Card image cap

By more than 145000 people from different backgrounds and beliefs and welcome everyone readings Oracle shopping center where the U.K.'s 1st chick fil a is says its proud to be inclusive with the hours ticking away before a crucial e.u. Summit tomorrow British and the e.u. Officials have resumed Bracks it talks last night damning street said progress had been made the government has also had discussions with conservative Bracks it is and leaders of the Democratic Unionists referring to the Bracks it is description of themselves as Spartans the former Bracks it Secretary David Davis said they'd have to think carefully whether signing up to a deal was in the U.K.'s best interests the Spartans based on the idea of some opera are the great battle over the future as a civilization as I of Inside the spot was lost that battle or we're in this for a win and that's what I think will get I will get a win for Britain and for the knowledge and eventually for Europe you know many regulars here the parents of Harry Dunn who died in a road crash involving an American diplomats wife in Northamptonshire have met Donald Trump at the White House Harry died 6 weeks ago when his motorcycle collided with a car Charlotte Charles and Tim Dunn hope to persuade American officials to send and secure less back to the u.k. To be questioned by British police what they weren't expecting was for her to be in the White House in the next room Tim Dunn says they turned down the opportunity to meet her we said no because as we've been saying for we want to meet. We want to do it in the u.k. So the police can interview her we don't want to be sort of rodent on our circus or such but into a meeting that we were prepared for Dunn's parents said President Trump was sympathetic but that an adviser told the Mrs the secure list would not be returning to Britain a man's died after he was hit by a van in either Heath nestlé now the 31 year old was walking towards Bridge Road last Friday night when he was hit police say he died in hospital his family has been told. And after a pilot this year taxi fares from Royal Ascot to going to increase by 50 percent during race week it's to help cab drivers with what they call Night Magic It means a fare from the racecourse to Windsor will increase by more than 10 pounds taxi drivers had complained to the council about how long journeys take during while Ascot b.b.c. Radio with them to Peter Brookes it news Laura Coons Berg is reporting that she's hearing the chances of a deal being struck with the e.u. Are shrinking negotiators a continuing in the hope of getting something done last minute there has been progress but no one sounds that optimistic anyway we'll keep you in touch during the day see what happens 5 past 9 it's the entry preacher. And the. Bridgette scope of forecasts morning break just have a heavy downpour here in the hall of writing you probably got some rain where you are will disappear by the afternoon leaving some sunny spells you talk temperature is 15 degree Celsius 59 in Fahrenheit lovely stuff let's get the road news from around the year still some really heavy spots as well the m 25 is one to avoid we've got a clockwise queue of about 9 miles from Junction 14 for Heathrow right up to well past junction 16 for the m 40 that's after an earlier accident just need to Chalfont viaduct has been cleared and all lanes reopened but it's really really heavy on the whole stretch a 4 I 4 still really heavy going up the handy cross for about the last 2 miles on the northbound a full road for coming into reading through cow courts on the a 4 very heavy pass Prospect Park still this morning and on to Barclay Avenue and $33.00 around Rosko lane there will be only a car transporter that has now moved but that's what circles all of that this morning the good news is not too bad at the moment through those roadworks on the some seats roundabout brilliantly still a bit heavy coming down from shepherd so roundabout and coming in that way from some direction inbound coming out beyond out of red. Still heavy on King's Road and coming out 370 junction but at least it's the only thing All right thank you very much indeed man of the sales for us Mark Bowen has denied any involvement in the sacking of his previous Gomez he's now in the Reading team for Saturday's game I didn't Preston and we are here in new markets Sasha Tolbert to get underway in an hour that we are inside now in New York. Is exciting I'm waiting to see the fast horse coming and you'll be Lady and then people will be beating the millions to to say probably just under the 1000000 but still a lot of money you know we're going to bring you a horse I'm not so sure there's inspection Ask going on right now because champions day on Saturdays in danger of being canceled lots of loss along parts of the course and more rain forecast to fall in the next few days are chance of Champions Day and ask it could be camps and more. For you. This is the man everyone wants to talk to this morning this is Simon the guy who found the wallet and found him in genius way of returning the wallet to its owner but he's in every newspaper has got the whole country talking this morning so I don't buy for Good morning good morning great to have you on the show thank you very much indeed for joining us so for people who are new to this tell me about finding the wallet. Oh yeah yes just like. 2 days ago now. And but this well in the middle of. It clearly been run over a few times looking very sad. To. Put. A look inside. Tried to figure out if there was any information I could use to maybe track down the owner to the obvious one with that was out there was some idea in there so I had the guy's name right what was it the wallet complain more because we've been taking calls we have people who found you know wallets and leather bags with thousands of pounds in all sorts of things are different versions of what was in this one. There was no cash there was just the guy's residency permit Charlie and he's he's living here temporarily So is that was id and then. A bunch of bank cards there about 4 bank cards and that was it was one of those very slim kind of wallet so I had pretty limited information basically. Yeah so you've got the guy's bank card and you know what people would worry about the last the wall is a one way using their bank card especially with contactless payment you can buy all sorts with it but what you did was use the bank card to give the owner money. Yeah well I had a quick look for him and face that he is named Jim Cameron and that's actually a fairly common name yeah doubt I can find him trawling through Facebook so I still put in my pocket when I think about it and. Yes or that look at me that when you send someone money you can leave like a little reference you're like restricted in character or whatever so yeah then they got 4 p. Through 11 for one p. Transactions and with my details. And it all worked out really well I wasn't expecting to get responses then that it came out shortly afterwards and yeah that was so you're using you're transferring money into his account and the idea is to use the reference that will then appear on the guy's bank statement to communicate that you've got his wallet and here's how he can get in touch with you how did he respond to that so quickly because I can tell you if you were trying to communicate with me Vama bank statement the chances are I'd never read it at all and I certainly want to see it for about 3 months yeah thing is I guess that guy just lost it well it's somewhat natural to have a look at your bank see if anyone spending your money on that I suppose yeah. So probably that's what happened he he had a look anyway and we were both lucky enough that he happened see the transaction Yeah and we had a lot of calls with different stories this morning all of whom say you get such a lovely warm fuzzy feeling when you help someone especially if it works there's a sort of excitement of your idea your detective work of being paid off that's fun but also you know you've given in this thing about which are the ones who probably never happened. Yeah yeah it's wonderful and I mean all this stuff with no value to me nothing to you know I wouldn't take it well if I lost my well integrated one with stuff that you know means a lot to me but you know I don't want someone to try and return it at the same thing so I hope for someone else to do so so last question Simon this is a bit weird isn't it because you just picked up a wall and found a way of going to back to someone and you are literally never a newspaper this morning you're on every radio talk show The whole country's talking about how to you know return last moments and everyone's doing this how does that feel is completely ridiculous. I have no idea what's going on I'm not even on Twitter. I would grow through. Hundreds and hundreds of comments calling me really nice things it's just. You know it's it's think right now it is. A great deal to talk to you Simon Well done Mike thanks for coming on the show. Simon Barford who found the wallet and came up with an ingenious way of returning it so has this happened to you we've had such good stories already more please losing a wallet or a person someone managing to get it back to you or you managed to get someone's thing back to them Bridgette is in reading for us that's right so in and among people running out of the light rain showers that we've had this morning I have been catching up people coming through coffee corner he their very own stories of reuniting people with their wallets or perhaps even taking them for themselves and have had one or 2 with those anyway is what I've been finding out I was out of thought park and we found the wallet I think it fallen off the ride when someone was on it and I was with my brother and we both just decided to go hand in somewhere and I believe they came to collectors by using reunited what tended to keep the contents of the one I would never do that because I think if you don't want someone to that she just wouldn't hurt someone else so I think also. Wallets can have sentimental items inside and it is quite a while to get everything but I found stuff just generally hands in if it's been like near a shop that I've just handed in shop just normally just like me if I've lost a trace missteps so depending on where I am if it's like in the story is it hard to sort of like a I lost a key from work so the 1st thing I. Went to customer service obviously wasn't found but I just do the same thing as you know I put forward a phone for a stranger in Melbourne who live there a mobile phone found 400 try to contact with them and give us a tricky one with the mobile Did you take somebody in the list and say I found a fire how did you manage to reunite I think it's my Facebook I think I worked out one name was somehow one Facebook message from our count because there's a story in the papers today where a guy paid in one pence time into somebodies accounts they could use the message to say I have found your what it work yes quite inventive I suppose yeah. I think most people these days would tend to try and give something back unless you know I saw a person as both give it to someone else. You were trying to yeah what not tempted to keep it a toll Have you found someone's wallet what happened I mean yeah. I just gave it into like a local shop or where I found ever found it and tempted to keep their wallets every time. But not a nice person I want to say extreme lengths always try to actually return something when in. My hand you just keep. The 1st person I've got to admit that they they probably would be tempted to keep the contents of said wallet well. Don't do that but means a few more stories here at coffee corner to stop on by so you can see be in reading you can also get in touch it's just some of the stories about so far so call. From camera show said he found a wallet with 200 pounds in and he looked through and found the driver's membership card like an 8 card call them they call the owner and he was able to get it back to them that way Peter told us the story of someone's wallet flying off the top of a vehicle between Marlow and Henley any chased along after the vehicle and managed to return the belongings that way and Claire called us from Fincham stood a bit earlier this morning so we were about 15 years ago we're driving back from the Holiday Inn at least one of the I think the real crime rate you know toilet not . After about 2 hours later will be all right Kelli I realize I left my home by trying on the back door. I rang up cancel my card but eventually No not to phone message from somebody who said I found your handbag Don't worry I've got it safe and about you could you hide your name inside. My name is on the on my message couple raw eats to me face in my hands I go right. I says trust him 20 year I sent it I know it comes from Denmark but I know nothing else because I have no way ever of knowing who did it and I thought of the 15 years I've been really wanting to say thank you so. The fact that you don't know will most makes the story better doesn't it the fact that it's some sort of random calling stranger in Denmark that almost gives it an extra free sort of excitement because I feel really guilty I think he must think that I think Bush people are really rude because I never reply do anything. But you just Diable to read it and I went nuts happened see I wonder whether it changes what you would do in that situation would you can you sort of like you know pass the thing norm. Going to some enormous lengths return someone else's stuff to them if you're ever in that situation you know what I want is what you say I mean I want my. Wallet and some. May not wish to track him down and break it down to our house literally give it to Mum doorstep just writing what he would do and yeah I would definitely say that what would really appeal to me about it is the challenge I'd love that I love the challenge of thinking how am I going to find this person how can I do the detective work I don't think I'd ever be clever enough to think of these stories everywhere where you take their bank card and start transferring small amounts of money into their bank account just so you can use that as a way of messaging them on their bank statement I think that's brilliant I never think of that. Really boring around with are writing about probably so that's what Claire told me a bit earlier like to hear your story of getting someone stuck back to them or so. Back to you. 10400. 25 from the. Round about the. Very soon. After the section. 25. 3. It's. Time to get through. The last couple of miles. Once you get through. It's really heavy. Heavy. Down. Coming out of town now. 100. Sure stories and trouble trusts the speech see radio talk show going. To. Play play play. Play play play. Play the part. He's an expert. Play you. If you see ready to remotely good morning good morning and you a good morning to doing this whole business of people returning your stuff or you are turning someone else's stuff especially in a clever way telling the story you. It was a minimum and. I would lay. Off to school for the phone number of the Sat or the lesson try to trace the person or they should reveal. What I can't know what I say will I say or take it right. Back up hire her. On the door with her right over the article I love where we fell in love everyone said you know the thrill you get sounds of 8 not only working now but also actually then returning it. Where on the latest in a great book of critical it is a fact and I think you know in the post that we got many depends what's in it you know we've heard some stories of people got a large amounts of cash in whatever which we know which would be different but speaking you all right big just about how annoying it sees tactic cancel everything and you know I mean where do you even start when you 1st where you go remember what was in your wallet heart and what's in there oh my drive in losses in the bank cards or in just a bit more irritating things like you know more work policies in there who don't need to talk to you to get that back and all that stuff. Is you know it isn't a very I've got receipts in there for stuff I need to take back to shops that we don't ever see again and it cetera et cetera Anita thank you have so much love to hear from you have a good day thank you x. I need 3 more Christine Charles been on to say Peachey this dates back to the eighty's before mobiles I was at home and received a phone call from someone in Redding and found a wall 8 The only detail in it was my phone number belongs to my cousin who lived in helped the church stablished he was on holiday on a boat on the Thames I then contacted the Thames Conservancy and asked their lot keepers to check the boats of locks in the area they didn't eventually they found him and that's how we got the want back to him amazing thank you very much indeed Chris. 105100 for your story. Really like to hear it between now and 10 the small and the entry point showdown down south the forecast well gang Good morning well our weather continuing to improve today the overnight rain moving away to the ace the cloud of breaking up to allow bright and sunny spells to come through and the winds of falling lighter temperature wise were slightly down on yesterday around 14 or 15 degrees with the lighter winds and increasing amounts of sunshine It shouldn't feel too bad later on just a small risk of an isolated shower cropping up here and there but for most of us staying and dry for much of the day and it's dry in through the night soon with the clear spells in the light winds quite cool night could get as low as 6 to 7 Celsius for some if you missed patches not out of the question either and it's mainly dry and fine to start the day tomorrow some sunshine early on but increasingly there's a chance we'll see some showers turning up low pressure out to the west driving those showers in our direction and if and where we get them they could become quite heavy perhaps even thundery with some hail or merge together to bring some longer breaks but Sonny's Melzer in between the temperatures down slightly with the blustery winds tomorrow and much the same for Friday and into the weekend we keep the low pressure and the unsettled weather you can get a 14 day outlook from the website b.b.c. To current u.k. Snatch box if you love the kind of stories you hear here you'll love multi-story a podcast from b.b.c. Local radio I'd like someone to be Ok with me because. Of. . No . Problems with. The King. Of Kings Road coming out. Roundabout slowing down again that going down. That. 33 to. Get through the roundabout. But starting to move again but still taking time to get through 25. Particularly from 40. 7 between. The junction with the high street and let me know plays on 100. Play the c.d.c. Download the free. Speech Steve. Kirsten's gov use bayonets machetes and how much have been taken to school by children in the Thames Valley in the past 2 years police figures show children were caught with knives at school 74 times and on 6 occasions weapons were used to threaten people then you're reading branch of a controversial American restaurant has caused concern in the community chick fil a says it believes millions of dollars to charities but campaigners say the company supports m t l g b t organizations talks between u.k. And e.u. Officials are set to resume in Brussels as both sides look to agree a break that deal ahead of tomorrow's summit of European leaders yesterday's discussions around until half past midnight with Downing Street describing them as constructive The parents of the teenager who was killed in a car crash involving the wife of an American diplomats have met President Trump in Washington they want to return to the u.k. The questioning about the accident she left the u.k. Claiming diplomatic immunity a man has died after he was hit by a van in either he slammed the 31 year old was walking towards Bridge Road last Friday night when he was hit police say he died in hospital taxi journeys to Royal Ascot will cost 50 percent more next year after a council ruling cab drivers had complained that traffic was making trips to and from the race course take a lot longer than usual that's interesting that's a lot. Of the 50 percent. That's just. Been All we're saying. Is going to straight from a show on the move and I was. Talking about the coops cashpoint literally never seen anywhere else but on street Sarah says I used to give clarinet lessons to a student who paid for them with coots checks I didn't know whether to pay them in a frame of. The price. That is the answer right Tim is gone for the so this morning you even talk about ask taxis we're talking about ask championed they jeopardized because of all the water and the bit of water logged tracks you've got news you're clutching an e-mail there yes some good news for everybody attending ask don't sass say it does go ahead the going is heavy but what has happened now the the races that were due to be scheduled on the run of course have been moved to the end of course which means they have been reduced slightly in distance by any talking yard so it goes ahead good news from the world's best route of various For instance there on Saturday Well yeah hopefully things cost there is still a question mark over him because of the heavy going but it does go ahead so we're going to see some excellent racing as it was day Champions Day 2019 all houses. On trial for Prime Minister Spain Charlie Hill's train accidental agent over Eve Johnson Houghton's yard among local runners on champion's day ask it this coming Saturday right we're up here at Tattersall's we've been up here basically anyone who's anyone is up here looking at the horses and trying to work out what they want to gamble their money because he's also had never run before so year horses being sold very interesting to get a look from as an outsider I want goes on at this end of the business all of our local trainers are up here including a Dwarka who I spoke to a couple of moments ago. Yeah it is a busy couple of weeks here and lots and lots of horses to get through. All the agents trainers can sign as breeders so you could get together I've just been watching you inspecting observing what are you looking out for. To simplify us trying to find an athlete really I mean there are a lot of horses here and you know there aren't a huge proportion of very good horses in training so the majority of them will be ordinary and you're trying to pick out the stars and it's not easy we're all trying to do the same thing we're all looking for the same thing and there are some people with deep pockets is very very competitive you've picked up a few in the last couple of weeks you know put a few It's been a successful few weeks and we're happy we bought you know now and they're all champions and beaten until they get on the track on their laps or time will tell. Walker who trains over in lamb born he'll be heading back home to Maurice already bought 6 horses during this year's sales Jimmy Georges from Tattersall's they run the show here and we are in the main option ring the sub room isn't that yeah it's quite an impressive sales ring it was built back in the mid sixty's everything was a little more primitive before that but more exposed to the elements but now it's a great building and there's been a lot of exciting moments here I love the history I could spend all day just looking at the artwork hanging from the walls used to be a High Park course they use long time for your time back in the day they used to hold this whole sales each year in the middle London here this time of year it feels as if I've been here since $766.00 as well which is when the company was founded but yeah it was in Hyde Park Corner then not a great place to sell lots of Thera breads these days and we've been selling up here in new markets since the 1800s settled in this main option ring it's a little bit like I said all the Tory I'm really like an amphitheater So you've got 5 or 6 tiers of seating all the way round like a mini roundabout of straw and it's all immaculate fantastic chandelier hanging from the ceiling and the horse is laid in one end of the mini roundabout laid out a few times people bid and then led out the other end and off to a yard and to training it must be so important to you that these horses become unable or Frankel or a superstar the track a small percentage of them go on to do great things yeah I mean that's what brings the buyers to Tattersall's for all of our sales they're all looking for the same thing which is the future champion the anything that separates them probably is the budget they have to spend on trying to find these superstars but yeah there's been an awful lot there's been a lot of legends of the turf that have gone through the ring at Tattersall's over the years and. There will be plenty of superstars to come from this week's sale in the last week as well and on the subject of the budget give us some eye watering numbers what's been happening the last couple of weeks well last week was but one of the Tattersall's. It was 3 day sale with just over 550 year lease catalogue. The turnover was just over $100000000.00 guineas which is an awful lot of money by anybody's standards is what $1000.00 pounds a shilling for those of us so that held in a pound and 5 pence it's a 100 for us here. But it's an awful lot of money and the average price was just over $250000.00 Guineas and the top price was $3600000.00 for a cult by De Bar We who's the highest price healing cult in the world some 3600000 guineas but that's a little bit more pounds 3600000 on a horse has never run before just based on its parent you know the way it moves and it's a guess is that yeah I mean it's a it's a pretty well informed guess these are these are highly skilled horsemen that are pitting their wits against each other here at Tattersall's But yeah I mean look it's an awful lot of money but like all markets at the very top you will get extravagant prices and that the biggest race horse owners in the world they come to Tattersall's they know this is their best chance of buying a champion and they compete hard to get their hands on them at this 1st this is the 1st opportunity to do that it's a pretty interviewer always so much enjoy coming up here each year thank you very much you know the rest of you got tomorrow as well and now you can put your feet up for the war not quite so this is the last day of book 2 of the Octavia wing sell them we have 2 days of book 3 and half a day of book 4 so it's yeah it's quite an arduous month for everybody here but it's a rewarding one as well to reflect thank you very much just to me Jules from Tattersall's here in New York. Sasha and I are having a great time had a fantastic breakfast got a wander around the stables and such of course and then yeah no my hands are in my pocket definitely hit the auction start in half an hour and if you want to send a save recruits check as you were talking about to. Me one thank you to Paul says peach I found a handbag in the early eighty's in a telephone box in Barkan I love how the story starts where you go next I was on my way to work I took it to the police station on my way home the police asked me if I'd looked inside if I. I've seen there was 3000 pounds in cash a gold cigarette lighter and a gold cigarette case turned out to be the daughter of the lady that owns the bag had taken it to use the change to phone her boyfriend and then forgotten and left the money behind the money was for buying a new car I never had any thanks for it but it was the right thing to do that's great story I imagine you've taken the bag just for a bit of phone change any of accidently left 3 grand and 2 was was a solid goal behind in the process of forgetting to take it with you 105100 your story about managing to return someones thing was getting your own thing back in the most unlikely of circumstances keen to hear from you between now and 10 this morning with. She. Sat. With the. Up the. Next the. Question is you. Get the x. . 10 years ago. It was never found the insurance company and I could prove that I'd taken the money out. The bank and whatever they never paid it back to me what they said about the wallet is it must have cost you something they said they did buy you to pay for a new driving license and if I had professional photos of my family I could have them reprinted thank you very much indeed Paul fill in Brattle says Peachey I lost my wallet in Newport Pagnell services on a journey from Reading to Manchester when I got to Manchester I realised I'd lost it with all my cards 100 pounds in cash i Phone the services and someone handed it in a week later I collected it on the way home everything was in it someone had taken 20 pounds of the cash to give themselves a reward but I was fine with that everything else was intact so there was no hassle Thank you 080-810-5100 your story of getting items returned really interesting cause this morning thank you for that let's go back to something we were mentioning earlier in the show that's also got a lot of reaction on the phones a small and this is about l g b t campaigners who say they're outraged that a controversial American food chain is opened its 1st restaurant in the u.k. In the Oracle in reading this is called Chick fil a sort of the other day actually I was thinking would it surprise me because it has all the kind of livery of a very established chain but it wasn't want come across it because it's established in America but not here in some parts of the states it's been bam like the city of Boston for example because of allegations that this is a company that supports and c l g b t organizations that goes back to something the chief operating officer said in 2012 Let's update you then on the story of Chick fil a in the controversy around in America with Alexander Calvin who's senior reporter with Huff Post in New York here's what he's been telling us the whole chick fil a saga started a few years ago and little of the Obama administration it was revealed that this chain which is well known to be owned by an evangelical Christian. Family for example they closed restaurants on Sunday to honor that day of church going that they had been major donors to groups that advocate against same sex marriage and this generated a lot of controversy because this is kind of a cult favorite in the u.s. You know you have you know obviously America is known for its fast food but there are certain regional chains that generate a lot of excitement and attention for example there is in and out burger in the Los Angeles area and even in the us south there is Chick fil a and so this caused a big controversy a lot of a lot of debate it became a sort of symbol for the political divide where you know supposedly northern liberals were opposed to this because of the homophobic views that the family that owned the chain held but you know southerners or conservatives in the south so to speak where were supportive of it because you know they felt that this was good food they're proud of this successful business and they felt that you know a Christian family has the right to use their money however they want so that's the story from the States what about the reaction to chick fil a opening up in reading lol McConnell is from the charity support you custom buddies from running Prayuth law started by asking Kirsten Moore It's such a big deal I think the problem is the relationships it has and the positions it's taken their goals to. Rights and issues. And said would be that. When you spend your money buying a chicken sandwich. With that money and that money is then funny its way through. Chick fil a charitable foundation to you. Parities an organization which I think most people would find it really hard to support a thing either details when you say it's taken a start and some in. A senior person in Mr the but this is based on something someone in the organization said 7 years ago Yeah well I think he admitted it I mean he was challenged to say you know that he was supporting sort of anti and he same sex marriage and he replied he was guilty as charged and you know I realize that since then they've been a bit more slick in their public relations but you know I think it's been reported that last year they're still giving to many of the same organizations they're just kind of doing it a little bit more of a kind of low key sort of way but Laura spose there are a lot of people listening to us now in our area who are opposed to same sex marriage are allowed to say that on them but allowed to say that they're not if they're the c.e.o. And actually distribute money to hate field ideas. As an organization yourself tarnishing the whole organization. Because for me it has a knock on effect for the mental health of the mind like lions Roit So as far as you're concerned the company supporting organizations that then. In a roundabout way do harm to the very people whose wellbeing you are trying to support him anyway that be fair you know I presume is that's a very nice way of putting in roid So there's an online campaign and has certainly been in the states that you know but people who take your side of this argument don't shop in chick fil a. And that's how I would say if you feel as strongly as we do then. Don't I mean the great thing about writing is when it comes to chicken restaurants there are many other choices all around and. You know people are going to be talking to people outside chick fil a we kept reading Woodley someone who's got in touch says I have no problem with the restaurant or its owner supporting a traditional family unit I hope that people will respect that view and I'll definitely consider going especially because they take that stance so what's happened in America is that you get people sort of enthusiastically supporting the company because of the views that someone expressed 7 years ago and I suppose you might get that here as well year eyesores to 6 showing their. Profits can actually go up unfortunately it's that kind of classic thing of any published it can be can be good purposes but I think it comes back to the idea of people should be informed understand what they're buying and what they're contributing to and really. Make make the choices based on that and I realise they'll be some people who will be like what you did I'm supporting that well as you say when I was I was campaigning at the local parties maybe not our supporters but I think many people in reading would take the opposite view and once they once they know what's going on they'll reconsider. The candle in the studio we want to chick fil a to come on the show and explain why they decide to go but in reading you know 1st place in the u.k. But they don't want to do that what they've said is this We've opened a license location at the Oracle in reading on October the 10th we're pleased by customer response chick fil a is a restaurant company phone. Based on serving great food and hospitality we're represented by more than 145000 people from different backgrounds and beliefs and we welcome everyone your reaction to this story welcome to Jamie says Peachey b.b.c. Radio Boucher is a huge supporter of equality locally but hate versus prejudice. Hate and prejudice rather versus equality is not a real debate if the restaurant chain apologize for the historic damage they'd cause and that would start a journey of healing but they haven't done that thank you Jamie Valley rhodium has been on to say peachy we're waiting by a cash point he wants to share for 2 girls to draw money they seemed to have some kind of problem so I walked away and war we were then deciding whether to risk using the cash point 100 pounds came out we managed to catch the mark and were able to return it thank you very much indeed Val most to hear from you b.b.c. Radio box it's the entry pre-show one more for now Lizzie says Peachey I'm a lawyer last week I was at court notice my new expensive small pen was missing from a laptop bag I called Everywhere I've been I was gutted and then at lunch I got a call from Maidenhead police station the sergeant to just come on Judy and the lady I called asked him and yes he'd found it and kept it safe so big thanks to the people involved in looking after me there Lizzie thank you very much indeed nice to hear from you this morning 10 to 10 now you see radio what level you try. Units. And here's money what human rights Thanks Peachi so well Vicki gave me a call to let me know there was a lorry an articulated lorry that tried to go to sonic breach obviously it had stopped a force on a bridge fortunately and was trying to turn around so that's causing some delays as you're approaching sawing bridge from something side at the moment. As you're heading down from something on the battery towards reading because there's still a delay between the chef until roundabout and the something around about because of a zone going roadworks they're coming in though so coming out of reading and out towards and see that section seems to be a lot better if you are still coming to reading now after. Past that one set of road works you hit the back of a new set as you going toward 70 junction that's still really heavy going in on the London Road after passing the l.d.h. Because the outside lane is out the road works their fingers crossed the last day on those Everything else has calmed down quite nicely all those road works in an 8 and Keats Lane junction with the High Street that have a paid to date are allowed to make sure trying to get through their heavy through new right through the center Nubret the moment because of the ongoing road works there particularly be going northbound through the center on up towards the Robin Hood roundabout and a section the m 25 still hasn't fully recovered loads of problems this morning and still really have a passing Junction 12 that means if you try to go onto the m 25 from the end 3 that still heavy anything else let me know please 10808101 I for one Truss from b.b.c. Radio so you're telling us there's an articulated lorry trying to do a 3 point turn in middle selling right now yes the only positive I can find is at least it starts to fall trying to go to the Premier is that I think it's not too late I think the whole show to solving the mine thing is a common trait what can be articulated lorry doing a 3 point 1st I going to have. To be great to meet you know if you're going to give back a bit back of it that's right Marjorie remains house by the French or might imagine me doing a bit of a bit more to major events could be next week you'd be still messing around with me what's on the show we are going to catch up with the presenter of The Old Grey Whistle Test continues to front shows on b.b.c. Radio 2 Bob Harris on the show after 10 o'clock also gold medalist heptathlete Catarina Johnson Thomson what a fortnight it's been from her after a success at the World Athletics Championships and I want to hear about the unusual places you've given birth plays a 105100 I think Katherina really was it was the whole thing was just a ploy to get on the show with you I think that's exactly it she's achieved a dream finally is the pinnacle Yes here's Stephen work here morning Steve. I mean Morningside we're talking about finding stuff all having stuff returned to you by ingenious means tell me so this is a typical something I found that we were going out for walks him Windsor and we went to the lock Oh yes some of them in Greece like a nice diamond ring in the window of the law keeper's little shed and we said oh what's with the wing and he said all this is sad really we had a couple who were so just enjoying the walk and the lady travelling in took a knock and she said No I just wrote and I just gone forever on the side a couple of weeks later by had some divers doing some work on the paddles and he said Oh when you down there just have a look on the bed see if you can find a wing and Ice me 2 weeks later we actually managed to find a living. They said we've got no way of identifying the lady she didn't leave an address yes I want to actually I'm told you the story and you mentioned there on your show. When we went fact 2 years later we spoke to the same people you know this lady on the radio that someone deliberately came I didn't know that it was a really lovely story that he's not I do remember a story that you're reminding me of a different lost and found story about a ring on if anyone recalls this this was a taxi driver who rang me and the story went something the along the lines of his years ago Saddam of the full detail but someone had lost a ring in the taxi and it only turned up in the taxi years later when the taxi was refurbished and then somehow the taxi driver and managed to make contact by some incredibly Securitas route but with the passenger who'd lost a taxi years before and returned the ring to her so rings are a good what are that's a great story here Steve. You know it was a room with no sound or what Simon is to us and some 2000. Which was quite nice as well good stuff nice to be at least thank you very much and they stay with you not taking these stories all morning I really love that because they're you know the heart the what really gets me about the what I love about them is the detective work involved as much as the fact they're doing such a lovely think projects been asking people in reading about this. Exactly been sharing the news of an incredible story which is all over the papers of the man who managed to send a message to the person who lost their wallets via messages on his bank statement to hit on putting in you know one p. Into the account and make monies to reunite them anyway lots of shock about that story of course and spot many memories including the I've heard it but a woman actually dropped a wall in front of me couple of days ago and I just ran after and gave over some guy to try and state that I. Forget you would get it back how would you mean some guy tried to steal it he's put a drop on the floor and then he backed off and tried to walk off so I took off and then went and gave it back to the lady can I just say that that is quite. Let's go be nice to be nice is it different if you found like a 10 hour on the floor. I think no one us clearly saw her drop it so I don't mind picking up if it's money you have no idea who to give it back to I guess no I really like it you don't know who is it from of you see it like dropping from someone's book and then you grab it and give it to them by you don't know who or it is than you'd skip it if it's got wallet some kind of detail connection you try and get it definitely 100 percent if you found a wallet Oh on the floor someone what would you do with it what hand in you would straight away course I would want somebody to do the sign for me to take to a police station not tempted to keep it is so. But the reason I say this is there's a guy who actually paid one pence into a man's account several times to get a message across saying Oh you've found your wallet so extreme lengths to do that would you go to that kind of a possible Yeah absolutely why. Somebody So I would take it to a police station I think it would be different if it was just cash on the floor difficult. To tell about one or 200 to place if I could in case it has been reported. A lovely bunch of people yeah you know. Loaded for Miss the mail goes you should dream lengths. Suppose if what you've done is found a war of the cash and took the water in the nearest bin you may be not quite so keen to tell the story as if you. Believe in so certainly an awful lot of people who are driving to Edinburgh and we've met many of them. Thank you very much. For more 7. Now it's lovely thank you the radio. Yes well we've got another 25. 25. $30.14 which is. Traffic was held to get the. Junction 12 where you would come on from the junction 14. You can it's just not recovered from all the problems as a whole section of the. Way We had long queues for. Going up to High Wycombe had to cross. The all take. All the traffic is moving better through there and of course good old. Roundabout If you coming down to reading from. Between the shepherd so roundabout and the roundabout then once you get through. Because of. The outside lane is. Coming the all the way out of reading and out. And if. 101. Morning then Sam about we have going to stop writing forget about for now because this morning Old Grey Whistle Test and radio presenter whispering Bob Paris with. Fox News. On the mob b.b.c. Called out u.k. Slash radio box radio. Plus gold medal have Catarina Johnson Thomson as well it's all coming up between now and one b.b.c. Ready. With the b.b.c. News his. Homers have been brought to Thames poly schools by children in the past 2 years parts according to police data children were caught with knives at school 74 times and on 6 occasions weapons were used to threaten people. Or works with the slow group south he teaches young people about the dangers and consequences of life crime I think it's a tax and. Something happened to have a life going to be that. It's one of the I think they need help and not Ok. To School a controversial American restaurant which has opened its 1st u.k. Branch in reading there's cause concern among the old g.b.t. Community chick fil a sells chicken sandwiches claims that its founding family give money to n.c.l. G.b.t. Organizations have caused the u.s. City of Boston to Bally's more McCardell is the chief executive of the reading charity support you she says some people are worried I'm personally not going to go in place. Because.

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