Transcripts for BBC Three Counties Radio BBC Three Counties

Transcripts for BBC Three Counties Radio BBC Three Counties Radio 20191014 120000

Cut. Cut cut. Cut. Cut cut cut cut cut. Cut cut. Today that said Blondie baby c. 300 radio Livingstone joining me very shortly he's a consultant podiatrist here to answer any questions you've got if you got problems with your feet yes pain and strains and all manner of different things could be his phone number. Or text 813 double 3 text 3. To. Just. Shut. Feel. Very very fine new album It's 12 minutes past 1 o'clock I'm Nick this is b.b.c. 3 counties read it will be in my studio very very shortly and let me just recap what cheating can talk about say is a podiatrist which basically means your health anywhere down from your downward 70 says you've got in your lower leg your ankle your kidneys tendons your toes nails heels thing is any more plantar fasciitis you get the drift basically if you've got pain which is muscular or straight to or stuff on your skin he'll give you some very very good advice on it let me give you those 5 numbers again. One double double 8 double a that's 8. Double 8 double 0 you can send a text if you prefer to eat 13 double 3 Start your text with 3 Celgene as a consultant podiatrist at the Spiers in help in and bushy and he's offering you free advice today coming up after the Beach Boys. This. Is an. Hour. It's. 3. Against. Each. Other. Mummery and she's playing great players play a player. So how can I I knew she was. Listening. To get. Does the Beach Boys Good Vibrations Julian Julian is here next try and speak properly every weekday morning from 9 on b.b.c. 3 counties radio the j.b.s. 1st of all just get out of the way as it were I think all my older brothers regardless of age are more sectarian and women drivers are saying that with your tongue firmly in your cheek Jonathan Vernon Smith No and they knew they were my while. I'll hang on I'll just read your watch so no I don't. Mean to be correct what they're going to look after anyway. I'd like starting the conversation in love and beyond the j.b.s. Weekday mornings from 9 on b.b.c. 3 counties radio. And. Is B.B.C.'s 3 counties radio giving all male drivers a better than women Dr Julian. No comment I live with 3 female drivers 3 strong 3 women very very good drivers here and strong women you wouldn't want your be your be out in the back with not tell of the Dogon sent literally to the dog house they all drive there or super correct answer to yours very well done Jay Livingstone is the consultant to post diet tryst at the spire in Harper was and I think it was good this podiatrist dieters because I don't diet just. Is that so wrong podiatrist because I don't podiatrist the spider in help and then the spire in pushy as well. Livingstone Ok you can have one find that mobo he does he basically you just said to me are Denver because today when are what you did last time and it comes from we don't overcommit about for you because we care about scalping that up so Julian is the digests that means dealing with fate and was I right in saying getting anything from the dam with even a bit above sometimes really you know even to the Ne Ne hips back that's more than a bit about that's going all the way up as it happens basically if your foot function is affecting your back function. If your foot function is fact you need function as a bit of evidence for both of those we change your foot function to improve all change your back on even someone should have written a song about that about how it's all called a little rhyme maybe a citizen better so if you going to questions around your feet your ankles your ligaments that can be pain it can be soreness it can be stuff on the skin and will happily answer the questions long as the battery could here's the phone number is free phone number Oh wait one w o w 88081 double o. Double a double 0 you could also send a text a 13 double 3 so your text with 3 c r if you're at work and you're being a bit naughty can drop me an email Nick at b.b.c. Doc Don't you k. . It's really talked about about the way the seasons impact on on our joints there's some evidence that says the colder it gets the more it has an impact and you've got a view on actually taking vitamins vitamin d. Figuring vitamin d. Is the sunshine fitting and out of all you have a lot of you know who exactly is so out of all of the victim in this that people are recommended to take as you are one of the best evidence that you should be taking especially in northern climates is vitamin d. Vitamin d. 3 to be specific because vitamin d. Breaks down into different active groups and vitamin d. 3 is the safe one if you take lots of that you're not going to overdose and as we don't get a lot of sunshine in this country and even when we do we wipe on some time create where happiness we don't get a lot of it I'm in the right victim in the make sure muscles work it makes you tendons work it makes your immune system work it is a very important precursor for everything to actually work but like oxygen you don't have oxygen you know in your struggle same with vitamin d. If you have not but people have quite alarming Lee low levels of vitamin d. Sometimes and you know I've seen people in sort of below 10 and the normal ranges above 54 Ok about 75 is normal between 75 and 250 is actually what you want to save your vitamin d. Levels and the 10 you would expect to have problems but why is it impacting on one feet in joints or feet or part of your body people because we hide them in shoes people sometimes think they're not party of body and you can disassociate them but obviously your feet are made up of $26.00 bones there are $33.00 joints in there there are hundreds of tendons ligaments that will make up how your foot functions and if it's not if you're systemically not working well then it will affect pain it will affect how you heal it will affect how you deal with them. Fiction's is evidence that suggests that if we take between the we will have less joint pain there is a little bit there is evidence that if you take the you will get less fractures. Especially as we get over 50 if you're female taking vitamin d. 3 reduces your risk of what's called for gelatin fractures right so you definitely in those cases it's encouraged the problem is the evidence beyond that gets a little bit more vague phrase so just as we were talking about this earlier listeners because I've just done a review of the u.k. And so it is so there is there is a theorize Asian that yes it affects everything as I was saying to Nick that in I was taught at college 30 years ago now slate that you know vitamin d. That you can actually lead to heel paid can find the evidence of that one even find it written in a book but everybody I know that works who for one calls heard of this but actually there's no evidence of it this is so take vitamin d. In case well it won't do you any damage if you take too much for 23 or you'll do is excrete it is vitamin indeed can sometimes lead to how accounts from level high calcium levels of bad because then you get hypocalcemia that can affect your heart so you don't want to take some think that actually can affect calcium levels if you don't know that you're telling d. 3 not the 3 I guess or vitamin d. 3 is quite safe and in terms of if you are low if you've got a vitamin d. Level of 6 when we find out well often give you an injection and that's $250000.00 units so it's actually hard to overdose on this country to popular belief but if it's in the is a precursor is breakdowns of and you'll get less of the good stuff just a new one is not. Yet said the 3 is the good stuff and you want some of the good stuff then so is in Hitchin then so how can get in help here. To heal. With homeopathic stocking and when I read this homeopathic stocking. It releases a lot of fluid 'd the fluid is clear there's no blood to 'd it I've had to swallow up the slopes the salmonella Laureus 'd non-diabetic I'm not a diabetic by the way. We've tried fluke oxidant drawn killer it and we both. Put various. Cream. Bits and pieces to help heal at present I'm using a salt pass every night before going to bed and then. 'd I would just a dressing on top doing that after my shower in the morning I just put a little bit of honey on it and then but addressing all over it it's still not healing my podiatrist seems to think. Of using and thinking of using Taurus acid because they could be a biofilm that's not. Activating. The antibiotics to activate eccentrics it. Seems quite involved and I don't use any like you like to know what today Ok without seeing it as it is obviously difficult to state. If there's an infection there then there's obviously infection but sometimes infection can be secondary to other things you describe deletion you describe something clear if you're fluid most common sort of round lesion around toes that comes out of cysts and these can be sources which sound delightful they normally not an issue a lot of people will sort of get them because you can pop them get clear fluid out of them and that gets them down they do that themselves until one day you get an infection in. Which I don't know if that sounds familiar but that just sounds so much. Surgery every week. Just once a month they tell me that the lesion is absolutely clean. Doesn't seem to be any after effects. Of the searching look for. Peanuts or arterial problem and there's none except for the muscle which I wear the stocking pencils having a pretty rigorous holistic. Approach is there anything more that can be added if you seeing a specialist a podiatrist and says well the only thing I would say is if you got to me because your sister it is causing lots and lots of all that we can cut them out right so you can take them out it's minor surgery I have and even willing for the most you can do this means got more risk of infection afterwards and you've got more chance of it scarring and not healing. But if it's causing that much bother and you're having to see the nurse every week in the podiatrist then sometimes the the risk of doing a little minor procedure. Outweighed by the benefits of getting rid of the thing dental as anyone suggested that no one has but that's something good I can take for it but it has all the obviously I haven't seen it so I don't know what it is but as a safe you do have these little sis and sometimes I can be taken out but you've got to balance that risk over the benefit of chopping it out to potentially causing more damage and there is quite a reason behind reoccurrence rate with these little things what are they so the in the season is just a break it's a bit like a blister but a permanent version of it is where the Skins broken normally right down to the bottom layer and what disk system is a rupture a gangling is a cyst Well here's where it's a rip Ganguly and is a rupture of a sign over the lining. This is a rupture around the skin area and that's why fills up with clear fluid because that's all I can address what is that body create that what what was he doing he is making an ass right he didn't want to do it right so it's a bit of an oops Ok so it comes normally from trauma Ok so you take it beyond its last limit and it stretches and that's why you got to get annoyed Well that's where you get that's where you get gang millions that's what I you know you get this and sometimes they can just go on their own accord because it all just calls up of. Good advice Juden can get it in fact we haven't seen it but good advice and then sounds like in some good care you might want to ask him about the possibility of taking a knife and going I bet that minority rights is no No Normally no so just going to go the thought is there any regular If you've got a question there for Jillian and around foot health 2nd be muscular can be Bono what's the word for us yes there you go muscular or basically. Osseous assist Ok but in any any pain there is either to do with the bits inside of the base outside that's not going to say so you can be skin it can be nails it can be a kidney is it can be toes it can be all the way up to your knee Jim will happily answer your question and give you some very sound advice the phone number again is 8081. There's a way to double double a to double 0 and you can also send me a text 13 double 3 you need to text to start 3 c. O. You listen to make up for easy 3 counties radio hearts and box travel they came you coarsest semi followed that. Thanks very much Nic Well it's looking a little busy on the m one northbound I felt the pain I'm just watching a build up every round junction and 11 at Dunstable a line is currently blocked on the exits left right there it's well imagine if you were had like takes like ivory and what they did and things straight that's coming closed off just neat to the air. Exchanged right junction it's all because of a police investigation not been ongoing since last night and over in Ellsbury now the I 41 based right there was a little slow heading into town but the laser approaching Peak autumn will round about and it didn't send b.b.c. 3 counties right across that cuts and the freak outrage. It's one thing I'm Jane Killick one of Britain's most prolific paedophiles has been stabbed to death in prison Wichita call who was from Ashford in Kent was in jail for abusing up to 200 children overseas Lauren order has been put at the center of the 1st Queen's speech of Boris Johnson's Premiership more than 20 bills have been presented with 7 relating to crime and justice the co-founder of the environmental protest group extinction riparian has appeared in court charged with attempting to disrupt flights at Heathrow airport using a drone was a hollow man who's $53.00 faces one charge of conspiring to cause a public nuisance but a full archaeological dig is taking place at the site of the proposed Grange products leisure center in Bishop's Stortford 3 trenches were dug early this year which on a pieces of Roman pottery whether the beds are some box heavy showers the softening those are the headlines next bulletin is it too cold for. Bed And this is b.b.c. 3 counties radio. You wouldn't normally make technical apologies I must apologize on the problem in my studio. On occasion not playing as loud as they should but it's going to be resolved the self to name just adjusting your headset that is just a really boring geeky thing but I need to let you know that you're thinking with my radio playing required that this is b.b.c. 3 counties right now you're listening to me. He's in the studio. You're right. James g. Said do you want people want to know he is clearly in living state who is a consultant podiatrist consulting out of the spire in Harpenden and the spire in bushy and it giving was to be believed but the tree is at the very core of every part of medicine no way to but it is it is such a feat of a very important part of your body. Your body quite important if you which bit don't you need make sure we can even answer the. Phone number 0808 Double Double 8. You can also send your question via text the number part that text is 813 double 3 and you will need to then put 3 c.r. Subfield text said comes into my inbox as opposed to any other afternoon presenter because like radio show Helen would not want to be getting questions about feet washed as I shall be on time to say 3 shout the start of your tax rises going tax rolls What have we got for Julia. Well it's 2 years ago I. Am still trying to tell Well most people my life right since are turned on and off chemotherapy people I think that by head go back how did it get the money. Right. On my space one in particular the 2nd. The no here has grown back into my mind and it's so painful and you know it's inspected a lot anyway so I've had the lady come out and she's done the best she can but we went into the hospital apparently you know I think why. I wondered is there anything I can do to stop it you know oh hell in the Me Come on Jim I love listener roles can I just say one thing which I've learned from you over the years. Am I right in saying that in their heads and nails are made of the same stuff and I guess Karen said that while getting See Rose I did listen to him sometimes. On a serious note had we have all said Ok So Rose. I can't say that the n.h.s. Can run any quicker because the n.h.s. Is whatever it is but essentially you need to see a podiatrist and you need to see any old podiatrist because anybody that is qualified should know exactly what this is it will take 5 minutes really it will not hurt it is a great photic nail because it comes from trauma the nail was traumatized because of the chemotherapy Unfortunately sometimes it will grow back thickened because of the traumas same as if you got to Britain on your toe and when it grows up it often I don't and you tell me does this look sort of a bit out of character say one thing to say one thing whatever you do if you're listening right now don't google for ticked Oh Ok prodigy rolls that was like a yes but but just don't do it oh dear they're pretty unpleasant looking thing they are because he's just giggling. Often also called Ram small nails Ok I think because it looks a bit like a rap song If You Haven't Seen what's a ram's horn looks like. But as he grows up because it's thickened it goes round and it's. Digs in and closes a lot of so it goes into the so it will just go up and run out. Mice not Iran's foreign It's just the normal nail but what it's doing is it's like I think I call it Ok so you know what I mean yeah. So what is the engine in it Ok so pincer is slightly different so we will take more than 5 minutes but again something that can be dealt with 8 is it is because the name was damaged sensually as it's grown back it's grown back abnormally Pinson ala squishing goal the bits underneath that hurt but it's via herbs so that's why it's a pain and the toes are quite full of never ending however they are fortunately toenails really hurt this is why it is still the most common form of torture on the planet to take off people's toenails without anesthetic so we use anesthetic so we give you an anaesthetic make it numb and then effectively if you can have a little bit and they all left there then that's fine otherwise you don't need an a or do you notice when you know as far off it didn't actually cause a problem so now as I'm mostly on toes cosmetic now they don't serve a purpose we wear shoes and fingernails do fingernails we use as tools we use them to reduce our stress levels mostly to open cans and not to bite introduce our stress level ones but we can also useful they're taught whereas toenails aren't useful so if they if it's causing you pain the benefit of having no nail outweighs the risk of having it male so we waited a bit when you say you can't speed up the n.h.s. Is a case of Rose trying to explain that she knows what it is and therefore trying to speed up the process because perhaps the waiting is by the time you've seen someone who send you to someone and is that what you're suggesting just so if you know it's a prince and they all you've been told it's a prince and they'll. Advocate to your g.p. To sort of say Is there somebody else that will deal with this quicker so who you know because G.P.'s do have systems where they can look and they can see who's got waiting lists who's not got waiting lists. And try and advocate it because obviously this is very painful you've been for a lot with my Loma make a good argument. Especially following chemo you know you need to have this dealt with from a mental well being standpoint of your country because Rose was saying that it's only she can do no see speed up the operation but then we can do pain relief wise or well again a podiatrist just can cut the nail back without anesthetic to give you some relief there are you know it depends on who you're seeing as to what they can do there in that but you know most of us nowadays can give you just a little local anesthetic and it's very painful right

Related Keywords

Radio Program , Members Of The United Kingdom Parliament For English Constituencies , Foot Diseases , Inflammations , Obesity , Conservative Party Uk Mps , Edible Thickening Agents , Medical Terminology , Ancient Roman Art , Podiatry , Food Ingredients , Muscular System , Limbs , Shoes , Footwear , Foot , Anatomy , Food Additives , Chemical Elements , Philosophical Terminology , Health , Medical Specialties , Surgery , Soft Tissue , Animal Anatomy , Organs , Textiles , Radio Bbc Three Counties , Stream Only , Radio , Radioprograms ,

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