By police after a 15 year old boy was stabbed in Westbridge votes the teenager was taken to hospital following the attack on rough it away yesterday evening the Labor peer Lord Hain has insisted it was his duty to names of Philip Green as the businessman who secured an injunction preventing reporting of allegations that he sexually and racially abuse staff to Philippa strongly denied the claims a group of them pay says Universal Credit is causing unacceptable hardship for many claimants the Commons Public Accounts Committee says the Department for Work and Pensions is ignoring the problems that the benefit reform is causing Kelly Hignett was the head of policy for families welfare and work as Citizens Advice we're seeing people who like single parents but also disabled people who are worse off in some instances by up to $300.00 pounds a month when they move on to Universal Credit So a lot of people facing real turfs financial situations when they're on this planet that archaeologists have begun to move more than 40000 skeletons so a new station can be built in London as part of the H.S.T. Rail project among the remains being examined will be those of the celebrated American boxer Bill Richmond Helen wall sous leading the project says moving the bodies is a big job initially they will be taken for a logical analysis they'll be stored in a bowl over the whole life during the week we're going to have over the as an archaeologist excavating over 65 it's the biggest archaeological investigation ever undertaken in the U.K. . A new sports Nottingham Forest will assess the fitness of defended the fox and strike a Daryl Murphy ahead of tomorrow's match at Leeds united both players missed the midweek win at Bolton through injury and illness Notts County will have Defender Jamie Turley in the side for the match with Swindon tomorrow his red card picked up in the game at Milton Keynes Dons on cheese day has been rescinded and in rugby narcing in face Championship leaders eating tonight at Lady Bay the weather cold today a mixture of sunny spells and blue. Highs of 10 Celsius this morning though it's going to feel colder this afternoon with the wind chill building in and staying windy tonight with clear spells temperatures approaching freezing B.B.C. Ready and also again it's 3 minutes past 9. O'clock. am on the Christian right quite a key start to form from the university into the city too with. The possible. As want to get it so quite busy as well on Western Boulevard around the crown island. Around the Futurist lights. This morning on the 6 it's looking really slow actually the traffic lights near the marina not working properly now there was a. Junction 20. Broken down lorry closing the exit right that's just being in the. Direction this morning on the M one as it is on trains and flights between East Midlands Airport and Italian airports may be disrupted today because of strike action across Italy. The in form of expression. Ladies talk about you can join in the tracks and dare I say. That we all share a love for. Bridge radio. To go. To. Someone. With. Us. That was Amy Winehouse. Song number 3 on the way love. For the news. OK right there 080-678-3434 is the free phone number. And he can text message 3 or 4 songs together. Which is the old one and of course. Few days actually yesterday today we're going to. Know we're going to write the day before. People go right to. The last few days I think this is more straightforward not claiming it's easy after all and I would never do that you're 180-678-3434. 3 The final 2 on the will of. The. School. Song. 2 I'm. Listening. 2 to the. Music lucky it's $913.00 already. On the road you know how come. When it's. Same place no. Slow traffic due to traffic lights failure this is. I don't get it. If you had. Be aware I mean you know you see it on the signs and everything whether you say out loud. Slip right is now clear broken down Larry has been removed and the junction $29.00 be aware of that elsewhere so I'm going roadworks really key post of course full travel updates at $930.00. He's coming up in the next 10 minutes or so I once we've sorted this out the Wheel of Fortune So you've heard all 4 tracks now if you worked out which. Couple with Andy and Sarah before the news and just Roxy Music love is the drug and Amy Winehouse with rehab. Sorry did I accidentally underline certain words and. How I guess then or maybe maybe not I guess maybe you just no. Good TELL ME 106783434 you can text message triple for. 3 minutes and 20 seconds for. You give me much time around to. Be right in with the quote and then all will be revealed. never too early Well you know 5 o'clock somewhere all of that. Coming up we can talk about it although we can we talk about non-disclosure agreement. There would be an irony if we did. Probably not talking Devon is giving up your seat fashion fold parts and plenty of other things in the news clocks going back of course at the weekend the usual thing they go back you go for they go back back everyone knows they go back I overheard someone yes the picking of the car from the garret again and there was a guy there talking to a fellow who works in a car clocks at the weekend they go back and I start out of the car ignore this they go back how many times soaring so cross about things so this morning Roxy Music love is the drug Amy Winehouse with rehab Coldplay in there with clocks clocks clocks and take that with. Us OK let's have a look at this. Card games the guest from and I mean that was that was an early early early guess I mean Fair Play for having to go. It's nothing to do with card games Davey mounts for would have reckoned it is something to go do with clocks going back now Hannah Pearl in Warsaw. Drugs. Joining Radcliffe and similar all 0000 actually think about it John I'm going to put you down we are not going to put you down that would be rather drastic You know it's been a tough week for everyone but. To put you down is right some with no name. In the text for 6 the last 3 numbers you've got the right song is the odd one out but you go for the kind of drugs like say from Terry accountant no However. Who is busy making false teeth were I. Think it would gag very quickly and I can't now mind you've got it Pauly immense film are already partly Christian Pinkston absolutely right as well. Steve Lenten. Joan in North think no. You know there's mention cold rehab and drug. And Roy from home yeah I'm going to give you that. So you heard that with patients. Amy Winehouse with rehab and Roxy Music love is the drug the old one out is indeed Coldplay with clocks because all the others have medical reference. Rehab drug and patient. Although it's written as patients are not patient so strictly speaking I'm not sure about. It returns 10 to 9 Monday morning on B.B.C. Radio not saying well done if you didn't get it. Why. Is no such thing as likely to adventures. Will get you back to generation everyone's talking I know exactly. The same B.B.C. Radio. I'm going to hang my picture. Goes right through that Penny Lane Beatles B.B.C. Radio and ask him and good morning to Lena and Bernie are too loose ladies this mood at hello hello narrowing how you know I mean you have to be about perky. For ID sorry about that noise that. I had I don't know how did I test the other day I got the test you is while you were in there as well and no word of a lie the woman who was doing the hearing test was quietly spoken woman. And I thought Is this part of the test yes what you mean the instruction to put these headphones on and you can only jobs I was craving like. That. I thought was going to fail straightaway Anyway that's by the bye So Lena is here psychotherapist yoga teacher writer much much more Bernie is an empowerment coach a mentor so a lot between now and 10 o'clock you are going to inspire the whole of not Scheme ship before the weekend like no one else counts and well zone in advance I'm. Going to talk about something fairly serious with Lena But Bernie I know you've picked a lovely picture from the from the papers I have so she's got some alliteration and as well. Is this the. Hemmers helicopter with a helicopter Yes yes I have would you like me to talk about it now of you to do so this restores your faith in human kindness and nature really. There was a hitchhiker called Scott Hildebrand who was trying to get from A to B. In Australia. Sticky so my as you do how does little sign say where he wanted to go and got picked up by Chris Hemsworth I. Don't know they were still there yes yes yes the very delightful thaw. Chris Hemsworth puts on the social media actually it's fantastic because Scott has no idea that we're just about to go find a chopper E.G. Helicopter so this musician Scott ends up having the trip of a lifetime down the Australian control side with Chris Hemsworth getting all this publicity because apparently he's an absolutely kickass music. So you can't say sorry. In Chris Hemsworth words so I think that's just a fantastic story right so there they are yeah it's alright you get him I'm done behind the glass. Nigel gets very twitchy really kind of bad language to just leave that I'll take all the things so there he is getting a look and he has got no idea is going to end up in a helicopter no idea with all the fame did he realise he was a famous person he was with someone I just think at the time the car pulled over Yeah but he certainly didn't realise that it was going to be having his helicopter on all the time so really it was really really great for a Friday morning exactly exactly OK let's. Be a bit more serious and a bit more considerate So this is something that you've to do with Carl Yes because I followed him around can't since my dad was a very big cricket fan and seeing his life changed quite dramatically over the years from being this international cricket player for 21 years on the circuit to marrying one of the most. Famous women call Jim I'm a goldsmith to now becoming finally prime minister of Pakistan which is what he's always wanted and the reason I've chosen this Mark is because it's a real twist here's a guy who's just become prominent in the last 2 months and he's come out because he wants to get rid of all the corruption within Pakistan by coming clean and saying we're broke we are we were in debt a lot of debts and he has purposely gone to this international conference. In Saudi Arabia called the future investment. Support conference to go on us for money at the same time that this murder has taken place in Turkey. Where the Saudi government are accused So here we have this poor guy who's come out to make us 1st world appearance begging for money to the very people who are accused of causing this huge outcry in terms of the murder I just feel for him and yet at the same time bought all the western governors because they've all boycotted this conference is the equivalent of Davos but in the Middle East and it's it's really sad I think it's both sad and also questioning of the irony of politics because you know we're all calling the Saudis have done this and yet we're supplying arms to Saddam it's a very it's an interesting plot isn't it and it's very interesting in tack that he's taken. Some time we are broke broke who can help us and they're desperate and he wants to he wants to be transparent and I know the people not Hell I'm just thinking all right they're not at this conference Western governments might not be THAT CAN SOMEONE ELSE Yes that's all right world will bail you out I.M.F. But as with Greece and terms of Greece in the U. But the fact is that this is this would be their 13th a bailout if they went to the I.M.F. And there us exactly there are so many. Conditions that are. Light of that so he doesn't want to go that route and also Saudi is a big ally of Pakistan so politically he's wanting to strengthen that particularly in the world saying that the moment see that's it's interesting when we know we face Oh yes I don't know might be today because I suppose we if they do say yeah all right we'll help you out people will then so I try to deflect from all of the other stuff it's like but what didn't help is that and what they said in this is quite the big line was that he's 3rd and current wife. Exactly. An interesting technique I mean he said there are only 2 world leaders at the moment her own husband and. The Turkish prime right which is really peeved off the Saudi government I mean this is quite a plot there's no love stories about this so OK we'll come back and talk some more in just a moment I know just before the headlines actually Bernie Haven't you found a story about a sofa I want to lighten things up just before the news just before you know you're serious and so so that's having a birthday party is that right absolutely So this was on some land in Loughton in Essex and a sofa was dumped there 10 years ago there was a chap walking there at the time with his 8 then you're a year old daughter and they were talking about it and they agreed that it would be appropriate for the 8 year old daughter to report this dumping of the sofa and the council at the time said there's nothing we can do it's on private land so Anyway fast forward 10 years the cipher is still there the council are basically saying that they don't know who owns the land so they can't do anything about it so some of the locals have had a bit of humor about it and they've gone along celebrated with a calling the caterpillar birthday cake. And some streamers and party hats and everything to say well you know congratulations So if you've been here for 10 years but the irony being that this coincides with Essex County Council's latest crime reduction initiative hash tag crime not to care week which urges householders to. Responsibly. How long's it been sitting there excuse the pun yet 10 years 10 years yeah all right well done everyone that's very good do you ever celebrate the birthday of anything that's not a human. You know I know people that have been cakes little parties for animals I don't even know when my dog's birthdays are bad. Yeah one of them wasn't God birthday because he was a rescue dog and we've got a month off during the make it. A good day you got him. Going and. I can only get 100 people it is a Saturday. Friday I'm Rhonda mold suffered a point I mean have a look I don't think I've ever done it for an inanimate object I have to say it it's something you know it goes back to the days of having something in your house that you are the law for you know it to be useful and if you don't then you shouldn't be in there so if I think if you love something you appreciate something then you celebrate every day really if it's a piece of art on the wall or whatever celebrate every day or I was telling you how it's quite deep. This is going back to my dad to doc today every day. OK Anything you want to add to this discussion this morning we're going to be talking about all manner of things in the news but by all means get in touch not only message text you can call as well or 806783434 just gone half past 9 and now the headlines on B.B.C. Radio not been charged with murdering Omar should feed who died after being run over at the Forest Park and Ride a group of them piece a universal credit is causing unacceptable hardship for many claimants and a former prison officer says inmates effectively took control during her time at Nazi human prison coal today a mixture really clear sunny spells and blustery showers 9 Celsius today's high 48 Fahrenheit staying windy through the night lengthy clear spells off the risk of your chair as well down to 11 degree what's going on here and tomorrow not the Cold Day Sunshine and showers that could even be wintry on the hills down the. Way it's actually not too bad until this Friday morning traffic moving quite freely into and out of nothing in city center and. Around just a little bit busy heading to Mansfield now in Chesterfield right north along plasma hill towards the junction calls to say there are problems in. And out working probably a good job if you heading out on the M one though it's moving well still in both directions for the county. No delays or cancellations on trains or trams ally flights between. An Italian at ports may be disrupted this morning a general public transport strike. With the operator before you travel. On B.B.C. Radio. Bernie we'll talk some more in a moment the high street another big famous name seems to be disappearing of course and how good are you giving up your seat on public transport full of. B.B.C. Radio Nelson and. I how. Could you. Talk to. This is. This. Calvin Harris Sam Smith and promises Good morning B.B.C. Ready and ask him OK And Bernie are with me been talking about a few things in the news already that they've picked out of course there are quite a few stories to talk about I think we'll take a swerve of non-disclosure agreements because. I know they're in the news but there's still an irony that people are talking about it when they get to me and no one talking about it. They've announced the record annual loss and plans to close up to 50 stores that could potentially leave 4000 people out of work it's then that you've got to really feel sort of feel they haven't said which stores my clothes yet I can't decide about the not I like it because it's like a rabbit warren but it's got lots of different bits inside I just wonder when the last time he went in a big names that of course of being gone the high street is changing she should we just accept that because you know life moves on things a little. Bit of also if I take a break I mean I don't we're not. Well we were just talking earlier when signing for me personally as a nothing unless. It's always a bit of a shame I think when when some of these big stores have been around for donkey cheese guy and leave the high street however there is a pressure on retailers these days to you know pull their socks up and start to move with the times and I think I don't know I haven't been in for a very very long time to daven M's. Not sure why I just circumstances or whatever but I'll be interested to know you know what kind of demographic all going in there and using it regularly and we were talking about the comparison between that for instance I'm allowed to say the other great big store if we're talking about Devon and yeah all about seeing only we can. You go in there it's a similar sort of philosophy in terms of having all the different from Chinese as in there but it's current I feel like some encounter when it's not it's current that made it their own you know they've gone with the times all of that kind of stuff so so what you know what is going on with. Well say the country it's that good question Bernie what you've raised Do we have to go with the times and what does does that almost in terms of technology and cheap nurse and availability really have to take precedence I ran a workshop on Wednesday which was about stress and we had an older generation and younger generation and the older generation base said it's so stressful to live now as a comparison to thinking about Devon's because the evidence is of it's of our generation . And it has a place you know does have a place and this is what the old generation was saying we feel like we've been left behind there's nothing that we can go to and feel like it's us and that's the race that shops like that like you said you know you've known them since you were very you know it was Louis is for me in Birmingham that bank closed I mean last and it was tragic because you think that was an anchor in my life and all those floors and what we knew where we were going it was it was solid so all these changes going on in the world is really key with what's mine because it's constant it's just really tragic but like you say Mark when was the last time I went in to buy a suitcase nearly 20