We've had parents say me to it's helped them with time too much happened to mention and it's just in the acceptance interest breaking down and having them next thanks to B.B.C. Radio Leicester a young man from will meet its heroes at Welford Road this afternoon 9 year old James Smith has a condition called Weedman Snyder syndrome when his mother recently got in touch with a local charity to see if it could lead to Leicester Tigers out onto the pitch as their mascot would Tigers play host to Harlequins in the Premiership this afternoon and James will be taking the home side out his mum Debbie has told us how much it means to him and on Saturday to top it off and just play a really great special Christmas so thank you so much we're going to have fun James out way you want to say come on. And we'll have coverage of that game on D.A.B. And online from 2 o'clock this afternoon the weather for less general and mainly bright afternoon with sunny spells there's a chance of wanted to show spreading in from the west fairly mild with highs of 10 Celsius that's 50 Fahrenheit tonight and the isolated showers are clear oh I don't have lows tonight of 3 Celsius B.B.C. Radio Leicester news. B.B.C. Radio last us. I think the players. This is going to be the strangest Christmas program I have ever had the pleasure of been involved all recording Hello everybody and welcome to. Lester's tell me I'm from Kasabian does music Christmas songs unless to such a high end how are you I know I'm well thanks for choosing to depart already having met a man you know so well because the idea of the show was your idea well. Yes You know you're going to put in there a. Lot right. Hence the show's pre-Columbian correspondent for the in there and. I wanted you wanted to write. A quote like your voice. On a kind of poetry as well so it was similar Oh yes very much the same and I said Well subjects you want to discuss and you said. Football music and life yes would you mind recounting the Kasabian story you told me of the day you did a gig was the cop and she started OK tell me the story story so again I would tell you once again what happened was so on but when we saw it in stores we had no money and you know we had a lot still to go around and we just brought a sample because we set up right place sample base that allowed a new brand new equipment from the record company to pay it back of course when you get famous you pay or back and what happens and so you have. This is how long before it kind of kicked off for you. 6 months but back 2 years right I for we started properly being a band then I said living on a farm being lazy. We went to a place called the void I called it the void in style so we turned up and we poor kid one saw it in the and we've looked him up concerts where some people he's been nicked. Sort of took a sample of the exit doors the fire doors Yeah and they took the guitars and. Everything but that's the 1st time we played it right you went back. And we went back and of course no one's there and the only person who played it was the manager I'm and there's nobody mediums and there's no way I was gone it's about 12 o'clock at night now cats choose you don't stop going to care so why would you care anyway point like so yes Or yeah. Where is everyone bro search. Stuff so yeah so I'm walking out Freddy McRae show must go you know and the manager Swiss watches want to know. This is this a phony and a couple of years later he released a multi platinum selling Oh yeah so we didn't you don't I don't know why. Your Christmas boy than I usually have a Christmas eve of time yeah yeah I mean because it got 4. Yeah and you have to make it special you know I mean like when I was a kid at Christmas was not for me anyway because I want I went up about 3 in the morning to you get in their bed yeah not now yeah I know very attention seeking wasn't I. What does that no surprise Oh OK so so yeah so when people are kind of Thomas it's just conference. I feel so sick with anxiety and phone. Telling the self so yeah it's great you do you Christmas shop yourself who cooks in the main house how do you go see Mr Daddy man Oh I see that he made my lovely lady Vicky cooks and she's fantastic she did some fried chicken in the oven pretty good actually Yeah she's good and what's she going to do on Christmas Day for we're going to her sister's track and the house and yeah that's what I was yeah but she said when the focus. Carmel me you know I mean you know she's because she's so clever Yeah clever than a. Very you know yeah yeah so you do you do the whole trimmings did you crackers around the table at all to say yes my putting course not not for me my friend. What you call your luck your your log that you what's that mean you. Find the. I want to know as joined as you. Can from the German what Scandinavian is getting late can't pay salaries Janin Yuletide it's the time of year isn't it your tide you chose and Run Run Rudolph tell us why because we played it a few times a band we did it on a. Well you did on last year if you don't say you they. And we did the end credits offical the why it's started so. Well he's going to see going to play male Yeah so he's got Rudolph. They say song. Go away because the credits no McAdam the price come up that will sell we got by that one but you like his attention all of it yeah can you introduce it for us Chuck Berry Run Run Rudolph I . Think you. Make. Me Wait. Long. Rudolph recorded in knowing scene 58 I got it wrong going on the sixty's with those such exits so you don't know me could still feel a little bit of remember Rudolf love it where does your musical inspiration come from by the way as a young boy Juno and it goes right back right right back to the ninety's and on well I mean obviously we grow a bit Britpop than when stealth and. I mean I mean he's the nonsupport. We have right tights on and how to scout So yeah dream sky yeah I'm a horrible sounds all for now but you know if this song Rock PAC And you know D.J.'s S S A big shout out if you're listening to hardcore. Fast. Boy then on so they all. So yeah obvious you know I mean for me I mean I just I was into the Rolling Stones and still massive massive riches on who's a lovely chap lovely guy and. I like well I grew up on Motown music in store with Madonna and stuff man and Paul McCartney you know wings and all that and obviously going to pin on stuff it was a lot you know. Lots of dance 10 protein still feelings and slipping Yeah slippy actually meant. That they. Were all asking us Born Slippy or some other school I mean how do you tell. The same year than. Under one of the underworld so you have your prescription and stuff and. Well past 95 year old everyone out of Utah Yeah I want to be in a rock band yeah you know why she's made that happen what are your band we don't know what. Kind of scene where you describe it different Yeah from Usually they're far they're from BAM you know the Brummies good people yeah they're old now though . Yeah so yeah and Supergrass you know he's great bands radio and you know you know even rubbish bands but then made it really did really well you know and so I wanted to go into now is in the song yeah and then and then. And so it's got some Perl install it like chopping piece open stuff and McConnell found a way and now we're here you know let's follow your life yes because your family a lot of fans Yeah and that's how it works in the course when you have children you force them to be lost if we have to without that I mean how can you come from last to support someone not Manchester United I'm going to follow Senate so. Yes I do we don't support in the last night or some such I mean when we won we won for now one thing for you know about for 4000 at Filbert Street and it was designed if they to compose something. Don't quote me on that I'm not quite sure important Yeah I was pretty bored. Not much as you know 6 or 7 as I said orrible boring lot over the course of it yeah the old man the stand all nice good times man Who are your players but my man Jesus Kevin Ross who Tommy rot and many of superstorm. Poor Fitzpatrick calling Gordon. It was a goalkeeper cheese call moco turned Kevin Kevin Paul coming after that are the facts we have to defend Steve of course he's an old boy he's always there in yeah. Yeah I mean yet Tony James all loved everybody but. He was playing to have some sort of he was playing. Jordan leg. I'm trying the best in there about who else who else who has played for. That it is from Judy in. This before crown jewels of England Yeah I think what a prior good memories when he come on I can't stand Portsmouth in the playoffs we have to say yes and he just runs straight for Bank One they're incredible player wonderful manager so we manage them Brian Little would it would have been it would have been gold emulate the only play for Gordon Lee David play it probably would have been huge may have been pleats I'm not sure I mean if I got it wrong got it wrong I'm quite sure. Managers when you are 67 years old you know. The footballers ought to think I'm still the case these days for kids the still love football you used to do you think. Yeah. That's the wallet and the world changed Yeah well change in the music industry you sell C.D.'s to him see that he's all we have all the plastic things yeah a stereo and I need that yeah yeah yeah. Yeah exist anymore they exist or not unless you're single moment to buy chariots record so I have all of the records fair enough and if you do you do if you Peter. I mean that. And share it and it out but I always said to my your but they were a lot cheaper store supermarkets so if it's not on a life of bread I'll buy records you get me. A lot of people disagree you may. Think he's right that all of us yeah yeah. For you why is it that nostalgia. Has chosen by Tommy and you loved a bit of love the man. That was on a great show when. You know what 6 o'clock it was on the. BOY Yeah. You know you on. January January and my partner Vicky was born on the 10th of January so I mean yeah I really. Haven't you know I saw you know the younger one of the young. Yes yes $37.00 the 40th planned climb the fence around the corner Mike. Was a rock star. You say 40 it frightens me because I still fit completely. I still play and still play the shad you know yeah I mean straight you know so. Some music venue to play the shot a few times I was great but songs Man Yeah I mean. We were always. Us old time old it's on 5 times a week and so you know yeah yeah you know we have like a. Little room to. Sit in stuff and I remember one member once on. A strobe lights. We tell them lots of playing and what we've been doing I know it will strive to become Yes Yeah. I mean the memories are the memories are amazing and you synonymous with this city you may and I know that you guys as a band and particularly of course are so proud that you from this if you don't London boy my boys are not straight down the M 60 that's what I'm saying it that's what the streets of London I mean a year in London with which was meant so by 2425 then so you soon learn to get out really escape the route right you know. I thought Manu even in your industry it's all right you know put like you want to get out soon as you can yeah rat race left a boy left the boy as a child or well why did you enjoy going around last row last year as a kid we had. All we had the down to the can in the city was nice. Don't go to the. Now great memories I'm sure there's a place called the 14 play Bay He could swim in like water from going and shopping trolleys that was great great memories. I think it was called the for us why was there still that great memories I. Can't tell you boy you know you know it's all right me and I want to about Christmas as a kid you told that you were really excited Christmas Oh yeah yeah crazy play out later on. Let's play with meaty toys and stuff and he goes yeah you know I mean what it was for me was. That you saw these big sacks plastic sacks of sand on Thomas and John on the exciting the ball of flies you got when you say you know it was. His last lesson Yeah I mean. That's an amazing memories as kids I mean my brother a regular nice time you know when you grow up you pretty shy try to appreciate a little bit more for the kids you say because people can turn into Scrooge as can I you know that's you know just a city a little bit more so I'm going to very much enjoy Yes most of us Christmas and Christmas song yes we must have a decent Christmas Song been a while we could you we're going to we're going to play one in a minute yes please one of your all time favorites Yeah I knew all your favorite Christmas songs yeah with a bit of ocean closing in between all lovely which were played one for Christmas time why Paul McCartney is here are going to be Oh come on home calling Well I went I went with my Mrs last week to see him and it was lovely sort of love and stuff and just yeah pole and he's still rocking these amazing he's a baby or come on Joy introduce it for us hello this is Paul McCartney Why is he in one for Christmas time thank you. 6 all. Right. Let's see you know. These are. The feelings here. Saying. This. All along oh. Well. And that's. I. I I oh. I oh. I oh I. Was. On Christmas time by Paul McCartney another one of Tommy and selections on his favorite Christmas song Stay tuned more of that more or less to city chat a more Kasabian and Tommy is life in Leicester coming up. B.B.C. Radio Leicester. Kiss in sad. Miss Soto something not. Come on you should use Google you see about Google There we go back. Every kind of water change. This one is about on the. B.B.C. Radio less dense woods. Just walk about to tell me and those Christmas get a cover but I'm. Blessed to be. All these local radio station doing some Christmas chat some left the city. Well going to talk to folks in a few minutes a favorite Kasabian song by the way I could put them in it I can't pick one I'm a man. Not a car I mean. The song Single want to disabuse you to. Get a pose when you perform still. This in a while. But not yet is it is you yeah we played brought the top of the program Claudio Ranieri talking about you guys with the game he was in charge some talent win against Sunderland and he came out after it's cloudy as said We played at the top of the show yeah how do you know you got a song. On the boys must of been buzzing after that I mean a tech surge I was like match he did that and he has gone. Like rock N roll fight like dogs like. Who don't know right now we're much attacking. But in some way for Leicester City won the Premier League as products of Leicester Yeah let's City Football Club the been around for a 100 over 100 years and they've clearly been successful in the been incredible in some ways musically what Kasabian as a band of produced has been incredibly popular tens of thousands around the world you're one of the most successful products to leave the city musically and as a mom Morrison and she wanted he wanted a. Yes Yes What about Mark Morrison of a day you lied to me yeah. That's more about 5 foot 4 Yeah and I said oh yeah fair play Yeah and I'll be off their albums like something else is a hard thing to one carry on because if you make a complete amazing record everyone loves it it's a follow up and if you don't it's. Do what you did the 1st time before a 2nd time or be annoyed or not sure about your direction so you'll be very careful but we've always gone with our heart you always evolve with it's not change and the thing is Empire was different because we spew code Iraq failed and it was man so put in my Mom of why I was a fink if I'm right and. Yeah I mean we've always known music for ourselves you know if we like it we like it if the rest. See. You've done well not to swear that I know you are that you really go but you could be a radio broadcast Yes thank you and you could be wonderful and. Other successful musical kind of Lester but you talk about anger but yes we got whether what she what you want ash or what the successful let's not yell it well you know I you know of course I don't know corner shop for virtually every make bar Fatboy Slim There we go about family banquet family they're from my stuff Yeah Uncle Frank who's got a show on this radio station you go Baby Genius Yes he loves you by the way said so he was cool guy and I was desperate for you to do one of his features Three's a magic number 3 is the magic number yeah OK and you choose 33 songs you do not. Let's get back into Leicester City then shall we $28.00 is the year for the foxes Tom Yeah I mean you must you must follow the results will be hard for you to follow results actually when you around the world and you perform and how do you do it well call your mom phone I mean the phone rings it has the old man and you've got one now and if it's missed call and I was caught wrong and you were leaving early France point Matt said you've got a lock Tom Tom So you know. OK this commotion. For you know for you know we got these Yeah yeah yeah yeah plus in Japan or wherever we on the world. And I would score when he called It's so funny Yeah up to the end of it what do you think it's a 28 thing then for the folks as other kind of the helicopter crash site yeah we'll get into that in a few minutes. On the pitch I tell you what my all along I say too much because I don't obsess anyone or anything. You know Star Wars as defined by Paul I just feel McConnell lost man you know a lot we just got no plan you know and we've got an amazing squad as well we can only look forward not backwards in Osama going backwards and. How to recreate cloudier McLeod who says we can't we can't do that again with we're not the fastest team on the planet you know so where are you in the 20152016 season you know he's. Taller and we record and remember I was not sure when it's time and I was looking I went to a lot quite a few games you know and quarter Yeah yeah she was amazing so I asked in a way I'm a tad in the box with him and then a we lost her you want to jump broke. With that. Or I got you know I said you know Wiki way said You come in I'm. A friend. Is this guy all right. That golfer Danny Welbeck. Arsenal will be with their Yeah I thought when last of the league Yeah well before they were in the Premier League as Larry yes I mean but I think aren't. You going to just be like so you want to ask when I win the Premier League and they didn't February 14th and they won't for a long time but I think that when the folks at the Lakers I think yeah a lot of them went on the one on the Bears in Copenhagen dressed as turtles was massive When in Rome but I saw a big cloud you know let him go I felt I'm not you know yes fair enough was smart it was a lot management keep call me just last go and get drunk you know general never get beyond the call where we had a box and Frank Warren think his box my 21 was again in the haze. Of course. Kickoff now and the time it's all 4 were especially low and then he scored China not holding each over injury may let's talk to one. Of the selfish side and it's not it at least with some trophies before you do that you know you begin to itself are not selfish. Yeah selfish reactions and you don't if you're on stage yeah yeah. Yeah yeah yeah how about your $28.00 same time how's your $28.00 team B. How do you reflect on this year. I reflect on the year it's been it's been crazy lots of things have happened we taught we did why it's it's just been it's been a man Oh yeah yeah yeah and the helicopter crash down at the King you know stadium I know it was was tough for us so you down it was awful I just for the only thing I could do you know. Is God put some flowers down because my Mrs said the helicopter crash and what you mean you know and then in the kind of hit home you know what happened then just. Our car magine. Anything happened to our club because after what