Take a some important national measure to calm the French population a lot of French are very angry because 2 raided tax for that woman has died after apparently leaning out of a train window he suffered serious head injuries on the service to Bristol Temple Meads. B.B.C. Research suggests around $20000.00 retail workers have lost their jobs this year with another $20000.00 facing redundancy Maplin and 2 is a reserve shutdown while Marks and Spencer and Devon and 7 L. Sprint closes gerund Jones is an economics professor at Lancaster University there are other parts of the retail industry that are growing sea of go warehousing for large Internet companies such as Amazon but there are only a few of these large warehouses and lot of the people that are displaced from high street retail stores are not able to access employment in the new developing parts of retail sales in pubs rose this summer for the 1st time in 15 years which is Simmons is chief executive of the British beer and purposes obviously we had a very good some are we also had England doing well in the World Cup and it was that combination which is great for the industry particularly for the on trade for the pub or for what was a very low. And sedate as in Brewer is among those due to speak at the official opening of the UN climate conference in Poland political leaders from around the world will address delegates during the talks that's the news on 5 life with the sport has Katie Shanahan Marco Silver says his evidence I didn't deserve to lose against Liverpool who scored a 96 minute winner goalkeeper John picked for its mistake lead to an easy header for substitute a vocal reggae to help lift will cut the gap on leaders munched a city to 3 points manager you know Emery got his 1st win against a top 6 side as Arsenal be taught in 42 in the north London Dhabi Chelsea move up to 3rd after they'd be flown to nil Chelsea manager Amritsar sorry says Claudio Ranieri can have a very great impact at Phelim artist team secured the win Brendan Rodgers lifted his 7th domestic trophy in a row as his Celtic side B. Aberdeen one mil to win the Scottish league camp starts in fury says I've never seen a worse to see. In my life of his W.B.C. World heavyweight title fight with Dion say Walter was declared a draw promotes a Frank Warren says he and the British Boxing Board of Control will write to the governing body demanding a rematch and Laura Kenny and Emily Nelson have one gold in the women's Madison the U.C.I. Track cycling World Cup This is B.B.C. Radio 5 Live on digital B.B.C. Sound Smart speaker. Challenge easing later across Scotland and Northern England elsewhere the rain becoming largely confined to the west windy for most places a largely cloudy day nor the Scotland with some shallow as rain spreading across Wales central and southern England for a time otherwise or be mostly dry with clay spells labeling schools football on You are only waging but there's mom and doing. Blackbird Singing in the dead on. Jake the sun going to learn. And you see. You are only waiting for this moment to be like that. On the White Album seem on a very I suppose memorable tracts of the album of many many many trades so which will clue about the White Album for this one's record crowd if you've got the album if you still listen to it if it's in your collection gives your thoughts. 808590969 threes of number you can text me on 85 of 5 agree met up with a B.B.C. U.K. We've got Daniel Rachel. Russell Crowe trying to sober with us both music critics music writers musicians Well I tell you this case and Travis's case in all of. Which make of this one that Travis 1st of all. I was playing before you said you know sorry I'm just going to present really simple question before the news we heard George Harrison's While My Guitar Gently sleeps and then compare that to blackbird which is about you. I mean if they're both amazing to me I think the other one is better when it's on the 2nd those that take it there so you know which is better. Well let's say you would you like better you know I mean to some extent Well my guitar it's these strikes will calls with me and she'd say I get it I like to use this thing goes and get. It with the Illinois for the member which Harrison will say but she says still it's a portrait of the sort of psyche and sixty's time you know is it going to Charing Who is it the better to get such a nice lead served trying to get to this point it's better than not good. It's not how I listen to shoot through but you didn't want to leave. Me just. A point of having a conversation about your cards with me which would you prefer. Depends what mood I'm in isn't how I have ever lived. Which is why. It's a play I can tell you that but on the guitar While My Guitar Gently Weeps because it's just revolving around in a minute well if you drive it's. A Tele chiller tell you a story about what I My Guitar Gently Weeps through free but I'm still going to answer the question then. Say with clap on both While My Guitar Gently Weeps that needed them were actually written English a casual the much of the the album was in the in my guitar gently weeps George Harrison wrote in Warrington and I think it's fantastic that you focused in on George Harrison straight away the of when you go because he's really comes into it . With this particular song as Eric Clapton of course is playing the league. He was just but to a farewell tour with the cream of the Nats and they were going to split up but the original inspiration for this for this track was George Harrison was thinking about the Chinese I-Ching in taking the Book of Changes and the concept that everything happens for a POTUS and with the idea that he was channeling into the lyrics of this and of course is baseless aficionados know from the ad takes that were eventually originally releasing the anthology. Is Missing says that we're on those original takes at this song that make it any further. And then you get as we say much of of people. Tracks on this record is the mixing up of who plays Walt So you got John Lennon plenty organ and sometimes playing the bass as as. He said Ringo is lest sessions he never returns and does play drums on this track as say he wouldn't for example back in the us ready but isn't that the one of the lovely sing that come to light in the again this is around this being celebrated by 50 isn't a 7 CD boxset that comes with a new release ready and one of the fantastic tiny little moments this is in the session for my guitar gently weeps as an ad lib it was called ad lib on the tape Oakes and he pull McCartney singing about Brother Malcolm comes to me and is the 1st hearing of what will become Let It Be happens at this moment in 168. George Harrison songs and start a run of Harrison songs that would take him all the way through into his 1st triple album to be solo things. Yeah OK fair enough. This of innocence it is good fun. Reggie for us yeah Reggie you're J.G. a Reggae yo jag. So with some point of this shooting then Travis was a point of well I mean it was about one of the phrases came from a I think you know you come to play Jimi school. In later life plate with that man it's sort of it. But he's saying it's his phrasing apparently it's your. You know and it may seem means your life goes on. It's a story so I think it's sort of one of. The families your oh I speak your about myself like usual claim is that I'm going to way I was you I was a school with a member of bad manners you know mono you raise Cain you know I formed off because Brad's a government not me. Chris K. We started did would you INS together he played the saxophone in bad as a how do you see anyone on the root read music a bad man is I mean as a side is going to do the Beatles and girls well it's actually he was he was a some of the public on the new. Jersey just used to beat Jimi so you know he's getting I was ready to use it a little unfair but it's a fun chew this one. Yeah so. Again as you quite rightly say is an old to skull stuff there's a as you know some people interpret that Desmond in the song as being Desmond Deca . But it's with these like the Israelites. But it you know it's it's it's a clan succeeded McCauley story so it's you know a tale of lives and but I think you know you see it's I mean they there was sort of all humans what we were all each single in the end it was to an end the band could bobble $800.00 number and went to the one with it so priest in a way that the song was very cold and I would say what's the drummer a moment a bit no food. But it was you know in full course I think he will be on a dose good friend was all right was he the one that started the whole lapdog sing club scene in the U.K. Drama for moment I have no idea if I want to do it all the time so insulting story Black Girl I don't really need your permission to everything everything I do have a focus in the thank you Paul McCartney may didn't it when you were in particular. I think I know this but I never thought it was going to have a group in the 1st place I home and this is pretty say it doesn't S S That was a mistake they made saying that it's a mistake. The idea that doesn't stay home and does is pretty face it didn't hit it . That some of that's a mistake but they and the and he wanted to redo the track and there's a certain we've got to take that. Basically it's a great the whole thing is. Into that we were going to eventually send a check to to Jimmy Scott for the use of expression over there with our life goes on brah and a good thing the the the there's a great version of this where it was very acoustic guitar based and to John he wasn't part of the that was the session just came in handy through the doors Abbey Road number 2 went down to the piano and media people than that of Pete intro that really defines the beginning the track and set the mood for the other 3 Beatles and I kept to the Take That they were off to and it's also got another Beatles trick on this song in which when you Rick when they recorded decreasing as they purposely recorded them so that the VU meters were in the red to give it that distorted the face of the you was a very humid you know when you see. A dial a meet with numbers on it is in you. And it shows the imports of the instrument into the recording desk and you would normally try not to make sure went up into the red what you mean to sound level yes. Yes and I see my acoustic guitar go in on the center of all into the distortion area and the red to get that particular sand coming from an acoustic guitar synth and it's the stones also similarly did not quite as and with on a very was doing that in Jamaica this is a Jamaican. That becomes a big influence on Paul McCartney via Linda McCartney She was a massive scoff and when. She were at the. Middle section anything that I would. Say oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah they used to great effect in the movie as well and when I saw a poor McCartney at the food see if the Pro Bowl in Jacksonville Florida. For I was going Neverland was it Brady in a credible or addition of that. OK this one fun tune but the cheap album you know we're talking about being tracks with the Bob Dylan we should play the track from this album which is back in the US Which reminds me of Chuck Berry of course back in the USA They say that this year. This bit you guys live I'm going to Barbados that people and life and. Give the credit goes great. Even though the US is always noble or this don't seem to be a great way to start an album deal 1st. I knew it was the obvious choice was made to take off the I was like yeah OK. I think with the family to be away they get him to. The point to point a moment when the most of the great rock Paul McCartney prefer to fight off the record as a political message and somewhat reminiscent Travis for me at least to get back because Paul McCartney is going through a grove boys fall they're trying to match your man his rock Grove boys and as I were you guys Daddy would you say he's a proper you know if he does need a little this is a kind of sparring on the record in the sense of I mean everyone knows that one of the kind of things and ways that Lennon at this point after the last ice and often done sort of path is in the end I did take an enormous amount of honesty and he then sort of supposedly partly under the cheap seats of Derek Taylor it was the original Beatles' publicist who then come back to the U.K. From Los Angeles where it's helped. You know that helped found kind of one of these best who's on the. Phone to write and but he he comes back to sort of help set up Apple Records one of the things about this record is it's the 1st album they're making in the wake of Brian Epstein's death and so they think they're sort of in a way fending for themselves in a way they haven't before but this was he brings out some of the competitive elements in it but it does mean that you get this extraordinary directness from Lennon in some of his songs he's you know he's having an away goal and he's kind of psychedelic journey he's then decided that he wants to be you know much will forthright much more kind of hard going and needs to think about this truck as you don't need already alluded to it's a ripple Well you know old shall we say to a Chuck Berry now but then sort of down the line. Lennon will also do his own not to Chuck Berry and come together but will come something of a financial crisis from it because Maurice Levy is head of relate recruits to end of season and so the royalty rights and then in the end he has to perform. Serious of. A very numbers down the line on this rock N roll bit seventy's and illiterate that will cost us no they deserve I don't know I did indeed. You like this David tightly comes from a copy section of volume 17 jets and piston engines and airplanes and the Abbey Road collection it's a Viking and it's so much easier nowadays no none you probably get that same sound you know you would have to go and get a different versions of it as well as up of a SO way she put the SOB in which we put this in the Beatles rather than you know how. Revolve. Sergeant Pepper is which we put the wild with for either. I've never had I think I can pepper is one of the great we had this discussion before the meat of my move when me to a Sergeant Pepper I never considered it a great basin album Phish for me it was put into a punch of you know. How that wasn't. About you know you mentioned earlier of course Paul McCartney always said that was about the civil rights movement rather than writing directly he's a poetic way to write and it as you well know that this is the year that Dr King and Bobby Kennedy was shot and it's what beautiful way to to mock what we happening in black consciousness in America in this year with that song. Does that resonate with your listener the as well Travis Yeah I think so I mean there are tensions in the record in the sense that particularly with Revolution for example revolution was by John Lennon was denounce to be no political enough of the Nina Simone recorded a kind of a riposte to it because it was you know if you can count me in out. Coming out and that's to correct for a critic older of it was considered rather kind of complacent in in the sixty's and you know Mick Jagger Osi right to street fighting man which some of the Seems more you know down on the streets as far as its political sense says ability in retrospect in some respects the White House no it's more a key about. That consciousness of 1968 because $68.00 is both a year of a revolution and an appalling you know assassinations and great civil rights consciousness but it is also a conservative reactionary strand of it because you know it is it is a city year of. The risks of blood speech. When Nixon is elected so it's you know it's a it's a it's a tent spirit in some ways lives you know I think that the revelation comes as 3 version until now yeah about this you know of it had slow version Adam is record the bass side of it which is the uptempo rocking version and then you have the the sound scape which is revolution I mean you hit the top of the program and crowed in May and never many as take on the. 50th anniversary edition just became a release where you hear for the 1st 3 or 4 minutes. The acoustic slow down version of Revolution and then John Lennon really starts getting into the kind of screaming of the word right which then evolves into cologne and is present in the studio playing a tape of. Its way you hear say the catchline of Revolution 9 we become naked and it's an extraordinary evolution of a track to the full scene in many ways where tight loop in and something will happen in pop music 2030 years later moved Poppy said 40. And it's this experimentation The Beatles are doing it's context in a city 5 years earlier they were singing Please Please Me the incredible evolution of the band but when you put those 3 versions of revolution together you really getting into this mindset of where John Lennon was and beginning to removing himself from the 3 of the Beatles. In terms of the revolutionary spirit in terms of . His food and in love with in terms of his. Use of heroin. Much change in the Beatles. On to us at this point you have the engineer Geoff Emerick who walked sides of the sessions saying it was the entire atmosphere was poisonous and as but then as. Travis says this is a band that's really really working together they have 3 different studios out of the road operating at one time I mean the stories and messages about Iraq and the serenity record Helter-Skelter. In spy Charles Manson and hideous murders that goes on around him and yet at the same. And you know they do a 27 minute version of of that song and then another brilliant story that you probably know where Paul McCartney read the band done this the dirtiest ugliest rock'n'roll track you could ever imagine wild and and many dental McConnell He's this track and it transpires is I can see for miles by the WHO and he's right that was the while the signal is ever going to hear what it simply isn't so then he goes back to the band that's it we all get a lathe and that thing that I imagined in my mind when I read about to an attempt on as a sound helter skelter and and so he goes on with this record and that would the last thing that I've only realized for the 1st time having been listen to this album since I was an 8 year old is that I always used a pen as a track Yeah blues in the Noticed of is that you pronounced how I've just come to realize it should be which is you blues as in. If I see London or achieve a middle class it's not as like that is nurture never realized until now. guys were my so. You're right don't suddenly. Desmond putting on his makeup was in the state. That was very forward thinking who Paul McCartney was not. Long sleeve. And we had to we had to pull Dylan out of the church and the reference to Rand and the ladies from adds. Up to. So you. Know musicians of which he's so buoyant you know in a way cool. If you break down. Busy it's. Easy to take it. With. Brother Mike but maybe you have a felony. For you slip maybe. This is the White House also released into rehab the choice between a monitor. And see if you have the. Money. For. The 50. 3 prize of health and with Ringo Starr saying I don't. Think that if you've got the. Stereo the. One obviously for the anorexia and. The funding is right you can have 3 different versions of bring this conversation to an end run out of time gentlemen thanks very much. Thanks of course today. The White Album and Blood On The Tracks Beatles and Bob Dylan. Had. Gone digital B.B.C. Sent its. Radio 5 Live ladies warning of a constitutional crisis if the government fails to publish the full legal advice behind backs a deal to reason he says it's confidential some M.P.'s speculating need ice will show the U.K. Could be tied to ecosystems rules indefinitely.