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With Police Outside the Malaysian Embassy. A court in egypt announced death supporters of 500 supporters of the band Muslim Brotherhood. Hello, everyone. The malaysian government has conceded it will be many weeks before any firm clues into the fate of mh370 are found if ever. Bad weather is hampering the search in the southern indian ocean. Planes have been grounded. Australian authorities who are coordinating it says the seas and Gale Force Winds have been too strong today. The search is now concentrated exclusively there on the southern end of whats become known as the southern corridor probably taken by the boeing 777. A key piece of equipment to search for the black box recorder provided by the americans cannot be shipped for another 10 years when will be when the black box runs out of power. There has been rage from many of the relatives of the people aboard the flight. Well have more from beijing later. We have details of how the search would be moving forward now. All search efforts are focused on the southern part of the southern corridor in an area covering some 469,407 square nautical miles. This is against 2. 24 million square nautical miles announced the 18th of march. We are work to go further narrow down the search area, which is to gather information from satellite surveillance increasing air and surface assets. Two left to help the multinational search operation. No flights from perth to the search area due to bad weather. Six chinese ships are current hi in the search area. We are expected to arrive within the vicinity of mh370. Last known position by tomorrow morning. This ship includes the eyesbreaker. There is another already in the search area. The ping locator to help find the black box is currently en route to perth and will arrive tomorrow. The ship is due to arrive in the search areas on the 3rd of april. Ladies and gentlemen, the new analysis shared investigation by the aaib have focused efforts on the southern part of the southern corridor. Although this news was incredibly hard for the family members, as our Prime Minister said it was out of commitment to openness and respect for the relatives two principals which guided us in our investigations. Thank you. So the focus now is on that Southern Area of that long arc down from kuala lumpur. That takes the area to 2. 5 thousand areas south of perth in the australian area. There is a large fleet of the specialist Maritime Reconnaissance out of the air base. But they have been grounded all day. Reporter they have indeed. As you said, i am some 1500 miles southwest where im standing here in the middle of central perth. Southwest is in that direction to me. That is the focal point of the search. As you had, a lot of ships and a lot of planes have all not had any chance to go out there and search for that much sought after debris. It is due to bad weather. We heard from the Australian Defense minister. He said that has been called off for some 24 hours. We heard from the Maritime Safety authority saying it was so bad it caused a risk to the crew. Essentially saying there was gale force wind, 80 kilometers an hour. Swells from two to four meters. That has been called off pretty much the next few hours. There will be more reinforcem t reinforcements coming on. A korean ship as well. And the hmas success. It of course had to turn back. Now, thats whats happening at the moment. But there was this confirmation from the transport minister in malaysia that this extraordinary bit of commitment which can detect black boxes can you hear me now, sharon . No. Okay. Sharon there in central perth. Many relatives of chinese passengers suppressed their frustration with the malaysian authorities. Mr. Wang is a representative of some families of missing passengers. He did not give his first name. We just want the truth. And if you make a conclusion with no exact evidence, why do you make that conclusion . And why do you make the conclusion that no one is alive . I dont believe that. You must have some answers. We want to know why. More than 100 bereaved relatives have been protesting outside the Malaysian Embassy in beijing. They threw Water Bottles and chanted. Jon sudworth is in beijing. Jon, how did they manage to defy the beijing police, who dont like protests . Thats right. Protests are of course very rare. This appeared to be pretty spontaneous. It caught the authorities off guard. They were carrying placards. They found their way blocked by police. There were scuffles. They finally managed to push their way threw. They went on foot chanting we want the truth as they marched down to the Malaysian Embassy. There were more scuffles with the Police Outside. They were finally able to make it to the gates, to deliver a statement in response to that announcement from Malaysian Airlines that all hope is now lost. Eventually the police were able to calm the situation and persuade the relatives to get back on buses. They were eventually returned to their hotels in john, while we can understand the emotion for what has taken place, in the end its evidence from the British Air Accident Investigation Branch and also from this incredible statistical modeling by inmarsat which led to the texts they received yesterday. Thats exactly right. It appears this analysis is very credible. It leaves little were doubt where this ended up. For the relatives, that is what they say they now need. They feel beleaguered, emotionally drained after a two and a half week wait for information. They dont know who to trust anymore. They are deeply suspicious of the information thats coming out of malaysia. They now say they will believe it when they see it. Bring us the wreckage. Today we saw that frustration bubble over and spill out onto the streets of beijing. Its a sign of howedes pratt they feel. All right. John, thank you very much indeed. Well, we lost the signal to perth to my colleague sharon. Lets go back to you. I hope you can hear me now, sharon. Is that right . Reporter indeed. Youre live on the air at the moment. What i was trying to ask you we heard there is a special towed device that will arrive from america which enables them to get the black box or try to find it. The trouble is it will arrive on the 5th of april, which is virtually 30 days, which means the signal may have disappeared. Reporter indeed. As you said, they arent supposed to last potentially 30, 40 days. Time is of the essence here. The bad weather has suspended all searches from perth. We heard the Australian Defense minister saying this is a huge logistic cal exercise. Its a remote part of the world. Its hard to get to. We heard from another Senior Defense official saying it is not about searching a needle in a hey stack. It defines where the hey stack is. For the moment, tesch weather. You have 80 kilometer Gale Force Winds. You have swells up to two to four meters. They have to turn back as a result of that. But as i mentioned as well, a lot more ships coming in. A lot more planes coming to reinforce the search and hopes of slightly Better Weather the next few days. Thank you for joining me from central perth in western australia. 14 people now known to have died. 100 still missing after a huge mudslide in the u. S. State of washington. A wall of mud swept down the mountain above the town of oso north of seattle devastating everything in its path. Rescuesers have been working since saturday losing helicopters and laser imaging. The houses are gone. Are there any injuries . Yes. Theres people yell for help. A frantic call moments after this hillside gave way, crushing people and homes below. Rescue teams are working day and night. But the conditions are dangerous as they seven a tangled and waterlogged area of muck and debris. This is for rescue. We are looking for live victims. Were not spending a whole lot of time. It has to be quick and thorough. But we are trying to move through and make sure there is nobody in those areas. Officials believe the mudslide was triggered by heavy rain. The fact that it happened on a saturday left many vulnerable. Contractors coming in. People coming to work on their yards, in their homes. People driving at 5 30. So it probably hit at just the wrong time. And then the desperate wait for news. I want to know where my husband is. You know, i just need to know. Many updates. We will observe a moment of silence. In washington, politicians observed a moment of silence. They have ordered federal aid to help with the local response effort. Meanwhile for this family, theres been some good news. Their pet dog was found alive. But for many more, the painful wait continues. And with more rain forecast over the next few day, even the Authorities Say the task ahead is bleak and grim. The latest from Washington State in the u. S. Stay with us here on bbc world news. Still to come, how some doctors turn to technology to help diagnose and treat patients who live in remote areas of afghanistan. Well have details. This zoom lens is amazing. Go and smell the roses still running in the morning . Yeah. Getting your vegetables every day . When i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] couldve had a v8. Two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. Two full servings of vegetables my dad has aor afib. Brillation, he has the most common kind. Its not caused by a heart valve problem. Dad, it says your afib puts you at 5 times greater risk of a stroke. Thats why i take my warfarin every day. But it looks like maybe we should ask your doctor about pradaxa. In a clinical trial, pradaxa® Dabigatran Etexilate mesylate . Was proven superior to warfarin at reducing the risk of stroke. And unlike warfarin, with no regular blood tests or dietary restrictions. Hey thanks for calling my doctor. Sure. Pradaxa is not for people with artificial heart valves. Dont stop taking pradaxa without talking to your doctor. Stopping increases your risk of stroke. Ask your doctor if you need to stop pradaxa before surgery or a medical or dental procedure. Pradaxa can cause serious, sometimes fatal, bleeding. Dont take pradaxa if you have abnormal bleeding or have had a heart valve replaced. Seek immediate medical care for unexpected signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if youre 75 or older, have a bleeding condition or stomach ulcer, take aspirin, nsaids, or blood thinners. Or if you have kidney problems, especially if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctors about all medicines you take. Pradaxa side effects include indigestion, stomach pain, upset, or burning. If you or someone you love has afib not caused by a heart valve problem. Ask your doctor about reducing the risk of stroke with pradaxa. Youre with bbc world news with me nik gowingment ill have the latest headlines for you. Malaysias transport minister has given more details how they came to the conclusion that the airliner is lost. The plane september one final electronic ping. It was transmitted to a satellite. Relatives of passengers on the flight clashed with Police Outside malaysias embassy in beijing. They accused malaysian authorities of withholding information. Well, lets pick up on whats happening in malaysia after that briefing led by the transportation minister to Lucy Williamson in kuala lumpur. This is a national tragedy, this loss of a plane. How is this being handled across the country . Well, i think the malaysian authorities have been very keen to offer their condolences and to emphasize they want to provide support to the families of those on board, looking after accommodation, Offering Counseling and Financial Support to help with the costs following this investigation, which is likely to go on for some time. And i think across the country theres a great sense of shock about whats happened in the front page of the newspapers here this morning. Probably the most striking new Straits Times just with the words good night, mh370. The star newspaper as well. It is just in black and white today. It spells out the flight number with all the names of those on board, passengers and crew. Many of the front pages here have decided to go with a pure black and white print to express their grief for what happened. Quickly, lucy, this is now a search operation 2,000 kilometers off the southwest coast of australia. Is this still a malaysian or has it been taken over by a massive coordination there . It is certainly a Massive International operation. For all intents and purposes on the ground, they seem to be coordinating. There is one bright glimmer of hope we have had from malaysian authorities has been the dramatic reduction of the search area. Its now down to less than 500,000 square nautical miles, which is a vast area. Of course bad weather has sent the crews cannot come out today and probably wont be able to go out tomorrow either. And the window for spotting information in the ocean is shrinking. Lucy, thank you very much indeed with that update from kuala lumpur. 500 supporters of Mohamed Morsi have gone on trial. Among them, the spiritual leader. This a day after the court pronounced death sentences after a trial lasting just two days. They were convicted of murdering a policeman and attacks on people and property. Lets to to orla guerin outside the court in upper egypt. What is happening at the court, orla . The latest information we have is the case has been adjourned. Its taking place in extremely unusual circumstances behind the security presence that you may be able to see across the street. Behind those barriers the court has been in session the past few hours. The judge has been proceeding. Any of the defense lawyers and most of the defenses. Now there are about 680 accused in this case. But as was the situation with yesterdays mass trial, most of them are not present p. Most are tried in absentia. Only 62 are in court. That number does not include a key figure of the trial. Now, he was not brought for security reasons. The defense lawyers are not up the road in the court because they have imposed a boycott. All the lawyers are staging a protest about the conduct of yesterdays trial in which those mass death sentences were handed down at extraordinary speed. It was only the second day of their trial. So the lawyers have stayed out of todays proceedings. The judge has gone ahead without them. They tell us he has been hearing evidence from eyewitnesses. He has apparently been questioning the defendants although their legal representatives are not president. In the worlds of one local lawyer with 20 yearss experience, this is unprecedented. He has never heard of anything like that. After all the criticism we heard of yesterdays verdict. Orla, given the speed of this trial of the 530 which ended yesterday, what are the prospects for the sentences being carried out or not . Well, many experts believe they are unlikely to be carried out. In recent years, although they have been handed tkourpbgs few have been carried out since the revolution in 2011 in which Hosni Mubarak was overthrown. Under egyptian law, they have to be ratified by the supreme religious authority. He has been given until the 28th of april to reach a decision. We are also expecting an appeal will be made against the sentences handed down yesterday, particularly by those defendants who werent even present in court when they were sentenced to death. Any carrying out of the sentences is sometime off. But the fact that they were even passed sent alarm bells ringing and certainly has raised concerned that the authorities here are stepping up what has been a Systematic Campaign to quash the Muslim Brotherhood. Authorities say yesterdays verdict was reached after due consideration. And they emphasize that the judiciary in egypt is completely independent. Orla guerin in upper egypt. Thanks, orla. Stripped of her position. Thats after she addressed the organization of american states. Machado had been invited to discuss the recent unrest in venezuela in which 30 people have tied. Authorities say they will not be able to enter as a parliamentarian for at least this term. Air pollution is the biggest threat to health. New Research Suggests it killed 7 billion in 2012. Most occur between poor examine middleincome countries in south and middle asia. And meeting in japan to draw up a crucial report on the threat of global warming. The first update on Climate Change in seven years. Bbc has seen a leaked draft which talks about severe impacts on economies, Food Supplies and global security. Some delegates criticized the draft as alarmist. Well, let me know give you the latest on the malaysian aircraft, which has been lost. There is the briefing that we had a couple of hours ago from the transportation minister, who has been explaining why rescuers have come to the conclusion that the flight crashed into the southern indian ocean. Hes revealed that the final electronic signal sent by the plane is still being investigated. But at 19 minutes past midnight, sit later than any previous signal received from the Malaysian Airlines plane. And he said a large device is being flown in from the United States to try to track down the black box. He wont be on site in the deep ocean until april 5th. Thats a month after the plane disappeared. Headlines coming up. [ man coughs ] ive paid my dues. Time after time. Ive done my sentence. [ spray cans hiss ] [ both ] but committed no crime [ chuckles ] and bad mistakes. [ man ] cut. Yeah. Ive made a few. [ sighs ] ive had my share of sand kicked in my face. But ive come through i just go. On and on, and on, and on and on, and on, and on and on, and on and on you know how it goes. Ido more with less with buless energy. Hp is helping ups do just that. Soon, the worlds most intelligent servers, designed by hp, will give ups over twice the performance, using forty percent less energy. Multiply that across over a thousand locations, and theyll provide the same benefit to the environment as over 60,000 trees. Thats a trend we can all get behind. [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat . Campbells healthy request soup lets you hear it in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. [ mm. ] great taste. [ tapping ] sounds good. Campbells healthy request. Mm mm good. ® so, whatd you think of the house . Did you see the School Rating . Oh, youre right. Hey, babe, i got to go. Bye, daddy. Have a good day at school, okay . [ man ] but what about when my parents visit . Okay. Just love this one. Its next to a park. [ man ] i love it. I love it, too. Heres your new house. Daddy [ male announcer ] youre not just looking for a house. Youre looking for a place for your life to happen. Zillow. Our top stories. Angry relatives of chinese passengers of flight mh370 clash with chinese Police Outside the Malaysian Embassy in beijing. They broke through the police lines and they are now simply marching through the streets of beijing to get to the Malaysian Embassy to demand the answers they say they deserve. Malaysias transport minister says the missing airliner sent one final electronic ping to a satellite, defending his deposits conclusion that the plane crashed into the southern indian ocean. More than 600 supporters of the band Muslim Brotherhood stand trial in egypt a day after a court handed death sentences to 500 others. More evidence from a Police Mobile phone expert at the tile in south africa of athlete Oscar Pistorius. Hello, everyone. The malaysian deposit has conceded it will be many weeks before any firm clues into the fate of mh370 are found, if ever. Bad weather is hampering the search in the treacherous southern indian ocean. All planes have been grouped. Australian authorities who are coordinating the operation say the seas and Gale Force Winds have been too strong for any operations there. Well, the malaysian deposit says the search is now concentrated exclusively here on the southern end of whats become known as the southern corridor. Experts are still analyzing the planes final electronic ping. A key piece of equipment to search for the black box in this vast area will not arrive in that search zone for at least another 10 days. Meanwhile, there has been an outpouring of rage by chinese relatives of the 239 people on board the flight. More from beijing. In grief and anger, relatives of passengers on board the missing plane marched to the Malaysian Embassy in beijing. Told that all hope surely is lost, one banner pointed ily saying we still have hope. They are accusing the malaysian deposit of trying to delay, distort, and hide the truth. Treat protests in china are illegal. But people here want answers. Families all over the world have been touched by rob and mary from australia. They were enjoying their retirement today and said to be looking forward to their first grandchild being born next month. Our family is trying to come to terms with this terrible tragedy. We dealer love and will miss our mom and dad. New satellite information from the air Accident Investigation Branch forced authorities to accept the flight was lost. But why and how . The focus rests on the pilot and his copilot. The cap tap has 80,000 hours. Hes also an examiner for 777. So theres no record that is out of order. Did he fly your plane into the ocean . We dont know. More resources are on their way to reinforce the source. Six chinese ships are currently in the search area. They are expected to arrive in the vicinity of mh370, last known position, by tomorrow morning. It includes the icebreaker. Finding wreckage may help answer many questions. But it may not. The search is centered on one of the most in hospitable places on earth. So the new data both from the Inmarsat Group which tracked and predicted where it went and from the uks air Accident Investigation Branch, aib, as they are also known, sent maps. There is one of them showing the possible flight paths which the plan took. They are both on this map. Both in yellow and red. The track gives us a starting point from the journey south from the northern tip of sumatra in indonesia. You can help us understand why this is so important to narrow down the search area of where there might be a hole 10,000 feet down under the sea. This is crucial information we have had for the first time. We have guessed at a lot of this. This is hard data from a reliable source. British air Accident Investigation Branch probably coming from the inmarsat data. The important line to look at is the yellow line. You can see north of the equator it starts off in kuala lumpur. It is heading north to beijing. At some stage it makes a short turn to the left. And several different changes of course before it heads south on the long adjourn skwr south. This is the flight on autopilot. Heading way down deep into the southern indian ocean. And you can aoe the yellow line intersecting the green line. A lot of people misunderstood it. They thought it flew along the green arc. It did not it simply intercepted the green arc at some time. We know from the minister in kuala lumpur they are searching 470 square nautical miles. Could this give them a much more precise area where it could be the plane eventually hit the water . Possibly. Stkpwhrf it went out the last ping at 11 minutes past 8 00 in the morning. Or so we thought. We also heard about another ping, a mysterious ping eight minutes later. At 8 19. Correct. The aircraft was not supposed to be sending them out at this hour. Any explanation possibly . The investigators say they dont know. They say it was a partial handshake not a full one like the previous ones. They dont know. I can speculate that possibly it was the aircraft running out of fuel, powering down, and the whole system just went dead. And as it went dead it sent out a last partial signal. If that is the case, then it helps us, again, narrow down the impact point. Because the plane could have continued gliding for up to 100 miles or so. But at least it is within 100 miles of that last ping. That is the impact point. The debris could be hundreds of miles away now. Thank you very much. Well be looking at what the challenge is for the weather down there. The big waves and the big winds. Even if they found small bits of defree. 100 bereaved relatives have staged. I asked why this happened and how protesters managed to defy meece there. Protests are of course very rare on the streets of beijing. It is spontaneous. It caught the authorities off guard. Authorities began to gather at one of the hotels in which they have been staying in beijing, carrying placards. They were blocked by police. There were scuffles. Though finally managed to push their way through and then went on foot chanting we want the truth. There were more scuffles with the Police Outside. But they were finally able to make it to the gates, hold their protest, to deliver a statement in response to that announcement from Malaysian Airlines that all hope is now lost. Police were able to persuade them to get back on buses and they were eventually returned to their hotels. More on the plane shortly here on the program. 700 supporters of the former egyptian president mow maam head morsi have gone on court in a trial in upper egypt. Thupg them, badhia, the move. s spiritual leader. They pronounced death sentences after a trial of two days. They were accused of murdering a policeman and attacks on people and property. Orla guerin is outside the courthouse and she told me more. The case has been skwrourped. It is taking place in extremely unusual urb circumstances me hind the security presence you may be able to see across the street. Me hind those barriers has been in session the last few hours. But in the absence, many of the defense lawyers and most defendants. There are 680 accused in this case. As with the situation with yesterdays mass trial, most of them are not present. Most are being tried in absentia. Only 62y r in court. The defense lawyers are not up the road inside the court. They have imposed a boy cast. They are talking about the conduct of yesterdays trial in which the mass death sentences were handed down at extraordinary speed. Almost 530 men sentenced to hang on what was the second day of their trial. The lawyers have stayed out of todays proceedings. The judge has gone without them. He has been hearing from eyewitnesses. He has apparently even been questioning some of the locals. This is unprecedented. He has simply never come across anything like it. It will raise renewed concerns about whether or not these men on trial today can have any notion of a fair trial after all the criticism that we heard of yesterdays verdict condemned not only by campaigners abroad and governments in the you can and United States. 14 people known to have tkaoeufpltd 100 still missing after a huge mudslide in the u. S. State of washington. Witnesses say a wall of mud swept down the Mountain North of oso. They have been working since saturday using helicopters and laser images. Reporter road blocks are in place all around the area. Now its deemed dangerous and potentially volatile. Thats affecting the rescue workers who cant get in there to dig in certain areas because the mud is 20 feet deep. They have to surveil the area from the air. They sent in sniffer dogs. They are conceding there is very little chance of finding anyone else alive. Of course cries from help from the wreckage on saturday. Those cries went unanswered because it was deemed just too dangerous to get into the area and get to those people. What happened was this, a wall of mud, 1 thaurbgs 500 feet wide, 600 feet tall, came crashing down into the valley, crossed a river at the bottom of it and completely submerged the village of oso, which has a population of 180. They are saying almost that number is missing. Officials believe that the numbers in many cases are duplicates. They dont expect that many people have died. Nonetheless, people here are bracing themselves for some bad news the next few days. One man found the front door of his house but no evidence of his home or his wife or their child. They are expecting more rain in this area the next few days. So there is the prospect of more mudslides here. David willis in Washington State. Russia has no seat at the top table of the leading powers. It has been excluded from the g7 summit. President putins spokesman said they are still interested in contracts with the g7 on all levels. Monday it says its exclusion was no tragedy. Reporter well, actually the reason that Sergei Lavrov was here in the hague was this. The Nuclear Security summit where 53 heads of state were due to be discussing nuclear terrorism. Of course this has been overshadowed by events in the ukraine. What we have seen in the last 24 hours, effectually amounts to the international communitys isolation, the formal iization of isolation. In june they were spoeft uppose host in sochi. I think the real question today is how much u of an impact will this actually have. The foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov said it is no great tragedy. They were hoping this move would force russia to pull back in crimea. It may be they are slightly disappointed by that response. Anna halligan in the hague. Still to come, we ask the Malaysian Airlines chief executive if pilots were on a suicide mission. 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Questions continue why the boeing 777 flew into the southern indian ocean and why they have done it. This is a pilot with the investigation a long time many tell me about the pilot and copilot of flight hm370. Based on their records, they have been quite exemplary. The pilot, the captain has 80,000 horse. He is also an examiner for the 777. There is no disputed record out of order. Did he fly your plane into the ocean . We dont know. Is there any evidence, anything that is being held back . Nothing really. We are cooperating fully with the investigating team. It has included teams from other nations. Theres a british team as well. So we are not holding anything. Thats not the familys say, of course. Youre deal with the families, i understand. Our primary role is to ensure that we care, we really take care of the family of those on board. And i think we have gone beyond our normal responses. I would think they would say you havent gone far enough. Their response is angry and it is being targeted at. You i think its unfair. We have gone to all means to help then. The only thing you must realize in an incident like this, normal lip in any tragedy theres some evidence in place. We have not had any evidence until maybe last night. Are you 100 sure your plane is lost . Based on the evidence provided to us, yes. What do you say to the families who say, no, youre hiding something, loved ones are still alive . I think thats a high degree of certainty thats actually provided by the aaib. To basically conclude this evidence. Yet theres no physical eviden evidence. We are working hard to locate the evidence. They really have to go out and find these pieces. Do you feel responsible enough to resign over this . It is a personal decision. You will make that decision later. We have things to do now. The chief executive of malaysia airlines. The seven effort for the Malaysian Airlines plane is 2,300 kilometers off southwest australia. Suspended for today because of Severe Weather conditions. Im joined by Phillip Avery from bbc weather. Is that hampering or threatening the search area . Not immediately, no. Theres been quite a bit of talk about it is going to have impacts. Its about 1300, 4 14 00 miles away. And we suspect it will stay pretty well clear, even if we use, as andys graphics showed, a more easterly track. That storm system is not moving very fast. It is doing 5, 10 Miles Per Hour or so. If i show you another graphic here, the weather fronts are tied in with areas of low pressure. That great band of white we show you moving rapidly indeed has a mirror image. Thats what has funneled in. They are atrocious. What this is doing in the southern hemisphere, this fast ribbon of air is the super highway for areas of low pressure, which is why we dont expect to see any time soon. We do not expect to see an area of High Pressure settles down right over that search area. So bad conditions, bad seas. We have seen it on occasions already. We have had a couple of days where, yes, it was fine and tkaepd. The technology is quite important here. Dont forget the pilots are using mach one eyeball to see whats on the surface. So visibility is crucial. Thank you very much indeed. The trial of Oscar Pistorius continues on the 15th day. More evidence on Text Messages and data between pistorius and his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. Milton, what is being said today in court . Reporter yes, nik. Today what the court had was the continuation of captain muller, who was explaining the data that he picked up from those mobile devices, which were used by Reeva Steenkamp and Oscar Pistorius. I think whats happened is after yesterdays sort of revolution she sent a text message saying sometimes up scare me when you snap at me. Barry roux, the the leading senior counsel was trying to reverse that damage and trying to show the judge and the court that over 90 of the messages that they exchange between the two people, those messages demonstrating a loving relationship. They used affectionate names such as boo, bubba, my angel. They showed the cctv camera at a Shopping Center where they had a little case and a happy couple. But the captain has come off the stand. Another witness came in. He told the court that the area where he lived was not so much statistically a crime hot spot. Milton nkozi outside the court in pretoria. The main news is malaysias transport manager concluded that the flight 370 crashed into the ocean. Youre with bbc world news. Im nik gowing. Thanks for joining me. Back at the same times tomorrow. Byebye. M. Dad, it says your afib puts you at 5 times greater risk of a stroke. Thats why i take my warfarin every day. But it looks like maybe we should ask your doctor about pradaxa. In a clinical trial, pradaxa® Dabigatran Etexilate mesylate . Was proven superior to warfarin at reducing the risk of stroke. And unlike warfarin, with no regular blood tests or dietary restrictions. Hey thanks for calling my doctor. Sure. Pradaxa is not for people with artificial heart valves. Dont stop taking pradaxa without talking to your doctor. Stopping increases your risk of stroke. Ask your doctor if you need to stop pradaxa before surgery or a medical or dental procedure. Pradaxa can cause serious, sometimes fatal, bleeding. Dont take pradaxa if you have abnormal bleeding or have had a heart valve replaced. Seek immediate medical care for unexpected signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if youre 75 or older, have a bleeding condition or stomach ulcer, take aspirin, nsaids, or blood thinners. Or if you have kidney problems, especially if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctors about all medicines you take. Pradaxa side effects include indigestion, stomach pain, upset, or burning. If you or someone you love has afib not caused by a heart valve problem. Ask your doctor about reducing the risk of stroke with pradaxa. [ birds tweeting, calling ] [ echoing ] its a beautiful day. [ distantly ] man hallucinogenic lipstick. [ echoing ] hallucinogenic lipstick. Shes here

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