Remember that from living on the ceiling 982 so what was going on your. Life where we hang out Gordon Frost you remember that was not virtual memories of structure from 982 Gordon's Frost's was too wild caught up in trees Barry and yes it was basically a gunshop everything for them everything for the shooting man I don't know it was any consideration for the shooting lady back in 92 especially repairing sales of the finest quality English and Continental sporting guns rifles and pistols large selection of waterproof clothing sweaters boots waders hot sun caps suppliers of game and see fishing equipment sporting gifts books and accessories to walk up in trees brick narrow incorporating the West Midlands shooting ground practice to we should and gun fitting 24 hour. 24 hour odds of Oberlin and I was voted spell I s. a Photo does not serve its Afro you can telephone Lee Brock a 6 double for if you want to speak to anybody it's brilliant I love that so what was going on for you in 982 should we find out who's on the show today sharing their memories from fictional So Rachel how did you start working all tearing championships and stuff. I didn't know anybody pop my husband me from and from each time in the city and a little village where all my friends my family lived I came here in New nobody so I decided to go away make friends and meet new people would be to volunteer so I started on time for a local charity an independent charity became the manager that right and that's the rest he had rest is history so you're working interest for individual Yeah yeah and what you do here I miss is the manager here and charity shops there's a lot of them and they often come under a lot of stick I mean what do you would say was your typical cost of also support I don't think there is a typical customers have an. From families men women the alpha lady. Customer things we get from the community say is of nations and it's really really important to us we can survive. That by support of the Red Cross because what we see likely and what we. Will hear more from right to live in from the Red Cross shop. A little bit later on you. Know everybody wants. To go out of. The. Way. As a. Thank . Any grudges doesn't want to. Follow me on the days never walls down. Unless he's had exclusion. Large amounts of beer and then suddenly he develops the skills but it's fairly late on in the spectrum he won't get it with just a couple of hours to be you know almost very few times I've ever witnessed the old man having a dance to be fair 982 we're talking memories of and if you wanted your head doing in 1902 you could visit heritage yet that was a thing for the cream of the crop in all professional and personal Mayfair hairdressing services for your appointment and consultation with Adrian Marco Jackie phone through 324719424 while copping trees break what a brilliant name heritage it got to love it when you were talking to Rachel who runs a red cross shop in trees when I was curious what the best selling things that people can donate to the bric a brac Ok. Everything from ornaments. Trinkets string already had a few things like that yes those are usually the quick cash fantastic So 99 t. To hold every moment while for 12 years and yeah in a tiny village called trials lunch in the middle of nowhere How did you like school I loved loved school what was your favorite subject English if I'd asked you at 12 what you want to do when you go on to be a nurse and I was a nurse I did yes just you followed you dream I did it and so yeah so 99 Channel 4 was a brand new. Start and. I do remember that we only had 3 channels of seated to start with so the 4 channels quite a thing and it was quite risque I think that's right I think although when they start we thought so yes I remember one of the documentaries is called cutting point and that was when it was actually it was very cutting edge and it was very different things like to cover not just cover those subjects before the 1st program to be broadcast was that oh goodness still going on. In the work and. For the benefit of Green's dad did it did it did it. Because apparently he struggles with the chin of the clock of canned any as those are not of the Zito not just what I've been told many of the day and I seem to remember that for some one significant reason so we're talking to you right Joel from the Red Cross shop in trees row that her memories of 9980 but what about yours what was going on in your life would love to hear from you 19696 and yet if we deposed the question I mentioned it to you right chill there as a 12 year old if you were asked what you wanted to do when you grew up what would you have answered Would you have answered with the job you do now or a job that you've done I think if you'd have asked a 12 year old poll what he wants to do he would either of said policeman because that was quite a good guide by you could dress up or bus driver neither of those. Although I did have a go at driving a bus. But never with resumes tried recalling what So what about you we asked you at 12 what job you wanted to do let me know text the word shop followed by a spicy Message 70813 double 312 year old you if we travelled back in time last you wanted to do what would you have answered. Dionne Warwick heartbreak at 1982 that was in the Jets what was going on for you in 982 we lived here for being Tex the word shot followed by a spicy message in it 3 to 813 double 3 techs we challenged the standard message registered a notification on social media that Kevin the carrot you know from the supermarket adverts at this year's Christmas that features I p t blind as sketch Yes with the carrot being held up by peaky sprouts yet that's the thing and the great the showman as well so Kevin the carrot singing the great the showman I mean you know if you were looking forward to Christmas already I'm sure you are now let's get back to right Joel at the Red Cross shop Ange raised brain we're talking about some of the things that happened in 1902 that's a fair the red was in prison for a month for avoiding. Bad hair was possible. Pageboy had. A yes. With a nice burgundy. Color Oh Ok. What about the family what was mom and dad so. I can't remember what they did for my mom what. I might cancel as an area manager Ok like what was going on here in 1982 that is now you can email polls of where the b.b.c. Don't care that you can. See the sounds music radio podcast below the b.b.c. Sends out the free to listen to all your favorite b.b.c. Radio instructions shows when you walk down that is gorgeous isn't it I'm Genevieve Tudor this is Sunday. Great Country music whether you fancy a bit of country on the commute or a bit of breaking into b.b.c. Introducing one of your trucks was right now just fancy a Saturday night on a Monday morning Saturday night with me Jim Hawkins music to make you turn up the radio b.b.c. Radio structure b.b.c. Sense I'm going to find. Myself and Jennifer Aniston have something in common but it's not you have guts p.v.c. Sounds easy Radio podcast your favorites I listen when you want. James Cole and what was the big sellers of 982. And I would be commonplace they were quite commonplace good thing that fashions. Didn't have like almost like I did I did laugh I was a 12 year old did you have. Always wanted all this guy I brother had some. Yes we're really good at it he was pretty. Good No he's pretty good actually so what was going on for you a 1982 when your Tears for Fears were singing about modern Think the right who volunteers the Red Cross talk about some of the things you might watch in the telling t.v. Programs including the. Yes yes. Yes yes. I was one of the big Christmas presents did you have any of these things like that. But I thought I was a basic. Computer. Spectrum but yes I don't really remember to be honest I was. Probably a good thing for the guy he was. Really my. Joy Now in for sums of night you need to remember this from John Cougar Mellencamp . That. Kid's going to. Come. Back Jack. Said Jack you got a. Lot of. Good songs. Along. Taxes. Taxes. Says. Jackson. Going to. Let. The. 2. Know. That. To Meg q. This week. Jack and Diane afternoon to. Say if I was to ask him when he was 12 what he wanted to be he would have I'm said a pilots because I was talking to write you know your enemy asked if would have asked her when she was 12 what you wanted to do when she grew up what would she have answered there's a question if we asked you Gerri at 12 what you want to do when you go what would you have. Been a down. Something like that Ok So imagine this for a minute you've achieved the dream you have become that dancer who are you dancing for a popular straightly can dance sing or something like that Oh you'd be like a pro in street alley hour I'd love that yeah I think I miss my calling there oh man i miss Colin's right one of them is a straight a Come Dancing dancer so you're a Strictly Come Dancing down so what celebrity do want to dance with who's going to be a partner. Donovan. Yeah I. Know it's. Only useful easy to use for a few helping you get where you need to be strange things about right what's happening on the roads they have not seen marches we had was a busy part of the afternoon a major disruption to let you know about still some congestion lingering a West and he thought in a 41 in the right way generally things around Telford amazing really well before forty's looking I think Clay are a couple of hot spots in Shrewsbury which church wait a. Couple mighty 70 down it's quite busy just off the end street junction as well because of restrictions work on faves Lane seems right for the right away at the moment and 54 and 6 checking in fine if you see anything else it's 833-012-3355 extension 0 you know atoms be they say travel strictly things well golden So the dance floor juried or alley. Simply lets. You free next year we'll get that up and thank you Gerri will catch up with her the next travel update for you no 982 is the year we chatting to reg she's from bridge north she helps out and and volunteers and works with the Red Cross shop in Shrewsbury we were asking about some of the big news of $982.00 in April of that year Argentina invited the folks in Darwin's war to remember that. This was the 1st time that we had war toy with television news in every household remember also Henry the warship the Mary Rose was discovered on the sea bed and Blue Peter rising sea lovely blue. I can remember organizing a bridge in Boise Ok. Yeah over there Charity was yeah. Yeah there was no one way out to collect milk bottle tops Yancey absolutely stumps and all that yes I do remember I remember see. In front of the telly watching the documentary about the rising of the Mary Rose Ben after 437 years the skeletal ribs of Henry the 8 strategic warship emerged to a triumphant salute of sirens and gun fire in Mesa a.z. This year's the Mary Rose is still an awesome sight to behold and Fernand more so than project director Margaret rule for whom this was an act of faith nearly $700.00 soldiers and seamen died when the Mary Rose founded as she sailed from Portsmouth to encounter the French fleet watched a gust by Henry the 8th then as divers worked a boy her up the Mary Rose went through another heart stopping drama i opinion one of the legs of a support frames but shared a cable snapped and there was a tremor of fear about the extent of damage to salvage team desperately continue to pump water out of the hull this was vital to eliminate the pressure of water as the lift continued time seemed to pass I can always English slowly but soon the winch was turning again soon the vital cargo was being lifted over the sound and to the barges waiting to take you safely into port when the salvage warship has been properly cleaned and restored she'll go on show beside another famous vessel h.m.s. Victory. To the sun we struggled on b.b.c. Radio instruction. Do you remember watching the raising of the Mary Rose them a sprite in salt water only to the right the wood didn't decay and if you were a coin collector there was something new for you in 82 the 20 pence was a way yeah. Yeah it's bizarre to think at 12 you could get people it was a film came out that still very popular to this day about a little a here 88 yeah. Yeah lovely found that such a classic cry at the end yeah absolutely. You know I don't know what it was all that again you just get the best complete story starts reacts Yes peaceful. If you buy the dressing table. That was. 196. She's. All about. 19. A future king was born re-add and. Even now he's got babies of his yeah so what. Do you feel was included an officer of the. Popular yes yes t.v. Program did you watch any of those I love. Cagney. But I do remember. Very bookish. Favorite books for you growing up you know. Enid Blyton definitely. So were you bred. Be honest all all and everything except of my friends at school got me something. I sat. Them all all of them and who were your friends if you hang around would you go out with your boy. Where we lived in the middle and there was only 4 children. With quite limited. I guess you did feel very isolated. So much. Right to Live and sharing memories of $982.00. I do love being organized started on the Christmas shopping of work however going to Christmas lunch. Even remember to register to vote. Well not quite yet. But there is one thing that you can do to be. Dead easy as well preserve your. Christmas carol service right now it's on the evening of Monday the 20. 3. During off. B.b.c. Radio if you want to get hold of those some of those tickets you can reserve them right now or you do. 32484842 reserve your tickets to head to the carol service Monday the 23rd of December right close to Christmas is going to feel really Christmas like. The event will be a fantastic night right 1980 to. Have a hit with. No . Not. Long. Long long. Long. Long. Will meet. Your long long long. The soft news Good afternoon Mr Green. Yeah good thank you. Yes. Company I like company. In a different language. Ok not quite not quite in a different language very cleverly done our walk. No one and thinking what you think one thing you know Lobos not know is this is not going to allow you started never and they used to be that thing at the beginning of the episode where yes. We could only say that i've never going. Whenever we say it doesn't annoy Buspar we have been doing it for about 30 odd years now but yet they would always run a clue as to the camera what was about to happen or you can erase my wife up stairs banging in the spare bedroom with Michelle at the front of the I know. They are constructing a secret compartment for us to Whiting should the Germans ever discover that we are helping the British airman to escape Needless to say the plan to get the m. And away by balloon went wrong the ropes of the balloon became accidentally entangled in the bed containing my wife's mother and their toy pensioner has been mature look like. They were last seen floating at 500 feet due south. He is of course very upset by all this Fortunately I am made of stronger stuff and managing to contain my grief. He loved it so 1980 that was going oh yes Fast forward to today what's going to be the shock I met have flipped once have you you know my favorite was Claire just basically it is as if I live to get everything that removed the disguise I might have flick and he gave me his mobile number going to interview him on the direction the next day you said part of your life and he said you won't give this to anyone else will you and I said No I should use it only well. He didn't hear it and it was there was only that it was like a house really good and he didn't hear it because Mimi was. Gates about 10 I say 10 years ago it might have been to any I do yeah but she yeah she definitely was important I was there which Well they did a low theatre on the steps and bridge north right and the opening scene had flicked walks on I'm delivers the speech and it was chaos. And it was. Brilliant I was so anyway on the show today we're talking politics Jeremy Corbin's been in the county today Labor leader our political reporter John Gallacher has been to meet him and you can hear what they've been talking about on the show later and of course we'll bring you an update on the official start of the general election campaign we'll also hear about the new Eddie Redmayne film with links to shop she will head up up and away a bit later on I mean trade now have you thought you know ideas for Christmas gifts for loved ones you know I actually even bought a no and that is so unless I mean I'm a 20th plus kind of shopper December you know I'm post 20 sometimes post. If I'm not actually going to see the Muppets on this day I think I'll utilize the city behind that's the point that is quite the less the commander then you get rumbled then it's a perhaps a panic because. When you cover I'm 27th results Yeah. Yeah I've done some I've done some shopping Ok I've seen one of these videos on social media Oh. That's not a bad idea so they've made kind of cushions with arms and legs that Ok so they check. No no no no they're somewhere between a teddy bear and a pillow I say so you can kind of cuddle up made like a pillow would be right right so they can look like a teddy bear Yes and you can send a picture of your face and it gets printed on. Sally all the whatever. Things if you look good have your face yes I give you a couple. I did not yeah I'm not. Going to get one well I was a stupid idea but adding more more I think about it could really irritate people I might be. Good. This Christmas. I could have. Just the life of a selfie album and I. Would make the best. Buy is not about. You listen to this. Case. Well. Let. Me. Thank you very much for sharing all your memories Adam Green's Up next we'll find out what's been happening in and around the cat and say. Afternoon I have another. Gerry Coburn who said there's an overwhelming case for fully funded accident and emergency departments in Shrewsbury and Telford of the years of uncertainty the government recently announced plans to downgrade facilities at the Princess Royal Hospital Jeremy Corbyn says Telford any department needs to remain as it is to service a growing local population and offer a major surgery locally I am a locals all walk in Sanchez where there isn't necessarily a consultant on duty are not a proper any of Hartmann's And once you lose a fully functional and old apartment in a hospital that becomes unsafe and many other areas well Secretary Alan Cairns has resigned from his role in the government on the 1st day of general election campaigning he quit after claims that he knew about a former aides wrote in the collapse of a rape trial her plans to stand as a conservative candidate in the Vale of Glamorgan the Green Party has launched its general election campaign it wants to make the u.k. Carbon neutral by 2030 and build 100000 energy efficient homes each year more details from nickered leap although the Greens opposed Breck setting of play the rolling cross party talks in Parliament to block the government's plans the parties call it a Sharon Berry argued this morning the election was about much more than whether or not the u.k. Leaves the European Union Ms Berry told party members the future won't get another chance and the climate should be the priority for voters when they go to the polls the Greens ambitious plan to spend one $100000000000.00 pounds per year for the next decade would be funded by borrowing more although our own 10 percent would come from an increase in corporation tax. The climate activist group extinction rebellion has won a legal challenge against the Metropolitan Police over the forces London wideband last month lawyers acting for the group say the Met now faces claims of false imprisonment from potentially hundreds of protesters a number of which c