Transcripts for BBC Radio Norfolk BBC Radio Norfolk 20180324

BBC Radio Norfolk BBC Radio Norfolk March 24, 2018 110000

TIME NO is exactly 11 o'clock and you George has the latest B.B.C. Radio Norfolk news contractors specializing in our spare stores are continuing to pull down properties on the cliff edge in hems B. Today 13 homes on the Mariners were condemned off to strong winds and large waves eroded the sand underneath the Middle East week and there are plans for full properties to be removed over the coming days one was removed yesterday tributes have been paid to the French policeman who has died after swapping himself for a hostage during an attack on a supermarket yesterday Lieutenant Colonel are no Deltron Will Shortz and stabs during the siege in trip in southern France a nurse who works with people who have learning disabilities has launched a new campaign to get more people signing sign language is something most of us associate with deafness but it's used by lots of people with learning disabilities Rebecca crossly from the James project hospital started an online campaign which has reached millions of people worldwide her latest one is to encourage more grandparents to learn basic sign we started to get the nation signing last year and on Twitter alone we've reached $43000000.00 and that's our total reach so that doesn't include Facebook where we've reached many many more millions is going to a little bit global and it's lovely so important to hash tag it you granny sign in teacher Hello my name is Granny we're trying to encourage everybody an artist from Norfolk who creates intricate pictures from mud on the back of his van has opened his 1st gallery exhibition over the years ready muddy has become known for making portrayed of well known people including Stephen Hawking a way Sis and Ken Dodd his 1st exhibition has opened at the Wayland Dragon-Fly gallery in Waterton and he told radio Norfolk how it all started it all started back when my children were small I was driving of and. And so I didn't want to read things being seen by my children source or cover them up they were very complicated like this one are quite simple images but they did the trick and missile kind of developed from a residence in a Norfolk village or desperately trying to save an historic landmark Sussan windmill is the tallest of its kind in the county and has been there since $1789.00 but it's in a poor state of repair and time is running out to raise funds for the building's restoration Jonathan Cooke from the National mill Writing Center says they've got exciting plans for the future all its machinery. Restoration and repair along with it huge granary makes potential sites locate a place where we can train future. Repair and maintain traditional wind and water mill. Trying Millers to be able to run them B.B.C. Radio Norfolk news it's 3 minutes past 11 Xandra. D.C. Radio. Quite a lot of cloud really for much of the day was some patchy drizzly outbreaks of rain and temperatures getting up to between 8 and 10 degrees Celsius this evening is looking a little drier although it will remain cloudy for most of us with further outbreaks expected through the night and a bit more of that mist to develop as well Thames she's getting down to between 3 and 6 degrees Celsius tomorrow it's quite cloudy start with some more of that drizzle on the way. To lay off to name we should see things brightening up a little as the cloud starts to disperse Thames is getting up to between 9 and 12 degrees Celsius this is Georgina Burnett for B.B.C. Radio Norfolk it's over. Back we keep going straight on B.B.C. Radio No they're not don't you touch that dial because I've got the latest coming up from column A now to govern album coming out on a read about 3 weeks time I am but I've got a track from and that's coming up next after I've told you about what's coming up in this hour. There's just one hour left as I guess it still runs a dozen songs to play those if it's live music if the live band gig guide is around $1115.00 and the past live show God with the latest is a round 11 take it now look thank you so much for being B.B.C. Radio Norfolk's morning we appreciate it. Here it is that is Kylie. a share of time for yourself because you're feeling lonely happy to do that as well my telephone number and this is the last time we'll be using this number on the show because on Monday the telephone numbers change but not today their oldest item until Monday OK 016-036-1732 extension 1 my text number that's staying the same 813 double 3 starting the techs with word Norfolk and the a mile that'll always be the sign Keith documentary at B.B.C. Dot co dot to you Kai Jenny says belated birthday wishes to Doreen Harvey in. Also Happy birthday to Tony Williams in King's Lynn and he said they are both looking good. Little cute. He says it's a pity. Because. Tomorrow she will be 16 love the show. oh margin and thetford martin if he send up me a message in for tomorrow are make it a sunday suggestion on tomorrow afternoon show between 2 and 4 o'clock you send their into me know keith doc green tree at b.b.c. Dot co touch u.k. And our be happy to but make it a sunday suggestion for your little sister tracy tamara is that ok If you hear that Released on April 6th. The album is released by a 30 Tigers the name of the record company and I champion his sound and vision it's really really nice the whole albums 12 songs on there and 9 enjoyed every one of them looking at the top one could miss me at 16 minutes past 11 o'clock high time we did some of this. For the uninitiated this is the music the live band good guy. Whole week full of them coming up. Very shortly. Like now. Day the 24th of March Saturday of course Kevin Barry's going to be at the North Warshel community center Mickie James you'll find him at the penny country music club at the penny bowls club near knob or in Norfolk and stone cold country going to be at a wild stallion dance ranch at the pump the road in Norwich tonight K D tonight will be at the mania B.-L. E. Street 90 in Cambridge here Graham Jones you'll find it in our social club that symbolic a street in Norwich and John C. King's going to be a little more village hall tonight one more for tonight. Low Rider going to be a village hall. All the gigs for tonight. I can see you doing a little jig when the kitchen music in that. Sunday then March 25th Katie is going to be at the icon country music club and that's a TENS be delish told us I hear different I'll pass that on if I do Hayden will be at the browser club road March in Cambridge just starts at 1 o'clock got cancelled right alongside there that's cancelled tomorrow afternoon no Hayden that came in the small and thanks for letting us know about that so don't go and see Haydn at the Braden browser club road March there. In the Sweet Water Creek be a peddler's country music club at the Conservative Club and swap. The band no regrets going to be at the lazy K. Country music club and that's held steeped in steeple bumps to delete all. Julie don't and Nigel Beausire get. Dyke village cold starts there at 2 30 pm There are 2 in the doors will open for you. To Dawn a knowledgeable sigh of get me down when I told. Graham Jones Well my ground John's going to public house. And that's between 2 and 6 o'clock tomorrow. We're talking about Ray Peters and I want to go and see him he's going to be at Jenny's country music club and that's a nice one to King's Lynn black still on Choose day because right Peters is Tuesday is going to be black still is going to be a Little Willie's country music. That's held at Stanway Rovers Football Club in Essex. Whole host of people Carol laid him out Roger down fix altar I'm going to beat the P.H.A.T. Club at. The bucks. There because it's the Music Awards $11000.00 Music Awards go along there and see full bands. But it's all straight a norm that on Tuesday. Or Wednesday no regrets going to be at the Cambridge Country Music Club tell it at the Cambridge United supporters club at Newmarket Road in Cambridge. The Red Rock could do will be a long horns country music that's held at the railway tavern to some some on Wednesday Thursday. James good bit run to the home country rebels at one time social club brick storm of the Ghost Riders Weston club at the Bob Carter leisure center in Drayton on to Friday Bob at the Ponderosa country music club Stowmarket football club. And we mentioned that earlier at Sam's place uplands community center lowest It's a 6 piece band. Telephone number 019-868-7354 extension 2 say that 6 piece and. If you didn't get any of that number a long ride or ride on village hall tonight. Get to take your own drinks because if you don't it's a dry old night take your own drinks I think in get some food but you certainly can't get me drinks it's a bring your own drinks at the robin village hall when you go along to see Ron Low Rider tonight will have some travel for you in just a couple of moments but on the guide was this but it deserves a little bit of a longer read out and this is from Martin follow Martin thank you so much for he says would you please include the details of this event on the good guide on Tuesday the 27th of March Carol Lee Rodger Vic Salter and him others will play at the 202018 fab Country Music Awards in the Vauxhall hub and that's on Voxer street before road north so if you go along that the Vauxhall hub there enjoy the evening ph a big club and see 4 different artists that is going to be a lovely evening 27th of March and that's on Tuesday Quest extra time one quest is that as we go along in the program various subjects discussions come up that you think I want. Funny floating about the list is the target program itself. Was carried. Instead of. Using only to. Get listeners and that's why we have next week. We go round with me. All you feel that way and I know I had the railway track in mind thanks for this inquest extra time Sunday for me on B.B.C. Radio No For your part of the B.B.C. I get you thinking what I'm thinking how on earth do you get a piece of runaway track. Radio no travel maybe Michael Michael could you get a piece of that in your handbag I don't know how that happens how can you paste maybe you know a little. Of that I was thinking of a great big chunk. The 10 we were posting early on the main road remains slow northbound a West winch towards the hardwood roundabout question what happened there maybe it was a broken down or something but it seems to be easing up a bit now in Kingston still looking busy only approaches to the system including a wood road and John Kennedy Road we have an accident on Victoria Road westbound between starts to merge in station mode that's causing a bit of a delay and in Great Yarmouth I call new routes looking a little bit busy between the run and full of hill roundabouts in the roadworks area. Still very busy on day one rotating through the city and on Sweetbriar road and Guardian road crossroads queuing now approaching road and Boundary Road looking slow between my cross lane and Triton road on the trains as each week every weekend it seems a great anger I still have no service between and it's the Liverpool Street that is running instead to and from newbie park pay it. 160-361-7321 I'm. Troubled you are thank you very much will speak to 30 that Michael thank you. A couple of albums ago now joining me in the studio is a lady that I used to see quite regularly but nowadays I only get to see. You want a Saturday morning because she won't for another radio station have to say how she B.C. B.B.C. Radio came but shows she just she does the drive program every night too in a way that she's why one's every sort of 3 months. Just say food is a drive time in the middle of the garden party. Has only happened once it will happen today it probably will but you're with us every Saturday morning and it's lovely that you should choose to stay at the sun with but the sad thing is a set only get a couple extra large Cuttle every Saturday I have to. Thank you for the reason you come in mostly is to do some of the Cue the music plenty of festivals. Maria spectacular country an Irish party this one is next month 27th to the 30th of April at Pontin's in failed we've got the Indians Declan Ernie Gary Gamble Sean Cuddy Joe Moore the Ryan Taliban brawly Nicky James Blake and Brazil and many more besides all lined up across that weekend all the details and Maria dot com It's half board from 164 pounds per person and the phone number you need is only 155-361-7546. The same number to get booking for a special country music cover a show on Sunday May the 6th also the Country Music Club Rayman for it appearing along with Maria it's held in the big bowls whole 12 tool to show starts at 3 and if you just want to go along you don't want the carvery tickets at 13 pounds 50 you can book your tickets at the bar all call that number 015-536-1756. Looking to May 23rd to the 27th King's Lynn country music festivals a penny bowls club is $49.00 pounds and $99.00 pence per person to see everybody from the GEOFF GALLOP band on Friday evening to the rowdy band on Saturday evening Roots and Wings in Gary park. In the breeze on Sunday evening and many more besides from Wednesday evening all the afternoons as well all the details are at K L A C N F dot co dot U.K. Or you can phone 0176033739201760 doubles 3739 to. Find a June the 22nd to Sunday June the 24th is the country Brett Kindle Breckon country music festival at the mid Suffolk show granite stone and bombs they've got the Danny Lee band Mickey Janes K.D. Darin Busby Johnny Lynette and many more besides $65.00 pounds per person if you pay by the 1st of May all $73.00 pounds there are Bret Lynn C.M.F. Dot co dot U.K. Cool 019-538-9890 extension 2 book that's 819-538-8989 extension 0. And 17 for the 22nd of July it's the norm for country music festival a penny bowls club just shy of 50 pounds per person they have got Texas tornadoes Madison County Nashville numbers Gary Perkins in the breeze and more besides if you'd like more details it's N C M F dot co dot U.K. Where you can get booking 101-763-7392 that's I 176-033-7390. 35 states if we do that we're bobbing along in our chairs it is like they used to do what they the sort of thing when you're sitting. And John was always on knots about how hard it truly during the highway are doing a hand job because the microphone that's what we were doing to that thought is thank you so much if you can get in there that what I suggest you do is go into the B.B.C. Radio Player and look for a read about how pasta Levon and you'll be able to hear all those telephone numbers again better still look for 9 o'clock and hear the whole show right through right Thordis if'n. 12 what happens well the garden party takes. A pop and picnic blankets laid out as we get ready for a royal party you wish and so know what you have the last couple of weeks to wait and see whether I have to do the whole show on the edge of my seat with my hands hovering over the fate is to close them so risque. Alan Gray risqué we really are living life on the edge. About the N.T. a Fun and games but a carry on gardening from 12 to 2 but really the heart of the program and actually the goals of much of the math merriment is your questions and it has really got warm up properly I hate it when I just popped I have my will to think it is a city yeah most colorful felt very warm sun that has prompted you to get out in the garden in some nice weather then you can pick up the phone you can call you can text you can tweet from 12 but right now I head out into the Gulf and take a photo of the plant you want identified all the the problem areas somewhere you want inspiration. For this year and you can send that right now to my email address from to ferry at B.B.C. To. Between 12 and to do it now and you know I put it down to my hot flushes. And an elephant down to find that no no no no long way to go my goodness me is no doing that so 12 o'clock when you're there you can do thunder ferry right now send a message in and you'll do the outgoing lovely to say you see in 7 and 7. To him. School way better. Computer and more turn back. Greetings good buddy Happy Saturday it's been a long dark winter cheered up by you want to Saturday morning and Sunday afternoon all thanks so much excellent listeners choices morning wasn't it just when you mentioned motley earlier I thought we'll be hearing a bit of. It I don't know that Marty whatever did the country. Came to it she did a track that was a big country but that it would have been good wouldn't be a rock and roll Trudeau style Jeff in the light fifties and I got the thanks for making me stop sit down and listen you're a good oh boy I. Love it thanks Peter. Is Bobby buy up. Summer wages. Plays a role on. You . Steve. Some look at what's coming up on B.B.C. Radio Nova for the rest of the day of course told us with a garden party sitting next door in 13 minutes time should be on air all your questions on the garden Have you seen water still green shoots coming through if you got something that you thought is that wheat I don't know I'm not sure take a picture of it send it to thunder ferry dock U.K. And they will take a look at it and I give you an answer between 12 and 2 o'clock that's the garden party and then at 2 o'clock a Saturday sport 4 hours of sport full like commentary on Los of town versus Burgess Hill netball Robey there bring you up to date with that with regular updates on other local football scores as well and then at 6 o'clock it's one of my favorite shows of the week it's rock N roll Bernie Kate from 6 o'clock it's rock N roll heaven Bernie plays you the best the very best of fifty's and sixty's rock N roll I did called Norfolk introducing Joey is there with Norfolk and to sing for 2 hours and then at 9 o'clock for one hour but it was at 9 o'clock it's just in daily Justin's got music and conversation it's a great listen he started the show about well like 9 months ago now and he's really got a load of listeners and that's so interesting and then at 11 o'clock it's the very light pole barns I can't speak Pashto like him but it's great really is all the different types of jazz between 11 and 1 o'clock in the morning. But we're still playing country. DAVIS I don't. Well Dave you're a hot dog. B.B.C. Radio no. Knowledge of the goodies that are coming up for the rest of the day weekends on B.B.C. Radio are just so good to tell you what's coming up tomorrow because science between 6 and 9 AM a craze going to be heavy in fact and to me only 6 this week out that will be a great listen not that and to these not it is but nice to hear something different I'm a Craig sitting in for Anthony Isaacs our 1st half got him and worship including him of the week and then they go right the way through with stories of fight a from across the county then 9 till 12 is treasure Quest Yeah DAVID WHITELEY with an approach going to do battle with battle with the quest would I get the treasure before 12 would have to whiten say then at 12 o'clock it's the quest master himself with treasure Quest extra time only half an hour this week because at 1230 it's the B.B.C. New comedy show a great listen likes you chuckle comedy sketches and stand up from local performers and writers and then between one and 28 schedules guest and this week it's James back he's talking about his life career and playing some of his favorite music and between 2 and 6 the hall is the big country show looking forward to doing that. After their. Classic contradict Americana pop a lonely girl I. Almost long before we get the news this week with May DAVID WHITELEY at breakfast a group of know for camping is a backing North City Football Club's goal to change the mole on say standing areas all the evidence shows from other countries that we know how to do that so that it renews the safety risk that exists now then it seems to make sense if it's fun to be on after the storm left homes pulling into the

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