I. Think Phil Spector production the crystals He's A Rebel 967 written by Gene remembering Barbara and he's a founding member of the pro. Probably the 25th before that was awful Alexander on a show rhythm and blues produced by Rick hole who founded the legendary Fame Studios and fame records in Muscle Shoals Alabama he passed away early January also Pod died in January was Jim Rod food by supply with all the kinks and lights and might Barry's outlaws Jeff Ball. On the B.B.C. A special tribute to Chaz holders who died in September coming up in the 2nd out tonight an interview I did reach us back in 2004 and thought you got to hear that again but March the 12th the one of the got guitarists who played rhythm guitar lead guitar and bass at various times with this great band the passing of gnocchi Edwards of the Ventura. a month in early $91.00 produced last year called them single handedly kickstarted shake his career as a really really huge star became the biggest selling singles artist of the eighty's . Magnificent productions in my humble opinion though some of the best rock'n'roll ever produced in Britain like kicked off a shaky This Old House and all those that followed on Stu and picked the band he had Mickey on there the early ones at Albert Lea and stupid by so he's a very very very good bass player played bass on all the stuff he did was shaky and I remember a story I have obviously fond memories of when we were on the radio together which links nicely sadly but it's what we're doing in this hour playing. Tribute to those who passed on a really great rock'n'roll drama Frank folly it was drama with the pirates and one of the greatest British rock'n'roll dramas ever have a was a friend was from Devon or he lived in Devon in the last few years of his life and the pirates came in and did a session for us all on it's rock N roll when we 1st got the show going in 1906 but I've often played those tracks a little by something else for trying this was again a local connection this is when the pirates came to Penzance I recorded a garden in Penzance for Radio one in concert in November 1970 and listen they said you know why he was here why nobody could ever ever follow the part. I mean the greatest. Rock N Roll that ever was. The pirates. You know maybe somebody still alive and the light Frank folly who on the 30th of April on storming drums and the record for Radio one in concert at the Golden. I got an email I found which Frank wrote to me in 2009 about that he was a regular listeners of the show he lived in a talkie he said I remember that gig well he said the garden was upstairs near the seafront between Penzance a new Lynn remember we stayed at the pirate hotel which he said he thinks is long gone this was back then I'm sure it has and he said the B.B.C. Engineers it came down and recorded that will forget will never forget us as we stayed up all night fleecing them cards the great Frank folly rule on some drum Halo hero one of Britain's greatest ever man behind the skins right here's a guy recorded for Sun Records. And singing another on some hearing a great track mind spot idea about something to put that old games which is really drives the rhythm along as one of those rockabilly legends who whenever it was never a household name but was beloved by our British rockabilly fans and we finally got to see him Royce Poulter who passed away back in May on the 31st and posted a really lovely and poignant tribute to Royce on Facebook because when he came over Darrell was in his band Russ Porter and looking before that one it was of course Ray Brown and Sonny recorded the sun never had a hit record but a really nice guy and stayed true to rockabilly had an album came out on rhythm bomb records in the 20 noughties and he was just a great artist I when I interviewed him a house he lived in Jackson knew Jackson Tennessee and was a friend a call Perkins in that house of a scene that was going on down there and known around Sun Records in the mid fifty's he would. Sort of hambone in a 59 a compact in some way didn't come out so many many years later a bone and sinew passed away right B. Anthony as he was called on his son record that kind of Jeff talk of rock N roll something out in the B.B.C. You talk about dramas if there ever was one of the world's all time greatest rock'n'roll dramas right at the top of the very tree it's this man he died on June 13th D.J. Fontana. I don't. Look I'm not perfection was there ever a drama where the heart a back beat and D.J. From to on I don't think so and how lucky we are way of you got to see him when he came I wanted so many shows in this country with Scotty more in the ninety's the Eddie Cochran weekends in Chippenham and loads more besides such a really nice great modest guy I remember him telling me he 1st worked with Elvis when Elvis guested on the Louisiana hierarchy sort of sat in a bit with Elvis then of course he was taken on and joined the band to watch just at the end of the Sunnies imprint overseas some records because it will happen with Heartbreak Hotel and the other amazing style he said with Elvis doing all the karate kicks and all the moves and legs and wiggling and everything he did on stage D.J. Said he brought into play the experience he has playing behind strippers were to do that as things were happening on stage out there with the young women and he incorporated that into what he was doing with Elvis the great great D.J. Fontana. June the 5th still the death of a legendary blues guitarist. Who really spent a lot of time as a sideman with Howlin Wolf from it for slim and loads and that's people but he did do some stuff with various him playing the little bit on this. one of the great duo the Jive 5 the death of their founder member Eugene Pitts also mentioned. Drive 5 AM Our true story from that's all 2nd here of to watch for the 1st burst on the scene in the early fifty's in America and then the very early part the sixty's Marcel's and all those groups that were around the on of Belmont's there were the giant 5 with their front man Eugene Pitts who passed away but many of their tunes as well died on June 29th Jeff Barker rock N roll Sunday night on the B.B.C. Paying tribute to those who passed away in 2018 an awful long list it was as well on the 4th of August this wonderful partnership which began when they were 2 very very young siblings together just knocking everyone out on American T.V. With sadly denied the chance to see the Collins Kids young guitar genius Larry Collins and his older sister Laurie who died on the 4th of August. Each album I. Mean maybe. Gone. Baby. Let. Me Where is the ring I. Don't know what your missing teens you get a lot of kids and. If you want to do your teens you can stay. oh the and oh yeah a a much to temp oh oh Fantastic the undisputed queen of soul Aretha Franklin the 16th the oldest Michael welcome OK. Now she should come by for some reason frankly playing classical music songs. Trying to fold a record for lunch it records in $9067.00 with a lot of musicians earlier with Ricola Fame Studios down at Muscle Shoals including Joe South playing the amazing tremolo guitar and the backing vocals from the Sweet Inspirations of course later on so many over sessions pity the live stuff he did in Vegas Aretha Franklin as I said died 16th of August before that well the teenage queen of rockabilly one of them anyway they wonderful Lori Collins with my brother Larry the Collins Kids and in my teens from 1956. On the B.B.C. Track back of the Rock N Roll review of 2018 Part one during obituaries sadly tonight a special tribute to transfer which is coming up in the 2nd out and I interview our recorder which has really come into the studio in 2004 some extracts from that next week the 1st one of the year will be looking back at the record releases and hopefully some of the new releases for 2019 OK lazy legendary blues man and I'm a lover not a fighter he passed away on the 22nd of August 1st all I ever heard that song and then got to hear of him was when the Kinks did I think he put on an early pay or B. Side of something and I had an album track off and they did a really great job on it and just referring back to research Franklin and Matt Giteau Murphy the 2 of them of course were brought together by Dan. Ackroyd and John Belushi and all that wonderful Blues Brothers movie and there's that fantastic sequence which you can get on You Tube got a look at where everything is in the in the diner she's working there Max working there as well he's out in the kitchen and I do these they do think that I'm tactics only she did a much they are closed lights on the big concert at the end he's playing with the band and the guys from Booker T. And M. G.'s and all that wonderful stuff and Aretha together right was happening I actually. Thought you know. Wonderful tools like the fantastic tool the atmospheric. Tony Joe White. And his great song from Charlotte I you don't get much more from the south than Tony Joe White from Grove Louisiana he died on October 24th I want to what he felt like when someone's or as record company his publisher Where was it all just had a phone call Elvis's recorded your song while you also wrote steamy window and a rainy night in Georgia and loads of others the late great Tony Joe White before that fantastic wild sax and Big J. McNeely and nervous man this record in 153 and he passed away on the 16th of September the CD of his stuff just come out that was on it because it goes from 148-2952 sound Jasmyn records called King of the honkers Big Jay McNeely and he made his 91st birthday earlier on this year Chad Hodges also died in September 2nd now the show tonight coming out fairly soon will be a tribute to Chaz with an interview I recorded with him not all of it but extracts from it talking about his career and his playing live as well it was in the studio in 2004 just him and his guitar in November rock clock country guitarist died and I didn't get to play a track by him or with him working with Marvin rainwater. And Would you know also Hello Mary Lou featuring the bass playing of Joe Osborne who passed away on December 14th they are playing with James Burton of course and after that he and James went to Los Angeles and became part of the legendary Wrecking Crew a session musicians that played on so many hits along with the likes of Larry next will and old going Campbell and Carol Kaye and all those people the great satellite Joe Osborne must play that track for you Pamphile a happy birthday to you for some are not New Year's Eve great stuff your all time favorite song and it's on your ring tone as well I think that's wonderful and also a belated mention to a young listener Teddy her story was 8 years old last week and I do apologize I should have given your mention only Christmas show and your dad said he'd love to he and I'm in the right oh so Teddy Hurst in yet and I do apologize for forgetting that so to attribute to child soldiers whose birthday it was just 2 days ago 3 days ago he and his wife John came into the studio back in 2004 in September and we just had a chat about his career and all the stuff he'd done and some wonderful songs and stories and he'd bought his guitar make no apologies for kicking off with this particular track because we did play on the album least special a couple of weeks back. Live . Live See on these boys. With a regular drummer. They have the Road Studios in 1989 in front of a very enthusiastic audience which included. It was for a live album they were doing and. The studio had completely changed the whole thing into. The atmosphere of an East End pub we were all sitting at marble topped tables you know with the sort of scrawl I'm legs and they got little lanterns around I was serving drinks and also pickled onions and cockles and welts and all that stuff it was a fantastic atmosphere it really was a great night and there they were doing Jerry least breathless and the big chance connection with Jerry Lee will continue through the rest of this but the program on this last one of the year we've been paying tribute of course to those who sadly passed on in 2018 and I thought it was no better way to pay tribute to Chaz who passed away on September the 22nd than to rerun this interview he came into the studios of B.B.C. Radio insults in 2004 just the week before he was going to play at the Eddie Cochran weekend which we'll talk about and the 1st thing I said to him off what was the opening track we played with I said it was one of the best gigs I've ever been to and what it was just one fantastic night really worship brings back the fade in of doing that was after we've done we've done 10 knots recording and we've finished and we know we've got on tight but we wanted to get on so that was. Just just block the role and I mean that wasn't wasn't planned to be on the record really but yeah we just did it and it was great on there and always thing plays its best when he's with Chaz and dive and it's hard to disagree with that as I said Chaz was down just a week prior to him playing the Eddie Cochran weekender that year 2004.