The a. B b c news it a time or Alderson at least 15 people have been killed in mudslides in California rescue crews crews using helicopters and dogs are searching the hills around Santa Barbara near Los Angeles for any survivors the slides have been triggered by heavy rainfall and follow destructive wildfires in the area last month these residents explain what they're going through a good friend of mine whose name I won't mention lost a father in law I still have 2 friends missing right now so it's devastating in a fire was bad enough but never did we think we were going to go through the mud watching a river come down a bad you know in your backyard not knowing if it's going to come over the fields or if the mountains just going to collapse the chancellor is calling on the European Union to stop talking about punishing Britain because of the Bronx it vote in a speech to business leaders in Berlin this evening Philip Hammond will say it's time for the e.u. To engage more positively in the BRICs in negotiations lawyers acting for victims of the serial sex offender John Worboys are calling for him to be excluded from Greater London when he's released on parole or boys was working as a black cab driver in the capital when he committed the offenses for which he was jailed in 2009 for men who worked for the private security company g 4 s. Have gone on trial accused of threatening and assaulting children at a center for young offenders in Kent the allegations relate to events in 2015 the Medway secure training center in Iraq Chester they deny the charges conservation charities say they've been overwhelmed by the number of orphaned SEALs found along the Cornish coastline over the past few weeks record numbers of 2nd abandoned pups have been discovered following recent winter storms soothsayer is from the corn will seal group we've had a succession of storms a really high tide flooded all the beaches washed all I sail part. Without without enough aid inside them to survive Marks and Spencer is to stop selling what it calls a cauliflower steak after it attracted ridicule from customers many expressed disbelief that a slice of the vegetable wrapped in plastic cost 2 pounds 50 Richard Galpin reports are ready to cook so-called cauliflower steak is being marketed as part of Marks and Spencer's new veggie range but the price and plastic packaging have not gone down at all well with customers one woman tweeted she could buy a whole cauliflower it's a local shop for $69.00 pence others said it could put people off trying a vegetarian or vegan diet such as been the outrage that m. And s. Now says it will stop selling the cauliflower steaks once all current stock has been sold a spokeswoman admitted that on this occasion it hadn't got it right and the weather low cloud and patchy rain will linger in the East tonight some clear spells in the West with frost and for patches and overnight low of 3 degrees b.b.c. News it's 3 minutes past 8. Really. It is the home of the week but we're fine on time to Christmas suit for me to see that we've got a bump a bag of brussel sprouts lurking in a freezer in Horsham with Jad. These the Christmas scraps there's no home for the weekend no just a few lumps of Brussels sprout love's Now coming up in the next hour oh my word seizing the day I love you messages on maybe a cheeky punt that you took that paid all we've heard from Giovanni let he thrust his business card into than the Prince Harry yesterday in Brixton and just shouted out if you need a d.j. For your We're doing it and he showed it to Meghan and they both had a little giggle and put it in his pocket so we're hoping to Vonnegut's the cold from that you know but let me know tonight if you've actually done something you know in a similar vein and it's paid off a one triple for a start you must use Joe You can also call me over 3 people 5358 also tonight I have mentioned this Kenny doubt he's on the show now he has been the love interest in love lies and records it was a melodrama on the b.b.c. He played great who actually chants and had a bit of a groove Well it was a Christmas party that's all I'm saying he also plays the sidekick to Brenda Blethyn in there at the PSNI you serious started on some day I cannot wait to told him I'm not going to control myself anyway he's going to share his 1st his last of his everything with this and your text messages tonight this is coming from David by the email he says I can't compete with Ted but I've been on crutches for 20 years and try what I can with swimming in particular I hold 3 Queen commissions a little forward to the royal visit in Coventry next week for good speed and it's very impressive to see I need to get in the. Yes. With my. House. We've. It's fleetwood mac and it's dog it's coming it's a tempest a tear on the b.b.c. Listening to Judy tonight right across b.b.c. Local radio in England in the charming Lions now and Jane in a can the semi little by sitch. She says I had the flu jab. And took ill Christmas day. This happened to my mate Allison Jane last year at 2016 she had the flu jab and she was so ill that year so this year she didn't have the flu jab well I've seen it a day she's been so ill over Christmas Jean says I'm just getting back to life now so I can't promise you won't get it. She says I blame my friend for bringing it back with her from Australia. Though she says you'll be fine so will you step Diva The thing is she has been ill for quite some time Jane so I'm hoping that she may have got over the contagious stage yeah. That is my plan and I'm sticking to it but she. To. And this is coming from Finn or she says she says or she says r I p. Treacle I know. Lost my pussycat lupus just before Christmas ofin says so I feel for you it's New Year's Day was a very sad day for us Finn I didn't want to say anything on Monday because I thought it was the last thing you really want to hear about that she says Sorry to get all serious about this but any living creature is the sum total of its life experiences far more than its inherent genes and thousands of wonderful homeless dogs and cats are being destroyed every year because no one wants to adopt them please don't clone she says just give a loving Strayer home or yes I was talking to Rebecca born and how she won a competition it all sounds a bit well incredible really Finn thank you for getting contact and thank you for the commiserations as well and my commiserations to you a little loopers fin text on a one triple 3 stars of the message with the word Georgie please do keep the text messages go we can talk about all sorts of things on the show and in particular Tonight there's a little bit of a fitness tip going on yeah I spoke to Ted Pollard we've got a ted talk he's 76 he's been into fitness since he was 6 years old he's been a champion bodybuilder he's been a step a kind of a kung fu you know martial arts guru and he's come up against Bruce Lee's son Robert and. Compete against Arnold Schwarzenegger Oh my is that a life and a half and this man at his age can still do the side splits. Well he he said that in trot tying up the lace is what you should do is you should bend flat back and straight legs until you laces like that well I'm just lucky I got Poland's quality because. We have to do that we've also been talking about grabbing the opportunity seizing the day like Giovanni a let food who placed his business card into the hand of Prince Harry yesterday and said if you need a wedding d.j. . And we're going to watch this space. Mentalism the thing and leave it out Hey now listen Kenney doubt he is on the show in a little while this is the actor who stars in Vera alongside Brenda Blethyn he plays her on a side kick and he's also recently been in love lines and records which was the drama from Kamala on the b.b.c. So no chat to him and he's going to share his 1st his last and he's everything with this he's he's he's a bit of a hunk that's that's what I'm saying now gotta get it out there because otherwise we're going to make a complete fool of myself now that we're talking about when you see the day is a little text message I've had from Mars he says hi Georgie I got a job as a financial advisor back in the late eighties and had to attend a training school in London on the way back from the school I flew back to the regional airport close to where I live I got a taxi home and between the airport my home I sold the taxi driver a 75 pound a month pension plan. He says the following day I went to his home and did a proper review for him and he proceeded with the pension plan Well Mark I reckon he's probably thanking you for it now excellent stuff thank you so much for the text seizing the day one trouble 3 start the message with the word Georgie on the phone zone 34531858 in fact we can go now to the line pull is in Somerset Hello poll you Larry Page How are you oh thank you George you love me just make sure you know I'm you too so have you been seizing the day you know I read the part. About 4 years ago maybe I was once again your. Right big tall but years early January No not my mantic poll was it would. Be better. To get all diets or order out fast. We it was really cold it's told it was like yeah we went to we went to Central Park we got on one of the Roy you know the whole East Side you rather a.g.s. Them was a little to go I was giving this a bit of a toll you know. The back and all the people will get off and then. We go off we stop you will pee on a coke across John's lead and the bull real Yeah. Like yeah. That's a bit more real and well where used to live yeah. Some a whole lot of stuff down on the page and just sat there looking just talking about . Look so select to cope school kid to be a formidable Joker Well not. Honestly so always fits mobile. 6 times Steve. I want what you lot pulled out and got to just to speak to it when you speak when you stand you always stand eyeball walk across gravel cups to speak. Some of the hall full. I don't always call you. She was the Looked at least they are all strong. Why should I go on and on wait and she went the whole you were all this and I'll follow. You always you always make the way along slowly and she carried on walking with no no we don't. She died. She went past but it's light so we will if it's. Just where John Lennon died still lead Yeah still lives they. Are always talking so they go on the dole you know just told of all that happened yeah and he said you're really really lucky he said because she'll go around the probably a $3.00 to $3.00 buds the other baby sit she hollered do you have a bowl. Yet with the central Pa. An event you're really and he was telling the a he was that he was there on the dial did you wondered. If I was for the job that isn't possible I did yeah I'll just wish more want to let go of. The Probably seems to come but you know. What I'm so glad you did seize the day I mean was one of foolery poll. The fall or it died we went to. The child I'll believe it. When I have The Big Breakfast Yeah it's all I've saw I'd love people start diets Ali and the cameras that shoot a ride you'll be on save a and I'll be in a loss and not tell you who also died down there as well most traumatic of a dying sheep like you know the pen to some woman. Oh oh. Just so you go yet should she call walking straight. Face all you like you know you're like a celebrity magnet. But yeah Ok I was that was boy. It was look like absolutely still got to. Love to speak has been lovely thank you. Thank you thank you that's all I bless you Poland summer I love the city house that in the city that stood out bless him but he said it's very seldom that Yokota goes on that. Seizing the day oh yes I'm going to be seizing Kenny downs he next b.b.c. Radio Northampton. Local radio everybody channel and you know what my next guest is an actor who spends his Sunday nights trying to crack draw him he's a very busy man you know he's the star of on t.v. He's been a it's actor Kenny say oh how. Can I just say I love you it's all right you just get the hell away I thank you very much I'm sorry I think we're going to be on a hike lark and this is the. Same way you say that. Now is what's it like working with the female version of. They are silly wonderful. And I feel very honored to become a very close friend lovely and we have such a good time we have 5 months up in Newcastle of course are very serious about cracking crime yeah absolutely but we also have a lot of fun and a big ego How long have you been doing this now because you have young Yeah it's kind of shrunk in size you've got are you eating enough Kenny why go into a very busy. Void you know what it was really boring that I had to stop eating gluten and I got really dollars and not intolerance then apparently Yeah for all these years I've been good why does my tummy You know why why oh really and then significantly to now. I'm not yeah happy it's a then you know I know the question I want to bring it really Yorkshire bloke I love my bread you know you know. And apparently chop by all accounts you chop we can i load project. But just no gluten just no clue to do with it and so do they do they accommodate you on the set because I know that when you do these wonderful programs you get catering vans don't you and your fed every possible here so I'm not difficult I can't do that I feel like I'm in a bit of prima donna if I go in there so excuse me how is that so I just I just pick bits out or just what's available record I don't want to make of but I want to make a fuss you know it is kind of much fine fine I just I what I was going. To this is why you're so I think you know it's I know I know I know and. So 5 months to feel so very much I did so yeah when I started I started in 2014 this is my 4th 4th year on it's gone and it's so wonderful because not only do you get a bit of in a city and a lot of crime but also you get the wonderful scenery when you go out and you know the hills and whatever it's just fantastic and I know I know I know and also the because we start so early you know we have got really. Kind of any pick up in the good the great thing about that you get to see the sun rises and you finish line in the sunset so even though you're absolutely exhausted I keep telling myself I'm lucky because I can see this amazing sunrise you silly me you got a 12 hour day my heart is bleeding for any doubting I don't know I know 6 days a week for hours it. How does it work do you sort of get put up in a hotel oh do you do you do you rent a house with Brenda they pretty pretty much only do I'm not joking so this year we heard we had a lovely apartment block on the Newcastle Yeah and I counted it it took me 17 seconds to walk from my flat door to get to Brenda's and in time for me throw in my bag game I get round to her flat and he had the g. And t. Ready to go into some lines look at the script without knowing what we have who pretty much room is this year which is really great so we could just kind of relax and have a laugh What was it like on your 1st day because like you say you know she's a bit of a legend and you're a young buck like yourself I was terrified were you yeah I was I mean how do you know that I had the show I think I think she does now I'm not. Going to use her about it but in a funny kind of way is a kind of a power between Aiden and myself because Aiden to come from Yorkshire and had to step into this new job there's all this kind of baggage in history with this kind of ferocious boss and and I was a little bit like I was the actor I was like you know stuff and I just sat with this amazing actress who had up my for years and years and we both had to both Aiden and myself have to prove something. So I was I mean I was terrified but they were very welcome and I think it probably a week or so or 2 weeks or 2 months or 3 months or you are a year. Before I was finally accepted oh my word Hey now listen I have said on Sunday I I was great and I thought oh please please do not be suckered in by this. Gorgeous day I who is trying to feed you a line who is flirting with you and thank goodness by the case I do you just like when I think she took that as I know we really mean very we had a little thing going nowhere like no there was it there was a point going out to the world a point where I think genuinely considering what to do yeah and then when he realized he'd been played he thought Ok I'll get back over here for him now listen talking about playing oh love lies and records who I know you are no wonder you say you've been busy I mean when did you manage to cram that in what you know what this is a one off and never really happened before but I finished love lives in record on a Tuesday night here and in when I was 7 o'clock at night and I see why you and West Yorkshire and then at 6 o'clock the following morning I was in the car with. You we're not going all right sure and going on a road trip with Brenda and I was saying to her and her trying to remind myself I was Rick I was actually. Trying to remember who Kenny was in order. Oh-My were I'm just me which one seller and which ones Louise or. Which How do you know what I think is the order proper listen to. All the dresses how much did you enjoy love lies and records because clearly you know you just around the corner from bonds if you still have family bonds like I have got some time today you're my mum's not bad now but after love I always come back to Yorkshire and had Christmas and New Year in Yorkshire where I need to reconcile be in New York yeah I and I only got back last week yeah it was lovely and you know and it looked to where we came out Ok I think it's you know just a wonderful writer had a great cast and a great story and that she was really good fun and plenty of kissing with the lovely. Yeah I. Know a bad job is. Now listen you know when you kiss someone Lashley Jensen and you kiss your wife Caroline Calvin who's been. No one's listening no one's listening because you're always your wife because you're acting you're only you're only acting do you know how to do a real case how do you how do you get that place where it's not it's not an emotional thing well I think you know like as an actor it's almost like with you if you have to play a serial killer or you have to play somebody who's who's got really sad or emotion I'm not a method r.t.c. At all so I kind of just kind of comes in to play around and I'm constantly dark so I'm doing something quite dark already emotional crying yeah I'll do it in the take then I'll stop going carry on doing the Tommy Cooper was something else I was gonna try. But otherwise it's just you know I find it all a little bit too I can get too serious about yeah Have we got another series of love lives we haven't we I don't know I don't know I hope so I hope so I don't know we're going to see what happens next Sure I know I know I know but we'll let's hope that Ok so busy Kamala is so busy girl friends only to get me girlfriend and she was directing from friends an unlikely Did she leave no other work for anybody else I know so so so. You know this is I as I understand it you're going to be doing a bit directing Yes I am I don't want to short film a few years part and quite liked it and. But I'm terrified about it which is why Or probably want to give it another go so I've got a producer and we're working on a script together so hopefully by the end of the year we could be in production and I could be on the other side of the camera but it's early days but I like you because you're absolutely terrifies me Oh that's good always do something that scares you yeah I'm doing it right now. Now you're going to stick around because you going to share your 1st year lasting everything with us yes absolutely this is Kenny data you're listening to Judy's night right across b.b.c. Local radio in England and the challenge. Irene Flashdance and this is