No reselling it this is the perfect Fender Stratocaster the. Perfect Fender Stratocaster in my humble opinion hasn't been improved on by guitar makers I mean I would still prefer to play this very guitar. And. Says he was bitterly disappointed and angry that they missed out on a valuable point in the last minutes of yesterday's game away a Bradford. Fire kind of Barry scored a hat trick his last goal in the 93rd minute but 3 minutes later Bradford took the scoreline to 43 manager says you need to see the game out and the players switched off because he made it up to news and sport 4 minutes past 10 gives me a little bit distracted by the the Stratocaster with the with the serial number 0001 and the fact that it's up for sale. I maybe sometime law put everything I own on the bike sunshine and scattered wintry shouted I yell a warning of snow still in effect another hour or 2 top temperature this afternoon 4 Celsius that's 39 degrees Fahrenheit clear cold and mainly dry tonight with an overnight low of minus 6 that's $21.00 tomorrow starting with some freezing fog then it will be bright but staying cold Trammell me useful ideas from C.S. Helping you get where you need to be and here's Stephen problems of the moment Jim Only I'm 54 if you make a motorway journey there's a tire on the carriageway close in the inside lane of as you approach the 1st of the war zones a stop at right a junction 2 for the A 4 for 9 recovery work outs being arranged looking busy if you make a journey through temporary the Bourbons has destroyed the conditions of the wintry showers we experienced for the morning around the Rose and Crown Center at the 456 awards clay Hill as high street is now if you make it a journey into original form all hands and roads awards abound amount roundabouts and there was use if using public transport or anything else usual number 123-3550 Stephen beach B.B.C. Radio shop show thank you Stephen you will see the way the instruction we've been talking this morning about the future fitting the poses for the future is all a key hospitals are going to carry on with comments on that feel free Jim Wilkinson B.B.C. . Call I want to talk to you if you have if you live with me grain the ME growing trust is a concern that many grains are some of they call it migraines but nevertheless may going to leaving people feeling lonely and isolated if might if you live with the migrant. And not the site but also what is that like people who've never had one can't can barely imagine call at one time 19696. Not just a headache the trust is concerned that they Yeah leaving people feeling lonely and isolated in the final is that communications manager just when we need to do this we stop me going to migrate in a way she says is there a preferred version of the reason I personally say migraine but many people at my going to say me that it's actually the person themselves whatever you killed it what is eat it so it's a very serious neurological condition that there is currently no cure for. The problem because most people get headaches and they think well I never migraines like and you don't unless you get migraine you don't understand why Mr Pill hired to belittle I think it can be how miserable How debilitating can it be what is it like experiencing one. It can and there's a range of symptoms and. Most people don't experience the same as one other person so some people might get a pain on the side of their heads someone might just have such a stopping pain behind their eye someone it might just be a pain behind their ear and it can last for 3 days and so is it can you imagine you know waking up having that pain all day going to bat having it the next day going to bed again and having it the next day for then some people it can be intense pain for an hour and they have to get about they come to anything they just have to close the curtains and arts bad and that can be very difficult if you're working if you suddenly a migraine comes on and you have to or they leave work or maybe just go to a room where you've put your head done for an hour but it's a very very serious condition and there is a range of treatment options but there is no cure and I think that's important thing to emphasize I mean if you if you're going to have that you take paracetamol on their own or repricing or some like that you know if you if you get migraine what it does does taking anything make any difference it can mean there's some very effective treatments but there's no cure at the moment and some treatments are key so you take them once you're migraine starts and then there's also prevents the treatments and there was a big breakthrough year ago in terms of prevention of treatment so you know things are getting a lot better for people with migraine but ultimately there is no cure and that's something I mean my current US we fund research into finding a cure because we think that really because it's such a debilitating condition it really isn't good enough that we don't have the curious please tell me a bit more about that big advance in a kind of preventative measures what does it reduce the frequency of migraine it reduces the frequency and also the seriousness of of an attack so it was. It's a faulty that and. It's a toxin I think called C G R P which is believed to be one of the causes of pain in migraine I mean ultimately there isn't this a certain amount known about migraines but there still really isn't a full understanding as to what causes it so there's this and new treatment stuff and is not as I live in the U.K. It's not available on the N.H.S. Yes but it is one of the treatments going through the nice process which means that you can you know hopefully it will be available in the N.H.S. In the next year but the system it's hard very very good and. The trials have proved to be very effective and also what's important is the side effect profile is very good because some of the other prevents of treatments that people are taking were treatments that were for other conditions that were they were discovered also had an impact on my grind so some of the side effects were driving us were and weight gain and that's. Something that you know it's an outage and as a part of people migraine said this that the new treatment does have a very good side effect profile so that's something that's very positive for some people when using Botox to Botox can be very very effective as well. That it's an injection and that you know different parts of the head and that that's very effective but still at the moment there is no cure and yet that's something that's we are still funding research looking into just trying to understand more about migraine having touched on how often people have migraines How often do they have how frequent of a old vary from person to person it does vary from person to person and some people get them in the case of chronic migraine they got them at least half the days of a month which is huge and other people might get 3 days a month which is still still a loss and so it's very some person to person of see a time for people to experience a tux very differently but it's. It's it's just a very very painful exhausting condition because it's also the thing that is the poster on face so once the pain is over once you've had your migraine for a better day afterwards to bit like feeling you have a hangover you just feel exhausted tired worn ice because of what your what your have just gone through. The reason with particular reason we're talking to you this morning in a zit is the as you're concerned that yes leading some people to become isolated How side will we notice we have them helpline so many of the people who can talk to us tell us about just how it's having a huge impact not just physically but also emotionally and on their ability to work but also under social life so many people have to counsel important social events such as if they were going to wedding or it could just be a party with friends or dinner but not just that they're counseling many people and I was voyaging making arrangements because they've they've had to you know talk to counsel counsel I thought last minute and it's a new you know they feel that they're alienating family and friends and because of the misunderstanding around migraine where people think it's just about hate headache and sometimes people can think they're just being there you know that they just don't want to go ice and they don't want to socialize with absolutely they do but it's just that they've had a bad migraine attack and it's just it's just not worth their while being in a social setting that could actually exhaust exacerbate their condition a so if they. Take the concourses route and declining potations then that then people just may end up stuck no longer asking him that that's exactly and it just feels like the world is closing in on them and if you think that of socialized is just one aspect of someone's life you know it kills what kind of a massive impact on their working life so if you're if it's impacting your ability to work on your social life you're in pain a lot of the time you're tired that's that that's it's pretty huge and this is a long term condition but no cure and that's a very hard thing to live with. What would your message be to the friends and family of people who are living in migrant I'd say asked us questions because you're of C. Aware that your for you know your family member friend has a migraine but ask ask exactly what it's like because people often don't want to talk about it because they you know. Who wants to hear about a painful condition but but really ask what it's like and if there's anything they can do to help and if they are making a social arrangement as it is there is there assessing or is there something that would help that person socialize more said could be just having some you know having to venture home and so that's why we're encouraging people to organize a meet up that's just having close friends and family over to your highs for a cuppa tea biscuits or you know it could be if you like to bake baking something and just bring people together. Talking about your life and. It's not she she talk about migraine as well and and also I know as may be the case if you work in eyes it may stop and you have to cancel because you've got a migraine because it's close friends and family they will understand and also to help them understand the extent to which migraines affecting you. You've also created a meetup pact to help we have make these happen tell us. More about why it's it's just courage people tough fun when they're socializing so it has some good recipe suggestions that house and the quids it has some bunting that people can push off to some cake slogs So but but again then again it could be just if you sometimes tea and biscuits with your friends but if you do want to make you know if you particularly like baking if you want to make more loppers that the pack allows for that but it's just a good way to bring people together and also that some of the people who've had missteps of often use it to thank family and friends for supporting them when they have them have migraine but then also maybe talk just a bit more by says a bit more about the condition just to really help people help those closest to understand what it's like OK you can find out more at Meg Ryan trust don't trust so it can be taught me shops or you can call 020951015 OK OK the number Hagin in just a minute is if a do you have I helpline or should would people be best off going to the about a number of questions some are quite complicated coming back about migrants not going to lead to we have them we have to support services and we have an information service and an advocacy service So again our main number is 020-395-1015 extension 00 you can slap the of the can see service of the information service but you can also come through to the press team and we can send you a pack so if you'd like me top back from the from the migrant trust or if you want to contact them for advice and support 2039 for. 1. 039-510-1559 extension 51 I 15. Thank you very much for your time. Then. Have you found it. Found that you didn't accept. That you. Spent time with people because you're concerned about what might happen if you. Migraine strike what about if you go. With. Friends or in your family. Away or do you have to be. 100. 86. If you live with. The results of. Living with migraine. Because friends invite you to go out all the day things need you turned down those invitations because you're concerned what might happen if you have to cancel or if you get out and then migraine strikes What's that like for you or if you're a friend or a family member or someone living with migraine How do you deal with that how do you make sure the person the person doesn't become socially isolated. People get together and. Talk about migraine but it's certainly an opportunity to reduce people feeling isolated. What you've been hearing. Right I ate 19696 Jim Hawkins B.B.C. Don't care. Also as we've been saying this morning the final decision on the future of shoppers hospitals has been taken. Center by Shrewsbury Telford the home of plant can just that's a very very thumbnail picture of quite a complicated of quite a complicated plan how do you think this will affect you and your family is interest your money right. Moni right what do you how do you think it will affect you well they want to. Because. Up until narrow I haven't received any treatment from troops Bruce little pinky furred outside the Shrewsbury 001000 waiting for an appointment crew where up to 2 years because they came your choice a hospital was it was cruel. Well I chose crew because it was close so. I'm getting treatment at the moment and stuck a hospital because again Shrewsbury Hospital will fold up and Stoke was one of the choices always given my life to go to morrow it's canes and treatment full nervous to soda. And also history of doing physio therapy physio therapy sorry I've had trouble with the fleet and we had to go they ought to have a treatment network a sneeze is the mandatory takes to get to these places in the treatment last 10 minutes but everybody saying oh you know it's going to be very very difficult to get TELFORD I have ever met treatment until part of a treatment through for you know I'm going outside the county and what makes it worse is I don't know if we're going to call how in which case how do you must talk about planning how do you how do you knew was get to leave different places we walked to Shrewsbury 1st of all because we have a we live up a ready month will we walk down the Shrewsbury because you can get a bus pass on the bus until $930.00 so we walk down the Shrewsbury this is the point was made by someone and you're on the if you go in appointment on the cloak then they go come some distance or if you if you'll concession or try one of the stuff you laugh now and then that's a problem OK show Yep Yes So so far has cost me $26.00 pound on the bus to go to Stoke because I tore it 3 separate points and started going over the course of 2 weeks they're very good they don't come here and I'm not looking the service yes it's just again a start but they're very understanding my own people in appointment around lunchtime because the bus service. As of now the service. Office Stoke and I will rent to the hospital I could get a bus to the hospital but again it's a small pile you know so one of the Saudis a total of mostly well won't return so we just ran to the hospital have the treatment back to the bus station back on the past hour Aaron whole affair and 3 Golden busses. Got a bad back that's why I go to Stoke is the same problem and there won't be a case for holding some comfortable so walking is pretty difficult and uncomfortable in any way and you're having to do that because you can get a bus exactly but. I don't want to put I'm doing nothing but moaning now I understand the problems of the N.H.S. Understand the problems in truth. Stopping doing this for 18 months. Thinking why is everybody up in arms about god allowed to go to so many times I want to say me to. For it because it's so much for me one of the things that one of the points of the future it was that if you least one of the hospitals was made more significant if you like then it would be it would be and then of the sort of things that people were going out of the county for the moment would be able to be provided within the county do you think that my that might be the case for you that in the in the when when the for the purchase is completed what you are currently having to go to different places for. Your email actually I only have 2 only able to come as I only have to travel. The small number of miles I have no way of knowing as I suspect the health authorities have no why. Because everything everything they're doing. Everything. Is done. Happened that my half of. What worries me is the. Scientists truth the accident emergency into. Place it's falling but we're a growing tensions priest getting bigger and bigger I do LOL walking all I see all the buildings going up and I wonder where the services are keeping up with them until fiscal the same problem and and still seamless Sophie for a FULL of years told I'm still going to stop to recruit to get treatment but they are he's my blood brother NOROOZI new town actually comes to Shrewsbury for treatment I don't really go to Stoke. We both say that we hope will want to like go to Shrewsbury and all of them think all these mean to go to toe food from Shrewsbury or start from sure your tent is a much longer journey is that so this is the same kind of treatment I mean he is the kind that for the signing of the A went to Shruti for an M.R.I. Scan right let's go to Stoke for an M.R.I. Scan Yeah. You know I'm confounded I don't understand how this thing can happen. As I say I don't really. Stop driving 3 years ago because. You know it. Must be another reason why you in particular I think I'd just like for an M.R.I. Scan whence other people. Each spring someone who has myself had an M.R.I. Scan or a site. But if you go just take the train. You think of all the stocks doctors especially start with and start to look at all I've done and should know if you're near on the stock so the blood tests the M.R.I. Scan everything now we don't believe Stoke he said we need help so that we try what's going on right really intrigued by this actually and if you find any more about it I would be really interesting hearing from you again about this. Thank you thank you very much for that how will feature Fifa take you and your family 19696 for you. sung Radio strobes yes helping you get away you need to be the 1st to Stephen. Still looking hazardous if you make a journey this morning as you approach Rose and Crown of the a full 56 and CLE Hill is high street for the 4117 some snow showers in the early hours of the morning and for the morning paper doesn't seem to be any snow affecting any part of the county at this stage of the morning and the heavy snow showers that we're seeing on the right already this morning seem to have eased off now on the staff and paying for the souls of area which is good news and he's only eastbound side of the M 54 if you make it a major way journey now those taught on the carriage way around and so will the hands of staff that right now that's now being cleared from the carriage right M 6 doing fine north and south around all the M $54.00 and. 833558 state and beach B.B.C. Radio shop show Thank you Steven shoes pretend I am B.B.C. Plenty. In place of music trying to make you want to be right here today not a place 2 hours of music chosen to make you want to turn up the radio the idea is to provide the perfect soundtrack to your Saturday evening every Saturday night between 6 and 8 and it's over when we tell you about it but will be more effective if I actually played you some of the records in question so I do every weekday morning at about $20.00 to $12.00 so he won in about an hour from now more comments on future fit polling says listening to. Travel medical care I live in Telford but like Ryan I have to travel to stoke for Neurology also strafed physio. Luckily says poling I drive. Don't have any neurology services anymore services withdrawn 2 years ago so Ray will have all he's carried out in stock and that would also explain the M.R.I. Scans of course in that polling thank you for that how people like you put trade in films owned or on television it might be people who do the job you do it might be people of the particular age that you might be people have the same faith as you or that are similar to you 1st for whatever reason if you if someone like you is to try. You don't. In a T.V. Drama read a movie then what one of the How about is the accurate fan. On the show yesterday we were asking this question after hearing from firm motivational speaker who's been looking at a new online collection of films from the British Film Institute who disabled Britain on film we were talking about how the trial of disability and people with disabilities has changed over the last 110 years really since they. Filmed that collection was made but however you interpret the question how are people like you to trade in movies or on the T.V. Screen. We had this great call from poll the taxi driver. Interaction actually. Usually with a company accent I don't usually. Self-opinionated site because actually racist. And it's just you know. I mean in the industry for 24 years it's just it's such a Don't you. Try to. Not just people. Doing anything else and it's usually somebody 2nd 2nd career. In my case. It was an option I took time job just to. Think about previous jobs. I didn't expect to be in 24 years but here I am and there he is in the coffin poll which is somewhere you had to say yesterday we had a really great text from someone and if you're the person that sent us this text I'd be really very keen to talk to you this is this is what the text said whilst we were talking yesterday about how people like you patrol in films or on T.V. This text said I am a gypsy we are not represented well we are very family oriented we're clean our men are hardworking We don't sit on the dole Yes there are some steal or leave a message cetera but they are not the majority that is all anyone sees. On T.V. Or movies if that's you or if you want to comment on that comment then I'd absolutely love to talk to you if they kill the person the sense that text about how gypsies. And how Romney people are represented on presented on T.V. And I think actually that. This actually broadens it out from not just fictional representation. In dramas or or movies but also to kind of reality shows and fly on the wall type documentary type the reality and and documentary type programs. Because I. Want to be honest this you know there was there was a Big Fat Gypsy waiting thing. Which then went on and on and on the known and it seemed almost like it was like it was like felt like a 21st century equivalent of putting people from a particular community in some kind of glass box and inviting everyone else to. Throw stuff at them. And this such the same goes for those programs you see and there are a couple of channels where they do reloads this type of thing it's essentially. Portraying the lives of people who are on benefits or people who oppose war and again they seem to be inviting you to judge these people. So it's not just about. If either of those examples. Ring a bell with. Gypsies or represented. However people like you and you can define that anyway you like however people like you. In films whether it's documentary or whether it's fictional or real life or reality . How fair is. Right or wrong maybe people like you and again you can you define the any way you like are just not seen on television or not seen in movies you're invisible that's certainly been the case some communities in the past 89696 about this after the Times. Funk this Friday every Friday night. Of the change in the seventy's and eighty's how people like you and you can define any way you like but on T.V. Or in films. Morning. Good morning to you got a couple of different answers this from a few different perspectives which one will you like to choose 1st. Well that took about adult autistic women. So you mentioned about the outreach. Datable I'm sure people are familiar waste. The something uncomfortable about watching it like you talking about people watching it for the sake of amazement all poke fun with a cool 8 feels like that kind of show that will last thing at the. People haven't seen the undefeatable he's on Channel 4 and takes. People who for whatever reason haven't had relations will have successful relationships or fun to hold to to meet people and set them up with people a lot of these people are on the artistic SPECTER That's very true yes absolutely without but let alone documentary to helping people to understand about any of the conditions that people have critically this is coping to take with autism with lots of different conditions with them it's Tourette's Down syndrome and. All sorts of different things but without the explanation behind it the behavior can just look funny and yet so you end up with people watching a T.V. a T.V. Series which is which is an episode which features as you mentioned song with 2 rats and the opportunity to educate them about Tourette's is lost all they do need saying Look at that funny person to keep saying the word biscuits Yes absolutely yes. Exactly that and moving on to the plans television the film. Full of adult females and some of them a very stereotypical. Detective Sonya cross through the bridge. If anyone to the thing that she's got like could have just a. Voice contact and all that kind of stuff but a lot of people who are adults with Asperger's have developed coping techniques that have integrated the more into society so I had to teach myself to connect with artist because that's what people do yeah they're comfortable for me but I learned that that's how you get on at work and in social groups so the fact that she's got the detective level and she hasn't adapted in that way and she's working a job with lots of people including the public it just seems to be unlikely to me that she hasn't learnt coping techniques Yeah nostrils nice post but nonetheless what we. What we do why they do they even include There is no limit of her character because it's not no one's learning anything about adults with autism from from that is it just it's just a way of to make someone suppose you know in very common interesting yeah I think it is I mean sometimes it's not even talked about a troll. Believe A. Salad from The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Abby for C.I.'s. That no one ever. Talks about autism or talks about. But they have a fairly obvious choice or portrayed but they all sort of how many people look at the missing on the left just a bit eccentric there's a bit different there because you know off the wall and you've got people like Amy from Big Bang Theory and the fire Fowler who sort of. Again she's portrayed as someone he's slightly unattractive no dressed very dorky sort of different people. And I think I've not actually met very many adults. With autism but I don't like that so definitely not Representatives it's just her face in what she is particular entering the actress playing her is actually qualified neuroscientist which raises a whole other level of we're just talking about the Big Bang Theory I mean Sheldon love you like the big star of Big Bang Theory that character is. Is that character written as an adult will His them do you think Yes yes absolutely yes absolutely crazy more kindly than I am me. Yes but they seem to be by tolerate all his quirks could be quite crew and quite selfish at times that the in the earlier series when you watch back series one seems to you can say some fairly selfish and mean thing here and then very forgiving of him which is really not an expert does know indicative of what it's like in the real world it's all that there is one there is one character in surgical bugs that you're a that which I've actually seen so you're going to explain this to me as well who is much more positive Tell me about her. Temperance Brennan she's the picture that character and she's. Really intelligent written the book she's P.H.P. Up to the. Brows and she's she works with. Bones identifying people from crying people from history all sorts of stuff but she often put her foot in it she often fails to get things like new or subtleties and she sort of tilts them social niceties by the other character that. Booth and with a bang her husband. The same evolution of her to the series which I think is really nice hair edges of socks and. I think that's more real yes. There's an example that others of us could learn from because it's because in that case it seems to be written in as part of the character rather than just a bald tome trying to make them seem all quite as interesting yeah I think. That bodes well on that the fact that she is so quickly is the whole point about character that she's quite unusual I'm the dynamic between her and bizarrely newer typical. I think that dynamic works really really well. Occasions where your. Character is in shows and they can come across autistic but actually there's a lot of traits in German and Dutch people in another reason they present themselves which can seem to be autistic but actually it's just a cultural thing. Which is again that's it that's intriguing and might end and that falls within if not the remit of this conversation so you know if you look if someone's a doctor or German or root for one particular country or pick math I think great more talk about how they feel their breath that they're shown on television then I'm definitely up for that as well. As. Let's not mention things like you know an awful lot of the wise would be if for some time to sound that was really helpful thank you very much for that greeting and. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU What do you think about this how are whether you however you want define yourself or how I view my answer the question people like you how are people like you shown on film in films or on T.V. Whether it's documentaries comedy shows reality shows here's how you tell me the movie is no. 19696 week days from to our viewers that line will headline the hit you tell us what you think would go with this story today what it is they place in the States trying to track down a man who spent 3 hours licking a door bell at a California have licking the door bam. Right. Can. Make you buy salt. It gives you good. Week days come to. The grocery 1st. 3. * The news. The decision to base the only emergency department. By the trust that runs both hospitals hospital focus on. The trust's chief executive. Decision has been made and says the trust can. Get on with the work of planning and creating 2 new state of the out hospitals at a rowdy meeting last night a panel of experts agreed the town emergency center entries be would provide the best value for money over the long term and that fewer people would have to travel further from urgency care here are the views of some of those attending the meeting at least we have a decision obviously all of us would like all of the services at the end of that I wrote but I'm pleased that we now have a decision that we're going to have good serve.

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