Transcripts for BBC Radio York BBC Radio York 20170604 17000

Transcripts for BBC Radio York BBC Radio York 20170604 170000

Mv. Radio. Would you believe this stuff from up here folks it's time to turn up the volume internals of Fergie's as we go through the barriers of anxiously we have a wonderful get Michael must walk and some no less a genuine Cockney born within the sound of all bells but don't let that fool you folks who spend most of his life in Yorkshire and looked after us very well on all fronts and he started off with his records and then he worked his car over a penthouse I worked with people like David Bowie you to Sailor Robert Palmer Elvis Costello Ramsey Lewis Ultravox the pirates so can you imagine what a back to his and he had in the world of rock music will shortly meet the great math while concern for your pleasure that's here from his 1st track for your pleasure it's called bold head by Bobby King and Terry Evans who used to work and still work with my friend write code. Well my dear friends and neighbors we're lucky to have wonderful math was concerned was lived in the extraordinary life and done some extraordinary things so it's a big huge welcome to the humble Dr Rock show to my good friend Matt Walken good friends for a long time is also. Something you work with some of the greatest and. We will hear about your work at the penthouse with the world's greatest rock stars in one week you had 3 of the major rock stars in the world absolutely wonderful rights to couldn't buy a musical education like you know a fabulous fabulous and of course you D.J.'s and all that he worked in radio and so on you know how to start for you where you are did you come from London immediately or we my parents were from Scotland there were Scarborough people my dad got a job it finally school if you know finally then finally school when it was 1st built my dad got a job as head of and we came back up when I was a little boy when I was 9 I was a dad I am a citizen about birth I am genuinely. We have already all the time you know Sure well you know you don't want to assume things like that do you know I would like to say I mean Yorkshireman but I still only live for 57 years and. I learned a lot of virtue or was horrible you know what I mean my i.q. . I worked in the East End and in hospitals there Milan also put up. The 1st music lesson because music's dominator life has done mine. The psychiatry said that music occupies more area of the brain than language and you've had one heck of a. Radiation of news having a look you know you're. Grayness you know Boughey I know the place he bought the Loom Ha'aretz Joe Jackson Costello way we could just do all program just mention names just read the list other 695 so really it was the penthouse really wasn't working my Bernadino before you did I actually worked at the shop we mentioned there as records was owned by a guy who actually monies Lindisfarne and he was a Newcastle based shop was records long gone I think so I went to him 1st and then I moved to I was working as a d.j. At the penthouse I just got the job there and I think somebody thought well if you put the 2 and 2 together if he knows a bit about music to be able to sell it to the customers as well so that's great so I spent you know 10 happy is there and a few more working for virgin as well selling records we do have a poster here the penthouse was must be 60 or one of the world's greatest rock stars you worked with all these guys and we look forward to hearing more about you on the program too and what's your next record of choice for this crazy horse as it is sensational like savvy about lovely. Thank. This is Chuck Berry and you're listening to Dr Rock. Digital neighbors my guest is math walk and said to questions. Oh you've experienced this wonderful things but your dad was actually an artist because it does a little about your father and his influence on you he was a he was a very very gifted man when I was a little boy my very 1st junior school was quite skilled calligrapher as well so he used to write the school on his book up. And he taught me to write an entirely And bless his heart he hasn't been long in his grave but he will be turning in if he ever saw how are. You can't read it but he produced this book for the school every year and wrote all the kids' names in it who don't very well one day I remember he actually blotted his copybook literally made a mistake on the page so he had to take it away and recreate the piece of paper with the gilding down the side I think that's the only time I've ever seen him stressed apart from the rest of my life obviously you know the whole of it sets in lack of go up sorry and I but he when he was a young boy in Scarborough he'd he'd come back from the war he obviously had to wait to go there because he was a young guy came out from the war and he was 20 and they sent him off to Paris they gave him a sort of town scholarship to draw so there are. No use to busy Saturday as. He was a wonderful guy and he. Did printing ceramics he wasn't particularly good ceramicist he used to make pottery lizards that went off people's roofs and sell them for a couple of bob you know. Later he grew to back at school. For the Course you. Know what there must have been a moment there was a my life where you heard a certain piece of music. Can you tell us a few years ago. Growing up I lived in a musical household my father was very fond of records nice to take me down he used to water is records and he'd take me down to the shop we lived in Woking and he daughter the case will record now I remember the record it's called you wish what I can't remember is the guy who sang it but I had I'm well aware of it I remember the join his face it was a sort of Ukrainian folk song really fabulous piece of music and we went into the record shop in working to buy and this is the days of modern rockers so there would be all the teddy boys on the corridor with their receipts in the things that they have now their. Shoes were. Sold those are the ones just kick a fly in the eye with those security. And it was that really he had a fantastic collection of what you'll call classical music classical Of course it's just a particular type but then there was all the stuff I listened to with my mom before I went to school with Housewives choice and supply the My mum had a great line in bawdy songs and she knew all of a sudden the skin of a putting came flying through the air. To sing our space blushes down over the Great. Wise it is crazy because Alex Harvey was a very popular guest at the plant club tremendous and he was a guy who sort of would sing rock music but he'd worked in rock'n'roll before and he'd he'd wouldn't Prizes for his singing when he was a young guy. He was yeah yeah his brother was the guitarist in a band called Stone the crows who suddenly was electrocuted on stage but Alex was a showman and he wouldn't just sing rock songs he was sing songs from the musicals and he's bands dressed absolve Clemenson is a good Facebook friend of mine he dressed as a clown and they would all dams. Stage the other white face and the very one way lips guys. The audience loved them absolutely loved it was much older than anybody else. Yeah so you got to get exposed to them he suddenly died young you had a heart attack on his way back from a gig and he was only very very young younger than I am now you're certainly younger than your chosen thank you very much. A resurgence of interest in what he did and people love him to this day and rightly so he worked with the female singer that made a great great version of the big some of the big we here. Sharing. Site. Here. Himself. You know. Why John told us the right time to make Try expanding just that sure will protect the home believe. That. Our system but yet I see it which uses some chicken. With I. Once I know with cheering them. Through me if you know I know you are sight reading. Me Bridge me here said I. Was a. Good thing. Jerry. Got it down same thread which is why you. Got it. Ok not good Friday. I get it you need to. Know I Am. A god Dick. Why is that sound bite we. Won't. Know about you know I feel like you are trying with. Cheese fish job. Easier for you know what I know you know sight read only right but . I mean bridge you hear. About people. Dying. You know you know. That was death by Sheriff and brought in by I guess the wonderful mass Well I like this time I'm wonderful I'm great. Just a normal guy who's been very very. You know. Great lifting. Just lovely Yeah and join all this music so. Just as before you got into. His records. To them. Wasting my life I think. A life is never wasted you know. Manufacture let's just say I work for a well known sweet manufacturer I was I was not particularly diligent when I was. Even call even of a city it's called that now but it was called a public thank you and I was asked to leave twice. Through my life but I was told several for them too lazy I think. Grant money on beer. I think a lot of students do but I'm honestly not the 1st one but I got a job with what was then scarper corporation. As a. Sort of the Discovery Corporation comes in a moment 1st of all I got a job with a sweet manufacturer who hired me to move 3 tons of men new. Obviously. On the side of caution when I describe it but it was actually one of the loveliest. Yeah I worked in the greenhouse. I was just a turn of at work fill a wheelbarrow full of this. This is. A rest it's a well known but York sweet company as as ours was and they had a sort of. Close we are you know they had a convalescent home in Scarborough for this stuff. Very well was fantastic it was a fabulous stately beautiful stay home. As it was similarly the. Building to get all the food and yet the bacon sandwiches and sweets. You've brought in another wonderful records are really enjoying the music so far Marcia walk on gilded splinters by written by Dr John. Was a character is a tremendous person. Them Changes by Buddy Miles and it sound as though Jimi Hendrix play the little bit of guitar there I did meet Jimi Hendrix with 2 or 3 times actually purely by accident I went to see literature this fella come along called themselves Morris jazz but he got to see that the regime was columns of Jimi Hendrix and he wanted to borrow $5050.00 you know that's the way the world goes round I didn't have 50 dollars on me so I couldn't help him up going to be the place I thought he was very restless he wasn't one of these guys that could talk at all he was. Drawn on some of these people do stuff and you expect them to do other things as well you know he plays the good stuff obviously he's not necessarily a great conversationalist. As we must go back to your music no. I just know you when you. Started the records and then on to Bernstein records. What were you really tuned into that time Wow Well you know I was brought up on a great disparate sort of. Music anyway so what I because I think like every other I make Well yeah like I was a great listener as a jump eel You know my dad. Listen to this this is for people with this program yeah. I did and it was fantastic but I also used to listen to Radio Luxembourg and I couldn't afford to buy records in the same way as my pals at school because my metabolism tight but he didn't approve of them so he'd give me a bit of pocket money and I'd buy ones with a copy artist's playing on instead of going to the word. Mine came from familiar high street chemist. Top 6 records they were the sort of forerunner of those top of the polls. Well they were Ok they're all right they did for me to learn the words. You know you've chosen Steve Miller for your next record There's a d.j. Fountain and your favorite program and also mine is Dr Rock that's very kind of d.j. Fun time and I used to plays drums on Hound Dog and. M s m and Germany and. Doing the interview was such amazing stories with lots of we had to talk about it and it looked like we. We must look more at into your development. Yes Dr. You got a job with the. President that was a fantastic I just hope i course the penthouses is directly while I was there part music venues of all time actually is in the country as well as anywhere else but it tended to get overlooked because. The blasts people calling just qualify as people call it people call him Pete he was Peter Adams and he was only are you doing is great but he subsequently became known as. Peter said No I'm Or he. Respected him I called him right so who when he opened this place he opened this place for people who didn't want to wear shirts and ties. And the one time he did where he was told to smarten up by the ruby. On the door he said put a tie on so you know he was pulling down the stairs by the Tyson Hora tie again. He opened this summer using club in 969 and I think he's 1st well Peter sussed it was one of them I know I did go to my lovely and deed and he was interviewed him many many years later he was a he was a lovely guy was fantastic but the caliber of the acts the type of acts changed and this was we're talking about 969 I was just a young lad and he had a poster competition which I thought all interest and I ended but I was too young to when he said you know you you would have had 1st prize because you know old enough so I had to wait 6 months to go and collect my prize and it was worth it and I started to go in more and more after that and the d.j. Who was there at the time just said could you would you mind just put it up me a pile of records that would you mind just putting these on while I go and talk to my girlfriend and I said well that's. And I loved it when you got the I got the bug I saw how he Gratian on television the other day lowering and stylus a needle onto a record and it was masterful and I thought he knows what he's doing well Larry Russian lives here in the UK so he might be listening in here at a time I don't know about that I will take it again I would take lessons from him it's a lost cause is the cause of all that we have to juggle stuff here. We move on to the next record now because there's so many wonderful records there coppers and brass is that one gay scene and we hear that we may. the posse hold that party all was the phrase he all really was means but they sell its author as he did Jack what it wonderful guitarist as well and the there's only him that that's slowly and I think keeps the mind there's so many different strokes as I heard that 1st on jumpiness program and I took that I died got a hold of it I got a stint on the pill and well only a few years ago going to focus and I took that down along with a lot of other things to play doing I was going to stand up and sort of do this the story of what was totally right we had because because he could not it was me unbeknown to me how to run out of power so I had to stand there and speak for an hour instead but it was great it's great that's great. So now we move on we must share the pain task of the so many great things I mean there and but you did worry did you just jump a little bit for a minute because it did work for. Mr virgin themself I know Richard Branson Yeah many many years later though I worked for yeah and I'm skipping here by are here now what was he like an interesting character I would say the company that he he sold quite a lot of his virgin company to a guy from the other side of the penance to have a party once a year I love island home in the Caribbean think I might buy it up to sell my prices you know nobody's virgin logo was actually done created by Brian Cook who Enos of. Sudden rolls along and it's a beautiful. Sunny John Hart for the cause is no longer with us a few years ago now but he used to. Filled visit time yeah some Anderson he had this sort of the group he was with he was with the kind of oh he's worked with the Dillard's as well. Hartford and Bellagio and he was a great song Smith but of course all these people we very sad when they leave us but they leave us with a great body of work as well as and that's just the beauty of working when using is not the time to be alive when all this music work and that's what I was very lucky and I certainly you know I couldn't have bought a musical education like that yes I wasted my time at schools and colleges and so on a lot of them got to work with all these amazing people and to have all those names to drop when the Ring company is going to have to literally yes I think Joy so far not you probably in the most delightful music and I think it really is a very biased going to if I may play one of my favorite artist artist I'm in now a gold. To keep up with Matt's choice of this will fit in very nicely. My name is Alan Ball You're listening to Charles white doctor rock. Radio thank you so much sir I learned that a big thank stars to men there would keep me God I just brought that in just a channel my dear friend Matt was a wonderful d.j. And a great musician but I can think of at least that nice it's the one thing I'm actually not Charles is I have not a musician I can't play I can't read music I once was asked by my wife and several others to do the narration for peace are in the world. And if you can't read music you still have the conductor blesses how brought me in their own moment and forgot to turn the microphone I was when we had to start all over again I. And I knew. What a great honor and what a great piece of music to do as well so I could face it if I come for a musical family but madman I went to see limelight with Charlie Chaplin she could come back and play the themes dress a great gift I mean that as a guest I have to do was the same but I'm afraid that just by the record. That's that's me you see when people say they play anything I say his records cds but you can say that when it's digital You know I play the silicon chip. A little further. So we continue on with Ali Baba next Alabama's comedy I did I'm going to have enough of this played at my funeral when they send me down the fiery slope if indeed they do that is bozo dog with a great bombed. Out Found me have. Shown a. Life. Like. Martin. Luther King. The. 3rd. Yes. Satellites come a. Long chalk talk the practice tests. Long. Cold. Dark. Alleys. Run a mile a mile teleporting naturally. And I. Suppose. Probably. Look. Like labor that was only about. Dogs. And then any of those great fun great fun you know I'd grab a piece of silly music I chose that's really from listening to how so. Choice because that I think was possibly Henry Hall if you have a listener who is as old as. Henry Hall I don't know but from that time anyway the bombs as a cause. Silly and artistic things are very big ideas through your life and play wonderful records let's go back to the bird even though there's a bit about what look you work in a record shop you meet all sorts of people you really do that's not bringing alchemy in the same breath as that because he was wonderful entrepreneur as well in Scarborough still is his best scene what I think he did and that was the best artists in the world. Of the band on all the rock artists but he brought the other people in and you know Kenny Rogers is of this world and he had a super club and again I have a cousin who lives on the outskirts of York who was his photographer for a long time and took some fantastic shots of these places Malcolm is a great very gifted guy and he rebuilt that club in Scarborough where lot of people used to enjoy in the 1960 s. And I went to work for him after I'd worked at the record shop I just decided after 10 years I fancied to change and asked him if he got a job going and so did a bit of flair and style good perception of the endurance troll Yeah he would always check these things out 1st to see if they were and if they were he would go with them if it didn't work he wouldn't go with them so he knew we had a straight line you absolutely know the answer and if we if we had an idea go ahead of us if we have or want to buy a nightclub we would 1st look at the toilets and if the toilets were O

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