Transcripts for BBC Tees BBC Tees 20191017 180000 : comparem

BBC Tees BBC Tees October 17, 2019 180000

A squeeze the mighty squeeze pulling muscles from a shell here on b.b.c. Tees b.b.c. Squeeze it is publisher are $95.00 f.m. D.a.b. Freeview 722 and b.b.c. Sounds and all playing that much to the approval of John in Skelton Green who always steams in early with a few thoughts on our opening track great squeeze song to kick off with he says I've got that on read a vinyl in fact it seems like I've got every track that you play lately and it's cause you have a huge expansive and eclectic vinyl collection John and I'll always applaud. That you go there's me applauding your vinyl collection right now we have got to act out what a program this is going to be tonight we are no it's a Thursday night show so our expectations are not always as high as they could be bought tonight I just got a feeling in my board which is possibly more information than any of you ever required and we've got live music on the program tonight from the wonderful bass skit had the biscuit badgers travelled all the way up from Leeds this evening to be here in this tiny studio stuff scattered all over the place in a. Blink in elf and safety nightmare in this studio tonight we've got drums we've got keyboards we've got a Chub and the ukulele. We've got what appear to be several animal heads under sore We'll see how it pans out Shelly I love absolutely love biscuit head and the biscuit barges as been far too long since we have them live in the studio and now they've got a new album out which is called for to Paul rage doubtless they'll be playing bits from now on the program tonight we will have Robert Nichols in the studio tonight as well I mean he was a raw and a little bit earlier on because he was passing he was a passer by biscuit head in the biscuit barges pulled up in there by Jim Oh Bill and they clocked him basically sick Condit him into carrying some of their stuff into the studio but that was an hour ago and he's done a bunk again since then I think you'll be back at some point he said he was going for a bite to eat and then he would come back over again now got a mental image of him sitting. Huge plate of mashed potato an enormous pile of mashed potato with the sausages old stuck up and down the sides of it. Like Dennis the Menace would eat Robert Nichols will be sitting in front of that and when he's finished it part is Tommy and he'll go off off off that was a proper not sure no mistake. Because that's how people talk when they've got a problem. Do send me a line if you'd like to you can find us with a text and I won't trouble 3 you start your message with the word Alex is my henchman and he's on our way 10859595 give him a call or you can find us on the Facebook it's Bob. On b.b.c. Look for me on the Twitter as well. Fire c h e r on the Twitter anybody in the mood for a bit of. Cardio if. This is a leash Scott. No Aleesha Scott and it's called conscious queen very partial to a bit of that it is b.b.c. . 95 f.m. D.a.b. Freeview 72 to b.b.c. Sounds as well to smoggy Dave in Washington who will be listening a bit later work on hopefully his last shift of the week Bari my After do overtime tomorrow night no no that's what he's put with lots of oh he's on the end of the no hello to the bonnie lass who is choosing inter night for sure noise Fisher f i f c h Yeah. Nice to hear from you thank you to. We get lead into some sort of odd a bit and going to be listening tomorrow because he's in rehearsals for his sold out gig at the Town Hall next week that would be like with the infant Hercules choir Oh. Yes yes it is Robert they're going sold out is confirmed. Yes yes your mates are off the list then you know we're actually like mellowed a better lot of gigs to get through tonight. Go listen tomorrow while he's doing the decorating. I just seen the photos from yesterday's show he says now looks like it was a cracker out a bell in show last night Robert Wright are really are. Want to be fair. You say that. This could supersede it in sort of a sure that there's some cracking guests tonight you know that will be up there with us you see I'd like to find but some guests on this program respond to an arm around a shareholder here and some of them need a rocket it's very like being a football manager just like representing a b.b.c. Radio program you know you've got to work out the best way to treat your guests it's psychology that's what it is some are actually I guess you need a rocket robot. Robot Oh people are bring off the bench. Thank you to. Stephen Barnsley but approving of squeeze holding muscles from a shell. He calls it pulling muscles form a shell Oh yeah. Greg from the He'd. Great start to the show as well or is it just a coincidence that the new series of later with Jools Holland starts just as your program finishes on all these things are meticulously worked out 1000000 Jools Holland. Well are you like that we are you go back a long way down we do go back a long way. Yeah go on I thought tonight isn't it. I don't watch the telly but I do watch the telly quite a lot of time to watch sitcoms from 1978. I missed anyone I will have missed people I'm sure. Stuff biscuit head in the biscuit. And will be performing live with us and it won't trouble 3 if you want to drop us a line or just start your message with the word tease Alex is on the blower is tonight 080859595 Facebook it's Bob shock on b.b.c. t S there is the Twitter. Look at that Alex is walking in there without so much as a by your leave you got a brew on Alec's Oh yeah nice. Thank you to Angie and put a. Tux I like famous for his Bears for putting our ports. Yes and. Loving the music so far it's been excellent I'm having some soup. And into a year or so just specify what sort of soup I'm going to come out of orange soup orange that's what tomato soup is orange flavored soup you know it's not just movies it's already much. That's what color. Was flavors as well Jamison will tell you the red is a flavor really got a feeling it was at 10 o'clock Yeah I'm going to play. Related to dogs dog is a little bit on well this. Song is dedicated to Maggie Maggie dog and a. Speedy recovery starting with. Free Time for a play a championship game at the Riverside we give you a chance to be half asleep keep listening to the b.b.c. Tease this Friday for your child to be a book this is what's probably how free pass of tickets to give away 1st chance to win Tempah States you have 15 minutes to call thousands 859595 get your entry and we'll take random contestants to take some red faces West Brom's keep listening to b.b.c. Tease for your chance to be that. It's not well. It's just well it's called fishing on b.b.c. 2. Sure you. Don't. Want. To. Say. Well. 2 vaguely dog related songs 1st of all Rufus Thomas with walking the dog and then the big calls Martha my dear. Which was dedicated to Paul McCartney's Old English Sheepdog All right I had an Old English Sheepdog called Martha and that is a song for Martha the sheep dog only spotted quite recently the Strawberry Fields Forever video where I had messing about in a field at night disassembled a piano and there stringing it open a tree room Martha is in not as well you can just see a tail reeling every now and again yeah you know when the Beatles wander off into the night at the end of it Martha is that Paul McCartney side that you out of play those for for Magen by faithful border collie was a bit under the weather this week p.r.i. . Thank you I see lots of. Really sweet. I love the radio on my parents are looking after it and I really want them got they so on with that perk I wrote then you know he would always message. My good. Because I have a great. Kimberly says our help make any dog and he's feeling much better. Thank you. It's all right me me soup Oh yeah you're wondering what kind of super Absolutely he was ha it's big so big so. Did you did just. The size that you were concerned about. It well it'll be in small so you're good you know that's got the salts in isn't it. Licorice Yeah me Sue Pease Heinz big SUV Heinz big it's a chicken veggies it's you can invest. Mag and feels better soon says. I leave b.b.c. Ts all on our stuffy. One where you go out. Keyser. We set off all the dogs all over to go tonight if anybody's got the radio on and has got a dog in close proximity tellers the name of your dog see if we could shout them and get all the dogs on Teesside to come to the nearest radio. With you see this is interactive radio it is finest they'll be sent out to be people. Ok way. Or shifty Rupert says. More appreciation for Squeeze started the program with pulling muscles from a shell squeeze love that song says Rupert I used to have a poster signed by all of them as well as a ticket stubs signed by Glenn till Brocken wishing me Happy holidays from a friend who went to a gig when I was away I. Wasn't actually out the gig he was on holiday friend got squeezed aside I was there in his absence got it. Thank you to Meg who is chewing in there is a part of me that we view tonight and that's why I wondered which until the end we will specify which part of him will be with us. Send us a picture of it may. Dangerous possibly as a direct message. Mikey boys cheering and Bobby always an extremely good mood tonight which is of just just I'm not normally because it's a Thursday. The pressure is off because there's no expectation of Thursday programming thank you to Roger in New York hi Bob Hi Robert Hi Alex. Excited about today's program he said I see I like to write I always like the fact that Roger refers to this program like a daytime show yet because he listens in New York so for Roger this is essentially the afternoon show. B.b.c. Tazer not going to make that mistake again but Roger could treat it as they are. Going to be Roger that he's doing it for you mate she's actually came to know where the head and the biscuit badgers still have a mysterious uncle. Got biscuit head in the basically just life here in the studio but you can make you know make a very good noise if you like you're all looking resplendent. Do you know over there in a red face with a parrot on the top cockatoo it is a cockatoo. Cut. Behind me which I would you describe som Robert an urban farm and urban fox and an herb a fox. Possibly Yeah yeah yes we got Bobby and his keyboard resplendent in gold lar bag as nice. We got mats on the drums in the corner there he was an Alpine quality too any more. He looks like he could be standing on the edge of an Alp blow into a long while those long things that Alpine. Well. I'll pour in is that what they call. Another no no. Like a goat herd. B.b.c. Introducing track of the week yank all right this is cattle and Kay I wish I knew Jesus and open brackets like you do. You. Valleys are b.b.c. Introducing track of the week that is cattle I'm Kane I wish I knew Jesus like you do. Next album is called navigator and it's out next. It is b.b.c. . On 95 f.m. Bait Freeview 7 to 2 and b.b.c. Sounds as well we have got basically it had on the bass get batches life here in the studio evening gentleman. Robert Nichols over the Robert. Sorry says my mom texting and. Meghan is sound asleep she's under the coffee table . Think when she gets it from thank you to hang on hang on dog dedications. Bingo has a who isn't a dog and how think it's being called is actually texting it bingo has texted in. Just Walcott. Maisie Maddie and Mani. 2 parter Dale's Jack Russell a with Pete and Border Collie lurcher for dogs now. They're going missing somebody mazing. May say Marty Marty Marty. All right I hope your house is in absolute 0 proff now thank you to Mig wondering which bit of mc she was cheating in which case it's all the same apart from his spleen. I know here my spleen. It's like he's covered like like like a posse in the studio tonight is there no radio also he's going to go up to New sure that's exactly what it's like. My spleen has decided not to listen tonight oh oh it's too busy making my red blood cells behave. In your face yeah yeah you can't trust a red blood cell thank you for all of this nonsense we've got more dog dedication. To read there is all the stuff there and I'll come back to the act right the basic life here in the studio I got a new album out next next month. Well you. Know Yeah well you know if you've got love now and you know you know now if you want to bomb office Yeah. So effectively it is out now that yes right Ok. It's called thoughts porridge Yes good I got to play a song for me here in the studio yes this one of the new album I'm going I'll open microphones and things that would be really helpful wouldn't it hello hello Dane low. This is the 1st single off our new album excellent and it's called the British character and so it's because that's what it's about Dad makes sense it's all yours I think where I think where remarkably good to go Ok she would play now yes please. It's. If it grows in the desert. No water it's cold or. Play my meat so you know a breed or a church whole. You bought into the. Week. Showing their exalted. Holiday slaw. It's the bridge. Of the Sun sucking. Says sun I appreciate. What. The Borg thing. Sun sucking. The Sun. Well. I think the draw blow. From far off the wall a. Seat. By. Any shape. Seek shape by the seat of the. Wrist. For. Breaking the law but here comes the River Song at the beginning of. Living a. Big. Spirit of all thank you gentlemen let's have a ripple of county cricket style clothes. For. The Basic had been right day. Barges performing life yr old b.b.c. Song on their new album for porridge which isn't available unless you ask them. Like you 2. We got. To hear Bass get ahead of the biscuit barges on b.b.c. Dancing in our kitchen now with Lizzie and Rose who are 4 and 7. Thank you to Mike who says our outby choosing in on b.b.c. Sounds tomorrow so the biscuit badgers the festival of thrift they entertained our family across 3 generations they are a great band. 60 years said. Mitch says right one question and one question only when are they next playing live on Teesside you know anything lined. Up. On the ask isn't it but I know nothing. I'll. Tell you when we're on the I. Always. Steampunk weekend Yes I posted on the Facebook thing and says they are at Whitby perviously and on Saturday the 8th of February as part of the steampunk weekend there you go. We've also got Johnny and his prog shared who says Can you give Pepsi include a shout Hey that's a better way to say. It. Oh Big go in the car on the way home with Maisie you know how big I was driving the car. With Maisie Maddy and Molly who we did shout out for no reaction at all. The old magic is gone. Sorry. Favor but this consulate now and thank you to Dave who got in touch was it Dave I think it was Dave I have to scroll down a bit here right he says that we're on the doggie thing but what about cats. Sorry Dave lost his cats of 16 years a few months ago was old friend a cat's called flaw eat so tenuously he says Can I have a Pink Floyd song maybe on old lane by Pink Floyd we can do that we use a lot for. A ripping Floyd why wouldn't you pay. Thanks Lloyd Of course I'm. Dead because. Did To floor eat faithful cat of day sadly no longer with us sorry about by is as a bit Pink Floyd for you. Darren East shooting a canine shout out he says you are Lisa Tarbuck and I claim my 5. I am Lisa Tarbuck we are one of the say yeah yeah finally I've been on masked. Mate says you might as well give a shout out to Pepsi and Shirley. See Shirley Shirley. We'll kick it off in the 100 Ridgeley household now thank you to know it's not easy Mary 200 which we married to it's not going to Shirley is it now now Pepsi and Shirley were backing singers Shirley is married to Martin Kemp from Spandau Ballet to Sandra originally married to was it one of Bananarama. It is musical correspondent Robert Nichols You should know these things not with the times you say it's Karen from but I think I think think. You want to. Go I'm sorry I just dialed your mike there and Bob Bob was practicing on his piano. Like. What you're saying something profound about 100. 800 originally yeah he might do a laboratory they say he's a about he doesn't mention that in his new book so I'm plugging it on great Norton Show the other way you don't mention Labradors at all. Thank you so Mikey boy biscuit head in the biscuit but just amazing stuff magical musical mellow NJ mentally marching by jury nurse. It's nice that it. Cue to Sarah who says I love. The bass get barges that was or some Thank you to John who. Arnold Blaine thanks for playing Arnold lay in the near perfect Arnold Lane I've got a British psych thing going on at the moment to be going on for a few weeks. The point us care care and Woodward of Bananarama Drew Ridgeley x. . Always just breaking showbiz news. So it's so easy now with a Labrador is that what we see is that that's that's the word on the street. George the rush to hell smoggy he says now their. Guests. Get ahead of the biscuit badgers. Played Pink Floyd's Arnold lane for Dave's cat Floyd. Syd Barrett song Lucifer Psalm is actually about cats not just just saying. But Arnold name was the one that Dave wanted and we are here to serve on the Roman nickel Yes that is what we are yes yes we blink him while our own travel through you feel like to drop us a lie and you start your message with the word to use Facebook it's Bob shack on b.b.c. T.v. We got Alex on the blower. 80859595 is the Twitter as well you have a message about toad in the hole earlier on Alex I'd forgotten about that when you type up for me was right no no you don't have to do it now all right you told me was calling from a fairy tale I forgot about this because we saw you like 6 o'clock. And then you said are good I'm going to go get a bite to eat I did so and calling was wondering what your dad he was speculating that like him you might have had toad in the hole exactly when they will. Say I did I once heard somebody from County Durham. Go. Held in county don't you know I want to turn somebody from County Durham. Pronouncing toad in the hole. Which is stuck with me have a sense and somewhat taken the edge off it a half. Well where you. Know you would know wasn't what I mean I would have thought that's going to go on except accuse me of having bangers and mash I did speculate yes. That is not something I can come up we set up a decent by guess about shit off and about of you all right when I got to do it and the spinning. Joint somewhere in middle spits out the needs to be one is there no outlets. How do we give a good 6 o'clock on a Thursday evening gentlemen cannot. Avail. Of a reasonable to do. I didn't I didn't go in I didn't go in that direction this is the reality of life in Britain if I'm. Going to stick a record out we should probably do the live shindig we should do the gig I. Had in the basic as well a property shot at some point to die as well Judd so I would go to the couple ball live ones in the studio as well. Tell you the whole cadence on the coat tail riders Taylor Hawkins is in the food fight is a popular beat combo but. It's probably from that it's called cross the line. Glynn. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play. Play play. Play leg. Oh you. Cross the line it's by Tayla Hawkins and the coat tail riders. I always forget about extra bits on the end of record but it's got water. Right thank you to Uncle Harry Harry who's been taught. So. Well pointing out sorry I'll open your microphone and pointing out. That squeeze pulling muscles from the shell which we started the program did did you mention it's one of the few songs where the lyrics of the music both start right from the start. A diet just goes straight into a lyric with the music kicking in as well at the same time yeah it's interesting to start the program not with an idea I never thought of it that way but it strikes me that we've now had 2 tracks on the program tonight that do that really I think Pink Floyd's Arnold lane doe

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