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We got bad and no sleep did mean. No more back in time for the big game. Where the saints so much the way they used to be. Their son much truly born it. Can forego a. Wake up call to come to t.v. Just waiting. Maybe then they have to say too much to say. They are the ones who is coming up and the well is in their head. When you teach natural event to jump the very best Ok. Dad now I'm bad at. It which I just let it be not nice not. Bad how bad it got to change it just when. I think I think has put us in the mood for this morning's Good Shuji bokes Foden Harold Melvin in the Blue Notes wake up everybody classic kind of. Shit So is it political So don't think it is because you're trying to stuff the Politics tonight a bit is a kind of a unity song isn't it as. I'll wake up solo what's going on sort of reflective of societies is more than just approaching this isn't it it's got some depth to it Ok the reason why we play in the Bluenose is that we're opening up the phone lines now so that you can join us for this morning's virtual jukebox phone in our continuing search for the soundtrack of vocal night as recommended by you know as ultimately decided upon by you and this morning's theme for the virtue jukebox 180-859-0969 extension 3 which is our number 808-590-9693 You're most welcome to pick up the phone and join us this morning's Thien is achieving 1st and foremost that everybody knows Yeah everybody knows because the prime minister says after that fractures and divisive election. We need to bring harmony to this country yeah harmony that's music isn't as singing together to sing together we need a change that we all know that we can all get around and say Yeah I'll join in that chorus I'll join in that chorus was that shoot that he unites us a chain that we all know was the chain that we all know that for whatever reason. We will rally around for some reason I know you will know this if I say to you that within your family or within your social group if you're just going out with the lads to the probable. Around your family dinner table or Christmas come out to lift everybody up for whatever reason that we all recognize we all recognize doughy when Slade's Merry Christmas everybody comes on even if you don't like it it's a cheap. And somehow that knowing that knowing unites us is altogether. That's what I want that ass while Board 8085909693080859096 knowing 3 we've got the music critic. With us Jonathan just have a listen to this Chink's I know you're not familiar with this Harold Melvin in the Blue Notes you just have a listen listen in the. Talking down sat down don't. Enjoy the turnout like I do but it's not one that I immediately. Think of is not kind of lovely imprinted on my cell it's look great I wonder what little great power I can hear from your you your own voice you are somewhat sort of downbeat today not only positive note tonight you know one thing you can imagine or can I have a little known fact I'll Together Now the other well we might get a couple of those you might get covered it's very it's very it's fascinating how music somehow sees this bridge between. Sydney music is kind of an emotional link between people and does have the power to unite everyone. Does it add sometimes I wonder if that's an overplayed ferry and then you decided maybe that then you look at have a football of a sports crowd and you see these things just spreading around a huge stadium and now it's the power of a song and a message me think that's one music is is the lingua franca it's the the beat as the whole world. There does history isn't there ah chance and I'm not going to mention any of the names I know that unite me or my colleagues me or my family I know that if I'm going to one of the Christmas. Parsons of our studio manages the engineers without whom we would not be possible there is a certain rap cheering that Christmas in Hollis I'm not even going to go Van Dams are not going to go that are not around a many particularly see because they want to know the name these chains themselves what was the stop playing that unites us all in a particular memory of when one of em when me and one of my engineering friends did a kind of a duet on it so it really is a song together with over and and within my family even says my. Family that well this one choosing our mother made up come on my well no one is a quite it's a really well know I'm not going to mention it but even when I remember when my young to do it was about 2 years old and I was you know no my Mrs was overseas and literally much a year old with anybody else to look after a set of bring her in to work right poor in front of the microphone the other one was about 4 years old and she would say a word I said to the 2 year old so it was a change that we all sing around you know on a Sunday afternoon when we don't know where and she started singing instruments and words I'm not very certain money is a reason to know you and I want your listeners I'm sure one listener will come up with it so that's what I want to. Do or influence it is for you all to get it is fascinating how Also if you think about a child they have no knowledge or cultural baggage and what is it about melody and the was it the night or day that all the words sometimes is just the experience isn't it it's the mutual experience I think it is paramount church shared human experience but it is a melody that pulls you into that. Thing way you feel connected and also there's a it's almost like a spell that yes Twain from people is what the question is unity song brings unity . Discover what unites us memories unites us music doesn't you know some music his memory isn't exactly you know exactly you know it's like that you know the way we were excellent other problems arise and does it starts off of the very word memories come and what's it going memories. Medically because. It's become a regular becomes to put say which is a fact these 2 officer with memories of us immediately link something it was my memories were the memories that link you and I there are a few there are a few and I have a lot of memories that many but you know my years in learning yeah I would like to go there now but what would be better I mean I think it's very interesting how. Also there's some times where when you're thinking of a song that comes to you because it's Has that you know they years it has linked a lot of people because so many people now and do you get fed up with hearing it all can you separate the city from your emotional connection so that is the question interest because remember it's achieving the everybody knows is what we're looking for at least everybody you know or everybody should know or everybody in your family or your social. Or just you and your mate down the pub I don't mind but that that shared context let's try and think about what would it be like if you and your mate down the pub know that you then multiply that by a 1000000 others who go down the pub and you've got the team we're looking for the choosing the everybody knows that unites us in some way what's that you know 808-590-9693 now you're I know you don't appreciate this Chad because you just said to me but Mark in you talk sister goes for don't go breaking my heart by. Kiki do you know Jonathan come on. Come on enjoy it wasn't if you could get up I don't know that I love 7. Jonathan Kiki de Elton John. Single is not. For those who are watching on the webcam Thanks for the. Reactions are dancing like. A man who's whose phone. But that's. A way to put a smile on your boat was your reaction to it. I'd have my reaction was a single note was your reaction to me. Getting my shrink on call I need a shrink on call with those images in mind that you know you could leave him out whatever I was. The focus of such a good saying go to the same people start that unites it. Interesting listening to . Listen to the arrangements and I remember that you know it is an old time yeah but it's interesting. To me yeah. But it's funny because listen to those strings. The same strings as the Howard. I think the seventy's in true. Philadelphia. The synthesizer play. Music. She's got a great voice. And it was a great you know this is. On top of the polls. And you have to think you know what. Yeah yeah thank you thank you recording for you the people that you know it's us. How do you like to. Tell me just before I go and speak to. The kids Oh I think Michelle should be played more often. You know we will go. To the store I mean for Christmas coming up you want. All we want to replay. It when we had. You know I think that you know. There's a very good. Canadian band called hom who did a much. Of it yeah. The way the song I want you to yes. Yes and I shall but I know that I didn't do the original I know it was you're not going to tell me or yourself a way to be original. That's for you tend to find out yeah. Clearly a long strain to you. Is said that it was fully put together but it helps Martin and good health. Paul he can. Finish it you know I could. Show you Chef or you know retreat around here where I live but always I'll write we got done it you know. About that it's going to indeed all it's just let's all be you know I did you know I could for poultry my going great. The word old the record is by sickly people you know money. Yes he did the abridged Oh yes he did the rich do you believe it's in the shocking that John didn't even know this. Relationally always a robber as. You please Was it the eyes of his eyes the brother Jonathan why you issue me I didn't. Because you looked to me I knew I saw the look on your face it was a lie to say I don't want to be Mr Jeff. To me it was one of those terrifying looks you gave your magazine when you Masti Charles you elation was his Querrey to. His Why look who is who's been square. Who's a square root to be square one is. It was one of you do mine is for you. Now you could be. A long time ago since I took my g.c.s.e. In Mass and I see you know him oh he was in those days and he's the original. Scene and he was a pause while the was. Barely a policy where he where you. Can I just say you just confirm that that was a fair No no no you know I say yes I would he would i was not me I sleep brothers but of this I have to say I was never a great fan of pl he terms warnings but it does have an emotional resonance with people doesn't she have a listen gasser could. Step out and step. 3 because she. Said steadily and out so that. Was. His last. And. Then again. An older someone around brings up yeah anyway Jeff Well done you've kids authors both voted in egg City Jeff in Chesterfield says a change that everybody knows I think he's got probably easy go with carved out of love to the everybody knows can unite as his caravan of love the Isley Brothers that many songs that he'll not you know many songs and yet. Jeff says it took the house months to put it together for ows So yeah it's for things and Shefford you know I did good business yesterday as well today yeah they did as you'd expect when somebody from up that way calls things going to get to get better oh here we go again I said I'd leave the politics out of jail in Cumbria is with us. Moaning don't you know not only are you hurt. Are you calling about a famous scientists. No I don't know what trajectory was on the soldiers I have no need to Things Can Only Get Better. Ok yeah we do know yeah so Joe it's all down see that which is the. Sort. Yes Beth can post a little I know you know. The ones you play nobody can know. That you've called about this one before the show. I think she can. Just pointing out I remember that I wrote I have a lot of old your special subsection in my mind of. You said you. Just want. To have. Plenty of. People just. So you're saying it's in Hong. The use of alcohol no hold on. But. That's about some a proof this is was no. Small bit of a generational thing I don't know Mike I'm playing it. So if you're going on the Alan you even. When you hear. From your childhood does it just bring back all of those memories. And then. Sorry Joe just making sure the whole country gets enjoy. The far right. One of the. We have I'm going to be everything awake. To hear that lucky play that. I think I hate to think. How playing in something in. The course comes up they have to start the period then over how did overshadowed by that. So what do you think the song makes people feel that immediate to each one and then again it could ship down memory lane. It would be an acquittal. But. It might be I and people that you know. And I listen to it. And got very fond memories of it and then. And then it just I think you know I make money you don't go together he would often call it a little sum and then he just it just been people together because he got the only generation of of oh you should use that to your intuition that you know this oh well my father my grandfather Listen to this song and they just get people together with. The younger generation doing the dad don't because you can just pop into this without doing that you know the show. I'm like I'm not and I was again don't. Write because. Because when it goes from generation to generation we don't want younger generations messing it up by doing some kind of twist to it and say you know no no no no which is change we'll just a little thing when. We do felt really well you know so it's so easy for them Tom Daschle you know up to you don't. Know No I mean I think it's even me going down to the generation of when we have kids oh I remember this some because my dad played it to me oh you know it's a. It is quite a generational salute now intervene and they can bring a lot of people of all age together. It was a relief to initiate any that they were paid to vacate the grandkids and so forth so it was a good job just brought everyone together yeah I married out into Thanks very much to those a good one who's silver lining Jeff bank lots and lots of suggestions from Hughes Well this to the chains that everybody knows that. Well that's. Brings everyone that's more like and that's better said change everybody knows it brings everybody together that's what we wanted seen everybody knows it brings everybody together you know I said we stand brotherhood of men. Feel free to. Tell you No no no. Means we have to see John on the bridge and she votes for me because the right she's having these. Days. This. I I so you know right now John and I do it sounds like the conferences time yet look at the caucuses through similar lyrical sentiment Yeah I'll give you a brotherhood of men and so when you were. In your rebellious punky faith was that when you were going along to this well couple of people government I member when they were a punk you still yeah yeah yeah to Young Yeah right Ok if we're older than Yeah Ok fair enough to come no I'm not you I'm not one of us on crumpling trousers my choice is Love Train by the J's I had since joining your book Love chamber Oh don't worry be happy Bobby McFerrin Jeff and shipped to me nor for saying that's a perfect example of a song that can I get to that because 8 yeah can't be too well anyway I think that's too much how amazing it is but it could if you think of pulling or just going for. Jews nobody on our planet is not just. Some mechanism. It's mostly kids yeah. Well Meccan lead about our issues are really the matter. With This is what chord immersion like a pass the fish to my neck and Luna and I would pull that maybe oh you consider that a mask and land call is like meeting the Queen in court and I'm no no don't go there I won't do it it's called something a law allowed Yeah you are not allowed to say a man you can land the Bring Her Majesty you can be an injury tools in a marriage is really Madonna reasoning so I don't confuse it with. 80859096 times are allowed to join you for this morning virgin Juba's Friday will be only too happy to have you with us but 1st let's get the latest 5 Live headlines has Mitch Mansfield on digital b.b.c. Census Slosberg come on this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live the Foreign Office says it supporting the family of a British tourist who has reportedly been shot dead during a suspected robbery in Argentina the 50 year old man was attacked outside a hotel and one of his son who's $28.00 has also been. Jeremy Corbyn says he's sorry Labor came up short in the election and that he takes his responsibility for it but writing in today's Observer He says his party won the arguments on issues including austerity and climate change. A man will appear in court tomorrow charged with murdering a 15 year old boy in a village in Cheshire and x. Rather was found dead in Ashley on Friday Matthew Mason from the nuts for the area is also accused of possessing a blade in public and major un climate talks will continue in Madrid later after being extended for a 2nd time the official leading the negotiations is urging delegates to show flexibility by agreeing new commitments on carbon emissions caps that's the news on 5 Live Katie has the Liverpool captain Jordan Henderson says the team need to continue to show their strength in depth after losing another key player through injury midfielder Gini one album was forced off with a muscle injury in that you know when I've watched that the club now move 10 points clear at the top of the Premier League we're sure that we've got great depth and scored a lot of common and done really well we're going to need everybody from now till the end of the season so we need to keep our corner consistency when everybody comes in different but obviously I'm level as everybody else and that's always the case closed train and really high level and it makes it easier so we just got to continue on our own Well boss Eoghan Clarke was also vocal after ideas to expand the Champions League he says games need to be cuts not added Liverpool will have played 31 games in the current season by the New Year Meanwhile Brendan Rodgers admits Leicester may have dropped crucial points in the title race their 8 game Premier League winning run came to an end with a $11.00 draw against Norwich lesson that the players been absolutely brilliant and when you are on one and run you believe that you're going to win every single game but of course it is very very difficult but which is weren't quite the level that we would need to be today against say that I know they're doing the bottom or you know heart of threats and like I say they defended very very well Chris Wilder believes Sheffield United performances are starting to change perceptions about his side after their latest victory lifted them up to faith in the table to 2nd half goals from John Fleck against Aston Villa and the players back to back Premier League wins for the 1st time since 2006 we've enjoyed. But we've got to play well and we all play well you know 25.7 saying games coming out anymore we're enjoying life in the Premier League but we know that we have to keep our standards old Serai be on top of the players every every moment elsewhere they will also wins the Bournemouth but West Ham West Brom is saying Talk of the Championship this weekend to 3 c. When I put them to poise clear of Leeds who blew a 3 goal lead to drew him to Cardiff in the Scottish Premiership Daniel stand though says reviving hearts will be more hard work than expected they lost one nil to suggest and in his 1st game in charge to rugby union then in Saracens defense of the European Champions Cup is still on that softer they'd be months to $156.00 it means both sides can still make the quarterfinals the game descended into a mass brawl in the 2nd half they saris are at her robe a mama cool says it was set off by a verbal exchange involving hiccup Jamie George as far as I know there are medical teams and something to be George. Or the luggage. In the programme. Is Nickajack. By 6 friends to 5 to set up a meeting with Mark Selby in the Scottish Open final a marathon world record holder will pick up the world sport star of the Year award at the b.b.c. Sports Personality of the year Woods later the Kenyan became the 1st person to run a mouth and in under 2 hours earlier this year he was voted the win ahead of other global greats including Tiger Woods and Meg and Rypien and that's the latest from b.b.c. Sport Hi I'm former Welsh international rugby player goddess Thomas this week for Sport Relief I'd be interested to transport in the famous sports personality of the Year trophy I'm attempting to cycle 500 grueling miles from last year's we're not getting Thomas' hometown of Cardiff to this year's awards in opportunity it's also a great course if you'd like to show your support and donate to the Sport Relief toward the trophy challenge you can donate 5 pounds protection would give the 70205 tax cos your donation plus your standard necklace matches show. I'm 100 percent good donation for go to school you must be 160 and please just for Bill Pay is permission for full Tims more information for today online go to b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. Forward slash Sport Relief this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live available on the b.b.c. Sounds a couple nights when. Playing Where they get up all the subjects very soon I feed from virtue Jade golds to join in the conversation proceed that you are looking for Jude the everybody knows at least most people know but Lisa come for your mates not. Achieve that. Good scene together brings you together you and your mates and we're going to extrapolate from that that will bring the country together so that you know that many of us will know and will you know it's us in some way so that's what we're looking for it's shoes that we all know and we're all going to do whether we like. Tap our feet together we're just like this one juggling the pretty it's about Jonathan you with us top Your puts it on you Carmen on the set your foot out on a bus you're because it was like Yeah right a so I was talking to you I was into me in the eighty's and as you do as you do I had a fascinating conversation with them and they told me that I was talking about this I pretty much this subject was you could they did they wrote songs that you know if it people feel much better than any band that they're one of the greatest single fans on the tables on so they had this ability to write these songs the book everyone together we were talking about this and they were talking about the how volatile it was to have the words sound. Of invention to the cadence of these words is interesting how they do that in certain doll to tap into that and then always getting the right rhythm that in constant you and this rhythm I think. Gabe said to me very interested in this that it was Mariska who was stomping on some gravel and he's got to come up with that rhythm and the great so they did the same idea of finding a rhythm in an unusual place when they were talking when they were going over to the studio they used to go over there this bridge in Miami at Lakehead they sound of the car going over the rivets of the bridge and that's where they got the rhythm for the job. And you know you're right music journeys obviously would obviously on its own which is the more imports of the tape didn't save the marriage. We had the old Baby you know I mean it was a bit it was pretty much I didn't know what was which was more important but it was a about the vital ingredient in that you're a great music you know I'm glad I'm going to the obvious question there are have any if you sit down with people like to be Geez how many questions if we go they tell me some interesting stuff about Michael Jackson oh that's more important than all skin they tell was a toll rising No I spent the whole 3 hours with them so I think you didn't have time to also be quite natural to say what's more important it's like that's the uni I mean is it journalist. Way if you were paid if you're out back you can for the school magazine you'd say go. Let me. Know what you're going to say Ok let's drop us sitting there with you we hate how of and over the Beatles or the baby Jesus anyone big anywhere baby said cruelly things you wouldn't which comes true Jerry an interesting thing is in the end also we talked about this idea of the sound of the way it's not necessarily the meaning but. Emotions and imagery and I just the way I discover from you know you what I will do that only covers soaking the big shiny. Music journalist questioned by Jerry. Jerry Good morning well kind of sucks anyway who's your favorite Jerry. Hall and join us and Jerry what's your favorite color. Oh is green Ok. Because it could in a way yeah. It could be booze never pay for. It's grueling blue and white. And blue and green trying to find something to unite Glaus goes was a united country by any way other teams are available. But no other could you know what is it you know. Just just chillin I remember tightening one isn't tennis read testimonial Canelo so. It is an. Altogether. Of Kools Well yeah but it's been a saying I asked a lot of replays and. Jamie Johnson came from a clear sky Celtic clear and I'll stay in the starting Janet Johnson. Janet Johnson is good Aaron my understanding of it. Should get played. Well this is it yes a few nights thank you very much really appreciate the call and good shout as well by the way. We've. We've. We've. We've we've we've. We've. We've we've . We've. We've. We've. We've. We've we've. We've found to our. My. Yeah Ok and I get back however John McClane Oh by the way you're going to put some kind of. A footnote to this. It's eerily reminiscent of a piece of classical music I think you are you say made to and so I mean are you really sorry. I think kids someone would. Correct me because unlike you I'm not in front of a computer unlike you I know nothing about classical music so I'm saying I have any . You know make sure we say live how you courage and so. I've been influenced by those Adagio for Strings Ok and it's out of copyright anyways. And I do think this song it's interesting that I'm going to have to because a point of saying Well that is lifting is not just having is not it's just improving when you mind and ask for a cup of sugar. Without borrowing us by. Then you don't give it back. So the farm I doubt we're in touch with the put the public original publishers saying we gave you so much to listening anyway. It's a very good example of a song that has that sense of unity running through it because it's really people love this and I'm here it's really it's it's gets adopted by sports sport you know football crowds all over the world I think might be all over the country all different teams because there's a certain sentiment to the song that and it's maybe the sentiment can change depending on the occasion because you could also imagine this being you know the song meeting at an event or a few rows or maybe not a wedding but there's something if there is something emotional in the lyric I think it's unfortunate for them that they had this production was very much Tas the sound of the record ties it to the time but if this had been written in the sixty's and done in that kind of classic sixty's why it would have had a more Gannett fail Ok and thanks to Helen you said mutex a no idea what the theme is tonight but no surprises what Radiohead is in my head you know huge blast. And I'd like to nominate John Legend's old me people it says you know my Mrs does a wicked version of not to that you know I have yet to. John Legend does it like a Where's my missing does his you know get up from potty kind of Dawn's 2 steps and . Call that later on let's work together by canned he says with him and dogs with yeah great sounds good Oh Jonathan the song that can bring the country together is Scott in the brave says Brendan in Manchester Boo Boo Boo Boo stop and bright red worried 0 in some jokes it was time that was not a joke yeah. It's already in the market and yes always it is clearly not so and in this context if you follow your play it could be no no I have no idea why that was just a mess I'm just saying what's missing it is a song of his yeah yeah yeah so. You could argue anyway Murray says hi ho Silver Lining best song roads to it never say in the road still was in around that time he was in a foundry half by Bev says My choice is Greatest Love of All by Whitney Houston. That's a song but it does not divide people doesn't probably does it you know why do you because she know I sing all slow I like you now I may I like to protect Yeah I am a project apparently so yeah I'm a project to that sounds like a. I am a project sounds more like I mean come out. You come out here I downed yesterday oh . Yeah and I was thinking of using now in church because I know why didn't. He talk about this is m.j. Lest he says it's all lies just for everyone knowing and that he united people is out so got a volunteer by the Eagles I think you've got a point although it's going to take a while for us to get into it and even though it's going to try and meantime you lie but you can never. Going to save. It unites us so we won't have a clue what it's about and nobody knows what exactly. You know it's a musical mystery to all be a kind of you know. I have a clue what it's about if anybody does let us know soon for that. And then it gets into kind of a reggae's thing it's a puff. Reggae thinking you know. Reggae's well but what I said you know it's one of the strange this is everything is great in the middle of. This is kind of the is a kind of an Led Zeppelin kind of medieval thing good on you know what I. Should . Say this. Is. Such. A. I would. Love for your listeners I'm missing out on that how much you love this child she plays just one of those songs that you would think make me want to know how I would like to record. Good poet said you know I know I'm going to take it you know now you have a camera and to myself I maybe I could lick a record if I love that now case I have a dick camera you see what I did the night the camera. One Ok Don't worry I'll speak in lights in the camp I'm not with you you know you wish you had it you've had an illustrious academic I'm here I may I ask what I was looking right was it like to go upstairs. Just listening. To this song and I think people the Eagles that sort of scene is a bit uncool because they were so popular but they and everybody had these records and back in my time not when is this 976 where they all just perfectly formed songs and this this this song is just and it's this city it's just it's a perfect rock'n'roll change with a bit of bad guy and I was soulful vocal and a bit of country is just it's tough for a. Lot of people texting and emailing allowed to take some calls as well 590-9693 remember the theme this morning is about choosing we all know over these many of us know these a couple of us now and we will take from that that many others will know that could you know it's this is a country. 808-590-9693. People have gone for this one Jonathan which include Shaw and Drew Drew in County Down says we have to do is go to Northern Ireland international football match and realize how this song brings all countries together you know is talking around which in district about I have a guest Northern Ireland I'm trying to gather around football match you know beautiful woman many times have you been to the international football match you know than I knocked around Ok I have a guess anyway. Content. And you start. Out there. Was no thinking about you keep thinking about your British and we've got Bob in London with us on the phone good morning. Good morning good morning how you. All placated for go it's good to have you with us really appreciate it as well so. That we you know it's his home and how do you follow he goes from this job. Well we all lose the story to it. A little sad. And. And just all sort of on them all needing someone go off and in one corner volatile clash. The whole public so sort of come together and I was it was in the public in happenings a big mix of people and you just seem to know I've. Got to go over and start singing. Softly. And with the whole dog will come back. So. I think comforts me brother. In law and it is full of the right. By the river our lives. For the word Ok. And not get it. Remember looking for it in the room you know. That would that that's the point that's the perfect example where everybody's. Had you know experience to try a traumatic event and then everyone together I just love through the power of this . Group of people in the way that look back you know and I got. A sense there's a defiance to the use of music in that context you were just telling us about that . Interrupted you take us back there and why do you think everybody resonated with this one. Just when you just need. People need to have a bit of a pick up because they've been made the hour before hand and just trying to go on this song and they just seem to catch and merge you know it's just a show like I left back in anger cold or in 1000 stones you know just at that point . And. A man Jerry said before losing another so explicit a lot so when he was talking what soldiers question and horn and to just comment from. What do you think the essential ingredients to have that effect on a group of people on that kind of human level what is it about the song that manages to do that and get a whole group of people saying Oh he's all about mood in some learning but I think it's if you just catch the mood in just the art forms will be for only when the minute you see weeks lights. And then you're at your maybe your or your perception of the song changes after that as mine. Yeah colorful and yet so interesting that the Clash were always good at so good at writing and songs that capture everybody could chart a long yes. I mean I would say that I would love a protest a lot a lot because Paul when I approached just about any of rock music a man was sorry any run off of the shows like shows took over his start was just songs I wasn't you could argue from their 1st album which is album The Literally probably defined my teenage years was there are loads of protest songs on it you know a career opportunities the one that never know every job they offer used to keep you off the dog rare opportunity the one that never had no Al Gore a friend you know their cover of Police and thieves on that we've Jenny Jones he's in love with a rock or oh he's in love with Jenny Jones was he like he's boring job no what did you did you every else and did you think of the clash as being different to their peers at the time because I now you need them for a while well did you think of them as being the county of you're painting from a different musical Palla definitely but it's not about my thoughts or comebacks then I try to do you want to just get a final thought on this from Bob. Is it possible you described that everybody was somewhat down at this event and then this lifted everybody out is it possible to be that moment it's kind of I've been in moments like that at parties whatever you know things with down and then just one scene literally gets everybody and that's what we're looking for the tune that connects us all if only by coincidence you know can you describe that mood well. Yeah home of the totally sure it's over from 711 packing seems the long ball means it was. Just there has been mixed feelings and soul of our time to be out with friends so of our living trying hard paper I went to school in Hackney fires going across this . And it was. One to show where people some people were afraid to actually saw Charlet science or on welfare happens again sort of like a. Real soulful or you cancel version offering what will happen because if being that if you have knew you were going to die some points I will sort of came out and we thought we got to the pub and just sort of. Virtually the whole mood to the pub was down. Just so when the public big mix or being sore from from a street in a slum in the highly. Some someone go off in his head and just barely know just talk about flicking a switch from Soul being sold the price will be so dark and dingy in. Science and one just sort of what you know I want to say I've been around for some of it well let's just Celine your intellect and it was just lovely to. See and hear . Bob for what you know eggs and description and thank you very much. On digital b.b.c. Says. B.b.c. Radio 5 the night is b.b.c. 5 Live news now as cover ground case Elson a British tourist is being killed in his son's injured after the shots in a suspected robbery in Argentina the 1528 year old man reportedly attacked shortly after arriving in a breath the air Brenna series who she haze a journalist in the city the national government has put in place a massive operation in which they're trying to track as soon as possible the criminal but so far from what we know it looks like this was premeditated that this was planned somehow they targeted tourists from how they found where they go and eventually led to this horrible crime the Foreign Office says that supporting the family a man has been charged with murdering a 15 year old boy in a village in Cheshire Alec's Rondo was found dead in Ashley on Friday morning Matthew Mason who's from the knots for the area is also accused of possessing a blade in public he's doing chords on Monday. Will set out his Queen's speech on Thursday is the government's plan for new laws in the year ahead the conservatives say it'll include a commitment to increased spending on the n.h.s. In England u.n. Climate talks have been extended for a 2nd day because of disagreements between delegates and go see it is in Madrid are working towards a deal for I reckon trees to commit to new carbon emissions cuts by the end of next year he and many small island states a pushing for more ambitious targets the Norwegian Environment Minister. L. L of student is their overall problem you have a climate crisis situation and the science is crystal clear even though we come in the text mode still more reflect the. Will that is needed for the world to. Do what is best. Elves do in there since they now and he went to timetable for the train starts today rail passengers are being urged to check before the travel plans to cut journey times increase services and routes across the country changes caused chaos last year but operators insists they are prepared this time around and if you're trying to avoid finding out who's won Strictly this year you might want to distract yourself for about 25 seconds we get the glitterball trophy is gone to Rex Emmerdale star Kelvin Fletcher and his partner Ota maybe you see more on this from our entertainment correspondent Lisa Ms Amber it's been quite a journey for Kelvin Fletcher who a few months ago didn't realize he was even going to be on this year's series he was a last minute addition to the program's celebrity lineup replacing the Made in Chelsea star Jamie learned who injured himself in June rehearsals Strictly Come Dancing is now more than 15 years old and it remains one of T.V.'s most popular shows there is the 5 love news Katie's got the support templates clear and a 3rd clean sheet in a row for Liverpool and most eligible gave them a 2 No when over what's said in the Premier League to extend their lead at the top 2nd place less to drop points after $10.00 draw with nor it a level boss Eoghan club has rejected ideas about expanding the Champions League the European champions have a current 60 congestion which cvs them play 8 matches in 4 weeks on 2 continents elsewhere anyhow says it was a lot of.

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