It was that he was really left with no alternative but to step back from public duty the Lib Dems have published their election manifesto pledging to recruit an extra $20000.00 teachers in England and support the low paid they say their policy of scrapping bricks it would make an extra $50000000000.00 pounds available for public services party leader Joe Swinson says the plan makes economic sense there is wide agreement from economists that if we leave the e.u. We will be pariah there will be less money and therefore if we stay in the e.u. There will be billions pones more to spend on our public services our schools are helping people to get out of in work poverty and so it's important that we set that we're also being honest about where we will need to raise taxes to be able to invest elsewhere the conservatives have pledged to raise the threshold at which people pay national insurance to 12500 pounds a year and Alice is official n.h.s. Data in England shows millions of people are missing out on the dental care they need a survey is revealed more than 2000000 adults haven't been to a dentist in the past 2 years because they've been turned away or put off by the cost and he crouches vice chair of the British Dental Association I think it's absolutely shocking we are a professional want to look after the patients and patients are amongst business you know in a civilised country it's just beyond belief really just a Marine you know has taken charge of Tottenham players for the 1st time after being appointed the club's new manager it's understood the former Chelsea and Man United boss will be paid a basic salary of $8000000.00 pounds a year Rachel Martin is from the Tottenham supporters trust I think a lot of the supporters still felt that Pitino should have been given more time although there was certainly a movement of fans within the club that wanted Marino and then there were others who touted other names but a lot of people still wanted Pitino to be given the opportunity to do it here at Whataburger hundreds of students and under eighteen's have been registered to vote without their knowledge after council i-t. Blunder. Around 630 students were wrongly registered by Plymouth City Council it also sent polling cards to 250 children it says it believes the issue is now resolved it's 3 minutes past 9. At b.b.c. Radio. With. Hey How you doing really exciting to be with you once again to look at Oxford She is live music scene today on the show almost exclusive Kovar a fantastic local artist who's been making waves on the Oxford scene down in London recently recorded 2 live sessions for us she actually came up quite a few weeks ago when I interviewed Tamara past speaker for All Tomorrow's Parties but she didn't have anything sort of recorded we could play at that point so it really is exciting that we managed to pin her down and get record sessions and they sounded amazing so I really enjoyed meeting her last week to get all that recorded and she's very very charming in person you won't be surprised to hear as well plus when Gypsy thing is passed through the children a while ago to play the old fire station I actually managed to go and catch them at their own studio which happens to be the same studio that Mike Oldfield recorded moonlight shadowed in it was great to meet his son Luke you performed in a band along with his wife Victoria to hear how their sound started and shaped and kind of what it's like building a live experience and a brand was a valid thing a sound and kind of figuring out to artistic combined as well as solo projects that are really interesting with a surprising sort of crossover folk indie sound I think you're really going to enjoy I managed to get a couple of life's lessons from them as well before this same studio that Michael Field recorded moonlight shadow and with all that a couple of benefits to stay with us we're here until 10 pm. So continuing on from last week I've had a look through Oxford Chiz gig listings for the week ahead and my Pick of the week is probably the monochrome set playing at the Jericho Tavern on Saturday alongside Peter's pirates and would be good too I mean how cool to have. Forming on such an intimate stage. This is. Coming. From you. And you can write what you told about. This very point. Lead Yeah there you go the monochrome set performing he's frank they are coming to the characters' haven't this Saturday in Oxford don't miss them if you love what you hear next that we're meeting a superstar Oxford sheer talent and getting a couple of sessions to. Really excited to have Chen. Over. And out straight away yeah I feel like that's something worth actually saying on the air because if someone sees your name you know you want them to get it right as well you have a caveat my mom's maiden name I just I had it and I found out what it was and I was like I wanted to come over you know it's very cool and it's a teacher and distinctive I'm not disappointed too much but already heard your vocals and. They distinctive and special as well but I'm so glad we got you into the studio for live at b.b.c. Oxford because you know we had Tamara in here All Tomorrow's Parties she flagged up straight away but we couldn't nail down some music of yours to play here so we got you here to do it you know give it to the same person you know and I was so good I think having the band in this room and vibes bouncing off the walls. There are a few other things about 3 of the horses who are going to get everyone into this glamorous by stage process because we didn't have the mixer we normally have to record these things so there's a bit of a d.i.y. Set up actually in the studio and it was quite special Actually the way that we all managed to cram in and to be honest it sounded pretty good yeah I think what I'm happy with the results I'm so glad you say that. But now you've already mentioned your band members who had to jettison off the high speed to tell us who we are not talking to so we're not speaking to Adrian Reed he paid the keys in the Bay We're not speaking to Joey Porter and he was on drums that's the dream team both very charming gents I have to say. Very handy with heavy luggage as well I mean I'm not seeing that many bands get in and out of the studio as quickly as that So congrats they always Joey's tells me you know musician should never rush but they do it so like swiftly it's just you know the lines by it to be very very well said Jim we've got to we've got to sort of dig into your enigmatic figure here because I've already seen that you've got big news coming up blade a bit truck this year you've just had a 1st headline gig there's a lot going on in your world but actually some of the suggest being into the now so to take us on a bit of a journey if that's not too cheesy way to say it so I've just been I've been getting loads and get writing loads and I've only been performing to people you know with guitar through my headline show so it's been really fun for me to you know really explore the sound that I'm going for so there's big news coming so you have to stay tuned for the 29th of November Ok I'm going to be really. My 1st single Congrats Thank you. I'm so excited because this is a song that means a lot to me you know and I'm so excited to share it with the world and finally people be able to stream all or perform so well done Jan that it's a massive step but this is so cool because even merge as an artist you know most entirely then through the live music scene right or even getting now maybe like 2 years seriously I've been singing my whole life but now it's I was like Yeah this one going to do and then I just thought let me write some music See how is that Open Mike Lee How is everywhere. I may not release anything but does that mean I'm not performing it does that mean I'm not practicing or you know trying to get to the best quality I know I can get it you see I kind of love this because we've had both sides of this now especially in oxygen his music scene because if you weeks ago we had Max planned Sharyn and yeah he is great and it was from the kid what's the phrase one the kid you know want to learn but he kind of did the opposite thing right so as soon as he was starting to play he got he used to school's equipment I think it was to record some demos he kind of got me away about it and gone through the life seen as quite a different sort of routine and yet here you both are beginning to release recorded tracks as well I think everyone has a different process and for me it's more about making sure that what I get represents me and it's what I want to sing about and you know people can really relate relate to that and one thing that a lot of people tell me is or you seem really authentic or I went I did a show in London and I was like. I might you know it's not all great but one thing that people took from my performance was my songs and how you know genuine they seemed in this light because this is literally who I am this is what I'm doing this is a part of me and I need to make sure about when people listen to this leak they see something different about my music you know that's a pretty bold thing to do to put yourself on the page than that but it we were chatting with the lead singer for the ankle death of Anna. Playing stadiums and stuff and going for 14 years and he was saying something very similar he didn't know how to do anything else but by himself on the paper. You know it's it's odd to do it because you're exposing something about who you are not just in the music in the words as well Jim what we should do is we should hear some of that we should hear some of your authenticity in music live in session b.b.c. Radio Oxford and then we can hear a little bit more about your kind of experiences and everything is coming up for you but 1st off what you know introduced the track to this there's there's 2 tracks that we've been able to do here's where the 1st one Ok so this fast one is going to be the new Think about it's coming out Hello it's an exclusive or anything so nothing will be out until the 29th so have a go so this next song is crazy theory crazy for you and this is performed are say it again in a kind of jury rigged d.i.y. Set up in one of the studios of b.b.c. Radio Oxford also with an agent providing drums and keyboards gender. How. Far in on. The phone. I'm crazy. You. Are you. I feel like. The still. Of the still here. Is kind the. Heart is beating sort of like. His I've been finding. The thought of find some born how you do I stay all right. Come on down. Down. I'm crazy for. You. You looked. Like. The school. Of the school you think placing. Me. And. Me. So. You quote me. And I for. The slow. Slow you. Crazy for you Jen back over she's with me in the studio how about that for an authentic voice here from the local oxygen music scene I'm going to chatting more with Janet just a moment the radio on Sunday morning from now I join us from the cheese grater Michele spined it's also says it's becoming clear as the series short hours and Sunday. It's a race against the clock with me in the studio in the car and your brainpower helping us find all the mystery like. It's jellied eels time I kind of. I can't think of a worst thing I've had in my mouth Thank you Michel spined It's also easy it's join me not to come home someday b.c. UK said the b.b.c. Sounds over is with me on live at b.b.c. Radio Oxford and we've just heard how Jen has sort of a ride to the point where she's ready to release her 1st recorded single but she's been through 2 years of writing songs testing out in might nights and gigging as well included in that is truck right truck 1st of all how is that so yeah it was really great because it was really out of the blue I didn't really sign up to pay or anything people from b.b.c. So what I was doing saw how people were reacting to my music life. And they just contacted me so that was really great and it showed that what I was doing was Ok because you know you don't really see music and people can say to you you're not doing anything you're not going anywhere for me I was performing I was you know I was still writing for me it was a really big jump in you know saying that you're on the right path this is all good people like you know if you hire a stunt. You know we'll it's if you're ever if you ever try to do anything creative I think a lot of people can be not getting inside inside as well as outside with that because you absolutely need those moments when you're trying to be authentic for someone to say you know you're not just doing you this is a. Just for you in your bathroom mirror this is something everyone can get involved in a detonator Congratulations so much now you said just before hand that one of the distinctive things about your you know voice isn't just a voice itself which is pretty stunning I must say but it's what you put into your songs as well and this is really personal come from the heart right definitely I think I always tried to make it real when I 1st started writing music it used to be about anything and it still can be but now I try to make it close to someone I know or something I've said or something I hear around the room I just like to make sure that it starts from the right place and then I can grow it to really you know be a part of myself as an artist and do you find no because I often think this with artists when they're singing these things regularly sort of over and over again exe and honing it then g. Have a feel like their personal connection with it gets lost at all or not really I think you just have to see true to yourself in a sense like you write it. For a certain time that you've gone through and maybe you do sing it loads of times and any time I kind of catch myself being like this is quite long I don't want to sing this again I'm like actually this is special and I have to relive the moment and we're all human so we don't always feel like music is the best thing ever why I don't always but to me it's like why did I start this why do I love it and I have to remind myself and put myself back in the mood and I have a great team around me so that misfit always changes when I get to perform and I learn so much from that they know it's interesting because I'm trying to picture you in 20 years down the line when the crowd is saying saying crazy for you and it's like. Again that song you think you can do it you can put yourself back in the mindset and feel your way through I think everything I've written has has meaning to it and I don't know every time I perform I perform to different people you know maybe a few people come the same people but everybody is coming from different backgrounds everybody's coming from you know different life problems and if that song can make them happy then why not. I'm a performer I want to give what I can specially when it's something I've created. Said and that's all cool things feel about your audience 1st and I want to talk a bit about use the sound as well as kind of volved because I think you guys got an amazing kind of fusion here you've got such sort of soulful vocals but actually totally not out of place in the current wave of pop as well very interesting to tone but he got his amazing sort of well I think eighty's inspired synths it's got a bit of soul to it out of that kind of evolved we just. I love the answer how mean agent is amazing he bought it yeah. He I met him through school he was like a music tech guy and he worked with Joe on the side and then we start kind of doing jam sessions or 3 of us because they were looking for a singer and she just maybe picking one so. And then going over that song and just changing it and molding it so it you know it worked with us and I think we're just always very clear on you know just try things out you know don't be afraid to try things out sing what you you want and we a lot of practice is the best practices start off with so if you know if you know about the June team we start practices with it. And that's how we just got to really know each other been thinkin like we do something goes wrong and then we laugh about it but it's not too serious and you manage to carry some of that on stage as well when you guys are performing is there is there a bit of shaping the songs you perform I think so yeah I think it depends on you know the more we perform the better we get and the more free week and I think that's something that's been really important to me and that's why a performance was always can become a large part of who I am as an artist because in order for everything to go smoothly I need to be not stressed onstage I need to be really calm so that yeah it's working and we're able to be more like we were able to pay around more which is a lot more fun and I'm glad you know I'm so pleased whenever someone clearly is enjoying what they're doing and you know it's not just a grind getting the stuff out this is this is fun as well as you know an ambition and something that you're pursuing So congrats again on the single coming out what else have you gone so I'm planning to do a lot more shows in London I'm getting a lot more support for me London's always been a place that I want to be you know there's a lot of opportunities even though Oxford has been so great and getting the b.b.c. Support has been just insane but it's kind of like I was just on b.b.c. List which is really great. So that was amazing that was really amazing to me because it's like I was not just here it's everywhere and that's what I want to do I want to be everywhere and share what I have everywhere just come visit us once a while right I want to go in there I don't think I could live in London that's one thing with the crazy lie. I like to come back to him. About that like coming home after a crazy day I don't want to stay in the craziness I want to be. Doing a job I had going to cover times a week and it did feel like I could cope with this for what 6 hours. Likely affects their. Boy Jen burka thank you so much for coming in Joining us to give these sessions give me so much time to get all recorded they sound incredible . Trouble imagining that your name is going to be across all the billboards in London as I say just come back. All right so introduce to us the next session we recorded this next song is called down for you they saw it is honestly about so I had a lot of friends who like to go out and stuff and that's not really me. I don't. Know I like staying in and I think things like that and for me the song was about finding that person who I could be really real with. Ok here it is keep your eyes on her because it sounds like even Holden turned in he carried along. Definitely want to thank so much. The forward to going in there oh my. Knowing your mind. Child. And I. Could match this so too with few one is actually me. Thank you I'm sorry didn't mean. To put you closer to me. So. Ready. You have. To really learn to. Be good company not someone to just tar. I know that is she's done for you. And you know waste my time. And I don't have the much to. Do with you one this. Time you know I'm shy I think that will profit if you can share a meal in life. You . May. Have to. Oh you down for you played live right here at b.b.c. Radio by Jen Bokova along with Joe and agent what a special sound that is p.c. For Radio Oxford Davies pre-vis prick says in the lead up to the general election debates the difference is we call time on the people who want. To. Join us this week the pipes with the politicians. Questions Friday morning here what happened what our politics pub crawl arrived in did call the next wave heading to the if you've got a question for the candidates in your area. B.b.c. Don't. The politics Tom Cruise around here but the people who want your vote weekdays from 7 b.b.c. Radio b.b.c. Sounds. Yeah plenty to get talking about make sure you cheat in fro