After an outbreak of flu according to the British Horseracing Authority all of today's fixtures were called off by the B.H.A. After 3 vaccinated horses tested positive for the disease the former captain Mick Mills says his old team should try to frighten north city in the East Anglian Darby the Canaries go into the game 39 points ahead of their local rivals and Norfolk shop putting starts a few McKenna is desperate to achieve a 1st this weekend the 24 year old is looking for gold at the British indoor Athletics Championships in Birmingham will move on to the weather shortly 1st so latest with the traffic Here's George Thomas I've got some slow stuff in rocks from the sea from some temporary lights on the Norrish road just near to Station Road junction by McDonald's looking a bit slow especially northbound heading towards those lights also the re from road around Norwich that's a little bit slow in patches between junction and between the A 11 a new market road and in both directions in patches there are major problems to report on public transport I'm pleased to say though if you do spot something call me 080-389-7321. Weather forecast of the saving is Alex Dolan of all these hunger power pangs today Alex in the last half hour we had the fry up inspector. Yeah I guess it was around a little over the place grading cafes and restaurants and hotels and their breakfast did he have some hot tips where to go he did actually yes I'll share them with you know yeah OK but you don't want to sort of personally it's too many for our Yeah I wouldn't say yeah I wouldn't say that's my top of my less. Healthy well is poses as one of us at least so what about the weather so it's actually quite calm at the moment after that windy weather we've experienced today but it's going to pick up once more the winds are expected to strengthen through the day tomorrow so once more will be back into very windy conditions on the chances of rain for tonight though it's looking dry with clear spells to start with but as we go through the night that it will turn cloudy from the west and eventually a band of patchy rain is expected by the early hours of tomorrow morning so temperatures are likely to drop anywhere between $4.00 and $6.00 degrees a light to moderate southwesterly wind but as I say that wind picking up through the day tomorrow so expect a rather of a cold start with some patchy reliant ranger in the morning now this rain is expected to turn heavy as we go through the day and the winds are expected to freshen they're likely to be at that peak around the afternoon into the early evening so expect fresh to strong southwesterly winds with gusts between 40 to 50 miles an hour locally they could be as high as 60 miles an hour and although the winds will ease by Friday evening and night they're still going to be gusting around 30 to 40 miles an hour overnight Friday and into Saturday now technically tomorrow is a mild day because temperatures are likely to reach 10 or 11 degrees but with the wind it's going to feel quite chilly and a bit of a windy day on Saturday expected it's looking like a dry and sunny start with chances of showers developing later moderate to fresh southwesterly winds highs of 10 so. And then it's going to start turning a little bit cold air from Sunday on with you so you'll need to cook breakfast that yeah exactly they've calorie that exactly yes precisely 9 minutes past 5 and a very good evening to you Matthew Gudgeon on radio Norfolk This is our teeth time program a little bit more now on the story we brought you with Bob at 5 o'clock this emerging News in the last hour it's been announced that a leading chain of Norfolk independent cinema is closing we understand that Hollywood cinema have gone into administration a familiar name for 3 decades or so they run a cinema in Great Yarmouth but also a big cinema in orange at Anglia square the old Odeon and the message simply on their official website said it is with deep regret that Hollywood cinemas have ceased trading now Yarmuth the Norge sites have closed immediately out there I'm cinema will continue under new ownership and Hollywood cinemas go on to say we would like to thank the millions of loyal customers who have supported us over the last 30 years there's already been reaction on various Internet sites to knees Morgan says thoughts are with the staff who have lost their jobs the view in Orange have dropped their cinema prices but I bet they go up again soon Hollywood was cheap for drinks and fresh popcorn it's such a shame Maxine says so sad to see this the staff were amazing at the Hollywood and we love going that's very sad another correspondent Chris Brown says so sorry to hear about this and for the star 5 weren't there when it was the Odeon in the ninety's and Graham says I'm gutted to hear this although given the cheap prices in the fact that we haven't shared a screening with more than 5 other customers of the time there in the last 3 years I'm not surprised so that news just breaking Hollywood cinema one of the big local independent change ceasing trading in Yarmouth and Norah each. A poultry company has been fined more than a quarter of a 1000000 pounds after 2 workers were injured while working in its chicken factory near Bungie one worker lost a thumb and another their ring finger already so no matter all this has the details of the case and that sentencing took place today didn't it yes it did yes a cultist magistrates court the court has heard that both of these incidents that happened at the 2 sisters food groups flicks and science as you say in a Bungie 2 people were injured in what they call the if this situation room in 2016 this is a process where they take out the internal organs from the chickens and as you say an agency worker lost his thumb and it was an engineer who lost his ring finger what had the court heard about what happens on those occasions when the agency worker I mentioned he was Lithuanian worker call romance Kelly N.-S. And he'd been assigned to work in this processing room which got about $200.00 birds a minute and he'd been assigned there for the 1st time in March 26th in the court heard he was shown how to follow the process by a follow Lithuanian operative who the court heard had not been trained as a trainer less than an hour into his shift his thumb got caught in some shackles in the production line prosecutor Jamie had told the court that he was unable to reach the emergency stop so it meant the machine kept going and that meant his thumb was amputated Now the other occasion was on the 23rd of August the same year engineer Darren Hamilton was in the same room he was changing the blades on the machinery now the power should have been isolated but the machine line was still running whilst Mr Hamilton was was in what they call the danger zone which is against company policy then he tried to prevent to entwine shackles from damaging the machine and he got his ring finger core at that point and again he couldn't reach the emergency stop button and at this stage health and safety the Health and Safety Executive were called in what did they find when they carry out investigations into that. Sort of how things like this come to happen they found that the 2 sisters food group had failed to ensure that measures were in place to mitigate the consequences of a worker becoming entrapped in a shackle in the 1st instance and also that they failed to ensure safe isolation procedures were followed in the 2nd and the company did admit guilt to health and safety breaches of breaches Yes that's right the company pleaded guilty to 2 breaches of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 for the 1st incident it's been fined 200000 pounds and ordered to pay costs of more than $4000.00 pounds in respect of the 2nd incident I've been fined $74000.00 pounds and ordered to pay similar costs the company offered what it described as genuine apologies to the $2.00 men the court was told that 2 sisters was also convicted of health and safety breaches in October 2011 and that was after a worker lost his hand while cleaning equipment after this hearing the H.S.C. Inspector staff from terminal said these incidents could so easily have been avoided had appropriate controls been in place companies should be aware that the H.S.C. Will not hesitate to take enforcement action against those that fall below the required standards net oldest Thank you Theresa May has been meeting senior officials as she tries once again to break the bricks at stalemate the central issue is still what to do about the so-called backstop That's the part of the BRICS it deal many euro skeptic Conservative M.P.'s don't like it's an insurance policy designed to prevent checks on the Irish border but some fear it could leave the U.K. Too closely tied to European rules speaking after her meetings the prime minister admitted securing change won't be easy but she's determined to deliver Bracks it on time. Well I've set out very clearly position from parliament that we must have legally binding changes to the withdrawal agreement in order to deal with Parliament's concerns over the backstop what I see and hear from leaders is a desire for us to work together to ensure that we can deliver the U.K. Leaving the European Union with a deal might work is to deliver Bracks it to deliver it on time and I'm going to mean those ageing hard in the coming days to do just that there's talk of trying to agree a fixed end date to the backstop or a means by which the U.K. Could leave the arrangement when it wished but the E.U. Insists the withdrawal agreement can't be renegotiated and the backstop is an essential safety net the European governments so all the European Parliament's guy of a half stead told a press conference that Teresa Mayes even assured him that she's not seeking to remove the backstop altogether because that is absolutely necessary for securing a safeguarding the Good Friday Agreement save guarding internal market and safeguarding also had a peace process for us an all weather backstop insurance is absolutely key. Following today's talks in Brussels which were described as robust but a construct if it's been a grade that the E.U. And the U.K. Will hold further talks Meanwhile Jeremy Corbyn has written to the prime minister setting out his party's conditions for supporting a Brics it deal he said Labor want to secure a sensible agreement that can win the support of Parliament and bring the country together the principal points are that we need a comprehensive customs union with the European Union we need a comprehensive trade agreement with the European Union and we need a what's called a dynamic relationship on rights rights or environmental protection consumer protection so this country doesn't then consistently fall behind it in the future however some of Jeremy Corbyn zone M.P.'s are deeply unhappy with the move those who'd like to see a further referendum say labor shouldn't be enabling a Conservative lead Breck says they've also accused Mr Coleman of going back on Labor policy agreed at the party conference to keep another public vote on the table if a general election can't be secured the Labor M.P. Owen Smith raised doubts as to whether he could even stay in the party so I stood to be a Labor M.P. With an understanding of what I was doing what my values were what the values of the Labor Party were what I wanted to do for the community I grew up in which I'm very very proud to represent and at the moment I may be asked by the Labor Party to row in behind a policy decision that they know and the government knows he's going to make the people I represent puta it's only fair to say other limb Labor M.P.'s are more supportive of the leadership but with bricks it DAY Coming up under 50 days time the pressure on the leaders of both our main parties is growing. The vast majority of Norfolk is farmland but what is the future for farming in the county issues like bricks diversification subsidies of all been discussed at a big conference in orange today hundreds of farmers hearing from amongst others the president of the N.F.U. And one of our own Norfolk campaign a little earlier I was joined on the line from the John in a center by Jonathan Skinner who farms that ship them and John Duffy from the A.F. Group formerly Anglia farmers who organized today's event the conference was really little future and what we can do in order to grab the future and innovate and be in charge of our own success but obviously the precursor to an awful lot of that is Brett said and so quite rightly the panel talked about breaks it and talked about some of the challenges facing facing us around Rex. The overriding view is we have to have it. If we get it on where it actually you Kadcyla know for agriculture should be a good place and actually will enjoy forward if it doesn't get a deal though what was the mood amongst farmers on matter issue. I think most of the foreign audience think we will get it however 11000 may well be the politicians George Freeman thinks that we will have some forward deal but did did say you know we want no deal is is really is really going to be a 3. Minute data set exactly the same that you know where we're hoping for a deal. It's just a sensible thing to do for all sides and a no deal is just not good news and culture Professor Benton who's a. Government scientist at less of the press and that was really talking about the need to embrace science whatever happens great or no break that we really need to embrace signs going forward and make sure this great county of our stays at the forefront of. Scientific advancement and and and making sure those advancements occurred it's closer to the pharmacist as possible a very appropriate message given your venue today at the John in a center but what about I mean another key word is diversification. People in North Africa coping with that quite well the farmers are coming up with all sorts of ideas to make the land pile on like I do you know it's. Never ceases to amaze me but actually I'm not made time and time again that farmers actually are actually very very good businessmen and they they've Davey their land their assets or whatever else's business and how can they when their business report from that to to make sure they're getting as much advantage as possible to look after the longevity of that family business. And let's speak to another farmer who was in the hole today listening to the guest speakers Jonathan Skinner who farms shipped them with us from partners one of the younger farmers Jonathan I mean what short take on that key would break seats is there a lot of nervousness I think there is. Yeah we need a deal and they do pass Dokic. A huge amount at obviously most it was a garden practice it on a young farmer it is very much beyond my control. Powers That Be in parliament and now what's still the situation out and then push forward with with what they're going to do well it may be a time for young people in the industry because change is afoot in fact that's almost a constant thing in farming isn't it changed I mean can you throw forward and think where we'll be in a few years' time what sort of crops that will be planting and indeed that the scientific developments which could affect farming I think that until the end of March comes it's very. Difficult to pinpoint anything as long as we start this year's course a quality would always have a market if you can tell a story with what you produce and it's a link back to reach out to the farmers produced on. I think is the lowest end market with livestock or any any $46.00 out there is not the Nisha that British farming and indeed within that Norfolk farming now occupies because just competing on price point is a bit difficult isn't it with some of the cheap projects coming in it is yes. Always State case 29 March and things may start to change it could be a very difficult couple years following and that hopefully we'll get some trade agreements and British our culture in the next generation will have a good chance to be profitable and we wish you well in the future and all your fellow hundreds of farmers there in the hole today John Innes Jonathan Skinner from Pugh's farm partners the ship thank you very much for coming on today thank you very much. It's 22 minutes past 5 the Norfolk coast is a stronghold for seals people come from far and wide to see them and they're a common sight on many of our beaches but a new report suggests they're birthing places being polluted polluted by millions of tiny fragments of plastic thousands of gray uncommon seal pups are born every year at places like Blakeney in holes our reporter Mike Liggins has been to horsey today to speak to marine scientist Biljana Mae hellova. We already know SEALs are getting in Tangled in plastic but what effect are Mike Crapo plastics having on these animals scientists from Cambridge working for the conservation organization flora and fauna International are looking at how plastic pellets or Nergal's a getting into the environment so I've heard of micro braids Yes but I've never heard of nobles before yes what's the difference apart from size and I'm not surprised that you say that because most people haven't heard of Nergal's they're both micro plastic These are the micro bees the usually much smaller and we find them in cosmetics and toothpaste things that we put on our face and wash them down the drain these are dolls they're the building blocks of all plastic products that we use that's the Roman tear of plastic production just along the coast from horsey and sea palling we went looking for. And we found them it's estimated that could be up to $53000000000.00 in U.K. Waters the wind has been blowing the Nergal's around the breach but even in the short time that we've been looking 1520 minutes we found between $30.40 off them. So at the moment you don't know that these moves are a problem the seals but you think they might be wise. We don't know the exact long term impact of nerve that was a fan of pollution on the seals but we would expect like other Microsoft thinks that they're likely to be eaten by the prey of Ceos we also find microvascular In see this coming from fish and at the same time with what we know is that Microsoft's if they're really good at sucking up contaminants from the water and then releasing them to the animals that eat them and that's really the big concern for the people who love them look out for the seals the idea that they might be troubled by plastic pellets is heartbreaking they were here before we were are suspects in the progress of the real God. Yeah look at them I mean you can offer a brother saw them that could you. Relax have done their breeding season the Brady season is over they all they were going to do now is just fluff about the malls and so on Friday the great global noble hunt begins volunteers will be sharing beaches across the world to try and provide a better picture of where and how many nettles the raw The answer is unlikely to be good news for our shale populations. Mike Logan's on hold ships 25 minutes past 5 now. B.B.C. Radio Norfolk travel and George come in and tell us what's happening more often the major headache is these temporary traffic lights in rocks and saving that is just a McDonald's at Station Road junction neck causing a bit of delay especially northbound just had word of some works in Pixley which are causing some delays on the street to be 1332 between Pixley and poor England some temporary lights up for electricity work causing some minor delays also the Great Yarmouth last looking a bit slow between 143 battles road and the voxel holiday park and see some patches of slow traffic in both directions on that stretch of roundabout in King's Lynn just for the A 17 only a 47 is looking pretty slow westbound getting reports of a broken down vehicle actual