Transcripts for BBC Radio Stoke BBC Radio Stoke 20180321 230

Transcripts for BBC Radio Stoke BBC Radio Stoke 20180321 230000

Radio still. B.B.C. News that 11 I'm more Alderson the pilot of a jet which crashed at the sure Masha in West Sussex in 2015 is to be charged with manslaughter 53 year old Andrew Hill will appear in court next month Simon Ringrose of the Crown Prosecution Service announced the charges following a careful review of the evidence I have found that there is sufficient evidence to charge Andrew Hill with the manslaughter by gross negligence of the 11 men who died I have also authorized a further charge against Mr Hill of endangering an aircraft the founder and chief executive of Facebook has made his 1st public comments about the crisis involving the British firm Cambridge analytics and the alleged misuse of personal data Mark Zuckerberg says his site made mistakes Dave Lee reports he described the situation as a breach of trust between Cogan the man who made the app came as analytic of the company that process that data and Facebook a mug shot by went on to say there's also a breach of trust between Facebook and the people who share their dates with us and expects us to protect it we need to fix that so that's his message to his users Crucially though and I think this is a big point he didn't apologize no apology to the 2000000000 users of Facebook also he didn't address one key complaint here that it's taken this long to acknowledge the problem a majority of health unions say they'll recommend their members back the government's pay offer to more than a 1000000 N.H.S. Staff in England under the deal workers would receive between 6 and a half and 29 percent over 3 years with the lowest paid staff benefiting the most but in the G.M.B. Says they don't think it's enough we welcome the fact that the government is busting the pick up but 53 percent of the total N.H.S. Workforce is only going to see a 6.5 percent pay increase over 3 years put that against what inflation has been a look like over the last 3 years which is around about 9.3 percent we see this is a real term pick up the N.H.S. Workers rushes react. Boris Johnson compared Russia's staging the football World Cup to Hitler hosting the Olympics in Nazi Germany in 1936 a Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman says the foreign secretaries comments are unacceptable the Archbishop of Canterbury has told an inquiry into child abuse that he's ashamed of the Church of England the Most Reverend Justin Welby says listening to 3 weeks of evidence about abuse in the church has left him horrified the inquiry is looking at abuse that took place in the diocese of Chichester in Sussex television presenter McPartland's being charged with drink driving following his arrest on Sunday in south west London he'll appear in court next month I.T.V. Has confirmed that his presenting partner Declan Donnelly will host the programme Saturday night take away without him. And look at the weather it will be dry for much of England and Wales on Thursday more hazy sunshine and some fire weather coming later in the day top temperatures of between 10 and 12 degrees Celsius B.B.C. News It's 3 minutes past 11. Junction 15 in Northampton junction 14 and. Taken out of the middle lane one through 3 head south air traffic though seems to be coping not too badly I don't the West Midlands trail this evening a trespass incident a church has some delays and cancellations between Redditch and Longbridge this evening that's the latest. Features. A head of. News. Given to the can from. A. These are. The reasons he she. Says before she was. Thinking it's good. To. Know. The facts. She. Was the one. Who Sued. The. Come. Come. Come. You. Can't. Please. Please. Please. Please. Note the was. Supposed. To. Feature Liza steady growth with. A. Sweet sweet. 7 7 love. To stick around for the love song. Songs find. The songs but you can pass. Your message with. I'm livin thing B.B.C. Radio. Led. To lead the 11 years ago a area the at. This . Club. Based on a supposed a 10 to one lane a friend trying to lead electric line talk astray and a living thing I am. Only States night hates who is this I tell you I work hard tell you it's not the wrong guesses that have come in so far Donald Trump Michael Flatley Michael bublé Howard kill Richard Branson Bob Hope Gerald Butler Tom Cruise Red Adair George Hamilton Bryan Adams George Clooney Dermot Morgan Paul Simon Clint Eastwood Liam Neeson Harrison Ford Killian Murphy the as Robert De Niro Tom Hanks William Shatner Brendan O'Carroll Larry Hagman Jeff Goldblum are now Hanlon Tom Jones Robin Williams they're all wrong who do you think it is then I tell you I work hard we play Monday to Thursday around about this time no prizes just for fun need to get your onscreen by 11 The anywhere except announcers on the phone do not text in email but you can call them when you call except only the 1st 10 callers throw with a different name and when you come on air I have to accept the 1st name that you give to me when I go to nights were about to find us a lot of people reckon they know who it is. Starts in Dobie and sure on your in the top Iran hospital is all right. Oh not too good at the moment then. A Comin because it was something stopping me a broken ankle mending probably after about 6 days have been in a got flu all same value suffered in the moment a little bit I've been in nearly almost busy 2 weeks tomorrow to be 2 weeks but not going to let me go and tomorrow being well nice Alan Yeah you're off home yeah well well done Sure and thanks for taking the time to call me on the right we have not spoken before is that right. Now I listen to your last year when I was in here for 21 weeks Iraq course and nearly ended up dying right. Sadly But anyway well his have another nice anyway that's. New Sure let's now get going in the hospital again when you go out tomorrow will you pay not on the men men that's more likely. Rather than give me a name who's this I tell you I work hard who say I don't think I don't think I'm going to be there when I say this to gentlemen of 40 of my right all live in real colonel all real Oliver North Oliver North. Why. Why that was the thing is just for some reason he came back into my memory when I had the full it's OK. You know confident No because you've said so much in the makes me think it was. What I said. I don't know what I said that he said well everyone is the horse will know I'm. Right and you tell a memory test so you think people know all of the northeast that we don't know I don't follow remember him. All right let's see if you're right or wrong Oliver North No I didn't think it was going to be after what you said All right well listen. Yeah Thank you Graham bye bye right and left to Clinton now Mark Heller Mark. How you want them on them and just check out our check in January. So you can better yet to stanch according. I'm getting a lot you know I mean to an exercise question. Exercise class you know you take it easy when you know you got a good man take care yeah right thinking Amy is this I tell you I work hard he said Marc policy teacher when you join Good morning to. You still a lot. Less. OK how long you been thinking. About the last meal actually probably got grandchildren you know. Trying to fit in look it's not yet good. Douglas. That look. You take it easy mark right. McKayla McKayla high Graham are you saying when you're very good you've got a lovely voice of New Right but if you've been up to today. To say party party party but it's been a very normal when they sort of they said good or bad it's all good really listen it's looking up next week or right because we change the clocks it's getting to Easter weekend next weekend as well so yes hopefully springtime is coming along gradually very very gradually every minute it gets closer deceased I would like but very much. How many people are sick to death the winter now it's gone on forever Well I'm one of them that's mates who as well had a holiday last week as well Blimey rather me who says I tell you I work hard who's that Mackellar when I think it's exactly Hugh Jackman. One. Well. Having seen his latest film and it was filming this I realize he's an Australian actor but so I'm a little bit that's all but abstract told me to go have some confidence because I just give it again. That's my life right there might have been a dry ball Wednesday barely having a go right easy Hugh Jackman. I. Already can to take care and you were off to over now Marangella engine cardiogram you OK yeah make yourself not too bad when I'm feeling really confident oh yeah all right I'm going Who's this I tell you I work hard. Sorry I've got a long day today so this morning I was up and you have to go to Northampton to a funeral and I've seen a lot. About 6 die Rowley's and it was now it's almost time for bed now that. You know about an hour yeah I'm really confident with something on the WHO's it because I'm thinking out of the box I think it might be soggy from Goodness Gracious Me and you pass GO Yeah go on. I'm going got I'm going on Roy I am going to write. Sanjay of Basque I know it's not so yeah I run. Quickly how are you tonight I'm fine thank you get it what have you been up to today well I'm currently standing by the back door because the dogs just decided he wants to go out oh I sometimes think oh it's that time of night is it. OK So you're standing there waiting for the dog to come in. Right well hopefully won't be long that I do hope not thanking him self on a tour of the dog I was a great dog. But. If I think I have a size 2 stuff in business improv anyway right I think you know who's this I tell you I work hard who said Margaret I think it might be Kevin Kline Kevin Kline you know why but because he did that years ago he did the film days when he played the American when he was to do American presidents and he made a speech in it which has an accent like that it's probably totally wrong but it was my 8th of a guess his name. Kids but all you write is you Kevin Kline. But I'm glad you had to guess and glad you found me or I'm a pseudo back in your yes even I hope you all can you go back upstairs and since you in the walk you do that. By Robert off to tile Hill now and Jeff and Jeff now load time ago and yes I don't even know my cat so never mind the dog. I do know I'm fine I think I got that anyway where you been up to today. Not a loss. Not follow. Stablished and then who's this I tell you I work hard who suggest. I think it's Robert Horton the cowboy actor. Because I had his autograph as a child. And you shall we don't now are near Yeah yeah. The. Congress Theater I think any said give me books I'm not signing it. Very much I don't like in right so you think Robert Horton I think it's probably gotten similar. From what I can train you you're wrong I'm sure I am yes thanks Jeff thank somebody go run ahead Lester now Irene Hello Irene Hello Graham how are you spoke before if we know we haven't know where you've been hiding and we're just listening oh how how new. Part $23.00 weeks OK So you found us and you like to spend the. Last slice and I will walk along I've only been here 6 years he's taken a bit of time it was. When we got there in the end rather than listening and now constantly for the last 8 days because this is driving me mad like time when you activate believe me and what if you're relatively new listener you won't know that the record he is right 19 minutes we when one financial night my goodness yes got a long way to go yet you know. Unless you get it right of course right then who says I tell you I work hard who salary right I think it's Patrick Bergen the actress the actress already said again Patrick Patrick Bergen. Confident. On a stick my neck out and say 100 percent oh good he's about bourbon rather no less well that's on my mind I think of another one and also needs more and unless something gets here I've got 2 to go yes yes but not if not find me tomorrow right I will do that but the runner up to stop for them and a fellow Dave. How are you tonight I'm very well saying Sure it's a busy night for you in the taxi business. Medium. Still raining when I came in it was raining and cries about not any rain this way. And I'm standing by the back door because I want to go out. And get on with it and who's this I tell you I work hard if that Dave Well I'm glad I'm not very confident about 40 percent but I think it sounds a bit like David Hasselhoff the half. It might be is only a long shot A.Z. David Hasselhoff No it's not oh sorry Dave you're really stumped on this one keep on going oh you can go outside our US THANK YOU have been crossing no extra here and given it by rough start now Maggie Hello Maggie Hello there how are you oh yeah I'm fine thank you hi you good what you been up to today. I'd rather a nice day I mean my head on that long oh OK Does that mean going to be sleeping with your head in the anything else sitting up right system let's have a look to dance I better call me I have been going in. Such a great feeling is now you know when you well know weather's been so whimsical I mean the one many deep the sunshine in the next thing it was a howling bill is full of. Spring pumps don't know whether there are some real awful. Sometimes they're in the snow sometimes they're back with a little paddles open so we don't have a climate in this country anymore we have weather. A Not very good weather by the sounds of things on how well it's been a LONG AS and it just it's gone on for ever ever if I hear anybody moaning about the 2 days of heat we possibly can have this summer yeah I'm going to be annoyed right thank you name who says I tell you I work hard who's that Maggie I'm not very confident because I'm never speak only sing right when Campbell Glen Campbell. Yeah you know confident No not at all nice have more. Is a Glen Campbell. They're all there you go change my gait OK but we're going to get see Newcastle and line a mark mark high gram married and not spoken with or believes and we have no no OK Eunice knew you been listening for a while and for a while so what you been up to that today in the north and really you know we're. Just taking life E.C.S. Well you know. Yes well I'll take that as a yes right then who says I tell you I work hard. I've got an inkling ID If I could become a super vet the superfast. If you got a name for me no. Yeah. You forgot his name the soup of S. You turn the whole thing big. Fitzpatrick. OK that's about. Right. Will people that you see working hard. Working harder but you still have that means to. That means and the wake. If you don't get it. Next week. I need you to work very hard who. Work hard. me Stories music a slight nightmare in charge of my after 11 guess now is John Noble he's a postman and he's been doing the same route and Lester from nearly 40 years he's got snow every one of the 356 families who delivers to on his route and as you will hear he's never failed to get a piece of mail to the right person in 4 decades Wow. I want to delights for him to join me on the program right now John thank you very much indeed for coming on to the program tonight OK thank you very much Grant Now you clearly by your actions not reach me from less just tell me a little bit about your family background and if you can then show well I originally come I was born in Scotland and a place called Open which is on the West Coast a lovely little seaside town and as I say I joined a Royal Mail straight from school and through my running which I did right throughout my my school days Royal Mail had a loss for worked on day I was never ever at work up in openness I was always doing races for Royal Mail to in 1981 they transferred me down to less to because it was easy being in the Midlands to do all the races Well when you were up at home in Oban and there was you with a with the moment dad my brother to your child with a happy to see your formative years in Ogun Yes it was a fantastic as a sea I've got such a clear mind I can remember it all and when I go up the I now there's House sees in the fields we're just like everything there's redevelopment but I remember the good old days so yes it was fantastic. So you find your way down to Leicester then through 3 running I'll believe you wanted to be a P.T. Just aren't That's right I was going to go to Jordan Hill College ing Glasgow but there was waiting list and this job came up as a postman and I thought Obama will keep me fit and also keep my running going as well because at that time I never knew that Royal Mail had to Mark's porch attached to is. All right so you will this is a good opportunity to get involved in and as you said role model that she apart from doing the job for all mile and she got you to do a lot of running in being where you were in Scotland was possibly not the right part of the U.K. To be in to be taking potshots Shrike Glasgow you see was a 100 miles farther down the city and that was in these days there was only 2 trains so if you went down for a resort or anything like that and it wasn't always Glasgow but if you went for a race it was actually the getting by would probably take you 2 days in these days and of course in the middle and Lefroy is a great sense of fronting isn't it well that's right although on No actually the caliber of the this student is on the run our set last for all is a night deal base so all I wanted in my life just to go from there well did you give up the idea of being a P.T. Teacher Yes I think as I said before seemed to be as if it was more the running on the sport and the outdoor passion so if you could get actual which I'm also very a people passionate love to talk to people and different things like that but that was was the main thing so the running was actually I sometimes see that I've never had a job it's actually I've been a paid runner I couldn't. All my life really you know I just love my job so much back and switch off and then do my running so you've got one actually compensates for the other because if you think about it you never ever stiff after a race because the next easy you walk around your delivery and you walk the race off so it keeps you fit I think was a mole in it that for everybody Willie's Yes and you may you wife Helen who's from chest to through the role model as well just tell me about if you can wear what is on offer really down to earth pass and always look after anybody so I was actually helping train new entrants. And the idea is that most people would just maybe send them on the way with a heavy bag but I didn't do that I would actually help the passion train them slowly so they got the better training and then see my future wife she actually went into a different part of the business and then she worked her way out to pasture nail but when I met her a few years after that she says I really didn't like the heavy bags that you gave me so I think she's got a role in back now. And they're all parallels between you and Helen in the sporting field that's right because you've got remember back in 19676 or 74 when I was running in school and places a lot I was actually running sponsored walks when a penny a mile was a lot of money and I used to say I can run the sponsored walk the 20 mile sponsored walk known Stolpe so people would put down to pee and I actually still have every sponsor was called and signed now the thing is people used to look at me running in shorts because you only played you only had shorts on when you played football and things like that properly so I was a bit of like a freak if you like now the saying is I didn't know what this time Helen was actually living years old was representing Wales swimming and her mum took a job as a cleaner in the chest a bath so that she could train before school and well Helen I didn't know until just a little min ago was when I asked she used to go to school with the stick because she trained so hard that what she taught me because there was no code in her here was actually gr

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