Transcripts for BBC Radio Foyle BBC Radio Foyle 20170728 080

BBC Radio Foyle BBC Radio Foyle July 28, 2017 080300

Think of plenty of dry and broad weather ront temperatures falling to 12 degrees mainly dry tomorrow with plenty of sunny spells but expect a few showers in the afternoon and look for some to choose the scattered heavy showers on Sunday was the old rumble of thunder possible than Shara conditions lasting into next week because up becoming less breezy b.b.c. Radio 4 news we have been exporting up to 10 o'clock we now return to our colleagues on radio all star normal road is expected to close for a time during the period and Sutherland reporting from the chopper control center. B.b.c. Radio. The biggest show in the country staunch. A new twist in the Royal for bonfires of bed to give consular officials the park to remove material from bonfire sites a freak accident on a lot holiday and Michael life left Bangor mom with life changing injuries and his friend who saved his life burdened with killed it's an extraordinary story but you'll hear in the program today and the big fight tomorrow night's call the jackal frowned then takes to the ring a bell fast even abides by a we'll hear from his manager Barry McGuigan Here's the number 030-332-0555 extension 51 Twitter and Stephen Nolan and on Facebook and real Stephen Nolan. Good morning give council officials the park to remove material from bonfire sites which belong to statutory agencies and those which are in private ownership This is the motion that's been put forward by the Belfast City Council to Belfast City Council by Sion fans Jim make they have been speaking to instead Harvey I asked her to set out the reasons behind her party's motion. With this motion as a fighter and as rectify the interest decision by unionists this week to a policy that was actually working off on to last week and which Arias were rogue and the interest fires that were dating this contentious were we were left in the materials from those fires because of concerns around house and see if they and Fairmount delay shooters were laws or regulations were being broken and especially whether it was that the mom from the local community to remove the console were removing materials from law which was in their possession other statutory agencies such as the horizon executive and on private land and it was only this week at a party leaders meeting unionism tried to stop thought so our call for the meeting next week is to be at the policy that was working whaled But when the last we need do you pay say that this is the time to buying some kind slender Bob policy without its good name aside from the advice from all posters in compelling other agencies Dr inside their Porsche you know what I would completely refute that and I think they're trying to mislead the public this is an existing policy that we had been working to our officers would be working till it was all the rage and face only last week in North Belfast to the Consul along with the high is an executive in the p.s.a. And I'm a local kind of slur we're involved in actually enacting this policy and removing both our materials it was only unionism this week with the Belfast City Council took the station on but knowing to the rest of as to stop this practice so this has been on go on NY for a number of years there's no premature because there's an investigation by the console into bone farce no way or the investigation is into the story with politics and story and off materials which were stolen so the blue polyps which are owned by a company in Dublin so that's what the investigation is a fight there as a request nigh to review the bone for our program but the reality is here there is that the mom from rat why the rush. Then there is that the mom from restaurants Well there's health and safety issues and also environmental issues there are policies being placed and sparse substations next to homes there are policies being placed at apartment blocks we know the story of what happened to gramophone when things went disastrously wrong when public bodies doesn't listen to the concerns and calls of reference I don't want to see something hostile on on the streets of Belfast happen some people think once you're out here as you just want to get rid of all bonfires Well no we haven't we've been quite clear that this is the rogue and dangerous boulevards both of ours that are contentious but more importantly bone farce that have hospital everybody's hearts content just because there's some members again they don't think we should exist but this is a fight those which pose a house and see if they an environmental risk this is a fight those which are breaching the law to any laws which are Ok so any building fire that has a car on up you won't lose remains. I want the materials from it which are causing the who would have forced us to get on for well the agencies were Chertoff with and forcing the law of the law to you say that they should just ignore the law states but did resist front line workers you're talking about removing physically removing material of the place going in with the terms of the collection of material this is been happening all along they've been so that there isn't just a new policy which is being trained Doc were taken this decision to go to full kind for the next week because our officers on the other and say such as the get it and I am has an exact of have been doing this on telly are you expecting. The question why unionism have all of a sudden out of party leaders meet in a month they take the station the block that's work let me ask you who would remove it it would be the consul workers would be the man driving the van. $1520.00 grand a year there would be an assessment that would be carried out and there's a risk assessment that is done on each site we always take the health and safety of our stuff out of par might but I suspect it was a point of principle we expect the police to remove it or the council staff well we expect the police to assess to where they say look there's a house and safety risk so I'm not that hot button and the new launch area up north . But you know little those like yourself come out and pray and the actions not only of the local currency are but also of the agencies that were involved might have reality as their wrath and the shooters and denies any anything should I see the show on their property because people are you saying that they should be ignored I'm saying to you that no matter if a bomb farce contentious by its very definition therefore there will be a health and safety risk you don't need to think about it too long if it's contentious then people walking in removing material from a that will be determined as a health and safety risk so you must have thought he was removing the tires are you asking the 20 ground the year working man or woman to go in there and remove it I mean. If they are protected up the time are they going to have the windows put in well we are asking for the practice that has been done up until last week the practice that has been done for the last couple of years to still be an act that this week and for the next week that's what we're asking for all of us what we have all we remember is last week in this week it's unsafe a number of agencies including the kind still the p.s. And I the horizon executive but also a local sheriff and kind of learn actually show the leadership which was lacking in the previous months to get involved and remove that material and that was by that the moms of local residents in that area that had a fear that their lives and also their properties would become the in Germany the pharmacist has publicly or with this motion a lot of people to go on the private land at the motionless a public land and also private land but only were permission has been given by the private owner. Well that have to be permission and there would have to be a risk assessment that would be carried out where the health and safety of our staff would be key and part mind but we also state and have to think of the house and see if they of the restaurants here in our fireworks are failing on time and he added I'm threatened by this there's a sense of lawlessness that we just can't allow it to happen and to keep going on too so if it doesn't say in this post it would need the private owners permission doesn't it says this kind well because for missions our council poseurs to make boom for materials or employ contractors to facilitate the removal of bone for materials from consul sites and other sites which belong to Stubbs agencies and those which are in private ownership it doesn't talk about permission because that's on the waiter policy Stephen what happened on there has been a policy were we do you collect materials or permission is granted unionism this week then took the decision to block it out they said that we could remove materials from land which is owned by kind soul but that they wouldn't give permission to remove it from other land which is owned by other agencies and also by private landowners so they're Ok to remove that on off our stuff and other agencies to remove it from kind salaams but not private land or land or by other it's unsafe it doesn't make sense and we want to rectify the fact that the policy was working up and tell us. Where you want the policy to competitors I get out of town you are thank you for the morning to decide thank you reacting this reading this morning to 3030 in the 5555 show and from on a morning show I don't know what you're talking about was a respect of what say to her slate a ballplayer they're totally illegal it's against their will to born anything in public well they're not illegal are they if they have consul supporting and on their own they're working within the realms in the parameters of what they the local consul has said well if I turn around I'm born still for my line they'll do their fighting me. Well presumably not if they work with you know help you not to talk to legally kill not born stuff in public that's a totally other legal example you have to bring your tires through to get them to pay you know to get your tires disposed of a whole nother world you would want every bonfire by absolutely right everyone everyone along every last one of them there totally illegal I can clarify if I had rubbish on my account and from what I can turn right now late at a contractor had rubbish on a site that is better than the county license but yet they can like bonfires the whole thing is a bloody joke. Totally illegal John about a good morning John mornings Dave and I am anguished Katie because I agree with such. Telling you 100 percent shouldn't be bonfires like what we have saw at the absolutely ridiculous I'm not only that but it's still on the air with pollution not much wonder there's still money people know I was Asta you know bad chest and all the rest of us that burning tires did are saying altogether I don't mind it we tell you how been. Saying About a couple of feet I just put a place to learn but not them bloody mind. You tried upon these bone fires will be even more belt nobody even hire What do you say if you try to ban these bonfires there will be even more belt and they will be even higher here that don't pay for those days when people well have to start them they are not as good as dangerous as dangerous for children as in just a baby is just a danger that there is political life is too much concerts in the air so there is. Why he said because they're there and it's all these things cause let's learn entires like there's one that's one terrible thing for an entire year over you know it's time that the way stop the full auto this motion that's been said time action since Jim McVeigh would give confrontations the part to walk in and remove any of this material from bomb firesides country Jim Rogers from Moshi Unionist Party Good morning to you Jim Good morning Steve running in the lines of cancer Michael Long morning to Michael good morning morning Jim why do you support this motion. You don't of course are my fault said Michael Michael why do you support this notion well as Emma there is a sad this is actually just reinstating the existing policy which your father and all of us are the kinds of for a number of years so basically what has always happened is that we have had material removed from sites after it's causing for example. Problems in terms of interest to buildings potentially causing health and safety issues causing damage to property so this has been ongoing for years and years and the kind Suns been done either by and you are asking who does this kind of thing that even done by kinds of stuff or contractors been brought in to ensure the material has been removed but this has been done for years and years and then this week we have had unionist concerts and what they've done is that they refused to live the kinds will continue as policy and that's reason why we're having to have this meeting you may have a say will but as Rush will the reality has a beginning with nationalist bonfires and protector which are going to be burnt in the next 2 weeks and therefore we have to have the opportunity to have a Cherami from those bankers and their raw mixing is as the unions kind sir and Unionist have complained about this these bonfires and protect her because of the burning of unionists of the most material I have to agree that you know it's absolutely all right let me bring in General Jim you're against this motion Why well for Suppose Stephen I want to crack something that comes from Harvey said short time ago. We were not at any meeting on Monday the Australian house party were not represent the drop making So I think you need to get our facts right the 2nd mater is that. We see we haven't discussed sultriness party haven't discussed this motion were able to do so next week about a compensation but an auction of Poc the kind soul does not have the Pars to call when the private law on remove anything you don't of the parties knowledge of this motions power. Last unless you've got the permission of the private landowner according to Gerry Harding Well exactly I'm not a snob a say because continuously I get people asking me to get such and such from me from a site but never the I'm fast to get to your site it's either tottery bought a storm by a private individual or it's all clear and we are from and on and we could find the rate that's motions asking us a good time you're going to find people asking us to get the grass cut and Septenarius what you saw or by any fault ice is a red herring but you're not missing that I don't know if I'm wrong I'll tell you I'll tell you why Jim and might be a red herring for you from your are you telling me that if you got thousands of tires and put them in your back garden your back garden and you set them alight so you tell me when it was private land or not the country wouldn't be eyed and I was shocked to say that that's that's against environmental rules time is polluting the atmosphere and we're finding it of course they would this example 8 the red herring from yes that's not a red herring and 1st a health issue are to see if the the Concho will come right whether it's part of the plot and whether it's on a clay emblem on they will tell you that you will have to house the top material or whatever it may pave from not site or in your back often but that's motions and was just actually contradicted themselves totally there you know it you know I have a comforting adjusted just as a Jew you come to all of this land and now you're said election time day I don't know there's you know Jim I'm one of the time hold on one of the time though in terms of my need to stop the assault on both of you Shawn Jim Rogers didn't think health and safety issues Ok go on Michael Jim knows perfectly well that in the history of the kind so what way j.s.p. Work start to Trajan says I may get permission from such a trade. Since its release the ceria and whether the high sing is accurate over those they t.n.i. Over there it is that we work with them to make material I don't see anything and previous It times on private land lines and who knows about success so overjoyed as reinstating is to session so I'd be very surprised if they count just as Jim says their party were represented at the meeting the other day but the other unionist parties refused to allow this to go ahead and certainly I cried kind of surprised because back in June whenever this was discussed and lots of the in astronomy private business were quite happy Jim to have been Ok Cameron just beyond the private land a shoo in the other objections to this motion Well it's all on forcible just cannot be enforced and I'm not by No I am not prepared to offer an officer or a member of staff or Belfast City kind so a lot of contractors to go on to do that because I have times would not be prepared to put on we have a charity of care and the sponsor Beller they to every single employee on Belfast City kind so it was secure and a special kind from a think tank called the consent or both I might of monic question some considerable might of my There's no rush money whenever I heard Michael talking about it not just Republican bonfires that say she credible doubt whether or not a normal committee meeting of the kind self or not along Jamshed your country let me ask. You this farce today with Jim you say this is on forcible So even if the law is being broken you say this is forcible what a bad message to send to the community effort truthful. Well let's make it in 4 simple then rather than saying that those people who break the law can continue to break the law I think I'm totally opposed to people breaking the law all regardless what they have done Furthermore our position. Don't Bonfires are quite clear we're not opposed upon fires we are approved upon fires whenever they're close to happen I on the internet tell right on 11 assembly what we're going to cause so that's what the kind of solution would be in everything where there's health and safety issues whether it's used today with potential cause damaging property what will happen as we reinstate the position which the obscene us of all the other parties the previous day a great day which is where we may for Terrio where we possibly can to make sure that there isn't dangers to people's lives to get interest people's property is another topic for a number of years this is just trying to reinstate the public and terms of having it as committee meeting or committee meeting dozen or so ours to actually take decisions so we couldn't actually do that the only way to have a decision to force their special countrymen can I just met is the biggest waste of time and money but at the end they got to have with us back it started when we didn't have a problem can I just pick up again on your theory around it being forcible my challenge you say well it's the truth is it not dangerous for you public represented to say that for this reason if enough drug dealers peddle their drugs in Northern Ireland and stand up to the place maybe they will think that the police can't stand up to them in it's own and forcible if enough people drive along the motorway at 120 mile an hour and it's not just one isolated incident then that's old enforceable surely the principle has got to be from people like you if you break the law will come after you publicly saying it's were simple things an obsolete plate but you've got to be a realist and I'm being realistic here high are we going to enforce that protectively whenever there's a bonfire material or any material on private blonde or on telly I'm blonde we have to go through the courts I'm not country are all whites process on our own learning to simply saying is this motion husband Bob before I did you then support him I can't. Just particular one of my own on the moment the injunction that was issued a couple weeks ago did you support it because hard come you didn't

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