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Him and princess. It's been confirmed they'll be 2 more days of rail strikes on the southwestern railway of the Guard members voted for industrial action for an historic 6th time the action will take place on Monday the 9th of March into Tuesday the 10th and Thursday the 12th of March into Friday the 13th each time action starting at 10 am for 24 hours as God's remain concerned that the future will have driver controlled operations. A lorry driver has been given a send spend it sentence to cyclists died in a crash on the 31 in Dawson estimates to Marshall 40 year old father of 4 Andrew man from Poole was killed last April when his bike collided with a drop side lorry Police say the driver Wayne McI had turned across the road to guide a least dog into a farm causing death by callous driving giving a 6 month jail sentence suspended for 15 months. An extradition hearing has begun in London on whether to send the Wiki Leaks founder Julian Assange large to the USA u.s. To face prosecution he's wanted on charges of conspiring to hack into u.s. Military databases to publish sensitive intraday information online demonstrators have gathered both Willits Crown Court and in the astray and City of Sydney the dentist and documentary maker John Pilger caught on this trail in government to protect one of its citizens it's a coverage of the speech free speech for it to see if this stand up to. These. Iraqis to date is he is living. Julian. If she's too afraid you hear. Health bosses are offering extra money to dentists willing to work in Portsmouth Coliseum dental clays practices in pools growth ports and south last year leaving thousands of people searching for a new dentist. Money and extended contacts are being offered in a bid to make work in the city more attractive and has been named one of the top places in the u.k. To what has been named in the Sunday Times Best Companies list 2020 which ranks the U.K.'s happiest and most motivated what forces. Ringwood based chuch over time and living against 3rd place in the competition. And salience whether wind and rain continues through the often easing highs of 11 degrees Celsius this evening tending dry and Clara b.b.c. Radio news it's 3 minutes past 2. Back to the music. Straight ahead. Sound. B.c. . Or to. Be. Speak to a. Was a great weekend out a really busy weekend and a few days off thank you very much. Wishes text emails cards it was my flight last Wednesday and I had 3 days off so I won one style went to I went to the Isle of Wight to meet up with my daughter my grand kids and we went off to town in the fall and how to love them the weather wasn't great but most of it's kind of indoor so it wasn't perfect so a lot of kids on Hoff's lost weight some on Hoff's some children all hopped on this weight so maybe there's some splitting going on with the party faithful who listening to the afternoon will sound some maybe in different routines this week so maybe with a spa longer all for not so long you know. It's kind of weird when you get out of routine and. Then on Thursday I melt with our old friend Jim Craig going to build me a lunch and we will ram up the case and I've been there before but you gave me the guiding light side beautiful was not a lot of money for a kid then on Wednesday I went out some London. Met up with getting some the other wife s. O. Had bought me a birthday couple faith and he's going to come in on the show soon so we're looking forward to that fact we've got some fabulous guests. On their way to the Often it will sound in the coming months I believe rock n roll song is going to go through a list very soon. Playing in the background today's t.v. Q But what was. So. Good. Though. That's Jubilee b.b.c. Radio silence and right t.v. Q I said I get to this didn't I. Oh thank you I thought it was George Mildred now I've changed my mind I think it's robin's nest. I'm afraid No but. Kerry close frustratingly close guess is fear to try see Alex I'm in love with the cold gaze of all my baggage and says Tracey session the soft and it was pretty good Tracy Wasn't there some of your. List the list so. Most of the. It is recorded in America most of it is recorded in California but that is an official classic along with some of the British films like. Things we do for love from Tennessee see a magic by Pilot their official rock hits that one from 75 and a great song on exact cv theme is it don't. Says Dave Davies a brickie who's right at the moment Dave I'm afraid it's not cracking session on the often awards from the James Warren and that cover of The Beatles song Something was pure magic on a par with the original and everybody's going to learn some time an absolute Diamond song says Andy spry brain on Twitter and thank you very much to your songs at around 215 Here's the 2nd. Oh. Ok. You can't she fundis Georgia Mildred says state the trucker on his way to foreign Fareham foreign to some people found and Andy and Southampton's guessed correctly Chris is delivering in vogue would he's got it right Carol from caution she's reading the newspaper listen to the writing about fed up with the Ryan Hi Carol she got the t.v. Q Right so did James from was getting ready to go out but way Jean and he were exciting anyway thank you very much Alex and t.v. Q It's man about the house by the way what happened to the come on get happy jingle at the beginning of your show it's the love that says impacts and delivering but I want to take it take it take a room back well always fingers crossed it'll be back by next Monday. Might be a diode to light but fingers crossed the tiki tiki tiki ring punk cost and radio feature will be back next Monday. So there you go thank you very much for your email and have a lovely afternoon here comes down to Wilson now remember this one. B.c. . High the valley. She got the t.v. Q Right you. Haven't said Mildred of course George or Mildred man about the house and robin's nest were all connected because man about the House spin off George Mildred. And of course robin's nest Richard he went on to that with Tessa one so I can see where the confusion came from. Mostly cloudy and windy with outbreaks of rain a high of 11 Celsius. That when will the softer noon so if you're watching a ferry travel getting across the sudden hopefully all of a head will bring the afternoon. Drive through the saving and tonight with the brisk wind minimum temps maybe have not too Celsius tomorrow. But a brisk. Hundreds. . Often I did something. Television they often enough that was some guy on the web is pretty gross what should be in a documentary channel for. A few weeks ago I guess now a record of that and I've been playing with these records since the mid eighty's and you know I was there I lived through all that stuff from the eighty's the ninety's into the new millennium I knew how big she was. Able to get. Actually to say. That in Wimberley in the light eighty's I was invited to this do it Hippodrome way Whitney Houston was going to be introduced to us Clive Davis said there were still records doing this. And it was an all day thing. And I think up to the store on the radio before but Whitney Houston was the you go to stay for this we are going to introduce you to will superstar and I got a headache. And I had to leave out a migraine had to leave a my girlfriend at the time was very unhappy so I booked tickets to see Whitney My girlfriend and I at the time not Wembley and she pulled down she pulled out of the gig Wimbley. Something to do with. She was worried about terrorism at the time she wouldn't fly the Atlantic so I was a big Whitney fan. But even I forgot what a huge dog she was from that don't commit to me I mean number one off the number one off know of the fame this is how does many consecutive number ones as we used to. And we miss a sign much she was Chiasson an awesome talent but a life was pretty messed up. And it was just tragic to watch it there were times when I wanted to turn it off because it was so sob I just wanted to say again until going to rock n roll tragedies on Friday I drove past Bonds Coleman was driving a full I'm an author I'll go out on a Richmond why. I'm always the crushed. Boat and lost his life in September 1957 and it always catches up the corner of my eyes see the flowers in the mementos left by the fans to die under the stall I'm going to read the cards I'm going to read the memories I'm going to look at the stuff the fans have left constantly every day since 1000. 77 which is amazing when you figure out boat wasn't as big as Whitney Houston he wasn't as big as the Beatles or David Bowie he was very successful in Britain one hit in America some other hits in other territories but he was very much a British superstar so when you look at that stuff it's just amazing Anyway I was looking at it and there was a 7 inch 45 minute to you Rex paper cut for someone to put it in a like a plastic sleeve so it didn't get to it on a cool i wonder what about single is so I picked it up and have a look at it and then I placed it back. With all of the tributes from the Francis Radio. New Morning systems join me weekdays from time b.b.c. Radio silence controversial opinion. The presence of. Mind like I. Wish we didn't have a special relationship with the challenges. The 1st makes when the fear. Of profit margin are you sound like a pro. That looks upon the chilled food shelf. That is the worst for health and evil things you get to resist I cannot do whatever it is go to b.b.c. Don't go to you can upload and get your stuff to watch in seconds 6. Days from time b.b.c. Radio silence the sounds of the sound. It's . Enough. Because they. Even though. At breakfast b.c. Radio weekdays at 755 we quiz the kids what's the best thing that could ever happen to you think you are being told that my parents just one of you will serve me someone told me dollars. And I. Mean my brother had time with my Dell and. They left remember my dad joined us for a bit of fun 1st thing Allen and breakfasts the 4. Weekdays at 7 b.b.c. Radio so the sounds of the sounds. So Tom did a great job filling in for me last week always listening Tom listen to us on the on of white coming back from Tunnel farm as I mentioned earlier listen to Thursday has come about for modification I was going to modification I had youth day for. A little bit Friday afternoon and I thought you did a great job Well thank you very much it's a bit like boring it's like staying in someone else's house when they're on holiday or boring they never let you do that I'll never let anyone stop you could do my radio show but no one study my house all the music you want to be respectful and you're paranoid about breaking anything but by the end of the 3 days you don't really want to give it back know where you're headed you got b.b.c. Music news so here we are it's a Monday in February anything to be excited about well if you're a pole Well a fan you'll be looking forward to the announcement 1st he's got a new album coming out of his 15th solo album and it's called on Sunset that's coming on June the 12th How was the song now because some of these are heavy so more than a few years ago were like big big massive albums is he still shifting copies Yeah I think he's doing alright and he also gets albums out pretty regularly so there's one every 2 years and touring I think is what it's about for an artist like him and he's just announced that he will be playing Southampton Guildhall on the 30th of October tickets. Which will go on sale this Friday at 10 am if you are born Jovi fan exciting times they've got a new album coming up for $22.00 and see which brilliantly they've called Bon Jovi 2020 now there are 2 things there is an artist you can do that really annoys people firstly a festival right here no no and well yeah that's kind of annoying when you come out of fest for the worst thing you can say to a crowd to get found language and all of that stuff the absolute worst thing you can say to a crowd is we're going to play a load of new songs tonight Absolutely because everyone is taking hits the 2nd worst thing you can do is do an album about politics anyway this new Bongiovi album according to the press release will feature a compelling breadth and depth of songwriting from Jon Bon Jovi where he tackles current tough topics such as gun control veterans' issues politics the meaning of family love life and loss we saw them at the art of why 1st and they're one of the few headline is that I've seen a festival that didn't really. I didn't really buy into the night I liked a lot of this stuff but it was great there was nothing wrong with it but it just didn't hit the spot for me didn't click with me and I but they are touring America and they've got Bryan Adams in support so if that's all comes to the u.k. That would be a biggie also new music from Willie Nelson he's got a new album coming out any guesses as to how many albums would he Nelson has released somewhere in the region of $500.00 automatic. 300. I don't qualify under. 3 We did get we did a jukebox on the show a couple of years ago I think it was for children in need and how to do you know some. Of the sounds like. Someone got me but by requesting a record so Bob put it in the system already 6 minutes long it was 6 minutes Well you know that's more Willie Nelson than anyone really needs when he's 78 studio which is coming out. April 24th and finally for the softening Congratulations to Billie Eilish James Bond theme no time to die straight in at number one on the official singles chart and it's the biggest ever opening week sales wise for stream wise chart wise anyway for bone singles she's not just the youngest person to do it on single and the youngest person to go to number one cause she's only 189-0000 charts and nearly 11000000 stream in the past 7 days like I wasn't expecting to like it but it's mainly Moody it's dark but in a Bondi kind while I think it's good I think it sounds like a Bond theme is quite so much I'm not sure it's a radio record particularly but in the film you can tell it's really going to work Yeah Ok All right you're going to do guest guest list and it's big all right and Andy in Christ Church I didn't see this on the Onyx don't forget it's candy state on not stop Ok All right well we got that. B.b.c. Radio. Right here we all then I. Just had of our retro chart now so we're going to go about today. 1976 in a mode got loads of hollows and requests and emails and texts were dedications today but before that Tom loads and loads of guests tons of guests find session earlier from the court case on the show tomorrow we've got the Pussycat Dolls we've got Kimberly and Carl meet somewhere in London but will be talking to us and joining us on the line that's tomorrow on when state state Harley talking about his brand new acoustic album is a covers album as well so looking forward to that nail from. They've got new music out and they will be or Neil will be on the show on Thursday and then on Friday Frank a yellow who is in the truth but he's talking about power yes so he was in a band was called the truth and they had a hit with the John Lennon song girl in the 1960 s. And he was really good friends with Cozy Powell so he began to talk about dance with the devil nar nar nar man in black working with cozy and Mickey Mouse so that's Friday afternoon and then what about the week after well the hits just keep on coming David Soul is on the show at some point next week potentially Monday maybe later in the wake Toya is going to be joining us so we're looking forward to that mark Wesley is in on Wednesday No months talking radio but he's talking a look at Yeah he's ex Radio Luxemburg Jeff it was a plug in the early seventy's so he plugged Elton John's your song he was the man who was given that to plug then and he'd been a d.j. He'd been out I think you've been a part d.j. In the very late sixty's and he went to Radio Luxembourg and he gave up his radio career and he's been writing books and he's very good he's written a novel about a guy called James Starks he's in reading to talk about that marking from Little 42 year old back in back and that'll be Friday next week Jim Cregan who's played guitar with Roach 2 and loads of other people Jim seen soon Talley's playing the south side which is going. Sort of Robin Gibson. He's playing so he'll be in on the show in the next few weeks and a wooden pole he's got a new album out and something a bit different as well so hopefully he'll be very good friends with George Michael . Was very good friends with George Marshall All right. and travel from all of the head all over again all. On old Christ Church Road it's partially blocked in the shared space. The thief Sanford road open for great traffic lights not working because of a power cut across roads free on the a 350 schools in queues by the business center as an excellent at the birth import Smith you can get around that but slowly this. Was the works of the reparative Basque the m 27 West between 7 and 5 Eastley in Southampton airport the broken down vehicles gone and there's no delays. Ferry suffering from high winds and reduced power save from Lymington they've cancelled the 3 and 5 o'clock savings Yarmuth it's the 5 past 4 on the 5 past 6 that are not running Red Funnel on the register out of action because of the weather and the same on hope to travel any updates. 103900 as more. B.b.c. Sounds out the news small speak c.b.c. Radio. On your radio. Radio. It's 3 o'clock. A 6 person has died after contracts in the coronavirus.

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