Season announced a collaboration with the big social media platforms to try to tackle the spread of fake news Google Twitter and Facebook have been involved in drawing up a plan including improved online education Tennyson rough on the dollars through to his 5th U.S. Open final after beating be Italian but Berra T.V. In the semi David Laws watch the action the U.S. Open men's singles final be contested between ruff on the Dow and Daniel Medvedev after both enjoyed straight sets wins in New York the Dow safe to set points in the 1st set against METIRIA parity to come through the Medvedev Roger Federer's conqueror Grigor Dimitrov the Tao can now move within one Grand Slam title of Federer with victory on Sunday with the rest of the day's sport here's Jonathan Mackay the last of 3 wickets and defeat of the 4th Test has left England with a massive task to save the ashes the home side will resume this morning on 2045 in their 1st innings still 297 runs behind Australia. To want to rush in the 2020 qualifier at Hampden Park Meanwhile Wales needed a league goal from Garth Beale to avoid an embarrassing home draw to Azerbaijan he won 21 in Cardiff and England in a poor won't be fit into the end of the Rugby World Cup after suffering a setback in his hamstring injury head coach Eddie Jones had hoped when a poor would be fit for England against hunger in just over 2 weeks time and will beat Italy 37 nil in Newcastle school 369 and they're fine on warm up matches before flying to Japan. This. Monday to Thursday after the spot on 5 life to inmates for a late night discussion on the stories of the day. Will be joined by comedians columnist for the take of what's. On line is the same as saying it in the street. Take a conversation. Monday to Thursday. Stop 5 lives boxing's thief Bunsen Mike Costello Where does Lamar chunk her rank in boxing. History after his win over Campbell plus debate around the amateur world championships and chat surrounding the Joshua Ruis fight recorded before their press conferences earlier this week and as this is a pre recorded program please don't call or text. B.B.C. Sounds music radio pod casts find live boxing. Thanks for being with us again on 5 Live boxing with Costello on balance a couple of days after the man known as the genius Vassili launching coach they've appeared at the O 2 Arena in London and he is a ring genius but he had to work against Luther Campbell and to the let's let's also a few questions and let's pose a few questions detail views coming up we'll also look at the rest of the card touching on Huey fury and the Charlie Edwards controversy appearances also from the 2016 Olympians Joshua Bell at c joke or Dana and Savannah Marshall press conferences coming up this week for Anthony Joshua as he begins to try to reshape his career and we'll be looking at one of Britain's brightest prospects for goals with the World Championships starting later this week in Russia and now many of you will have heard our instant reaction from ringside on Saturday night at the O 2 Arena after Vasily long chain co-head outpointed Britain's Campbell we were there Stephen I along with Carl Frampton on commentary and the immediate podcast was posted on Sunday morning now a more considered view based on some of your responses and to reiterate stay for the benefit of those who didn't listen to Sunday's part cost I scored it by 9 rounds to 3. With of course 2 big rounds the 5th round and the knock down in the 11th round as well but 9 rounds to 3 overall 2 of the judges scored it each Levon rounds to one the 3rd judge scored it 10 rounds to 2 How did you have it. I for I had 84 and I had it 32 after 5 and I thought they were a couple of closer rounds I mean launching I won the fight let's get that absolutely right I thought there were a couple of a couple of close arounds I thought I was amazed that Luke came back after that 5th when he was hit and hurt at the end of the round when he was literally saved by the bell my His foot comes off the ground when he's hit where that shirt underneath the right elbow to live a shot and it's not a left hook it's a straight left hand something that not a lot southpaws actually do we should do because it's a great surprise sure lots of over the vice that's the classic Mexican not down as used also by guys like Ricky Hatton but not that many South Poles do if you think about it is a bit of a bit of an odd one I was thinking as the fight was of all when I thought he walked the 5th round it was a massive around 10 more seconds 5 might have been over and I thought in the 6th round Look box brilliant awful we actually won came back to win the 6 round came back to win a round when we fall I mean we thought we were packing our microphones out re the next 2 or 3 minutes astonishing and thinking about that body attack that you said Steve is strangely surprisingly seldom seen in a south shore but of the 10 stoppages on launching Kerry's record 4 of them and that's an unbelievable percentage 4 of them have come from body shots so that's 40 percent of his staffers have come from body shots but just moving on stay to this narrative about whether it should be praise for Luke Campbell or negative responses to launching KO or even looking at the genius again that is some people went to look at a genius and I think they were going to see what they wanted to see. No matter what unfolded on the night and that's been reflected I think in some of the e-mails that we've been sent over the past 48 hours or so but also in in some of the reports you said that you like to follow your copy immediately so you give that kind of your logo Harwell response that the adrenalin filled response and I was looking at the Sunday Times report written by a good friend of ours Ron Lewis good piece which starts accented towards Luke Campbell and saying is he destined to become one of those British boxers who never win a World Title and are labeled as the best never to have won a World Title longside Harrell Graham and he says for those of an older generation today Charlie he goes on wrong to describe it as one of the best performances by British boxer in recent years we've taken a bit of stick on line for overplaying in the way that Ron has done the performance of Luke Campbell as against the brilliance of as Obama tanker because then you look at Shaun Ingles report in The Guardian on Monday and that's basically a hymn of praise all based around what he saw from launching Well Mike here's the thing. I've seen long a change I live now about 10 or 12 times in different tone months at different stages how much time parameter I'm pro I've seen him live an awful lot of times I've seen him against guys that Nicholas ward as we did that fruit and not on Box Nation with a couple 100 of you know a couple of 1000 people watching when he what when it was a real 5055 people work this is it is going to be too much water is too dangerous too strong he's a man he's going to walk for him I saw him tie came apart sort of the fire every watch to Gary Russell those those were brilliant performances those were stunning sacred performances those are the performances that allow him to walk in to that book of boxing miracles and stadia Let's get that absolutely right the other night the 1st 2 or 3 rounds there were glimpses of it in fact in the 4th round we finally saw him do that little sidestep walk around the back he does which he showed you up close and personal to Fitzroy lodge about 18 or so months ago which was Britain it took him to about a full frowned to do to do to do that my was limit Chink a brilliant they have an impulse he was brilliant was he as brilliant as he's been from one to 12 rounds or one to 7 rounds when every stop people know he was not he was made to really work the size was a factor and Campbell's fearlessness absolute lack of complete and utter respect and Ken was a bullet say to recover from what was a sickening end to Round 5 put limits on the pressure he was hurt LA Machain coach in the 7th round by what was essentially a BOLO shot from the back for a left handed cook. In the stomach effort of probably higher is probably wrong about the chest which is what the natural ject I think he was definitely hurt it wasn't her and he wasn't going to go down but he was hurt that I felt Luke Campbell was the performance was the wrong loses Absolutely Rob It was a standard staggering and a stunning performance and he my coworker and what we saw with love a Chink a work in his we saw him at the D. Again and we started to talk about this from Round 4 and 5 we. If I have a play down low a chink I was brilliance we just said that now he's having to have a real fight this is a real fight we're not going to see a lot of sublime skills here so drop that for me every pole drop that from your commentary drop that from your post for analysis because there wasn't a lot of sublime skills up there around for a full it was a brilliant fight off the round 3 or 4 but it was none of that there was no great There was nothing on believable off the rounds for real for that wasn't just straight forward cart and guts performance cars could I don't think it's Mike. That you still brilliant but he wasn't as pretty as we've seen him and that was a look as he had a bad night because Luke Campbell had a fantastic night that takes me to a couple of a mouse they've been people listening to the commentary on Saturday night and also to the podcast that we posted on Sunday morning I've been particularly exercised about Carl Frampton demoting launching Co to number 2 behind Terrence Crawford on his pound for pound least at the moment also about you saying he wouldn't be in your all time top 10 but before we get there and get a response from you 2 emails the 1st of them Steve Tom from Highbury says he's just listened to the recap podcast from Sunday and was surprised the car friend Tim demoted launching Co in his power for power rankings down to number 2 do you think there's a chance people expect too much from launching Co He goes on to say to him on Saturday admittedly llama chain Co wasn't operating on an unfathomable level of genius but regardless Campbell was dispatched with ease can a fighter be powerful pound best just for being consistently great rather than consistently otherworldly I think he makes a really sound point there sort of like Keith West says listen to your probably car friends and I love listening to your weekly boxing Pod's big fan but I must take umbrage with your after fight comments I think Carl's and your overall reaction to love Lomas performance was too emotional as it came immediately after the fight I thought you were all biased in favor of how Campbell performed Campbell has admitted that he's never been beaten like that before in a fight that says it all for me LHO was not only exceptionally skillful but he showed how hard he can work in order to win a fight going back to what you just said Steve Don't forget that Lohman is pushing himself by fighting at light weight and he gets criticized by people unbelievable to exclamation marks and I think there's a lot in both of those e-mails like you saw Tom from hiring Keith Webster many on a similar vein I think there's a lot to be said about you know we being too emotional after a fight we're 6 feet away from the Cavs and only want out that sometimes guilty as charged. We're 6 feet away after 6 weeks of build up and in my case I know you're off swanning around in Milan or Frankfurt wherever it was you were last with no i don't know in charge of possible Mike or packing a packed lunch when you go on your travels but you know I was really involved openwork out your call they did their press conference which was a 5 hour day the why in which was a bizarre thing that Spitta feels I was were an egg is clear mass in a garden looks off the. Chain caboose up in a Vegas and he's people out in Chelyabinsk So you know you get sucked in you were sucked in and then the fight happens and it's a terrific fight and you know picking up on some of the points there he doesn't have to be a genius all the time doesn't have to be the best in the best fighter in what we saw the other night was a treat was an unbelievable performance from launching he was fantastic he was great with action but Campbell was equally as impressive probably more impressive than we thought he would be but that's because in one of the points made there and it's one of the points that keeps coming up so recurring point is the size and no and I did I did drop for my top 10 light whites light weight because you know My God said to you on the day when I saw you I said when I saw him coming the other day from behind microphone it was one of a good clear Mrs Frye whites he just looks tiny and I'm and I am convinced and so are the people inside his camp he can go he can reverse back food a Whites super feather and collar said the I would die he figures he can do forever and that would be Jim till now be gentle and a tall man I don't doubt that the kid might be a do forever and I'm just wondering then stay have we seen the best of vaseline on much ink on their arm not backtracking on what we did when we were putting together a podcast a year 1415 months ago where we were talking about him changing the way people approach boxing in the way that Tiger Woods did to go if we were asking the question is he better than the likes of Woodson that time very Kohli Messi right now though is he the best sportsman in the world so I'm not backtracking on that the question marks are as your. Around the lightweight division and what he can do and where he ranks as a 9 stone 9 pounder my everything every single thing he's done he's done a speed that's never been done before OK I know one guy has won titles joined in the 3rd when the tiger light welterweight back in the 70s on the stand at Morgan siècle I think his name dangerous as hell really dense from a kickboxer we know death was a cause one in one it won a world title in his 1st but he managed to win 3 but by the time he had 12 if he has done has been condensed OK the people you the people you just mention it a great tennis players the great cricketers the great golfers and if we're going to add to that the great boxes in history they've done over longer periods of time you know Muhammad Ali $960.00 win an Olympic gold medal in the 1974 beating George Foreman in the Rumble in the jungle OK So savings done over a lot longer period I have read this guy's done and he has change means he's done it a condensed time so even if he has 2 more fights and quits next year at 32 years of age OK it won't have to fight to 40 because will judge him differently would judge him on this condense this high concentrate career that he's had an increasing amount of fighters are having just sticking with LA Machain coast even this point about him not being in your all time lightweight top 10 I'm going to list the top 10 in a moment I'm going to get your reasons 1st but I'm going to list the top 10 in a moment from our lifetime pretty much if you like the Global T.V. Era why is he not in your or time top 10 which stretches back beyond that period on out because in my opinion Mike I was never really convinced about him as a lightweight You know I thought he set to work hard as a lightweight still you know it's sounds all that we kind of find in a negative about someone is so good but you could still find a nigga he said to do what it would be like it would be like using but running a 400 meters during any incredible time not world record time still incredible but would be critical because it's not it's not $100.00 or $200.00 no different to that Mike you know you still like an Olympic medal you still want you might reach an Olympic final. But we'd still be critical it wouldn't be as good as what he previously done at these other whites stroke stroke distances so I don't think I can parachute long the chain go in with some of the best light weights and even some really good light weights from recent years some really are not talking about you know guys that are goalies is that you know top 10 or top 20 of all time across all whites I just don't think light white he's he's robust enough he's in and he's physically big enough to deal with some of the guys that I would have in front of him who are his model a stance they've as I say this is in our lifetime the great names that have either stopped tat or pass through the light weight division in no particular order here in terms of time short ranking but Floyd Mayweather Oscar De La Hoya Julio se SA Chavez Manny Pacquiao toenail Whitaker reverse How do you ran. Juan Manuel Marquez Terrence Crawford That's 9 and I've got long watching coach in the top 10 I've been through the list of all the champions with all 4 governing bodies 3 of them in the early days 4 since 1980 in the inception of the W.B. And that's my top 9 and I think launching does fit in that target I would argue that I pick Buchanan Buchanan to travel to San Juan that are stranded without one the big cannon that went all I want to go around with Duran I would argue and that's our for another one in there Mike because of the way fights and he doesn't leave you anything and he was busy and he was Big Jim was that you know one of our most successful and neglected weld champions have a look at people like Joe joking Jim Watt who's not a guy who was on Sky No no watch him as a fighter so I'm not saying they're going to stand launching go on only say it all bash him out without Duran might because the rounds possibly can do that and I'll go down in a 15th round who knows might who knows but you know the I think what you said there what you show now. Is that you know what I said wasn't as outrageous as it maybe 1st as it may be 1st seemed as they were moving on to the World Amateur Championships we've seen on those on the cars Joshua brassy Djoko Dana Savannah Marshall and the next generation pushing through for Tokyo 2020 but before that a massive exercise in front of them the World Amateur Championships which start on Saturday in you Catherine Burke in Russia 13 boxes have been selected these are the men's World Championships from England Wales and Scotland they represent the individual nations where as they represent Britain Britain going ahead to the Olympic Games have just been having a scour through recent results they've 9 medals Britain of one across the last 3 games that encompasses Beijing London and Rio in those particular cycles and just to match that up 9 medals them for Britain Cuba 118 Russia 12 Kazakstan 11 the USA only 3 so this will be quite a significant marker as to Britain's chances at Tokyo next year with all the confusion that's been surrounding the whole matter set up in the hole that in pick set out yeah the world champs just before an Olympics are important they used to be important because they were a qualifier for lympics this isn't a qualifier but it's a guideline and anyone that tells you it's not a guideline is lying because if a kid here if any of those 1st thing gets a medal at a white Wesson is only 8 whites with 7 of those for to get a medal above another British boxer he is going to have a really big claim on being sent to the European and the qualifier next year might Let's get that absolutely right this is the heart of Venice is the 6 times you box in 11 days then and it just seems such a shame I know we've discussed the culms that we've broken stories about the Arriba audio CD bike but it seems criminal that one of our boxers could come back from this with a silver or gold or gold Let's get that right we can win gold here. And that will not guarantee him a place at the Olympics he will still at the GO come to London to travel to London and box next year in a qualifier that just seems hot I was at the G.B. Squads watching them training a couple of weeks ago and the general v