clearly is not about to be an Executive Order that is going to be signed tomorrow. But if you read the document there has been a lot of careful work gone into drafting it, what it would mean, what it would not mean, changes to the army manual. So perhaps it is something on the back burner but not the full force, white house document, publication tomorrow or the day after. Yesterday we spoke about Special Advisers Stephen Bannon who of course was critical of the 0bama attitude towards tackling terror. But we heard from the Defence Secretary james mathis who has a more relaxed view on this. So is there going to be tension . I think there going to be tension . I think there is tension between the populists and the old guard, i think there are tensions between radicals and more traditionally conservative elements. James mathis the Defence Secretary thought he had convinced donald trump that actually the whole issue of torture, forget the Human Rights Aspect of it, he says it is simply not working. Much better to give someone simply not working. Much better to give someone you are simply not working. Much better to give someone you are interrogating a couple of beers and the cigarette than to start trying to water board them and hope you will get information that way. So it seems there is a tension within the administration, but not a white house document according to sean spicer. And has been more news, about the voter fraud issue. President Trump Tweeting again about this issue. We spoke of it yesterday. Is it now becoming a Political Tool with which the president and the Supreme Court will be able to look at Voting Rights issues in america . That is leaping a lot of logical steps down the way but not unreasonable. Lets hear what the critical voices are saying. It is simple, he is the thin skinned narcissist and cannot accept that he lost the popular vote to hillary clinton, all driven by that. But other people, what happens if there isa other people, what happens if there is a review and it does not come up with the conclusion saying there was voter fraud but there with the conclusion saying there was voterfraud but there is with the conclusion saying there was voter fraud but there is to eliminate any perception that there is voterfraud, in eliminate any perception that there is voter fraud, in future elections there should be people having to produce identity before they are able to vote. That could have the effect of suppressing Voter Turnout especially amongst poor African American communities, who are most likely to vote democrat. That story is dominating American Media this morning. Lets get reaction from former republican governor of virginiajim reaction from former republican governor of virginia jim gilmore. You trained on the arizona border before you went to work in Us Intelligence in europe. Do you think it is actually possible to build this wall, 1900 miles long, along the us, Mexican Border . It is pretty long and when i was their training as an Intelligence Agent there is a lot of vast desert space. The thrust of what the president is saying is that the days of open borders are over, we must be able to control our borders and that means hes going to build a wall, at least some barrier, across the southern border of the us. It is going to control people just walking across the border either with drugs or dangerous situations and that is built thrust of what the president is saying. Technically where the bricks go, where those monitors go, that will be left to the department of Homeland Security. And what about reimbursement, we heard President Trump saying there will be initially american taxpayers paying for this and then they will get reimbursed by the mexicans. How is that going to work in practice, how do we know the mexicans had said theyre not going to pay for this, are going to say fine, we will do so . Well first i would say this, the Mexican Government needs to understand it has an obligation to control its side of the border and prevent people who are dangerous to the United States from simply walking across the border. Theyre not doing that. They do nothing to protect their neighbour to the north. Therefore we have an obligation to the American People to protect ourselves up as far as how that is financially going to be handled, the president will be in discussions with our mexican labourers on trade issues and a variety of other issues and im sure there will be some Horse Trading and swapping going on to make sure the American People are protected as they protect themselves. I spent a lot of time in the last year on the borders in europe, we had a migrant crisis for some time and there is evidence that fences do work. Looking at hungary and bulgaria, migrants have been directed around those countries and perhaps those governments would say they do work. But you will know all it really does is to channel people through a different direction and people take more risks to get to where they want to go. It happens but the alternative is simply not to have any kind of Border Control of any kind. No winning you in europe should really be doing that. For the uk part of the impetus Towards Brexit was to make sure they had control of their own borders and did not have to live in a regime where they had to accept anyone from within the eu willy nilly. So because of the middle east crisis and the terrorist war weary and internationally, there is much more ofa internationally, there is much more of a move now for civilised countries to begin to force more protections on behalf of their own people. So fences can at least bring some control and make a focus on who is going where and give us a better handle on movement of people. Thank you. And we will of course bring pictures from the department of Homeland Security word donald trump is currently, as soon as we get anything from that. Well there is speculation about the reopening of black sites centres. And of course christian it comes at a time when the president s relationship with the Intelligence Community is already a little strained. The president s feud with the Us Intelligence services began before he even took office. He dismissed the need for a daily intelligence briefing, a convention stretching back tojfk. He attacked a report by Intelligence Agencies that said Russian Hackers meddled in the us election with the aim of getting trump elected. He wrongly accused Us Intelligence of leaking and unverified dossier that alleged the russians had Compromising Material on him, and then in a tweet, he compared the same Intelligence Agencies to nazi germany. That may have been an insult to far. The very first day after his inauguration, mr trump went to langley in a bid to make amends with the cia. I want to say that there is nobody that feels stronger about the Intelligence Community and the cia than donald trump. There is nobody. Nobody. But even that visit didnt go so well. Mr trump used the occasion to brag about his victory and complain about the Press Coverage of the inauguration. John brennan, the man who led the cia until resigning last week, called it a despicable display of self aggrandisement. It is not unheard of for the white house to have a confrontational relationship with the cia. After all, sometimes a president might want to do something for his own political reasons that doesnt really work from an intelligence standpoint. And that has caused inherent tensions. President bush clashed repeatedly with the agency over iraq. 0nce Dismissing a report on the course of the war as just guessing. One of his most controversial decisions was the sanctioning of so called black sites, secret overseas cia interrogation centres. President 0bama ended the practice in 2009. Now according to us media, mr trump is reviewing both that decision and future interrogation methods. Ive been speaking to leon panetta who served as both head of the cia and later the Defense Department under president 0bama to get his views. Hejoined me from california. In 2009 as director of the cia you gave the water to the agency to close the black sites prisons. Mr trump is now reportedly reviewing those black sites and enhanced Interrogation Techniques or torture, if you call it that. Do you think that would be good for National Security in america . I think it would be a serious mistake to take a backward step on those issues. The reality is we do not really need black sites, we do not need to use enhanced interrogation in order to get the information that is required. General matters believes that, i think others in the intelligence business believe that. The fbi believe that. So i think it would be a mistake to go back to that and i think it could be damaging in terms of our image to the rest of the world. In an interview with abc news mr trump appears to have said that whilst he was surprised that the new Defence Secretary does not think that enhanced Interrogation Techniques, torture, work, he has spoken to people in the Intelligence Community in the past 2a hours who have a different opinion and hes very much living it on the table. What you make of these differences of opinion . It is hard to know what exactly is going on. Within the mind of the president right now. He has talked about going back to torture, but i think a lot of people regard that as not only a violation of our values in this country but a violation of the constitution. So i think it would be a mistake in fact to even raise the possibility that we would go back to those methods. The reality is that we have been successful at being able to get the intelligence that we need in order to protect this country. We have not had another attack since september the 11th. We have been able to protect this country and do what is necessary in order to deal with terrorism. And we can do it not only in ways that protect our security, but that also protect our values. Even you yourself have the time suggested some of the information that america has got on planned terrorist activities came from these methods of interrogation. You have left that door open yourself, that some of these methods may work . The reality is that in the process of conducting some of these interrogations there is no question that information was produced, how valuable it was, how much of an impact it had, whether we could get from other sources, is a question. My from other sources, is a question. My view is when president 0bama in his Executive Order said we would not continue enhanced procedures, that we would not engage in torture, that we would not engage in torture, that that was a very important step for this country to take. Because it was a symbol to the rest of the world that were going to adhere to our values and to what we believe in and soi our values and to what we believe in and so i think that is the proper course for the United States to take it up to go back on that, to resurrect all those procedures again, ithink resurrect all those procedures again, i think would be damaging not only to our image in the world, i do not think it would be effective in terms of our ability to protect the security of our country. You raised the constitutionality of this process , the constitutionality of this process, senator mccain said this morning that the law is the law. What position would this put cia officers in potentially, if the president were to ask them to use these techniques . We are going back toa these techniques . We are going back to a process that we went through in the period after september the 11th. And in order tojustify the period after september the 11th. And in order to justify what they would do, they would need to have a legal opinion from the Justice Department that in fact came to the conclusion that is doing these kinds of procedures would be constitutional and would be legal. If that does not happen, theres no way in the world that an Intelligence Officer is going to proceed with those procedures knowing that it could violate our law. It is just knowing that it could violate our law. It isjust not going to happen. But you know what lawyers are like and presumably if you want to find a lawyer who says this is constitutional, President Trump would do that. It is not that simple to say that if you can find a lawyer in some basement who can come to that conclusion, that that would be sufficient for the cia and other Intelligence Agencies to act upon. The reality is this would have to be an opinion that a number of lawyers at the Justice Department would have to agree to. The Attorney General would have to agree to. And i think legal scholars in this country would have to look at it and make a determination whether it is a valid opinion or not. So there are a lot of steps that would have to be taken before any of this would be put into action. Are you worried about the direction in which donald trump is taking the United States . |j direction in which donald trump is taking the United States . I worry that the president needs to understand that as president of the United States he should stay focused on the most important issue which is protecting our country. And protecting our country. And protecting our country. And protecting our values as a country. I think it is a little dangerous when he starts to imply that were going to things that we have recognised where wrong steps to take in the past. And to suddenly engage in that kind of controversy when we have to deal with threats in the world, we have to deal with terrorism, we have to deal with russia, with china, with north korea, with cyber attacks, there are a lot of threats facing the United States. It seems to me to be a huge waste of time to divert attention to some of this effort is talking about when frankly his attention ought to be devoted to how do we counter our adversaries in the world. Thank you very much forjoining us. He said it would be a mistake to go back on some of the things appearing in this report today. And very damaging to the United States image. I would think a lot of people in europe are nervous about the idea of rendition again and these black cop sites around the world. This is going to be controversial if indeed President Trump really is thinking of reviving either the black sites or enhanced Interrogation Techniques. You heard mr panetta there, and there is a big split in the administration because you have the new director of the cia mike pompeo and the secretary of defence james matters, both saying they do not think torture works and this is the way america should go. So how is donald trump going to square those things . We are still waiting for donald trump to speak at the department of Homeland Security. There is the audience waiting. Lets just talk a bit about Executive Orders. We spoke a lot about them in the past 23 days. He is finding a number of them. What can force do they have, are they typed typed in terms of law . Tight. As president you can either get congress to go along with you and get congressional approval which then becomes law, or you have the power of the pen and you have the power of the pen and you can sign an Executive Order or executive action. Every president does this, you can see donald trump putting his signature on the bottom ofan putting his signature on the bottom of an Executive Order. He has been doing that all week. But for a present the problem is an Executive Order is not as broad as a law passed by congress and can be overturned by a future president. So all these Executive Orders that donald trump has signed this week will go into force for the duration of his presidency. If the democrat is elected next, they will be reversed. And that is some signature three trump towers in that signature i was looking back today at how many president ial orders had been ordered in the past. Barack 0bama, 277 president ial orders, but not as many as franklin roosevelt, who issued 3721. Before we gojust some roosevelt, who issued 3721. Before we go just some pictures of donald trump randomly and the north Korean Leader in hong kong together. Not really, of course. A couple of impersonators entertaining the crowds outside the us consulate. Both leaders have said they would be open to a meeting. Not sure they would get onjust open to a meeting. Not sure they would get on just quite as well as this. Not perhaps the picture at the white house would like anyone to see either. I think donald trump has been a very good character. Just a reminder that every evening after this show, we hand the programme to you. One of us will be spending 10 or 15 minutes on Facebook Live each night talking about the issues we have covered. And today it will be me if you want to get involved then of course do send us your questions. You are watching 100 days on bbc news. Coming up, donald trump tweeted he will send in the feds of chicago does not end gun violence. And this bison is part of an internal protest by the National Park service. Part of its message on climate change. That is all still to come here on bbc news. Good evening. Across the south and east it has been a cold and foggy day. Even some grains of snow out there at the moment. But for other areas it was a lovely day. This is how it looked underneath the blanket of cloud further south and east. That is now causing an issue with some fog which is quite extensive. Some sunshine also for scotland and Northern Ireland. Through the evening and overnight the cloud in the south just further north and west. And the wind is strengthening as it does so. So with the increased breeze especially for the north and west that should not be such a cold night. For many parts of scotland and Northern Ireland especially towns and cities, it frost levels but not in the south even with more cloud, which is unusual. So it will feel quite bitter and the cloud gives us some drizzle and grains of snow falling onto frozen surfaces and so it could be quite treacherous first thing in the morning on untreated roads and pavements. So did take extra care. So quite a grey start again for the bulk of england and wales with that blanket of cloud. Hill fog for the Peak District and pennines and the worlds the welsh marches. Cloudy for Northern Ireland. But probably some sunshine coming through. Some brightness in the south of the day goes on, but adding on the wind chill and temperatures will be feeling much lower than freezing. That is because we have a stronger wind. 0n that is because we have a stronger wind. On friday we pull in more of a southerly wind. There could be some snow across eastern areas initially and then showers of rain coming in later. But again we are going to start to see a bit of a change taking place through friday. Not quite as cold and this area of showers denotes an area of low pressure which is likely to cross the whole of the uk through saturday. Srebrenica some showers. So not raining all the time but some heavy showers around and quite cloudy. A cooler day again on sunday. Welcome back to 100 days with katty kay in washington. And Christian Fraser in london. Our main story today President Trump says his administration will Start Building a wall on the Us Border With Mexico within months and america will be reimbursed for all the costs. Coming up, gun violence in chicago President Trump says he could send the feds into chicago. Would this help . I think i check Donald Trumps twitter feed at least three orfour times a day. And you know what i am not alone. Theres14 million others already signed up to the potus twitter handle why . Because it is an open window into what the president is thinking. Exactly. And last night, the president was at it again. He sent out this tweet about gun violence in chicago. Yes serious issue. There were 762 homicides last year in chicago. President trump seems to have picked up on a report in the chicago tribune, which suggest shootings are already up compared to the same period last year figures disputed by the Chicago Police department. Its unclear exactly what intervention the president is proposing, but the problems in the city are well known. In fact our correspondent ian pannell spent a good deal of time there last year, reporting on gang violence. In a moment well talk to him, but first heres clip from one of his films. 0dile is a rapperfrom the west side, now the most violent part of chicago. He is a member of the vice lords gang, he has been in prison, and even he is shocked by what is happening. It is like somebody dropped off crazy guns in everybodys hood. It seemed like it was designed but i think a lot of guys need to die in order to make it better. I think some of these need to get killed to get them out of the way. Make it a better place. Because some of them. Sirens so we have been stood here for five minutes. I have seen two police cars, One Ambulance Go by. It isnt safe over here at all. Suddenly we were told to leave the area, as 0dile and his gang sped off. Hello . Hey, what just happened, why did we have to leave so quickly . There is like a war around, two gangs and that is why so many people get shot in that area. Somebody just got shot a couple of blocks up. And ian is here with me now. What do you make of President Trumps tweet about sending in the fads. What would it mean, is it possible . You are asking me what President Trump is thinking . The feds are already there. The mayor of chicago has been holding a Press Conference in the last hour and has made the point, the feds, the Drug Enforcement agency, the fbi, they are already there. He would like more assistance, more help and more resorts is. He is putting the Ball Backin Resorts is. He is putting the ball back in President Trumps court saying, if you want me to deal with gun crime, these are the resources we need. The other alternative is, you send in the National Guard. The mayor made it clear, it wasnt their job to enforce public safety. Would the National Guard on the streets you were covering in chicago, stop gun violence there . Certainly might limit the amount of inter gang gun violence. They would have this day . They would. I have never seen so many guns in civilian hands outside ofa warzone, many guns in civilian hands outside of a war zone, many people say chicago is. You have covered a lot of war zones. This would only lead to escalation. The question is, what is the solution, do you think . Very good question. A lot of those issues have been raised by President Trump in terms of education, housing and jobs. I met a lot of people doing two or threejobs, just jobs. I met a lot of people doing two or three jobs, just to make ends meet. The reason there are so many drugs, guns and violence, those three things feed off each other. Lack ofjobs, so people turn to other ways of making money. Lack ofjobs, so people turn to other ways of Making Moneylj lack ofjobs, so people turn to other ways of making money. I was watching the film today, and one of the people you interviewed said the problem got worse when they took the gang leaders out of the picture . Yes, that is something i heard repeatedly. And it ties into what katty had to say, how do you deal with this . If you go after the gang leaders and the gangs, it leads to this fracturing, you lose a sense of control, sons of the hierarchy that does exist, which means those larger gangs, which is something we saw in mexico and their drug war. You take out the cartel, and youll end up with more gangs, less control and the rules that were in force are diminished. But historically, the violence has been worse in chicago, it is not just violence has been worse in chicago, it is notjust chicago that has this problem. President trump has made it clear this is at the forefront of his agenda. He and the mayor will have to do something about it. The figures last year were terrible, but the figures this year are even worse. Thank you, for the moment. Well for more on this lets speak to maze jackson, a chicago resident and broadcaster, whos lived in one of the high crime areas in the city. You grew up in chicago, how different is it now and why have you had to move out of the suburbs in the last year . Let me correct you, i was born in chicago, moved to the suburbs and then came back to chicago. When i came back, i decided i wanted to be part of the solution and not part of the brain drain. 0ften and not part of the brain drain. Often when black people become successful, we tend to move out of our neighbourhoods, depriving the black kids in those communities the opportunity to see examples of success. I decided with my wife, to move back into one of our more challenging neighbourhoods. Ialso had to face the fact i was raising a 16 year old daughter. As i was trying to give back and live in a certain community, there was a shoot out on my daughter, i wind up telling her to stay out later because i didnt want her to be a victim of the violence occurring in our neighbourhood. What does that mean when you are moving around your neighbourhood, do you have two plan where you go and which direction you ta ke where you go and which direction you take around the city . |j where you go and which direction you take around the city . I would say, the people in our neighbourhood, we often, you know where to go and where not to go. You know certain communities to stay out of. The violence in chicago is probably limited to a couple of zip codes. But those zip codes spill out into the city as a whole and it affects the city as a whole and it affects the complete numbers. Hello, i want to ask you about Donald Trumps tweet and his idea of sending in the fads, do you think the situation has got so bad in chicago, but some residents were the gun violence is worse, they might welcome the feds coming in, what ever that means . There is mixed opinion. For a person like myself, i couldnt imagine wanting to welcome the federal government in to deal with the crime. But i have talked to those people in those communities, there isa people in those communities, there is a sense of, we will take whatever resources we get to make sure we stop this violence that is occurring. 0k, are are also people in chicago who might welcome President Trumps tough stand on illegal immigration. I know it in chicago there are tensions between African Americans and members of the Hispanic Community . African Americans and members of the Hispanic Community . I think there area Hispanic Community . I think there are a few, particularly in the black community, are in a competition for resources. Community, are in a competition for resources. A lot of black americans, even though we have talked about the recovery and how great things are, unemployment is growing. In chicago we have the highest unemployment for black men under the age of 18. It seems to be a competition for resources. Seems to be a competition for resources. We are experiencing record violence, the mayor, when he has an opportunity to address the president of the United States, the most powerful man in the world, talks about a sanctuary city. Where is the sanctuary cities African Americans is the Sanctuary Cities African america ns who live is the sanctuary cities African Americans who live in these cities, who are being terrorised by the violence . Thank you very much for joining the violence . Thank you very much forjoining us. The statistics are terrifying, more people died in chicago than died in afghanistan. It proves chicago is a war zone and so many people dying, over 1000 people. We arejust keeping our eye on the podium at the department of Homeland Security. As soon as President Trump comes out to speak, we will bring it to you. In a meantime, lets look at some of the other developments today. Some of the other Key Developments today, russia says it has no illusions that relations with the us will improve quickly under President Trump. Foreign minister Sergei Lavrov said he had no naive expectations about a new reset button. You might remember that same term was used by 0bamas administration to describe their drive for closer ties between the two countries. Protesters have climbed a Construction Site Crane a few blocks from the white house. Activists from greenpeace unfurled a 70 foot banner displaying the word resist. The demonstrators say this is an all encompassing message against the new president and his policies on the environment, women and the economy. The man tipped to be Donald Trumps ambassador to the eu, ted malloch, says that britain could agree a mutually beneficial Free Trade Deal with america in 90 days. But the eu has made it clear that britain cant negotiate Free Trade Deals with other countries until it has left the bloc. Prime minister theresa may Will Travel To Washington later in the week. Well speak to ted malloch tomorrow on the programme. We should know in just over a week what the full make up of the us Supreme Court will look like under President Trump. In one of his other tweets earlier, he wrote. I will be making my Supreme Court pick on thursday of next week. Thank you. The court has had only eight justices since the death last year ofjustice antonin scalia. We wa nt we want to show you a picture we have been looking at. It is a bison. It has been put out by the National Park service in place of pictures they put up at the weekend of the inauguration and those smaller crowds, which didnt please the white house. So they put out this message with the bison saying we regret the mistake and re tweets from our account yesterday. This comes back to the white house reportedly cracking down on the communications from federal agencies, including. Although, the white house is saying they didnt crack down, they say the department is standing by protocol. Thanks for being with us today. This is 100 days on bbc news. Goodbye. Hello, this is bbc news. The headlines President Trump says work on building a wall on the Us Mexico Border could start within months, and hes repeated a Campaign Pledge that mexico will pay for it. Mps will get a chance to scrutinise the governments brexit strategy, after theresa may said shell produce a white paper. New figures show a sharp rise in the number of people sleeping rough, on the streets of england. An update on the Market Numbers for you heres how londons and frankfurt ended the day. And in the the United States this is how the dow some sad news to bring you coming out of the United States. The actress, Mary Tyler Morgan has died. She was 80. The cause of her death is not known at this stage, but that news has just been released. Is not known at this stage, but that news hasjust been released. She is not known at this stage, but that news has just been released. She was of course an american actress, very famous for the Mary Tyler Moore show and being on the Dick Van Dyke show for several years in the 1960s. And her character in the Mary Tyler Moore show, a 30 something News Producer in minneapolis, brought to the attention the fact there were lots of single women out there working for a living, they werent just housewives in the United States. She really shone a light on the lives of those women earning a crust in their 20s and 30s. It was a very, very popular show and ran for seven yea rs. Very, very popular show and ran for seven years. She was also a star on the Dick Van Dyke show in the 1960s. So that news coming from the United States, she has died at the age of 80. Women mps say theyre experiencing unprecedented levels of verbal and online abuse. Around two thirds say they feel less safe, following the murder of the labour mp, jo cox, last summer. Some have reported death threats, and more than half of those questioned by bbc radio 5 live, say theyve had physical threats. 0ur political correspondent, ellie price, has more. It gives me the greatest pleasure to introduce to you, the new National Unionist women members. It took a long time to get women into parliament. The first female mp to take her seat, nancy astor, was elected 98 years ago. Eventually, more would follow. They fought and died to get representation in parliament,

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