Music 10 on more Alderson Prison in the United States and the Netherlands have accused Russia of August raising a string of cyber attacks around the world the U.S. Justice Department has charged 7 Russian intelligence agents with plotting to hack targets including Fifa and the World Anti-Doping Agency 4 of them were also accused by the British and Dutch of trying to hack the international chemical weapons watchdog while it was investigating the nerve agent attack in Salzburg but Russia's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria supper over has rubbish the claims is going to let us board off what lawful at Cornell was more left of what corner without looking into it everything has been mixed into one Nina Ricci purview bottle the G.R.U. Cyber spies criminal hackers water some kind of hellish perf you mixture the rich imagination of our British colleagues truly knows no bounds who makes all this up I want to look these people in the face it's emerged a contractor working for some N.H.S. Hospitals in England and Scotland has failed to dispose of hundreds of tonnes of body parts and other medical waste according to the Health Service Journal which 1st reported the story the company involved blamed a shortage of high temperature incinerators to process the waste in a timely fashion. A man's beginning a 14 year prison sentence for forcing children to sell drugs in the 1st conviction of its kind under the modern slavery act like Aria Mohamed from Birmingham admitted using teenagers to deal crack cocaine and heroin on his behalf 100 miles away in Lincoln John ironmonger was at Birmingham Crown Court this really was a landmark sentencing the judge himself said he was on new territory today because there's no legal precedent there's no sentencing guidelines for him it's the 1st time that child trafficking convictions have been reached against an offender under the modern slavery act for an investigation into so-called county lines drugs running more than $58000.00 digital pregnancy tests have been recalled off to some wrongly told women they were expecting customers who bought the clear and simple tests are being advised to return it a lot has come into effect in Scotland banning public bodies from misrepresenting the location of Shetland on maps the measure is a response to the common practice of putting the islands in a box alongside the mainland when in reality they are the most remote a northerly part of Scotland the Shetlanders are welcoming the redrawing of the map rift been combined into that barge all my life or who are now when we get released go to that barge I think the whole got be better what trip of soon after the coast of Scotland the Northeast and also towards Norway is. As good to see around in its rightful place and the weather outbreaks of rain continuing across parts of northern England on Friday dry in the south with sunny spells chilly in the north with some sunshine patchy cloud in a few showers topped temperatures of around 22 degrees Celsius B.B.C. News It's 3 minutes past 10. 22 degrees Good grief yes here we are in evening all that's me and there's you and there we are gathered again for the Paul Miller Show across the B.B.C. In the south and indeed around the world online but this week it's Tim to put it here while Paul continues the long running saga of clearing out the shed or is it the fridge either way we are here gathered together for Thursday evening across the south all the bits and pieces you come to expect between now and one to morrow morning just looking through the glass all look very is what's left handed salute and you see you never know left or right either way Mr Russell likes Thursdays why I'll explain in just a few moments a little later we're going out for something to eat we're going to do that just after 11 tonight is the talky bit it doesn't work without you and Will will be off as I say heading out for something to eat between 11 and midnight before that around $2211.00 will play the bag it's not been a calamitous week this week once again 6 subjects 6 ounces and we're all trying to fire avoid the naughty step later but being Thursday I love this we play the secrets and the way it works we have a sudden every day sound something you might do every day something you might do once a week something you might do once in awhile but it's something that you will hear you will have done you will have heard somebody else do and what you have to do is try and work out what this is. Cram as along once and I not for seconds not of the like but half a 2nd what do you think that is if you have any idea at all. That's our secret Santa tonight school B.B.C. Sorry 080587 you want to enforce a. No remember me but 20 minutes to try and get the right answer listen again up I won't even talk anyone are ready you know come. You have to. Show. She. And. Now she's. A very fine things then for Thursday night. On the B.B.C. Across the plain the secret. We have 20 minutes to get this. That's how it sounds so then if you want to take part on the phones on the text on the e-mail on Twitter even that all works very nicely if it comes to the phones you have to do this cool B.B.C. Sorry 08058714 see. You can also text me 81 triple 33 make the 1st with your text Miller and come up with your suggestion don't forget to tell us who you are and where you texting from this Twitter that's at Tim Butcher B.B.C. Or you can email Paul Miller showed B.B.C. Doco don't you Kate B.B.C. Doco don't you K. Here's how it sounds. What you reckon that is let's see how we do then in the next 20 minutes go to Winchester 1st of all say evening Olive Good evening evening Danny how you tonight I'm fine thank you you have a nice day Oh yes it would have been my workmate wait now anniversary gift I lost my husband if how many years ago did you get married 40 all that's not bad is it 43 what was what was how his name David David did you and David have a lovely wedding day did the sun shine or did it rain yes. That's nice that's good well I hope you had a lovely day and I hope you had some happy memories today as well as the enlightened thing is now at so I took him some lovely very safe because he always bought me roses. So you're returning the favor today then yes. That's nice right then all of you are very 1st call tonight listen again. Go on then what you reckon it is but I think it's so much like a bomb when they play it's up yeah striking a match so you literally take them out on the side of the box and then the next bit is where the man. Yeah sounds just like that doesn't it. No of course is no. But it's always worth the 1st go in there all of brave to be 1st of all is lovely to talk to you have a nice night tonight and we'll talk again soon thank you. Bye Olive remembering David today as well let's just look at whole list of names here than there let's go to Robert who's next on the Roberts. And well I hope you are. All been working hard today very hard. To tell me what you mean when you say working hard doing what patents are right and that is hard work as somebody who is something of a reluctant decorator I know just how hard that is in and what we're not really doing what we're actually going to. Windows to. And I say I can do the big I can do the walls that's not a problem and the ceilings are pushed but when it comes to things like the skirting boards and the windows and all the door frames doing door frames not the the other day I did one color on sale in a white van with a dark color on the walls so it was 4 different colors I'm wondering did that look good it looked pretty and as you say I've been in a room before where they had various shades of if I say terra cotta sort of been a burnt orange that sort of thing and it created almost a shadowy effect look great really did. Or sometimes you can get that. Much you. Know what looks like a different color that really annoys me to that type stuff you can trying to I don't know for people to even use it but hang. It intimidate. All right now then this sound Roberts. What do you reckon you'll hear it again. Listen I want listen. To. A witch it's 2 Guinness tin somebody knows exactly what I don't really know which is something that is actually inside the tin isn't it yeah yeah. Which it in a Guinness tin. But a good guest on forgotten completely about would they used it was it John Smith used to advertise with. A very good robot it's not a witch it's but lovely to talk to you and good luck with decoration tomorrow thank you so much cues that. I by Robert who's in constant in cost but it's Angela. Quite genuinely yeah I'm good and you as well try it. If you had a busy day as well. For goodness a why what you doing at the moment then. I'll just finish. What I'm going to finish tonight then I should. Like OK So you going to be with me at least for the next couple of hours then yes. You are right Angela now then you've heard this hear noise sounds like. What do you reckon. The strike much. Like. Right OK so want something like a little disposable light or something like that and you turn the little Will the flint kicks in and it sounds. Like. Lighting a lighty reckon. No not a bit of it Angela. But there we are nice game on the card like we would do the bag then in about 25 minutes or I'm. Good luck with the rest of the work. Thank you I have turned to losing gospel listen again. I was being very generous with you tonight it's one of the longest secret sounds of had made it nearly 5 seconds but if you want to take part cool B.B.C. Sorry 08058714 see this. Is going to Basingstoke and say even Tony. Tony lost to it. To live always wrong while. Like. The other one ready I like. The war so to know 2 out OK well but the role right one guy I was going to pick the right one not the wrong ones on here yet that's what I meant but go on then. I think he could be being right. It's the time of year isn't it it's that time of year for the hazelnuts could well be cracking and cracking a haze in fact we could even say cracking any sort of not Couldn't we because it sounds. Just like a. No not a Hasanah or any other sort of not actually Tony but our nice try. OK I'm going to cut even some of the other one otherwise Mr Buswell give me Mary Watson in a. Bubble and now. Tony who's embezzled not cracking a nut he said writing that down is going to keep checking all the wrong ones let's go to a way he will get this he's an old show how the mighty oak or sold care. How many times you got it wrong Eddie who doesn't know me and how do you think he had a rake on the regular Oh no you are not I know you why he won this program quite regularly how does the baby know you had a good day. All had to rest their heavy day yesterday believe it or not so that I like. Yeah that's all right daughters are so employed. She rang me up Oh can you come to help me I'm super busy. So I went and did a joke with well look at the nearly said oh let's go. Bit of a daunting task was Eddie you never you never believe the best people. Would strew truthfully are really wealthy builders banks but you still owe it to them Chris. If you back aching. No just a little bit. Eddie let's get this right then we now know it's not cracking or not it's not lighting a light it's not a widget in the Guinness candle any other sort of big cam it's not striking a match what do you reckon Well this is something I did this morning we know when you get a new box of calls like yeah you get the. Package and you have to pull it apart so you yeah you do you open the cobble box you take in a packet out and you pull it apart as if you say oh a bag of crisps something like that it's like. OK What it sounds like to me it sounds just like. Yeah. Yeah yeah yeah Eddie you know what I'm going to say don't some cold like in the day you know what I'm going to say don't you you're going to say yes I got it I'm going to say yes you've not got it at last 80. 5 nothing to do with cornflakes OK Eddie have an easy day tomorrow as well all right. Thank you for their Babai and said he has in order shorts in Goring it's Marjorie Hello Marjorie. Calling this your birthday week I think we should really. Just a birthday day I think I have any interest. I'm sure you will absolutely yes you will know then we now know what it's not. Don't get this right for me on a budget think you know when they're. Going or when you get this thing on call say who then spend them on the place. It's like opening a can of orange juice is that how come you can never get a can of orange juice and open it without spilling some it's always the way anyway so as you say nothing till cornflakes what you reckon after and I think in the kitchen but. It's a step or so that they you know that. Yes So this time of year where we have things like tins of names names is Quality Street roses that sort of thing and you get the tin and they are still not they yeah yeah sounds like that's. The way. I want it always 10 years doesn't it and then you have to go back and get the scissors or get the knife and try to get the rest of the off because you can't even talk until you've got all of it off right. There. No it's not the solitary run a tin of whatever it might be Marjorie not the hours that we're told will be lucky I'm sure somebody will be will wait and see in the next what 10 minutes we've got so thank you Marjorie Thank you. Marjorie in Goring in new breeds Julie Hello Julie. Oh yeah yeah I'm good and you know to thank you a good day in New bring. Today where. We spend quite a lot. Of the best way or I've been OK fair enough I suppose. You've heard the sound you've heard it on the radio or heard it on the phone what do you. Say but I'm sticking with my instincts. You twist the bass. Yeah I spotted lettuce taking the bass off the lettuce and I just mean the leaves basically. Still base at the bottom and you end up with the. Left but you can then put stuff inside and it still . I think I need a lesson on how to do this than. Anything to do with lettuce. Cause is not nothing to do with lettuce is. Good efforts. To take the bait. I think I think I might have to google this novel of The New. I don't think it's I mean when you're off. A little oh that's. OK Julie lovely to talk to you safe journey to wherever it is you heading now thank the other. Guy OK Thank you bye bye That's Julie who's a new breed in lovely on the soul and it's Graham. Really being I mean it's all you see that's that's why I like you Graham that's why I LIKE YOU SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH young to Mark Harmon been awesome is cool young Tim unforeseen dumptruck quite qualified so. Don't worry I'm catching you up Graham I really am I really am how do you do even you had a good day all right a very good day today yes very much excellence good right. Sorry sorry different of the 5 It always does but my 1st right there ready was talk to me of a corn beef to turn the case. And this will stop and then it's that the metal in the paper tears is. Now on I can only agree it sounds just like. Pretty rough. Well you see you say that. You are totally wrong you are completely wrong and nothing to. Be fit in and the other thing with beef tins How often have you cut yourself on one. Try to avoid. The scar on my thumb there years ago but a boy thought I knew what he's doing not a bit of it. Not a corn beef Tim Graham. Told he soon. By. In crumbs in. All its Jessel jests. Frank Rich. Very good Richard is a lovely listener's knee Yeah when I when I was new into radio used to because I used to produce I used to work on his program when one was just but a boy present there anyway jests lovely part of the world you're in what you reckon our sound is. On. That's one that comes up regularly and it's got a car some station and flicking through the pages of a magazine or book. I think it might be a little too smooth for that one Jess No not flicking pages in a magazine or book but. On Point 2. In the morning is excellent Our I'd just love to hear from you we'll talk again soon all right bye and well let's just say flicking through the pages of a magazine or book new movie inhaling on a smart in the mountain. House today being good day. Let's make it even better my friend let's get this right time out in. Some. Sense Russell. Apple what with one of those apple corer type things. Going on there very good to have you actually tried the pineapple ones where you actually peel the pineapple and put the pineapple thing through them and. They're really good now. An apple core coring an apple. I'm going you know know what an apple corer Martin. Yeah good guess and you will know more in but a few minutes I think. BYE BYE BYE BYE BYE That's Martin Haley Island Bridget's George hello George hello know how you would I mean good day I mean it was lovely to be nice autumnal Danus people look at me but not really it was big grain a bit cloudy this morning but it was a nice mild day news if I see the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness does not make sense as the sun came up. It was you're absolutely right George absolutely right let's make it an even more perfect day and tell me what this noises. I'm sure it's true go up being harvested. Because rhubarb makes a noise even when it grows doesn't it yes you can hear rhubarb creaking if you talk to anybody in the rhubarb triangle in Yorkshire they'll tell you about about forcing rhubarb in the fight to make some noise rhubarb being harvested it could well be couldn't because it's the time of year we're doing. It's not that George but it's an extremely good guess very good. Experience to get. You to buy George who's a bridge in his Bunty Hello Bunty Oh have a temper this how are you this evening Oh pretty good thank you I love the idea of creating rhubarb and never actually heard it but it sounds amazing it's true with a force rhubarb and you know you notice the rhubarb triangle it's sort of between her a good leads and that part of Yorkshire and it's where they actually grow most of the U.K.'s rhubarb and they force it and you can actually hear rhubarb creek. Saying it must be well. Porcelain in my garden. Supports a plant and. Also for the robotic I think would be even worse when it's eaten I think would be even you know it really wouldn't like that at all what it will be passed cranking up I think it would I think it probably would now then Bunty speaking of noises. Well our. Washing machine. The form of turn all the sort of. Thing you know to make it go on so that program All right. And then the sort of noise afterwards when it started to do it yeah so sort of an old washing machine selecting the program and then getting underway in more or less that's it absolutely concisely are very good. What concise or not. It's completely wrong nothing to do with the washing machine Bunty Oh yeah nothing to do with the washing machine. Thank you Bunty Babai I have a nice night as Bunty has a nationalist nothing to do with the washing machine nothing to do with harvesting rhubarb nothing to do with calling an apple I'm saying no more on these ones at the moment not flicking through the pages of a book or magazine it's not. A Graham say to just. Read what I've written there it's nothing to do with iceberg lettuce. Nothing to conflicts I will say that you are closely you might imagine. If you think you know we have but a couple of minutes you have to do is call on us not gonna play is it. Well I would play the jingle Mr Russell if Woodson's just try that one cool B.B.C. Sorry 080587 if you want to foresee. The fighting back let's say hello to you on whose import slate Hello Joe and. Well more apart from this club I'm just going to. Make it work you never know now. Right Joe and we're getting close but not quite what you reckon Well I think it's still going to be close fish because I felt so different. Yeah. I was going to. Like when you drop and I can trust hot frying pan fry now and then and then it all sort of so yeah it will settles down what frying an