So a. Summer night some live in Newton John and John the Travolta Pethick night and I think I'm looking forward to that the focus I is going to be getting all the cute so looks as if for once in my life I don't need to take too many will be pleased to keep me warm through the Save me. The safe guess with the said I had a bit of a hairy journey into the into the studio has been sitting in traffic the well I get there until i'm so well that anyone visiting South Wales is going to be familiar with a very popular 2 magpies bakery on the high street but now the business has expanded taking on to more shops one and all and one on the A $12.00 from Rebecca Bishop launched the business 6 years ago and joins me now good afternoon good afternoon and I said the sort of religious. That you've decided to start expanding so much is that fair yes I think for. A number of years we were fine with just Southwold and the business was growing within sight then for a couple of years we were obviously ready to expand because we were busting at the seams in the bakery. And then yes about a year ago well just about over we started to think well we either need to have another production sites or we need to have a production site combined with another shopping cafe or we need to do something because we haven't enough from from the makers and pastry chefs all over so how does it work between the 3 premises then because the one most recent acquisitions in it yes and that's become our main production bakery say oh that's where that's all my that's where it's all happening Yes And and then on our 2 sites in South weld and you know. We have a chef and a kitchen on site so they We've got a lovely cafe menu and we're basically supplying those 2 shops with all the product that we make every day and deliver fresh every day to. All bread and Southfield and so people can go in and buy a product but I would also say either in the restaurant as well as C.S.A. It's a shop and a cafe selling on our products Yes So is it true this started just because you quite like banking on your own kitchen table ridiculously Yes everything. I I was I've always loved food to be honest I'm the sort of place never. Let you know isn't I learned to love baking It's not fair oh no I love food I must be a very very good person Yeah I sort of think about food probably about 90 percent of my day. Yeah I'd always love to cook always loved reading my speed books and tasting new food in different countries and then I got a bit hooked into making bread and that took a bit of a sideways step into sourdough which is. As anyone knows who he's into saddo it's quite a journey. It can be tricky it takes a bit of trial and error and I just was totally hooked to the process which made me think I would love to own a bakery and make makes out of bread and that naturally went into cakes and all those other things to my wife did it so to build I mean that's a big thing isn't it to just say OK let's open a bakery and we do the but when you the person making the bread when you know my ex-husband was the one making the bride I actually supported him for a year or 2 to go and train to be a baker and during that year I kind of tried to teach myself pastry because the plan was that I would be the pastry element self-taught there and and then he would bring the bread out and then 10. And I think if we had known really what was involved in running a bakery probably we wouldn't have done it but you do these things in life don't you way you just launch yourself in. And yeah so so that was it and we kind of what really show how popular it would be at 1st and we you know we hoped obviously it would be successful but we had no idea how well it would be received in South Wales so we were busy from the off but you know we opened I think on Good Friday in 2030. Yeah it was it was stolen from the beginning. So yes I thought I would say that I'm very much self-taught and I've learnt by trial and many errors that this was some ways as you say it's a bit of a naïve start is that it is as you say you wouldn't have done it but then living on the way is also a really good way as long as it doesn't the Iraqi We all knew some of the things that we were going to do in life and we knew what they might involve that we would stop ourselves doing an awful things I actually probably being a little bit naive and you know I just. Taking the plunge it's paid off and it was a good thing and I think over the 6 years you say you've done pretty much every job through the business summit Yes So that's really good as that was one of the owners of the business as well to understand it fully Yes so the person I started the business with he left after about a year so that was on a personal and business level massively steep learning curve. They were it was quite dramatic at the time but I am not a giver upper So I realized then I would have to learn every aspect of the business because I was busy it was just me so I I learnt all the bad side I mean I obviously already had that background passion for bread and knowledge but hadn't done it sort of in the bakery so I worked with my bakers at the time and became sort of you know proficient and and part of that team obviously I still have my pastry team which I was working with. And then obviously as any business I know would now there's all sorts of gaps that you have to fill along the way so as the team grew and I was able to sort of release myself from the hands on day to day of every working in every section back of house I would then start to become front of house so I would be working you know behind the till and and then as all the buying elements and obviously you know just managing stock in every aspect of the business. So through that time obviously still running the shop a side of Old Thank goodness you've got 2 to rather that put a 3 there on that one no no you know for a long time I definitely it was enough just to get to grips with that business and. You know took on many staff who were hugely involved in forming that team but you know I would be regularly asked I don't think even a day would go past when somebody wouldn't say you know when you can open the next one can. We have it here can we have it there and I would always say you know I'm not quite ready or yes but in a little bit of time just give me some time to get this one under control and. And then I because I was single I was dating and I met Steve Magno who is now my husband on that sofa before he was. Yes So he obviously had much more business expertise than I had and so 1st of all he started working in the business he was in Peter's with me one day a week and picking up a lot of the business side and a sort of working with the team and he loved being in the business so we took the plunge actually at about the same time that we bought last year where he is now full time in the business and say he is very much instrumental in right OK Well we're going to take this business to the next level and so that's what we've done so I think if you that isn't it. To see moving up at a loss maybe as well and actually for me it's it's it's amazing because the thing that I love about the business is the product. And the you know developing new ideas and the look of the business and all the creative side because that's my background. And now I get to do that with Steve how much the sort of business side of things SIDE OF A Yeah and so we make a really good team together but it's it's just give me the opportunity to be able to sort of love the business so what are you what are your was the products that people come in for aside that bread is is really popular these days is no I mean it's all about the sort of silly thing that side of things is yes I mean to be honest all of our food is sly food because we make everything from scratch we don't we don't buy any sort of ready made products and everything we produce is made on site every cake every pastry every sick. ARSENAULT require a lot of this through all those products that we can buy because just because one of many and I'm just been asked a number this is because you must buy them I mean bread is done every day as it is also for the cans must be done on a we have to be there we have a production the cakes are done no more of a production cycle so. Choose the next Wednesday's world sometimes it's not really we do we have the same we have a sort of seasonal range that is what you can expect pastry wise in our shops sort of through the summer say and then we'll tweak in the autumn and again in the spring. So that is more of a production element in the chefs come in and they know what we need to make more often and then through the week they will be producing those those cakes and pastries the bread side is a little bit more. Not tricky to manage but it's different in that the bread is made and baked every single morning and it goes out to the shops you know freshly baked a couple of hours before. And that requires planning and the team working in a different way to the pastry section. Because mix all of our bread at least 24 hours if not 40 hours on some of our bread days before they're all long fermented say they mix them and so it does yeah a long time. Yeah and the famine Taishan happens over time in a cold environment rather than fast in a woman Vironment So it's that it's a long process and I guess I quite big quantities it's not like my kitchen they've got a bowl of this there with a tea towel over another one over there or has. To be like that for me to know I do occasionally make sort of small trial batches and bake at home but so I tend to just go on a larger scale in the bakery so some of the popular breads or more unusual ones. Because I mean our most popular is. Price. Which is a mix of. A wheat and rye and a wholemeal flour. Great flavor. And it's it's really tasty bread does it does it is it hard to get it the same every time because fomentation and so on the temperatures and things like that middle make it did yes I mean that is one of the skills of our bakers and the things that we need to take into consideration on a seasonal and daily basis is that you know as the temperature changes and water temperature let's say the water coming out the tap at the moment is 15 degrees whereas in the winter you know it might be 2 or 3 and so we have to make adjustments in all of our mix on a daily basis so that we end up with the right final day temperature and have you start or whatever every. One else has that So now we were given that. When I well we were given basically a tiny little bit of starter culture by a friend of a friend when we open the bakery and you know as I sort of regularly tell people you know this purported to be a San Francisco starter but so does everyone's And then obviously became a Southwold starter in live and then obviously we've moved to darsham and now it's starting because it's all about the wild geese that are in the air in the environment where the bread is made you can actually do your own can't the thing I have to. Water is. That it's all natural fermentation the. Water Minister do you really think if this is a key question if you heard about the you know I haven't heard what you're going to pass itself not biscuits all cases OK so there is a question tell me what the question is which is your favorite form of exercise so they have to hunt it OK. Get a lot of time for actual formal axis 5 but when I 2 I like to do yoga. But I see plenty of other exercise but it's probably not for. Me the isn't there anyway it's fairly physical. Talk about that you can brag. About that one. My guess. The A 11 looking very same both directions on the. Through the roadworks area not really helped by the closure of Brandon road in the. Usual queues on. Road crawling on Yarmouth road. Just before the. Road. Junction 57 looking to public transport nothing to report today but just a reminder this weekend. On. The B.B.C. Radio travel and. Give me 801412121. Really Radio. If you want to join us tomorrow you're going to need to be extremely quick I need to have your entries by 4 o'clock today otherwise it'll be too late tonight but we'll be there and you can hear how we got on on the breakfast show on Monday Moshe ties for you then on this Friday afternoon just left to know what you're up to over the weekend Lisa Morris says. Nurseries have got an open weekend 40 Years celebrations and the Anglin organics all comic book scheme in East Anglia they've got the polytunnel launch on fresh infield right in met failed all Saturday and on Sunday. This is something I had doing he went to this new business clip on climate they open the door was apparently tomorrow he says that some are but this is where you can go climbing walls you can also hang on and throw yourself off but it clips on he says I got exclusive access yesterday and it is incredible fun for all ages I recommend everyone checks Graham went along and had a trial himself so you could do that this weekend or you could be with John and Westlake his going to have coffee. The bishop on her birthday side to him by staying right Jill says Can I mention that concert on Saturday is Blythe and I decided to Elizabeth hospice 7 pm in the evening I go to some as Evening Concerts up lives but church. This weekend is going to Hampton Court watching on telly the flash and the amazing pies did it once and the place itself is beautiful there's lots of walking today but a brilliant place to get Mark have a great weekend and how many cups is going to be playing with long elfin solo band right corner fights that's tomorrow at 1 o'clock really promised. Oh oh come on the truck. Was. Cut. Cut cut cut. Cut. Cut. Cut down on the deal directly. With Brendon Urie and 28 minutes past 3 Friday afternoon I'm here with you through till 4 o'clock Celeste and before we get to Steve a false start. With you between $64.00 and $6.00 as always in the 1st talking television with the. Unmoored summer's got a look at some of the concerts and gigs are going to be on over the weekend all the day in detail from 5 o'clock off to 6 he's going to be meeting Charles McCoy who is one of the stars of this weekend's maverick festival at Easton Farm Park I was going to say for this band to mention that the maverick festival was so blessed so many events musically across the county festival happening this weekend and if you won those tickets to that event with us on dolphin starts drop me an email next week to let me know how you got on 710 Georgie Jamieson She's a busy over the weekends it's have big night in tonight she's going to be asking what she favorite musical Lucy film and stage assistant choreographer for big musicals like Mamma Mia is going to be talking about a hell of a fair was singing and dancing on stage and screen and it's funny isn't that people who don't like classical music still do like the music from the from the shows as well in conversation with Georges Chrissie Moore the creative team coordinator at Don's East they done mazing work Jenny from unseen Suffolk talks about their production tree of dreams and the Hazelwood dance studio celebrating their 20th don't show this weekend at the Theatre Royal embarrassment up and see a lot of the big night in with Georgie from 7 with you at 10 o'clock my guest with us on the sleigh 1st on the sofa we mislead. B.B.C. Radio Suffolk Rebecca bishop from 2 magpies bakery which now has 3 premises Southwell dollars from Oprah on the most the most recent come back and talk about some of the plans that you've got there because I know it involves people going along let me add. But I think we need to pick you pick brains and find that a bit more about you and I know him not originally from Suffolk not an hour Not now honey you said you loved cookery books and that's because I think you've travelled around the world your dad was in the army so you've probably foods in all sorts of countries I think I have and probably took it for granted at the time but I. It probably did open up massive curiosity to eating different things than just trying random foods Yes I think got sent to boarding school at sums they did you try lots of different schools when you're a young girl yes I went to I think some ridiculous number of schools actually before I actually went to boarding school at age 9 but yeah time to boarding school and I actually didn't really enjoy it so I I think at the time when you're at boarding school. You just got to get your head down and some people enjoy it and some don't I think with hindsight I'm I quite like my own company I like my own space I like quiet time and you know I think probably that was the thing that would maybe be the most unhappy at boarding school probably not the school itself it just didn't suit my personality so I was glad to could never get away from everyone and yeah I would have to share a room yeah I think yeah all economy you know all commune no yeah yeah yeah did the moving around let's help you learn how to get to know people quite quickly you know I think it probably did and I will say you know when I went to boarding school at 9 my parents living in Germany so literally from that 1st Christmas holidays getting on a plane flying to Germany at that point I think they had universal aunts that would meet got put on the train in Lancaster get off at Euston then taken across London and left at the airport find the plane you know and it's just incredible when you think about it now but and then that progressed my parents living in Hong Kong and by that point I would just literally be put on the train in Lancaster and go to Hong Kong by myself just yesterday as I was just you know what what people did but I'm quite self for lighting and it probably did give me the confidence to do. This it does miser when you think about it there was a bit as well and I know you. Always loved up but you didn't do the cheesed was it you didn't choose it or it wasn't chosen for you is your 1st job I always loved art and English at school I was always I was I'm still not good at math and math and science this were not my strong suit so when I left school I had planned to go to college and had a place on a foundation course and then went back to Hong Kong for the summer holidays I didn't do as well in my own tailor was I kind of had been predicted could still have gone to our college but it kind of knocked my confidence and I decided I would take a gap here and in which time I started working in gyms than teaching aerobic stream to Jane Fonda. Yes So I was I was sort of going working in lots of different gyms and teaching sort of weightlifting and all that stuff and that was a big passion for mine. So then I decide to go to sports degree instead of just one of his sort of left field things so I came back to the U.K. And did as force to Grace what's management degree. Yet and then left college and carried on with some teaching but I got married quite soon after I left university and had 3 children just like just like that so after that I did carry on with the teaching of the aerobic spot I quite like that it didn't the children didn't see in which children but I you know I would always do creative stuff in my spare time as well so there was always that element kind of going on it was and being a stay at home mum as well is great you know you can you've got time within within the children's day to be able to pick things up and and I was always always knitting and sewing and painting and decorating and whole that's with stuff so it's so simple when they were older that was when you decided that you were going to go and train and do that as a. Yes And then I was always decorating I was decorating friends. Business around here creating his nursery out so then I thought Right OK well this maybe this is the thing that I want today so. I went on as a woman's back to work City and Guilds course and I did m