The Take. I'm joined by Nathan hunk in. From chaos and there posing for selfies. Sex anywhere. You're the director slash queen of chaos I am not a title on that I mean to live up to. The marketing manager which I'm afraid is not as exciting to say oh I don't know. You guys have won a big award we have yeah. It's huge somebody said it was a bit like being back at school when you winning and that bullshit was. Just and no the song this isn't it you go to a few watermen isn't all but rather we've got another one. I was this one about so we were really lucky so we have the privilege of working with called more fire service for the last well more than 12 months yeah few years away and we got invited to their award ceremony which took place at county hall last night in the chamber 1st time a bit in very posh. And we were in the. Summit . And we were very gracious to when the chief finally officers partnership shields for all our contributions as the chaos crew working alongside the fire service so we were very humbled last night among many hell of a lot of us yeah can you explain why I mean so much to you I think because since I was a little girl so when I was 15 very good friend of mine their house burned down and I remember going up on a Saturday morning and it being just just 2 people at that house alive because the for firefighters and to me they were heroes are now 59 and they're still heroes so for us to be actually working with them and seeing the amazing jobs they do every day it's not necessarily put out fires it was just like wild made it and I think as well though a really proactive organization has really had to adapt over the last 5510 years to really work in different areas and aspects of the community and there's some really into. People there so for example and I'm sure your listeners know because we've been banging on about it oh yeah we been doing this 20 we did a 24 hour takeover with with fire officers who had their own show on c.h.b. And the community station here in Truro they want to raise money for the firefighters charity so you know how can we help how can we get on board with this and how can we do this and so I guess on paper is a really unique partnership that actually for my office is chaos group come together to raise money for a radio show all these things shouldn't really work they do and they did and we were really proud and I think that people don't realize that when the fire brigade aren't doing their drills and fires that they do so much for the community you know they pull the homeless out of rivers they do they do community engagement they work with children of God needs to work them around so not being scared of somebody in uniform they just do so much they work with old. You know don't. Have too much near the heater and just and that's what they do people don't know they just don't know let's talk a little bit about the marathon because I was lucky enough to be there at the end Oh yes I did I did. I saw garbage on the floor outside I saw all sorts my mom was. Sewing it was like well you see nothing. Nothing Tell me about it because so much went on I think it was really important from the beginning to keep ourselves busy and I'm sure you're very and David want to tell you the same when you do a long stretch you can't just sit for 24 hours and hope that the phone rings and place not going you very quickly switch off or we stay when we really wanted to in a very Children in Need style appeal to people watching and listening to get involved in and say thank you by donating for the silly and walking crazy things we did so yes we we were always going to gunge the 3 boys doing it we thought this would be a great opportunity to get their bosses their family to really put their hands in their pocket but have. In the infinite wisdom somebody had said oh how much to Michelle's understands our finance manager and he also said jokingly How much to to gunge Babs you came up with some figure as a joke within about 10 minutes the start of the trade it's going to happen if you offer to going to the Queen we have chaos I did up my class just I don't. Want your name sir things that happen because there was just cons and no it's probably hard to remember everything you did because it's a long long old slog to do yeah so we had like kitchen corners of the guys had to do some cooking and stuff in the kitchen hide and seek around County Hall at 3 o'clock in the morning shout out to those guys if you let them know yeah they were really as well which was surprising I'm going to say. We had a crew on the road who went around to visit the pirate. So just for the people in Garden people who care. Oh gosh there was so much happening and you got kidnapped in 19 sixty's American police car at one point there was just so much going on longer than oh yes we had a midnight disco so there's a great footage in the highlight reel that you can watch on our website of like 10 or 11 members of staff doing the Congo for the car park in the middle of the night which is just just. For Christmas at 4 am there's so much that sounds very David what I saw you did to the studio Oh you know what you came to get a question kid Well I was told You have to behave like behave so I snuck in a counted to go back to Canada. To flow and I said I've got no weeks and I've got I've got no feather boas Ok he said. I thought well I've just get myself ready in the Cameron new life given him a dick Nathan is trying to give me the All I know you're not going to do that and the more you look at it I'm not gonna look at m.m.p. . Maybe I'd like to know that but. The funny thing was if you look beautiful in the highlight reel that you got to where you'll see the boys were hey. He was all right yeah. They all kind of cool Bob says oh I can't port it couldn't see what was in there playing behind confetti everywhere and kept if just because. It's done my radio live radio Big Bang goes off you already feel a job about what you're going to. Play stick me trust everybody. So we'll play a track now and then we will talk a bit more about what chaos actually is not yet cool. Down I. Don't. Know. You a. Lower. Costs . 11. And I love it it's called Don't start now chaos how you doing hello we got Bob in the studio right now we've been talking about your relationship with the firefighters but I want to ask a bit about what chaos actually is if I asked you what is chaos which is a great sentence how would you answer it. That's a big question Bob So it gets bigger every day. So chaos stands for community health and all society so it started quite so simple and quite small and it just grew the more things that we saw that we needed to do and that we were able to just sort of started doing them and it took us into lots of different directions so we got far we've got Cathay we've got the Cylon you know we've got the creative provision We've got lots of different elements we've got the radio online radio of course that you guys have all been up to and we just work with people who are disadvantaged people and people with additional needs and just try to be kind simples or I was going to ask you what do you think our stands for but is that it to be kind for me it's just kindness yes it's kindness it's respect it's actually serving people you know just trying to be as humble as you can and you know do the best you can you're only here for a short time what you sow chaos is an acronym I think it's the right word is a community helping all of society said that what. I was listening. To you know I thought you know it's not really really sorry I was listening I was tweeting. But I think that's that's still true to this day that was something that with 56 years ago I'm actually a clock in the morning that was Katie Yeah I've got it I've got it I said you got what I like made from brain not work in chaos and I said I know it's chaos Kate should never it stands for and it was like wow and I think you probably won't mind me saying this but when chaos was kind of in its early days I think the courtin you Katie Kylie didn't really know what chaos was going to be identified actually from our care company called Wall there was a lot of other things we could do so actually bringing that together and actually where we are now if we would start here and saying we've got a radio station and we're never going to go after we do these things the recovery college it penetrated I mean this is not people this is so much going on actually chaos what we find in a working week. Is somebody going Ok what are you doing here like we know you from this there's so many kind of angles to it so it makes our job quite exciting I think it's sort of like when I speak to some people and they say oh you know have you done what you do I said well we didn't have a plan we just went there we went with the flow we went we followed the need no no no no you couldn't have got where you are like yeah you know we did and actually we don't really know what's happening from one week to the next course we got structure of course we got framework and we're very very clear about what we want to do but actually you know you never know what's going on when you are if. You see what you've done to my next question which is what can we expect very. Good if we don't expect it yeah it's the unexpected I think there's always a real strong sense of fun it's about challenge and perceptions about barriers it's about being yourself and not being Ok every you are wherever you are that's Ok And it's about being kind and respecting people and having That's a real human approach to so every day subjects is now and like what we find is people come into the cafe or picture goals road and they they kind of. Really feel quite at home here because you know you know you know some people it could be really big issues they're coming to see it you know whether it's getting back into work or getting back into the community or socializing with people trying to sell their finances are so many different things but having a very different approach can be quite daunting going to a place where I was wearing suits on thing and actually that raises people's anxiety where we're very much like oh come on I'm going to take a look around and play with a dog or something like that you know it's more I mean when I when I met you the 1st time they found it was the kind of place where I walked in I was like I don't want to leave now I want to sit down I want to cut I want to chill out you know people so friendly such a welcoming atmosphere yeah it really is the heart the community out there isn't and for us it's very much the shop window you know it's a community cafe you can come just just have another cup of tea and embrace the chaos that's going on there but actually there's a lot of real hard work going on behind the scenes as well for. For everybody yeah I finally said Embrace the chaos. Disclaimer. I mean I think that we're really very human and I think some of what we do we're able to like allow other people to see is actually we show our founder abilities you know when we don't get it right we say and actually if we're nervous like me Katie you know people in good positions go who are not sure about this and I think there's something really refreshing about being able to say I can't do that you know I don't understand what I mean how do you spell that it's about being able to be vulnerable being able to be human and I think people relate to you and I think that's really part of the magic here it must be even more significant now winning this award getting recognition. Just so. I don't have to see if excited about doing this like from a 15 year old girl literally everything in the dream old into one Yeah and I think for so this is a prestigious organization to be able to be recognized from those guys here our achievements helping support that Mr is a really big deal listener and I don't think I mean I don't know that we did anything really special and that's so opposite to us because our classics we were sat there last night everyone's in beautiful uniforms and medals and looking so I mean they're in this like in the eighty's like I was. But they embrace that as much as we do it and I think people like have. Fantastic who really understand that as a service they need to diversify and work with other organizations that are actually they do because on Saturday I was working at the food diversity food festival which was up at county hall and cap came on I couldn't work this soon to be able to take interviews and Kathy and I said Well Nathan said you could work it gave it to Kathy and she was away she's well I don't really know how to I said but you've got classes or you don't need a so you can work it out and she took the most amazing interviews and you know you had fire service there you had to try a service officers which you. You know I twice himself personally you know what I'm coming out of that shell Well how do you go between the different values that said Yeah well. You know 10 point we've got a game coming up I'll just. Say you know what it is under one roof you have so you have one officer or there's 2 or 3 so there's Phil. There's a train I think from so basically Service officer is under the one label you've got piece far because. It does make sense when you're in a like a really rule community you don't know which one you want for all for all services to companies on this one job so I think I'm really excited but I didn't know about it until today very very excited so I want to know more. Like a all right when you guys stick around for a little bit longer. If you don't welcome every time I love speaking to you guys here we'll listen to a truck and we'll continue our chat about chaos. You . Can. Go through. This it. Hours. feeling Ok. All right well you know we found out that bit nervous I know you're a fantastic speaker was with amazing things to speak about for I want to ask you who is chaos because it's not just you 2 who is it chaos is a big team it's the volunteers that come on you know give their time and this and the slates all of our paid staff I mean it's the community that supporters we've just got so many people I don't think chaos is is bigger than one it's it's almost like this animal that is beautiful it's galloping off in all directions and you just hang on to whatever tell you can and you follow it you know it's made it yeah and I think one thing we always say is that our brand is very much about the people so people know what people recognize a fault our people that's what makes chaos chaos so special is that collection of volunteers you know the people behind the scenes the management the like we've got some European. Jonathan we've got Al we've got Pavlina and we've got Syria they've joined us for 12 months from all different places across Europe it's kind of a place. They're learning new skills and going to take that back to their countries and share with their kind of employees and families and friends but they are very much part of the family now they are 10 months we've got 2 months left with and somebody was saying to me today or so going to miss these guys because they've just become part of our d.n.a. In our front brake and I think it's like that when you come into to chaos where the volunteer a participant or someone just comes for a cup of tea every week like people belong but I'm part of the family I think yeah I think chaos is this umbrella and I think people belong and it's about the chaos theory and yeah it's just it's an ownership by lots and lots of people it's like that family feel as I walked into the cafe I got straight away I believe you straight away with it I mean how can people get involved because like you say there's so many of you it's not just one person how can people get involved if they listen to some guy asked me I want to know how you they can contact someone who has social media they can come through the post people team they could contact anybody through there who does work they have community clubs we like to ask them like so that they can call in to the cafe you know they can sort of just you know maybe come up to caffeine say would like to go volunteer the farm just make contact Come say hello you know Nancy I'm told in the in the summer in the spring we had our gardening group running don't we we're kind of open for everything laugh group so that's about the recovery college that's every Thursday that's a drop in so we're trying to build the craft now more winter time is kind of stuff that they've been making recycled poppies out of plastic for the remembered stuff that problem Christmas stuff now on a Christmas presents for the queen who are residents because we've got Santa Gary and with the with therapy ponies on the 20th we are so excited about well I think you are thinking ponies to a daycare center yet we've done it 3 times that we work with cool care and Bluebird and we take the therapy so we take them in to see the ladies you know and ladies and gents and we take the more it through the place and and it's great for this next next on the 20th we've got some participants and we've got David. He's amazing he's one of our chaps from post people he's going to saying he's going to dress up as Santa we got other people are going to come and just enjoy the day with us and we've got I think something like 400 old folks to say so we're really excited busy busy day. And lesser t.v. Camera there so. That I am not going to be in front of it. You know coming snow coming so I think anyone who wants to kind of reach out to chaos and get involved a little parlay there is this does loads of different angles says you can come and volunteer your time if you've got time to give or you can just kind of give back and be part of the journey by coming up in support of a coming up a couple bring your friends up there to help me develop share a social media posts you know everyone can be part of the chaos journey and actually it so we've got we have a community fridge so we've got a lovely lady that comes down from central still to pick up things for the community fridge she's been coming for a few months Colette to Nikki So today she's come in and she has made these amazing bags says she knows we're going to go with the ponies to the old folks and she's made by She's made these little hand wraps that if you've got dementia put your hands in and there's lots of things to twiddle and she brought me in this box and she said this is for your event on the 20th much like what if I hadn't and she said when you could see the old people I was like actually you cannot like that's priceless somebody is done Yeah you know made them specifically and they are beautiful. Beautiful and I just did it on our own back and come in and said Now I want to make nice for 3 months not. Out so thank you Dickie for that also. That's our final question about chaos is a simple one why do you do it. Because there's a need and I think because we love what we do. Here it's all about love all of our love and I think. I think it's cliche but I think I'm going to echo what Bob says I've never had a job like this one and I generally don't know what's going to happen from one day to the next but we all do love it and at the end of the day we can say the impact is making however small or big it is to the people of color. Fantastic now you guys are going to stick around to play a game of I can't believe it's a thing and you 2 have no clue what is about which I love fans love the game after the game oh yeah so basically the premise is only when a charge. Not today about. It's their free products listed it's not products that it's things and 2 real and one is fake all you've got to do is tell me which ones to fake 180. 5 only had one person or people should I say to get 3 out of 3 everyone else oh no pressure no pressure everyone else even join the one point club or the 2 out of 3 ain't bad club but only one in 3 out of 3. Right when he Carolan where I don't know. So after this we'll play the 1st round of a can't believe it's a thing b.b.c. Radio call where our election candidates I held to account so no we want to talk about your policies we speak to every person standing in the 6 constituencies you haven't answered my question I ask again why so long how cool for election 29 to full coverage every day a break 1st lunch and drive time on b.b.c. Radio call. On b.b.c. One it's Elton John on Sun search I went to the bus from just where I got on the pounds out of the box from where I look back into the impressive career of Elton John I'd like to become a legend but I don't think I will be because they're so very very special here is honest conversation when I left home for the 1st time it was suddenly like unleashing the beast in this exclusive interview with me Graham Norton what was the industry reaction like nobody ever wrote about it in fact I think I chickened out because I was bisexual Elton John uncensored Thursday night at 9 on b.b.c. One. So we're here to baiting which one is better rocket man over here not city I mean I'm a. Because I am a big Queen fan and I love the human rights and every about it I think Rockingham might be beneficial I don't know because I only I saw both and I think as a feel good film Yeah but he also I think if you were die hard Elton fan you would have loved but from a I was a bit. Just a bit. There but I really want to see you're going to have to write ready for round one here we go. Tonight I can't believe it a thing is all about things named after celebrities. 3 items 2 are real it's your job to guess the fake one how symbols. I wish you the best of luck right here oh let's get on with it brown number one who knew that Lara Croft have a spider named after me Angelina Jolie joins stars like Bono and having a spider named after them what a world. Should be the Donald has a hairy spider named Do you think they were referencing his stylish new form I do. Robyn Williams minor planet their religion reactors skills were out of this world so it's only right there's a planet named after you don't you agree. Have a crack in my work I don't know which one but what about. Now you look puzzled. So there's a lot going on there isn't a lot going on and that's how we like it we like to just throw everything out so let me break it down for you you have 3 options here there are things named after celebrities and it's your job to just tell me which one isn't real so option a is a spider named after Angelina Jolie option b. Is a hairy spider named after Donald Trump option c. Is Robyn Williams has a minor planet named after. Now I'll give you time to write and we'll play a song I would open the lines of saving it wants to help you but is there any way you're leaning at the moment which one of those do you not think is what you think is not real for some reason in the back of my head I feel like Lara Croft and the spider a real I think there's something that I think you remember hearing that the other need a bit of help or do you. Want to triple 3 Start your message with the word call or you can tweet me as I am down to Pascoe or if you want to email me I'll pick it up Daniel dot Pascoe at b.b.c. Dr you can. illegible to. Some last time by the script would be the last time he had his song and I let it go it's a good one in that really good it's so good but I can't believe it's a thing we've had some deliberation. Quite a bit actually where you're living at the moment well I think it's b. And c. You think Donald Trump spiders not real Noakes I think when you think that you just think. That he's calling you yeah yeah Ok he's made it famous there are the options there are a Lara Croft with a spider named after her the Donald has a hairy spider named after him Robyn Williams minor planet which one of these do you think is fake chaos. Do we have to agree although I don't think the planet is fake. Ok what do you think you can all go with you know we're going to go. Tomorrow I'm going on here guys Ok here we go for a round. Robin Williams minor planet fake thing. To tell me the right is Donald Trump Harry. The. Coward. I told you fake news you cannot join the 3 out of 3 cover for you to get 2 out 3 bad so ready for round 2 yes that. Was. Proud of her to come on you can do it is it up should a fish parasite named after Bob Marley good question just go. Option b. The problem James is for he could slam dunk with the best of what's known from deep in the fog of war so naturally there's a frog named after the iconic n.b.a. Star. Told us in the Angus minor planet another minor planet why won't they name one after me I deserve it. Anyway a minor planet named after a former Arsenal manager Arsene Venga. Good heavens Crikey my word I don't know which one to what about. You'll notice if you've listened to me over the last. Couple of months star I've changed my posh voice over people quite a few times push voice over Lady unfortunately is travelling around the world for the time. And well frankly no one can find him so we've recruited posh voice over man number 2 so I will run out of posh voiceover people eventually but not yet. Is a fish parasite named after Bob Marley option b. Is Le Bron James his frog or a minor planet named after a star after passing Venga who's the former Arsenal manager chaos well at the moment yeah perhaps. I don't get it right. I think the Le Bron James is a real. So I'm going to go I think it's the planet because that was the break I think it's fake because I think it it was a what you called. Red red herring. For you. So play a track and I were open up the line to see if anyone wants to give you a bit of help because I feel like there's a conflict in this. Next time if they help you didn't tell us oh I'm sorry I'm sorry you want triple a 3 star your message for the world com or tweet me I am Daniel Pascoe the fish parasite named after Bob Marley fake is Le Bron James is frog fake always awesome Venga is mine a planet fake help chaos. Some By the killers I feel like I need to be stuck to it like a nightclub floor about 3 in the morning when I listen to the song should I get. A reflection of myself well round number 2 a fish parasite named. After Bob Marley Le Bron James is frog all awesome thing is mine the planet chaos in the studio. Where you live in which one of those isn't real. Thank you sure no. On this one I think it's the planet I'm going to let you decide some trouble yeah I'm just. Have agreement we do have a great final answer. Was Le Bron. James and. So is a fish parasite named after Bob Marley and there is a plan a minor one named after I asked him. If. He knew. That on the Internet. There's a British birthday present. I'll be over the 1000000. For my bad jokes we'll move on to round 3 ready. And the final round I know this is a road gritted named after Nicole Scherzinger who could resist the pardon the brittle will be used to spread salt on the roads when it snows so the name has a soul to twist. Simply. Option b. David Attenborough's lizard No that's not the type of shot you can buy from the nation's favorite make sure his story and broadcaster has a colorful lizard named after him what a tribute. For option c. Steven Seagal Sego Well it's just to go nothing to see here another pun based one of course those pesky little scientists anyway. Stephen see goals go. Thank you laugh in throughout all of just with think it will go down. You can do this you can do this I believe you can get a point I believe you can I really hope there's a sequel Christina been sick out but. The law upon base thing is you know I can. Stand there. So chaos your options are Road written named after Nicole Scherzinger complete. David Attenborough's lizard or Stephen cigars Siegel Where are we leaving chaos I think this Nicole Scherzinger is true because I seem to remember that they did quite a few with a funny name. So it's between sequels and on the Lizard. If you have been David I'm sorry. Do you reckon because I think it's got to be the Siegel. Well I'd rather. Write a bunch of books. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes Yes Wow Wow thank you thank you. Thank you we're. Back with the. USFS . Chefs. Thanks. Joe I never know how to say it but I love that song I love it I play it all the time so one of those ones that doesn't age I think you know it's. Classic. You heard it here 1st you hear me and I'm going to set it right chaos you can get a point I believe in you I do your options are you know I can't believe it's a thing I wrote named after Nicole Scherzinger option b. David Attenborough lizard or Stephen cigars Siegel which one of those is it real chaos Nathan is going to. Go out I know which one I think I've got to say you guys have worked a lot you know work together surprisingly well. Into our day after what I saw in round one I think we've come full circle I think grifter is real. So I think the Siegel fake because that's just silly and I think David Latimer such an icon he would have something named after him Do you agree Babs I'm going to go with you that's not why are you really going to write. Ok We're going to say no she's going to see girls yeah. Yes. I'm going to join the cover to one point the club where there are about a 1000 members because everyone seems to get stuck on the 1 point one you come back in and we'll get you up to the point we'll work on going to go next year you know what I came for that I know you're. Going to get Yeah. I'll bring your participation stickers and I'll give you a star each good to. Be so you don't have to watch Ok. So here we go chaos thank you so much for coming in last time how can people get involved Babs. If you reach out to us we've got to love to hear from you you can follow us across social media just search for chaos chaos group u.k. Across Facebook Twitter Instagram. Will Dockery u.k. Is the website and you give us a call 187 to $2.76 a lovely phone voice that's what you paid me to do. I'm going to pop up. Cafe chaos into calls right off their way around for a couple fantastic And finally what you got coming up just so people can just join in with kind of on the wind down for Chris the next week and we've got the launch for the recovery college on theft which is next Thursday everybody's welcome is an event right link free food there's the fire live music all sorts of things going on there and that's at 3 mile stone yet let me go to a Christmas party for partners volunteers everybody who kind of worked with and that's on the 19th and on the 14th week of massive community day where we've got the Syrian refugees cooking for the whole community that is going to be all some great so not much actually the wind down it was away. From the marketing manager himself your welcome was going on a show that sounds like solid much going on it's brilliant I love to come and see you guys again after pop up and definitely tell you when and welcome any time we have to get that score improved I'm afraid I don't want to even though. You know that thanks for having us has been a pretty little Hank you guys so that was Nathan and Babs from chaos fantastic people I love that that our flew by well after the knees we got notice after 93 nobody's bang is that will get you up and moving on this Tuesday night yes I know the day will work with getting there so after that I will also talk to James Ward from Tracy for the club about life off the pitch make sure you stick around after the news don't go anywhere Come on you need to want to. Thank. All of those radio stations on your radio slot speaker and on b.b.c. . B.b.c. Radio call. B.b.c. News at 9 on more on the Jeremy Corbyn has defended his party's record on tackling anti semitism after the chief rabbi. Urged voters to consider what he calls Labour's utterly inadequate response to anti Jewish racism Mr Corbin says there's no place whatsoever for and he semitism in the party he leads but Lib Dems leader Jo Swinson says the rabbi's comments raise serious concerns we should take very seriously the concerns of a community within our country that is genuinely feeling unsafe and think about what that says about our politics that that is because of the actions of the leader of a mainstream party and I hope that Jeremy Corben will reflect on this Meanwhile the Muslim Council of Britain has responded to the Chief Rabbi's comments by attacking what it calls the conservatives denial dismissal and deceit regarding Islamophobia the party insists it never tolerate any form of prejudice Today's the last day to register to vote in next month's general election Government figures show almost 3000000 people have applied to register in the last month alone with more than a 3rd of them under the age of $25.00 the deadline for registering to vote is midnight tonight a man who launched a frenzied knife attack at a railway station has pleaded guilty to 3 counts of attempted murder Madi Mohamed stepped in slashed at a couple and then attacked a police officer at Manchester's Victoria railway station on New Year's Eve Birmingham City Council has welcomed a permanent ban on protests outside a school against teaching which refers to l. G.b.t. Issues campaigners claim lessons about equality at Anderson Park Primary promote homosexuality the B.B.C.'s Phil Mackey says there is relief among school staff about the ban there were regular prices they went on almost every day sometimes in the a dozen or so people because usually several 100 people with Lad Halo shouted all kinds of things as children went into and out of school with their parents Birmingham City Council on behalf of the primary school sort of injunction earlier on this year it was granted a temporary one which effectively regulated those protests and move them further to . Why the un Environment Agency says current targets to cut carbon emissions for will fall short of what's required to of that disastrous climate change the annual report says the f. Is on course to experience a temperature rise of 3.2 degrees Celsius by the end of the century. The