Transcripts for BBC Radio Cambridgeshire BBC Radio Cambridge

BBC Radio Cambridgeshire BBC Radio Cambridgeshire February 3, 2020 040000

People convicted of terrorist offenses in response to yesterday's stabbing in Stratham in south London a 20 year old man as to Desha a man was released from prison only last month after serving half of his jail term yesterday he stabbed 2 passers by in the street before being shot dead by armed police officers who had him under surveillance our Home Affairs Correspondent Daniel Sanford says bringing in tougher sentences for new offenders won't make a difference to those who are already behind bars I think it will be quite difficult for them to change the sentence for people who are already in prison but I think what they certainly be able to step up surveillance and maybe make their license conditions on which people are released from prison out of this automatic early release so strict but essentially they are still very much incarcerated you can't do much more than what was being done with this particular suspect who was being followed by police officers carrying handguns overnight police have revealed that officers from the Metropolitan police and police of Terrorism Command have searched 2 homes one in south London and the other in Bishop's Stortford in Hartford cheer no arrests have been made. Boris Johnson will today underline his opposition to e.u. Demands for the u.k. To follow rules made in Brussels as part of approach BRICs it trade deal addressing business leaders and ambassadors in London he will give notice where that he could would prefer a deal to the time the e.u. Has with calender. Prince William has said it simply simply can't be right that all 20 of the acting nominees at last night's Bafta awards will want speaking as the organizations president he stressed a review was being carried out to make sure the opportunities are available for everyone the acting prizes went to Renee Zellweger for duty Brad Pitt for Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and Laura Dern for a marriage story but it was the 1st World War epic 917 that took home the most towards the film star George McKay was part of the team that collected the 7th and final award of the night the best films I think it's a really wonderful feeling you know that sense of alignment and that's what we were going for every day with this film there was never a leader element in terms of any department or anything other than the story and the shot that we were trying to get so we'd like to share this with every single member of the crew and that same who gave their time and themselves to the projects and the whole process in the film itself is this is a lesson in the goodness that can come in and go to something that's bigger than yourself well well done to him in the biggest night of the year if the American football the Super Bowl has been one for the 1st time in 50 years by the Kansas City Chiefs they beat the San Francisco 49 ers by a 31 points to 20 so if you're up late watching that then yeah you might be up still and enjoying the well the game that it was if you were exciting your weather for today mostly dry with a mixture of bright or sunny spells for our regional forecast for the east of England. And of her out what he was on the b.b.c. The Federation ship of fools was not your choice for this morning if it was a happy joy to we'll have a brand new one tomorrow let's go through it got for the week show way so today you've had a raise or Ship of Fools tomorrow you've got the mountain gun ship you've got on Wednesday it ha a yellow ribbon by Dawn you've got Thursday you've got Art Garfunkel Brighteyes nice and on Friday you've got Elvis mystery trying now lots of people always say we never get enough Elvis on the writers and Friday will be all day we've also got your 4 song choices to choose from this morning and your initials last week's Friday's initials if you missed them it was d c It was jewel citizenship so if you got one well done we can have a brand new day or Kaline point to ponder all after we've spoken to our posting pattern quarter past 5 as we normally do it's all completely the same as poly so hopeful is well with you in life is good I had a lovely Well I had a funny Christmas read it was a bit weird. Everyone was ill I was everyone in January has just been ill in my family so in my opinion 2020 can control alt delete and then just start all over again and will be Ok going to go through your news locally as well for the region to thank you for your e-mails and your messages I'll give you a little shout as to how you can get in touch very soon and play your 4 song choices of the morning for you to vote for to play before the 5 o'clock news. Guess. What was was was was serious issue had. Get us get. To have us. was get us. You have a question was. Question was Was was. Was was. Was was. Was. Was. Was. Was. Angel Eyes very good morning to you it's 4 o'clock on Monday the 3rd of February 2020 I don't know about you but didn't January just ban all known all not all known on and on us where we got to like the 70 seconds of the 72nd of January we had about 8 weekends I just went on and on very pleased to say February I must say right so we get your 4 song choices of the morning on Ok. Just. The Beatles number one health. Was. Was Duran Duran's save a crash. The long song. But it is a happy and. After moving stage of. Front of our house rescue. I was approaching this night what he finds out of those 4th and how are you going to get in touch today right you can pick up the phone give us a call I'll give you the number in a moment or you can text me 81 triples for a start you message with the word Wally as you would normally use standard message rates to apply to that one though you can ping me an e-mail on that dot pyro at b.b.c. Dock u.k. That's p. E. Double our double t. Attach a picture of your pet if you like because I love my cats and dogs hamsters can be pigs whatever that's fine or you can pick up the phone his number is free to call. Call 080859596. from a day or a roach for time like that song is good as in that no more coming up to 20 minutes past full if you're getting up and getting ready for the rest of the day morning and well come out like Song number one yet that is for all. Son of self I think if you mess it's nice to hear from you. Oh nice to have you on the Rage Against the hey well that's kind of a good Christmas and New Year's Day I'll go for number 4 that's in the lovely Gina into. As for thank you Gina nice to be back with you and get Am I going for number 2 please that's from Mick in. In Peterborough thanking you and where else are we going to today all we've got Mary lovely Mary in Ipswich morning and a welcome back. Caregiver some number 2 please yes or she can do the list is building I'll go through some e-mails in a bit. And I also need to as it's now 20 past 4 need to do our initials for today don't I so the initials are p b p b right there's a close what p.b. Could be an instruction or costly communication. What pay big could be an instruction or a costly communication if you're the 1st one to get it this morning then you get the fam fat and all that's very exciting if I found fasting in the morning I'll be delighted to move feel smug of the rest of the day do an awful lot for my well being so if you would like to win than you can one triple 3 Start your message with the word Wally you can call as well or you can ping me on a dot pair o. B.b.c. To kowtow u.k. What p.b. Could be an instruction or a costly communication what do we think. Is a nice and quickly. We got to let the marching band go sue me so Cindy little time after time. With bring off into the distance morning. Hope all's well with you then I hope you know everything's good timing a little bit of a stretch actually this is that time in the morning we think. Slouching not doing very well in terms of getting a good frame this morning said but to that part of stretching in the next song just to keep you informed of what's going on and we haven't had anyone get our initials yet which is a little bit annoying as I said the military band are waiting to where to vamoose and head off so what p.b. Bravo could be an instruction or a costly communication Ok keep thinking on that one let's get to some of the phone calls Leslie in Corsten lovely to hear from you she is pleased as punch with her brand new knee which which is wonderful news and she's wondering. Well she's going to keep us up to date with her little dog Boris who's who's pulled a muscle bless him so what we'll hear about bars tomorrow so you're voting for number 4 thank you very much that Lesley Cyril in Woodbridge going for number one morning Cyril jaw been cut and some baby almost had beef they're not beef but beet sugar baked in the sugar Peter De Vries is a good he's a good sausage we love George so voting for number one Rosemary in crime I go for number 4 lovely to hear from you John and wearing to going from number one and one John to going from one. He says is p.b. Personal best who it's not done sorry it's not let's have a look at the me e-mails that have been coming in on Dot a pair o. B.b.c. Doc u.k. Morning our house Fergus your dog Our Thank you Crystal My dog has been wanting to know please and the picture of crystal having a little bit of a snooze on the sofa a little blanky helpless thank you very much to have Devon crystal of culturist Well Fergus is doing really well as he may or may remember he had canine meningitis last year and in September and you are with me for a lot of it and you're so me through it the poor little dog when he was in the vet staying over and I was also doing or leasing covering for Wally as well and we got through that together didn't way you were absolutely wonderful and everyone's asking how he was in the us so current So thank you to one for that and he's doing really really well he's off his steroids he's no longer on any medication or anything we're going to fix him up to a joint care plan to look after his joints in bits and pieces so yes thank you he's doing wonderfully well in fact he did a short dog run at the weekend Fido's frenzy over thick thorny need to have the sit in Norfolk and a lovely time meeting up with all of his dog you friends and running round here he did the smaller one the smaller price he needed 5 k. But he was wonderful he did ever so well so thank you for that that's very very nice morning radio tart. Although the courtesy lasted all of 2 minutes didn't the. Lovely to hear the voice of the girl with a gurgle for a giggle once again go for number one today I'll bell you as per That's from platform Pat thank you platform Pat That's great number one for you your life in non. Morning on a nice to wake up with you again the morning choice number one for me please Yep that's from Gary the oddly woodpecker thanking you morning great to have you back hope you and all the listeners haven't had a great weekend can I go for number 3 yes cause she can of I've had such a crush on Avril when I was younger our market. For that is a joke not knock who's there Justin Justin who just in time for my dinner. Cheesy but I like a morning on a number 4 for me placed certainly welcome back I've got my ticket to sundering in flower show in July already we've all in it switches and nothing of a lovely time morning from a rather breezy which I bet is I choose the Beatles that's from Ruth aka the little picking Lady Ruth you're a star Thank you you certainly can choose the Beatles when out in front of the moaning of the moaning at the moment good morning i love you to you again I hope you are super birthday I did thank you this is a picture of me my husband Mike and George snuggled up on the sofa great selection today number 3 for me that's Fiona in Ipswich you have a safe walk to work Fiona if you had the in today and all phones having a caudal with the dog George is so sweet bless you hi and a Great to have you back on the radio politically pretty please can I go for number 2 yes of course the keyboard synth is fantastic that is from straight jacket Dean Yes Number 2 for you are so many messages coming keep coming in all what I just seen or you the 1st person on I'm going to marvel no that's not right let's have a look who Martin hang on a minute. You Need a bit of help on a Monday morning. The beta hand was cracked by out was aoa Duran Duran number today and. If you need a wake up call alpha living in someone number 3. I'm . Told this little class of one of. Its a good chin a snap unlike a rescue May So here's are going to be out of those for you for song choices of the day the winner not the winner the winner will be played before 5 o'clock and the runner up will go into the runners up enclosure for Friday and we'll put pictures out of those so if you want to make a choice of those 4 you can. Call 080859596 . Something I guess is coming through are pretty good I'm liking these well done to Barbara who's called up from quite like a really nice day for me Bob's 1st time of called in and she has got to pay big so she's feeling very smug today and can wander around feeling rather wonderful fabulous so nice one thank you so much Barbara years star Doug instant opens you've got it as well voting for number 3 this morning Jacqueline's and all buttons is a push button Oh no it's not no Jacqueline sorry about that keep thinkin though and she's voting for number 4 as well have a good day from last off voting for number one morning Dave lovely to hear you on the radio you radio talk. Art from doing Jacko thank you very much I think for number one there we're here there and everywhere that's one as radio talk as I'm not really fixed to one station I'm just sort of everywhere like a mad person here we are hiring a number for place that's from rolls your vote is counted Ross thank you and Dia and Jackie you have got p b clever thing. Again is it yes my computer print it is that wonderful woman joining this so who else if we got on the e-mails Oh my goodness there are lots of morning Anna welcome to February what happened to January what you mean what happened to January it was like a mammoth month that never ended it when all and all and all and I've never seen anything like it welcome it's the 84th day of January or just didn't stop so yeah I can't a comic group see that column I'm sorry I can't. You're so you're voting for number 2 they out thank you for your methods a really nice to hear from you. Hello and it's technical Bobbie from Melbourne are nice to hear from you used to work greater in north that's nice to hear from you hope you're well have a great show whilst one is on a Break Music Choice number one plays does this mean technical Bobby if anything goes wrong here I can rely on you. To come on and. Enclosed is a picture picture one of our 2 Boxer dogs it's Lulu and Coco thanks very much our thank you so much for that let's have a look all Gore jurors are now did you get them when you were out there or did you take them with you if so how was the travel was everything Ok with the passports and things I always find that fascinating when people move their animals around I think it's wonderful blessing that absolutely gorgeous thank you for that high honor is Jenin with give help and readers Welcome back to the early hours it's Book Club this morning and of not not finished the book but it's a bit too wordy and philosophical for me number one please I suggest what you do. That is why I would have a book club would be to to google a few reviews and then just come out with a few. Which is cheating I know technically but I mean you know you've made an effort to have a good picture of whiskey on that as well as a blurry whisky we'd like whiskey and could it be public broadcast call and it's not I'm sorry keep your guesses coming in e-mails on a b.b.c. U.k. We've got loads of messages still coming in we'll get to them after the competitor which Mike. Oh that's nice one and George Michael this is how you really and I would do like that I have heard it before but you know you don't hear something for a while and then you won't have very much so Trish voting for number 4 thank you for your call very busy on the phones today thank you for your nice messages and Derek in Luton going for number 4 as well is going to be a close one you know it really is morning on it are your initials Yes they are that's number 4 for me please Yep Matt formally from Great Yarmouth thank you very much. Good morning and I welcome back number 2 please that's from Rob the cleaner in Milton Keynes doing a great job thank you for that and Jeff in South Bend choosing number for says Welcome back thank you very much and. So your vote is on there. On the e-mails or I'm catching up slowly with e-mails I'm getting there Ok Welcome back hope you are you have a great week could you ask post if the chroma crab boat the Richard Williams is there on the station or do the crew have to crawl back into their shells till the spring or we'll ask him when he's on some number for place that's from Adrian May Thank you Adrian and oh yeah we got morning Ana just testing of I've got the correct email address so in Hemel you have. Morning Mist giggles great to have you back cannot choose number one yes you can is p b o or 3 in Bury you got so you star and Sue in Hemel also voting for number 4 thank you for that so. High on a Welcome back to for all of number 4 today please oh. This is going to be close you guys this is going to be close just back from a weekend of dog shows with Kepler and Faraday ferret I just had a weekend break didn't win anything but kept select both days which gives her another 5 points towards her grand champion title she's also got best breed of handled both days so she's now up to $45.00 points in this year's competition out of her she's only managed 50 points in the whole of last year's competition so she's on course to beat that was Star of attached a couple of pictures of Faraday doing a fast count run last month on the last of a look around and such cool just dogs enormous things they are lovely thank you for that San Francisco Bay save on the hype all life is good with you too and yeah I sort of could catch up on what's going on I'll play you for the last time you for song choices he got. The Beatles to rescue. Was number one. Choice number 2. Darren Darren Duran Duran. Number 3 I'm full of thing. It's very close between the Sam's number one rescue me for the bass was going to Bass what would you like out of those 481 triple 3 star a message with Wally You can also pick up the phone have a chat with me to all you can ping is an email an adopt b.b.c. Doc u.k. Now is going to run through a couple of nice stories for you and we had to well there's a surprise visit to. To the to the region rag and bone man surprises $600.00 calls to go is at the weekend. In Norfolk so he just was the mystery guest gig lineup of local bands and artists as lovely pictures of hip hop blues men turned up at the ocean room in Gholston on say as a favor hit is Father Tony Graham who lives in the Norfolk town which is nice this is a very played in such small venues these days but like them because they're ones where grass roots music actually happens so he forms 3 new songs and some of his hits including 2017 skin so that's great people really enjoyed it lots of really nice pictures and photos being taken and those people enjoyed that so we want to play one really should all have a look and see what we've got don't tell anyone will you if you're not going to just randomly pick me sick Well they say that but you know it's before 6 will be Ok so why should we have so we just we have all I don't know what to do now. Like this one this is still a good one are all lost it's loading up just a link in with that story. I thought we could play that for us today he just has to celebrate the fact that it was there we'll have a look at your latest news at 5 o'clock as well from the b.b.c. And to pollute more some lo

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