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Mary said something from the game. You know it's as comfortable as a 2nd off we've had here certainly I think it's probably. The best we've played. You know consistently saw you know the standard here I've been lost the game it's extremely disappointing but you know there's certainly a lot we can take from a opening goal came a time when you were sent on top 3 to rough it chances and just prior to that the players has got during the film of a.o.l. But after maybe what with if we did our. You know when they thought he'd be in front of course on top of that moment in the game. You really pointed out we had 3 excellent opportunities where we put balls in good areas in and got on the end of. You know it's. A similar story unfortunately we've not made them count. And Abe's I think is probably with the force the 2nd ball in the box. Gets a header and gallon cans is very unlucky or comes off the top of Garza said loops over of a club and there's not a great deal you can do about it you know I'm standing here and my goalkeeper hasn't got a save to make but he's had to put the ball into the bucket and that twice you know we've hit the post in the 2nd half some fully tell a good chance just play to post a journal biggest had a chance. Honestly I felt that one nil if we had got the next school I thought it was only going to be $11.00 and you know anybody that was here tonight watching night game. You know that knows anything about football will know with we certainly didn't deserve to to lose it and possibly done after the winners but you know we didn't unfortunately it's the result the models we know not but I'm really proud of our players for the manner in which they've stuck to the task and they went out it and. You know if we try and play like that more consistently then we'll of upset enough and feel oh do you take out 4 men going on. From I'm very committed. You know we form has been really part of the season yeah and you're going to Aberdeen of course yeah of course an extremely difficult away day in a way you know probably to with our best team in the country in. You know in decent form a watch the game it's in Johnston and in the good side anyone is going to goals in the team because group up front is always a threat put in. I will dust ourselves into more and you know we'll come up with a game plan that hopefully will enable us to get our force points on the road on the board that you know tonight is really disappointing when you know and I'm there for as happy as I am in terms of how well we played you know you're obviously always disappointed to lose the game so you know I think the fact that the fans stayed around in good numbers is what they did when the whistle went to show their appreciation to the players efforts I think speaks volumes thanks for and thank you yeah you expect a very disappointed Jim in the end in contrast John Ross has just passed the shaking hands with a large delay today 2nd when on the bones heads mana just saw a big big when for his side here tonight in the Premiership a finish that met and won heads to Christian dogs with the force toss to be Moland in the seconds then the 2nd half had one from the palace what looked to wrap up a dead drop all but some men in a delete hold junior ice with a goal in stoppage time but is couldn't find the equaliser in the Championship it finished part of this a one hour a one the bottom 2 drawing at Firhill tonight Alan choked and with all that it was a not with the equaliser for there's a lot set for tonight from sports on how to blame a golf when Jon Bon Stephen Thompson Alan Stubbs I'm Kenny call for help on his evening sports but tomorrow night the usual type of hot toss sex. On b.b.c. Radio Scotland to join listeners. Enjoying another country with Ricky Ross it's a very special another country as we learn more about the country song life as musicians and singers both past and present and the 1st half of the program just in case you missed it still available on the old that b.b.c. Sounds up by the way I spoke to Peter Cooper at the Country Music Hall of Fame Museum in Nashville in the same neighborhood you'll find the Johnny Cash b.c. I'm with I met the owner and close friend of Johnny's bill that. Bella thank you very much for welcoming us here this is well 1st of all I mean it's a back room and he described this room for me and what we got here because it looks very homely Well 1st of all thank you so much for coming to visit us we're always happy to have our friends from across the pond it's always a real pleasure we're sitting in basically my office you know if you've been around Nashville long enough to know that downtown can get really crazy and in many many ways so somebody needs to have a place to go where they can hide and and sort of a scape the madness but this room is reminiscent of a room that would have been in johnny cash's house Johnny and June and collected a lot of European empty Oriental rugs and I think the brick wall sort of represents the ruggedness of Johnny Cash and then of course we have the church windows you know it represents a lot of things to me but primarily a domain and shelter from the storm so to speak we had about a 1000000 over a 1000000 people come through the museum in the last few years and sometimes it can get hectic here in the building Absolutely I won't read their very brief it is going to be longer won't run later on but. I was amazing Minutes Wednesday morning and the place is jumping it's really a tribute to Johnny Cash going on 14 years later after his death actually going on 15 years it seems like yesterday but my wife Shannon and I were with him we were with him about a week before he passed away the staying power. Johnny Cash to continue to draw people from around the world all ages all races all demographics all sexual orientations is amazing it's stunning when I walk down and I see children grandchildren grandparents and in one case great grandparents all in the same group all fans of Jonica all singing along to the music it's a phenomenon that I don't think exists with any other artist a lot of the other legacy artists or experience sorting a graying of their of their followers cash I think there's a new joining us fan born every day and you know pets come in that are named after John and I think you're right I got something that we see as well of course very iconic I mean a lot of a cool Luke and it's almost like a you know a look that's kind of frozen in time somebody has to go back to these 56 just. Take me back to how you knew John Austin how you 1st met him how many hours doing. As much as you want I just covered Johnny Cash when I was 8 years old it was 1968 when the Folsom Prison album came out within a year of the Johnny Cash t.v. Show starting and cash at the time I discovered him and again it wasn't through the media because I lived in a very small town there were 3 television channels a.b.c. C.b.s. And n.b.c. All network channels so we were literally sequestered out in the middle of nowhere a town of 3000 people and a girl in my 3rd grade class brought Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison to class for show and tell and the teacher put the record on and when he said Hello I'm Johnny Cash and Luther Perkins launched into the instrumental and drove Olson Britain blues it was like being hit by a lightning bolt I'd never heard anything like it I had never really cared about music before my brother was and Morrison and Joplin my dad was into bin Crosby my mother loved Wayne Newton resume reason but when I heard that it was literally life changing having no idea fast forwarding 40 years what would be the outcome of that one. Single momentary Soundbite of Johnny Cash No if you're familiar with the album Johnny use a little bit of salty language so you can imagine the teacher running to the turntable and ripping the needle off the record as soon as that happened and in fact when I got that album when my parents drove me literally 50 miles to get to Johnny Cash I closed my bedroom door and turned the volume Why don't I would literally stand next to the record player because I knew if they heard Yeah you know 1st of all you're killing you know I shot a man to Reno just thought I can't believe the day I shot up not something that you would want your 8 or 9 year old to listen to a little I'm Johnny Cash. Stuck a. Johnny Cash and to live according fulsome Prison Blues the song and album that was life changing for my guest Bill Miller founder of the Johnny Cash Museum I became just in now Mard with Johnny Cash so I joined the fan club when I was 12 years old was promoted to the very prestigious position of Tina editor of the fan club newsletter so my calling was right around the world by thousands if not hundreds of people and in 1973 my parents allowed me to go to my 1st Johnny Cash concert in Denver Colorado it was a 300 mile drive to go there you go out and we have the worst seats that you could possibly go. Other than maybe the guy in the wings that was doing the rigging because we found out about the concert at the at the last over 10000 people there I could barely see Johnny It was just my father and I saw it said Can I go down in front of the stage and take pictures so it was an arena in the round so I kept going around in the spiral spiral spiral spiral and by the time I reached the stage he was finishing the song Orange Blossom Special So Johnny Cash aficionados know he trades off to harmonicas during the time so I reached the stage left at my camera the song ended cash looked me straight in the and handed me one of the 2 harmonica so this was another defining moment so following that there was no dressing room so he went straight to the limousine so figuring this could be my only opportunity to meet my hero I ran and placed myself between the curb and his limousine and 12 Denver Colorado police officers are supporting him so I see him coming toward me and larger than life this amazing looking man with 6 cops on either side all looking at each other saying what are we going to do he's between cash and our job is to get him in that limo get him out of her safely so sort of in slow motion they all approach me and they reach me and he stops right in front of me and looks down at me I can't say a word puts his hand on my shoulder with one hand grabs my other hand with his right hand says hey son how you doing again I didn't respond I was saying nothing but stars got in the limo rolled off into the night so now I've been given a gift by my hero I've met my hero and that led to dozens of other encounters and meetings backstage until the point where I reached the age that we really had a lot in common and from that point on there was a there was a 35 year relationship where we were as close I think as 2 friends could ever be. Ok Ok I'm. Going to out that railroad track. The. Station. And my. Books. Johnny Cash an Orange Blossom Special You're listening to other country was Ricky dos on b.b.c. Radio Scotland and I'm talking to Bill Miller in the Johnny Cash Museum in downtown Nashville I had no idea that there could be a Johnny Cash Museum that there would be a joint to coast museum and certainly Shannon my wife and I. Had maybe been to 2 museums in our lives we knew nothing about operating it was him we were living in California at the time it was the most unlikely thing in the world but all these other fans when I was a kid growing up would say you know we've gone to all the shows we've never met Johnny we why you and literally until 5 years ago I never had an ounce of question and now my answer Rose step into the museum This is why this all happened that's what I believe and today for example I think you bumped into Tommy Cash joined his brother and so it truly is without sounding corny a religious experience in terms of a lot of people's dreams not mine but millions of fans being fulfilled or national do you think of interest he would be surprised at the continuing interest if you had modest man in many ways and would he be agreeably surprised just how much you talked a generational thing the new generations obviously if he saw that and was aware of that interest in him and his music my biggest regret is that he's not here to see it because I can hear him talking to me as we walked through the museum he would be extremely humbled he would be very proud he would come during a time when the museum was open to the public he wouldn't sell come after or before hours and he would stop and greet and think every single person coming he would be extremely happy with you know as humble as he is as humble as many people are still show business so there is still that ego so so you always want to be recognized you know the have these artists that scream at their managers you know keep these people away from me but when they're not recognize they call the manager and so I work people not recognize yeah cash loved his audience cash respected his fans one of the few old school artists that said you know what Without these fans there would be no me and he took that very seriously and it was very apparent every person I've met and there are thousands by now say the exact same thing he stopped he took time he looked me in out of his musicians. And we've interviewed many of them over the who are who know him and would say the same thing Bill one thing being a fun but it's an amazing thing getting to know the person that you to find out I mean how did you come to know each other how do you come to have that friendship Well I think you know growing up literally growing up around him hundreds of visits and encounters as I got older because I was in a position I don't write songs I you know I don't saying Thank God I don't play guitar never had the talent to do that some of the things we had in common was history Johnny was a major history buff and in the time I had a company that dealt in historical documents and autographs and celebrity memorabilia everything ranging from letters written by George Washington to we want sold George Harrison's Redwood Telecaster from the famous rooftop concert I had a business and Johnny when he would come to California would love to go down to my business and see the letters written by Lincoln Lord Alfred 10 of some and all these incredible people in history and I decided that Johnny being such a great scholar of history and have having given me so many gifts including his guitar and costumes and awards that I would assemble for him over a period of several years a complete collection of us Presidential autographs and letters it's so funny because every time I would see Johnny I'd bring him a different piece and he literally be like a child distracted because and sometimes I would tease a little bit he'd be distracted I'd walk on the bus or I'd go backstage or at the hotel where every was and I'd have the piece with me and I'd start talking and discussing things and I could see him totally distracted like a child wanting to know what's in that package right there so we really forged a friendship and whenever it come to California we would walk around shopping malls really it's impossible to describe who he was other than the most caring kind giving compassionate thought. Person I will ever meet in my life I mean obviously there's a lot of stories but Johnny Cash and there was troubled times too. And he was a man who so fought the demons How did you see that working out you know in terms of your relationship. Johnny never completely beat his objection the jaw incident worry he was draw was broken in the ninety's something that dogged him the rest of his life he described the pain to me once when we were visiting his sub just imagine somebody sticking a poker in a fire and heating it up and having that stuck in your jaw he said the only time that ever escapes me is when I'm on stage and the adrenaline flows so he had no choice but to either explore a nerve block or Botox and we had this discussion or to try to cure the pain so all the pain with painkillers and he was afraid that if he did a nerve block or did Botox that he could you know lose control of that sort of his face he was terrified that if he took a pain pill or an aspirin that it could begin the addiction a gun so he did have recurrent belts and you know I saw him several times when this was happening but he was you know always the same Johnny Cash always call and you know I never saw him fall down or stumble but I think Johnny you know his life was such an open book and when he did have these recurrent belts he didn't hide behind a publicist he said this is who I am this is what happens this is why it happened and by the grace of God I hope it doesn't happen to you but if my allowing my life to be an open book will help inspire or deter other people that's what I want and that's what I think people really admire for him there was nothing hidden in this man's life ever and that's what he wanted Yeah it should be a walk before us see duck to death so it would sure be nice if I could get my breath. I'm not to cry in not the one in. Till I hear the whistle of the 309. The 309. Of the 3. Johnny Cash unlike the 3 or 9 for American Recordings 500 Highways one of the final songs he ever recorded you know August 2003 just 3 weeks before his death his building. Over the years over a 40 year period I collected not with the intention you know I never had nor do I have a Johnny Cash shrine in my house but I collected things that I would see come on the market whether it be through family members or you know people that knew him whatever. I kind of felt like these things should be preserved and protected and basically just accumulated this huge stash that was stored at my office and at my home not have it on display and. I built such a huge collection that I really didn't know what I had and one day of all places the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum called me and they said We understand you have Johnny Cash collection of some sort and President Nixon was a huge johnny cash for them and they said that they'd like to do the 1st major non Richard Nixon exhibit in on or Johnny's at the time 77 telephone Yeah yeah so I said well I'm going to warn you it's not catalogued I don't know what I have all what you have access to whatever I have so it was funny to see this van full of Richard Nixon Republicans all wearing white so gloves descend upon my collection and. When they had the opening they allowed me to go in before the general public and I walked into the room and here was this black suit that a month before was hanging in a closet on a hanger looking very black and very unimpressive in a case hit by a spotlight with accompanying photographs and it was another religious experience seeing this collection looking like the crown jewels in this exhibit and then the doors open and I saw all these people coming out in the next in large Bill Miller this is the 1st time we've ever had a single person with a Mohawk and piercings and tattoos on their face in the history of this library so it opened up you know the world of Johnny and how he had a restaurant next and this would have been in 2002. So obviously Johnny was still alive Johnny was still alive didn't see it he did not see it Johnny at that point was within a year of his passing but I'll tell you what what happened is the Nixon Library I didn't have an award of any type role in the Nixon Library So Bill is there any way that you can get one of join his gold records or something like that so I sent word through his office the I'd like to have something like that up for the display we were doing and with no further communication a Fed Ex box arrived the next day and it wasn't just a Grammy it wasn't just a gold record it were the 2 most important awards have you ever been given it was his Kennedy Center award in his National Medal aborts just showed up again speaks for the man to send the highest honors of his career just lets on about Bill that's a car God was. Cry. Tears I cried on the. River and I'm going. To With me. Out. Of one Johnny Cash Kris Kristofferson. And Willie Nelson and big river written by Johnny Cash and recorded as a highwayman on their debut album The High women before you had the voice and stories of Bill Milat the fund and owner of the Johnny Cash Museum in downtown Nashville and a close friend of Johnny's 35 years after the original highwaymen 1st recorded together and there's a new set of law. As. I was up I one. From the you. Are mad children that it was. Not them they lived under are spending the sending still the photo book Loving Through that those in the Mexico. Never love the 'd self for me survive and I am still a lover. I was even there. I was good as a girl. I laid hands upon. Trying to call Natalie Hamby Mary Morris and amount of shyness released their self-titled album The High woman in September $21000.00 the title track is a reworking of the Jimmy Webb song for Scott by Joni Chris will and and will and also features additional calls for me and show Crow is produced by Dave Copeland features a guitar playing of Jason Isbell and here's Jason Isbell on the $400.00 you know with a song from his album The national side another Dave Cole produced record this is we were from parts of the long run. Yes that you're. Going to warm your skin a fragile or protective gear so long. For the mercy of your senses when you're riding on it's not your head surgeon the small hole in the door . Here in this new lows water board. Is not the way you softy off to. Your questions like Do actions to. It's knowing that diskette Goan for it. I've been one of us will have to spin some days alone maybe we'll good 40 years together want to live the long run deal to be the home. We were Dale Myers in the death of Lizzie Jo. We go out all the sidewalk in the snow. Laughing all the others. And really never tired of playing the song another country Jason Isbell and if we were vampires it album and national signed one of the best Americana album of the 2018 Grammy Awards and if we were vampires picked up the best American roots song award just like the high women album it was produced by the called and features Jason's wife Amanda Shires and he was on Jay Leno presently singing about another site began at grassroots grain. I'm earning just to. Assure. For the children. I said God. Own. Merit. a long long slow can be long long. Times runs out and Rex is blues which is a regular recorded in 173 for an album with a working title 7 come 11 the album was never released however due to a dispute between the producer Jack Clement and the record label the Corning was eventually released in 1000. 93 on an album called the Nashville sessions before that you had Angelina presently an outlaw from her 2nd studio album called wrangled released in 2017 and you're listening to another country with Ricky Dorsey on b.b.c. Radio Scotland now he's an artist who is associated with the. Movement and has recently released his 1st album of new material in 17 years it's co-produced by Shooter Jennings son of will and and also Brandi Carlile who we had as part of the high woman it's Tanya Tucker from Harlem where I'm living and hard luck. That. My. Heart. The be. Food. Food. Both. Clubs. 25th. Now there's one new artist who represents out all consumers an its star jewel substance he's influenced by and love the country of Mel Haggard will in Elson Keith Whitley Marty Robbins and bluegrass he rejects Music Row On the corporate side of country music chords the music he wants with the musicians and producers he wants in the studio he wants and when he won the Grammy for Country Album of the year for the sellers guide to f. He followed it up with an album is bought by funk frappe metal the self and recorded in a motor in just outside of Detroit in a recent interview starts will told The New York Times journalist just don't think I need to make compromises or sacrifice to attain things that ultimately I don't camp I'll leave you with a song from that record that won the Grammy for Best Country Album it startles Simpson thanks for listening Good night. For. In your road. Keep pulling. From which. Talk to me. To. Just keep. Losing. Zone On digital radio f.m. Medium wave am b.b.c. Sound b.b.c. Radio Scott. It's 11 o'clock b.b.c. Radio Scotland News I'm Duncan care copra Good evening there were no warning signs to predict a convicted killer would carry out an attack on a woman while he was on home leave according to a significant case review Robbie McIntosh hit Linda MacDonald with a dumbbell and done d. In 2017 as he prepared for possible parole he had been jailed for life in 2002 for stabbing a dog walker to death when he was 15 the Prison Service says it will do whatever it can to ensure public safety Jeremy Corbin has repeatedly declined to apologize to the U.K.'s Jewish community over anti semitism despite biting criticism of him by the chief rabbi but he insisted a live or good Labor government would make society safe for people of all faiths the 1st minister Nicholas sturgeon there are from people residing within the Jewish community reason concerns about anti-Semitism within the Labor Party and I think any political party having comments like these made by a senior faith leader has an obligation to listen carefully and to react in a way that is showing a commitment in the temptation to sort the problem not to attack the messenger but in state resolve the problem that has led to comments like this being made the Muslim Council of Britain has responded to the Chief Rabbi his comments by attacking what it called the conservatives denial dismissal and deceit regarding Islamophobia the conservatives have rejected the criticism insisting there's no room in the party for prejudice of any sort a judge has banned the distribution of an s.n.p. Election leaflet in Eastern Bloc ensure following legal action by the Lib Dems leader Joseph Winston the case centered on a leaflet which accuses Ms Swinson of accepting a 14000 pounds donation from a fracking company. Climate experts have warned world leaders that they will have to increase their carbon cutting ambition significantly if the world is to avoid dangerous levels of warming a report by the un Environment Programme describes the current situation as bleak as 15 of the world's 20 wealthiest nations have no timeline for a net 0 emissions target image and folks reports from Geneva the goals of the Paris Agreement are slipping away to reach the target of limiting global warming to $1.00 degrees above pre-industrial levels emissions will have to be cut by 7.6 percent every year for the next 10 years this means governments must adopt far more ambitious reduction goals if they stick to their current strategies global temperatures will rise by more than 3 degrees with unit says ever more destructive heat waves storms and floods the headliners for next year's transmit festival in Glasgow have been announced to skip holder and Liam Gallagher topped the bill and little Sims will also be on stage in July and the. New. Show. The current teenagers were also told the Bill of the Glasgow Green event was expected to attract 150000 fans over the 3 days of their ranks include Stuart Rose as front man in brown falls of snow patrol Rita Ora and some friend are. That's the news you know that Beth has only to support her Bernie and moved within 3 points of 5th place Kamar Nick after their 2nd win over wonder Jack grass and 3rd in succession after his sacking of Paul Hakan bottom babysit men to one in Piers late tonight part at this sort of mean bottom of the championship though after having to make do with a point against Alloa in a one all draw and both tonight's League One tight East Fife at home to claim and resolvers against 4 for ended goalless elsewhere draws him in years Tottenham came back from 2 no day and to beat a lumpia course for 2 to 2 Champions League Norco.

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