Traffic on the busy road that live arms alongside the World Heritage Sites that is against the plans say they'll be hugely detrimental to the archaeology of the area Derek parody is project director at highways England for the tunnel scheme and says despite initial reticence because of the controversy contractors on are expressing an interest there was but that's reticence is gradually being eroded as we make the details of the scheme all more accessible to them as they begin to understand the scheme better quite a lot of people actually want to engage in the scheme currently entering a marketing agent exercise and we already been out of people asking them to express their interest in whether or not they want to be part of the delivery of the scheme and we've had some really strong positive responses are poets to to be released this morning will say that one in 5 people working in Parliament has experienced or witnessed sexual harassment in the past 12 months the survey was commissioned by a working group by the leader of the House of Commons Andrea led some to examine the workplace culture at Westminster the greats expected to recommend a new kind of behavior for M.P.'s peers and parliamentary stuff to fight. So Indians conservative leaders have taken the next step towards putting up council tax by 5 percent from April while continuing with millions of pounds of savings are political reporter Donna Bryan was at the Barack ounces cabinet meeting last night Swindon's partway through a plan to save 30000000 pounds in 30 months to balance its books by 2020 we know it will mean 420 fewer jobs with many more council services going automated online next year's budget will save the 1st 10 of that $30000000.00 while also asking typical households to pay $62.00 pounds a year more for services such as the pressure on the care system if you're actually getting it to help yourself the amount of your council tax being spent on services you actually use is shrinking all the time it's a similar picture in Wiltshire it's conservative leaders are pushing for a 6 percent tax rise who typically around 80 pounds councillors from all parties have to debate and vote on the budgets before the finalized later this month new research suggests 95 percent of local authorities in England plan to increase council tax this year the reports compiled by the local government information unit found 3 quarters were expected risings rises of a 2 and a half percent adding more than 40 pounds to average bills children's services were facing the greatest budget pressures. Of rescued a person who became trapped following an accident just outside. The crash just before 10 pm involving one vehicle close the a 4 on they were cut out of their car and handed to the can of ambulance Crees the raid has now reopened 2 thirds of Swindon students from poorer backgrounds aren't getting good enough g.c.s.e. Grades in England English and math instead to a new scheme a Swindon stories being launched today and will choose an James reports in 2016 only 36 percent of disadvantaged pupils across the town passed their g.c.s.e. Math and English exams at grade c. Or above or. Joint venture between Swindon per account so and the National Literacy Trust Swindon stories will see schools parents and local companies work together in a bid to improve standards it's the 1st game of its kind in the Southwest ideas include giving parents literacy skills they can pass on at home before their children start school and business owners offering communication help to students who are going into the workplace the graduates of the Royal Academy of Music has been chosen as the U.K.'s entry for this year's year Vision Song Contest Siri who was once also in Les Miserables the beat of 5 of the hype falls in a combined jury and public votes the final will be held in Lisbon in May see really believes she may have an edge on her competitors I know it's like her for your vision because. They are nice opportunity 2 days of backing vocals and dancing for a couple of Belgian artists a week that's head in 2000 a good thing the other day. Which was absolutely incredible Welch's weather dry and cold to start then mild breezy and cloudy today with some outbreaks of rain the highs as 69 sounds Yes It's 4 minutes past 6 or 8 times join me then price for breakfast from half past 6 time for you to speak out then if you're not already new plans new reform plans for the Stonehenge tunnel and 3 in 3 improvements I've been to see the great see videos of the center I've seen the go see brochures on how the world heritage site could be transformed a once in But there are. 1st time a or a treasured regular lets you know you across the west you can text me and say how I right now who you are why you out what you are up to one trouble 3 jail to start your message ready. For the long cool quiz before I give you 3 Brownie questions a recap of yesterday Pancake Day next week question was what day follows Shrove Tuesday fairly obvious Ash Wednesday question to put the radio host in the movie Good Morning Vietnam Robin Williams and Question 3 What song gave Rod Stewart's his very 1st u.k. Number one it was this. Maggie May I've got 3 brand new questions for you which I'll give you in just a moment stay there they are coming next 3 points available generally not b.b.c. That's Rod Stewart that is Maggie May. So the question is for today's along these Iraqi 3 points up for grabs your job drumbeat our incomes it's a question one which zodiac sign is represented by a fish nice easy thing to begin question so in t.v. Q appearance is what was Mrs bouquet as she would say duck it really was a 1st name Mrs bouquets 1st name and giving appearance is I'm Question 3 without looking if you're near an i Pad or a computer keyboard do not look on a standard computer keyboard. Is furthest to the right. When I standard computer keyboard What letter is furthest to the right do without looking or you just cheated one trouble 3 jail to start your message have a got the word but Bush cut Russian for Grandmother it's also the name of a type of headdress and this is the song that inspired it. But there's more to this story a number of consonances happened when she chose the title for this song Kate Bush but Bush and then we'll get to our own trouble and very soon the un says on today's a long cold quiz what do you get the one that. You still. a lot of boxes of broken crockery. To get the right sound in without some history the title chosen by Kate Bush through a series of coincidences now she put c.b.l. On some was singing about the bush looking through magazines come across an opera that was cold but Bush and a friend of hers had a cat named but I'm not making up lies sit. I have for you 3 questions on the alarm call these are the questions today to test your knowledge and see how alert and on the ball you really are question one which zodiac sign is represented by a fish question to t.v. Keep up appearances What was Mrs Case 1st name in question 3 on a standard computer keyboard What letter is furthest to the right we are having right answers is a few that have got them in correct if you fancy going to go $81.00 trouble 3 jail to start you mess you've still got time. Your job trying to score here I've got the questions as well 1st an update from him on the road serious things show Good Morning and not looking. For moments on the roads if you're heading out and about traffic free Swindon good as is the a 3 o 3 and no problems through the center of the road works at Temple No causing it too many issues on the center of Taunton and Yeovil all flowing freely just reminder that the main street through Walton a 39 still closed that she too resurfacing work so there is a local diversion in place for the money to Ace and the planes and trains all coping fine a few spots anything else though 034-590-5949 extension 0 so bonus time is available as always to answer the questions on the alarm call quiz given she went out and start the count of 3 to one when you say is just a glimmer in your rearview mirror sketch you have looking forward to getting her much at home in the warm up the drive with the evening stretching out front if you Graham Rogers is going through. Bringing you up to date on all of the news of the day which sites say the marketplace in Melksham is hazardous for the visually impaired drive with Grandma Rogers would you indeed be paid an extra pound a month to help protect the future of the world police force Dr can't touch me great music great conversation that's a laugh on those. A gram Raja's weekdays from 4 on b.b.c. Wiltshire so thank you for your answers today is a long call quiz Let's see how you've done held it and Steve listening in start with here in the West have got 2 points today Angela listening in what field has got full marks as have Julie Victoria and Richard in caution we also have Paul in North Bradley in Westbury thank you also to John you've got it right today another one David in pick also we have Kate listening in Taunton and just threw in the last couple seconds Leslie's message me your right as well and if your number finishes 399 I can't see a name on your message but you are right today if you have a message to I've kept tally of your score for today hopefully you kept 3 of your score for the week and we'll see who gets the most right come tomorrow Aaron by the way is on 5.25 points I was very generous of the day and I guess I gave him a quarter of a point we're getting close to the answer it was a number of minutes in a day and it was $1440.00 and you said one and a half hours and that was pretty as a officer we had gas that's pretty good so today zodiac sign is represented by a fish but official I'm quite sure that it's Pisces it is question in T.V.'s Keeping Up Appearances What was Mrs bouquets 1st name I love the show that was Hyacinth It was Hyacinth and on a stand don't look. So no use computers all the time as we're keyboard right in front of you right now isn't there yes do not look right promise. Pro-US. On the standard computer keyboard I can see look at. This to the right I'm looking at a keyboard old day so I know it's a pity it is a pay Yes So you got yourself 3 ass 3. 3 more points so that's 8 point 258th will be very specific this week very exact 3 more questions tomorrow on the show well done Aaron thank you. How you get on there write 3 more questions tomorrow and we'll see who wins you don't travel. The sensations in my gut so Buckingham Palace of announce major plans for next year to mark the 500th anniversary of the death of Bill Davinci to mark the occasion in February of next year so his greatest drawings in the role collection will go on display in simple Taney as exhibitions across the u.k. It's called a life in drawing it'll give the widest ever u.k. Audience the chance to see the work of this extraordinary artist 12 drawings will be on display and a range of different interest painting sculpture architecture music and that's in the engineering and others and one of those places a venue where you can see his art but will be in the West at the Bristol museum an art gallery more information you can find this out very soon we look forward to it and of course all the exhibitions will be drawn together and put on display at the Queen's Gallery in Buckingham Palace the largest exhibition of little that were made on his work in over 65 years from May until October next year. Right one last song to play Brick. 1st is next from 6 to plate so I don't like. a song title that sums up the story of the song. Can you do it we'll see if you can back on tomorrow from 5 o'clock for your breakfast is next it is 630. On. B.b.c. World. Bush good morning. With detailed plans for a controversial tunnel on the a 3 I 3 at Stonehenge shipping unveils to the public today highways England have been refining plans for the one. Point 6000000000 pound scheme to reduce traffic on the busy road that runs alongside the World Heritage Sites elite study suggests one in 5 people working in Parliament has experienced or seen sexual harassment in the last year a working group looking into the issue is expected to call for a new code of conduct plans to increase council tax in Swindon by 5 percent from April have moved on a step following a meeting of can Swindon's Conservative cabinet last night will chew Council is also planning a 6 percent tax rise as it seeks to balance its books the final decision of both councils will be made later this month major Japanese investors in the u.k. Including executives from carmakers Nisson Toyota and Swindon based Honda argy to meet the Prime Minister and Chancellor today the major industry has previously raised concerns about the possible impact of Bracks it on their exports any scheme to improve literacy standards in Swindon is being launched this morning Swindon stories is a joint venture between the Barack ounce and National Literacy Trust in 2016 only a 3rd of g.c.s.e. Students from poor backgrounds in the town pass their English and math exams at this grade c. Or above and the singer and actress Siri has been chosen to represent the u.k. At this year's year Vision Song Contest she'll perform her song storm in Lisbon in May The b.b.c. Will Chinese its 6 agitate devastation of the studio tour yesterday we all thought astronauts another soul would make it as the winner no vision but no stalls storm it's all very sky related Spider-Man's Sue re Siri her albums millions are thriving just of course it's repaid back with the news in full at 7 o'clock pm with the ever very very warm studio down dime so you can say it's cold enough for me to try and chill a pina colada I'm a bring you the shorts on some has gone wrong with the hates a good morning. Storm was my favorite. Because this storm goes on. Well I'm glad I'm glad it made someone happier I was fully behind that other one but some we want to win anyway down I hate to let you know it doesn't matter it really doesn't matter white noise in. Absolutely so nicely warmer outside today absolutely no scraping of the windscreen is required certainly in North Well it sure is that how it's going to stay it's actually getting milder today yes not as cold as yesterday or minus one than at the moment so it is still cold further to the south and east but there is clear pushing into western parts of temperatures into. Positive numbers I should say here is a 2 or 3 degrees further to the west as that cloud pushes in but if you go to a broad is made the most of it this morning won't be around for long making its way eastwards and it will be cloudy and quite breezy through much of the day today you see some close all turning up later on as well as the head of a band of heavy rain which is moving in later this afternoon and into the night some quite heavy bursts overnight tonight as well temperatures up on that yesterday's numbers 78 degrees so yeah I think you need to be needed shorts today with temperatures like that but it does get colder again for tomorrow the heavy rain overnight clearing through and then tomorrow a colder day again so temperatures overnight and not falling as low as they have recently with that cloud and rain around dance around 2 or 3 degrees is the low once that rain clears through and then tomorrow it's not too bad actually a mainly brighten fine day with some sunny spells around but also some showers and some of those could be wintry and it is feeling colder again and temperatures up again on a bit of a rollercoaster up again on Saturday and we see some rain coming through before dipping again on Sunday bam thank you sound a bit like running in there with a roller coaster references. As life's a roller coaster that is weather is a roller coaster 634 we're keeping things simple on the show today because in my pigeon hole this morning I was that expecting a letter of some sort but it wasn't there instead I got this a jiffy bag with the Keep It Simple book inside 50 ways to make your life. You work Simon Sila an author partly from Bath thank you very much I trust you listening to the show you realise it's a bit messy we need to sort of just strip things back. Breakfast we entreat b.b.c. We'll show suck in this short and sweet time very shortly feed to speak up if you haven't already News of the planned Stone Age title in a 33 remodelling I'm going to see a very glitzy video presentation and see if there's a glossy brochures asto hand his visits the sensor will say go in the back of a 4 by 4 and went up to see from a viewpoint just a label on might change it's crunch time it really is a once in a generational to get things right we're looking at that through the eyes of many gas this morning and crucially you where are you now. With what they're saying will happen on a 33 what they want to happen huge projects 1.61.7000000000 pounds 3 kilometer tunnel to change that area forever once it gets the go ahead losable to change the future to the village rolls and libraries and goodness knows where else but of this morning plays out 345951 double 3 double 6 more than a bit police what more than one or 2 officers will look at bats and my dog logs This Hour. With the traveling just a bit matter with the pen board and then to read back in with a nice headlines we've got it all before 7 o'clock but 1st as I say we start with the bone of contention a source of much but we can now say that we're closer than we ever been to a remodeling of the a 3 o 3 I've been to see what the tunnel there at Stonehenge will look like if they go ahead in their current form of the plans highways England have been refining plans for a major improvements for traffic along that busy road that runs alongside the world famous heritage site and other consultation yesterday they showed me what the 1600000000 pound scheme would look like now that preferred route has been confirmed that it parity project director of highways England for the a 33 Project says despite some initial reticence contractors are now expressing an interest there was but that reticence is gradually being eroded as we make the details of the scheme more more accessible to them as they begin to understand the scheme better quite a lot of people actually want to engage in the scheme currently entering a marketing agent exercise and we've already been out to people asking them to express their interest in whether or not they want to be part of the delivery of the scheme and we've had some really strong positive response plans at times of course have proved hugely controversial with many worried about how the tunnel will impact the archaeology of the World Heritage site but film Our who's an archaeologist an inspector of historic monuments at historic England says the idea that they don't know what they'll find when they start digging just isn't true we have a very good idea of of what's underneath and Homer's England are undertaking a big program of archaeological assessment and evaluation you know that's basically to physics you know scanning the ground for features underneath followed by a very extensive program of archaeological work and that's just to get us to a point of understanding what there is but you know the thing with this scheme is it's been very carefully designed to avoid the key groups of sites and monuments that make up the you know the designation of the World Heritage Site Now David has his own site that is interested in which is down towards the eastern end of the screen in another scene a lot of stuff in the press. So this is Glick me. Where he's he's claiming the science will be wiped out with a scream and afraid that's not true there's no direct impact to blackmail the while most are saying the plans are in the much better some still say the proposals are not perfect at this stage does a nation national from the National Trust is one of those people who says there are 2 parti