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B.b.c. Radio me. You see music 12 I'm Tim Daly government ministers of condemned President trumpery tweeting and he Muslim videos posted by the far right group Britain 1st it's the same organization linked to the murder of the west shore. Cox responding to an urgent question in the House of Commons the home secretary Rudd said Britain 1st was populated by extremists who sought to divide communities by spreading lies and stoking tensions but speaking in Washington this morning the White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders defended Mr Trump both Theresa May and a lot of the other world leaders across the world know that these are real threats that we have to talk about I think Europe has seen that a lot firsthand and something the president wants to continue to talk about and continue to make sure that we're doing Leeds on the for the British cities hoping to become European Capital of Culture in 2023 are to examine the legality of an e.u. Move to block them from bidding because of Bragg says in a statement out today the potential host cities say they're asking the Department for Digital Culture Media and Sport to take further advice on the legal status of the announcement lead submitted its bed last month at a cost of $1000000.00 pounds the latest net migration figures show there's been a big fall in the number of people arriving in the u.k. Compared with those leaving since the brags that referendum the official statement suggests that far fewer e.u. Citizens are coming to Britain to live or work Sarah Croft says from the Office for National Statistics the latest set of figures for the year ending King 2017 to share a statistically significant for a net migration of 106000 but it's important to note that this follows a record high from the previous year so in a sense it had further to fall there are many complex reasons why people choose to migrate but certainly the timing of these figures does indicate the practice it could be a considered. Ration in some people's decisions on whether or not they immigrate to the u.k. There are claims in Parliament that the East Coast Main Line is in chaos with plans to terminate the franchise 3 years early the labor m.p. For Huddersfield says the current operator stagecoaches of practically being let off from paying its dues the government says it expects stagecoach to meet its financial commitments and the transport secretary Chris Grayling has rejected Mr Sharon's claims actually passing the suspects on that route has improved rather than reduced and indeed the money flowing to the taxpayer has increased rather reduced so I think you slightly misjudge to look for a position on a woman whose family home was converted into cold or else 1st hospice is being remembered at a memorial service today Sylvia graue Cobb who died earlier this month donated the house and Ellen to charity it opened as the over gate hospice in 1981 a service is taking place at All Saints Church in l. And $130.00 this lunchtime in support of a small town are down to 14th in the Premier League table following their heaviest of heat of the season so after they lost 5 Millet Asinorum with the coach David Wagner defending his decision to make 6 changes following the game it's been confirmed that Bradford City will host Oldham in the e.f.l. Trophy 2nd round next choose they kick off the shuttle for 7 30 in the evening and at u.k. Championship in York both Peter and all of the lines won their 1st round matches last night the dad Pete beat Joe a j z a how Jews are Jew long got there eventually and all these sort of May be when it means they could now meet each other in the 3rd round b.b.c. News and sport 3 and a half minutes past 12 Thank you to. The last I'll say the word has the forecast chilly. West Yorkshire weather b.g. Lanced season wintry showers pushing in from the east filtering is a bit further west and falling asleep to wet snow to lower levels as well temperatures today reaching around 3 Celsius. You know. Right down to freezing point and that combined with the winter. Sleet and snow perhaps we do have a warning out. Just right down. To. Absolutely near the rain thank you very much hope you well hope you're warm. It's. True Edwards. B.b.c. Radio. First today you in the street lights. You feel safe if the street lights were switched off where you live people are being asked for their views on the best way to save money and energy 92000 streetlights. Get through 4000000 pounds worth of electricity a. Place in the middle of the night do you reckon plus before sugary cereals fall. All the parents who buy the big changes being announced today by cereal Kellogg's join the conversation cool 34530333. And if you're icicles. Up there on the way out. In the street lights after George Harrison. Says. I. Say. Go to. China. It's going. To. Get. Going. It's going to take I'm. Told. George Harrison on a big phone in b.b.c. Radio Leeds 9 minutes past midday Good afternoon what we do Monday to Friday 123 talk about us and our lives in West Yorkshire and the 1st conversation today is about street lights would you feel safe if the street lights were switched off where you live over 345303 double 3 double 3 a conversation was relevant to us anywhere in West Yorkshire but it is particular relevant today for Leeds because the people of Leeds are being asked for their views on the most effective way to save money and energy now lead City Council is responsible for $92000.00 street lights and each year they get through about 4000000 pounds worth of electricity we are talking big money and an awful lot of street light so. It's the double thing of saving money and energy and of course the 2 probably very much go together now you're thinking I've heard a bit of this before where you have because since 2013 around 4000 street lights are spray of the math 4 percent of all of them they've been set for what they call part night operation so I'm thinking perhaps the outer ring road round round a part that sort of area there from memory is one where I think from about midnight till 5530 in the morning those lights are off what about taking it further the available options include swapping a significant proportion of street lights to park night operation that would be midnight $530.00 according to the documentation in front of me swapping all of the street lights to any d. Or doing a mixture of both that just on the over in whole when the mom lives and she looked out the window after the change them over that day said it's like being lit by candlelight now she said I actually quite like it but it's a difference of opinion she's there looking out you know old lady by yourself thinking do I feel safe here over 345303 double 3 double 3 would you feel safe if the street lights were switched off where you live give me a call over 345303 double 3 double 3 with me in the studio and I just shake his hand and I can tell you it is cold because he strode through Leeds city center it's the leader of the Liberal Democrat councillors on the city council he represents rough Well it's Kansas your goals and I steer and well how are you yeah very well and a nice to see would you feel safe if the street lights were switched off where you live. Well I don't like to think subjectively about it I like to think about the other people in my community and how they might feel you've mentioned your mother I had quite a lot of correspondence when the 1st round of the switch off happened from old people who were worried about how they would be without the streetlights outside so that they had some security when I looked out the window of knowing who was in the vicinity and if they're not there the fear builds most of the areas where the lights have been switched off for a portion of the night there are the sort of situation I described there are they on that road round the outer ring road round round a park for example where if you're in a car in the dead of night you've got you had lumps on well in my area there are a substantial number of residential streets where they had some of their street lamps switched off so the council tries to make out that it's not really that significant because with only switch the odd one often will make sure that they're not switched off at junctions and they have a whole criteria about how they think they can make it safer but the actual experience of people and of the people who pay their council tax is far different I had one chap get in touch for instance he'd never had a crime his property in over 20 years and after the street light was switched off outside his house he had 2 burglaries in 12 months isn't this one of those decisions that if we're honest no counsellor wants to make yes they'll look at greener issues and being more efficient all the rest of it let me read this finding further This is from Elise City Council statement finding further ways to save money on street light as part of a larger initiative to make the savings due to the council's challenging current financial position the findings of the consultation will help shape how the council can potentially make further savings through its streetlights programme where you're running Leeds City Council and it's not so long ago since we had the Liberal Democrats in the conservatives running lead counsel you would have been having to make some tough decisions and looking for example at street lights and reducing the bills to it makes sense doesn't it that's right and the opposition is there to put forward alternatives and in January 20. 15 The council was given a 6000000 pound windfall by the private operator that runs our street lights and we are located that they invested that money in l e d light bulbs so that the energy consumption could be reduced so the savings could be made but we weren't having a detrimental effect on our council tax payers what happened to the windfall they just put into reserves and got spent on something else so in terms of this I mean 92000 street lights and an electricity bill I mean if I got this through the mouth well more than eyes watering 4000000 quid you've got to try and bring a any council any public body as a duty to try and look at a figure like that and think How can we do this more efficiently because it's our money public money that's being used on a council tax by only you know we all want to know that our money is being used effectively don't we yes but the problem is it's a very unsophisticated way that this council approaches its cost savings they basically go to every department and say knock 10 percent off your budget this is a core basic service that we should all expect to have the benefit of when we pay our council tax it's a bit like when you pay your national taxes out and you expect to have an army and a navy and an Air Force you know we don't decide that we're going to knock one of those off because we can't afford it and what would you do them what would I do with this well I would make sure that we invested substantially in l.e.d. Lighting because that is far more energy efficient and it means everyone can have a streetlights left on and at this moment in time even if the council felt they had to do some borrowing to do it we are at historically low interest rates to enable the council to do that kind of borrowing and it is doing it in the areas where it wants to do it so presumably you would be able to in the way that most of us at home have swapped bulbs over sometimes you can swap the ball straight over sometimes you'll need a new light fitting I mean it's a simple way to put it when we talk about street lighting but there will be some expense I would have thought sometimes with replacing say one of those old. Orange lights with l.e.d. Light fitting for a street lamp Well the good thing about Lee's is that we had already paid for all of our old street lights to get replaced so we had a street lighting p.f. I went where 92000000 pounds was spent putting in modern lighting so they are actually far more adept for that we should say your argument is you should be able to switch would enough money be saved you think if they went fully l.e.d. To avoid having to switch any off at night then yes. Would you look elsewhere because you said you won't want to have a street lamp turn off at night. Because you know if you then look down I don't know 2 years 3 years down the line you say we're going to do next in the early days off apartment it's all about how you look at the bigger picture all that they are proposing to do is save around about $100000.00 pounds a year. But to do so they might have a huge detrimental impact in terms of crying so if the police end up spending for instance more than an extra $100000.00 pounds a year to make up for the crime that might be generated from such a switch off then it's not really good use of public funds this is a consultation so the Council presumably will want to hear people say if they don't like it I don't like it and then they will never listen well we've been very consistent as a liberal Democrat group about being objectors to switching our street lights we've offered them alternatives at every single budget meeting since they haven't listened to us so hopefully the people of Leeds will make them listen what would you say to my mom who when the streetlamps in hole where she lives were changed to early days now thinks that her street is lit by candlelight. Well. I wouldn't like to say because I have a lot more than is a lot more but I would think that it's better to have some light than no light at all that would be the that would be a thought because if you went a bit right when we all went on to the more modern bulbs load of people said well it may be more efficient maybe more green it may claim it last 10000 hours but you know it's nice in a cave and to be fair I'm not sure what kind of strength the whole earth or it is it's not a step ladder so I can. I say thank you very much indeed that we view our love to hear yours as the Lib Dems on the city council he represents rough while his name is council and would you feel safe if the street lights are switched off where you live Here's the number. Join the conversation call out 345303 double for a double for a tweet and. Text a one triple 3 and start your message with the words big. Radio. 3 on the big your phone in would you feel safe this is our 1st conversation today if the street lights were switched off where you live Yorkie Rose says no. Justice thoughts on Twitter with all capitals and lots of those. Explanation Mark eccentric depending on where I am I don't always feel safe when they are on stained or. The I. Was on the big Yorkshire phone in b.b.c. Radio late almost 22 minutes past midday asking you this our 1st half hour today would you feel safe if the street lights were switched off where you live people of Leeds being asked for their views on the best way to save money and energy one possibility is having a night operation for example lights turned off between midnight and 5 30 in the morning this is Palmer and HIPPA Home Alabama hi Andrew this is an email Andrew daughter Edwards a b.b.c. Doc you can just look sunny day Clear blue skies and yet the street lights are on this comes after they announce that 200 streets including ours won't be gritted we live on a very steep hill as are many of the others near here and you're going to great around schools the same schools that close at the slightest start of snow very timely Thank you Pamela in hippo home Andrew dot Edwards at b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. We're in all Woodley with color Russell next. Radio when the weather changes this winter make sure you stay prepared with your b.b.c. Radio. With regular updates every hour and t.v. Forecasts on b.b.c. You'll be fully prepared by the morning everyone has a forecast for West Yorkshire. Artistic patches of the. So you could see some tricky driving conditions initially just you can download the b.b.c. Weather out on your tablet all smartphone now and check on the outlook across West Yorkshire the b.b.c. Radio Leeds weather team keeping you up to date or moving this winter on radio t.v. And online b.b.c. Radio see how the cold stuff sweeping is the afternoon goes on Stay with us who dated with the travel and the weather through the day particular woodlice tomorrow morning for the morning rush on b.b.c. Radio Leeds would you feel safe if the street lights were switched off where you live conversation was on the Thursday big Yorkshire phone in as Lead City Council which looks after 1002000 streetlights using between about 4000000 pounds worth of electricity a year it wants to ask the people of Leeds for their views your view if you live in Leeds on the most effective way to save money and energy has somebody does live in Leeds Russell in or Woodley had a Russell Good afternoon no saving money on the street lamps options include part night operation swapping them all over to early day or doing a mixture of both of those what do you think Russell Well I was under the assumption from what I can say is. The majority is simply that. Well having a look at all new columns and all new stuff. So I Count Basie just to where the would be an elm street arms left and secondly I remember the days when I think it was midnight but my every hour street lamp was turned out say 5 in the morning now that's interesting I think a lot of people remember that so I did technology's changed but you're right it was it was bit like having lights on a Christmas tree in any have every other on warm on wasn't it. Yeah they're a bit big for Christmas probably right that what do you think of the nighttime off idea said there are some places not far from where you live where some roads already have nice Any about 4 percent of the street lights in Leeds went on happens but midnight to $530.00 that off how would you feel about that Russell Well 1st of all I'd try not so drive now after dark but I'm of a certain age that prefers to drive and the day I brought Having said all that I think if you're a sensible driver. Talking from a drivers' points of view. You shouldn't have a problem driving on an unlit road because let's go back many years how many of the outs of roads in the area are anywhere well lit so I mean now you've got the biggest proportion of really roads no mandates it but I can remember the days when for argument's sake they were out Suranne road was never eliminate Ok bottom line would you feel safe if you were to wake up in the middle of the night 2 in the morning you look out there's no lights on would you feel safe now put out feel safe if it was also. Interesting idea Russell good to get the call Thank you Roslin or Woodley a lot of reaction from you to this. City Councilor trying this again when I run into work at 4 30 in the morning with a head top it's a nightmare so they're also going to turn my lights off outside my house it's a joke why do I pay council tax and about $6.00 different question marks on that one this is from Kelvin insists it's who says why not switch off half the street lights exactly the point that Russell is just made in or Woodley still lit and still saves money but he also says Andrew Kirklees and Caldwell of both the lights and they are brighter than the ones that they have replaced that's countenances it I would sooner have no light says f t in preference to any deal lights they are too bright in areas already over polluted with too much light and this one says I live in a Harrigan street lights on our street have been off at night for a few years you don't give an opinion on how you feel about that but it's news just texted me if you want to get back into a job interested to see how you feel about if they've been off a few years do you feel more or less safe if you got used to it what do you reckon live to hear your comment on the triple 3 leads at the part of the start of the message and Budge says so the council spends an awful lot of money having all kinds of trivia translate. Into about 50 foreign languages for those this is the view of budge to idle to learn English can't afford to illuminate our streets really and he was his p.s.a. Went cold what a bunch of softies just a bit nippy 034-5303 double 3 double 3 when you call Natalie is in Cook ridge she text me to say hi Andrew on the issue of street lights I don't mind as long as they ensure that areas that are predominantly or soley used by pedestrians are well lit and safe as a motorist I would rather use full beam headlights brackets where necessary then seeing an elderly or disabled person go without social care Leeds City Council need to prioritize spending that's Natalie in cockroach Thank you Natalie This one says if street lamps get turned off everybody will get p I r flood lamps which is better because a lamp going on draws attention to ever makes it that will make everyone up to no good not want to go near houses etc for fear of who's watching them so it's them who's afraid of them that by a torch their way up series of your takes on a on triple threat leads at the start a few of you wrote tweet before we moved to our travel news Lisa says I've spoken about this problem in the past since I moved to this house last year I am now unable to have 4 am walks with my dog due to no streetlights it's awful so early and Bella not out in the early hours Paul says it depends on what time but it wouldn't bother me locally as I have an assortment of movement activated lights those pay hours that we were just hearing about and cameras around my house main roads should stay lit and Dum Dum always likes to revise the line to leave you wanting more on there is for today this is the 1st I've heard of the street lights issue under being kept in the dark on this one. West Yorkshire travel. Radio only out of magistrate and now Sarah Elliott as the road news are we doing Sarah Well just a little bit. There on the 10. 26 but he's proving all the time every time he speaks. He just doesn't struggling a little bit I think with the roadworks likewise between Jews and their field much Huddersfield road the main a 64 so the bridge finally the queue seems to have gone that was a little bit of a diversion I think the people avoiding him 60 Festing big accident there and people heading up through ripping down as a result but it's finally improved a much clearer picture and towards Gafford again roadworks the reason the delays may be heading through up towards the m one n one and you find Morley We still got an issue with traffic lights not working this is on the return you rode the 650 the junction with fountain street not far from the primary school if you can help out of all 30123 I want to sever Elliot's b.b.c. Radio Leeds travel back to Sarah share your travel nice 3 hour 123018 b.b.c. Radio Leeds. Well I've got you going thank you conversation one of the big Yorkshire phoneme would you feel safer if the street lights were switched off where you live next sugary cereals the big cereal for Kellogg's announced today they're going to cut the amount of sugar in their top 3 selling children cereals they're in the stop sign Rice Sickles altogether or is that one of those marketing research. And they say will rescue anyway 3 are having their sugar cut sugary cereals whose fault the companies who make them or the parents who buy them it was forcing you to buy the moderate 034-5303 double 3 double 3 that conversation next here on b.b.c. Radio Leeds it's. This. Was. The. Queen on the phone in of course from b.b.c. Radio Leeds Andrew with you through til 3 this afternoon it's a big Yorkshire phone and the 1st real snow this winter forecast some lovely pictures if you bomb for example the look north Facebook page you're seeing the shots of Scarborough under snow and if it's made you feel all Christmassy on this the final day in November my patron saint stakes and Andrew's Day can just card for next Wednesday that's the 6th of this ember we're recording the annual b.b.c. Radio Christmas carol service which for me is a real highlight something I look forward to for me the official start of Christmas this year where it isn't Mary's Church in Murphy old it's a 7 o'clock star the real privilege to be hosting again feature some of your favorite b.b.c. Radio presenters and I will is doing a reading David Hall our brass maestro is as well and will have music from the Clifton Unlike Cliff band as well as singing from the hosts feel Choral Society youth in junior choir and the Bishop of Leeds Nick bangs accepted our invitation to deliver the address that you don't need a ticket that's very straightforward but you don't need to be in the sea for 7 so that's next Wednesday 6th of December 7 pm start and we'll record our b.b.c. Radio Leeds Christmas service for 27 to the big York's you know I mean now what are we talking about next will sugary cereals fall the companies who make them or the parents who buy them melons forcing you to buy them are they and from one should there be a 0 limit for drink driving the research suggest Wakefield is among the top 10 worst places in the whole of the u.k. For drink and drug driving are the current rules confusing wouldn't 0 tolerance be better or is that simply not achievable or realistic Ciro limit for drink driving will have a. Conversation after one join their conversation and call out 345303 double for a double for a very big Yorks your phone in b.b.c. Radio. Next though it is brilliant that you're getting in touch on each of our conversations during the half hour that we're having that debate and we've just had a really busy half hour of the whole switching streetlamps off or not question and now I would love your thoughts on sugary cereals your call would be great over 345303 double 3 double 3 here's the question then sugary cereals who's at fault the companies who make them or the parents who buy them cereals giant Kellogg's is to cut the amount of sugar in its 3 top selling children cereals buy between 20 percent and 40 percent by the middle of next year so those 3 lines are Coco Pops Rice Krispies and rice krispies multi-grain shapes They've also announced they will stop selling rice Sickles on the series of my childhood all together and wonder why perhaps it's less popular than it was they say they'll also end on the packet promotions aimed at children on Frosty's you remember I was did as a kid that there are essentially conflicts with the sugar frosting on the day and style Frosties think they were always the one I wanted when we went on holiday in those mini cereal packets when we were away sugary cereals who's at fault the companies that make them or the parents who buy them over 345303 double 3 double 3 let's speak to lay the child with Les that is a registered nutritionist living in Wakefield She's also a moment ita she's back on the bigger picture phone in highway are. Very nice to speak to again sugary cereals Who do you reckon fault the companies or make them they would probably just say we're doing our business or the parents who buy them who of course can choose whatever they want to serials. Well they could I mean I I most of it's both sides are important so the manufacturers they want to obviously make the products and make money from that product so they use clever tactics such as am on packet advertising you know cute characters that our children are drawn to when we go shopping with them so quite often these kinds of products is sold at the same level as where is challenged sitting on a trolley or at child heights and that then they the children pester their parents and it takes a lot of strong will especially maybe if they have a tantrum and supermarkets to say no but at the same time if you're a parent who might be suffering you know struggling financially you might not be willing to take that risk of buying something maybe less appealing to the child because they won't eat it and you know thereby you're wasting your money so it's difficult on both sides you make a really good point there and that has been arguing for in the past over school dinners you can produce something really healthy and lovely and very green but if kids don't have you achieved what you set out to do and a lot of people say yeah at least my kids are having some cereal Let me read you what Kellogg's u.k. Managing director chap called all the Morton told the b.b.c. Today he said that taste and health have to go hand in hand they acknowledge though that consumers are asking for a healthier way to start the day and he also said that the company recognize and I quote him direct based on national dietary survey data people are eating too much sugar at breakfast and throughout the day so Coco Pops is the one that was 1st on the list then Rice Krispies then Rice Krispies multi-grain shakes between them so either a 5th or getting up for a 2 face reduction 20 and 40 percent by the middle of next year so he's saying we're going to have to balance the taste and their health people a bit picky about night change the recipe of something in people's house it's not what it used to be an airliner they did. And sometimes it might be worth thinking about reducing that sugar gradually so that people's taste buds adjust to that difference I think the key when it comes to children is try not to expose your children to sweet tasting things from a young age you know and they they develop that that craving for that sweet taste so if you if a parent can try to not do that by Remember sugary cereals it better they'll be less you know inclined to be pestering for that and somebody is toy as 20 May which is a good question what is high sugar give us some numbers grams of sugar per 100 grams Well I can give you that for the coco pops so that will go down from 30 grams per 100 to 1717 grams so that's a 40 percent reduction so in answer that question that gives you an idea say premier The assumption is that if you're on the 30 end of that that is high sugar would you as a nutritionist agree that 30 in a 100 days high very high What would you say is it is high so if we think about the traffic light signaling that you see on a lot of packaging there's the red amber and the green red representing high so Cocoa Puffs currently are actually 36.5 grams of sugar provided grams and that's classified as a high sugar products now it's going to go down to 17 grams per 100 grams but that is actually still high so anything 15 grams or 0 Well 50 over 15 grams My apologies is classed as a high sugar product so yeah Coco Pops although the sugar will still be down by quite a lot it's still high sugar products in the new year and we're also about to the point of course if a child had a portion that your eye were having is different for them because of the size of their bodies in relation to how much sugar is in it. That's right so a child aged 4 to 6 shouldn't have more than 900 grams of sugar day that works out to for one have teaspoons and the child aids them to 10 they can have no more than 24 grams of sugar which is sixty's bins so no I'm sorry but my children there's no way have 30 grams serving of cereal in the morning they definitely have more there the hungriest in the morning and so you know if it does add assists a substantial whack on that amount should be allowed to have a day you are a mom you are realistic you are also registered nutritionist do your children have what people recognize a sugary cereals ever every day never do sailing are they I will be hand on heart they do have them on Saturday and Sunday mornings as a treat just to sort of I don't want them to feel like these things are a mystery and something that they might end up gorging themselves on when they get older but we do balance that out during the week with healthier much Loesch you know those low sugar variants so there are some really healthy cereals on the market now porridge rolled oats porridge is the best thing you can you can have and if you children like that fantastic Well very interesting you pointed the finger at the elements in this I asked whether it was the companies who make them or the parents who buy them whose fault you were talking about supermarkets now you might say if I'm a supermarket and I'm wanting to sound cereals and I've got oil after all of them I'm bound to put the ones I want to sell to kids a kid right. Of course yeah there's that to make money and I think all of this is about educating parents giving them the knowledge to recognize that they are being targeted as a source of financial income the supermarkets you know of course we're all know we're there to to make money and survive but it's about helping parents make smart decisions f. Says I've passed 70 years on a bowl of oats each morning you can keep your sugar pops after Mark in Otley however says hello Andrew Coco Pops will end up like a deep Chuen for raw some time you have to put the badness in to get the goodness out what would you say to Mark. Let's just wait and see what how Kellogg's are going to reformulate that that product might taste just as good and remember it will still be a high stick of products even when they've reduced amount of sugar that they put in there and I always think whenever a company do this they get a heck of a lot of publicity from folks like us talking about it reading about it looking at on the Web Ex cetera we're going to draw a line there lay loves to speak to you thank you very much you too thank you later Charles worth is a registered nutritionist living in Wakefield she's a mom as well but very interesting so her kids have what I would think of a sugary series at the weekend as a treat so they know the difference between what is the treaty one and what is one that you shouldn't be having every day so if you mom's a registered nutritionist thank you Layla you can find her at Layla wellbeing if you'd like to have a look I'm Andrew Edward sugary cereals who's at fault the companies you make them or the parents who buy them if you can only learn from in the supermarkets into that mix as well here's the number. Join the conversation call out 345303 double double the York Times name b.b.c. Radio. People making cocoa will go for a low sugar version I now would hate him. So far. Very happy with the thought was I wonder for the sake of the. Result just hoping Alison Moyet. Developing. My question. Well the. Being with us also pointing the finger at the supermarkets putting cereals that precisely. For example while we're talking about it cereals giant Kellogg Kellogg's are to cut the amount of sugar in their top 3 selling children cereals. By between 20 and 40 percent by the middle of next year but later on nutrition it was telling us that Coco Pops which is going to come down by 40 percent from 30 grams per 100 grams or 30 grams of sugar now to 17 even the 17 will still put them in the red traffic light zone on the products and we're going to stop something right Sickles all together those sugared Rice Krispies 345303 double 3 double free can't wait says this text is a see what sugar alternative they add in place of the current sugar sweet stuff sells b.b.c. Radio. Station for news Syria action Well this is a terrible blow and it's come completely out of through your station for Yorkshire in fact we're going to concentrate on the subject till today we made the decision to phone in I'm Andrew Edwards the reaction to the breaking news this lunchtime you know it's. Really disappointing to see serious budget defying leave will not be European Capital of Culture in 2023 did you think that something like this could happen not only did we not think it but neither did the government think you all the 4 other video cities are up in talking to you today your station for all day every day radio Mary call She's in listening in Bradford this lunchtime Hello America so I was brought up in the war Andrew and we had no sugar I buy my Syria from health stores because I know there's no sugar content in the print juice the responsibility lies with the parents says Mary at the end of the day it is they who are buying it for the children and no one else has a hospital volunteer I see a lot of people who would be put in the obese bracket going to the diabetic Department which speaks volumes thank you very much indeed Mary 10345303 double 3 double 3 and this is from Craig on Twitter at b.b.c. Leeds the discount super. It's own brand cereals a fall how fear than the branded one sold at the big supermarkets he quotes one of the firm's Bran Flakes a 30 gram serving is one percent of your daily fats allowance 5 percent of the sugar 3 percent of you salt 80 all depends for 750 grams healthy tasty and cheap should go to markets in crisis slogans like. Take that and a real epic I like that b.b.c. Radio lay down on the big Yorkshire phone in talk about sugary cereals this half hour on the day Kellogg's say they're going to cut the amount of sugar in their top 3 selling children cereals by between a 5th and 2 fifths by the middle of next year they are registered nutritionist later Charlesworth who joins us from her home in Wakefield Today she's a mom while we're saying that Coco Pops more than a big reduction there so it's going to go down from 30 grams per 100 grams to 17 grams of sugar that still puts it into the red traffic light zone it would need to be 15 although to get into the next category down that's a 40 percent reduction in sugar on Coco Pops for example and later tweets back to say so if you want healthy options cereals chose that choose those with green traffic light labeling on them which is 5 grams of sugar or last per 100 grams so there we are that really puts it in perspective Coco Pops currently 30 grams per $100.00 down to 17 still in the red it would need to be 5 all lower to get the green traffic lights she says examples of branded low sugar cereals a Weetabix and shredded wheat natural rolled oats are excellent just don't add sugar jam or honey and one question is over the portion size it really has a 30 gram saving that amounts if you do to 7 teaspoons of cereal. Truffle b.b.c. Radio only. Quote a small glass of wine Isn't it was one of those are. The Travelers have a. Good afternoon yes very heavy if you hit home environments through the center looks like. We've also got a bit of traffic heading towards brick house not quite as heavy as it was heading. Towards central town on the. Nearest far back as it was at one point it was right at the Holiday Inn. The traffic lights they're out of action at a junction with fountain straights not far from the primary school if you know the problem you can give us a. I'm sorry the b.b.c. Radio Leeds travel Thank you Sarah and yes you did hit me correctly when they quoted 30 grams serving of cereal 7 teaspoons of cereal. Travel leaves 303018 b.b.c. Radio it's. Helping and. The news that one in a moment and then conversation interesting talking about quotes small glass of wine should there be a 0 limit for drink driving new research suggests that Wakefield is among the top 10 worst buy.

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