Transcripts for BBC Radio York BBC Radio York 20191205 20000

BBC Radio York BBC Radio York December 5, 2019 200000

That was the fantastic Edwin Collins with a girl like you and before that we have. As many Now coming up in the next 10 minutes and by the say b.b.c. Radio York I will be meeting the cast of Treasure Island Johnny 5 of them and I'm going to be asking them what it's like to take in it such a production going to. The show with. Them knowing that you know with them. You. Go. In the. Goal as. The class is music for you know. This is. The wrong answer. Because of the. That was Phil Collins was something happened on the way to heaven which is an absolute shame when you're listening to Beck come on b.b.c. Radio you off this week's by the sea is a big celebration of Treasure Island which is the Christmas production Stephen just a fit and I've been basically given an access all areas which I feel very chuffed about my little boy is probably going to get to do all the cool stuff with out and I am bringing him to say the am and I'm with the cast and which is very exciting and so I would just get you to introduce yourselves if that's all right names full names depend you can say what you like. My name's Alice Blondel I'm from New Castle and I play in Captain Smollett I Mrs Hawkins and a pirate. Just a few cover it says. Hello and I got a thanks I'm Scarlett playing true Loney and Tom Morgan who's a pirate and forests of bits and bobs role playing lots of things yeah that would be a lot of fun yeah going to go to any of them. I'm bipolar and I'm playing. Act in Long John Silver and then gone and Keith is a lesser known character. Treasure Island but very important yes they're all important especially people called Keith. Marco water I'm playing Jim He's a plucky hero and I'm also playing Johnson the widow with an excellent jacket with an excellent jacket Yes when I was not around someone playing doctor lives in. Burns another pirate and George another lesson and. Vital role playing quite a lot of characters I mean is that something you use to. Yeah yeah I think I ever a Christmas I probably got about 5 or 6 characters to play. What they call a multi role I just think I would my head would explode I mean what do you love me having all the different opportunities to play and to get your teeth into and yeah I mean yeah because you don't I think when you're just playing one characters it's less exciting and you get to do those different things but it does make you had explode many times especially when you're also playing instruments and dancing and singing and profiting this this lot has to be going on with it just shows you how talented you allow though the fact that you do everything yeah I mean come and see the show. And you have a flute on your lap so you mentioned you play all the instruments is that I mean do you have been able to incorporate the instruments into the performance Yeah it is really nice it's really exciting I think for an audience to see everything being made in front of them so that what you see is really what you get and this is nice sort of I mean we've got a little bit of sound design going on in the background but I think it's really cool that we've made it and it's a really collaborative process because. And the Treasure Island is based in Scarborough Are you familiar with the magic that is Boyce's I Boyce's and I've heard about voices but it's. It's the finest department store in the galaxy Well look. It's a bit like scone and Sky High see boys is no good I'm glad I'm not the boys 'd Stephanie boy says Sometimes I say boys. Just for fun. What if you do say boys does that mean what does that mean. You say boys as you know you know area of the Nile ya rocks and sounds very and yeah but it pushed around these parts but I just stayed. With me I have. Come through life from oh I am from what. I was it's probably pronounced oh oh it's never dull in oh it's never dull and what you've done well to hide it yeah yeah it's all less hard to get over because when I'm home people some incredibly posh people listen this thing then when I go to London of course I'm very common so it's all of a it's a mixture of mixture of. If you were to say ball you think anybody would told it again if honestly site Scone in Scotland. And I'm going to talk a little bit more but we're going to take another break for some music Mrs Cole plays new songs this is often. That was often used by coal plant I'm still with the fantastic cast of Treasure Island Stephen just to fit it Bass week for by the se and I have managed to grab the cast for a bit of a chat and if you've not got the tickets you need to get them very soon and now we've just been talking about the fact that the cast playing instruments and they staying in a dance and they do everything in the play about a 1000000 characters and. How you find in that process. This Christmas show and how you find a scalper 1st of all Scarboro is amazing and that's not a beautiful place as my my family have told me up nights bloody yet and I and by playing these different roles in so far as that's the thing you do around Christmas time I mean it's what you do as an actor if you're not in a film or whatever and for me I feel like I've got a daughter now so I mean everything's changed for me so now I'm balancing home life with with the whole learning the stuff so it's a bit different this time but it's pretty cool way to live normally and I live in Manchester you know to file a one off you know how I'm going over there I went over there straight for you so it's not yeah it's not too far so I do get to go back to Manchester and see the family but I move my family here my bike door among my meat is how they find it you know what they're finding a great they send me pictures every single day from North Bay and south they are exploring the whole of Scalia's is boys is yeah I got to say that as well that they're exploring for me and I see through pictures but on Sunday I'm going to try a little something something I ve done something in the round the fall can I just ask all of all of you want to. Yeah so it's not new nothing special it's pretty amazing experience in to to be here and now I think you're going to play some music which is very exciting so I will move away and stand in the call and. Let you play Thank you very much for trying to make and I can't wait to see you in character. Well. Right. That. was 6. A. Close. Call. Can. I am. Oh. Oh oh. Oh oh. Oh. Oh. C.b.c. Radio your. Asked The best Chance to feel. That was James Morrison Nelly Furtado with broken strings you're listening to by the sea I hope you're having a little bit he says. The fantastic Treasure Island is all nice Christmas and Stephen just to fit in we have been given a behind the scenes look at we've just met the cast which is very exciting and I feel very privileged to be able to have the success and the pit of the job most definitely on just to find out what goes into making this production the fact that he takes you know. They finished last is and know already what they're going to do the next it's very exciting and if not the best around our little town you know the fact that Nick Clegg in the right to incorporate sky opera and voices and you know all these places every 8 gives a real push will touch to these productions which I think means a lot to the audience especially me and I think so anyway every Christmas they just pull out all the stops it's a fabulous production so please come and check it out this is Whitney Houston now we can $1000000.00 bail. That's when my favorite question. That was sit down by James you're listening to back her mouth on b.b.c. Radio York and I'm with a lady who I have met before she didn't realize we'd met. He's ever been katsa Hello Evan Hello how are you I'm good thank you I'll explain a little bit about how we met and a bit less wrong but can you just explain to everybody what your role is in Treasure Island and Treasure Island I am the director on the choreographer so I have 2 jobs very important jobs 2 very productive jobs yes so they tell me and how did you get involved I've worked at the Stephen Joseph for a number of years this will be my 4th Christmas show and for the last 3 years I've been choreographing in charge of the movement I'm working with so to suggest to Paul Robinson. To make those Christmas shows and last year we talked about it and we decided that this would be my mutiny if you will and I'm taking over the. Helm of the ship so that's the plan at the moment very excited I saw Alice in Wonderland last year and when I told my little buy that it was Treasure Island and pirates I mean. It just appeals to all I think doesn't it and adults and children it's a brilliant story it's an adventure story which is really important it's got swashbuckling sword fighting music it's the Susan Susan the mechanical crab is a fantastic adaptation because Treasure Island is tricky it's quite a dark book and Nick Lane has had a job on his hands to turn was quite a complicated tale into something that's really Christmassy and really fun with lots of so innocent and in corporate scab or in their research it's definitely a story that belongs to Scarborough and to the people of Scarborough and we work really hard to make that happen because I think it's important that it's their Christmas show and it's their Christmas story and it is an expert that after having done it for 4 years and how long was the process of actually from. Idea to how long does it take to get a Christmas play to the stage of Oh. Well the hustle process is 5 weeks store to door but the show is in development all year round usually the artistic director will pitch a few flow a few ideas at the previous Christmas show you wait so you're in the bar so they signed you up when you least expect it so we knew it was Treasure Island before Alice closed and then I started developing the script with Nick from February on words we start casting in March we did more casting in summer because a whole team of people behind the scenes as myself as the composer Simon Slater as the design a Helen we are constantly creating stuff and supporting each other in that development process and then you get a theater who are taking our crazy visions and telling us what's possible so everybody is on it for the the year really and then it ramps up on the cast the Rife it's such a massive process I can't really end collaborative as well which is brilliant and Eve really got the town involved and I want to telephone a bit more about that but we're going to have him a song this is a I'm someone you left fella Scott. C. There's no no. 2000000000 souls lived. In since. I was. Told. I was getting. To be a good soul. That was Louise cupola day and with Aaron he was the director and choreographer of Treasure Island with the sign in the lobby of the Stephen Joseph there to finding out about how well what a massive effort is to put on these Christmas shows for our lovely town and how involved scabrous has been as well and I can't even remember when it was actually air and when was it when we did the trailer summer and there was a bit of a call on social media asking for local children to be pirates part of the to basically be in the trailer for Treasure Island and I told my little boy Seth he was 5 and he was very much for it so we turned up to the life but house in the day in August and he got involved with a lot of other children was that your idea and it was my yes it was my idea to create a pirate We have a trailer for the sure normally and I wanted to be a pirate trailer and to involve as many of the local children as it's possible the Christmas show was there sure when it's their story and for a lot of kids it's their 1st access to theater and that's really important to me. And so I wanted to make sure that they felt a sense of ownership from the outset and then when they come to see the show will have seen the trailer they played with the pyro and they're already invested from the get go and the fact they got sick on the Hispania you don't know what that means to a scrap or a child and I remember when we used to go on the media when I was little so the fact that Seth got to go in it and he's not actually been on that yet so I think you know Laurie's and Rob who runs it has been you and I was so nice he gave us the ball for free for 2 whole days he drove it around and around it was great with the kids and it was choppy I mean the kids were bringing Yeah it was 2nd was a little bit green we held the cameraman by the feet right so it was it was challenging but the kids loved it and they worked really hard and we had fantastic fantastic weather which was a miracle because it was the last weekend that the book was I was the last weekend of summer and the outcome was brilliant it's fantastic so well. Groups like a tourist. And so we talked a little bit about the all the different people that make Treasure Island together the company's quite small that in terms of the cast and it's an intensive you know rehearsal process what's it like a lot of them coming from the way to Sky and almost like being in each of those pockets for that amount of time what's that like. It's really intensive it's really arduous and hard but it's also really joyful and we're very lucky with this cast because they really get on and that's not always the case and there's only 5 of them and they became sort of immediate friends the real clout in the sense of the word although also in life. And so they moved to a place have never been the probably arrive on a Sunday and then on Monday they come together and start rehearsals for a plea we often work 9 to 912 hour day off from work on a Saturday or we usually try and go away because of lunch time ish don't hold me to that. So it's really intense and there's a lot of material to learn and one of the blessings is that it changes and we've got the freedom to change it make it better but it's also a curse because it means that once you've assumed it there's always the chance that one of those they will come up with a better idea and you have to have the sort of dexterity to let that go and grab the next idea so the actors work tireless tirelessly. To get themselves there because part of the challenge is the time to see the show or it should look easy but the amount of work that goes in to make something look like it's natural is you know a measurable and you have to keep them in check as well I do have to keep them in check which comes with its own challenges. But there everyone's aiming for the same thing that I sort of shared objective which is to make something brilliant for the town so I think because we have that we're all working towards the same goal if we're tired of more frustrated or having a difficult day there's always somebody to sort of pick you up and I'm not on my own the composer is around to is really funny and makes them laugh and keeps them upbeat and I've also got an associate director Chelsea and an associate choreographer Steph who are in other voices and other people to help me steer the ship it's a real collaboration and you can see that from spending time with you thanks for letting us have a little bit of a behind the scenes it's fantastic and there thank you for bringing it to scupper No problem thank you for bringing sets. The book Tom thank you. That was Texas some Asuna before that we had Christine ocular and Maroon 5 on b.b.c. Radio York with moves like Jagger and that song always reminds me of kind of Christmas past season is very much that time of year isn't it and I've got mine this weekend and I'm very excited that it's a quiz but I don't think my b.b.c. Radio your colleagues are aware of how competitive I am when it comes to quizzes I used to be in a pub quiz team. To take it very seriously so much so that I was in charge of the pen nobody else was allowed to write the oncet Unless I didn't know it and I was the kind of person that if I saw somebody with the phone I'd be like you better not be cheatin So yeah I hope that my you know I hope that I'm a help to my colleagues and a hindrance I hope they understand that you know you've got to these things seriously. Yet and the goals of all can ised it of been some little questions around around the office belief that. It's going to be quite. You know it's not just going to be general knowledge and if you don't drink it's going to have a bit of a b.b.c. Radio to it so yeah and it's nice because I recalled my show on location so I didn't get to see a lot of my. Colleagues at all so be really nice to see them and put some to the head and pull Akaka this is something got me started now by seemed. To stop.

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