Transcripts for BBC Radio Cornwall BBC Radio Cornwall 201910

BBC Radio Cornwall BBC Radio Cornwall October 29, 2019 140000

Sad she's stepping down she's been an exceptional employee you know looking for hospital support on it for this change she's taken some very tough roles in government you know being a disability minister is a very challenging Well she's always stepped up to the law for her constituents and also for the country you know it's a sad day for me today the secretary general of the Fire Brigades Union has said the grandfather far inquiry was completely back to front and should have looked into the deeper cools is if the fire fast track was speaking off to sections of the inquiry report into the disaster were leaked ahead of its publication tomorrow it found serious shortcomings in the way the London Fire Brigade responded to the fire Mr rocks at the flammable cladding had turned Grunfeld how into a death trap by the time firefighters had arrived. One of 2 British tourists who's been seriously injured in a shark attack for in Australia is from Devon 22 year old Danny Max from Plymouth was swimming with a friend in Queensland Mr Max has serious leg Waynes and his friends lost a foot both is said to be in a stable condition in hospital Tracey Eastwick from Queensland Ambulance Service gave more details it is understood that the 2 patients were on a day crazy Ellie Bates and I was snorkeling at the time. Both patients are mild varying types in their twenty's. Believed to be British backpackers visiting the area. One of them our patients was attacked 1st in the shock is believed to return and come back and talk the 2nd patient the landscape and the economy of Coolmore could be under threat according to be farmers who say the historically low price for their cattle could drive them out of business some farmers say they're losing thousands of pounds because the price of beef has been falling in recent months Martin Howlett has a beef had an accounting to him and says it's not just his industry that could suffer additional family farm is the backbone of the West Country and so much that what we produce hopefully will turn a profit that money's been spent in the local economy and it doesn't matter where you are the feed merchant the machinery repair. You have families to look after your money in turn to spend like change and the whole world economy revolves around farming on world straight day a survey has found always Hoff of strike survivors in the south west feel they haven't received enough support after leaving hospital Kellyanne rattly from southeast Como had a stroke when she was just 7 now 50 she says doctors then didn't have much experience of the effects of strokes on children my parents were I didn't comply and I was just sent home 6 weeks later with a very disabled girl and there was no help. There is no rehab they say that the only reason I survived was because I saw you there for a rematch itself so quickly a memorial to 4 am and who died in a helicopter crash on the coast of Coolmore in 1974 has been restored by personnel from cold raids the wooden cross was retrieved from a cliff side neck of rock after it's believed it was taken from its position at beagle point and thrown down the slope it remembers the accident 45 years ago when a cold or a seeking helicopter crashed just feet from the top of the cliff and burst into flames all full crew were killed weather now and it'll be cloudy and breezy with outbreaks of rain that will be occasionally heavy maximum temperature of 12 Celsius that's 54 Fahrenheit times of the next high water this evening in Padstow at 7 minutes past 6 and in film with at 6. Easy radio Coolmore travel between the Transvaal roundabout on the counting roundabout the I 39 has fully reopened after an earlier fold tree a blocked the road only a 33 ms downs junction with the lane closures in both directions last year to ongoing rope works quite slow traffic both ways there the soft name in Sanaa lives you got reports back road is flooded driver should approach that area kept and their families we've got reports on main ports road near parents mill farm there's a fallen tree no major problems reported out the airports on the trains are present bus service is running between Yuki amp hour past due to truck solder pads traffic moving well on the time our bridges we've got around a 15 minute wait which a ferry is running between to a point and Devonport our staircase and if you were to travel story we're not talking about call b.b.c. Radio com on our h o h 103 not b.b.c. Radio call in Haiti. Well now hold on the 108-081-0103 extension 9 cool b.b.c. Radio Coolmore the free oh wait wait 100. 1839 text 81 triple 3 starting your message with the word sex b.b.c. Radio one on Twitter and Facebook. Age brings wisdom as father often said Marry in haste repent at leisure I should listen and says Zack and found this. Zac you're not making any friends today either you are you're in serious bother if you're not entirely careful make it 9 minutes past 2 o'clock and on the line talking about our over sixty's thing is Trevor from Qana downs Hello Trevor Oh good morning hour or good afternoon snip it is good afternoon it's Martin here are you doing all right we are morning thanks yeah good man you moved to Brittany what age were you when you moved to Brittany I was 65 and why did you move to Brittany Well we was in a time or livin for 40 years just one of the change me and my wife and children all got up and gone yeah. And she was our mother a painter always one of the barn to paint in. Cornwall you couldn't afford nothing like that so that's why we went and what was life over there how many. And what was life like in Britain the for an English couple from the wonderful really I was in a Larry just 3 I was a number 2 miles around and it was 'd lovely and my wife was into interior design so we done this farmhouse all up and it was really lovely How was your French. Baguettes who cared. And was that it is that it was better Yeah but sadly to say that you had cancer. And we sold out and come home and you know yeah. Because you love to call more than she passed away 6 years ago so. Combine the Ask your feeling because when it's actually on your own and you're in your sixty's and coming on for 70 is a lot of people just then a mope you know. She wouldn't want to be to do that so. I went there a gentleman come to me and said to me would you like to listen to a choir sit in and listen and I did and I joined the choir I was with them for 6 years and now I've moved on to another choir I just say better ice Machon much more friendly like you know it's a lovely community you know you go there and have a bit of chat with them and it's it's good if you want to mope when you're old age that's the end of what age are you Trevor if you don't mind me asking now I'm 79 so you get none in years now I've just spent to Japan you've been you didn't go to the Rugby World Cup I went to the Rugby World Cup Yes Wow my own on your own on my own yes I had a poor range and then I arranged for tickets from the Rugby Football Union and I had tickets for Argentina England Yeah which I did say in Tokyo stadium. Wonderful wonderful atmosphere and the Japanese Well they were really lovely they couldn't they couldn't do enough for all of all our supporters wonderful Now I've been told that Japan is not the place for Western that to wander around on their own because a lot of Japanese simply don't speak English and there aren't a lot of English signs around is that true you know I didn't find a toll now I got lost one day on Tokyo station with 2000 people in the rain and I went in the station there. In the queue I was in there was a lady with a sign on her client anguish spoken speaking so I went up to her and said what can happen if you put me right tell me where to go. And I call the bullet train back where I want to go. Wonderful wonderful Do you feel 79 Driver No I think the new 86 day. Oh you mean the new 60 is 80. I'm in the study and Squire now and I look forward tonight we're up there some of the night so I know anybody youngsters out there like my age would like to chill in a nice friendly choir you would not know bother them since. Practice every. Every Tuesday night at $730.00 the stadiums chapel and Anymore we got 40 of us there now but a few more without like especially a few youngsters they don't seem to want to do these things like you know when I think that's I've lived in Comal for nearly 20 years now and that's always been what people in Crimea say but they people still come along and join Yes I wished I'd joined years ago like you know that was done a lovely lovely thing but. I doubt it'll push on appreciate that but. Yeah I think people would like I said sit down I'm old my wife wouldn't want me here so that they are not my own so I've been to went to New Zealand for the line Storen 2017 on my own I went to Vietnam on the same year on my own I've been to Dubai and I'm older now to go to Lyons tor in South Africa in 2021 yes I've heard about that of course they're playing the Rugby Sevens in Cape Town in 2022 I think so yeah yeah you make plans for when in the town go to the head it's nice to have got there and I'm able at the moment I've got prostate cancer but you mustn't leave things like that to keep you back you know you must say right every day is a place of absolutes while I think it is you know but I did well I know that you came back did you come back because your wife was unwell you did Ok. What if the best treatment you could add it was like private treatment in France Yeah but it's nothing like over here I'm awful to say that it is but over there for the chemo she went in those room on her own I wouldn't I wouldn't there for 3 hours the nurse out of Moscow on gloves on. Wonderful wonderful treatment in the car park and there in the big ole spittle or she was having treatment to help 2500 cars and nobody pay. It's amazing one person pays for the car and has a beautiful car parlayed a right you know and because and because of you had I'm sure easy concept you have your own insurance as well health insurance you take your own private insurance was reached between us was 50 pounds a month but when you have a prescription you know you put that and that is paid back into your account anything you pay on insurance card is paid by into your account and that we each month it's amazing so the system works it does we're told there include all spittles are called Poly clinics punkin so you treat all different things in different departments in this one all spittle mazing and Janet was waiting here for 4 years for a hip replacement in the u.k. Yes we had over there when we booked them with a doctor would. Help us and she asked this is there anything that you want to tell me about anything and I said all Janet is waiting for a new way I said but you've been waiting for your research she want you mean any of you can preserve that or take to the also battling dying come when we both passed and we went in the receptionist saw their name on a register someone the lady said go around the corner and I have. X. Ray out an x. Ray come out the receptionist said go around to the other side. And talk to Secretary of the consultant this is all most if I die are there and she made an appointment 1st for the day after to see the consultant. We went there and the x. Ray showed he said you're in a lot of pain this is all and when would you like deliberation I say but it was afternoon he said Why not tomorrow morning this is only 2 weeks after being in front of my no yes yes we was livin in a shape when the builders were still in our house up I'm that's where she had our operation within 2 weeks she had a new hemp and within a year they'd done the other one as well. Glory be Trevor for goodness sake you know we don't 4 years here just saying all next week next week you know and he went through a lot of pain with the writers and there was terrible when you see it on the x. Ray would you never go back and live in Britain again then oh I love the older I like the Janet I thank you live I like the peace and quiet. Like a lot more company like you know yeah so when the children color it was lovely but through tears when they all went back yes I'm absolutely sure that once I listen it's lovely speaking to you Trevor really really. Well now Lawrence has been in hospital he's had a little operation he's back at home and we're hoping he'll be well in a couple of weeks it all depends really you know you know what recovery is like yeah well his age is there to win yeah his age is obviously obviously playing against him this is not to be careful what I say because I'm older than a lot. Of very careful Lauriston a wonderful job writer call I suppose lots and lots of times yeah he's a good life help me actually when. My wife passed away so. I will pass the message on Trevor thank you very much Trevor and Connor down there what an amazing story so you go to the doctor in the morning the doctor says here's a letter of introduction you go to the poly poly poly but poly what polyclinic a colleague clinically clanky can go in Britain if you've been nice place up so you go in and they say I'll go around the there and then around the going to have the x. Ray you go back to receptionist go around the corner and see the secretary to the to the consultant or Terry at Secretary and and and the next day for the operation amazing and you're paying 50 pounds a month but yeah France does pay slightly more than Britain per head for health care but something for him I Shinjuku station fact Shinjuku station and that's just totally. Tokyo yes I've been there I mean it's amazing it is used by 3640000 people a day and you could see over the heads of most of them couldn't you because you're quite tall it is fair to say it says the world's busiest transport hub it's got 36 platforms and underground al Qaeda member that above ground numerous ways to get this I'll just meet you by the 2 actually and you can station lots in which one there's 200. 200 exit so you better be careful what you do what you say to make it 90 minutes past or you wouldn't be you would be at 90 minutes to it's b.b.c. Radio call I Monson in Florence. Consequence. I'll take somebody who is a constant Brenda is not an ag you know Nikon's life how do you fancy another election are no no no I think. Oh for God's sake I can't I can't stand this there's too much politics going on it is their brand I'm not entirely sure that Frank would necessarily agree with that hello Frank no more annoyed I am franking Constantine Do you agree there's too much politics going on at the moment well I've got to be honest who I love what you do. At the moment I think it's a very exciting point to look through and I think it will be there will be recorded in the history books I don't quite know but I'll be interested only important point in the lives of our country at the moment can I just say that I couldn't agree with you more I find myself sitting watching the news sometimes at night or late in the evening or watching something like Question Time or whatever and I think to myself people are going to look but they don't write history books about this and think well I'll stop watching question point why did you stop watching question to list this probable biased in what way do you. See how in what way is it bias do you think well I didn't come on to talk about this but because I want to talk about something else but God but. Also. You have a well stop listening to the news as well and I know scores of people who have. Told me stop. Stuff you haven't told me how you think it's biased in what way do you think it. Was sort of the same goes 6 contestants question point 6 contestants to. This is a game show for foreign. Language tools reminders. Normally 1st I came across a perception throughout the country that there are more leavers than there are. Minors and there are even worse. Well so I'm also they seem to give very many in the small talk on the net the fact that it was a soon as they start to say they want to attract a lot I'm going to go further in the mornings is absolutely terrible tumble I'm glad you're not listening to Radio 4 in the morning you can listen to b.b.c. Radio Como Frank I listen to read your phone listen to it learn about it all and put a value on when I go to bed as a woman like Ok All right yes so what are your concerns about the election because if you're looking forward to it and you think that this is now an exciting time are you are you confused all worried about how you should vote for me once. I am and I hope this dream too but also say to people if you want to get a true picture listen to You Tube You'll pick up a lot better information than you will with any of the other medias do you think yes definitely definitely but. Then Limbaugh's agreement is quite well known actually because we've tried the other way spoke put in this year border then through the always say customer friendly after the games the world and said we wouldn't do this and I have I'm one of the big things so many years and I'm not a fisherman but some of the prettiest fishing industry like all this time of war they're going to give access to a new tool a fishing waters after all that's been going on so that the tribal lewdly. You know stuff control over the British taxation people don't know that I'm also a foreign policy they'll still have control over foreign policy are you talking about the transition period or are you talking about after we fully withdraw this is a period that will I'm a transition period it can only be the transition period because once you've left if you've left then they can have control over your foreign policy the terms of the marvelous Modern Art of the document but I listen to what they're saying but Michel Barnier said this week that it would take 33 years or more to. Set up the free trade deal yes. He said that yes. The deal was to be the cutoff was to be $39000000000.00 but we've paid in money since I also know it will be $32000000000.00 yes pie top of the torment transition probably comes through would have to pay 65000000000 or more. To make. A good deal but what I wanted to say was I want to they want to do it without being too negative was yeah I wanted to give you protection about what the the outcome of the election quite polite about this but my prediction is that the labor Yes little I'm teatime across party Yes I'm a conservative party and they get the biggest kick in politically that they've ever had by far the electorate now but how are they going to get the kicking I think the other to put a little empty Democratic Party because they've gone against the will of the people the Labor Party because ultimately the will of the people polled in the Conservatives. All going to come to the right we're able to memorize a purple election or not go out I think we can all say that we can all say that. Look closely watch. What's going to be after this problem if the Lib Dems Labor and the Tories are all going to get a kick in who's going to be kicking them well the sponsors. Who are going to vote for if you don't vote for them on the back so I think the party Well I'm going to vote back so I think Ok you see let's let's let's deal with facts here a moment you know you said that you know you said that Question Time was biased do you know how many times the unelected the unelected politician Nigel for Raj who represents represents nobody in the house of parliament in the u.k. Germany times he's been on Question Time. Probably. Doesn't want 33 times he's been on question and he did he is not he does not hold a parliamentary seat neither does his party. Politicians. Politicians. But he's a politician whose party has never won a parliamentary seat. And he's been on Question Time 33 times. But when he was put up for. I think at this time it yes it was I think the. Other part it was about spending too much money. He had n

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