Spell out how he wants to tackle the so called Islamic State. Does he now have a strategy . At least 400 dead, hundreds of thousands stranded. Well have the latest on the floods in india and pakistan. Also on the program, aaron is here. All eyes on Manchester United ballot sheet. You may be one of the most successful teams in the world, but they had a dreadful season last year. Theyve got big sponsorship deals. In one hours time, well find out how this Team Performs off the pitch. Its 7 00 a. M. Washington midday here in london as it is in scotland. In over a week, 4 million scotts can cast their vote on independence. Now a yes vote would mean breaking from the uk ending the acting union of 1707. The supporters of independence have seen their support swelling dramatically according to opinion polls. The upshot is as of now, this is pretty much neck and neck all hanging on the undecided around a fifth of those with a vote. Lucy is live in the scottish capital edinburg where the british Prime Minister David Cameron up to visit. Hes not mr. Popular up there is he lucy . Reporter hes certainly not david. Welcome to a glorious day here in edinburgh. What a day for campaigning. Youre right, an interesting move. The three most unpopular men in westminster sent here to campaign to keep british together. Some think this is a coup to have leaders in town. Conservatives have one single vote here in scotland. Theyre not a popular party. David cameron is accused of panicking. He has been speaking to voters here in edinburgh in the past half hour. His arguments appeal to the heart this time. He said he would be heartbroken if they left. This is not an election where voters might take the chance to get rid of what he called the toris. Hes trying to score a few vote tlchlts he may have to do more than that. Hes in the alliance now thats unprecedented territory. Alex is saying theres panic. Hes the first minister of scotland in the Better Together camp. Lets have a listen now to ben gagen who wrapped up todays political event. Reporter they want today to be about unity, their own and the country. The three main leaders goes to plead to keep the country together. David cameron urges scotts not to rip apart what he says is a family of nations. I care passionately about the United Kingdom. I want to do everything i can to put the arguments in front of of the people. In tend it is for scottish people to decide. I want them to know the rest of the United Kingdom and i speak as Prime Minister, want them to stay. The particular has been flying over the street as a gesture of friendship. There are promises too. The main parties have agreed to give more powers to scotland over tax, spending, welfare if theres a vote against independence. The yes campaign say those commitments are a sign of desperation. We have the most unpopular conservative Prime Minister in scottish political history joined at the hip with the most mistrusted leader in politics. Coming together with the entire westminster establishment in a total in utter panic. Polls show the yes and Better Together campaigns are now neck and neck. Another poll today suggests more women are planning to vote yes than no. These political enemies are setting a side their differences and hoping they can persuade voters to reject independence. The yes campaign claims it is energizing scotland and support. Bbc news. Reporter we really are in unchartered territory. Lets speak to a professor with me. What do you make of three main leaders up here today campaigning . The fact theyre in scotland where at this moment they should be in the house of commons is indication of way of which this campaign has been transformed in the last week by opinion polls. The polls put the side ahead. Now we have one poll putting yes ahead and another saying its dead heat. Theres a possibility scotland will vote yes. They have felt impaled to come north in order to campaign and try the no vote. We can argue that this clearly is an indication of political conservative parties campaigning for a no vote in scotland. David cameron and his party are not popular here. It could push voters towards the yes camp. The problem they face is not only is cameron not popular and his party certainly not, the truth is neither of the opposition and deputy Prime Minister are popular either. We are in a remarkable situation where none of the westminster leaders are popular. They also come with the baggage theyre english and not scottish. Theres a question mark about whether or not three relatively unpopular english politics are necessarily going to prove effective persuading people in scotland not to vote yechlts the Prime Minister David Cameron is good at coming up with emotional argumen arguments. He feels strongly. What he needs to bear in mind today is persuade people in scotland why its in their interest not focus on the damage done to the union as a whole. What is scotland is not impact on the rest of the uk. Theyre focused on what it means for them. Reporter did you think we would be at this point, so close in the polls . Weve long had some opinion polls say saying it was close 48 to 48. The polls now are 40, 41, 42, shown a dramatic increase in yes support. Up until now, the truth is, it looked difficult for either side to shift numbers. Now weve seemed to discovered voters in scotland were willing to reassess their view in the scam we had not anticipated. Obviously every vote counts now. There are 35,000 polish people for instance living here in scotland that get to vote. Theyre going out and trying to get to people that you wouldnt have imagined a few weeks ago. The truth is of course every vote will now count. Were expecting a high turnout. We should remember Common Wealth with citizens of the European Union who are in scotland will be able to vote. The polling actually suggests those that live in scotland born outside the uk, their views are probably not that different from scotland as a whole. Its probably unlikely theyll make a difference. Theyre not that numerous. The group that could be crucial however is the 10 of the Scottish Population born. The polling is that they were rather reluctant to brace the idea of scotland leaving uk. What do you think well hear, more emotional appeal . Truth is both sides are saying this is a crucial vote and to argue about the serious consequences that a rise if the opposite side win. We expect the no side to keep on saying this is though the for christmas. This is forever. There are sorts of risks. The yes sides response to that is this is one chance in a lifeti lifetime. If you vote no, you wont get a second chance. To that extent, both sides are using this argument as a decisive vote to persuade people in their direction. Well find opportunity versus risks in the final days of the referendum. Thanks for being with us here. David, this is the only story in town. The atmosphere is electric. Well continue to bring you updates throughout the day here for bbc news. Thanks very much indeed. We saw pictures of David Cameron addressing the assembly at start of his day. I love my country more than my party, was his message. Well keep across it for you. If you want more background, the place to go is our website. We have explanations of key issues at stake for you. Do have a look bbc. Com scotland decides. Later in the program, were having a look at how china is reacting to scotlands bid for independence. Lets get other news for you thousand. Ukraines president promised to introduce the bill to offer greater autonomy to pro russians in the east of the country. Poroshenko stressed regions would remain part of ukraine and rejected the idea of federalization. Japans Nuclear Regulator has given the restart of two Nuclear Reactors in the south of the country. The first plant is cleared from operation since the fukushima disaster in 2011 leading to reactors being shut down. To iraq now. The u. S. Secretary of state john kerry is in the capital of baghdad for talks with the countrys newly formed government. Its the start of the tour of the european nations hell try to rally Islamic State militants. President obama says he has authority to widen the military action against jihads and he doesnt need approval from congress. Hes due to make a tv address later. Back in the middle east and ready to take on the Islamic State, the u. S. Secretary of state john kerry is drumming up a arab support for counter offensive. Iraq is asking for help since last year. The government here was divided, and the country split along sectarian and ethnic lines. Secretary kerry met the Prime Minister. Hes promising unity. That means precondition for american support. Islamic state last year took over iraqs fallujah. The control spread across the Syrian Border n. June, mosul fell. An Islamic State was created across iraq and syria. Iraqs politicians warned for a long time the war in syria would spread here. Sectarian divisions widened in iraq. Healing those divisions will take a long time. Even with u. S. Support, fight to take back iraq from the Islamic State will be a long one. In the northeast, the mesh per ga have struggled with limited. Supplies. Britain has given half a Million Pounds of gun and aid to buy ammunition. American government will make a bigger difference. Its very useful. Were thankful everything the u. S. Is doing so far, but i dont think its enough. We believe the strikes should target the system and leadership of isis wherever they may be even in syria. The details of how much support these kurdish and iraqi troops will receive in the fight comes with president obamas speech later today. Iraqs support will be vital. If it can overcome the internal divisions, the fight against the Islamic State can begin in earnest. Bbc news baghdad. On iraq precisely breaking news. Baghdad to be specific. Were getting word that iraqi officials telling us theres been a double car bomb attack near markets in south eastern baghdad. John kerry in the capital, not in the southeast. A double car bomb attack near markets in the southeast of the capital. Were going to be taking you live to baghdad later in the program as john kerry is there and our correspondent traveling with him is also there. Hes meeting members of the new unity government. Well get the latest for you. Thats one reason to stay with us. Also coming up, a bit more on our top story. You can find out what impact the Scottish Referendum is having on china. [ male announcer ] ours was the first modern airliner, revolutionary by every standard. And that became our passion. To always build something better, airplanes that fly cleaner and farther on less fuel. That redefine comfort and connect the world like never before. After all, you cant turn dreams into airplanes unless your passion for innovation is nonstop. Heavy flood aing across par of india and pakistan is causing devastation. 400 have lost their lives. This is described the worst in half a century. Heres the bbc. Reporter you can see how the river level is still extremely high. The water flowing quite rapidly. Thats because of the rain and flooding the city has experienced over several days. Over here you can see the impact. So many vehicles on its side because the road has completely collapsed and given way. All the people you can see here are residents of this neighborhood. For the past few days theyve been forced to live out here in the open on the road. Their entire neighborhood is flooded. You can see how people are only able to make their way across by boat trying to go and salvage belongings, in some cases looking for missing relatives. Water levels so high up to the first level of all these houses. Right over here, a car again completely submerged. Theres a sense of frustration and anger. People say theyve received no aid. Theyre concerned it will be a while before they can move back in their home. Everything is finished, this man says. My mother, i dont know if shes alive. My younger brother, no news of him. A truck comes by and volunteers handing out food. For the most part, people are left to fend for themselves. The damage is extensive. Parts of the city now completely cut off. The military helicopters fly overhead. People down here wait for help. Bbc news. Okay. Were going to turn attention now to the city in china which is hosting the 2014 summer forum. Thousands of business and government leaders from around the world are attending this forum. The theme is creating value through innovation. The city is also expected to play a big part in chinas economic future. Its home to 150 fortune 500 companies and gate way for beijing. Our Business Correspondent is there for us in a city of pedigree. It certainly is. This shows what china is trying to achieve. Its focused on trying to build innovation. Thats the theme of this forum. The centerpiece of this et mooing was a speech by the chinese premiere that has just finished. He emphasized two things strongly. He wants to see motivation entrepreneur ship across the economy. Thats the only way to support chinese growth. He thinks the key to do that is unleash market competition. That means battling state owned firms. I have managing director and vice chairman for Asian Pacific for r jp morgan. I want your take on the speech. Is it going to come to fruition . Absolutely. I think innovation is going to be the driving force for chinese economy Going Forward a. It is no longer local manufacturing. The economy is transitions to a service driven economy. As the economy becomes higher end in terms of income levels, china becomes middle income country, clearly Technology Innovation will may a much more Important Role Going Forward. He mentioned about opening up china to competition. One of the eye catching reforms is china will will make it easier feasy er firms to operate overseas. Youre familiar with the Stock Exchange many hong kong. Tell us why you think thats an important development. China opening up to rest of the world at many different levels. You have portfolio flows going to become more open linking the market as for the first time. Its something called Shanghai Hong Kong connect. Also in terms of foreign direct investment, for many years, china was attracting into the country from foreign countries. These days we see chinese firms investing increasingly overseas. Chinese government has made it easier for chinese countries to go a broad. In fact encouraging them to Seek Technology and new brands. Youve come to this forum many years. What has struck you most about this gathering of policy makers, chief executives, experts . Theres a real buzz around here. Clearly this is an pressive city. Its a city of 10 million people. Its vibrant. Were gathered with delegates of 90 countries. Theres a great deal of dialogue going on not just Chinese Companies doing better domestically. Many have ambition to go overseas. There will be a great deal of competition, Chinese Companies competing with American Companies on their home turf. Theres a buzz going on. Healthy dialogue going on between chinese and international dialects. Thank you very much. I think that is the overriding theme of this forum. Theres a greater sense that china is opening. One things Chinese Government has to convince foreign businesses that are here is that the slow down in the economy predicted to miss the target by the Monetary Fund expanding 7. 4 is intentional, part of the change as china changes itself from a place china is made to a place things innovate. That change he says takes time. He wanted to emphasize china is a developing country. Give it time. I suspect time will tell if china will become competitive on the high end scale it needs to sustain growth Going Forward. Ill be here monitoring developments, getting the pulse of what businesses think. For now, back to you in london. Thank you very much. The art of good management. We go from china to scotland and link the two. The countrys premiere wants to see the United Kingdom remain united in the like of Scottish Referendum. Our correspondent in beijing reports on the view of the referendum from there. China built the great wall when it was battling the northern neighbors. Since then, the country has expanded borders. Now suggestion of separation is crushed. China views Scottish Independence with beruzment. George is one of a handful of chinese bag pipers fascinated by all things scottish despite having never stepped foot in the country. When it comes to independence, hes staying out of it. Even i love the scottish culture. Im not scottish, not even british. They make the choice, i respect that a. Their official view is scotland would be better off in the uk. Beijing worries that Scottish Independence will encourage its own may inoritieminorities. Beijing is battling uighur separatists. In tie bet, people complain under chinese rule. If the island forms independence, it opens the right to use military force. Because china views unity as strength, this political analyst tells me, beijing finds it unbelievable london would allow the uk to split. That is gmt. Well have more on john kerry in baghdad. Well be going live in a moment. There have been bomb attacks as well. Well bring you the latest. Thanks for watching. You pay your Auto Insurance premium every month on the dot. Youre like the poster child for paying on time. And then one day you tap the bumper of a station wagon. No big deal. Until your Insurance Company jacks up your rates. You freak out. What good is having insurance if you get punished for using it . Hey insurance companies, news flash. Nobodys perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. You may know what its like to deal with high. And low blood sugar. Januvia sitagliptin is a oncedaily pill that, along with diet and exercise, helps lower blood sugar. Januvia works when your blood sugar is high and works less when your blood sugar is low, because it works by enhancing your bodys own ability to lower blood sugar. Plus januvia, by itself, is not likely to cause weight gain or low blood sugar hypoglycemia . Januvia should not be used in patients with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Tell your doctor if you have a history of pancreatitis. Serious side effects can happen, including pancreatitis which may be severe and lead to death. Stop taking januvia and call your doctor right away if you have severe pain in your stomach area which may be pancreatitis. Tell your doctor right away and stop taking januvia if you have an allergic reaction that causes swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat, or affects your breathing or causes rash or hives. Kidney problems sometimes requiring dialysis have been reported. Using januvia and a sulfonylurea or insulin together may cause low blood sugar. To reduce the risk, your doctor may prescribe a lower dose of the sulfonylurea or insulin. Your doctor may perform blood tests before and during treatment to check your kidneys. If you have kidney problems a lower dose may be prescribed. Side effects may include upper respiratory tract infection, stuffy or runny nose and sore throat, and headache. For help lowering your blood sugar talk to your doctor about januvia today. Hello. Welcome to gmt on bbc world news with me david eades. Well be live in baghdad as the american secretary of state meets members of the new unity government. Its john kerrys first stop on a tour of the middle east as he rallies support for the fight against Islamic State militants. Also well have the first report from our pop up bureau in colorado with the Community Coming to terms with the deadly flood a year ago today. Also on the program, aaron is here again. The sixth strike this year, third in two weeks. The Airlines Pilots continue to battle with management over their retirement age. All of this while theyre losing millions in profits. Well go to find out who will break first. Now as weve been reporting, the u. S. Secretary of state john kerry has been arrived in iraq. Hes meeting members of the new unity government there. The americans want to see that new administration in baghdad form a united front against Islamic State. All this coming as iraqi Officials Say twin car bombs have killed ten in the capital. The latest we hear seven have died in the a attattacks. Lets get the latest. Barbara is traveling with john kerry and has the latest. He has unity government to talk to. What are you seeing in terms of what he is pushing for now . Reporter yes, i think a great deal of relief because the new Iraqi Government is the corner stone of president obamas strategy for fighting the Islamic State militants. He says there has to be a functioning government in iraq and oeases tensions. The shiite need to take into consideration kurdish minority to join together to fight against the Islamic State. The government announced does bring together. The americans leaped on that and said this is a good start. What john kerry is talking to iraqi leaders about is they have to move quickly on this opening to actually show cukurds and sunnis they mean business. They need to deal with disputes. Kurds want disputes over oil exports. They want to export their own oil. They have had their own revenue held from them. Sunnis complain the Iraqi Military is dominated by shiites and sectarian. Sunni communities were attack aed with barrel bombs. This government wants to take local armed forces on the front line. P people that know and belong in the area. These things are in the works. John kerry is making the point to the Prime Minister he has to take steps quickly. Thats so important. As you say a, this is the first step on a trip around the middle east all about garnering support. Momentum is critical in that regard . Reporter yes. What theyre trying to do is build momentum in the first instance for that meeting in new york, u. N. General assembly when all that committed to join this coalition will be there. Theyll come together, show progress so far and something to build on. Nato countries last week pledging military assistance. This week, john kerry is looking to regional governments to step up to the plate. Hes asking them things like taking steps to cuts off financing flows that go to Islamic State and islamist groups. Theyre talking about campaigns to delegitimatize the ideology of Islamic State a. What mr. Kerry would like too see at the end of the troop is sunni states hes going to be meeting after this visit is they will come out in strong support of the fight against these sunni militants who are the islam pick state and also in support of baghdads efforts to fight them. Barbara, thanks very much indeed. Talking about momentum. Lets add to that. Were going to have full coverage of president obamas speech and his strategy for defeating Islamic State, part of the Bigger Picture there, later here on bbc world news at 0100 gmt. You can catch it all with us here on bbc world news. Okay. Time to catch up on the business news. Aaron, its important business. Its a big franchise. Its not a happy one. No. We got numbers earlier than expected. Profits mirroring performance. They havent won matches so far this season. They failed to qualify for the Champions League last season. Off the pitch, Manchester United remains one of the investor favorites. The club menu reported this sharp fall in annual profits despite record revenues. All the amount of money they brought in over the year was in 698 million. That was up 19 . Its profits, break it down. Profits plunged 84 for the year. They made a profit of 37 million. Despite dismal performance, the club signed a 1. 3 billion record sponsor deal. The sales of final red shirts keep flying off the shelves. Its been a rocky first half of the year after the much hype add day bup on the new york Stock Exchange back in 2012. It took a hit after failing to qualify for the Champions League. The sacking of manager david. The results will also reveal how much his 11 month reign as manager cost the club in prize money, wages, compensation. Some estimate the tab is more than 80 million. The team is trying to rebuild with a new manager and spending more than 240 million in new players this year. An eye watering amount never seen by an english team. The hope is all that cash will mean Manchester United can remain some of its former glory. Okay. There you go. Lets talk about this. Thousands of passengers face disruption once again today as the carriers pilots launched the third strike in two weeks. Whats the problem . Pilots are protesting at the airlines plans to raise early retirement age for new joiners. Currently pilots can retire at 55 years old on 60 pay a. European law allows pilots to fly until 65 reducing the need to end work early. This has proved costly for r germanys flag carrier. Lets go to our correspondent damian. Im wondering how much sympathy there is on the ground for well paid pilots claiming and protesting they cant retire at 55. Most of us in europe will be retiring at 6567. Its a difficult issue in germany. Usually theres quite a lot of support for strikes and trade unions here. This issue of early retirement especially for pilots who are very well paid does annoy a lot of people especially 15,000 passengers whos journeys are disrupted today. The number of flights cancelled have gone up to 140 which means half of all a european and domestic flights going through nunich are cancelled. On the other hand if they back down and give pilots what they want, that could cost the company 3 billion euros. Its a tough fight. The next stages meet next week. So far theres no sign either side will back down. Interesting point too. Some of the key shareholders i believe have gone on the record and said the ceo must not give into the union. After all, were talking about a european airline. There are many that are battling with the competition from low Cost Carriers and battling with the cash rich golf carriers. Exactly. Thats the real problem that legacy carriers across the world are facing. What were seeing is carriers like this are squeezed on the one hand by Budget Airlines within europe affecting domesme flights and affecting domestic and european flights. Theyre undercutting prices. This is very difficult for traditional so called legacy carriers because on the one hand, they want to become more competitive. On the other hand they want to keep workers happy. Thats the issue theyre facing today. The very difficult we just thank you damian. Going to wrap up there. Joining us live, great stuff. We talked about this yesterday. Apple did the big unveiling. Apple shares fell sharply hours after they unveiled the new apple watch and two even bigger iphones, iphone 6. Investors seemed less than wowed. Our correspondent was at launch in california. An apple event is no never knowingly underhyped. This time the fashion world and company set out to prove it could conquer new territory. Cook a has been in the shadow of steve jobs with whispers that a apple could no longer innovate after the death of the founder. Today we have some Amazing Products to share with you. He believes this is the argue of critics, a watch. Greeted with near hysteria by some in the audience, the device design is to bring modern technology to the wrist. Sit designed like every apple product. Apple says it can monitor your health and fitness and allow you to check in with an airline, get into a hotel room. The question is, how big a demand is there for you to run your world from your wrist. This is late to the market. Others have launched wearable gadgets. Wearables is a huge era. Youve seen that a with android wear and other manufactures getting on. So far its lukewarm. Apple did it with the ipad and iphone, will it be lucky . The apple pay allows easy payment by phone or watch in a shop or online. The timing of this event just after dozens of celebrities saw their private photos hacked from apple i cloud raises trust about the company. Its the iphone coming into bigger models which still powers apples profits. Dont expect the watch to go on sale next year to change a that in a hurry. Any of that wow you . Follow me on twitter. Tweet me. Ill tweet you back. Thats it with business. Youre a watch lover. On sale by next year. It will be out of date by then. Im going to need a longer arm. I cant see. Join the club. Thanks. Stay with us here on bbc world news. Coming up in a moment, the para olympics athlete Oscar Pistorius a waiting his faith. Well look at the judge delivering the verdict in the next couple of days. [ male announcer ] ours was the first modern airliner, revolutionary by every standard. And that became our passion. To always build something better, airplanes that fly cleaner and farther on less fuel. That redefine comfort and connect the world like never before. After all, you cant turn dreams into airplanes unless your passion for innovation is nonstop. Hello. Im david eades. The top story this is hour. The u. S. Secretary of state john kerry holds talks with the new iraqi Prime Minister to rally support for that fight against Islamic State. The british Prime Minister David Cameron makes a plea to scottish voters to stay in the union. He said he would be heartbroken if scotland left the United Kingdom. Thats not all he said. In fact weve got more of David Camerons comments in scotland now. This just into us. Sometimes people say to me, why do you feel so strongly about it . After all coming to scotland, a leader with one member of par e parliament. Wouldnt your life be easier if scotland was to separate from the United Kingdom . My answer to that is i care far more about my country than i do about my party. I care hugely about this extraordinary country, United Kingdom weve built together. Thats what i want to talk about today. I would be heartbroken if this family of nations weve put together and done Amazing Things together if the family of nations was torn a apart. David cameron there. September 11, 2013, the community was nearly wiped out. Seven died in Boulder County in three days of torrential rain. Our bbc pop up team is visiting the area and heard residents remarkable stories of survival. It had been raining for days. Just raining and raining. There was a landslide up the road. Sounds like a freight train. Just coldness and quietness as if we were buried. I was having a hard time going to sleep because when the creek fills up with water running quickly, the bolders start rolling down the creek and makes the sound of thunder but coming from underneath you. Pines at least that size and bigger were just flying down the river. Our friend miles was drenched in his pajamas. He was yelling you dont want to hear this, you dont want to hear this. He told us our best friend joey had died in a mud slide. I grabbed my children, kind of took one last look at them lying in their bed and knew things were about to really change. I couldnt see anything. My husband just said, oh my god. It was an ocean of debris. It was a raging machine out there. Just rubble. At that time, joeys roommate had climbed out the window as the house was collapsing. I could see the living room wall bode out towards us. I could see cracks in the wall and debris all the way up. I knew a his room was gone. When the sun came out and the rain quit and the river went back to where it belonged and we saw what was left, it was very difficult. Very difficult. Three weeks ago the water was reestablished. Over the past year, weve developed if it was possible a greater sense of community. Weve been back and forth a lot. Theres a lot of work to be done here. We lost our way of life, our neighbor, a lot. James town is a really unique community in that i think its the true sense of community. I dont know that this would protect us from an event like this. Just think wed be better off, certainly. Is it worth living here . Yeah. For sure. After five months in the South African courtroom, on trial for murder, the athlete Oscar Pistorius will discover thursday if hes found guilty or not guilty. There are no jury trials in south africa. The verdict will come from a judge. Our correspondent sat through most of that a trial and look at the judges life story. A warm welcome for a special visitor. The judge has a come back to the poor township she grew up in outside johannesburg. As a young woman here, her own ambitions were changed by the racial apartheid. She has had the chance to flourish. What matters is what you have and if you persevered, go to school. If you want to be a teacher, want to be a lecturer, a judge, you can be a judge as long as you persevere. And persevere she has. Only the second black woman to become a judge. Now this trial. Her every gesture under global scrutiny. I think she does South African Justice System proud in her style of work. I like her composure. I think its very important for the judge to somehow introduce an element of poise in the proceeding. Mr. Nell, mind your language. What did i say my lady . You dont call a witness a liar. In the courtroom, she shows order. You look to her background, probably similar to most young black girls background. For someone handling a high profile case, its ground breaking, history in the making. Its inspiring to black girls. You dont have to be a law student. In whatever field youre in, you look at her and think i can be something great. I dont have to loisten to what people say about women not being equal to men and doing certain things. Here comes her moment as she will read out her verdict. A quiet person inand out of court, shes given Oscar Pistorius no hint of what to expect. I would like to thank the states team and defense team. As for her own future and that of south africa we have a long way to go obviously. Were going somewhere. Were making a difference. Some men are just not use to seeing women giving men orders. Its a sensitive area. It is tough, but you know what one gets use to it. So a trial about the fall of one famous role model has also proved to be about the rise of a very different one. Bbc news south africa. A dramatic couple of days to come. Lets go to pretoria now. Karen, what are the options for the judge now . Reporter david, she has a variety of options. The court will reconvene and proceedings will get underway again at 9 30 local time on thursday morning. Thats 0730 gmt. There are more media a here already the day before that gets underway than there were at the beginning of that trial back this march, six months ago. Its incredible the number of media teams who are already here on the ground. The judge will start to give this long process of delivering her verdict which could last hours. It could even last into friday. Only at the very end of that we believe will she give the verdict she has come up with over weeks of deliberations. Its been a month of her giving her thoughts or having her thoughts for that period of time until the verdict date on september 11th. Shes had an enormous amount of evidence to sift through from months of trial. Shell finally come out with that final verdict on those charges tomorrow at some point or friday. The options, premeditated murder, mandatory life sentence is what the prosecution has been going for right through this trial. There are also two lesser types of murder charge that she could find Oscar Pistorius guilty of. Common law murder. Then below that, which carries a lesser sentence is the homicide charge which also carries a much smaller sentence. Or the judge could simply find Oscar Pistorius not guilty of the murder of reeva steenkamp. Of course we dont know when this will happen exactly. Well give you continuing coverage of the judges verdict here on bbc world news from 0730 gmt on thursday. Its going to be quite a judicial debut. Thanks for watching us here on gmt. Stay with us on bbc world news. Hey, razor. Check this out. Listen up, thunder dragons, its time to get a hotel. We can save big with priceline express deals. You know what man, these guys aint no dragons. Theyre cool. These deals are legit. Yeah, were cool. Shes cool. Were cool. 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