They were this statement described the couple is beautiful souls they started up a fund raising appeal to help cover the cost of flying the couple's bodies home to Britain the Indonesian authorities say at least 373 people are now know to have died in the tsunami which struck the islands of Java and Sumatra on Saturday nearly 1500 people were injured when the vast waves hit land 128 remain missing the worst affected area is the West Coast of the island of Java where buildings have been reduced to a tangled mess there's concern that further seismic activity could trigger another tsunami. Staffordshire Police investigating homophobic graffiti painted on more than 20 vehicles in the childs more area of chemical of the rest of the man on suspicion of criminal damage garage doors and walls were also spray painted the only ones most famous landmark has been given a festive make over a huge Santa hat has been placed on top of the angel of the North who's Fiona Trott reports as dawn broke over the all day shifts addition to this well loved landmark was revealed to the thousands of motorists passing by many took a last minute detour and parked next to the angel for a photograph what quickly spread on social media but house yet the people responsible for the stunt remain a mystery is being considered quite an achievement because the 200 tonne steel figure is 20 metres Hallie the sculpture created by Sir Antony Gormley was one straight down a joint Newcastle United shirt that was taken down after 20 minutes maybe the festive spirit has helped delay the Santa hat removal for a few hours yet they're up to date with news on B.B.C. Radio from sure it's 3 minutes past 4 thank you Andrew trouble means a radio for a few helping you get where you need to be as you look on the roads during. What it's very quiet out there at the moment Paul really thought really quiet now through the. Congestion in the system is a thing we'll be seeing heavy delays on ways like Castle for that Market Street in midtown there looking a lot better traffic through Telford which aired also history seems to be clear and key rates across the county like they 49 and a 40 want to find motorways also looking good for you anything else you do spot though it's 833-012-3355 extension 3 Nevadans But if you travel Jerry you got so destroying. Having us in history now I tell you why I ask this morning I'm flicking through the channels in desperation trauma for and something to watch that doesn't feature Mary Berry I got to back channel 241 and I stumbled across Stephen Fry getting his top 100 gadgets right and the Gadget Show it spot on the spectrum of a 55 years I mean he was referring to the Hoover as a gadget so he's working his way through every gadget he's going through the sandwich toaster in the Breville And so a business but then Heston Blumenthal pops up and you know it did Jerry you won't believe on ice you know I'm gone I want I want and I got a glass of wine right it worked in the Soda Stream machine I'm pretending he made champagne. He like to ask for the Christmas present I destroyed you know I mean he made blue known into fizzy that is a math that's a Christmas miracle I would. Love Britney on heat. I'm looking at this idea if anybody has got a Soda Stream and wishes to try this the B.B.C. Will take no responsibility of anything the market explode However if it works I would like to know because this is just the best idea you could make there for any alcoholic beverage fizzy if it's. What more could you want to cry so if Jerry the possibilities are endless. If we clip together direct we could fall into the cell of a Soda Stream between nav 5 o'clock yet we got it now it would be worth the what to if you got anybody offices that did and they could be said to Matt to get us one even if they did something I think. I'll do you believe go get a Soda Stream the problem is on THANK YOU jury note. With Paul Shuttleworth if you're going to try that experiment I repeat we are taking no responsibility for explosions but if it does work I need to not take the words of our spicy message on 3 double 3 rather cloudy for most areas some sunny spells of possible to die you're waiting 5 in $41.00 the C. Evening and overnight is going to be dry we'd simply as spells in place of the rather clouded Misty for a time she mist and fog for me by dawn overnight lows down to one degree Celsius $34.00 fire not Christmas Day a chilly start and remain to be a dry day a bit of cloud around and one or 2 early mist and fog patches followed by a couple of showers but generally a dry day top 10 to 10 degrees Celsius 50 Fahrenheit job is also with us for some top tips on reducing Weiss We'll get to that after this from slight and Merry Christmas everyone Christmas Eve with Paul and B.B.C. Radio shop shit till 6. For some the fact that it's only just begun is a good thing for others we can't wait for it to end these babies right here structure that is not held up and slate with Merry Christmas everyone which was recorded in July in a recording studio in New York and in order to get the Echo because there wasn't an echo chamber in the studio then not he was required to do that law again in the stay awhile of the studio end Jude Law And what other people are coming down the stays so imagine you're in New York he didn't have a sight seeing you walking down the stairs and there's a gaze A from over 7 with massive sawed burns going. That was the stairwell as you walk past it would be proper walking past the wait I would just like I need to give this guy a wide berth Yeah and it was recorded in July in a recording studio in New York so I have that by all means B.B.C. Writers option please welcome to the studio festive Greetings Joy Very well thank you are you already I'm pretty much everyone has a real life he should have the right a navy and that I wasn't expecting something by no results I think the onus just had a tweet from my friend Josh being a proper legend today but an impact get some Christmas presents with. 15 this morning started our pride to a yellow label Christmas I think so I think I quite enjoyed last year when I went on the 27th on the basis that I didn't see any of my family till the 29th because I was working so I got more psyop bargain bargains to be had now we're not talking bargains per se but definitely reducing whites because this time of year if a number of the Manta food and stuff goes in the bin doesn't it it does it does so I thought we might saw talking with the unsung hero of Christmas which is the fridge because I know we talk a lot about the freezer Yeah. And I was just checking out fridge stats half of us have got our fridge too hot it should be below a 5 degrees and run it's below 5 degrees mishear food is going to last 3 days longer so when you think about how many Christmas leftovers are on a picture into your fridge that makes a huge difference but you can have it to live so when everything at the back freeze and sites are saying you want to frozen lettuce that's what you need just below 5 degrees OK And just to add to the complication if you go to a fridge that's got a digital readout that's absolutely fine but what about those of us that have gotten the dial right you know and I actually had to check yes how to turn the thing yes the numbers one to 10 is that the temperature or is that the fridge power I mean you don't know whether the higher number mix it goes colder or the higher number means it's model that's right so help his hands if you look on to the website they've got a drop down box and click on the brand fridge it will give you that information but also it's got some useful information if your brand fridge like mine wasn't actually listed there and I checked mine out and actually yes the cold rolled my fridge the more the higher the number has to be right so it's number 10 it'd be a freezer that's right and if it was number it would get that mild So really the good advice is to sort of pitch somewhere in the middle see if you've got a dial that says $1.00 to $5.00 for example you need started about 3 if you've got a dial which I've got which is. Kind of one note to 7 he should be 3 to 4 I actually invested in really cheap a little for movement and yet checked my fridge and it was slightly too warm and I think that's because there's a lot of stuff in there the house is quite hot haven't got the heating on but he said. The woman but people staying right opening the fridge door a lot so that's why I want such things and I can order things that make a difference to your fridge temperature the amount of stuff that's in it so this time of year when it's 3 times full of them normally Yeah we need it doll than I was a compensate for the amount of stuff in there yeah and if you're opening the door than that Christmas I can't walk past the fridge door without opening it even if it's just for a little look and maybe a handful of stuffing that's right it's the conflict grazing and then it's all the extra cups of tea and coffee in. And it's very tempting on eggs if you've got lots of food that you're wanting to sort of cool down and bung in the fridge might make sure that it is cold for popping into the because it will bring up the temperature of everything else when it goes in my fridge it's got a P.B. In the door's open thing but it is a lock which means I went out not because obviously if you just popping something in and then back in it or it often does you to just leave the jar a little bit and those kind of things can contribute to the fridge getting warmer and the stuff in there not lasting as long as your that's right and I think 3 days is a lot isn't it so you can put it out 3 days to the life expectancy of something in your fridge just by darling than a little so it's safer because it's you know between 8 degrees a puts at about 60 that's what's predicts what's called the danger zone that's when nasty bacteria are going to. Grow quite quickly now yeah Joy is with us to offer any help and advice so if there are certain things in your house that are always left over after Christmas tell us about it and we'll see what we can do about making the most of it and avoiding Weiss that's the key for today's program so if you want to get in Turkey. You can give us a call we love to speak to you 080819696 the telephone number you can text the word trop followed by a space in the message send it through to 813 double 3 or you can email paul Shuttleworth B.B.C. Daugherty U.K. But remember Di but it doesn't mean I mean just one word Portugal we're at B.B.C. Dot co dot U.K. If you want to get in touch and ask any questions net. Left over love it's fair to say I would prefer leftovers to the real thing in many cases so I'm going to dad's for Christmas dinner we have an evening thing so the other half an hour having our Christmas dinner tonight then we'll get up tomorrow morning of the breakfast he thing and then amble off to our parents to be fed to beyond you know to zip splitting will be fed to that degree then we'll do that thing where oh oh when he said in the car that they needed a driver and then he couldn't interfere couldn't another thing love you fancy it except O'GORMAN So that's the plan right and not because you do it. Oh no Couldn't it another thing to a bit of cheeses and grapes or go on there because you do don't you and the other thing is that when you visit your parents they believe you haven't eaten since you last left their house right which could be over a year ago and they feel they need to feed you the amount of food that they perceive you not to have had there's a possibility that you've eaten the same day but they tend to feed you lot you haven't eaten for months. And we do time to get things in so during the program as well we're going to have some top tips a bag extending life expectancy and what you can use things in that you may not have thought of to make the most of these leftovers so that doesn't necessarily have to be the boring mundane we can get a little bit excited we're going to we're going to just some particular going to we're going to pop in jalapeno. Never going to Korea all up whatever you like to do you got some good tips on your favorite Christmas to do with leftovers and. We would love your suggestions as well to get in touch 19696 the telephone number. And Marie The song's called. To see could. James author an armory have you rewrite the stylus. And. Making the most of notes and Chris for that you buy for nibbles at Christmas and we can jus them up oh yes details on a take nary Christmas from us. There is no well the song. As the greatest Christmas song. I love it it tells a story. Of how much. You can. Live. Live. Live. Live live. Live. Live. Live. B.B.C. Radio shop here with Paul on a Christmas Eve afternoon just a bit of time for reflection and thinking right there Joy is with us and we're talking about it when it comes to Christmas and snacks we end up with a load of snacks that we boy because we boy enough pain to feed all the monkeys at the zoo we buy lots of crisps we buy variety packs have lives in that we actually don't like if anybody wants vinegar I'm up for that I've got white in a lot discos you could only buy means that impacts you can't opt out so many so what sort of things can we do for these Nabl striped bass necks that we get that we don't actually start 18 to Boxing Day 272820 no New Year's Eve party yeah snacks about in the top 20 most wasted foods which really surprised me. So the good news is they usually if I'm not opened they'll be in packs or last for a very long time because they'll have a sort of best before date on that would be way beyond Christmas so you haven't opened it they panic when she have a pin did they tend to be things that sit around the house that they the bowl of nuts the bowl of crisps not if it's not east up and they go slightly so you can rejuvenate them start if you've got the oven on something else right at the end when you've cooked everything you take it out of the Evan spread out the nuts the crackers the crisps Yeah cracker silky put them onto a baking tray just for a very short amount of time and as they cool down they will crisp up again right so that's the way to rejuvenate things then you want to give us the stick for chips chips yes if you. Give it a minute that's right you can divide it up into push and freeze it straight to the freezer put on a hot tray and hot oven for a few minutes 10 minutes quarter not they come out nice and crispy. This is a way of regenerating those crispy snacks that are that maybe less crispy than when I started now. Things like nuts if they go just a little bit tired again if it toasted that can rejuvenate them and what I sometimes do weeks not quite expensive and often if you've been cooking you'll have you know bits of different combinations just left in a pack I do sometimes put them into the freezer because eventually once the pack you say penned it's the fact that can go off right freeze really well. Alternatively if you've got a mishmash of odd and tweakers you know toasted not scraps that kind of thing just bashed up slightly and frozen it makes a really nice kind of. Crumble topping everything is saying OK So come the end of Christmas when you've got a lot of you know left over you know cooked root Fed bit of cheese sauce and then a nice crispy topping one of my favorite things we shepherd's pie right shepherd's pie you get some plain Chris give me a good battery mither Olympia right sprinkle them out on top of the mash and then add grated cheese and then whack it in the oven and the cheese melts you get the crispness of the crisps and the tire while there was a source in there to die for. Brake drums make is a coating for your chicken breast or fish something like that fantastic lots of tips if there's anything that you've got knocking about in the house that always gets left out if you like some tips of what you can do to opposite were or give it a bit of an extended lifespan then feel free to give us a call we love to hear from you oh wait 081-9696 the telephone number you can text the word truck followed by spacing a message send 832813 double 3 or you can e-mail Portugal with at B.B.C. The U.K. . With the time at 430 with lights news headlines his under he can both thank you the International Red Cross says its aid teams in Indonesia are working hard to stop the spread of disease after a tsunami slammed into beaches killing more than 370 people more than 120 are still . Missing the couple questioned by police about the drone destruction at Gatwick have said they feel compelled failed completely violated by the experience of the couple from Crawley were released without charge after 2 nights in custody they say they've received medical care for the deep distress caused to them after the home was searched and their privacy and identity exposed. Tributes of him paid to a Shropshire man and his girlfriend who died in Western Australia Jason Francis and Alice Robinson had moved to Perth earlier this year Australian media are suggesting she took her own life after finding out about Jason's death bigger discounts the normal are expected in the traditional Boxing Day sales as shops try to make up for weak trading in the lead up to Christmas I'm Liz to predicting discounts of more than 50 percent of stores try to get rid of unwanted stock a tin of mince pies breaks during the 2nd World War has been put on display for the 1st time since they were found under the floorboards of a hotel in the Isle of Man They were a wartime gift from a mother in Birmingham to her son who was a sailor the festive treats were actually discovered during renovations 20 years ago but the monks museum and forgotten all about them. Unity and sharpness. Look good enough to eat the boxing and the idea featherweight champion Josh Warrington has told the B.B.C. He's targeting a unification fight with one of the 3 other world champions Wellington who made a successful 1st title defense against Col Frampton over the weekend is determined to have another big challenge rather than an easy payday when you've got going and going in your stride you need to you need to really take control and go with confidence in him and it's all been must've been in boxing and what if I was on a high it's outs I'm a doctor. And you want to test yourself against the best that's what makes us all so wealthy that's what not say so or below which uncle and I don't know about football and in the Premier League the Tottenham manager Party now is an acknowledged that his side are title contenders but he's insisting that Liverpool and Manchester City still remain the. Favorites to be crowned champions but as you know I was speaking of the Spurs won 62 at Everton the Newcastle United manager Rafa Benitez as it will be a miracle if they avoid relegation the Magpies failed to win any of their opening 10 games of this campaign on a 15th in the table they play the leaders Liverpool on Boxing Day at Enfield as for Liverpool manager you can plop has confirmed that Trenton Xander is back in training after a foot injury and in the Championship Aston Villa threw away a 2 new leaders they lost 32 A time to Leeds who are now back at the top of the championship below as manager Dean Smith says Leeds are the best side they've faced so far this season a lot of energy high pressure trying to press in very good on the ball you know if it's played at center back they play out from the back and they hope you're right movement but we felt we could score goals against them and that was proven we didn't defend well and of the Villa manager Dean Smith That's B.B.C. Radio news and sport I'll have more for you would 500 travel nice. Radios for us yes helping you get where you need to be as you look. At very quiet actually all that kind of congestion that we've been seeing in around the century surely spray for a