A history of breast cancer the 59 year old did it to reduce her own risk of getting the disease the B.B.C.'s confirmed she is expected to appear on Saturday night's program and an ornament more than a 100 years old the once belonged to the Who's John and whistle has sold for thousands of pounds at an auction in Wilcher built in 1012 the guitarist bought the model boat in the 1970 s. From her it's clear is from Willie and Wallace in Salzburg where it sold for $27.00 and a half 1000 pounds and parcel gilt so sort of to turn a traditional silver color in a gilded. Detail in order rigging is why over. 42 cannon around the outside color is the window and more on that next in drive on 2 which is rather cloudy with a few showers see this even feeling quite cold as well those are 5 overnight Cloudy with rain tomorrow temperatures about Levon b.b.c. World news it's 3 minutes past 6 the stories you share the music you know. This is Graham. B.b.c. Will share. With my special guest Rick Stein foodie Wednesday is on the way problems on the a 419 at the common head into change there's an accident at the moment heading towards the m 4 trying to avoid it if you can. Supertramp and it's the logical song are like Supertramp don't care enough to Supertramp on the radio we thought so we're putting it right tonight there you go you enjoyed that one so we got a problem again tonight another accident another day another accident on the a 419 This one just before you get to the common head into change and it's going towards the m 4 junction 50 we've got one lying closed as a result of the accident at the moment and traffic is of course queuing back and it's affecting traffic heading out of Swindon towards the common ahead into change as well as you can avoid the area of the moment you will save you some some time in and help ease the congestion but will keep you up to date with that here b.b.c. Will show if you're there at the moments and can can call in with an update to the line I'd really appreciate quite how bad or on a positive note how good it is if you are getting through Ok again let us know your information invaluable to us on the line 080028 double 3 double 6 days a free. Phone number so foodie Wednesday on the way with a Rick Stein tonight 1st idea of a dream to be you ever thought I'm going to buy myself a boat but how about a boat that belongs to a rock n roll legend the hose and Whistle While one lucky person has done exactly that Ok let's be honest about this it's not a proper boat you can get it get in it and go sailing already think it's it's a ship it's a gallium it's a model Ok but a rather costly model at $27.00 and a half 1000 pounds it was sold in an auction and Wallace in Salzburg and Clare Darren from the auction house has been describing it for me it's think credibility and it's about 2 foot wide so it's not a small piece at all it's so powerful gilt so sort of to turn a traditional silver color in a gilded color as well in the detail ing or the rigging is while there are 42 cannon around the outside Port colors is the windows and everything really you would expect to see on a 18th century tool shit now forgive me it's not the sort of thing I would have imagined a member of The Who would have had no absolutely not say not your traditional sort of rock'n'roll and. Then John and western actually had a very good eye and he gets his core word which is the hunting lodge an is with pact with Auntie Finn or thoughts of different pieces that he picked up I don't think he had a collecting bug with any particular direction and he did things that he really liked the look of and obviously had this obsession with the Howard store which is where he acquired this ship back in the 1970 s. Yes. And might pay Townsend famously once claimed that the john and whistles only real addiction was Howard's Yes absolutely and Roger Daltry recently. Concurred with that and we found out that when John and whistle had his Rose Royce 3 sprayed the Silver Shadow that he used to carry his Irish Wolfhounds around he went so far as taking the Howards carrier bag to the paint shop and asking them to match the color really is a different world isn't it really I think it really is when you get an item like this how do you even begin to put a value on it it I mean it is obviously in chain sickly valuable Silver has an intrinsic value but it goes beyond that because it's such a beautiful thing and quite a rare object as well and then you have the addition of provenance and provenance is one of those things that it's very difficult to put a price on because sometimes it makes all the difference and sometimes it doesn't make that much difference or $2.00. With this face or see we've come out to the other side of the auction now I think most of the people who were viewing it were viewing it for the object itself and the provenance was just an additional interest that may have added a bit of value and certainly it's added a hell of a back story but it probably hasn't made double the price because of who it once belonged. $27.00 and a half 1000 pounds that's that's a quantum amazing figure for this isn't it do we know do we know much about the the new owner. It's a private fire from English private buyer from the north of England I believe but beyond that I'm afraid we don't know much and unfortunately we don't really know whether they are a big fan of The Who or not. But do we know what they intend to do with this model boat. I think they bought it as a display piece of the home. Fortunately no I'm afraid we don't know much 27 and a half 1000 pounds well clad Darren from the auction house Wiley and Wallace in Salzburg coming up to 13 minutes past 6 You're listening to b.b.c. World show live from where you live promised. Me and And then they. Cut. Cut cut. Cut. Cut. Cut cut. On the steps on the front. To sit. Down on the Acme. Taylor Swift with a burned on it you re And that is May be he has a brand new t.v. Series starting next week choose state evening 9 o'clock on b.b.c. 2 Rick Stein's latest what we were saying earlier that travel programs have a Coke or a programs there's always a lot of food around but you learn a bit about where that food comes from then she Rick's List program is set in France Rick Stein's secret. Frumps and I'm delighted to say he's my guest for food un stay tonight we've been trying to get rate for a while for the program but we got him Rick Stein for foodie Wednesday all the way between now and half past 6 now Jeremy Corbyn is traded blows with Boris Johnson in the last house of commons question time before the general election and it was pretty raucous somebody exchanges the Labor leader accusing the prime minister of having a brass neck quote unquote on his conservative rival warned that his opponent will be a political disaster for Britain Boris Johnson said he was the only major party leader at Westminster committed to taking Britain out of the European Union people have a chance to vote for real change after years of conservative and Lib Dems Cox privatisation on tax handouts for the richest this government that's put on n.h.s. Into crisis this election is a once in a generation chance to end privatisation you know you just give it the funding it means. Well Jeremy Corbyn they're insisting his party was offering something different this is what Boris Johnson had to say we are going to deliver a fantastic deal by which this country will come out of the European Union a deal that is tried to block and that we will deliver that is the future for this country grief and did not under the Labor Party or taking Britain forward to a brighter future under the Conservatives the Liberal Democrat leader Jo Swinson accused the pair of leading tired old parties and called on the prime minister to take part in the expected leaders' television debates Oh yes of course we'll have the t.v. Debates to look forward to as well won't we who's going to turn up who isn't the t.v. Debates we've got to look forward to joining the election campaign desire to hear from you run 7 to the right set and build on that or 'd future Anderson Prime Minister Ahmed said today to take part in the use of the remains of a car is he going to run the. Office was also the final prime minister's question time to be chaired by the speaker of the House John Bercow after a decade in the job in a emotional farewell he paid tribute to the support of his family who were watching in the public gallery I want to. My wife's. 3 children all over. For the. Woman fortune which they've displayed through over the last decade I'll never forget her mother always be grateful for it was well it was the longest prime minister's question time on record they carried on for more than 71 minutes more than double the traditional length of Wednesday's pm queues the next one will be just before Christmas they'll be a new speaker in position whether Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn will be there whether they'll be in the same or different jobs by them well I guess that up to us . From where you live. It's 20 past 6 let's bring you up to date with the travel is all over in Swindon only a fool where 9 before you get to the common head fly over in the direction of the m 4 has been a collision I was England reporting all lanes are plots now so it's really slow with tailbacks on the a 422 shriven in the opposite side of the 4 when mine is very slow with on the cars in Swindon at the Mannington roundabout much better now for the road works on Great Western way and just the usual hold ups on what Ambassador wrote chiseled in on the a 346 it's jammed up towards junction 15 of the m 4 the a 36 newts in this road which cues say between the length of and the turn for the m y parish and the a 3 a 3 as he passed Stonehenge in both directions and they Gloucester on the m 5 a piece of pretty much wrapped up investigation all lanes are open northbound between junctions 12 and 11 a is just lame one that's closed southbound now so the m 5 is passable again both ways between 11 am and 12 has left quite a queue massive hold ups on surrounding reach though including all the major roads through Gloucester a 38 from clay pits towards Gloucester including on the question a bypass and the a 46 between Stroud and pains which the m 4 London bounce coming off 89 from Maidenhead. A broken down vehicles been recovered from the exit slip right spot a problem called b.b.c. Will share its 080028 double 3 that will 6. On your radio on your phone online and on your smart speaker played b.b.c. Will share. Doesn't only a for one line then heading towards junction 15 of the m 4 you stuck in the queue at the moment can you give us an update from the scene that will be really useful and useful for other people as well if you're able to call me on the line if you're stuck in the queues and the congestion because of an accident only a 419 heading towards the m 4 a junction 15 which on line number again is 080028 double 3 double 6 and your weather forecast well cloudy spells of light rain and drizzle overnight temperatures down to 5 degrees and that's a pretty similar focus for the day tomorrow largely cloudy patchy rain and drizzle temperatures up to 11 degrees but much less windy tomorrow b.b.c. Will chip breakfast on so in love with will show that when I get to the Welsh sign on the m 4 put my hand in the air see Christian holding a different woman even maybe Tucker suggested christening was a match because men moan more which is already causing a bit of rumpus on Twitter from several blokes who are happy with the session yes b.b.c. Will ship breakfast but all this talk about if you are misbehaving on planes I just remembered I once went to Estonia and then I read this the well rugby club stocks if I had 3 or 4 of them to do a kid press ups in the on the mound the female stewards in the capping crew bases are quite enjoy a.b.c. Will ship breakfast with Ben Prater back tomorrow from 6 yes Ben is back tomorrow morning looking back at the history of the Old Sarum airfield as it prepares to close for the final time ban on your breakfast show tomorrow morning. And next. Thank. You and. The a. Review. The a. Us. Q us. Because you a . Cube. With the. With the. With the. Cohen. Cohen. Cohen. Thanks to a u.s. . You're. Talking Heads. And she was yes and stay this week my guest is Rick Stein he's got a new t.v. Series Rick Stein's secret France it starts next Tuesday evening 9 o'clock. And you know when you think about all of the places visited for his television programs which country has inspired his cooking the most grow. It's got to be France I would say I don't know but I suppose in terms of looking back over a sort of career in the restaurant business and cooking myself it's French food really that's my 1st big influence apart from British cooking and it still plays a major part so I mean I would you know there's other places of course I love Indian food and had a wonderful time filming there and writing a book about Indian cuisine Southeast Asia and you know latterly I've been going to southern Italy and Greece a lot so it's very difficult almost like saying which the children do you love best you know what should which of influenced you the most or which but I mean I would say that the longest love has been from France and part of the reason for this secret Front series was just to sort of prove that French foods are alive and well yeah and you know you can't beat the French for completely loving food and complete you know the world result revolves around food of Am I right in saying you're not a trained chef yourself taught is that right Absolutely yeah and I find phenomenal when you look at what you've achieved in your life so where did it all begin when when you 1st open the seafood in Padstow How did it develop into what it's become well I mean there we were I suppose very lucky opening in in the mid seventy's that they were. There was much competition really. Funny there's a lot of competition in Padstow but the competition actually works in everybody's favor because we've got like restaurants and nationally recognized in front of story. And it draws people generally so we all do do well out of it the things that have changed is that. The knowledge of food has changed so much in the 40 years but also the a valid billeted of raw materials has changed so much I mean you know in the Airlie days in the seventy's the only thing that you could be sure of was really good local fresh fish you couldn't get much shellfish lobsters and crabs and things like oysters any sort of other By 1000 mussels or clams you just couldn't couldn't get and the transport was just not not volved to bring thing now you can get every you want overnight from anywhere in the world if that is where you want to sell your method of cooking seems to be used the best ingredients keep it simple it is really I think it's from my boss a sense of my mother was a very good British cook and basically what we ate as children was just very simple but very good quality food I was remember my father came from Oxfordshire not too far away I have to say yeah father's always used to say when he had guests he had people from all over the world because of the job he was in and he would say everything that you're eating today for Sunday lunch comes from our farm you know. So I've always had this sort of real enthusiasm for great local materials in my case fish always and I just think that sort of aspect of food is something that's worth celebrating and I mean of course you know I enjoy elaborate cooking but it's not really my my style we're going to come back and chat more. Rick Stein after the news is fully Wednesday continues I'm going to give you a couple minutes to think about this and get I want you to teach us one simple thing about cooking fish or when we come back died at b.b.c. We'll share. The stories you share the music you love. The way you live your radio stations will show. The b.b.c. Will say. Is that she was with the latest news survivors of the grand felt how a tragedy eroding the London fire brigade commissioner to resign following a report into the disaster 2 years ago the inquiry criticizes the response it also says Commissioner Danny cotton was insensitive to say she wouldn't have changed anything about the way her team reacted on the night welchers ambulance could be flying again in 2 weeks time there ambulance says it's been told by the civil aviation authority that it should have the paperwork it needs by Choose day the 12th of November that's after problems over its license a mum from Swindon's been told it might not be possible to cut the speed limit on a road where her son was knocked down by a vehicle Clarice growth has been campaigning for action on Hayley lane after 17 year old Dylan was hurting 2016 the bar account source says government guidelines make it harder to reduce the limits to 20 miles an hour and a Rudd says she won't be standing at the next election the home of the former home secretary hasn't ruled out a return to Westminster in the future but says there are many other things that she wants to do and it's been confirmed the Paralympian Will Bailey is leaving Strictly Come Dancing is after he picked up a knee injury during training b.b.c. World news it's 632. Am. B.b.c. Will show. So France is a nice piece of fish for dinner tonight you know what how to cook it properly who better who better to tell us my guest for foodie when. Station is a mystery stunning claim oh for it comfortably. Of Dreams. Oh baby she won't shut down the River of Dreams for 30 Wednesday this week my guest is Rick Stein now I think we probably already know what we also is going to but wants Rick's favor ingredient to cook with well I mean I mean if we're talking not obviously my favorite ingredient is fish it terms of what I use most often I would probably say butter olive oil they get wine garlic sure lots and then of the herbes probably the most uses parsley Tarak and goes really with a lot of fish Basil exotic from a still. What else I actually have but it's really nice to think in the book which I've evolved this little pet makes right so it's a mixture of black pepper white pepper said jewel and pepper and 2 Chiles but dried chillies Chipotle and. So I'm ready that's my sort of go to come to meant at the moment I'm. Very keen on condiments Graham you're still developing that aren't you yeah you know it's time you keep I keep working at it learning. Kitchen gadget the one kitchen gadget you couldn't be without well these days probably it's really weird but I've always wanted a spice grinder that will grind wet and dry spices and I once bought a massive thing like an outboard motor from India which did just that the sort of high speed blend and grind which means you can throw anything in there and it comes out you know making like I don't know Indonesian spies pace is perfect it's the chef you admire the most that's very difficult because. The ones that I was when I was sort of cooking in the seventy's and eighty's was sort of like you know a bit old now but I really liked and Tom awesome and who was the head chef at The Dorchester and bought out one of those nouvelle cuisine books Raja version again but it more that more than that I suppose cookery books particularly a book from the seventy's called Fish cookery by Jane Grigson and still Elizabeth David I mean most people would never remember she was but to people of my generation she was the 1st person to understand the glories of southern French and Italian and Mediterranean cooking but I did say before the news I have to ask Rick Stein teach us something about cooking fish because I don't think we need to nothing well the problem is not you know you probably heard me say this tart countless times before Graeme but the 1st thing about cooking fish is get fresh fish I mean we've got this cookery school in Pads