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You can see where it was Christmas of Christmas songs between now. Sitting and me yes today I'm back to really. That said time is 10 past 12 b.b.c. 3 counties red is coming up very shortly the 4th in my series of making my way around the 3 counties meeting people who make stuff I'm going to let you know to tell you what happened when I went into Martin flood pal's house because. You just have to hang around listen from Quarter past he is brilliant and he certainly. Can. For own. This. Be rude so crass. Make the phone. From own. Food my own. Food Bowl. Oh do to. Get out of the mood to was. Come. To. The food supply was. Cause. Us. To crew. Served it was. So cold you know us. Yes. And I was. Sam Smith Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas heartbreaking to hear some of the stories on Jonathan's program this morning and I'm really glad they did that phoning because you know not everyone is looking for Christmas for any number of different reasons I would even go as far as the last people are not looking forward to it is a really important finding to have this morning you can listen back to that b.b.c. Set. Every Friday and Saturday night from 9 on b.b.c. 3 counties radio Justin deal a I know it's a strange brawl on my files are you playing large there and it just felt like a shite thought I'd never seen before I showed it to my wife and then finished she went bust you find Justin daily if you find my glasses that some people are saying it's a smart but until somebody says categorically that's not a u.f.o. You still think that's a u.f.o. Or as you call it you folk Yeah sure you 5 but Geoffrey Miller and the classics the rarely heard and you never know what's coming next in both instead and beyond just Indeed every Friday and Saturday night from 9 on b.b.c. 3 counties radio. Station b.b.c. 3 counties radio in a concert the beds hearts and minds so over the last month I've been out and about making stuff jewelry candles house work of art that was and helping in an organ repair workshop for this week I met one of our multi-talented and I dare say quirky listeners Martin flood Paoli lives in Leighton Buzzard and his house is quite the treasure treasure I'm going to break with radio tradition I'm not going to tell you what he gets up to that night now I'm going to leave you to discover just as I did when I popped round there last week. Playing the guitar I'm about to go into his to his. Drum kit. I would turn him around. Martin. I've been in some interesting places in my radio career and my job is to explain what I can see I have never been in the lounge which is part work studio part Martha breeding Emporium part would turning workshop how I describe this correctly absolutely perfect Yes perfectly well where did these quirky passions come from your build up by trade the most the woodturning I can kind of guess the music played guitar for years but the moths and butterflies I started breeding when I was a teenager mum got fed up with Caterpillars of the way around the house so obviously over the years I just stopped doing that bits of the last 3 or 4 years I've got into the passion of especially exotic so moths which I breed a lot on the wall where are your are your framed math so these are dead moths they're all here through there who. Have them over there is a what is a breeding cage with exotic sort of components hanging there ready to emerge next spring is that how long it takes well because they are they going to dormancy during the winters too they just don't. Emerge during the winter there was an incredible video doing the rounds on Facebook which was a sort of stop motion sped up version of the caterpillars becoming butterflies and I just thought it is incredible a and b. How do they even know what to do when you think about the mechanics of they're born to become moths and butterflies What is it instinctually that it's beyond it it's something that it's just nature is that is the nature evolution it's fantastic I mean I've got a model camera I actually got a caterpillar shit in its skin turn into Christians they're not actually got would emerge in a field and actually emerge from the chrysalis into into the adult So where would you get these from their people whether I have a friend who we send eggs to each other when once you. And they're the male and female you can you get the you get the eggs from the moths and with. The the female will lay the eggs and she would die within a few days they have no sunset to have no bells party do not feed so many caterpillars of feed yet so then Martin I wasn't expecting a sad story to tell you is the best sales they have and they will I do once they. Lay the eggs then I freeze them which is the most humane way to kill them you just fold them up with minimal open freeze over there you freeze the muffs not the eggs no no freeze the moths and then what then when you come to set them you fought them out and you put them on a certain board and then they're ready for display and there will be people who will think it sounds cool to fold a muffin gently freeze it. Because during the day those bots are asleep anyway so it not only fly around they don't have a way to go isn't it and years ago these dudes come in jars the top of ether on some part of Paris and that was a horrible way to die because they flop around with this way they just go to sleep and that's it when you say breed what you have to do is put the prices if you were breeding puppies I know what you are doing to breed the moths what you having to do well once they emerge male females will be in the breeding cages I mean within within what a day the Maya will find the female and their mate straight away she will hang in there until it mated then she would lay the eggs for the next tale of a after this is done and the the so yes he's done finished because she spent the whole of winter and spring waiting to pop out she she comes out within hours she's been pestered by a male she lays the eggs and dies for a year and the male dies as well because they have no male farts. He might he might fire and fall another female but once he's spent that's it that's their life finished now don't be offended by this question but what is the point of moths if they're if they if they're here to breed for a day and go what is the point it's to do with food chain isn't it the caterpillars I mean birds eat in them and the same as backseat moths except a birds eat moths so it's all to the food chain looking at by the same of these are like butterflies and this is so different these are moths those of so that would give a sort of a muffin about a little about the flies the antenna has a club in and moths usually have a furry until all of the miles of a larger furry and turn out of the female. And the females foes or pheromones of the male peeps the pheromones out from the large feeders and some of them can pick the pheromones up 2 or 3 miles away in their own into a female because these colors I mean it's very hard for me on the radio to describe the blues the deep blacks the the rustic Browns it really is beautiful and without getting too deep in spirit to Martin in the middle of Leighton Buzzard he must just look at this and think wow because for these to be created from that from the cage over there and we such diversity of colors and such diversity of patterns and they're all totally unique you must have moments where you just go this is bonkers I've always been fascinated by it and it does you do stand there sometimes in how did nature especially the blue more photos the beautiful color of blue you know it's just fantastic and you say blue I mean that is that is it's a beyond blue purple. How I couldn't even describe the absolute look at that one up there it's got a natural shine and sheen to it is the supreme or for here and you sell these or sell them vs So I make all the cases all the. Cases and sell them as buys them various people buy them. Or lead to find little more customers because I've got so many of them as you can see you've got frames and frames of this stuff is this is this this is a bygone hobby are this. People who look to buy these all there are go to an exhibition every once a year down at a race course they is there and it's a bug exhibition and that's you buy and sell it's fantastic yeah this is this is letting me into a whole new world that I didn't even know existed right so we're going to leave the lounge right we're going to leave the electric guitar going to leave the drum kit we're going to leave the 1970s amp there we're going to leave all of the models and we're going to go to the other part of your world which is wood turning which I think is in the attic and not everything you do is East self-taught but you must have started somewhere. At school I hated woodwork I went to metal work but once I left school I used to muck about making notes and racing ahead of the hearing bits of wood with you where you take me take me back to. Business through a happy place in the Senate this is why I tell you Ok here it is yes if you really you really are at the top of the world here in your in your quiet place now I need to understand oh don't reason through here I need to understand what would turning is and you're going to say it would turning but for the benefit of my listeners what does that mean well it's basically a way with a with a piece of timber fixed to the to the chalk and then chisels if I want to show you . Up to me are you actually going to go on just going to breathe out here is very intimate up here Martin this was a bill for 2 of us well it wasn't built for tears only usually made up here now because our carpet extractor fan up if you don't hear anything Ok so I'll just turn the lathe on and I'll just show you how. How you could actually to. How fast is that feeling of you know I couldn't tell you I think it's pretty fast it's pretty fast yes it's pretty fast out on this is this is originally from a block of what yes this is a block of Cedar Fire Ok so that would have been a. Solid block solid block of cedar Yes and. Turned into a ball as you can see the shapes I want to take to must be nearly finished but that's the face at least. That you couch out the hole in the middle which is for that. There's a Ok I'll hold my word out on how do you know that this is Ok now I'm not in any way proposing to use it as a weapon however. He wouldn't want to be on the end of their service so basically the hand is about 15 inches long there then the chisel part is another 12 inches and he is escape or if he has it here to stick out yes that is just boring I'll be the center of a bit of a pot Yes Absolutely Martin there's no way that I'm going to I'm going to do anything on that box it looks nearly finished and you know all happened so too in a vise me up a big slab of wood what I mean is appears a nice piece of the dollar it's a lump of pliable I can just stick on the chart for you to get there's a there's a lot of use for you to room visit Now Ok let me explain what I can see here the the wood is on a on a spinny thing and then in front of it is what looks like a you know the squeegees that you can use showers with what is the point of that this is this is the chisel breast so you fix it like that. Says going to guide the 2 is old news but that's where you lay the chisel on the nail and that is that is that you've got yes so you hold Paul says cheating is cheating don't hear you can't just do freehand otherwise the Jews would just drop off and you'd ruin yourself Ok this piece of kit is how old they said this was my children bought me for 68 so it's 12 years old I mean you're going to take 132 or so now I need a chisel right and it also says that I'm in here for 20 minutes but how quickly could I learn to do something vaguely like that. There Really you need to practice on something a bit scrap because you gal g. And then you've ruined it see that's the problem is unlike making pottery you go a bit wrong with your fingers quarter by this if you don't roll near We're If you do it wrong then it's crap or you can turn into something smaller probably if you're lucky I want to do so. Right now you do if I show you exactly a short if he's going to go horribly wrong Ok pointy side down Ok on the Yep they're doing very very gentle. Sashes and much more subtle art than I realize you can't just rush into a likable in charge of a guy I'm going to be the bull in the china shop there so I just I lay the chisel on the right and then how far in do I want just says he just wanted to touch in. Every kind of vibrating. He said for you is there something quite quite primal about being this in contact with all things wood and easy is very tact. Once you finish the porch and you polish it up that's the beauty of it to polish it where you polish we join to show you how to I just want to watch his name how don't already. As with all of these things I discover when go around the makers there's something eminently therapeutic about this is an absolutely very therapeutic. Message that's what he is as a safety you I think you think that he we're we were doing that he's like our now completely covered are you going to pay for the dry cleaning of my big green coat tomorrow and look. I'm like completely. Completely cover is put is possible back on now because it was going nowhere near me I was going to read it why because Brillo pad still will look I want to show you. If that's what you give you rather on it brought the with some paper 1st and then you put steel wool on like if your lovely lovely smooth finish but I still will do this the thing is actually feel that she smells quite an odd mix of metal work and woodwork you know who is going to give it a quick rub what kind of pressure to apply what I just enough to give it a nice then I said oh and then you get ready find out how do you manage to have lungs that are intact Well because what I do suffer mass much why can't I just turn extract a famine for a 2nd just to tell me tell you. What I have running all the time on turning. To me. You're either going is no going to bring the go down pardon me but I guess so and then the final phase and that is the polish. And you've got a whopping tin of it what kind of polish is this the tracks they were all Les Miles Oh it's not so fragrant is a beautiful i well in the wood has gone from a very light hue to an immediate dog polish and it brings me brings a gray now if I just do that but there for him this something very very very old fashioned about this area of fashion very old fashioned but it's just I mean look at that yeah and that's just from a little bit of polish little bit of bees wax dry for about 5 minutes and then buff it up as with all of the Cross people that I've met make my way around the 3 counties I really get the sense here of of the private space quite lonely people and I mean that in the in the crafts sense as in you work alone you have your radio on you listen to music and the like I get it I get it it's mindful it's relaxing it's creative it's really really important Absolutely yes you're right there I'm not sad and. Only person I don't think that for a minute but I can see that when you come up here when you come up here into your workshop the world is beneath you and you get to get away from the you know the hustle and bustle of the world today as it is that's why it's good for you Mark said I really appreciate he said to me round round your house and Cookie doesn't come close to describing what your friends make of it no they love it they think it's a fantastic thing for me to be doing since I've been retired obviously yeah it was wonderful I really enjoyed myself because I pretend I made that he could pretend you made that absolutely. A nice guy here is a really really nice guy Martin the flood power marvelously name Martin flood power is tribute bands called Carnaby Street if you want to look him up a conducting play the guitar and quirky doesn't even come close describing his house it's part sort of music rehearsal spot loads of moths and butterflies and I mean hundreds of them and most beautiful would not jacks the in the cups and there's a red wine bottle holder there as well some draws these very very talented if you do want to get out of any of his stuff if you are a moth or butterfly collector you just want to support him in his woodwork just drop me an email and I'll put you in touch Nick at b.b.c. Dot com dot u.k. That's Nick at b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. And this is Nick on b.b.c. 3 counties radio b.b.c. 3 counties radio that starts a box truck his James. Motorways 1st of all are Ok nothing out of the ordinary on the m one and 40 or the m 25 it's a little slow as London on the a 12 or Stirling corner because of the road works outside lanes close slow the don't roundabouts in what furred so north of Watford a 41 curing each way really busy actually heading in a lot for it as well looking at the census heading down the road travelling consultants looks to be fine from what I can see nothing of the ordinary 3 beds in the whole cliff slow each way through the double lights people just avoiding the and one still other problems earlier of course and on to the trains I generally find across space often box apart from East Coast main line there has been an instance of Finsbury Park and so trains are running from Peterborough down to King's Cross So if you're interested even to catch an East Coast Main Line train into King's Cross they are running at the moment through different repack area because of an ongoing investigation and Bakerloo Great Northern and Thameslink obviously also affected as well as many are the big severe delays Herron Wilson's a Queen's Park. Because of signal failure down the halls of James will he b.b.c. 3 counties radio across that house and barks pretty outrageous. It's 1230 I'm Jane Killick Boris Johnson has addressed his cabinet for the 1st time since the election telling them that voters a change the government and his party for the better his comments come as Downing Street disclosed that the government is to pass a law to prevent M.P.'s extending the Bretts a transition period beyond the end of 2020. The government says it's conducting a full review of the criminal justice system's response to rape after a report warned about a decline in the number of prosecutions and convictions in England and Wales the study by the Crown Prosecution Service or the justice system was so under-resourced it was close to breaking point a member of staff has been attached during a robbery at a betting shop in Bedford on Sunday evening 4 men wearing balaclavas dropped but Fred in cart into road around 730 stating money before making often a green Ford Mondeo and the Bishop of Chelmsford Stephen Cotterell has been named as the new Archbishop of York the bishop said he would have to fill big shoes when he replaces Dr John Sentamu in June b.b.c. 3 counties radio weather mainly cloudy 3 much of today with patchy rain at times the softer noon the rain may become a little heavier for a time Today's high is 6 Celsius 43 Fahrenheit and the residual rain will soon clear to the East this evening leading to a mainly dry and increasing clear night later in the night a few folk patches my form in the west tonight slow will be to Celsius 36 Fahrenheit and tomorrow a bright start for most with any fog patches clearing through the morning dry and bright but increasingly windy through the afternoon as southwest winds strengthen tomorrow's high will be 8 Celsius $46.00 Fahrenheit that's a full cost up about revenues at $1.00 comes across beds and bonds is b.b.c. 3 counties radio. Drives me crazy this is Nick on b.b.c. 3 got a couple of Christmas songs on the way for a bit later on t.v. Very very different stories actually but local organizations looking to raise all important funds through their Christmas songs my word the Christmas someone is someday. After that is no longer Christmas and one that is going to be loud baby again who's of course from Hemel Hempstead between now and 1 o'clock got 10 assists Christmas song as well George Michael Aretha Franklin Jonas Brothers and Diana Ross and shopping dogs. live . Live live. Waking you up now said gently shut up and dance walk the mean it's b.b.c. 3 counties right there this is news it's going to please my friend Hannah Miles is on we can get in last week she cannot stand and I mean cannot stand Brussels sprouts So apparently we could be at risk of a shortage because a trailer load of Brussels sprouts was shed on the road yesterday police were called to the scene a roundabout in Scotland after a trailer being pulled by another vehicle overturned pictures posted on social media show tens of thousands of sprouts covering part of the the pavement and there of course many injuries I should. Hasten to add in place said there's been a bit of a brussel sprouts and at the roundabout Admiralty road piece of idea of possible. Traffic and Christmas that is May be affected sprout rages driving said one person on set or while another added districts they sprout suffer now p. 5 are just seeing what will be what will the sprout now Miles that we could be now . Should have thought about before reading the story 813 double 3. Takes with 3 selfies propounds There's a lovely restaurant we can get in last week actually for a sprout kind of pay. Say what you do is you blow it some sprouts really really could be just take the edge off them and it's a bit fiddly but you just peel off the sort of outer leaves you then take some sausage meat roll it into tiny little marble balls there's often have you know you can fry them if you want and the mother still hot you just rebuild the sprout with 4 or 5 leaves around making sense around the sausage me see that in fact got stuff Spratleys was just me inside really really lovely not something that I had served as your main vegetable because you will lose the will to live a bit raw the muscle and the pair must say. That was still in sunlight said. Holiday shopping. It's some. It's just a. Christmas Christmas tree. B.b.c. $300.00 and I want you reckon the money is on that being on the headlines I guess pre-mixed year I doubt it very very much indeed she's headlining Leicester next summer so this weekend going to be honest not bad at all that we were talking the other day about how certain songs just haven't for the last 15 years been to break into the the Christmas song Stevo I think the darkness was the last will make 2014 that's not what I mean in the b. And the classic at all but a good song that by parts I mean a series of very very talented some white and producer I scored to one on b.b.c. 3 counties radio every weekday morning for 9 on b.b.c. 3 counties radio. Were you listening I was listening to a lot of there are just a few times all the way up to having the set up a schoolboy at the start talking to other people who were on my table with me about my views and opinions were Jonathan Byrne And I thought I could take a lot of it in I mean the 2 lectures a reader of us boys and a member of in there anyway. Someone like Ian Then you don't necessarily feel that your driving improved significantly as a result loiters slightest starting the conversation in. Beyond the. Weekday mornings from 9 on b.b.c. 3 counties radio. Station b.b.c. 3 counties radio on a council of dads I'm fine thanks. Please Frank. Says b.b.c. 3 counties radio. Took in Christmas says I really love the Robbie Williams track Rudolph excellent and if you listen carefully this. Is the old Robeson truce 80 feet fame I did not know this. Christmas tunes because Titus face new tune there was a new release let's wait Monte says a as I thought of a Christmas tree and made it into no Christmas Panton possibly true indeed. Not a big fan of Brussels sprouts to say the least Gary says of the m one northbound from Junction 11 so that's the danceable turnoff is stationary You can't get on there so it's like are we going on about can't go over it can't go under it we're going to have to go through it. Was like you have to go through can't go over it can't you know the one anywhere. Can go on the metric he's not sure of the cause but it does sound like it's pretty solid chock a block this if you're headed north of me and one of you have been to find yourself already the junction 8 might be worth very often junction 9 and going through dance well as long as you're not a lawyer because you're not to do that keep an eye on your set nerves and your phones in order to work out what's best to do as much in the last night well while passing the time and dealing in my sore head I was watching the Michael McIntyre sketch about mobile phones and used on the phones he said to you to remember the days where he's totally the for house without a mobile phone and you know he never said I'm going to I can't leave it my entire Encyclopedia Brittanica I can't leave without my 3 snap without my 3 sats NAVL I can't leave without every single photo I ever took he say right. Because. My heart sank a little bit I cannot sang cause a little bit worried when I got a message from Kristen with have brussel sprouts punk I didn't have high hopes however this has tickled me this after the lorry load and I mean a whole lot of prospects in the right which can be Christian says How will Christmas be different after breaks it after that truck off loading all of the right they'll be no Brussels. Diana Ross and the Supremes Where Did Our Love get. Stevie c 3 count is right there with me and it. Is the last non-league football show tonight before Christmas lots for Ali to talk about as the teams head into their busy Christmas period and of course if ever the the tricky balance between being part time footballers and having normal lives is shown is going to have a Christmas because no doubt they'll be playing lots of games be that Boxing Day in the period between books and their New Year as well as a lot of stories to cover tonight the non-lethal show with Ali from 6 I was always a really really good listener easy 3 counties radio that scouts and box travel. The northbound and one a Q slow moving junction 10 for some reason the may be a problem on the north bank character of the m one just north of the lucerne airport it is slow on camera I can see there southbound is Ok and 25 not too bad apart from anticlockwise eating my words somewhat slow 22 to 23 clockwise That is rather slow on the speed sensors but had he clockwise is Ok The enforce he's following High Wycombe how to cross roundabout approaches or backs and all of those problems are the only one into London slow Stirling corner and the East Coast Main Line back on the way through Finsbury Park after an incident earlier but delays of an hour on the East Coast Main Line in and out of Kings Cross b.b.c. 3 counties radio Thanks James or more travel in half an hour Rod Stewart shares stereo phonics then you saw on its way as well. And Nat King Cole and the 1st of our 2 Christmas songs today the story behind it being a local woman whose liver multiple sclerosis. Nearly 3 decades. Digital radio and t.v. On b.b.c. Sound and on you a small c. 3. It's 1 o'clock I'm Jane Killick more than half a 1000000 hot point an interstate washing machine sold in the u.k. Are being recalled because they could catch fire in another embarrassment for the makers Whirlpool is our correspondent Kevin Peachey the affected machines have been sold in the u.k. Since late 2014 Walpole says the door locking system can overheat when the machines heating elements is activated creating the risk of fire the fortress calls 79 fires and now the company wants hot points and intercepts owners to check Veyron online register whether their model is affected if so it should be on plugs or used only on a cold cycle replacements all repairs will be offered from early January but could take months to complete the recall comes after whirlpool spent the last 4 years dealing with the fire risk from more than $5000000.00 of its tumble draw as far as Johnston has addressed his new cabinet for the 1st time and promised to work flat out to repay the trust of those who voted for him in what he described as a seismic election on assistant political editor Norman Smith is in Downing Street this is a clear attempt to turn up the heat frankly on the e.u. Who might have been thinking that actually they could take the time over these trade negotiations Boris Johnson pretty much saying no it's got to be done in the next 11 months of his going to be done at all that will cause some nervousness in Brussels and I suspect some nervousness in the business community too because of course if it isn't done if a deal isn't reached then we are slap bang back in no deal and unemployment has fallen to 1280000 its lowest level for 44 years after a drop of 13000 in the 3 months to October figures from the Office for National system also show that the unemployment rate among women fell to a record low of 3.5 percent and recent increase in pay have begun to slow. A member of staff has been attacked during a robbery at a betting shop in Bedford on Sunday evening 4 men wearing balaclavas robbed but Fred in cart into road around 730 stealing money before making off in a green Ford Mondeo described as white wearing dark clothing with Irish accents the staff member was his overhead causing minor injuries. Singha Ellie Goulding has spoken to shock after witnessing a call being pushed sideways by a Royal Mail lorry down a main road in West London footage on social media shows the car being propelled along the I 40 with a lorry driver apparently oblivious to what was happening until other drivers alerted him Ellie Goulding says it was a bizarre spectacle we just kind of drove up right next to it to to be like Make sure you got car on new. And then yeah and then we stopped and I we didn't know what state the guy was and luckily he was completely fine thank goodness yeah we just had no idea who just we could just see that the side of the car and he got out and he was just really shaken but he message me. Ok. But it was just.

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