The we may be seen radio much. Or as. B.b.c. News at 10 I'm more rolled ison police have revealed a nerve agent was used to try to murder a former Russian spy and his daughter in Wiltshire Sergei and a critically ill having been found unconscious in Saul's pray on Sunday it's also a match to a police officer who was 1st at the scene is in a serious condition Labor m.p. Chris Bryant who chairs an all party parliamentary group on Russia says there are questions to be answered if there's a nerve agent in this country as all of it being used already how did it get into this country was in a diplomatic bag how many of the Russian so-called diplomats working at the Russian embassy are actual diplomats or really are Russian agents and how we got tight enough border controls on visas for people coming from Russia the European Council president has warned trade will be more complicated and costly after breaks it Donald Tusk says the e.u. Wants an ambitious free trade deal with no tariffs on goods but he didn't make the same promise for services the chancellor Philip Hammond argues excluding financial services would be self-defeating for Europe a lorry driver who was involved in a crash on the m one that killed 8 people has been cleared of causing death by dangerous driving 54 year old David Wagstaff who's from Stoke on Trent previously admitted careless driving Helena Lee reports the crash on the m one last August involves 2 lorries and a minibus says he won year old Ryszard masher act was twice over the drink drive limit and had stopped his lorry in the slow lane for 12 minutes the mini bus driver tried to go round but missed his chance moments later the 2nd lorry being driven by David Wagstaff he was on a hands free call plowed into the back of the minibus 8 people died and 4 was seriously injured around 2000000 u.k. Households are to receive cold weather. The payments of $25.00 pounds each after last week's cold snap the government will pay out $50000000.00 pounds the largest weekly sum for 5 years it's nearly a 1000 staff who what for the fashion retailer new look face redundancy as the company tries to avoid going into administration the rescue deal would also see about 60 of its stores closing scientists have found that using a high pitched voice helps build a bond between a dog and its own a research at the University of York monist the reaction of pets to different voices ph d. Student Alex Benjamin says it seems dogs are more likely to favor the speaker who uses a high pitch so of a combination between the pitch the pitch modulations or the amount that you do go up and down in the variation and that and the content Woods that we use so with adult dogs we recognize that over their individual lifetime they make these positive associations with the would treat although it will because we often pad them with positive on the weather another day of sunny spells and scattered showers on Thursday most of the rain is expected the North a top temperature of 10 degrees b.b.c. News it's 3 minutes past 10. Nightfall named 016128. 05 b.b.c. Radio language and b.b.c. Radio. Good evening I mean a high pitched voice. Just said to me that's right Bob or would Auschwitz so successful at training dogs. Sit. Down once used to blow up Aussies No I thought that was just rude but you probably should blow up the Aussies No you tried it with the ole. Oh. And then she blew a piece nose and I thought when I say Sheba I don't mean that they are right when she blew his nose that would be awful she she exhaled wistfully like but without the noise opiates knows I'm going to die under. An unfair effective it was to you but a cattle prod works just as well go off the settee or off it gets you know but I'm quite good on children I'm. Thinking Ha yeah I All right good so am I Tis a high Tis a high on happy time we're having is it not. No I did it right if you want to join as you know how to do it telephone 216-1228 double to both 5 there's also a free phone number if you ring in via radio Lancashire if you ring that normal for the phone number it will come through to to the studios where we do this program from them so that's all right what else yeah I knew you couldn't talk about anything as we used to say you know you might be scared of being poisoned in your bad because you think you know risky risky spike. Almost to the point the Russkies think you know Spock I went for dinner well lunch today in Manchester because it was a bit of a celebration. For a nice a nice meal and the restaurant. The owner and the cake alone although I don't know whether you. But was was a bloke off the telly no not the only one No no no no no off must a chef a couple a couple of things go but call would yeah so on the plates were plates because sometimes you go in restaurants these days and they serve you know Mort which I can do without so there was that I was very nice thank you and when instead I go Well I went to a shop I think were in there for an hour. Well it was probably just 10 minutes. I mean you know them you know what a clutch pencil is no I didn't tie them but I got one for Christmas a few years back and it's like a propelling pencil but instead of wind in it you press a button on the top of it like a barrel and on a good well grips the graphite the lead let's go on a bit of a long piece of graphite I don't age because you know it's really fun it's about an 8th of an inch the scruff I think credible Azzi shoes I'm no I'm not but I use mine because I like a lot you know when I'm making notes assume it's a back if you keep shop but yeah so if on that one and it was getting to the point where in order to get the shot on The Lead you have to let a bit out of a shot and put it back in again but it's not enough then about 2 inches left so I went up and it fell out of me and I tried to shot me but I couldn't. Get it. So I throw it away I got it and now off to get away I'll just buy a pencil. So when I was in the shop with the person who likes going out shops I thought only look men LEDs elfin not my my clutch pencil. So I bought a box I want to go home I put the I put them in the bag with all the others and when I go home when I'm loading all this junk. And I come a book celebs. And I was asked you never guessed my I was asked why you bought those now Betty mind we've got 50 quid with a crap in this back and all I've got is 98 pence with a lead to what I think well that's nothing that's for 98 but I'm going to 5 years with the socialist tossed it you know I don't want today's no idea walk want to paint that don't need water I know I mean come on so and that's the box I lead and why give all that ice a come on look at the back all the rest of our. Legs a bit of that to put the pencil stop 8 I just want to put a limit very good she said use a nice idea I like the idea when when you're clutch pencil runs out of let's put a new one in so a brilliant idea well done you know thank you why didn't you use the ones about you want to. Put them in a draw. And forgotten a couple of Christmases ago come on give them a break anyway. Yes segment of the household nothing can get which is not a fabulous dinner I got roasted for buying so much from the pencils to crew them bits of world it was having those anyway 016122 I double to double 5 if you want to join as you can just pick up the phone and have you know say let's get going. Hello Henry I need a mate I can write. A couple of months. Ok I've just been to his advice to publish. Them but one of them of. The chance not be able to do something. I'm just wondering I just got the. I'm going to sneeze in a minute I've just got the guide book out. If he's got. To put this on a football team which he didn't realize what. So. That might be the problem because people who ring me saying that the con Hey my talk to pay them to lay on a firing get in but they I can pay them perfectly but some of them the pains and the common a me it's all right well I can I can just put the minus put in a safe all right safe he called me Ok just might need to sign of repression Yes well I can't tell right so it makes no difference whatsoever. The plus one was just that my teammates saying no it's not exactly the same which is what I expected all along because well the place you know this is advice said. It's good so he's got the choice in ship will it come in batches because he will be able to save everybody put that way and then she said well what's about the phone line and she said Oh you can check it on the internet so just that will happen to the Internet she said don't check it now give me a number so she gave me a little money came up that there was no Probably my line and there are no problems in my area so she said well I don't know what it is the said we'll just think I need new phone she said No certainly not because if you did need a new phone you want mobile to save anybody Well I can't speak for what's going on at the other end when with people you ring the volume control you will not control the volume of your phone signal going out one say no it will only it'll only affect the the amplifier which is what is used to control the volume in your earpiece so unless you have a microphone control I'm going to demonstrate so don't don't think you're from is broken even more so so I'm going to demonstrate my. Doing that right now that I don't buy a microphone control that I haue FIA but you don't have those normally on a telephone no you know so the but no pressing will only control the volume you hear rather than the volume but the person at the other end he is the transmission dial you well it's actually the same because they I mean the way it works is you get your voice it turns it into an electronic impulse which is then sent to the other end the impulse then turns it back into sound and then on Play fire decrees what volume that sound is made out so you don't you don't do that until the signal has arrived so that's why you don't have a volume control on the outgoing voice sound so I mean I don't mean it really did you I don't know for the following but I think we're looking I can hear you saying if you weigh it because you know you know I play Kopel quite cool as is said well you know obviously you are used to walking about phone you know you want to summon the will to will find a lot when I talk to the people who say. Yeah I say to them Try turning your volume up yes on their phone Yeah and also ask them if it's a Walkie about phone. Because some phones connected to the wall the you can imagine having walking about and they will that will depend on where the out in the house and how good the signal is. So the problem might be that well it's a problem if problem a baby might be at that end yes but if they caught me a you. And yet you can transmit and with proving here with this conversation com It's almost certainly the the hearing equipment if you like rather than you were broadcasting equipment night all right you sound about to think so oh man I really didn't but I mean I think you know a lot of a lot of radio I mean a lot of people now use mobile phones and what you might call landlines with immobile. Onset Yeah I mean we get it all the time here you know people you think the economy or so on they just took a step to the left and you come right so they could be that you're talking about how it could be that's all they just stood in about an area yeah I understand completely that it's honestly going to be deaf Well that's the other one any. Good on the Hillary I'll do Chanos I I but I want to talk about keyboard you know music keyboards you may not like pianist just electronic ones Yeah I just if I still wish to buy the pirates the cold I'm afraid I think school glass but I think the tires better What's your advice what do you think I haven't the faintest idea right do you still use keyboards nowadays at functions at wedding is stuff was just d.j. Pod. I know that was a very very intelligent question but you're asking a 69 year old man and to me it sounded like a little of that I've no idea what you meant oh so I know what a keyboard is a try learning to play one once but it was way beyond me and I haven't the perseverance but in terms of which is the best one to buy I haven't the faintest idea that you know d.j. Pot is. Not really you know I did if I did the new things like they've got computers like a laptop with a machine to connect to and then it's like well that I just like trying to get to go. I don't think that's going to be on the way I don't know what you did but I don't think it's going to be me me me me but you never know I just imitating that's one of the French things that cool down d.j. So much that that's what to call the feel for you professionally when that my professional advice is zilch because that's not my profession I don't have anything to do we music really so there might be people listening I'm going to be you know I don't know about Lester but from Yemen even though I talk to you I have no idea whether knows what he's talking about because you know if you know whether he's talking about I'd have to know what he was talking about to understand whether he was good about it it. Was like you know there are no no no no you know the rules never go on you know she'll break them and I along with you know what was it d.j. Pop I thought that I was out of the blue weather radio lived out to Eileen well and the line. I wonder what can we be thank you you lucky you. God god god god don't know until I've heard. Oh well that to you. Ok Well some of what he says the Bible woman full of teachers. But he's full of shit. You know very blessed. When you're home. Because of greed developed your brain damaged because. Of its political Well I don't know whether it's a miracle but it certainly wasn't you know close to you know medical science expect me to have a good reason to say you know I mean you have that percentage up to up to go and you know when you look at the percentage of God. Text me in the gold isn't it I'm I mean it's good for you yes I'm no I'm no it's not good for the rest not so i'm sane I understand that and I feel very strongly that what I'm saying is very privileged that most need instead some of the wants of the last 30 three's company to know I mean I know I mean I always wonder about things like you know it's a shock when something is by a truck and they break 2 arms and 2 legs and people said By Jove he was look you know the looking one was on the truth in it yet he got it on he was doing it this you know he called up what happened on the so we could go up one can you well no but I'm looking person is the person who didn't get one yet took I'm just looking for some testimony you have one instance of I have to now and you know that's brilliant yes I'm extremely pleased one place to be 32 years and I'm only working 20 hours away 1000 of them it seems to be 6 week so I get paid next week will be 23 hours in leak so I'm going to Mama's my house some of the best moment to moment I'm scared today it's empty. I'm feeling a lot less stress. On the you don't want to don't want to know but he's. It amount of work now calling graft I'm going out to work now yes but I'm in it to do some. Soul so my can not use. Your house full of little children on his body you listen to his last the call I'm looking for volunteers from local charities Well the good stories are. Completely exposed to they might not be alone it can still be good because it makes you feel good to do something isn't it I suppose it must I guess as a person who can doesn't give out maybe to fear that comes to that but I'm sure it goes because some people beat up on. Me that you in any way up to it I'm going to let me go do that not just the actor fine actor fame No but you know I mean if. You lose that box if you don't quite have. Well applicable 3 days that we can go let me feel useful I'm going to do some good people follow you home I'm sure. It will be nice won't you and I will hold it when you have done that so long I often take I mean I think you know I've discovered in the past 30 to yes just to slip Tamara in mind takes the most time left to Mona. But I am doing. Ok I think it's nice to look forward to something sometimes I'm looking for calm your holiday off me I am yes but I also do my level best to get through tomorrow which will involve cooking a lot older than going screws into nailing things so much should be folded economic I'm getting a little wooden screen nailing things yes a lot. I'm in the process of. Construction an extension to me shed. I'm not giving chance crap. That he must do something you know no no no just keep cropping out so much crap that I'm going to get she had you know. I would if I had any sense but if I owned. Me I've got God let's not do that let's not dwell it's me the Lynch but it's just got me and you know 3 bicycles one on 3 bicycles fall and then I think well I was 7 and I think the other with about a 10 a well known throne I'm either with a China I'm not son and I'm the only with a. So you had to keep it and keep it in because the too cheap to sell. Well somebody loves you colluding why you know I didn't say it was logical did it and so now I'm spending upon the money on extended me she said You cost me about 2 and a good one to finish I'm going in the nail and whether it be a laser just put them on and get a ship get a script for 50 quid I'm filled out with them you know going to make money for the sequel Well you know. If you get a book along well go well I'll pay the wounded could then I got a gigantic well not I'm not going to get one anyway I'm just going to extend me shut them off way through it now I'm not going to stop. One of the difficulties. I didn't get it is yeah I mean when you work in a job I with a job that has no instant result if I mean. It's nice to do something and step back and think I did but it does remind me of sitting and I wish one day a my brother was something that and said to my partner get out I'll build them with the shelves and she said yeah and he said I know. That they're not level. But they haven't seen the I'm not going to put a bit more in and got on level I just let you go and I got to tell it you're on a I'll do I'll meet Oh do well. Quit well going to speak wants to take let's say let's go 1st and all the way and one of them probably was you what are your favorite subjects I spoke well. Yeah but I only use Facebook like photos on and off of likes and I don't lie but what I really winds realize while we also night because of my mind's possible Mrs Toller. Is Ray's posts that you show once someone has said something like. Please share that's true someone listening. To me is like a modern day chain lots of us exactly where I was yeah yeah because when someone when someone shares it and someone who instigated it they can see your profile and click on because you think well they like what I like all of sudden they get in see themselves or someone else and I ignore them every time it winds real. Serious side that means every 10 seconds please share their supreme someone less than an absolutely wind we will boil my blood why people sad and why do people. Want icons on Saddam accurately not having. Asked anybody but but I suspect in the instance of what you've just talked about I suspect they think it's a good idea to have the world be thinking about this claimed fact that somebody commits suicide a different person every time it goes commit suicide every 10 seconds. Maybe that will help the public at large to come to terms with the fact that suicide is quite a common event in our society and perhaps we might even think about doing something about it but it's us to k.l. Maybe faster case but some other reason I post on Facebook was sites of a governor well that's individual known but if you want to change public opinion you have to tell one person in the hope that person will tell 2 I unders