Transcripts for BBC Radio Scotland MW BBC Radio Scotland MW

BBC Radio Scotland MW BBC Radio Scotland MW December 12, 2019 130000

Meanwhile police have closed off an area following a to be called Crash at a roundabout at Fort can aired in the southeast of Edinburgh that happened near McDonald's restaurant at 830 firefighters have been using cutting equipment at the scene to release motorists from their vehicle Germany has described Russia's decision to expel 2 of its diplomats from Moscow as unjustified The action was in retaliation for a similar move by Barry Lynn last week the German government ordered 2 Russian officials out of the country saying more school wasn't cooperating in the investigation into the murder of a form of Chechen commander in Berlin. So Paul McCartney has revealed he secretly recorded his own version of traditional Christmas music years ago that snow played every year and his household over the festive period the former Beatle says the instrumental pieces are just for his family and won't be released so he's been reluctant as to whether he should talk about them he told the b.b.c. It came about because he didn't think there were many good Christmas records around like words like do something kind of traditional and simple and easy with all the All Good King Wenceslas all over so I actually went into my studio over a couple of years and I made what the kids like. It's gonna traditional So it's something they've heard through the years you know and now it's the grandkids doctrinally to it with my Cowles record and in the city a short time ago the Fitzy 100 index was up 38 points at 7255 is what my dad would have called a good jumper fern cue John the former Rangers defender Morris Ross is predicting a brick say the well handle the pressure tonight when they face the Swiss say the young boys Rangers need to avoid defeat to seal their place in their own to 32 and guarantee European football after Christmas sale to Karen Romania to take on clues having already booked their place in the next round and British heavyweight boxer Deleon White has been formally reinstated as the mandatory challenger for Deonte Wilder's w.b.c. What I would say to all that comes after adopting violation charge against him was dropped. Thank you but here's the travel from Theresa the one that's the Helen's Britta Arjen road that's close between the reservoir and claim friend turned off police are still dealing with an accident here at home but a very slow both ways and fairly told from crew told to leave Edinburgh city bypass that accident it all Create call it the a one is not clear but a breakdown eastbound at low the unburned blocking all in causing some delays and David called to see a breakdown on the a 7 to 5 Bellshill bypass blocking a northbound just at the Emmy junction and I was heading up. Toward court bridge police are in attendance but one lane is blocked there are delays that's b.b.c. Radio Scotland travel and the all important weather from Julian while northern parts will see some bright or sunny spells along with a scattering of showers and sharers will be heavy at times falling a snow above about 200 meters central and southern Scotland will see thickening cloud and spells of rain much of it light in patchy but with some heavier pulses for ears and a recent Galloway and again some winter NIST on higher ground winds brisk over the northern hours of rest easing for the day and chilly with highs of just 4 to 7 Celsius last forecast thank you remember to stay right here on the b.b.c. Radio Scotland the afternoon show it crowd start it's film review day and they will be having a look at Karen Gillan film Manzi the next level that's crap start at 2 o'clock let's go back to. Talk about Russia in the doping. Story and it is extraordinary this 4 year ban from all major sporting events and this I guess we all unite grew up with understanding and we all grew up understanding that you know we thought the East Germans were on drugs and we knew that some top g.b. Athletes were on drugs and here this seems to be state sponsored stuff and it's not just a back page story you know I I do even go back just to the kind of l.e.d.s. Of that memory join because I was actually thinking exactly that just before we came on on e r I think that the people taking are probably thinking here about the early to mid sixty's you became aware of that behind what was then called the Iron Curtain that the the Soviet countries obviously the u.s.s.r. You know even the Czech Republic Czechs of archaea and East Germany in particular you knew that they had good each sporting heritage and one of the things that actually are I really admired was that if you take for the moment the debate about drugs being legal illegal watched. One of the things I think was fascinating about that period is it was the evolution of sports science that was the idea of all these kind of treaty scientists trying to make sporting peoples and Davis bets are better Norn more intellectualized a great understanding of physiology and one story that really intrigued me because it was actually one on one telly quite recently was the story of Elena Baltacha the tennis player whose father Sergei his mother had been part of that training culture of an academy and they had been selected I think 9 year old they met in a leather Mary is giving us a. Red Army cane of recruitment training camp one is a tough week the other is a soccer player but one of the reasons that they'd been identified was the predisposition position of Saturday's family to produce good sporting people so that to the Beattie family your family has exactly that join you know and I think there's a lot to be a lair from not why is south in families produce strong athletic and sporting traditions Why is that in sports seem to replicate a particular type of body and a type of energy so there's much that we know nor much more now that we know about sport and Sport Science and the physiology of all than we ever knew before and I think we have to be if we're honest with to go back to that period behind the Iron Curtain and see much great pioneering was done there but something went terribly wrong wrong now whether what went terribly wrong was the prescription of very obscure areas of performance enhancing drugs which the Soviet Union or lots of early Russia simply ignored it and then thought well we'll get our way around this because we'll plan a rewrite and that's where the mistake was made the mistake was not about getting Greece on knowledge or great a straight sport science but actually abusing the systems. Been put in place to try and bring or make feet on this part of the equation as well you know I plan on growing up in the seventy's and watching athletics drugs but I was only young didn't think about drugs likes to be thinkin it's behind on cotton it's gelatin to them the discipline and I kind of thought there's a lack of freedom so they're made to train like all the time that's what I was sort of thinking that's why they were so dominant because it was the research and it was the science and it was the train every day and I think that was that was part of it I remember my parents making terribly put would now be considered politically correct comments about the lady shot putters Yeah yeah the drug regimen that created their progress and physique. Obviously you know not something that one would say in any company never mind polite company these days or speculate about yet it is fascinating and it's fascinating as well to to consider why these countries thought it was so important not the real crunch the question may have been a question you know why would you do such things why would you take a kind of a noble and Juno wholesome field of study sports medicine into wholesome and you know. Healthy pursuits why why would you take that to such an extreme Why would you twist it and and why why would you want to win at all costs and that then brings you to. The reason why this ban will be so painful isn't it and why it's such a huge punishment and it's because these things are so important you know that this was all done to to further the greatness of the the revolution and the Fatherland and to to show the. Success and the supremacy in every way of the people from the Eastern Bloc and the Eastern Bloc no longer exists this idea of sport as a huge hue. Huge player in soft diplomacy as a marker of your international status as just such an important thing for your national pride that completely exists which is why you know saying you can't compete in all these events you can't have your flag you can't of your tracksuits you can't host these events that is why it's such an enormous issue and why it's such a big story and why there's so much at stake you know and one of the things I was looking at this through our pay him an archive interview with the whistleblower who really blew the top pole of this and it was her Rangers or if anyone else it was her and just the guys wearing this the guy has had to change his name is like an f.b.i. Informant he's now living in the the u.s. He's had to change his name he's had to leave his family behind in Russia he's interviewed wearing basically a ski mask it don't see his eyes and he was wearing glasses you know he says he is absolutely convinced he is a huge personal risk for having exposed what went on at the highest level within the Russian Sports Management our world if I just pick up there on one of on as little phrases there he's now in the u.s. And I'd quite like to follow the law as as a thought because I think the clear beneficiaries of this will be the American highly competitive American collegiate sports system that you know most of these Russian athletes know unable for the next 4 years and 4 years as a as you know a long time at the height of your sport on the ball therefore to compete under the nation's flag unable to stand on the podium hearing their own national anthem looking maybe to kind of maximize opportunity is within their career the vast majority of them probably 90 percent of them will go to the American collegiate system where they'll be on very strong and decent scholarships and will of the the again become come under a regime which is highly competitive. We've not always as clean as we would like to make it but also a collegiate system where the idea of you you know the status that you can have within your own college and build up your peril achievements are huge so I think in lots of ways that's the the next part of that story because that system has also been exposed not always to do with drug taking but actually to do with the way in which money is used there's been an awful lot of attacks in the basketball profiles within the collegiate system they are usually involving Nike and Adidas and the big Morris we are companies cultivating kids from the genuine even in the recent scandal of celebrities and high fliers and so on paying you know big backhanders to get some of them are some sort of Ivy League yeah there were 3 or scholarships there and they go it's going to really a system that has some a regular room for various things of a nature says no legal stuff feel good lad I think a Monday was almost destroyed because there's no stuff cable so I don't I'm an excellent pick out that you know but when I watch these major sporting events I don't believe it anymore yet you still believe it. A little bit it does cut it does color your view of it and you have to be I mean all the people whose whose medal you know who are in a different place or who didn't understand the variables that you use you know whose whose whole c.v. Was was changed by these things the opportunities they didn't get you know because I know it's a kind of a One thing leads to another doesn't it's a. Cause and effect thing and you know the the the the ripples of this are enormous all all the people effects done to people just yet like I suppose like us just watching on television thank you really really is this really what I'm watching here I I I'm not sure I always believe it at the very very high end but when you felt of Diane and he is a sport I don't know I mean Susan maybe has much glee and in-depth knowledge of badminton but I don't. Very much if that is the thing that differentiates the winner from the person that comes thought you know I may be wrong but I suspect that technique and quality and speed and energy and train l a t and training all of these things are detail minutes as well and therefore you know you can end up Kane of over stressing this issue and remember you know as in the case that we're all patriots are hot and you know what seafood is less because that was right in the gold medal I believe you know so there's a we are that and you have to kind of return back to that through through through the eyes of whom is this the global scandal and it's a global scandal because we've actually gone through a period where science and pharmaceutical science is beginning to kind of shape the body and you know some of the drugs are a cunt Lee a cunt Lee demonizing Russia no will become legal you know and that's the other case the whole thing about that we have to stop the car sale at what point you know Ok instinct Thank you well you know I'm not lead an opinion but I look old oh I can more about 100 on you know look at old records yeah and I know there were dodgy Yeah and the British Yeah. I agree with that and we can't really touched on it before there are records from the seventy's and eighty's that were ours Yeah and we've got to tell them you are going to turn a blind eye they're still there no one's been there in 40 years you know right why Yeah we know what let's move on Nobel Peace Prize winner and switchy used to be seen as a symbol of human rights spent years on the his arrest for promoting democracy. And of these pictures he's no me I'm a civilian leaders She's at the International Court of Justice to defend our country against charges of genocide. I mean this is extraordinary this is extraordinary it is and you know what i Reports come across to me reading and listening to recover it if this is the. Maybe I'm reading too much into this you think but I can almost feel the pain of the people writing in saying these things because she was such a huge untiring figure you know a Nobel winner seen as such a powerful symbol of peaceful protests so dignified all the things she went through and then journalists who went through a huge amount of jump through a huge amount of hoops went to extreme lengths to ensure view her to tell her story or no having to tell the story of her standing up and. You know talking don't genocide it was I really I really know it's still in the speech to be fair she says didn't exist she says it doesn't identities got a very structured argument about it but. You know we also we all watched the coverage of what happened to the rectangle you know with with horror and obviously we can all make up our own minds that I really noticed this when on the Today programme when Michelle Hussein who is a moose from who had interviewed on throwing Suchi in 2016 and it had been explained this 1st started to to. When this adult 1st kicked off and it was an extremely touchy and difficult and unpleasant interview and I'm sure it was extremely hard and. A big deal for the Today programme to prove us all together and just when Michelle Hussein was introducing this you know I could I could feel almost disappointment is not too strong a word for it. But I think a lot of people that's a lot of people's reaction to to the story is disappointment and finding it very very hard to watch. I think this is the disappointment that somebody who you in much of the world's view was almost saintly she was and then they have been accused of being party to trying to kill off a certain race it is what is that I really think it is and that she. Yes she had such stature and then to you know and then you read you dive into the coverage more deeply and people are debating why is she doing this you know she playing to a home audience is this a very pragmatic move on her part she playing a long game you know she's trying to she has got this very uneasy alliance with the military rulers of Burma she has this weird status where she's had to be given a special title and you know her situation although she has verified it supporters her situation is not clear cut and it's no way guaranteed so it's. Playing a long game here and you can read into all these things and I've read some really great analysis really clear good analysis over and you read and make a lot makes a lot of sense but your visceral feeling when you see her standing up there is as I think it's disappointment it's really really she's doing that and I that sleeth that and you know I want to believe that she's being manipulated perhaps because there's so many people had invested in there and you see him standing up then you're wondering we don't really know what's going on in the country with the advisers around awhile is going on and it makes you think really can we invest in anyone you know if you can't if you can't invest in her you know it really makes you think really who can I invest and go into your other she's lying or the interest of course that are wrong well you know what there's and there's probably a few in between Israel John Boehner I'm very struck by just one location a detour and sent to feet of history I'll bore you with us all to 2 seconds there's a wonderful play by back to back to back Galileo and it's at the point where Galileo needs the permission of the Catholic Church to publish his final findings on astronomy and he has he's befriended a very very liberal you know who supports him and the point of which has. To be published the cardinal becomes the pope now the scene involves Galileo standing speaking to him about his findings. All these courtiers come in and of a statement on the pope and another one and another one and eventually the mikes are and gradually throughout the scene you see the pope taking on all the bar all the all the wheat and all the institutional requirements of the papacy nothing to do with him as an individual but to do with the position he occupies now here's a woman I mean are I like Qana fell in love with our Dimmu our story kind of and the age that wonderful Cain. You know race against that she had and it was really. Compelling but maybe her passion the story is over detail meaning an overwhelming what's really going on here because here is a woman that's taken on a very different role and it's the role as a leader who or she has to her she required almost by expectation and by harder and by her seniority to defend her own military now not so often at the heart of a quite a lot of genocidal. Court cases and it was certainly the that the case you know when you do things like. The killings in Sierra beyond and Bosnia we've seen even my bloody Sunday in the trials there as well where there's expectations that the that the elected officers of state will defend the military come hell or high water and often the things that they do exactly what she's doing they say well there might have been one or 2 incidents they imply that the might of been a bottle in the bottle but this is not in any way systematic or systemic of of the man of modern. Army or of the military she also goes on she comes very very very dangerously close to saying something that I always check myself about when it comes to Scotland which is right or wrong my country you know there's a whole kind of thing which is that the root of kind of blood and soil nationalism where you defend the indefensible and I think that she's perilously close to being put in a position where she is defending the indefensible I don't think that this story as it's been written about here in Britain because we're compelled by this wonderful woman and a history on a Nobel Peace Prize we don't know enough about the Buddhist Muslim say. The kind of root of this we don't hav

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