Transcripts for BBC Wiltshire BBC Wiltshire 20191025 190000

Transcripts for BBC Wiltshire BBC Wiltshire 20191025 190000

And disruption at London Euston is expected for the rest of tonight after a trespass on the line trains are starting to run again and Network Rail says for service should run by tomorrow morning b.b.c. News 3 minutes past 8. Friday night with James Threlfall b.b.c. Will show. What's going on. In or you out and about. His message she's been chilling with. Is it she's not. She's just going to New York. Not the dog. How fun. If you're up to something. More exciting than a competition going on in a Friday night banger as well. On the tax on the Twitter Twitter. If you're texting you. Thought you must. Be. For the not buying as well coming. Right. From Calvin Harris and this is. Right. . Now coming up this hour. Greenwood joining me in the studio is an entrepreneur from Swindon who owns a few businesses. But the one that will be fixing on today is Desk desk is a co-working space in Swindon Town the long story the rise of remote working in freelancers wanting to work more collaboratively and not being in the spaces is amazing is a really really nice post so we're going to be finding out all about it from the man himself in the studio after this. Just like. It's. A. Guy. That's a copout. Just like. This just. Says no. And. That's. When he. Comes to. Conduct signing. Peace and control which is. On the. Other goals to work but we. Need. Taylor Swift saying can you just not you need to calm down a stone's throw from b.b.c. World until 10 o'clock tonight so every week on the show we like to invite a guest in to celebrate Friday night's we have a little bit of a bit of a studio party here because pretty well these are basically people that we think you need to know about and we call these people are ones to watch this week it's Mark Greenwood is an entrepreneur from Swindon who owns desk co-working space in Swindon Town it's a really cool space that like I said just before I had a chance spend a bit of time hanging out and so let's kick off with the the fundamental question what on earth is a car work in space Our I've spent the last 3 and a half years trying. To be friends when. There's about 14000 Co spaces in the world space is a shared kind of like to say it in a boring way is a shared office space you kind of don't want to use the word Office I know. But the way I prefer to scribe it is a room full of creatives and entrepreneurs people who want to start a business people who. Have been running a business for 1520 years and actually maybe they work remotely or work from home. But the really cool thing about Cohen space is literally is in a word as you're working with other people collaboratively. All on your own business in the same place. But not by yourself so not in your spare room and anybody who's listening who works from home will know what it's like to work from home as you do from lack of there's never a day yeah and it's just horrible you start doing the laundry do the dishes I just going to say you never did that. And you start talking to the dog and then. Yeah but if you can go and put yourself in this environment and I'm a massive believer of saying you are the average of the 5 people you spend most of your time with yeah and that is so true you are certainly in a room with all these entrepreneurial people people business ideas and Iraq helps you grow your own Yeah well obviously that's kind of where spaces are as a whole but I want what's the background of desk for you because you are what like 3 years to the every 3 happiest we have how much 2016. I have another company about a year older than death so the 1st year I was that person working at home talking to the dog doing laundry or running times a day and not actually getting changed out of pajamas or you know not going until 3 in the afternoon in. Destruction. And then I started meeting other people in Swindon so I had actually moved back to swim and started the company so I kind of felt like I dropped back you know my friends had kind of moved on to Union things. And I needed to build my own community around me again and I started to meet other people who were working from home doing their own thing and they were running into the same problems that I was. 18 year olds away through to 56 year olds work from home doing a variety of different things things really cool stuff and there was no co-ax place of shared space in Swindon so I stopped working at coffee shops. I worked in my hotel lobbies everything you're trying to simulate it's just something of getting out the house yeah I didn't. I wasn't enjoying what I was doing and I've always run my own businesses and decided that well if I just start this is a side gig. I can rent a space get it out and then if a couple of members join they helped pay the rent and also and it just took off from there became a bit more than a cycle so yeah I actually became a full time job. And then yeah I just said look in the door and morning I love it yeah I mean it's a really really is a great space and you were telling me the other day about how kind of the community's grown and such have you personally seen a rise not just at desk but generally in the number of people that are working remotely Yeah massively I mean the. Saying that. The many 1000000 people who are moving to remote work and I think I can quote this is right now maybe after the break Ok. But every single year we have so many members now that we didn't have 3 years ago. King for American startups based in Austen got 2 members who joined recently both remote workers for very large companies but there is no requirement for them to work in the office and it's the same for freelancers 1st start ups now my customer from my other business I think I've met maybe 2 of my 100 customers ever because there's just no need to drop shipping We've got lots of the just call companies and there's loads of tools and things that mean you can run your business from wherever you are in the world Ok it's not so easy I tried you know before the court system that you could travel in you know . And for me it didn't quite work they need a bit more structure. But you can work from anywhere yeah I think that's it because if you follow if you do follow the hashtag digital nomad on Instagram so yeah it's obviously saw people posting pretty pictures of kind of where they are around the world I have a friend that is completely living that lifestyle and he's really make it work yes he came on and spoke on here while back attack to me about it. But yeah there are kind of pros and cons that come with it and it's the kind of like you know it's harder to kind of hold down a mortgage and stuff and you know you do those kinds of things that you can have in one location but just the ability to be able to work from a laptop and be like Ok Actually if I want to be in one place I can still do that like that's absolutely fine if I want to travel I can do that kind of got the freedom you know yeah and 2 years ago I went to I went to Bali and you have this whole everyone's like I'm going to start a business and going to be on a beach drinking I don't know pina coladas. My laptop is like the laptop millionaire dream yeah caught up a millionaire by going to study and it's a really good book to get started. But it's just not so easy yeah but you can knock it and you can go and travel and you can live in places like Asia where you get a lot more for your money in America and the u.k. You can live like a king yeah your country's travel you know with the respect in the countries but because your income is a western income and you're living in an age in the east in economy that's a really cool way of doing it yeah and how do you know if you don't ask 25 Yeah I thought that was what you said there was a how is it being a business owner at such a young age because obviously you've been a business owner for 4 years how has that been so. You access because he lives in London he won't listening. To my 1st customers for instance or some other company so we sell by for windows or doors and I mean Windows online Yeah. And one of my very 1st customers there was an order of 56000 pounds and he worked for. Undisclosed bank in London I think yeah and access to more information than he should and one day from him and he said to me he was like oh. Just for places I want to just just so fascinated you're 20 like and I was sweating I was like This guy's going to try to get a thing I'm calling I was really tough and I was lucky that like I mean pretty weird they did that yeah like maybe he was you know he never we don't have a show you know everything we do is just drop it to the yeah. So that was pretty scary and then there's constantly and then also Nicholas basically managing politics Oh now because we're some really you know really cool member base who kind of look after the space for you know at the beginning we had a difficult member being like a 21 year old and you know tell some I have to tell someone off because they haven't washed their mug Yeah you know this is what I want to go in space is about yeah yeah literally like running and Dana's 3 sometimes. You mad. Yeah it's all about that with already I think like you yeah you're really confident guys are you just that even if you're not comforted Yeah you just have to give off this confidence and you have to know your facts Yeah if you know your facts then it's fine yeah and I think you get a lot of authority from that Ok I want to talk to a bit more about the the deaf community and the wider community have been involved but we're going to see you on the pix we're going to place museum is. If your. Years and years on b.b.c. On your weather tonight will be cloudy of right is a 14 to 17 degrees and then tomorrow we'll see a mostly dry start but we pretty cloudy right why it right will creep in rank rank. And it will be having in places with highs of 12 to 15 degrees Celsius that's when the b.b.c. Reports on things about where I live or why do you usually some something like this sometimes it even sounds like this. It sounds like this but why should a song like this if you. Think he's telling the b.b.c. It's sorrow on your part not just. Take a look at his Rocky Horror slippers Mary Gold and d.j. Franken follow up avoiding chains for leaving tickets to 6 quid all in for such a cup on Facebook and then next week. Talked in Swindon house. This is part of the Bring the Noise. The Nazis a mixture of sly and so if that is your this is for you and I love a 30 pm with kicking off a 5 pound Phone In fact I had to see. If you. Like. What. You. Look. Like. You. You. For all Williams happy. Now we are back with Matt Greenwood runs. In Swindon and he's currently stuck around to talk to us some more. Just yet thank you. For being here tonight you get really involved in the community at desk and that's definitely something I wanted to find out about can you tell me a bit more about kind of what you do I think. Desk we. Always feel like we're helping people start their businesses although we're a private company. We're always off a membership packages that are really low for people to join on and for always for them to get into the space we do a lot of work with schools as well have been going as far as reading in Oxford and Bambery talking to children in maybe underprivileged areas as well about entrepreneurship and starting your own business that's something I've done maybe every month for the last year now and that's been so much fun and a long days. But every now and again one here comes up at the end as I have this business how did you start your business when you're 15 I was like yeah. That's my favorite part of that we had this conversation every day that you don't need to be a social enterprise or run a charity you can still make money and give back to the area we do events at desks so we you know we've run about $24.00 events over the last 3 years that meant that we have got speakers in and impart knowledge like Ted talks but yeah a really small scale yeah. So I love that part it's just so much fun and that's what really what death was for me my business is never giving me that yeah vehicle that you know other people yeah definitely and I think it helps as well the I mean you're not going to say that you won Southwest entrepreneur. I'll stop of the stuff and so I think that definitely helps I think if I was running a scribe inviting you into top but more you ambitions with desk you've got like Ok a few businesses but desk in particular what ambitions from here. Desk has always been. Our location is not a massive one of you I'm sure many people heard of we work we work tens of thousands of square feet per floor and where we're 1000 square foot. You know we've got a nice meeting room and loads like collaborative space I'd love to have $56.00 of these exact same things within 20 miles of each other and build a community of not just 30 coworkers in Swindon but 300 people in the Southwest you can message each other. Someone has video services they can post a message and when he's a p.r. Guy they can post a message and they'll be at me in all different locations and use their membership to gain access to this community Yeah I mean you still doing your free week passes Yeah your part is now we are in a. Yeah Also you never been a member of death before and you have a business yeah and drop me an e-mail go to our website you can contact is there yeah what is done is w w w dot desk co-work that's one way to u.k. Amazin Ok Well thank you so much Matt for coming in it's genuinely been awesome and it's a great space I can personally vouch for you have picked one track we're getting the audience to pick their Friday night banger What is your Friday night bang that your plan for us tonight tonight James this is witchcraft by a pendulum. Let's play a live. Live. Show the still. Lives. Lived Give. It To Me. When you. Ariana Grande there. Is a woman on b.b.c. Well this is what your can produce or a truck and we can tell you the weather without any basis so no I will be cloudy with right in places with lawyers afford things a 17 degree Celsius and then some more I must say I'm obviously joyous saw Bill be pretty cloudy right now will creep in the lights are on and will be having in places where the icy swell to. Be a stage. If you want to make these your life b.c. Introducing life is for you 3 to 6 oz I do sessions from the industry's finest on the 31st of all time to the 2nd I'm a member to back it up from the b.b.c. Radio's biggest names such as me as well as possums and other music and just. The icon's missions against such b.b.c. Music introducing life. After putting. Some fellow Ronnie with post maligned post my line is the track name confusing it so right every week on this show we we're ignoring age that the news is negative I mean to be honest it feels like it was right now but the news is always negative and we want to come in with some positive news every week and we do that and a little feature that we call tells from the Shi'a and we set it to show I mean from a lot of the ring see what we did that we're featuring funny stories or happy stories from such a shy music now we're kicking off with a really nice ones and I an Australian man is trying to track down a good Samaritan who posted his wallet to his home after he lost it while working in the u.k. Richard Morris was visiting me I didn't think people would come of the wife must do that but here we are now Richard did the classic thing of leaving his wallet on the top of a car and then driving off I did that when I was a kid with a stock of power come on cause I was absolutely devastated. Richard thought it was lost for good but 6 weeks later. It's to write home in Victoria and it contained his wallet and a note from Pete Pete being the guy that found it saying it found it by the side of the road in the Richard has said he wants to say thanks to pick the palm that his was not mine but the note had no contact Tito's the night read found on the side of the road emotion how to get back to your I'm going to go to Spain he said the wallet contained cash his driving license credit cards and id documents what great guy what a fabulous thing to do he said Richard we don't have to be best buddies or prime powers but want to thank a fellow traveler a fellow man and so this was a fantastically generous thing to do but imagine if they did become best friends living for it Richard pay let's make after him come on now over the wave is getting ready to open and we haven't seen this is an artificial surfing like and they've been testing the waves ahead of opening in November now there are people down testing the waves like surfing them we've now found out the someone else tested it 1st Swan. And a lot of. It was just the worms one actually from seeing hope for us a song off of just last month on the road there's footage of this up on the b.b.c. Website definitely go and check out now like this one has been fully going for this was no accident it keeps going back from all it does it wants to fully sits on this wave and crazes. And then it just keeps going back for more time and time again of what's in the video are pretty early it's genuinely loving it like I couldn't cope and. The waves cost $25000000.00 to build and generate up to 1000 miles an hour so that's going to be one busy. Area paying his fee to go home for the day you know I mean sneaky swans. Coming soon and phone number in for. Pics of the 1st shot. Down of. The for you didn't do you. Get right. With not. Just wanted to. Say. Do we sit by the beach if you give. If that's not the vacuous call we can say. It's not. Going. On and. Maybe soon. Take a step. Down it's. Going to. Begin . With. You. You know. I just wanted. To. Follow. Up please. Please. Please. Please. I know we're going from the track thing if at the time now. It's a class thing and I. Just wanted. To . Explain. How we can follow me and. Just wanted. To. Leave the. 6th. Floor expects you'll call it. Is that actually. The Gallup poll. As it happens. Because that don't. Live in. She. Now knew. This. And this is. My. Vampire Vampire Weekend this life away almost 3 all around the price of my vampire life this week and so coming up just after the news we are coming in with your fight and how can a producer brew is losing a mind good tonight it's going really well really like it between the weather and that would get funny not bang as you've got about 5 minutes to get your requests at once or both or if you text the instant you message with. B.b.c. On Twitter hit me out let me know what you want us to play we're going to be picking one it's not going to be my dad's requests in every way he said he wasn't listening tonight but he still managed to text in so even if he's not listening he sending the text and that right there is sad stuff. Another. You think you. And. You think I'm crying. And I didn't want. Anyone thinking still kava. And baby having me. Back maybe you should. Know Mom I don't. Like 71. And. I was wrong. And I love this. Because if. You. Love us. And I'm still. Something you should go. When you. Get my friend. The only problem. And I didn't want. Anyone thinking still kava. And baby having me. Thinking. Back maybe you should. Know Mom I don't. Like 71. And. The small. And I've been so caught up in my job. Because if. You. Know baby. Love. And if you. Still hold it. In you should. Start soon the rain. Fell and. Now. When. Oh. Yes. Still. Just. Relaxing on a Friday. The stories the music. Radio station from will show. A 4th person has been arrested by police investigating the discovery of 39 bodies in a refrigerated Laurian Essex the 48 year old man from Northern Ireland was detained at Stansted Airport Meanwhile Vietnamese families have contacted the b.b.c. To say they fear their relatives are among the victims the police said yesterday they believe they were all Chinese and 20 Steen the chairman of the hu

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