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Authorities in gaza say the death toll following a month of fighting with the israeli army has climbed above 2,000 as more die of their wounds. Hello. Welcome to the program. The governor of missouri has ordered the National Guards to help restore order. Ferguson has endured violent protests after a white Police Officer shot dead an unarmed black teenager on august 9th. On the latest confrontations sunday night, police fired tear gas and rubber bullets at rioters. Officers came under fire on several occasions. Reporter these were the scenes that prompted missouris governor to order in the National Guard to restore order in ferguson. Police use tear gas and smoke canisters in efforts to disperse the crowds. Theres been a week of violent crashes on streets. The latest eruption was premeditate add criminal acts designed to provoke a response. Tonight, it started with prayers and messages of unity, peace and justice. It took a very different turn after dark. Molotov cocktails were thrown. Shooting, vandalism, other acts of violence. Reporter the deployment of National Guard is a ratcheting up of the authoritys response. The governor said these were deliberate, coordinated, Violent Attacks on lives and property in ferguson. The trouble followed the Police Shooting of an unarmed 18yearold Michael Brown. Police released video reported to have shown him taking part in a robbery before the shooting. Police acknowledge the officer that shot him had no idea he was a robbery suspect. Will be a defining moment on how this country deals with policing and the rights of citizens to redress how police behave in this country. The veterans Civil Rights Campaign al sharpton at a rally in ferguson sunday pitching tensions between the predominant black community and mainly White Police Department as a challenge for the nation. The states governor argued today that the violence was a disservice to the family of Michael Brown and his memory. Its being reported that Michael Brown was shot by police at least six times including twice in the head. The New York Times has acquired the results of a prelim post mortem conducted at the request of the victims a family. The Justice Department will conduct their own second post mortem due to the circumstances of the case. Now the death toll in gaza strip has crossed over 2,000 people according to figures from the Health Authority will there. It says total of 2,016 were killed in over a month of fighting and that another 10,196 were wounded. Those figures include 541 children, 250 women, 95 elderly men. Israel suffered casualties during operations. 64 defense members have died. A Thai National killed by hamas rockets fired from gaza. Lets cross over now to gaza. Some really devastating figures there. Reporter yes, really quite shocking figures. Figures now much higher than we saw in the previous two conflicts in gaza in the past five years. What were hearing from the Health Ministry officials is the reason the numbers have continued to rise despite theres been an eight day truce if in place is largely because seriously wounded people in the hospitals ive seen the intensive care units full of patients some of those have now died. We have eight days of truce here and a chance for some to go back to rubble of various neighborhoods that have been flattened in the Israeli Military offensive which began the 8th of july and recover more bodies from there. We were told for example the area east of gaza city there was the body of a 24yearold man that was able to be recovered after he had been stuck many many the rubble for some 20 odd days. Finally his funeral was able to take place yesterday. So the numbers here could rise further with more than 10,000 wounded in the conflict. Many of them still suffering serious injuries. Did devastates stories. What are the talks to maintain this ceasefire . This is quite a critical moment less than 12 hours now in cairo where indirect talks are taking place between palestinians, israelis. Egyptians are trying to come up with a longer term deal. The message is that if a deal cant be reached, an extension to this truce reeached, that opens the door to possibility of return to serious fighting that has caused deaths in gaza and devastated wide areas. At the moment on the streets in gaza city, things are calm. People have returned to something of a normal life, looking to ways to try and rebuild their lives. A lot of uncertainty at the moment as they get these messages that are coming from cairo that things are not going so well. Palestinians are trying to put on a united front. The palestinian president whos head of the faction here is expected to fly for talks with the leader of hamas that lives in exile to come up with a plan. Lets hope they do. Thank you very much as always. Now were getting reports of breaking news from ukraine that a number of people have been killed there after a refugee convoy came under attack in the east of the country. Ukrainian authoritys say the convoy was struck by missiles and morter fire. They claim pro russian separatists were behind the a attack. The rebel leaders deny this. Those killed are reported to include women and children. Lets cross over live now to kiev to get the latest on this from our correspondent david stern. Devastating report here if this is true. Bring us up to date what we know. Reporter exactly. It should be emphasized if it is true, we dont know the number or circumstances how, if and how it happened. We are hearing from the government that a line of buses as they described it came under attack. They said it was from rebel positions chlgs they were fired on by what the government said were multiple missile launchers. Many were killed. The government dont know how many. They dont know the figures. The spokesperson for the operation in the east Security Council has completed a press conference. He again did not say how many people were killed. He repeated this did happen. Now as you say, the rebels have also said they did not carry out this attack. So it is not clear exactly what the situation is on the ground. Obviously there is heavy fighting going on in the east of the country especially in that lieu Luhansk Region where this took place. What more do we know about the aid convoy weve heard about recent recently . Exactly. All the this is happening in the context of the aid convoy which is supposed to arrive in Eastern Ukraine to help alleviate this growing humanitarian crisis especially in this region. At the moment, the russian trucks are on the russian side of the border. The inspection process is going forward. Its not clear when theyll cross the boarder and when aid will be distributed. Theres a ukrainian aid convoy closer because it doesnt have to cross the international border. Its not clear when that aid will reach the civilian population. Okay. David stern with that from kiev. Thank you very much. Well of course continue to monitor report has david is talking about. Now lets bring you up to date with other news. The wikileaks found her will leave london soon. He spent the last two years trying to avoid extra diction to sweden where he is facing Sexual Assault charges which he of course denies. If sent to sweden he could then face u. S. Charges over the leaking of secrets of the government. He tells reporters his health has suffered over the last two years. You imagine being detained in various ways in this country without challenge for four years. In this embassy two years which has no outside area. Theres no sunlight. As a result of the obstruction presently in place. More than 6. 5 Million Pounds cost. Latest 7 Million Pounds now. Its an environment in which any person would find themselves with certain difficulties. That was during a webcast press conference from the the ek ecuador conference. Vanessa it was really difficult to hear what he was saying. One point he did make is that he will will leave the embassy soon. Any clearer when that will be . Reporter actually were not. Were not clear on whether he said he would leave. Asked about rumors that he said he would leave soon, he said the following. He said i understand the wikileaks spokesman has said he can confirm that i am leaving the embassy soon, but not for the reason that the press is stating. When asked what that meant, we asked him to clarify whether he would hand himself over to police, he said i think ive said enough. After the press conference, we were told his bags are packed. If the British Government will a bide by obligations and provide him safe passage to ecuador. From what i can tell theres no change in the uk position. In fact the Ecuador Foreign minister speaking here at the conference said no word had been made. What was he trying to do with this press conference . He did speak about his bad health and was annoyed with apparently the press misreporting the charges, these allegations that he faces in sweden. What was his aim with this today . Reporter indeed. He was very crossed that there are mistruths spread, he said. He said he has never been charged here or in sweden. I got the feeling he wanted to use this News Conference to make clear his case was reported accurately. I got the Ecuador Foreign minister to jump kick the process. Maybe now that Phillip Hammond was in the post. Maybe british and ecuador could find common grounds. He said brit hish disa appointed ecuador by just stating the legal case. He said ironically thanks for stating the legal case, but we are looking for a political solution now. Vanessa at the press conference that julian held in london earlier on. All the details on our website. Now over to aaron with business. Thanks very much. Now to this. A flight suspension kicks in tuesday, tomorrow. Its going to stop all flights to and from kenya from wednesday. That will there certainly underlies the threat of spread of ebola virus no. Cases in east africa let alone kenya. If more Airlines Follow suit, what impact will that have on the broader african economy . Well cover this on gmt in over an hours time. How about this, nice opportunity or awkward . Switzerland has imposed sanctions. Its own goods like all this cheese you can see there, theyre all subject to tit for tat spat on russian food bans. Its a situation that does not please switzerlands biggest trading partner. Thats the european union. Now if you like my producer and he some of the people here in the studio that love nutella spread on your toast in the morning, ive got bad news. Theres a shortage of hazel nuts on the market that could hit the prices of hazel nut filled products. 70 of the hazel nut crop is grown near the turkey coast. The hailstorm in march devastated hazel flowers at an important time in their growing cycle. What impact did that have . The price of the nut has skyrocketed more than 60 . Going to cover this throughout the rest of the day. Dont forget follow me on twitter. Ill tweet you back. Get me bbc aaron. All yours. Thank you very much. Well soon see a aaron shortly. Thousand more here on bbc. Theres a plea for unity now between the north and south. Along with diet and exercise, helps lower blood sugar. Januvia works when your blood sugar is high and works less when your blood sugar is low, because it works by enhancing your bodys own ability to lower blood sugar. Plus januvia, by itself, is not likely to cause weight gain or low blood sugar hypoglycemia . 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Side effects may include upper respiratory tract infection, stuffy or runny nose and sore throat, and headache. For help lowering your blood sugar talk to your doctor about januvia today. Hello. Youre watching bbc world news other. Our main headlines. The the state governor of missouri has asked the National Guard to restore peace and order in ferguson after a another night of violence following the shooting of a black teenager by police. A convoy has been hit by fire by rockets and morter launchers. Iraqi military forces say they have regained control of the countrys largest dam from the hands of islamic militants that captured it less than two weeks ago. The development marks the first major victory for iraqi and kurdish troons since air strikes began earlier this month. The dam holds value as it supplies electricity and water to a large part of the country. Bbc gives more details about the latest developments in irbil. Im hearing from kurdish sources that are normally reliable that they have taken full control of the dam. Well have to wait and see exactly on the ground how true that turns out to be. Weve had the conflicting reports over the past 12 hours of claims they had part of the dam or area around the dam and so on. Now theyre saying theyve got it all. This does conflict with the unusual statement from the islamic militants themselves that put out a long communication saying they had propelled the Kurdish Forces on all fronts and infected heavy losses by using suicide bombers. Thats something the kurds had reported as well as many other explosive devices, ieds, roadside bomb et cetera. Now theyre saying they have the american air support completed the process is and taken control of the important strategicic structure. If damaged could cause a huge environmental disaster. In terms of what they do next, i believe they plan to go to sinjar which was the place all those yazidis fled from. Thats what the plan is. Theyre hoping to clear up the plane of nivia, populated area east of mosul and also press on westward to a town first of all to the west of the dam. Then to sinjar which is on a spur down in the extreme west. Talk about northwest iraq of course close to the syrian border. Thats the plan. Most of that may be plain sailing because its on fairly flat ground. Sinjar is a much more difficult target. Its isolated on kurdish controlled or kurdish claimed territory. Thats not going to be quite so easy strategically to take back. Theres bound to be quite a fight for that i imagine. Jim reporting from irbil. Britain says its mission in iraq will be stepped up to go beyond the provision of humanitarian aid. It will not include boots on the ground. The british Prime Minister has been speaking about the uk current involvement in iraq. Britain is not going to get involved in another war in iraq. Were not going to be putting boots on the ground, not sending in the british army. Yes, we should use all assets we have. Diplomacy, political relationships, aid and things we have to help others. We should use these to put pressure on Islamic State and make sure this terrorist organization is properly addressed and cannot cause a may ham on our own streets. David cameron speaking earlier. Pope francis wraps up the visit with a call for people to overcome the mind set of suspicion and confrontation and find peace through forgiveness. We report now from seoul. Reporter as pope francis entered the seoul cathedral for the final mass, there at the front a row of elderly women in wheelchairs waiting eagerly to meet him. These ladies were forced to serve as sex slaves for the Japanese Military during world war ii. As he bent down to hold their hands, one of them held out a golden butterfly. The pope pinned it to his vest, a symbolic endorsement for their continuing struggle for justice. Pope francis made a powerful plea for peace on the korean peninsula. On the congregation listening with the south korean president hague, he called on koreans north and south to overcome suspicion and confrontation. He said to do so may seem impossible, impractical and repugnant. He said jesus taught forgiveness is the door for reconciliation. 60 years after the korean war ended in stalemate, this country remains as divided as ever. 50 kilometers from where he was standing, it was sliced into. Both catholics and non catholics alike. On the same day he made this plea for peace, u. S. And south korea is making pleas. 25 years later, the only real change is north korea probably now has nuclear weapons. Bbc news in seoul. Now as i leave you, lets have a look at live images of the clock face on the elizabeth tower in london. More commonly known as big ben. It is receiving its clean. We had been seeing those people on the clock face giving it a good wipe. Last time it happened was in 2010. 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After two years of seeking asylum t founder of Wikileaks Julian assange says hell leave the embassy in london soon. The iraqi army says Security Forces and peshmerga fighters have retaken a key dam in mosul from Islamic State militants. Hello and welcome to the program. The governor of the u. S. State of missouri, jay nixon has signed an order to send in the National Guard to restore peace and order in ferguson where police have escalated in the suburb. Police say shots were fired at officers in overnight violence and bombs were thrown. Our correspondent is in ferguson, missouri and spoke to him as the announcement was made. Reporter an extraordinary announcement by the governor jay nixon comes after we heard the police chief here saying that they were going to look at ways they could change things operationally. Cle clearly. Tactics while things are calm thousand, its been another violent night on the streets of ferguson. My only sense is having spoken to people in if ferguson, its going to antagonize people even more. Theyve already felt theyve been overrun by police who already in some cases to some of them look like invading army if you like. That has meant that more want to come out on the streets. Its why we saw some of the violence this evening before the curfew started. Protestors, some of them, had made a plan to tell the police that this was their area. It was not the police that controlled things. They were the ones who could take to the streets if they wanted to. They still feel they should be able to take to the streets to talk about something theyre passionate about, the killing of Michael Brown. The introduction of the National Guard, im not sure its going to stop protestors going on the streets. It may well stop the looting and violence ultimately. I can only see it introducing more tension here. Ordinary police feel like they need to do something else. Indeed. Its been different each night. The last night has been particularly bad. Talk us through whats going on. Reporter what we saw 24 hours ago was as soon as the curfew came into place, even though the protestors at the time were protesting peacefully, the police fired tear gas immediately. This time around it felt like the protestors werent going to let it get to that point. We had a violent evening where petro bombs were thrown, rocks thrown at police. Police fired tear gas and sound bombs as well. They formed lines and formations to move through a very small stretch really that most of the violence is seen. We also heard live gunfire through the night. Another chaotic violent evening in ferguson. He is there speaking from ferguson. President of black lawyers from justice spoke to us earlier from fe ferguson. Let me say this. Things have deteriorating for a couple of reasons. I think that there is an over militarization of police and too heavy of Police Presence which is by nature antagonistic. Ive been warning of this. On the other hand, there are pr provocatives amongst the legitimate demonstrators here to support Michael Brown. I dont know who theyre work for. Theyre agents for somebody. What they want to do is mar the demonstrations. So i do think the tear gas and the gassing came too early. I dont think it was necessary. I think there are county police here. I think there are on top of state police. Its not clear the chain of command. I think theres too many police to deal with the demonstrators which is antagonistic. Some amongst the demonstrators are going to make sure that the night does not end with the positive message getting out. They want to make sure the night ends with a confrontation with police. That was malik from the black lawyers for justice organization. Its also reported that Michael Brown whos death we heard there sparked off the wave of protest in ferguson was shot by police at least six times including twice many the head. The New York Times has the results of a preliminary private postmortem conducted at request of the victims family. Eric holder has said the Justice Department would conduct its own separate most mor tum due to circumstance ises involved in this case. The wikileaks said he will leave the embassy. Hes facing allegations of Sexual Assault in sweden which he denies. If sent to sweden he says he could face u. S. Charges over the leaking of secret documents. He told reporters his health has suffered over the last two years. As you imagine being detained in various ways in this country without charge for four years. In this embassy two years which has no outside area. Theres no sunlight. As a result of the obstruction thats presently in place by the uk. At a cost of more than 6. 5 Million Pounds. Latest estimate is 7 Million Pounds now. Its an environment in which any healthy person would find themselves with certain difficults. That was him speaking during a webcast here in london. Lets discuss this further. Were joined by Legal Affairs lawyer. One of the main points he was making is that he could potentially be leaving soon. What implication does that have for him . If he left soon, the legal position is unchanged. The legal position is if he left the embassy he would be arrested by police and extradited to sweden to face allegations of Sexual Assault. That would happen in a ten day period. Theres some suggestion his health is that hes in poor health and that would be a bar to extra diction. That isnt the case. It may be if he needs hospital treatment, that extra diction could be expanded somewhat. Health grounds do not provide another legal avenue a. Legal issues were fought to the highest court, the Supreme Court who decided years ago by a Strong Majority he had no grounds for resisting extra diction. It came down to one legal point. He was arguing that a the prosecuting authorities in sweden that had requested his extra diction were not, quote, judicial authority, under the legislation can which governs the arrest warrant scheme. The Supreme Court cited no, they were, and his extra diction should take place. Nothing has changed since that time. If he steps foot outside the embassy, overwhelming likelihood he will be arrested. If he needs medical kaerks hell be taken by guard to a hospital. Hell be extradited within ten days. He was making implication the attitude in the uk, extra diction laws are changed. Thats not the case. I was puzzled by that. Theres no change to the scheme that would affect julian assange. The scheme came in after 9 11. It takes the politics out of extra diction. Its based on simple idea that every justice system, british, swedish, is of equal quality. Its extremely difficult to resist extra diction. Julian assange tried vigorously to do so and went to the highest court in the land and failed. So nothing really has changed in that time. Im not quite sure what was being alluded to there by changes. Extra diction lawyers ive spoken to this morning are confident nothing has changed. If he steps foot outside the embassy, hell be arrested and extradited. Just briefly if you could. Hes annoy had the the press amiss representing mistell the g ing mistelling his story. He doesnt need to be charged in sweden. Allegations are allegations that the prosecuting authority says are founded is sufficient. The fact he hasnt been charged doesnt affect the extra diction to sweden. He says if he goes to sweden he faces charges from the United States. Theres an investigation into him in the United States. The United States have not formally sought his extra diction. Interestingly if if they did seek his extra diction from sweden, they would need the permission, consent of the British Government. He couldnt just be extradited from sweden to the United States. Theres a protection built in that the original surrendering country ourselves would have to give permission for him to be extradited onto the United States if for instance the criminal proceedings in the u. S. Collapsed. He would have to give consent. Its protection for people. Its not that one country can grab somebody and extradite. They have to go back to the sur ru rendering country. Thanks very much for. That. Now up to date with other news. Robbers have attacked the motor cade of a convoy in paris. The princes motor cade was making its way from the embassy to an airport when the attack took place around the train station. No one was injured. More than 100,000 mourners in brazil turned out to pay respects to the candidate who was killed in a plane crash wednesday with. His remain as were buried after 10 hours of ceremonies sunday. Reporter the capital came to a halt to bid farewell to campos, the former governor and states most prominent politician. The events started early on sunday. More than 100,000 people gathered for the Public Service held at the prince field palace. Mr. Campos governed here seven years and stepped down four months ago to run for president. His home state is still in shock at his sudden death after the tragic plane crash that killed another six people on wednesday. Many traveled from a far to pay respects. Ordinary people as well as the countrys leading politicians including current president and former president to whom he had been a strong ally before deciding to run for president himself. Thousands followed along the streets as his body was taken to the cemetery. His widow and children clinging to the coffin. On the truck and on tshirts worn by relatives, a sentence he had said the day before dying. We will not give up on brazil. The Funeral Services lasted more than ten hours. The symbol of his popularity in the northeast and his importance to the country. Bbc news. More still to come on bbc world news including the secret gambling dens on the china border. We have a special report. Secon, what am i thinking about . Foreign markets. Asian debt that recognizes the shift in the global economy. You know, the kind that capitalizes on diversity across the credit spectrum and gets exposure to frontier and emerging markets. If you convert 4quarter p e of the s p 500, its yield is doing a lot better. If youve had to become your own investment expert, maybe its time for bny mellon, a different kind of wealth manager. And black swans are unpredictable. The last four hours have seen. One child fail to get to the air sickness bag in time. Another left his shoes on the plane. His shoes and a third simply doesnt want to be here. Until now. Until right booking now. Planet earths number one accomodation site booking. Com booking. Yeah hello. Youre watching bbc world news. Our main headlines this hour. The state governor of missouri has instructed the National Guard to restore peace and order to ferguson after another night of violence following the shooting of an unarmed black teenager by police. Founder of Wikileaks Julian assange plans to leave the embassy soon but given no hint of when that will be. Iraqi military forces say they have regained control of the countrys largest dam from the hands of islamic mill tans that captured it two weeks ago. The development marks the first major victory for iraqi and kurdish troops since air strikes began earlier this month. The mosulle dam holds great Strategic Value as it supplies electricity and water to a large part of the country. We are joined by kareem from bbc arabic. Ive said this is significant. Put this in context for us. Its the largest dam in the country. Its on the river, about 30 miles upstream from mosul, the second largest city. It also controls most of the countrys water and electricity as well. We know that Islamic State militants have had control of it for a few months now. Theres also been a lot of fighting to try to regain control. As you said of course the Iraqi Military has said along with the Kurdish Forces theyve regained control of it. Now the importance of this dam, if it remains in control of militants, they could possibly flood areas around cities or villages around the dam as well as stop the Drinking Water from getting to people and as well of course cutting electricity off. This isnt the only dam that they have tried to gain control of for a while. There are other dams in the country that they have had control of. Notably of course there were some in fallujah they used that method to flood areas. 40,000 had to leave villages because they were flooded. Theyve been trying to gain control of the countrys second largest dam thats in the northwest. That controls about 30 of the countrys electricity. It seems to be a strategy by the Islamic State to gain control of oil fields also of water. This would be like two very important resources to try and possibly Pressure Forces or government in this all out conflict in a sense. When they gain control initially of large technical structures, do they know how to work it . There were workers still there. They threaten them if you dont continue working youll be killed. Your family will be killed. Theyre forcing them to stay working there. Like i said, they are sometimes closing off some of these dams to let only a little amount of water or at other times flooding whole areas. Its a strategic move of how theyre operating to go after water as well as oil. Thank you very much for outing that into context for us. A long history of civil war, a past conflicts have left behind a patch work of rebel held territories. Region four is one such strip of land on the border with china. It existed outside Central Government control for more than 25 years. The area has evolved to a place everything and anything goes. Jonah fisher has sent this exclusive report. Reporter were looking for one of the worst kept secrets. Our official guide refused to take us, so we hired motor bikes and are heading deep in the eastern jungle. After half an hour of darkness, there are distant lights. Its a gambling complex aimed exclusively at chinese customers. Casinos are illegal both here and in mainland china. The 15 gambling halls here are packed. Theyre not all tourists. Look closely at the people wearing headphones. They work here placing bets on behalf of clients back in china. The satellite dish outside makes sure that the connection never drops and money keeps coming in. Welcome to a sin city state of gambling, prostitution and drugs. The consequence of a Peace Agreement signed 25 years ago. The deal saw rebel fighters stop insurgency and in return the government gave them full control over a small strip of land along the chinese border. Theres no real Law Enforcement here so this market in particular have become notorious for openly trading in parts of exotic and endangered animals. We filmed secretly and saw ivory, leopard skins, tortoises and snakes. Thats the hide of an endangered species. Its scales are used in chinese medicine. Not far a way, we see two that are still just about alive. Their cages outside a restaurant. If this is not to your taste, the menu also includes black bear and python. This is in itself shocking. Perhaps thats why there was no need for us to film secretly at the souvenir shop. A small tiger skull. This is what about 1,000 u. S. Its thought there are fewer than 4,000 tigers living wild in the whole world. Part of the area has a long last relationship with china that counts. At the moment chinese provide electricity, investment and every night bus loads of thrill seeking tourists. The they have very little influence, so as long as china keeps turning a blind eye to gamble, the weird, wild world are will continue to thrive. Jonah fisher, bbc news on the china border. Cycling is good for our health and heart. It also has a positive impact on our bank balance and growing in popularity. With the rapid growth of mega cities across the globe, it proves dangerous. Saddle up and take wheels to cities around the world to compare them. First stop london with our reporter. Reporter cycling, an elegant answer to the age old question how to get from a to b. Getting around london on public transport can be pretty pricey. A cheaper alternative is these. You get to avoid the underground buses during rush hour and keep fit. With londons bike scheme, you get access to 10,000 bikes you can pick up pr from over 700 docking stations. The the first 30 minutes are free. You then pay for lounge youre cycling around for. Whizzing around london does give a liberating feeling. You are quite exposed as well. Lots of cars whizzing by obviously. Youve got to contend with buses as well. Ive got one behind me. Youve got a van thats just pulled up. Let me get around that. Safety is a big issue on london roads. Youre a third more likely to have an accident on a bike than you are traveling in a car. Given how many cyclists there are in london, deaths are thankfully relatively rare. When it happens, theyre remembered by white painted ghost bikes left at the scene of an accident. They serve as a stark reminder to other cyclists and drivers to stay careful on the road. Getting on a bike anywhere in the world is a Risky Business as were hearing on our world to wheel series on bbc. I fell down and broke my arm a year ago. A couple months ago i broke two bones here. Its not just the risk of falling off your bike. People in some cities just arent used to seeing women on bikes. People sometimes make bad comments to me. Look at this woman. Why is she cycling like that . Shes gone crazy. Reporter cycling isnt just a way of getting around for many londoners, its a way of life. Many come here for a well deserved cup of coffee after their two wheeled escapades. Over the next week, cyclists from rio beijing cairo, delhi and amsterdam shared their experiences of life behind handlebars. So join us as we hear from cycling enthusiasts from right across the globe. Its part of our world on two wheels series here on the bbc. Now the clock faces on londons iconic so called big ben have been cleaned for the First Time Since 2010. Its known formally as the elizabeth tower. Big ben will still chime and keep time. The hands will be temporarily paused with ongoing work. Each of the four faces are made up of 312 pieces of glass. It will take five days to clean frch. From me and the team, thanks for watching. Nothing seems to feel right and yet another pile of clothes on my bed. So im taking the activia challenge. Eating activia twice a day for four weeks may help reduce the frequency of minor digestive issues like bloating, gas, discomfort and rumbling. When your tummy smiles, things just feel right join me and take the activia challenge. It works or its free. Dannon hello. Welcome to gmt on bbc world news. Im lucy hockings. Hour top stories. They claimed to have recaptured key areas around the mosul dam with the help of american air strikes. Well ask what the u. S. And british commitment to military involvement is in iraq. After the worst overnight violence after the unarmed black teen was killed a week ago, the governor of missouri ordered in the National Guard to restore order to

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