There is a program that's their choice you don't like. Yesterday the Lib Dems and the s.n.p. Failed in a legal attempt to foresight Evie to include them has the Liberal Democrat m.p. Tom break I really regret the fact the 16000000 people who voted for Remain were not really in that debate at all because Boris Johnson is a great city and Jeremy Corwin is a great city and I think it was outrageous that Joe Swenson was not allowed to participate in that debate because I would have had a much more informed much more challenging the day earlier today the Green Party launched its manifesto with a pledge for the u.k. To become carbon neutral by 2030 the party says it would invest 100000000000 pounds a year into tackling climate change in other news a leaked report into severe failings in maternity care or Shrewsbury in Telford hospital n.h.s. Trust has warned lessons are still not being learned it was ordered in 2017 after allegations that dozens of babies died or were injured Juta substandard care the B.B.C.'s Dominic Hughes has more it started looking at just $23.00 cases it's expanded we understand to take in more than $600.00 failures of care that date back to 97942 deaths this is shaping up to be the worst failure in a maternity unit that the u.k. Has ever seen the trust says it is still learning changes have been made and they've made again an unreserved apology the Standard Chartered Bank has joined the accountancy firm k p m g in severing ties with the Duke of York's business mentoring initiative pictured promise several businesses and universities are reviewing their associations with Prince Andrew because of his lungs to convicted sex offender Geoffrey Epstein told him Hotspur have sacked their manager Emirates airport to Tino after 5 years in charge the board has blamed a disappointing start to the Premier League and a u.k. Ticket holder has won the 105000000 pound euro millions jackpot b.b.c. News it's 3 minutes past 11. On the end 6 north east from Junction their team teach unction $141.00 lane is closed. And in on the m 40 from Junction to the junction. There is next in with the. Close to. It should be m. 69 South Bank from Junction one at him cle to junction 23 Coventry overnight whites in the middle it is currently closed until 6 o'clock this morning. Thank you. Late night Graham Torrington it's all about awareness time I believe you me coming up very soon from Herefordshire. Who's life did completely change after Sheryl Crow and all I want to do. Now you may have just caught there at the end of news the news about a big win for somebody in the u.k. Tonight the National Lottery have confirmed that one u.k. Winner scooped the massive Euro Millions prize tonight and as a player has to check their tickets to see if they've won the winning numbers 810-153-0421 the Lucky Star numbers 4 and 6 and tonight's big winner scoop the 6 year old Millions jackpot banked in the u.k. This year wow do you know how much that 1. 105000000 pounds. Is just and think oh I did say that and he's my producer and I can he just let me know the details so I got to just check in my numbers here. It wasn't him and it's not me either so there's a lot anyway it's a 1 o'clock. So Roy Orbison on the way very soon Stevie Wonder and see Greg gray and the St Felice So if you're listening last night you know once again it went on I want Tracy from Nottingham who spotted on might wanna Michelle Obama's that's gone that's finished it is no more tonight's No one knew Mr voice who's this always have a copy. Ok we play Monday to Thursday at around about this time no prizes just fun strange we talk about winning tonight and this is a little game on the radio where you can absolutely zilch nothing at all you know you'd like to take part in various So no prizes just funny to get your answer by 11 the only way I can take an answer is on the phone to not text and email do not post the Facebook page we can call when you call you can I take the 1st thing call us with her for name and when you come on air have to accept the 1st name they give to me Niko only put on the show once per week which gives others a chance to get through. So no we go again on might want straight away let's find out let's go to Morgan and James Hi James you know Grant how are you good thank you good. Yeah good really good why anything happen in particular that made it good why I are off again but that just because a lot of you know they also like the most of it yeah good why make the most of it when you can buy them who always have a copy Who is that and James I believe is Michael Portillo. Here now this is come on my won quite a lot recently could just about go again now true fan are still here Michael Portillo No I'm surprised. James Thank heaven again let's go to Cali now who's in north don't cheer on you I am doing stand Ok And how are you tonight Carly. Trying to hear him bad telling him oh you're in bed all you. Can cause my friend to bed now doubling up to being you now Liam come on to me in all right I can have it right on the name has this or with a couple has that Carly and I'm like man I'm having some time with Alan Rickman no one on my mind never mind can I think some to go a Lester is jump on me John I love that grin How are you not sure about thanks are you so I'm all right it's actually my cat how's your day been. That we should slow yeah race last week job and they're put in about the ashes a minute. It's not so nice Been there myself not nice is a way off when you doing that are you playing for jobs. One of many I mean for the sake of coffee health problems but nothing lost friend then but hopefully not so good Ok we'll enjoy the rest of the year take it easy and we'll get to 2020 will find a new a new really reinvigorated John Yeah yeah actually. Right then who says always have a copy who's on the job Think think it's more think Lou. Martin Clunes no oh no there were. Cheers John thanks have a good unless there is Roger Roger. How are you fine thanks. How's your day been good yeah yeah very good yeah let's go back again welcome back about this time. From where I heard the voice last night so I can I go Hang on hang on hang on. I'm going to go back from where down town yes I wanna take away and never collect I left. Right and so you have me here you know less you know you probably only listen listen you said you heard me play the voice last night yeah and you think you know who it is so who do you think you have. Your family now yeah cause you're back Chris Eubank Yeah so you've been waiting since last night to give me a call to say Chris Eubank Yeah yeah yeah yeah I mean if you know its name as well . Rather than Chris Eubank no. But Roger There we go rather not we got through night one. It's been a while since we've done that we've got 3 not one with an a but again a right that means tomorrow night then. I'll be asking. Who's this I'll always have a cup to give. Me Stevie Wonder. So 12 o'clock tonight then into Wednesday with the next round of the songs before we get to that in a way got a great song from John to play and there's a previously unreleased song out from George Michael at the moment it's called This Is How We want to get high and it's from the new movie which is last Christmas play that very very soon so it's all about winning tonight on the program mats from Hereford who life completely changed after he's number coming up chatting to him the other side secret. Don't want. Tonight a late night Graeme Torrington so far in the show the see me we've been talking about winning big big winners well after 11 guest tonight is Matt miles from Hereford who was lucky enough to win on the euro millions back in 24 team match checked his numbers but haven't won anything but then he remembered to check his lottery raffle number at the bottom of the to Q Well he's here to explain everything matter thank you very much indeed for joining me on the program tonight . Very good now them before you will big win which will come on to a few moments time what was the biggest thing the one point. Where your gambling man in particular so well over the years no not so I think this is probably ever played the lottery. So you know I'm not a regular player that all. So why did you choose on this particular day to actually buy a lottery ticket. With a friend in Morris in. Port of choose what you want to Chris so I was. To go out the shot alone just saw a nice set lottery tickets all right Ok And did you pick your numbers or was a random thing yeah like. To see if I was the 2nd rate my numbers would be different but also well. So you buy a ticket whether you put it taking. Just on the coffee table at home I didn't think anything of it. And then I was getting ready for a night shift so I was awake for the following day for the morning really tired and thought What can I do to stay awake check my lottery. And then realize that one. You hadn't matched the main numbers but she told you to check your breath number so just explain that if you can yes or after the. The main numbers that you put in basically I haven't won anything so I did actually at that point like from home I took it up are a already throw Yeah I got ready to throw in the bin but even the lazy person I didn't bring the living room being back into the kitchen after emptying it. Happened to look down at the app and it was flushing to say Make sure you check the rough numbers. And I was obviously had no idea what they were open but the ticket and so I had 5 lines of rough numbers at the bottom you see I've done this as well . By raffle not after getting by taking a lottery ticket and you kind of look at you know I'm one I think blah blah blah and I've done it you kind of discard the ticket and then somebody has to owing him an angle because he's got a rough number on there I always forget about that many should forget about it should you I mean I guess the good thing about the National Lottery act is the fact that you can scan the ticket and it will tell you now if you've won anything at all or even a lot. Of free to draw. In 2014 it didn't. So. The raffle numbers were there you got all these raffle numbers on there did you realize that you'd want to get that point. Obviously put line one in one nothing put lying to it and then it came up congratulations you've won a 1000000 pounds and to be fair I didn't check the clock in 345. I go in and say what time of the day is this for you said this is 4 in the morning your check your check in your raffle numbers at the in the Euro Millions and suddenly it tells you you've won a 1000000 pounds you must've thought you were dreaming Yeah I mean I tried to call my parents my brother obviously they will move on for the morning. So the only people that were awake with a friend. Were on holiday Barclay obviously I can afford to go on holiday I called him they were all around the call. And I was he said Guys please go on the lottery website check these numbers are real. And to show them physically show the my place to prove that they are money numbers and that obviously then they would jump around the pole and start ordering massive drinks. Great at their hotel rooms except. Flew out for it I was like Wow Wow So this is 4 o'clock in the morning by 5 o'clock you probably realize that you won a 1000000. At what points way you sure you'd won this amount had how did you find out that you definitely won this Camelot office doesn't open until 9 am so obviously I didn't sleep at all I managed to get ahold of my parents at $730.00 so they came over to my dad's house that night we called them together. And then had to read out every single number on the ticket because they're all doing something. And then she confirms Congratulations you're one of the youngest u.k. 1000000 are fantastic How old are you at on 27 where 27 I'm winning a 1000000 pounds. What was the feeling like as you know this point I mean this is like you know literally hours afterwards where you can you remember how you feeling I was kind of numb to it if I'm honest I went out there with a couple of friends that. It wasn't until I was on the Tuesday night it was until the state the morning when. The Carter from coming up came with this big silver briefcase took my ticket through the machine sitting there and then I saw how much I won and then they asked me for my source code an account number. And at that moment I mean it must have did it really sink in at that moment I had a panic that well I know now I had a panic attack I've never had one before never had once in. My whole body went now much got hit really hard. Yeah it was just a surreal moment obviously if I could bottle up feeling multimillion I was. Talking about the supermarkets. And lecture engineer at that particular supermarket when you know so I did the food for it. Cocktail. And they sort of see supplied the chicken stuff for most and such. So what point has stright why people say are you going to give up your job so when did you decide on quitting. Luckly that 24 hours so I called soon as I thought was right. I might not be in work on past 9. So obviously then when I knew it was going to set then expect me to Ok so it's starting to sink in now you know the nice men from the lottery came along. How caring are they about the winnings and making sure the e.u. Or Ok are massive I mean they don't want you to be one of the stories that people read about you you know losing all the money or turn to alcohol or drugs and basically they don't want you to be Mickey Carroll. Said they offer. Loads of you know workshops that you can attend if you tell him I did the finance one. Purely because there's a lot of taxes involved after that when if you you know buy a house and then want to sell it so you know made aware of these taxes in school so they teach you about them. And you did decide to have a little bit of fun didn't you. In fact months of fun I believe and you know what we my brother went travelling for 12. Various breaks came along along the way I mean went to Brazil only have all of my spine a chance you know you keep to the ones you know. The people that come into your life only that one thing just kind of take it with the kids just so. So you went travelling where did you go. Polly Thailand so that we flew home from Thailand. Because I had a lot of press stuff to do for the lottery. And then we went to Brazil for the World Cup. I took 13 makes twice before for just a ridiculous week. And then my family on their 1st family holiday it's away where we originate from which is very nice. And then America by Steph you Eric. So it sounds like you completely in Georgia softened I think Lou you know surprised he was well yeah Ok well that was back in 2014 the school ought to tell about the with the winning of 1000000 pounds which will come on to in a few months time let's just take a break if it's music I will talk some more in a few moments time online Ogram Torrington b.c. Radio Shropshire. Her. Some. Parents want to plop. A night in its lane I grant trying to My guess the seeming is Matt miles from Hereford who was lucky enough and I do mean lucky enough to win 1000000 pounds on the Iraq millionaire make it raffle and included. Which is included rather in the ticket that sold So just remind you know that the tickets there there's there's the main number or the main numbers if you had to use them but there's raffle numbers on there as well so you need to check those don't match yeah say that's free you have to pay anything more for them so look out for them upon the ticket so we were chatting about how amazing the 1st year was parties holidays indulgence for you quite a few friends there as well so I mean was was this a champagne lifestyle was it top hotels number one restaurant definitely. Took a few things off the bucket list which is really nice. I mean I'm a rescue diver now. A skydive for the 1st time in Chatham America. Just anything crazy to think of as well actually doing which trading are looking back on that now do you regret any of that 12 months not one penny. Why. It was something that I style How is that likely to do us a time in my life where I was 27 The only holidays I've been on it really was like holidays a couple days. I was working live instead of you know living to work. Wasn't in a place where I was enjoying myself. And the money gave me the financial freedom and a little bit the carefree attitude. We were talking about how much he was spending 12 months. No I think that's where my parents got involved. And gave me a. Word basically and said you know if you keep going the way you go ing you won't have anything left. We think as bad as obviously within the 1st 12 months and purchased a house and I was renting that out so it wasn't like I was you know blowing 50 grand a night and stuff like that I've seen other people do. So can you put a figure on how much the 1st year cost about 120000 Yeah a lot of money a lot of money it is yeah I mean when you're staying at a hotel or you know I guess and the fairy slight. Cut to it's. 10 grand a month pretty much you say there was something listening to this right now and I have to I have to put this question to you Matt is going hang on he just squander that as you know those people out there need money liar when you say. To somebody I do totally agree I mean looking back on it now that's a mortgage on a house a family car. You know people can afford to put food on the table for their kids in the age of 27 with someone just what money if you came from nothing. You feel as they deserve to. Do whatever you want and it was Kether. I don't like said I don't regret doing it because it's something that I needed and once I did it then I did massively grow up. I mean let's face it you know most people who sadly have amount of money you're going to spend a bit of money on looking after yourself and having a bit of fun I would not take that away from you one iota but then your parents say it and I went and got him a pat. And this money is going to last half the rest of your life here definitely I mean I don't like the money to my parents my brother and stuff like that to make sure they were looked after for you know hopefully for the life as well so effected not just me but my family and then obviously as a family member is to. So wasn't selfish in that respect so I was just you know. Buying Paul's a champagne every night and just clothes and stuff like that I mean it helped a lot of people so as some point I understand you stablished a couple of businesses right here in the Midlands so this is a you know a sensible head taken around guessing Yeah and that's part of it so I mentioned there are a blue house in the 1st 12 months. To turn them into houses of multiple occupancies and they now House doctors close to Hereford hospital. And then I also bought a car from Charles called AMC proceeds costs Ok And what does that do so basically we saw simplified they call. Anyone across the u.k. Who do you typically whether the Middletons. The finance cast by. Kind of gave me a purpose because although the housing business is great it's kind of a passive income want to start a house that. Looks the next project we kind of can you know get paid by the letting agent. So I needed a day to day thing to keep my brain active I guess. And at some point you settle down to become a family man yeah so myself and my den girlfriend Stacey planned on a giveaway traveling all over Southeast Asia this time of sleep on a budget wasn't where backpacking it's actually. And then Foreman was a bit more of reality for you to think yeah definitely we could have gone down the route of lavish. At that point had a very well established business so it's not. But we have to scrimp and scrape it that is what we wanted to do to have kind of the proper travelling experience. Stage he's done that before this trailer and stuff and it's something that I wanted to