Union's offices in the city the government's calling on European football's governing body you a fit to take severe action. Sports Minister Nigel Adams told the Commons that what happened was appalling and disgusting the idea. But it is a people making massive salutes monkey chants is a sort of a subpoena him and behaviors and cannot be tolerated and I do look to you a far in the strongest terms to deal with this particular incident as severely as possible parking charges could go up in America has councils trying to deal with congestion in the town almost 15 and a half 1000 people have given their views on proposals which range from introducing park and rides to putting out the price of parking today's meeting at County Hall also look to introducing on street parking charges County Council Don McKenzie is responsible for highways and transport he says charges haven't gone up since 2016 all charges over a regular basis. Should be reviewed every year and I think after 3 or 4 years this is the time to post again parking charges in how to get in after we don't drive yet we need to also look. On street parking charges in their response to e.u. Officials say a text needs to be finalised by midnight is any chance of the BRICs a deal being approved by the leaders' summit this week the government says it's still too early to say whether they'll be a special sitting a parliament on Saturday to consider the outcome of the talks forming in football a poll Gascoyne has broken down in tears while giving evidence in his defense in court the 52 year old is accused of forcefully kissing a woman in August 28th seen on a train from York to Newcastle he told seaside Crown Court that the kiss was just a peck he denies sexual assaults almost half a 1000000 pounds is to be spent on repairing the area around Scarborough South Bay said the beach chalets which were destroyed in a landslide. Can be restored and rebuilt the area's been cordoned off since last November the decision by Scarborough councillors means that the grey 2 buildings could be replaced if the money is found leader of the Council Steve Siddons when it comes to actually replacing them we will look hard at replacing them as quickly as we can and we'll look at different options that we may decide to build them ourselves and rent them out if we can make a commercial return on but we may look to get in a partner to do that or we may look to sell them as some of those to the north but have been done b.b.c. News at 3 minutes past 5 his sharing with the sports headlines the former England defender Joleon Lescott has told the b.b.c. That Gareth Southgate's side should have walked off the pitch in last night's protest of the racist abuse they suffered joining the 6 in a way went to Bulgaria Southcott says the players medical ective Does decision to carry on at half time York City captain statement not to admits he wasn't on top form during the draw Telford at the weekend he'd been out since August with a hamstring problem and Yorkshire close to completing the signing of England international the small sports in half an hour. B.b.c. Radio York where with. A fine evening across North Yorkshire and dry for much of the night although rain will threaten the West of our area by dawn to morrow morning lows of 8 or 9 degrees for tomorrow there is a cloudy morning rain spreading from the west the afternoon sees an improvement all of us becoming dry and bright eventually with some sunshine that will see top afternoon temperatures reaching 14 or 15 degrees Thank you Paul Sharon and Ellie. It's very friendly country science beautiful it's beauty sleep living and loving. Beauty anyway. B.b.c. Radio. Hello good evening Julie in-situ is this Tuesday. We we're going to bring you the very latest on the Olympic Park in so we will all developments go ahead and bring you the latest There's reaction to last night's shocking scenes of the football in Bulgaria and Elton John Yes Sir Elton John chapters about his new memoir. The famous Well this is a bit of a saga has been going on for ages hasn't a few months ago we were talking about how a major development in Selby was going to bring thousands of jobs and homes to the region Limpia park was supposed to include 1500 new homes significant business space around and access road off the a 63 bypass all helped along with an 8800000 pound government grounds Well now b.b.c. Radio has found out that that ground won't be happening reporter Gemma Dillon is here so can you just explain a little bit about the background to this what was this funding Gemma Ok so we're talking about the form of b. I.c.m. Poll site the road and which was approved e.-s. Ago for development it was hoped as he said would create over a 1000 new homes and jobs but it's been empty interrogate ever since then the government in February last year approved a bit by Selby District Council to help pay for new infrastructure at the site with the creation of a new link road from the Selby bypass with the aim to encourage investment into the scheme so once he could get into the site you what then on luck investment for the rest of it so that us what's happened why i can they get the money on the cash and the hands on the cash so it would seem and there's been more detailed research and information about the costs and can't recall issues at the site which means they'll be District Council than landowners and the developers involved have overlooked and concluded that the conditions attached to the government grant towards site costs now can't be matched the investment was offered on the understanding that the infrastructure. Unlocked the delivery of these homes by $28.00 and on this legal grant determination agreement and I would be able that was required by the end of September and access the grant offered by Holmes England and said They call me the timescale anymore it is a big blow it had been hoped this cash would finally unlock that site get some affordable homes on the and now this big questions over if that's even possible Gemma thank you for bringing us the background on well leading so we traded Richard Schofield runs the shop heaven and home in South Bay So less chats about how long these talks over the a Limpia parka been rumbling Omaha seems like it is near his nearest dozen cars are and at least 12 seems a long time I don't know but. It's gone through different stages I think it was promised on the recall. And I understand the lies from the it's been withdrawn as Wow So does it become a bit of a saga in so we say string. Yeah I think it's just a very from or I understand and I spoke to a few people about or involved. In the past and now and apparently is a very difficult science it's very difficult to develop next to the river. Railway . It's difficult ground conditions as far as I understand and I think the message I was get was it was extremely expensive to develop and so even with the grants that were promised and just complete done a ton right so that's one of the issues in this money is now looking like it's disappearing do you think it would have been good for the town. I think he probably would of yes I think originally there was going to be something I can only really 2000 homes on which is go because think of a town that was reduced in the 2nd stage to 15 and there were industrial units and Originally there was going to be the shops on it as well but I thought there was definitely concern that that might have a negative effect on the town if to build shops on it so I think it was going to be homes and industrial You saw it with that many homes it's got to go to the town so what's your reaction now then to this this latest setback Well it's frustrating I didn't manage to get some information from the council and they said it's still going forward but because of the government conditions pro on the on the speed of doing things they were able to do it and there has been withdrawn but they do still hope to go forward with the plan of probably a new plan well I'll need some money coming from somewhere our friends how desperate so be fit for this level of investment. Well any investment like that's got to be a good thing we have other investment you know housing projects and the town is growing so to say continues to grow our most critical thing there's also the South again consultation going on at the moment which is a proposal to link the station to the town because when you live in Selby station it's just not a lot and they're trying to. Link to the town back and they say you know but if you're the Abbey from there and there is just a much nicer place so I would go to not many homes would be a very good simple town so I think it's quite important eventually just go ahead do you remain optimistic that it will eventually go ahead and not not particularly optimistic simply because of the problems with the site I think you know obviously if you can build that many homes then you go on that show that it says that near the red. And it just seems as if it's a very difficult site so I haven't seen it happen twice I'm not that optimistic now not that optimistic is as a bit of a worry is next is a massive site and it is quite a high profile site isn't anyone to drive from your to so be all the way around is a huge huge area is now I commit to going to the site years ago when when the b.s.e. I'm with still that massive massive site be such a shame if something good didn't happen from it but yeah Richard Schofield the so we trade a not very optimistic at all your thoughts welcome one treatable 3 star you message with the word you. Tempt us 5. Days is. Pretty good when I'm so broken down very cold you should 49 dish with one out on the entry slip you've also worn it out on the 168 south. Of a semi down to Washington 49 days with that's due to a spillage and the a 59 comet in very slow heading through the roadworks apart from every 65 broken down vehicle has finally gone from the mountain around. Interest but if you try. Just a little bit slow all step the road around the 6th form college mall in 15 minutes . Yes Do not miss it you know I need to see a few Well 6 people so to stumbling around with b.b.c. Radio. We'll try we'll try to make it to the end I'm sure we will I'm sure we'll pull together to be absolutely. Now it's a quarter past 5 and you're in the program we were talking with me about the awful racism that stopped England's game against Bulgaria twice last night a group of well Gary supporters wearing black hooded top some wearing bandanas covering their face will make a Nazi salute monkey chants Will Graham will is next you will see defend you now Lex's in spool sociology Sinchon you know this is a good evening I am going to have. This one I suppose just one your reaction to what happened last night and what I think when we see anything like that. Everybody . Understand but I think the other thing was it really a surprise because we've heard all prior to the March build up there are. Respected when you know you are going to follow protocol ball even I would have expected and stated a majority are closed because of previous in the race it was still a shock when there was also they demonstrated Now we spoke to Little James who teaches people teaches youngsters even usually has to pay for some kids a need a city and he said the team should have walked it would have sent a must see of message if they'd have walked off the pitch and it would have had a bigger impact should England have walked off the page. Very difficult and complex. That would have had the player of the manager followed you it is protocol. Obviously people are saying some are saying they should have gone I think what I did to be the kind of focus is actually on what happened and I think that the pub where the highlight now is quite removed out of football because of the place and society very cliquey Well the funny thing that we were talking to a little about there is there is a sin element in society isn't there endless I was saying he spoke with since breaks is that your experience if people you come across. Not from my experience and I think the best because a. Whole different that I go by of research on My Space is a prior. Experience very. Literally as a client and played with the cover. And I don't think a good way to comment on our experiences in practice but in general do you think enough is being done to try to stamp out racism in football. I think protocols are common and I think the small guys a very very good thinks it's becoming more publicized which is a great thing. For organizations such as. The European top. Of the within our own country but I've got to apply my strategy so that they could possibly this could impact to roll this thing out it was only very organized last i.e. The question of whether even after the football there they were all wearing black hoodie they were holding up with the race about say their respect rather than us respect so I think you know those things were already pre-determined thoughts that it's not just football issue is it was a societal issue really. I mean is it is scary when you see things like this on the telly and and it does seem to be a lot more seduced football than other sport so I was literally coming in on the number 11 Post this morning there was a whole conversation going on around me about people terribly shocked about what happened and had seen on the telly and the phrase Well you wouldn't get it the look they would you and thus true isn't it why is it so so it in time it would in football. The long term. Go write the history or. You can go back to. How it. Was a recess with a lot wealthier organization compared to football which is very aware of class cable I think football is very closely because of all the attention that any other sport in the world forget that these people are for both of us trying to use a platform to get there but even across the board you know there's no place for in any sport or any of our society and I've asked people to get across so do you think the message has got across given that they didn't walk off the pitch but you know gather Southgate said a few nice things and you know the game stopped a couple of times to think that even just that will have a slight impact in and take things forward a little bit I hope so I think there's been a lot of media coverage today on what happened the recent figures for example the prison at the dog area resigned after the province to Paul Callan I do question that that's the right decision is it well again how can I say should I think it does straight people are going to accept it and I think that's a lesson so again but a very good about the should there was a horrible whatever the right decision was the decisive things are implemented it's got a lot of media coverage a thing called me and Wright who said he felt being a predator I think because of the coverage he's got other playing players disagreed with that totally We are told you know about the or. If you know that they have declared war would be if you had been more 'd about the players leaving the field of play rather than actually taking place at the start which is really. Thank you very much for taking the time to come on the program tonight nice to talk she like a great little ecstasy you'll see a friend and I like she's in sports sociology and John university was something Jonathan was talking about this morning to think the play is should have well tough to pick she can carry on the conversation 800 trouble 14849 text 13 double 3 star a message with the would you next and. Thanks. To our. The at. The bat C. That. Was that you can do a. B. To. Me. Whole Lawson was armed How long will this last night did you go and see the Elton John film. Didn't I think I'm going to I am going to watch it at the time because I was a bit worried because sometimes he. Can come across as a as a bit of a night's County bit a bit full of himself or whatever I think that was the point of the film to explain why he can be you know a bit. Of Rolls Royces and excessive That's the word I'm looking for and so I didn't go and see it bullets interestingly he's now got a biography out is a memoir and it's cold maybe I'm a think I'm quite interested in reading it's easy 70 to 72. And he's funny a memoir out so we'll find out a little bit more about him maybe make a decision on whether I want to read it next to say 25 past 5. And it seems we have a question of the day halfway which was a scary for you and so the question of the day today is what's the fear the. First have a root Yeah on the 1st of a row you have to go back to school. No no it's. On a on a page in India in a in a bar as the as the sun was going down getting drunk for I'm of the equivalent of like 80 pounds and stupid like that and realizing there was supposedly back at the hotel about 15 mins before they actually picked up by taxi driver guy was of friends that we met and I legit across this page when. I ran like like the wind and played absolutely no attention to this patch of greenery Yeah in the middle of the base I went through it didn't think of what anybody wiser patch of grass on this beach and then found out as you know when you really running and you're coming down with some force Yeah if you go a little it's much as a quite long the outlet from an Indian say well that's not so grain saw I never run so fast I never stand quite so much that I'm glad I asked and I asked a tape time as well one of the chances here what I am southbound entry slip junction 49 a dish with one lead out due to a broken down vehicle they want 6. You got a speed edge on the South Bank from h.b. Down towards changing $40.00 dish with you know what it is a 50 not a care how much in a very slow at the moment as you head through the roadworks the broken down vehicles gone from the mount around Dalton terrace and the a 1655 The road through Scarborough still a bit busy around the queen markets road lights are reckoned probably no more than half a mile in all fairness though the runs I'm not really one for and if we're going a long way so they go anyway give a shout under trouble 14849. Tonight from James Russell will come from 7 b.b.c. Radio York sports. Juliette Lewis b.b.c. Radio York's. Sad to say Elton John is enjoying something of her in a song some in this year alone he's been the subject of the hit film he's played 88 conses and previewed a new Broadway musical based on the hit novel The Devil Wears Prada Well this week he's lifting the kitten on his career and his private life in a new memoir called it finds the star candidly talking about his impoverished opening of the depths of his drug addiction in the 1980 s. He's been speaking to mock suffer each. Year he may have started out recording cover versions for cheap compilation albums but Elton John went on to become the 5th biggest selling recording artist of all time. But according to his new autobiography Elton spent his entire career trying to impress the one person who refused to be impressed. His father I just wanted his approval he's been dead for like 30 years I'm still trying to prove things my dad is crazy but although he didn't really come to the shows or write to me a letter and say well done I don't think he knew how to do in his memoir he describes himself as a shy and naive boy so what's the connection between that child and the flamboyantly dressed extrovert we see on stage Well I think I grew up in the 1950 s. Which was a very conservative age I knew nothing about sex I wasn't taught about sex that was never mentioned to me it was a very different place so I grew up being very shy not being able to wear what I wanted to do will pick issues no they were too disgusting so when I became Elton John it was like a freedom from being who I was as a kid you got to be a teenager in your twenty's essentially Exactly that's what my teenage years happened. I